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Music To My Ears

"When friendship leads to healing, and a whole lot more!"

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Competition Entry: Rainbows

Jean and I had known each other since senior School, and we had partied on and off over the years. She was very attractive, slim, statuesque, with bright emerald eyes and long, luscious, copper-red hair. 

She had been known to take lovers of both genders; however, in recent years she had declared herself a lesbian.  

Jean had never made a move in my direction which both relieved, and offended me in some small way. 

To be honest, at that time I didn't know what I would have done if she ever had shown an interest. 

Anyway, I had been going through a painful and messy divorce from an abuser and had lost all interest in men.

During that time, Jean was great support and friend.

One day she suggested that a night out would be good for me. After being in a lengthy social lockdown for a few months, I agreed. 

Saturday night, and Jean and I arrived at the bar around 10 pm. She was looked great. 

I had always envied her lithe figure, and she was looking particularly attractive, and this was confirmed by the number of prying eyes paying much attention.

She wore a green top which matched her eyes and tight blue jeans which accentuated her long legs and clung to her firm bottom.

I noticed on her left wrist she wore a rainbow coloured bracelet, a reminder of her switching sides, so to speak.

There was an amazing covers band was playing, and we danced the night away. 

Needless to say, the more dancing we did, the easier the drinks flowed. I was having fun and feeling great.

The last calls at the bar were at 2 AM. 

We enjoyed a slow and giggly last dance together to the song, Night and Day. As we swayed and turned I saw those emerald green eyes gazing into me. I felt myself blush and hoped that Jean wouldn’t notice.

At 3 am we left the bar. That had been a long time throwing back vodka shots.

It had been agreed that I would stay at Jean’s place, as it would be easier.

We stumbled back to her place, laughing like idiots the whole way, finally making it up two flights of stairs to her apartment.

Jean flicked on the light and we shuffled into the living room where she put on some easy listening music, it was Ella Fitzgerald, and the first song on was the very one which we had danced to, prior to leaving the bar. The smooth flow of the music seemed to infuse an air of romance into the room. 

It was decided that we would finish off a bottle of wine that was in the fridge, so I went into the kitchen to pour the drinks. 

I was standing there at the sink fighting to get the cork from the bottle, when Jean came up behind me, literally right behind me!

She was standing right there so close; I could feel her breasts against my back, and god I jumped right out of my skin.

Putting her arms around me she took the bottle from my hands and placed it in the sink, I had to hold on to the counter I was shaking so badly! 

Suddenly nervous, I swallowed hard. 

Her hands moved lightly up my arms; just enough to spread goosebumps over my flesh, her fingers raking the sides of my C cup breasts.

She whispered breathily in my ear, “Do you want me to stop, Cat?" 

l was unable to breathe, let alone speak. 

Jean must have taken my silence as a no. 

Her breath was right against the side of my neck, warm as it caressed my skin. The full length of her body pressed against me, which caused a million thoughts to go racing through my brain, and again I was like, oh my god is this really happening? 

I admit that I didn't want her to stop. I had never felt anything so erotic in my entire life. Add to that the fact that I had not had sex in months, well except for solo time with my trusted toy-friend ‘Mister Happy’ of course. 

Jean’s hands paused at the sides of my breasts, I still remember the sharp intake of breath I took and the moan that escaped my lips as she first cupped them in her hands. 

In my experience, there is a big difference between a man’s touch and a woman’s, or maybe it’s all in the mind, but it felt wonderfully different. 

She was just cupping and squeezing, never touching my nipples, like I wanted, and needed her to do.

There was hot breath on my neck, just below my ear, when at last her fingertips began to lightly graze my erect nipples, which became instantly firmer. 

I was moaning loudly, as her mouth moved up to my earlobe, more heat, her tongue tracing my ear. 

Jean's fingers pinched and rolled my nipples through my top and bra. I pushed my breasts against her hands, breathing faster and leaning back into her, causing her to softly moan.

Then she started to whisper against my ear about what she wanted to do to me. To taste my pussy, to lick me till I screamed, and to chew my nipples, adding how badly she wanted to see them.

"But I'm not a lesbian,” I had croaked.
“You don’t need to be,” she’d whispered, “Just let it happen, be happy”. 

Her hands halted their caresses, which drew the tiniest of whimpers of protest from my throat. 

With one hand on my left breast squeezing more firmly, her right hand came up to my face turning it toward hers, she asked me again if I wanted her to stop, my silence was her answer. 

Smiling, she leaned her face forward.

Her tongue softly traced my lips, letting my mouth open instinctively, I felt her tongue against my teeth, we were breath to breath, her hand stroking the side of my face and moving back into my hair, pulling me closer to her, the first touch of tongues, hot, moist, and electric.

My pulse raced, we both let out small moans, Jean’s mouth light and sexy. I turned around to face her; 

I still had one hand on the counter, because I felt that I would probably fall over if I didn’t!

Our kiss deepened, as our tongues swirled in each other’s mouths, Jean’s hand still caressing my breast. Only her hand separated us. 

I can't remember who pulled away first, but we stopped kissing. She took my hand from the counter, and we leaned forward and kissed again, deeper and more urgent this time, our tongues duelling.

I think Jean had suspected right from the start that she would have to be the one to take the lead.

She asked me once more if I wanted her to stop, while her hand moved from my back to my plump bottom, with her other hand in my hair, kissing along my jaw to my ear, she continued asking me until I managed to croak, “No.”

Jean grinned and said, “I hoped you would say that I have fancied you for a while.” 

Stunned at Jean’s words, I laughed out loud, I think more from nervousness than anything else, this had got her laughing. 

I tried to pour the drinks once more but my hands were shaking too badly, so Jean took over. 

With each of us holding a glass, she led me by the hand to her bedroom. 

As we passed through the living room, Ella warbled, ‘That’s why the lady is a tramp.’ I thought how rude of her, Ella had never even met me! 

I sat on her bed and looked around.

Jean walked around to the bedside table pulling open a drawer, and showed me where she kept her toys; my eyes widened, as I reached inside to explore the horde, expecting to see mister happy. 

I was like a kid in a candy store oohing and aahing, fascinated by her vast collection. I remember thinking that she must spend a fortune on batteries!

Reaching passed me Jean selected a pink coloured latex cock, it was roughly eight inches long, thick and veiny, her emerald eyes blazed as she told me that it was the one she was going fuck me with, I couldn't speak, I just stared agog.

Jean's words were uttered with such conviction, that they sobered me up. She took the wine glass from my hand and placed it on the nightstand, and pulled me to my feet. I stood facing the end of the bed, as she sat down in my place.

She tugged the shirt out from my Levis, her hands went underneath my shirt and cupped my breasts through my flimsy bra, her hands not caressing them, but just holding them, she seemed to be enjoying their heft, she then pulled the shirt up and off. 

Jean pulled me towards her to stand between her open thighs and began kissing up along my sides and across my trembling stomach, one hand pulled my bottom, bringing us closer, her lips clamped down on my proud nipple through the lace fabric.

I instinctively held her head with my hands, while her mouth worked wonders on my nipple. The friction of the sensual fabric and Jean’s mouth against my nipple was enthralling, I threw my head back and whimpered with ecstasy. 

Her mouth quickly moved to my other nipple, I gazed down in awe at Jean’s face, as her mouth closed around the aching nub. 

Right then I craved her lips on my bare breasts, I reached behind and unclasped my bra.
Jean gasped as I teasingly revealed my tits to her.

It was her turn to stare wide-eyed, croakily she said how beautiful my areola and nipples were. 
Her appraisal delighted me.

My bra straps slid down my arms as and my breasts spilt into Jean’s soft hands. I marvelled at her gentle touch, she held them as if they were delicate, expensive works of art that should be handled with care. 

I yearned for her to touch my aching nipples, I didn’t have to wait long as she gently dragged her thumbs across my dark brown sombreros, which hardened further. 

I moaned as I felt secretions of my womanly fluids gather in my pussy. 

This created a lust and wanting unlike anything I’d ever experienced, I knew then that I was ready to surrender myself to Jean, and that I would do anything for her, and she could do whatever she damn well pleased to me!

Taking my breasts in her hands, she squeezed them as if to test their firmness, she grinned happily, I was moaning as I felt her palms crush my swollen nipples, oh how I needed this. 

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I lowered my lips to kiss her copper-red hair, my movement bringing my engorged nipples closer to Jean’s face, who needed no invitation closing her mouth over my left teat sucking, taking nipple and its saucer-like areola. 

My hand went behind her head and urged her face firmly to me, my knees weakened as her wet mouth suckled my tit and connected directly to my clitoris. 
I instinctively squeezed my thighs together as the sensation rocked me, my hands grasped Jean’s tresses to steady myself.

Before I could catch my breath, Jean pulled her mouth away and planted it over my right breast in the same way, sucking deeply. 

Her lips travelled from my glistening nipple, to kiss the undersides of my breasts, her warm face foraging and kissing every inch of my wanton flesh.

The passionate pampering continued as the flat of her tongue licked from the underside of my nipple over its hardness to the top of my breast, and then she brought her lips back down and gently blew on my shimmering wet nipple. My back arched, I was desperate for her not to stop.

My hands were in her hair, holding on, barely able to stand.

Jean’s sucking and biting became rougher, her hand slid around to fondle and squeeze my other nipple, as her mouth moved from one aching peak to the other.

I think Jean knew that I was having a hard time standing, and with my nipple still in her mouth, and one hand firmly on my backside she pulled me down with her, we fell onto the soft mattress together, and I found myself lying on top of her, my boobs above her face.

Her mouth and tongue worked over my stiff nipples, I giggled joyously as her mouth chased and captured my swaying nubs. 

Jean tore her mouth from my nipple and said, “I need you me in my bed,” her words excited me.

Somewhere in the distance, Ella was singing “S Wonderful,” this time I couldn’t disagree with her.

Jean's body trembled beneath me, she shifted her weight under me to press her thigh between mine, my hand moved down to the hem of her sweater and I hiked it up revealing her taught, freckled tummy, and breasts, encased in an ivory push-up bra, with half-transparent cups, so that her pink puffy nipples and areolas spread against the sheer fabric.

Jean released a nipple from her magical mouth with a wet pop!

We both tugged frantically at her sweater until together we pulled it over her head, she lifted her back from the mattress allowing me the opportunity to unfasten her bra, giggling, we fought to toss it away. 

Her breasts were pale and firm with pink puffy areola. 

I used the tip of my tongue to lick her pink swollen puffies, this time it was she who thrust her fingers into my hair, urging me to engulf her heaving tits.

Like a woman possessed I began sucking, licking, and nibbling each aroused cherry.

I knew from her heavy breathing that I was doing it right. 

Soon the heat between us grew to be too much, beads of perspiration speckled our breasts, we had wet patches at the centre of our blue denim, grinding had brought us close to orgasm. 

In the other room, Ella was telling me how she had Georgia on her mind, while I could only think of Jean.

Astride her, I wrestled her trousers and panties down and was thrilled to discover a triangle of ginger hair which partially hid the hood which bulged in its attempt to conceal her amply sized clitoris, which fascinated me.

As I slid her jeans and panties off, her sexual fragrance flooded my nostrils, her sex glistened. Jean then tugged my denim and panties off, pausing when my damp smooth-shaven pussy was revealed.
Once she had me naked she took control.

She ran her thumb between my smooth mons caressing my slick inner labia, and on to my engorged clitoris. I moaned loudly as her touch sent my nerve endings into orbit, I opened my legs wider, and Jean dipped her middle finger between swollen lips and into my throbbing vagina, penetrating easily.

Another finger joined its companion and plundered deeply making them silky wet when withdrawn, before being plunged back inside.

Jean's expert touch produced shockwaves and caused my back to arch sporadically. 

Parting her thighs, she had knelt astride my hips, which presented me with a perfect view of her lustrous pink vulva and large clit. 
My hand cupped her sex which was hot and drenched, my two middle fingers glided between her fleshy labia and dipped inside her tight cunt. 

Jean's fingers imitated mine, and we gasped in unison.

My forefinger slid over her clitoris, as I worked it around, and up and down, as it grew harder.
Jean circled my pearl, as we frigged each other. We were both panting and moaning, both frenzied and desperate, as we plunged headlong toward a climax. 

Finally, I thumbed her long throbbing clitoris, she mimicked my action and I could only groan louder. 

My climax was imminent, but Jean's arrived first, as we plundered and thrust our fingers in and out of each other’s sopping wet cunts. I began to writhe, hips restless. 

Our voices reached a new pitch as we urged each other, begged each other to bring complete satisfaction to the other. We both cried out and panted. 

Jean’s perfectly round breasts swayed above my face, I took a swollen nipple between my teeth and bit down firmly, suddenly her hips began to thrust out of control. I slid the whole of my hand into her splayed vulva as she let go of a guttural scream, which triggered the rapid approach of my climax.

In an instant, we were cumming, our bodies jolted and shook, as our fingers rubbed crazily at each other’s rampant clits. We worked them hard and fast, as our bodies were racked by orgasm after orgasm.

Jean collapsed on me, the backs of our busy hands pressed against each other, adding to the pressure, and final pleasure. 

We kissed open-mouthed, with short gasps, and sensual groans. 

Jean’s hard nipples were rubbing against mine, contributing to the finale, as we rode out the most incredible and satisfying climaxes. 

Ella was still with us of course, as she invited me to sing hallelujah, and get happy, which was not going to happen until I had got my breath back!

Once we had both recovered, Jean made her move and forced me onto my back. I was in no fit state to resist. 

Jean's hand played along my leg as it travelled slowly upward, passed my knee, and along my damp thigh, taking her time, as she built the anticipation. 

I moaned as her fingers bypassed my fleshy curtains of lust, I guessed it was part of her wicked game of torment and tease.

Jean's fingers delved into the valley of my thighs, and slid slowly into my quivering wet entrance, parting my silky lips, gliding and sliding, deeply into my slick channel.

My ecstatic moans were loud and long, and my hips were moved rhythmically, I turned and twisted, riding her fingers as intense sensations coursed through my wanton body. 

I felt Jean's wrist turn so that her intruding fingers faced upwards, her fingertips curled and touched my vagina’s most sensitive spot, making me squeal with delight. My body bucked wildly, my heels dug into the bed, I fought hoarsely for air, my head whipped from side to side. 

Different sensations ripened inside me.

I heard a sound, not realising that it had emerged from somewhere deep inside me. It rose and grew louder. Jean withdrew her fingers, and ignoring my frustrated protests, she shifted downward so that her head and shoulders lay between my spread thighs.

She pushed her face into my dripping pussy, her tongue flicked in and out, munching my mound as my excitement rose again. My hands reached into Jean's hair, guiding her, urging her further down, deeper into my velvet purse.

Jean willingly obliged, her tongue darted, finding my open lips, sliding easily between, finding my hard little clit, flicking around, making her throb.  

Soon Jean was smothering the peak with her flexible tongue, lashing me enthusiastically. 

I felt her tongue thrust deep inside my throbbing cunt, so that I was crying out again and again, my convulsing love tunnel clenched at her burrowing tongue.

Jean's pretty face drove further into my pulsating wet sex.

My body was out of control, my climax approached. I braced myself. 

But no, again Jean withdrew from my quivering sex. 

Before I could say anything, Jean threw her body over mine, and grabbed my right leg and pushed it upright; she slid herself over me, and my orgasm still smouldering.

Jean crushed her large clitoris against mine and pulled against my upright leg, spontaneous heat exploded, the friction extreme, our hot vulvas flared as our fluids mingled.

I cried out, my face thrashed from side to side, as our bodies rocked and heaved together, my head pushed back into the pillow, my neck strained and my legs tensed. 

We writhed against each other, both of us frenzied, every muscle contracted as an orgasm crashed into us like a tsunami, both screaming as we were overwhelmed with utter bliss. 

Finally, we fell together panting and shuddering, as the tides of passion ebbed and flowed, each tremor softer than the last, less intense than the previous one.

I felt Jean reach for something, and rolled back into me, the pink latex cock firmly in her grasp, and wearing a wicked grin. 

"Remember this?" she said. I’d forgotten all about it, but clearly, she hadn’t!

Suddenly, a question flashed across my mind, was I now a lesbian?

In my state of confusion and joyous rapture, I could just make out Ella crooning, that she was, bewitched, bothered, and bewildered, and I thought, yes Ella, welcome to the club!



Written by Cat_getsthecream
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