Diane’s death was mercifully sudden, the cancer raced through her body like a wildfire in a drought stricken forest the last month of her life. She had a feeling something was wrong but waited until her regular visit with her doctor to discuss the pains she felt within her. Unfortunately at that point it was too late. She did get to see her daughter Jordan graduate from college and Kelsey graduate from high school that last May. Her funeral was subdued with a few close family and friends attending. She had kept in contact with most of her sorority sisters from San Diego State and they had collected money to help out the family since Diane couldn’t work her last month. Her “big sis” Janelle had been the closest of all the women she knew.
Over the years, Janelle had visited Diane's modest Montana spread several times to get away from her hectic life in Los Angeles. Janelle had been a 4.0 student at State, but got more attention for her looks than her brains. She capitalized on that, becoming a model and making a few million walking around in clothes she’d never actually wear. After twenty years playing mannequin, feeling squeezed out by younger women, she opened up her own modeling and production company. Her times at Diane’s gave her a chance to relax and get back to the real world.
Janelle’s visits seemed like Christmas to Jordan and Kelsey, complete with presents and stories of her life in L.A. Diane in turn sent pictures of the girls’ birthdays, parties and their vacations to keep their “aunt” updated. Janelle mailed checks on special occasions to the girls as gifts when she couldn't be there. Diane made sure the girls wrote letters to thank her. They considered Janelle a doting aunt and looked forward to her visits and the stories she’d tell of the celebrities in L.A. that only she knew about.
Janelle flew into Billings as soon as she could, the call from Dave wasn't meant to alarm her. She knew Diane was sick, he just didn't tell her how sick. Dave and the girls met her at the airport, they all tried to look happy but Janelle knew it was a facade. The ride to their ranch was pleasant, the girls talked about their upcoming graduations avoiding talking about their mother. The view along the highway provided a stark contrast to the vibes she was feeling from her best friend's family. The hills were filled with an array of wildflowers, the various ranches they passed by contained new born calves playing and suckling their mothers. The girls made sure to point them out, giggling and laughing as they did.
Janelle was encouraged by their lightheartedness, hoping that her sense of dread wouldn't become a reality. When they arrived the girls took her bags to the spare room as Dave escorted her to Diane's room. They had set up one of the guest rooms for her, one that looked out over the pastures to the east. It seemed to be more hopeful to them than one of the other rooms facing west which showed the sunsets and the end of the day. It was all symbolic and subconscious, they wanted to keep Diane's spirits up to help her battle her disease.
When Janelle walked in Diane's face lit up, they hugged as Dave excused himself to let them talk. Except for the tubes extending out from the machines she was hooked up to Janelle would never have guessed her friend was sick. She sat down after pulling a chair closer to the bed so they could talk.
“How do you like my new friend?” Diane spoke, her voice a bit raspy.
“I've seen worse, sweetheart.” Janelle smiled patting Diane's exposed hand.
“It doesn't get much worse than this, believe me. The doctors say I have till the end of the year. I don't believe them. The pain is too great and I don't think I can go that long. Besides I don't want the girls remembering me as a vegetable.”
“You've always been a cute tomato to me, silly woman.” Janelle did her best to hold back the tears but Diane could see through it.
“Oh, don't start crying, you'll have me doing it too and we need to talk first. Go get changed, relax and have something to eat. I'll be here for awhile longer.”
“I'm fine right here, the girls have gotten so big they are more like young women now I should say. You've done a great job with them, sweetness.”
“Thanks, I've had some help. Dave is a great dad, I know they will all be fine once I'm gone. I do want to talk to you about a few things. We can do that a bit later. The meds are kicking in and I'm feeling it. Go relax and take a look around. We’ve made some changes plus we have a couple of new foals the girls are dying to show you.”
“Okay, I'll get settled in and we can talk. Then in a couple of days you and I can go riding, maybe up to that little pond we both enjoy so much.”
“Oh my, you frisky bitch! You don't want to see this body naked, believe me. I would love to do that though. You always know the right buttons to push.” Diane managed a smile, squeezing Janelle's hand as best she could.
“I'll be back in a bit. Don't go anywhere,” Janelle teased stifling a sniffle.
“Not to worry, lover.” Diane managed just as her eyelids closed signaling the medications taking hold.
Janelle left Diane to sleep, she recalled the small pond that years ago they had ridden to. It wasn't meant to be an all-day outing. They were riding enjoying the sunshine and clean air when they came upon a small pond on the outskirts of the ranch. The cattle didn't graze this portion so the pond banks were clean. The sun was getting warmer as they rode up to it. Diane suggested they let the horses drink while they walked around and talked. They dismounted, releasing the reins and let the horses fend for themselves.
There was a small group of boulders with a few trees scattered among them which offered a bit of shade for them to relax in. Diane sat, her back against one of the massive rocks, soaking up the sun while watching the horses drink and graze.
Janelle sat next to her, taking Diane's hand in hers. “I've been wanting to get you alone since I've arrived, my love,” Janelle confessed.
“I know, I just can't show my feelings about you in front of Dave and the girls,” Diane replied.
"I know, it's okay. I just want you so much. I miss “us”.” With that Janelle leaned in kissing Diane. Her lips grazing her lover's, her tongue tracing the lips that she'd missed so much.
Diane sighed, her hand caressing Janelle's head holding her to prolong the kiss. They continued kissing until each became too warm. Then Diane checked the horses again to make sure they hadn't wandered off and began unbuttoning Janelle's jeans. The kissing reached a fever pitch, hands groping, clothes flying as their passion matched the warmth of the prairie afternoon.
They spread the clothes out for a makeshift blanket, Janelle slipping onto Diane, their legs entwined. “Gawd, I've missed you baby,” Janelle confessed before nuzzling the nape of Diane's neck. Diane smiled, “I've missed you too, lover.”
Janelle worked her way down to Diane's breasts, licking, sucking and giving them the focused attention of a new found toy. Diane cooed and purred as Janelle suckled her, squirming, moving her damp pussy against Janelle's thigh.
Janelle moaned her encouragement and when she thought Diane had enough she slid down and placed her face between her lover's legs. Diane parted her long limbs, her feet planted on the ground so she could raise herself a bit for the woman she loved. Janelle placed her hands under Diane's ass then traced the glistening labia before her with her tongue. Diane arched her head back, closing her eyes, delighting in the feeling now coursing through her body.
Janelle licked and lapped to her heart’s content. Diane's reactions were adding fuel to the fire which was burning inside Janelle.
This continued over the next several minutes until Diane could take no more. Her body began to quiver and shake more and more as she got closer to her climax. Janelle, sensing her lover's passion increased her stimulation to Diane's clit with her tongue and fingers.
Suddenly, Diane's body shook, her moans of delight became shrieks which frightened the grazing horses nearby. Her body seemed to bounce off the pile of clothes that now lay in bunches under her. Janelle eased up on her lovemaking and let the rush of delight surge through her love. A panting Diane collected her thoughts and looked down her lithe body to her lover. She winked and then curled her finger a few times inviting Janelle to face her.
When the giggling Janelle got close enough Diane grasped her by the hair and promptly kissed her. Janelle moaned as they breathed into each other’s mouths allowing Diane to slowly calm down.
When they finally broke their embrace Diane was the first to speak, “You have such an amazing tongue, my love.”
“Why, thank you, my dear. I wish I could do that more often with you.”
Janelle grinned knowing that Diane's husband rarely if ever satisfied Diane that way. Diane sighed, knowing she could never have a family and Janelle. As they were laying there talking Diane happened to glance to the Eastern sky. The once blue sky with the cute cotton ball clouds had changed and a storm looked like it was heading in. Diane informed Janelle that they'd better get going and that she was sorry she couldn't return the orgasm favor. Janelle kissed her and told her not to worry, they'd have plenty of other opportunities. They quickly got dressed each making sure the other was brushed off. Rounding up the horses they quickly mounted and headed back to the ranch and barn.
Janelle sighed as she headed to her room to unpack and spend some time with her favorite girls.
Over the next week Janelle visited with Diane as much as she could. The pain killers surging through Diane's body made her awake and coherent times fewer and fewer. The two women managed to get some serious talks in mostly concerning Diane's wishes for the girls regarding things Dave couldn't deal with or understood.
Janelle spent quite a bit of time with the girls, more so than she normally did on her visits. They talked at length about Diane. This was the start of their grieving process. Janelle tried to keep them from focusing too much on their mother’s present look, encouraging them to remember their good times. She was impressed at how mature they both had become, mentally and physically.
Within three weeks Diane was gone. Despite everyone knowing it would happen they still weren't as prepared mentally as they thought they were.
Janelle stayed for the funeral; helping out around the house as best she could. She wasn’t domestic at all, having a maid and staff at her house to take care of the menial chores. Her presence was appreciated by Dave, who made all the arrangements. After the relatives left and everyone paid their respects, Janelle sat down and had a talk with Dave. It was fairly brief to finalize some of the items Diane had asked Janelle to see to. Dave was a bit reluctant at first. Janelle offered to take the girls to L.A. for the summer to help them relax and get their minds off their mother. It would give Dave a chance to sort things out. Dave at first thought no, he needed them at home, Janelle insisted they get away. Janelle being Janelle got her way.
She explained the reasoning during talks with the girls to help ease them through their grief. It would be a good break before September when Kelsey started college. Jordan hadn’t had any job offers from the multitude of resumes she had sent out. She really wasn’t looking while helping take care of her mother during her final weeks.
Janelle told Dave that the girls both thought a trip to Los Angeles would be fun; something their mother had wanted them to do but never had the chance. He reluctantly agreed, telling the girls he'd be fine and they should go and enjoy themselves.
Janelle refused to let Dave pay for anything; she got the girls first class tickets, setting the date before she left. She told the girls to only bring toothbrushes because she was going to outfit them at all the stylish shops in Beverly Hills. The girls gave Janelle hugs and kisses galore upon hearing her plans for them. Dave thanked her for being such a good friend. Janelle shrugged it off thinking nothing of spending time with her adoptive nieces. Besides she’d have them go to work with her putting Jordan’s business degree to good use. Kelsey’s artistic flair would be put to the test while she finished getting ready for college. She would pay them much better than the local grocery store where they probably would have worked all summer.
The end of May rolled around; Dave drove them to the airport, having misgivings about sending them away. The girls helped ease his mind knowing he was missing Diane as much as they were. During the month they had mourned, they spent many hours remembering their mom and the good times they had shared with her. They made scrapbooks, visited her memorial at least weekly to let her know how they were doing. Dave did take solace in how well the girls were coping. When it came time for them to fly to L.A. he really didn’t feel like they would dwell on their mother as much as he would.
The girls’ flight to the city was amazing; first-class air travel was all they had heard about. They were met at the airport by Janelle’s personal assistant in a stretch limo then driven to Janelle’s house high in the hills overlooking L.A. They did bring a few clothes despite Janelle’s offer. When Janelle got home she took a look at what they brought and immediately tossed the garments and took them shopping.
The girls were amazed at the size of Janelle's house, it seemed like a castle to them. Over five thousand square feet, four-car garage, swimming pool all guarded by an electronic gate. They couldn't see any neighbors from inside “Fortress Janelle” as they dubbed it. Janelle laughed at that but inside she knew they were right. She was pretty isolated from the world once she was inside.
The four-car garage housed her two cars, a Mercedes GL550 SUV and a SL63 roadster. They gawked at the roadster wanting to take it shopping with the top down but Janelle pointed out it only had room for two. The GL was still much nicer than their father's pickup truck. Kelsey called dibs on shotgun, Jordan complained a bit with Janelle scolding them half halfheartedly about taking turns. They slid into the leather seats squirming around enjoying how different they were from vinyl and how they felt like the seats on the airplane.
Janelle drove down Rodeo Drive so they could see what the fuss was all about. When they were ready to do some serious shopping she took them to shops her friends and business acquaintances owned. Most of the shops were boutiques, catering to a specific look or clientele. At each store they marveled at the display windows wondering if the outfits came in their sizes. The sales clerks enjoyed waiting on them commenting to Janelle how cute they were. Janelle would just smile, nodding as she handed over her credit card to pay.
The girls occasionally saw someone they recognized from television or the movies, at first they became all excited bouncing up and down, telling each other who they thought it was. After the sixth celebrity sighting they calmed down, focusing on what they were buying and how the outfits looked. They bought outfits that were more businesslike for work with Janelle, skirts, blouses and of course all the accessories. They bought casual pieces to mix and match through the summer. The most fun they had was trying on swimwear. At each location they posed and modeled for Janelle and the shop owner. Janelle was taken aback at how mature each of them looked when dressed for work in the city and not for the ranch.
After each purchase they would kiss and hug their “aunt” thanking her. Janelle caught some of the clerks ogling the girls as they tried on the various outfits. She gave them the evil eye like a mother lion guarding her cubs at the same time thinking how delicious they looked.
Kelsey showed some concern about all the money being spent when she and Jordan were alone in one of the dressing areas. Jordan felt a bit guilty buying the clothes also but rationalized to Kelsey that Janelle had the money and if she didn't want to spend it, she would have said something. Kelsey agreed, they both felt guilty and made a pact to be the best “house guests” Janelle had ever had.
When they had finished shopping she took them to lunch at one of the finer cafes on Rodeo Drive. Again they pointed out people they thought they had seen on TV or the movies. Janelle had to calm their excitement asking them to not act like tourists. The girls giggled reminding her they were indeed tourists. This caused Janelle to laugh along with them realizing this was their first trip and that she took for granted famous people around her.
After lunch and a bit more touring Janelle brought them home and told them to relax for a bit. Her chef had prepared a light dinner, leaving it for them in the fridge. The girls were in awe of their aunt and seemed to walk around in a dream state until it all had a chance to sink it. Janelle let them stay like that for a couple of days so the newness could wear off then she took them to work. She introduced them to her staff explaining to the girls that they were free to come and go but she did want them to put in time.
She wanted them to learn something while they were there. The girls agreed remembering their pact, they made sure they paid attention, asking questions about how things ran and the reason things were done like they were.
After the initial shock of having the girls around and realizing they weren't threats to their employment the staff warmed up to them. The whole office seemed to come alive with their youth and enthusiasm. New perspectives were gained since none of the office staff had ever lived outside L.A.
Janelle slowly began to rely more on their opinions realizing they had a completely different perspective than her employees.
Over the years, Janelle had visited Diane's modest Montana spread several times to get away from her hectic life in Los Angeles. Janelle had been a 4.0 student at State, but got more attention for her looks than her brains. She capitalized on that, becoming a model and making a few million walking around in clothes she’d never actually wear. After twenty years playing mannequin, feeling squeezed out by younger women, she opened up her own modeling and production company. Her times at Diane’s gave her a chance to relax and get back to the real world.
Janelle’s visits seemed like Christmas to Jordan and Kelsey, complete with presents and stories of her life in L.A. Diane in turn sent pictures of the girls’ birthdays, parties and their vacations to keep their “aunt” updated. Janelle mailed checks on special occasions to the girls as gifts when she couldn't be there. Diane made sure the girls wrote letters to thank her. They considered Janelle a doting aunt and looked forward to her visits and the stories she’d tell of the celebrities in L.A. that only she knew about.
Janelle flew into Billings as soon as she could, the call from Dave wasn't meant to alarm her. She knew Diane was sick, he just didn't tell her how sick. Dave and the girls met her at the airport, they all tried to look happy but Janelle knew it was a facade. The ride to their ranch was pleasant, the girls talked about their upcoming graduations avoiding talking about their mother. The view along the highway provided a stark contrast to the vibes she was feeling from her best friend's family. The hills were filled with an array of wildflowers, the various ranches they passed by contained new born calves playing and suckling their mothers. The girls made sure to point them out, giggling and laughing as they did.
Janelle was encouraged by their lightheartedness, hoping that her sense of dread wouldn't become a reality. When they arrived the girls took her bags to the spare room as Dave escorted her to Diane's room. They had set up one of the guest rooms for her, one that looked out over the pastures to the east. It seemed to be more hopeful to them than one of the other rooms facing west which showed the sunsets and the end of the day. It was all symbolic and subconscious, they wanted to keep Diane's spirits up to help her battle her disease.
When Janelle walked in Diane's face lit up, they hugged as Dave excused himself to let them talk. Except for the tubes extending out from the machines she was hooked up to Janelle would never have guessed her friend was sick. She sat down after pulling a chair closer to the bed so they could talk.
“How do you like my new friend?” Diane spoke, her voice a bit raspy.
“I've seen worse, sweetheart.” Janelle smiled patting Diane's exposed hand.
“It doesn't get much worse than this, believe me. The doctors say I have till the end of the year. I don't believe them. The pain is too great and I don't think I can go that long. Besides I don't want the girls remembering me as a vegetable.”
“You've always been a cute tomato to me, silly woman.” Janelle did her best to hold back the tears but Diane could see through it.
“Oh, don't start crying, you'll have me doing it too and we need to talk first. Go get changed, relax and have something to eat. I'll be here for awhile longer.”
“I'm fine right here, the girls have gotten so big they are more like young women now I should say. You've done a great job with them, sweetness.”
“Thanks, I've had some help. Dave is a great dad, I know they will all be fine once I'm gone. I do want to talk to you about a few things. We can do that a bit later. The meds are kicking in and I'm feeling it. Go relax and take a look around. We’ve made some changes plus we have a couple of new foals the girls are dying to show you.”
“Okay, I'll get settled in and we can talk. Then in a couple of days you and I can go riding, maybe up to that little pond we both enjoy so much.”
“Oh my, you frisky bitch! You don't want to see this body naked, believe me. I would love to do that though. You always know the right buttons to push.” Diane managed a smile, squeezing Janelle's hand as best she could.
“I'll be back in a bit. Don't go anywhere,” Janelle teased stifling a sniffle.
“Not to worry, lover.” Diane managed just as her eyelids closed signaling the medications taking hold.
Janelle left Diane to sleep, she recalled the small pond that years ago they had ridden to. It wasn't meant to be an all-day outing. They were riding enjoying the sunshine and clean air when they came upon a small pond on the outskirts of the ranch. The cattle didn't graze this portion so the pond banks were clean. The sun was getting warmer as they rode up to it. Diane suggested they let the horses drink while they walked around and talked. They dismounted, releasing the reins and let the horses fend for themselves.
There was a small group of boulders with a few trees scattered among them which offered a bit of shade for them to relax in. Diane sat, her back against one of the massive rocks, soaking up the sun while watching the horses drink and graze.
Janelle sat next to her, taking Diane's hand in hers. “I've been wanting to get you alone since I've arrived, my love,” Janelle confessed.
“I know, I just can't show my feelings about you in front of Dave and the girls,” Diane replied.
"I know, it's okay. I just want you so much. I miss “us”.” With that Janelle leaned in kissing Diane. Her lips grazing her lover's, her tongue tracing the lips that she'd missed so much.
Diane sighed, her hand caressing Janelle's head holding her to prolong the kiss. They continued kissing until each became too warm. Then Diane checked the horses again to make sure they hadn't wandered off and began unbuttoning Janelle's jeans. The kissing reached a fever pitch, hands groping, clothes flying as their passion matched the warmth of the prairie afternoon.
They spread the clothes out for a makeshift blanket, Janelle slipping onto Diane, their legs entwined. “Gawd, I've missed you baby,” Janelle confessed before nuzzling the nape of Diane's neck. Diane smiled, “I've missed you too, lover.”
Janelle worked her way down to Diane's breasts, licking, sucking and giving them the focused attention of a new found toy. Diane cooed and purred as Janelle suckled her, squirming, moving her damp pussy against Janelle's thigh.
Janelle moaned her encouragement and when she thought Diane had enough she slid down and placed her face between her lover's legs. Diane parted her long limbs, her feet planted on the ground so she could raise herself a bit for the woman she loved. Janelle placed her hands under Diane's ass then traced the glistening labia before her with her tongue. Diane arched her head back, closing her eyes, delighting in the feeling now coursing through her body.
Janelle licked and lapped to her heart’s content. Diane's reactions were adding fuel to the fire which was burning inside Janelle.
This continued over the next several minutes until Diane could take no more. Her body began to quiver and shake more and more as she got closer to her climax. Janelle, sensing her lover's passion increased her stimulation to Diane's clit with her tongue and fingers.
Suddenly, Diane's body shook, her moans of delight became shrieks which frightened the grazing horses nearby. Her body seemed to bounce off the pile of clothes that now lay in bunches under her. Janelle eased up on her lovemaking and let the rush of delight surge through her love. A panting Diane collected her thoughts and looked down her lithe body to her lover. She winked and then curled her finger a few times inviting Janelle to face her.
When the giggling Janelle got close enough Diane grasped her by the hair and promptly kissed her. Janelle moaned as they breathed into each other’s mouths allowing Diane to slowly calm down.
When they finally broke their embrace Diane was the first to speak, “You have such an amazing tongue, my love.”
“Why, thank you, my dear. I wish I could do that more often with you.”
Janelle grinned knowing that Diane's husband rarely if ever satisfied Diane that way. Diane sighed, knowing she could never have a family and Janelle. As they were laying there talking Diane happened to glance to the Eastern sky. The once blue sky with the cute cotton ball clouds had changed and a storm looked like it was heading in. Diane informed Janelle that they'd better get going and that she was sorry she couldn't return the orgasm favor. Janelle kissed her and told her not to worry, they'd have plenty of other opportunities. They quickly got dressed each making sure the other was brushed off. Rounding up the horses they quickly mounted and headed back to the ranch and barn.
Janelle sighed as she headed to her room to unpack and spend some time with her favorite girls.
Over the next week Janelle visited with Diane as much as she could. The pain killers surging through Diane's body made her awake and coherent times fewer and fewer. The two women managed to get some serious talks in mostly concerning Diane's wishes for the girls regarding things Dave couldn't deal with or understood.
Janelle spent quite a bit of time with the girls, more so than she normally did on her visits. They talked at length about Diane. This was the start of their grieving process. Janelle tried to keep them from focusing too much on their mother’s present look, encouraging them to remember their good times. She was impressed at how mature they both had become, mentally and physically.
Within three weeks Diane was gone. Despite everyone knowing it would happen they still weren't as prepared mentally as they thought they were.
Janelle stayed for the funeral; helping out around the house as best she could. She wasn’t domestic at all, having a maid and staff at her house to take care of the menial chores. Her presence was appreciated by Dave, who made all the arrangements. After the relatives left and everyone paid their respects, Janelle sat down and had a talk with Dave. It was fairly brief to finalize some of the items Diane had asked Janelle to see to. Dave was a bit reluctant at first. Janelle offered to take the girls to L.A. for the summer to help them relax and get their minds off their mother. It would give Dave a chance to sort things out. Dave at first thought no, he needed them at home, Janelle insisted they get away. Janelle being Janelle got her way.
She explained the reasoning during talks with the girls to help ease them through their grief. It would be a good break before September when Kelsey started college. Jordan hadn’t had any job offers from the multitude of resumes she had sent out. She really wasn’t looking while helping take care of her mother during her final weeks.
Janelle told Dave that the girls both thought a trip to Los Angeles would be fun; something their mother had wanted them to do but never had the chance. He reluctantly agreed, telling the girls he'd be fine and they should go and enjoy themselves.
Janelle refused to let Dave pay for anything; she got the girls first class tickets, setting the date before she left. She told the girls to only bring toothbrushes because she was going to outfit them at all the stylish shops in Beverly Hills. The girls gave Janelle hugs and kisses galore upon hearing her plans for them. Dave thanked her for being such a good friend. Janelle shrugged it off thinking nothing of spending time with her adoptive nieces. Besides she’d have them go to work with her putting Jordan’s business degree to good use. Kelsey’s artistic flair would be put to the test while she finished getting ready for college. She would pay them much better than the local grocery store where they probably would have worked all summer.
The end of May rolled around; Dave drove them to the airport, having misgivings about sending them away. The girls helped ease his mind knowing he was missing Diane as much as they were. During the month they had mourned, they spent many hours remembering their mom and the good times they had shared with her. They made scrapbooks, visited her memorial at least weekly to let her know how they were doing. Dave did take solace in how well the girls were coping. When it came time for them to fly to L.A. he really didn’t feel like they would dwell on their mother as much as he would.
The girls’ flight to the city was amazing; first-class air travel was all they had heard about. They were met at the airport by Janelle’s personal assistant in a stretch limo then driven to Janelle’s house high in the hills overlooking L.A. They did bring a few clothes despite Janelle’s offer. When Janelle got home she took a look at what they brought and immediately tossed the garments and took them shopping.
The girls were amazed at the size of Janelle's house, it seemed like a castle to them. Over five thousand square feet, four-car garage, swimming pool all guarded by an electronic gate. They couldn't see any neighbors from inside “Fortress Janelle” as they dubbed it. Janelle laughed at that but inside she knew they were right. She was pretty isolated from the world once she was inside.
The four-car garage housed her two cars, a Mercedes GL550 SUV and a SL63 roadster. They gawked at the roadster wanting to take it shopping with the top down but Janelle pointed out it only had room for two. The GL was still much nicer than their father's pickup truck. Kelsey called dibs on shotgun, Jordan complained a bit with Janelle scolding them half halfheartedly about taking turns. They slid into the leather seats squirming around enjoying how different they were from vinyl and how they felt like the seats on the airplane.
Janelle drove down Rodeo Drive so they could see what the fuss was all about. When they were ready to do some serious shopping she took them to shops her friends and business acquaintances owned. Most of the shops were boutiques, catering to a specific look or clientele. At each store they marveled at the display windows wondering if the outfits came in their sizes. The sales clerks enjoyed waiting on them commenting to Janelle how cute they were. Janelle would just smile, nodding as she handed over her credit card to pay.
The girls occasionally saw someone they recognized from television or the movies, at first they became all excited bouncing up and down, telling each other who they thought it was. After the sixth celebrity sighting they calmed down, focusing on what they were buying and how the outfits looked. They bought outfits that were more businesslike for work with Janelle, skirts, blouses and of course all the accessories. They bought casual pieces to mix and match through the summer. The most fun they had was trying on swimwear. At each location they posed and modeled for Janelle and the shop owner. Janelle was taken aback at how mature each of them looked when dressed for work in the city and not for the ranch.
After each purchase they would kiss and hug their “aunt” thanking her. Janelle caught some of the clerks ogling the girls as they tried on the various outfits. She gave them the evil eye like a mother lion guarding her cubs at the same time thinking how delicious they looked.
Kelsey showed some concern about all the money being spent when she and Jordan were alone in one of the dressing areas. Jordan felt a bit guilty buying the clothes also but rationalized to Kelsey that Janelle had the money and if she didn't want to spend it, she would have said something. Kelsey agreed, they both felt guilty and made a pact to be the best “house guests” Janelle had ever had.
When they had finished shopping she took them to lunch at one of the finer cafes on Rodeo Drive. Again they pointed out people they thought they had seen on TV or the movies. Janelle had to calm their excitement asking them to not act like tourists. The girls giggled reminding her they were indeed tourists. This caused Janelle to laugh along with them realizing this was their first trip and that she took for granted famous people around her.
After lunch and a bit more touring Janelle brought them home and told them to relax for a bit. Her chef had prepared a light dinner, leaving it for them in the fridge. The girls were in awe of their aunt and seemed to walk around in a dream state until it all had a chance to sink it. Janelle let them stay like that for a couple of days so the newness could wear off then she took them to work. She introduced them to her staff explaining to the girls that they were free to come and go but she did want them to put in time.
She wanted them to learn something while they were there. The girls agreed remembering their pact, they made sure they paid attention, asking questions about how things ran and the reason things were done like they were.
After the initial shock of having the girls around and realizing they weren't threats to their employment the staff warmed up to them. The whole office seemed to come alive with their youth and enthusiasm. New perspectives were gained since none of the office staff had ever lived outside L.A.
Janelle slowly began to rely more on their opinions realizing they had a completely different perspective than her employees.

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When they went home some evenings they discussed the day’s events over dinner. Their first week was mainly used to assimilate themselves with the city and how Janelle worked.
The second week, after they came home and ate dinner, they sat out by the pool sipping cocktails or wine depending on how Janelle’s day went. This became their routine during the week. Weekends were left open for the various functions Janelle had on her social calendar. Janelle let Kelsey drink in moderation knowing both the girls had attended “keggers” back home. She made sure nobody over indulged and that they knew the penalties for drinking and driving.
After the girls had settled in, Janelle’s home routine changed. She had talked to them briefly about her after dinner swims to be sure they wouldn’t freak out. Normally she swam after getting home; it helped keep her trim and toned along with relieving some stress. She had failed to mention until one Friday night that she preferred to do it semi nude. She had been coming out each evening in a swimsuit draped with a sarong but this one night she left the top of her bikini in her room.
At first the girls quietly walked back indoors while Janelle swam; peeking at her from inside the house. After the initial shock wore off, they wandered back out to take their usual places at the patio table. Janelle continued swimming her laps, noticing them out of the corner of her eye. Smiling to herself, she finished her therapy and exited the pool. Drying off, she took her usual seat with the girls, ignoring her nudity, and began the normal nightly routine of rehashing the day and planning the next. Since this was a Friday they went over the weekend activities.
“Girls, it’s been a couple of weeks. How are you enjoying your stay?”
Janelle slowly covered herself; watching while the girls diverted their eyes trying to act as if nothing was out of sorts. She left a bit more skin showing in hopes that their shyness might begin to erode.
“It’s great, Janelle, so many different people. I didn’t even realize L.A. was so diverse,” Kelsey commented while returning her gaze to Janelle's face.
“Kels, you have been in Montana too long, even I know L.A. is diverse. I had some big butch woman try to pick me up at a photo shoot yesterday,” Jordan said as a matter of fact.
Janelle looked at her as Kelsey’s eyes widened in shock.
“You did? You mean that guy was a woman?”
Janelle giggled, “That’s Marion, she was once a he and she’s the sweetest thing. You probably mistook her intentions, sweetie, she’s into guys.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. It seemed like she was really friendly.”
“She is; it’s something you have to learn about L.A. People come in all shape, sizes, colors and genders here. Treat everyone like you would like to be treated and you’ll be fine.”
“Well, I was nice to her. I just didn’t want to go home and sleep with her, which is what I thought she was going after. I’m sorry; I’ll try and not think everyone wants to get me in bed, Janelle.”
“So, if she were pretty and a model what would you have thought?”
Kelsey giggled and looked at her sister, waiting for her answer.
“Well, if it were Lindsay Lohan or Portia De Rossi, I might have considered it.” Jordan grinned as she sipped her drink.
“As if!” Kelsey exclaimed.
Janelle smiled and remarked, “They are taken my little love, but I do know some very lovely bi and lesbian women who would just eat you up.”
With that comment both girls laughed out loud, Jordan almost choked on her drink laughing so much.
“Thanks, no Janelle. I’m not that diverse yet.”
Janelle grinned at Jordan while sipping her own drink, thinking the girls were getting very comfortable. She enjoyed having them around; each reflected her friend Diane in different ways, combined they were the spitting image of her dearly missed “lil sis”. As the weeks went by the girls took full advantage of Janelle’s hospitality. They swam daily, used her in-home gym, ate healthy and enjoyed meeting Janelle’s group of friends and clients.
The girls settled into Janelle’s routine, joining her in the pool, swimming laps, talking, and then reading the trade papers. They would talk some more while sipping wine or some alcoholic concoction that sounded good. Often after swimming a few laps together prior to getting out Janelle would act as referee while the girls raced. The first few times it was just for fun, but after a few days Janelle decided to award some sort of dessert or other trinket as a prize for the winner.
They looked forward to each race wondering what Janelle had gotten for the prize, even though second place was awarded the same prize in a smaller portion. Early in the competitions the girls dressed a bit more modest than their hostess, staying in their bikinis while they swam. After a few weeks, Jordan adopted Janelle’s dress code—wearing only bikini bottoms—with Kelsey following a couple of nights later. Janelle couldn't help but admire their sleek young bodies. She scolded herself a few times for having thoughts about her best friend's daughters, trying not to picture either of them in her bed which was very difficult.
One Friday evening, while they were in the shallow end talking, Janelle commented how much they each reminded her of their mother. She hadn’t meant to cause anything; they had been telling stories of Diane and reminiscing since they had arrived but this time something struck a chord in Kelsey; she started to cry.
Jordan, seeing Kelsey break down, began to tear up. Janelle opened her arms to hug them, allowing the girls to collapse in her arms to sob.
“I’m sorry, girls. I didn’t mean to stir up any bad feelings.” Holding them nestled close to her breasts she stroked their hair, trying to comfort them.
Jordan sniffed as her eyes slowly dried, enjoying the closeness she felt as if Janelle were actually her aunt instead of a close friend. Kelsey continued to cry while burying her face in the nape of Janelle’s neck.
“I know you didn’t,” Jordan explained through her tears as she released her hold of Janelle.
“Me too, it’s just I miss her so much. Why did she have to die, Janelle? Why?” Kelsey sniffed holding Janelle tighter, shifting more to Janelle's front, taking Jordan’s place against her.
“I don’t know my darlings, I really don’t know. Life is not fair. I miss her, too.”
Janelle kept stroking Kelsey’s hair comforting her as Jordan looked on, feeling for her younger sister. Jordan let Kelsey hold Janelle alone for a few moments then joined in behind her sister.
“Kels, I’m here for you forever, you know that don’t you?” Jordan's soft voice, helped reassure her sister.
“I am also, sweetie. I promised your mother I would help in anyway I can. I want you both to know if you need anything or want to just talk, I’m always here for you.”
Janelle smiled as she lifted Kelsey’s face and looked into her eyes.
Kelsey’s tears slowed as she looked up at her mother’s friend. She managed to mutter a thank you and then dropped her head back on Janelle’s shoulder. The three women stood there holding each other for a long time. Janelle softly swayed back and forth, humming as they just stood there in their thoughts. She had wondered if the girls would have a moment like this and she was glad it happened here where she could comfort them and help them get through it.
“Why don’t you two call your dad to see how he’s doing? It’s been a couple of weeks and I’m sure he’d love to hear those sweet voices.”
The girls sniffed while they wiped their eyes, breaking the hug that felt so reassuring to them. Jordan spoke first smiling at Janelle; she thanked her for being so nice to them. Janelle kissed her cheek telling her she enjoyed having them with her. Kelsey’s departure took a bit longer. Janelle held her hand as she watched Jordan leave the pool to go inside and call home.
“Are you okay now my darling, Kelsey?”
Kelsey sniffed and looked at Janelle, “No, I’ll never be okay. I want my mom back.”
“I know baby, I do too. You still have your dad, Jordan and me, you know that.”
“I do, but I still miss her so much.”
Kelsey collapsed in Janelle’s arms once more until Janelle lifted her face kissing her cheeks. She whispered for her to go talk to her dad, and for his sake be cheerful.
She managed to smile slightly telling Janelle she would. Then leaving the comfort of the older woman’s arms she slipped into the house joining her sister on the phone.
Janelle sighed before she slowly walked out of the pool. Her heart was filled with mixed emotions for her two young guests. They were her best friend’s children yet she found herself lusting at times. Hopefully she could be strong and not give into temptation if the chance ever presented itself.
The girls spent a little over an hour talking to their father. Using the speakerphone they both talked to him at once. Janelle let them use her study so they could have some privacy. The door was slightly ajar allowing Janelle to hear parts of their talk. The girls were telling him how much they loved being in Los Angeles but also how much they missed him and home. They tended to leave out some of the details about their new found “liberalness” along with their evening attire; some things dads don’t need to know.
After the call, they all sat down to have strawberry shortcake. The girls told Janelle how things were going back in Montana even though Janelle overheard most of it and didn't really care.
Around 2 a.m. Janelle was quietly awakened by the sense she was being watched. She rolled over to face her doorway. Opening one eye, she made out Kelsey standing there watching her.
“Janelle? Are you asleep?” Kelsey asked in a hushed tone.
Janelle answered as best she could without being upset. “I was sweetheart, why?”
“I was thinking about mom, again.”
“Oh sweetie, come here.”
Janelle sat up to switch on the light next to the bed. The sudden brightness blinded them both for a second. Kelsey, dressed in panties and a sleep shirt, blocked the light from her eyes while managing to slip in next to Janelle. Janelle was sleeping in her panties with the sheet drawn up over her.
Kelsey lay next to Janelle; her voice a soft whisper.
“I miss her so much, Janelle.”
“I know you do sweetie. I do, too.” Janelle rolled to her side brushing back a few hairs from Kelsey’s face. She could see the redness from the young girl's crying. Her finger stroked Kelsey's cheek as they lay, each waiting for the other to speak. After a few moments Janelle spoke, offering a bit of reassurance.
“I loved your mother like a sister, Kelsey. I can only imagine the pain you and Jordan feel right now, sweetie. I'm here for you both, you know that, right?”
“I know and we both appreciate that, Janelle. Would you mind just holding me for now and not talking?”
“I'd love to just hold you.”
Kelsey smiled turning to allow Janelle to reach over her, drawing her closer. Janelle's heart began racing feeling the young woman snuggle close to her naked flesh. Kelsey squirmed for a few brief moments trying to find a comfortable position. Her leg half on Janelle's and her arm draped across her chest. Janelle tried to think of other less sexual things but the warmth of Kelsey against her wouldn't allow that. They lay together for about five minutes then Janelle began massaging Kelsey's back while humming. Kelsey began to relax; lifting her head slightly she kissed Janelle's cheek whispering, “Thank you, can I just sleep here tonight?”
Janelle shivered as she whispered, “Of course, sweetheart.”
She eased herself from under Kelsey to switch off the bedside light. They shifted trying to avoid hitting each other in the dim moonlight while their eyes adjusted. Settling back down; each becoming comfortable, they lay together not saying a word.
It was all Janelle could do not to become aroused. Feeling Kelsey next to her, so tempting. She managed to control herself, but it was extremely difficult. Kelsey fell asleep quickly once the light was extinguished; Janelle had a rougher time. Not wanting to disturb her bedmate she lay looking up at the ceiling, pondering the ramifications of a seduction. It didn't seem worth the embarrassment if Kelsey wasn't receptive, and having to explain to Jordan didn't seem like the best thing to do. Janelle used all the will power she could summon within herself to not take advantage of Kelsey.
Saturday morning found Kelsey and Janelle blissfully snuggled in each other’s arms. Jordan woke early dressing to work out. She passed Kelsey's room, noticing her sister was missing. She checked down stairs returning to the bedrooms to ask Janelle if she'd seen her. Janelle had heard Jordan walking around; she woke Kelsey to let her know Jordan was up then went to the bathroom. Kelsey, still half asleep, smiled as Jordan walked into the room. Jordan stopped midway through the door, her mouth dropped as she saw her sister exiting Janelle's bed.
“Morning Jordan, let me get dressed and I'll go with you.” Kelsey smiled remembering Jordan had planned a workout for them this morning.
Janelle walked out of the bathroom just in time to see Jordan's expression.
“Kelsey missed your mom last night, Jordan. We fell asleep talking to each other.”
“Oh, okay.” Jordan looked them both over, seeing Kelsey still in her nightwear while Janelle was unconcerned regarding any misinterpretations.
Janelle sighed with relief when the two girls left her room to get to their workout. She thought Kelsey would answer any questions Jordan might have. They hadn't done anything, yet Janelle felt guilty.
After dinner when they were relaxing by the pool, Jordan waited until Kelsey went to bed before asking Janelle about the night before.
“Kels was feeling bad last night?”
“Yes, she was. I told you both I'm here for you. I meant it.”
“Oh, Janelle. I didn't mean to imply anything.”
“It's fine; I was expecting a bit more drama. I'm not used to being around a pair of sisters who don't squabble at all. You two amaze me.”
“Thanks, we do get along well. It wasn't always that way, remember?”
“I do.” Janelle smiled, recalling a few times when she had witnessed their rivalry when the girls were younger. They obviously had grown out of it.
“Janelle, can I ask you a personal question?” Jordan sipped her wine then set it down on the table. Pulling her leg up and resting her chin on her knee she looked at Janelle.
“Go right ahead.” Janelle sipped focusing her attention on Jordan's breast, then her eyes.
“I've noticed you have lots of pictures with you and some individuals. There doesn't seem to be more than one or two of any one person. Do you date at all?”
Janelle grinned, “Yes, I date. I just put that part of my life on hold while you two are visiting.”
“Do you date men and women?” Jordan almost hesitated asking that, the third glass of wine must have heightened her curiosity.
“Actually sweetheart, it's none of your business. But, I do. I tend to go out with more mature, successful men. They aren't as intimidated by a successful woman and we treat each other as equals. As far as women, I'm not quite as stringent.” Janelle smiled as she reached for her glass, watching Jordan's face for a reaction.
Jordan didn't bat an eye and came back with, “Did you and mom ever, date?”
“You are curious tonight aren't you? Again, it's really none of your business if I did or not. So what if we did, would that change anything?”
“Not if it was before mom married dad, I guess.”
“Let me set the record straight, pardon the pun. But your mother was faithful to your father and loved all three of you. She'd be very embarrassed if she were here listening to this, but we had a very special relationship.”
“I think I understand. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. This whole L.A. lifestyle has opened my eyes to many things. I just was curious, that's all.”
“It's fine, sweetie. Curiosity is a good thing, we learn from being curious. When I was your sister's age I was curious about girls. It was then I realized I enjoyed being with men and women.”
“I just haven't had those feelings. But seeing the abundance of alternate lifestyles here has made me think about it more.”
“Jordan, sometimes it's something you know from the very start, sometimes not. If you're that curious I can fix you up with someone. I can tell you all the typical things women say about other women. Softer, we know what we like so who better than a woman to please you, but it's something you need to find out for yourself. For me regardless if it's a man or a woman, I want intimacy. There's something about knowing your lover that adds to the experience. Don't get me wrong, sometimes lust rears its pretty little head and that urge just needs fulfilling.” Janelle smiled.
Jordan blushed, “I know, I've just never lusted after a woman. If something happens it happens. I'm not looking for anyone while I'm here.”
“That's fine; just enjoy yourselves while you are here, sweetheart. There's no pressure to do anything.”
“Thanks, we are enjoying this. It's too bad we had to lose mom to finally come out here.” Jordan's eyes began to turn red as tears started to form.
“Oh, sweetheart, come here.” Janelle opened her arms allowing Jordan to slip into her lap to comfort her.
They embraced for a few minutes while Jordan composed herself. Janelle massaged her back and whispered how great it was to have them staying with her. Janelle felt that same tingle she felt laying next to Kelsey, she tried thinking of as many things unrelated to this beautiful young woman in her arms. Their breasts softly rubbing against each other had its effect on Janelle and she was secretly hoping Jordan felt it too. After a few minutes, Jordan slipped off Janelle's lap, kissing her cheek she told her good night. Janelle thought Jordan looked a bit flush, but then it could have just been the lighting or the wine.
The second week, after they came home and ate dinner, they sat out by the pool sipping cocktails or wine depending on how Janelle’s day went. This became their routine during the week. Weekends were left open for the various functions Janelle had on her social calendar. Janelle let Kelsey drink in moderation knowing both the girls had attended “keggers” back home. She made sure nobody over indulged and that they knew the penalties for drinking and driving.
After the girls had settled in, Janelle’s home routine changed. She had talked to them briefly about her after dinner swims to be sure they wouldn’t freak out. Normally she swam after getting home; it helped keep her trim and toned along with relieving some stress. She had failed to mention until one Friday night that she preferred to do it semi nude. She had been coming out each evening in a swimsuit draped with a sarong but this one night she left the top of her bikini in her room.
At first the girls quietly walked back indoors while Janelle swam; peeking at her from inside the house. After the initial shock wore off, they wandered back out to take their usual places at the patio table. Janelle continued swimming her laps, noticing them out of the corner of her eye. Smiling to herself, she finished her therapy and exited the pool. Drying off, she took her usual seat with the girls, ignoring her nudity, and began the normal nightly routine of rehashing the day and planning the next. Since this was a Friday they went over the weekend activities.
“Girls, it’s been a couple of weeks. How are you enjoying your stay?”
Janelle slowly covered herself; watching while the girls diverted their eyes trying to act as if nothing was out of sorts. She left a bit more skin showing in hopes that their shyness might begin to erode.
“It’s great, Janelle, so many different people. I didn’t even realize L.A. was so diverse,” Kelsey commented while returning her gaze to Janelle's face.
“Kels, you have been in Montana too long, even I know L.A. is diverse. I had some big butch woman try to pick me up at a photo shoot yesterday,” Jordan said as a matter of fact.
Janelle looked at her as Kelsey’s eyes widened in shock.
“You did? You mean that guy was a woman?”
Janelle giggled, “That’s Marion, she was once a he and she’s the sweetest thing. You probably mistook her intentions, sweetie, she’s into guys.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. It seemed like she was really friendly.”
“She is; it’s something you have to learn about L.A. People come in all shape, sizes, colors and genders here. Treat everyone like you would like to be treated and you’ll be fine.”
“Well, I was nice to her. I just didn’t want to go home and sleep with her, which is what I thought she was going after. I’m sorry; I’ll try and not think everyone wants to get me in bed, Janelle.”
“So, if she were pretty and a model what would you have thought?”
Kelsey giggled and looked at her sister, waiting for her answer.
“Well, if it were Lindsay Lohan or Portia De Rossi, I might have considered it.” Jordan grinned as she sipped her drink.
“As if!” Kelsey exclaimed.
Janelle smiled and remarked, “They are taken my little love, but I do know some very lovely bi and lesbian women who would just eat you up.”
With that comment both girls laughed out loud, Jordan almost choked on her drink laughing so much.
“Thanks, no Janelle. I’m not that diverse yet.”
Janelle grinned at Jordan while sipping her own drink, thinking the girls were getting very comfortable. She enjoyed having them around; each reflected her friend Diane in different ways, combined they were the spitting image of her dearly missed “lil sis”. As the weeks went by the girls took full advantage of Janelle’s hospitality. They swam daily, used her in-home gym, ate healthy and enjoyed meeting Janelle’s group of friends and clients.
The girls settled into Janelle’s routine, joining her in the pool, swimming laps, talking, and then reading the trade papers. They would talk some more while sipping wine or some alcoholic concoction that sounded good. Often after swimming a few laps together prior to getting out Janelle would act as referee while the girls raced. The first few times it was just for fun, but after a few days Janelle decided to award some sort of dessert or other trinket as a prize for the winner.
They looked forward to each race wondering what Janelle had gotten for the prize, even though second place was awarded the same prize in a smaller portion. Early in the competitions the girls dressed a bit more modest than their hostess, staying in their bikinis while they swam. After a few weeks, Jordan adopted Janelle’s dress code—wearing only bikini bottoms—with Kelsey following a couple of nights later. Janelle couldn't help but admire their sleek young bodies. She scolded herself a few times for having thoughts about her best friend's daughters, trying not to picture either of them in her bed which was very difficult.
One Friday evening, while they were in the shallow end talking, Janelle commented how much they each reminded her of their mother. She hadn’t meant to cause anything; they had been telling stories of Diane and reminiscing since they had arrived but this time something struck a chord in Kelsey; she started to cry.
Jordan, seeing Kelsey break down, began to tear up. Janelle opened her arms to hug them, allowing the girls to collapse in her arms to sob.
“I’m sorry, girls. I didn’t mean to stir up any bad feelings.” Holding them nestled close to her breasts she stroked their hair, trying to comfort them.
Jordan sniffed as her eyes slowly dried, enjoying the closeness she felt as if Janelle were actually her aunt instead of a close friend. Kelsey continued to cry while burying her face in the nape of Janelle’s neck.
“I know you didn’t,” Jordan explained through her tears as she released her hold of Janelle.
“Me too, it’s just I miss her so much. Why did she have to die, Janelle? Why?” Kelsey sniffed holding Janelle tighter, shifting more to Janelle's front, taking Jordan’s place against her.
“I don’t know my darlings, I really don’t know. Life is not fair. I miss her, too.”
Janelle kept stroking Kelsey’s hair comforting her as Jordan looked on, feeling for her younger sister. Jordan let Kelsey hold Janelle alone for a few moments then joined in behind her sister.
“Kels, I’m here for you forever, you know that don’t you?” Jordan's soft voice, helped reassure her sister.
“I am also, sweetie. I promised your mother I would help in anyway I can. I want you both to know if you need anything or want to just talk, I’m always here for you.”
Janelle smiled as she lifted Kelsey’s face and looked into her eyes.
Kelsey’s tears slowed as she looked up at her mother’s friend. She managed to mutter a thank you and then dropped her head back on Janelle’s shoulder. The three women stood there holding each other for a long time. Janelle softly swayed back and forth, humming as they just stood there in their thoughts. She had wondered if the girls would have a moment like this and she was glad it happened here where she could comfort them and help them get through it.
“Why don’t you two call your dad to see how he’s doing? It’s been a couple of weeks and I’m sure he’d love to hear those sweet voices.”
The girls sniffed while they wiped their eyes, breaking the hug that felt so reassuring to them. Jordan spoke first smiling at Janelle; she thanked her for being so nice to them. Janelle kissed her cheek telling her she enjoyed having them with her. Kelsey’s departure took a bit longer. Janelle held her hand as she watched Jordan leave the pool to go inside and call home.
“Are you okay now my darling, Kelsey?”
Kelsey sniffed and looked at Janelle, “No, I’ll never be okay. I want my mom back.”
“I know baby, I do too. You still have your dad, Jordan and me, you know that.”
“I do, but I still miss her so much.”
Kelsey collapsed in Janelle’s arms once more until Janelle lifted her face kissing her cheeks. She whispered for her to go talk to her dad, and for his sake be cheerful.
She managed to smile slightly telling Janelle she would. Then leaving the comfort of the older woman’s arms she slipped into the house joining her sister on the phone.
Janelle sighed before she slowly walked out of the pool. Her heart was filled with mixed emotions for her two young guests. They were her best friend’s children yet she found herself lusting at times. Hopefully she could be strong and not give into temptation if the chance ever presented itself.
The girls spent a little over an hour talking to their father. Using the speakerphone they both talked to him at once. Janelle let them use her study so they could have some privacy. The door was slightly ajar allowing Janelle to hear parts of their talk. The girls were telling him how much they loved being in Los Angeles but also how much they missed him and home. They tended to leave out some of the details about their new found “liberalness” along with their evening attire; some things dads don’t need to know.
After the call, they all sat down to have strawberry shortcake. The girls told Janelle how things were going back in Montana even though Janelle overheard most of it and didn't really care.
Around 2 a.m. Janelle was quietly awakened by the sense she was being watched. She rolled over to face her doorway. Opening one eye, she made out Kelsey standing there watching her.
“Janelle? Are you asleep?” Kelsey asked in a hushed tone.
Janelle answered as best she could without being upset. “I was sweetheart, why?”
“I was thinking about mom, again.”
“Oh sweetie, come here.”
Janelle sat up to switch on the light next to the bed. The sudden brightness blinded them both for a second. Kelsey, dressed in panties and a sleep shirt, blocked the light from her eyes while managing to slip in next to Janelle. Janelle was sleeping in her panties with the sheet drawn up over her.
Kelsey lay next to Janelle; her voice a soft whisper.
“I miss her so much, Janelle.”
“I know you do sweetie. I do, too.” Janelle rolled to her side brushing back a few hairs from Kelsey’s face. She could see the redness from the young girl's crying. Her finger stroked Kelsey's cheek as they lay, each waiting for the other to speak. After a few moments Janelle spoke, offering a bit of reassurance.
“I loved your mother like a sister, Kelsey. I can only imagine the pain you and Jordan feel right now, sweetie. I'm here for you both, you know that, right?”
“I know and we both appreciate that, Janelle. Would you mind just holding me for now and not talking?”
“I'd love to just hold you.”
Kelsey smiled turning to allow Janelle to reach over her, drawing her closer. Janelle's heart began racing feeling the young woman snuggle close to her naked flesh. Kelsey squirmed for a few brief moments trying to find a comfortable position. Her leg half on Janelle's and her arm draped across her chest. Janelle tried to think of other less sexual things but the warmth of Kelsey against her wouldn't allow that. They lay together for about five minutes then Janelle began massaging Kelsey's back while humming. Kelsey began to relax; lifting her head slightly she kissed Janelle's cheek whispering, “Thank you, can I just sleep here tonight?”
Janelle shivered as she whispered, “Of course, sweetheart.”
She eased herself from under Kelsey to switch off the bedside light. They shifted trying to avoid hitting each other in the dim moonlight while their eyes adjusted. Settling back down; each becoming comfortable, they lay together not saying a word.
It was all Janelle could do not to become aroused. Feeling Kelsey next to her, so tempting. She managed to control herself, but it was extremely difficult. Kelsey fell asleep quickly once the light was extinguished; Janelle had a rougher time. Not wanting to disturb her bedmate she lay looking up at the ceiling, pondering the ramifications of a seduction. It didn't seem worth the embarrassment if Kelsey wasn't receptive, and having to explain to Jordan didn't seem like the best thing to do. Janelle used all the will power she could summon within herself to not take advantage of Kelsey.
Saturday morning found Kelsey and Janelle blissfully snuggled in each other’s arms. Jordan woke early dressing to work out. She passed Kelsey's room, noticing her sister was missing. She checked down stairs returning to the bedrooms to ask Janelle if she'd seen her. Janelle had heard Jordan walking around; she woke Kelsey to let her know Jordan was up then went to the bathroom. Kelsey, still half asleep, smiled as Jordan walked into the room. Jordan stopped midway through the door, her mouth dropped as she saw her sister exiting Janelle's bed.
“Morning Jordan, let me get dressed and I'll go with you.” Kelsey smiled remembering Jordan had planned a workout for them this morning.
Janelle walked out of the bathroom just in time to see Jordan's expression.
“Kelsey missed your mom last night, Jordan. We fell asleep talking to each other.”
“Oh, okay.” Jordan looked them both over, seeing Kelsey still in her nightwear while Janelle was unconcerned regarding any misinterpretations.
Janelle sighed with relief when the two girls left her room to get to their workout. She thought Kelsey would answer any questions Jordan might have. They hadn't done anything, yet Janelle felt guilty.
After dinner when they were relaxing by the pool, Jordan waited until Kelsey went to bed before asking Janelle about the night before.
“Kels was feeling bad last night?”
“Yes, she was. I told you both I'm here for you. I meant it.”
“Oh, Janelle. I didn't mean to imply anything.”
“It's fine; I was expecting a bit more drama. I'm not used to being around a pair of sisters who don't squabble at all. You two amaze me.”
“Thanks, we do get along well. It wasn't always that way, remember?”
“I do.” Janelle smiled, recalling a few times when she had witnessed their rivalry when the girls were younger. They obviously had grown out of it.
“Janelle, can I ask you a personal question?” Jordan sipped her wine then set it down on the table. Pulling her leg up and resting her chin on her knee she looked at Janelle.
“Go right ahead.” Janelle sipped focusing her attention on Jordan's breast, then her eyes.
“I've noticed you have lots of pictures with you and some individuals. There doesn't seem to be more than one or two of any one person. Do you date at all?”
Janelle grinned, “Yes, I date. I just put that part of my life on hold while you two are visiting.”
“Do you date men and women?” Jordan almost hesitated asking that, the third glass of wine must have heightened her curiosity.
“Actually sweetheart, it's none of your business. But, I do. I tend to go out with more mature, successful men. They aren't as intimidated by a successful woman and we treat each other as equals. As far as women, I'm not quite as stringent.” Janelle smiled as she reached for her glass, watching Jordan's face for a reaction.
Jordan didn't bat an eye and came back with, “Did you and mom ever, date?”
“You are curious tonight aren't you? Again, it's really none of your business if I did or not. So what if we did, would that change anything?”
“Not if it was before mom married dad, I guess.”
“Let me set the record straight, pardon the pun. But your mother was faithful to your father and loved all three of you. She'd be very embarrassed if she were here listening to this, but we had a very special relationship.”
“I think I understand. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. This whole L.A. lifestyle has opened my eyes to many things. I just was curious, that's all.”
“It's fine, sweetie. Curiosity is a good thing, we learn from being curious. When I was your sister's age I was curious about girls. It was then I realized I enjoyed being with men and women.”
“I just haven't had those feelings. But seeing the abundance of alternate lifestyles here has made me think about it more.”
“Jordan, sometimes it's something you know from the very start, sometimes not. If you're that curious I can fix you up with someone. I can tell you all the typical things women say about other women. Softer, we know what we like so who better than a woman to please you, but it's something you need to find out for yourself. For me regardless if it's a man or a woman, I want intimacy. There's something about knowing your lover that adds to the experience. Don't get me wrong, sometimes lust rears its pretty little head and that urge just needs fulfilling.” Janelle smiled.
Jordan blushed, “I know, I've just never lusted after a woman. If something happens it happens. I'm not looking for anyone while I'm here.”
“That's fine; just enjoy yourselves while you are here, sweetheart. There's no pressure to do anything.”
“Thanks, we are enjoying this. It's too bad we had to lose mom to finally come out here.” Jordan's eyes began to turn red as tears started to form.
“Oh, sweetheart, come here.” Janelle opened her arms allowing Jordan to slip into her lap to comfort her.
They embraced for a few minutes while Jordan composed herself. Janelle massaged her back and whispered how great it was to have them staying with her. Janelle felt that same tingle she felt laying next to Kelsey, she tried thinking of as many things unrelated to this beautiful young woman in her arms. Their breasts softly rubbing against each other had its effect on Janelle and she was secretly hoping Jordan felt it too. After a few minutes, Jordan slipped off Janelle's lap, kissing her cheek she told her good night. Janelle thought Jordan looked a bit flush, but then it could have just been the lighting or the wine.