I had just turned off my alarm to get around for work. Every morning I had a routine. I would slide myself out of bed groggy from just jumping out of a sound sleep. I would sit myself down on the porcelain throne to relieve myself before the six-hour shift ahead of me. After a quick body shower, to wash off the sweat from the night before, I would start to get dressed.
It would be the same old way I put on everything. I would start with putting on my pants then to my socks, so I can put on my ankle brace on my left leg. My bra is next because the customers don't need a show. My breasts were a comfortable C cup and I enjoyed them. They fit perfectly into my hands plus the nipples were what I called “pepperoni nipples.” They are the size of a piece of pepperoni which I also enjoyed about myself.
Once I get downstairs, after that routine, I would find something to eat. While even looking at food I tended to sexualize it. This spread out into my everyday life, especially at work. Though I'm mostly straight I would always wonder what it'd be like to fool around with a woman. I think all woman are beautiful in their own ways. Whether looking at a nice plump ass or bouncing breasts, every woman has an asset.
There are also those who have wonderful personalities that can turn you on too. When working in retail it gives me the option to “rubberneck.” Which means looking at someone without them knowing you're looking at them. There are a bunch of lovely ladies that come into the store. Sometimes I like to compliment them when they wear an outfit that accentuates their figure.
Today at work there was a new coworker. She had caught my eye because she was short, nicely figured, and looked to have a nice set of breast. Her breasts seemed to be of medium size but little did I know she was good at hiding just how big they were. I don't tend to make a big deal about new coworkers because sometimes the turn around can be pretty big. She didn't catch anything except my eye at first.
Her name was Maxine. I found out that she had a thing for another coworker. I had worked with him for a while so that's how our friendship started. She was into Mike who is a six foot seven, blonde haired, and nerdy guy. He had a certain charm to him though. Mike and I would always have chats about the latest games or ones that we currently would be playing.
I started to care for him like a close friend after we had talked for a while. Maxine had known him before she started working at the store. They had talked for a least a year. He also had some feelings for her but she was more of an attention seeker.
As I was getting to know her, the next few times I worked with her, I found out that she was bi-curious just like me. We started talking about how we both admired women's curves. I started to learn more about what she liked and she would describe her body to me. It was interesting, to say the least. She had told me about how big her breasts were and I was surprised.
Just inside her work shirt were a set of H size breasts. The plus side to it was that her nipples were both pierced. She wore bras that didn't show that though. Mike was sent pictures when they were talking to each other and he told me they were definitely real. I would think about them which made me drool. I always wanted to put my mouth on a nice pair of big breasts.
The thoughts I would have at work about her would turn me. I started to dream about her in a sexual way. She was petite with a little substance on her bones. She wasn't skinny but she definitely had curves in all the right places. Her body definitely seemed to be perfect. I thought to myself a lot about her breasts and her hips. That would give someone something to grab on to while enjoying pleasing her. My mind always went to what was just lurking underneath her shirt.
Her nipples must feel great when someone just wraps their mouth around them or flicks them with their tongue. You could get a mouthful in just one suck. My hands would be so full they'd be spilling over if I were to grab them. I would accidentally knock into them with my arms sometimes when I was helping her on register. Every time it happened I would hope she didn't think I did it on purpose but she would say that they get in the way all the time. I would think no wonder because they are so busty and voluptuous. It was easy to get deep in thought about them.
Even while at work, I'd be looking at her thinking naughty things about her. Eventually that poured out into talking to her openly about sexual experiences. I have a past that I'd rather not admit to sometimes but she would always give me some crazy stories to compare. She also got on the subject of her preferences. My curiosity perked when she started talking about her kinks. When she would tell me about her love of BDSM, I would always ask questions. My questions would be like how far she would go for her kink or if she liked being tied up.
Her answers would be mostly, “yes,” but others she would hesitate to tell me. I was interested in BDSM before I met her. I was the one who wanted to be submissive in the bedroom but outside I wanted control, at least with men. She was one for submission both in and out of the bedroom. This started my fantasies in my head about being dominant with her even though I was only curious as to if I could be with a woman or not. If I could even get to touch her breasts, I would die happy at this point.
My friend Mike would talk to me about what she sent him sometimes. He would tell me that she likes to get off in the mirror, looking at her fingers moving between her pussy and her clit. She got off to looking at herself. I figured she would get off to another woman though. Even if we were to fool around, I don't think I could bring myself to getting off in front of her though.
I'd be more focus on pleasing her and giving her as many orgasms as I could. The only way I could ever get a chance was just to take a risk in asking her to hang out. When I went into work and she was there I walked over to her then finally asked. I offered her to finally come hang out with me. She gave me a smile and gave me the “yes” I wanted. We studied our schedules to see which day would be best for us both. After looking over the days, we decided on a Saturday.
We were both into smoking bud so I figured that would lighten the mood between us. It would relax me to smoke while hanging out too. I know for her it had the same effect. She actually texted me Friday to see if I had any because she thought the same thing. I happened to have Friday off while she had to work still. Usually I don't have much extra cash but decided to get some snacks. While she was at work I thought I'd go visit her plus ask her what kind of snacks she would like.
I asked her and she said, “Well I tend to like things you have to either lick or suck.”
I replied, “Oh! I like the same thing!”
My dirty thoughts started floating through my brain. I started thinking about her naughty bits and how I would lick and suck them. Those pierced nipples would get a nice sucking then I'd flick them with my tongue. I'd make my way down her body. My tongue would just have a field day. I had to snap out of it though. If she could read my brain I don't know if she would like those filthy thoughts. I didn't want to scare her off before we hung out together.
I started thinking more about sweets I could get that we would both like to eat. Lollipops were a good one because you could suck and lick on them. I thought about popsicles because it was going to be a hot summer day. We were supposed to hang out over at my house so it was going to be in air conditioning but they're still good inside. I really hoped she enjoyed what I had bought though.
The day had come for her to come over to my house. I woke up at a decent time because usually I sleep in most of the day. My snacks were laid on the bed with a few drinks laying nearby. She had texted me a little earlier to make sure I was still around to hang out. I texted her back to ask if she wanted me to pick her up or if she had a ride. When she messaged me back, she replied that she did have a ride and she'd be over in about fifteen minutes.
She arrived wearing a nice dress down tank top and jean shorts. Her breasts were only being held by the tank top. I could see her nipples poking through. She had told me that she didn't like wearing bras unless she was working. I was perfectly fine with seeing that sight. I actually was wearing something I found comfortable but not revealing. A tank top with thigh length black shorts. I did wear a bra though because it could be very revealing if I didn't. My breasts weren't as nice and perky as hers.

We walked upstairs to my room. I already had the air conditioner running from the night before so it was already cool. We sat down on my bed and then had to make the decision on what to watch. I had Hulu and Netflix so we had a lot of options. I suggested watching a movie or something that we could enjoy while we smoked. She started to think about what I liked to watch. We both came to a point where we thought about comedy. So I suggested Family Guy as a cartoon comedy I liked to watch while I smoked. She nodded her head in agreement and answered me yes.
I got out the bong and the bud I was going to grind. After grinding it, I putting it in my bong. I handed the lighter and the bong to her for the first puff. I had a drink ready and open for her because I knew taking that first puff was going to make her cough. She handed the bong to me before the coughing took over. I still helped her along before I took my puff of the bud. My lungs were used to the smoke because I had smoked the night before so I could calm down.
We were both just sitting and watching the show when I looked over at her. She was so beautiful. I was looking at her in the tank top that barely held her breasts. They were definitely a nice size. I started to see that her nipples were getting hard from the cold air. She looked over at me. She already knew I was looking at her but she didn't seem to mind it. She asked if I had a blanket. I pulled out my blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. I got underneath it too.
She moved closer to me. My body was always giving off heat. My room was always cold because of this. I felt her arm rub against my arm. It was really cold so I pulled her a little closer. She was kinda surprised but didn't stop it. She felt my warmth coming off and welcomed it. I got even warmer as I thought about her. I knew I started to blush and my face had become really red. I put my arm across her shoulders to pull her in closer. My hand accidentally rubbed against her very hard nipple.
I started to apologize when she stopped me and told me that I was more than welcome to play with them. My right hand just went right for them. My brain hesitated but my hand definitely was ready. I finally got to do what I always wanted to do. As I grabbed a nice handful of her breasts, I got really turned on. I wasn't going to steal a kiss until she grabbed my tank top and pulled me in. I lightly moaned as her tongue met mine. We started to slowly stop kissing. After the last soft kiss we shared, she looked at me. She disclosed that she had wanted to do that for a while. She told me that she always thought I was funny and that I would always make her day better when it was bad. I blushed even harder when she said that.
I noticed my hand hadn't moved throughout this whole ordeal. I giggled and slowly tried to move my hand away when she grabbed it. She put it back on her breasts. I bit my bottom lip and moved myself closer to her for a kiss. She met me half way and started kissing me passionately. I grabbed harder on her breasts and felt her piercing in the palm of my hand. My fingers moved their way down to her already hard nipples. I pinched and pulled on them slightly.
She bit my bottom lip then lightly tugged on it. We had both been sitting up against the wall on my bed. When she moaned while I was tugging on her nipples, I knew she was getting more turned on. I stopped kissing her and I got up off the bed. My eyes glanced at my pillow so I ordered her to go lay down. She obliged with a delighted smile. I knew she liked to be dominated in bed so I figured the order would be followed.
She laid down and looked up at me for more orders. I looked at her jean shorts and pointed. I moved my finger in a downward motion in order to say to take them off. She unbuttoned them as I got impatient and decided to grab them then tug them off. It turned her on even more. I noticed that after tugging them off that she didn't have any panties on. She giggled as I noticed and my mouth was agape. I guess she had thought about what was going to happen beforehand.
I slowly climbed my way on to the bed. She had smooth skinned legs that I kissed up. I could tell she took very good care of her body. I looked up at the view before me and found that she had shaved her pussy. While I looked up I also noticed her breasts were still very perky. I got closer with each kiss to the spot I really wanted to be. I bit her thigh just hard enough that she gasped but enjoyed it.
Her pussy looked just as beautiful as she did.. It didn't have much fat to it and it matched the rest of her body. Her pussy lips weren't big but they weren't small either. They were big enough for me to suck on them. While I sucked on them I reached up to squeeze her left breast in my right hand. She grabbed over my hand while she trembled a little from the sensation she was having.
My mouth let go of her lips then my tongue made its way up to her juicy clit. I knew what I liked done to me so I figured she would enjoy the same thing. My tongue flickered over her clit very gently. I took my time in between to just lick up and down. Her moan was getting higher as her breath was getting delayed. My fingers made their way down to her nipple and started to pinch it while pulling gently. Her thighs started to close against my head.
I wanted to get her closer and closer to that apex of an orgasm. Her hands were grabbing on to the sheets on either side of her. I could tell she was enjoying everything I was doing to her. I slowed down and just licked her clit up and down softly. She slowly let go of the sheets. Her expression was of confusion because I didn't finish her off yet. I wanted to edge her to that orgasm so it's that much more enjoyable.
My nails lightly caressed down her body then I softly ran my hand over her side. I grabbed her sides with both hands and shoved my tongue in her hole as far as I could. It was all gooey from being excited. She got really turned on by that and grabbed the top of my head. My right hand made its way down to her very wet hole after I took my tongue out. I put one finger in slowly then when I slid it back out I put two in. It started to close around my fingers when it pulsed with pleasure. My tongue made its way back up to her clit and started licking. My left hand reached up to grab her right breast this time.
I was ready for the big finish and I know she was really wanting it too. My fingers slowly started going in and out of her pussy. They hooked around in order to touch her G-spot. My tongue started slowly speeding up while flicking her clit. Her hands moved down to her sides again to grab the sheets. She started breathing heavily while her back arched. I decided to put another finger in then she grabbed my head with her hand. She shoved my face into her pussy.
Suddenly she shuttered and I knew I had achieved my goal. I didn't stop finger fucking her and flicking her clit though. I started to count the times her pussy enclosed on my fingers. After three I started going faster. She could barely contain her moans. I was so turned on by her moaning and her shoving my head in her pussy that I didn't care if she was done or not. I was taking over and making her cum until I was satisfied. Her moaning turned to whining as she became sore.
After I counted what I thought was ten, I slowed down. My tongue gently licked her very red clit. She shuttered in my bed as she came down from the high she was feeling. I took my fingers out and then started kissing my way up her stomach to her breasts. I put her left nipple in my mouth while my left hand continued to pinch her other nipple. She slowly started breathing back to normal again. I figured this would give her time to calm down while I enjoyed her amazing bosom.
She started turning red and giggled looking down at me. I smiled up at her as her nipple popped out of my mouth. I flicked my tongue once over her nipple then laid myself next to her. As I asked her if she enjoyed what I just did she shook her head yes very fast. She swallowed and looked at me with a smile on her face. I wiped my face off with my arm and kissed her gently.
I started to notice it was getting late so I suggested that she better head home. She agreed then we both helped her get dressed while giggling at each other. We talked about when we would see each other next at work. We also discussed that we wouldn't tell anyone about this experience between us. I didn't want people at work to know and neither did she. Once she left I just laid down in bed and stared at the ceiling. I smiled while thinking about the day and I hoped I could always do that again.