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Lust Set Free

"Two roommates act on their hidden desires."

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I knew Chloe was feeling low when she got home that Friday evening. As my roommate entered the apartment, she moved at a sluggish pace, which wasn't at all like her; she normally hummed with energy. Making her way over to the couch, she slumped down next to me. I brushed a strand of her long brown hair back from her face. "How are you holding up?"

Chloe and I were both in our late twenties and had been sharing an apartment for almost two years. As different as we were, we'd always gotten along well. She was usually bubbly and extroverted, while I was mostly a homebody. We both worked full-time jobs we had little enthusiasm for, but our hobbies weren't at all similar. I spent most of my free time with my nose in a book, or volunteering at the local animal shelter. Chloe, on the other hand, was all into spirituality and fitness.

My roommate now forced a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Oh, aside from the fact that I have horrible taste in men, I'm doing just fine." When our stares met, I noticed she looked completely dejected. Like Chloe, I also had brown hair and blue eyes, but her features were softer, more inviting. It was easy to read her moods since her face was so expressive. "Maya, would you mind keeping an eye on me tonight so I don't do anything stupid?" she said. "Like call Jason? He's no good for me."

"I definitely agree with you there," I muttered. Jason was Chloe's ex-boyfriend, and I'd disliked him from the start. He oozed arrogance and condescension, going so far as to proclaim himself a "tantric sex guru." Needless to say, I was glad when Chloe dumped him. Their relationship recently ended after she discovered he'd been trying out his tantric sex techniques with one of her friends. "I promise I won't let you contact that asshole."

I remembered how heartbroken Chloe was the night they'd broken up. She'd curled up beside me on the couch, and I tried to comfort her as she sobbed. "Why am I attracted to guys who only end up hurting me?" she sniffled. "Maybe I should try dating a woman." Of course, Chloe knew I was gay. While I'd laughed off her remark, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was then, even with her eyes swollen and her skin blotchy from crying. She had a sweet, trusting nature that made me want to protect her.

But even if Chloe decided she wanted to experiment with a woman, I wouldn't have allowed anything to happen between us. She was a great roommate, and I wasn't about to jeopardize our relationship by bringing sex into it. Still, I had to occasionally remind myself not to stare at her as she walked around our apartment. Tonight, with her sitting so close to me, I couldn't resist sneaking a glance at her breasts. They were small and firm, perfectly complementing her lithe body.

If Chloe sensed my inner struggle, she didn't let on. "I'm gonna change really quick," she said, climbing to her feet. "It's been a shitty week, and this evening, I intend to enjoy myself."

Relief swept over me when I realized she hadn't caught me ogling her. "Sounds like a plan!" I said brightly.

By the time Chloe returned to the living room, wearing black yoga pants and a slinky pink camisole, I could sense a difference in her demeanor. She seemed to grow more relaxed with each passing minute. Again she sat next to me, and I noticed her hard nipples beneath her top. When the camisole's strap slipped from her left shoulder, she made no move to pull it back into place. Instead, she snuggled up at my side. I was wearing a tank top and shorts, and I could feel the heat from Chloe's skin through her pants. "I love you, Maya," she said with a lazy smile.

As the strap slid farther down Chloe's arm, more of her skin was revealed. I hated myself for hoping I'd get a glimpse of her nipple. "I love you, too, Chloe," I said, then kissed the top of her head.

Her fingertips grazed my thigh. She was playfully affectionate, the way some people got after a few drinks. I was about to put a little distance between us on the couch when she bolted upright, her eyes wide. "I know what I want!"

I struggled to hide my grin. "Yeah? What do you want?"

Chloe looked downright gleeful. "Ice cream!" She hopped to her feet and rushed toward the kitchen. I was slower while following her, and by the time I reached the doorway, she'd taken a pint of fudge ripple ice cream from the freezer. After grabbing a spoon, Chloe began eating straight from the container. "I'll pay you back," she promised me since I was the one who'd bought it. Chloe never ever ate sugar.

"Please, help yourself," I replied, laughing behind my hand. "You're going to hate yourself in the morning, though."

Chloe spooned more ice cream into her mouth. "Oh my God, this is so good! Better than sex."

"Even tantric sex?"

"Yes!" she moaned.

Folding my arms over my chest, I watched as she gathered up another huge spoonful, but before she could eat it, the ice cream slipped from the spoon and fell to the floor with a splat. "Oh no!" she wailed, her expression stricken as she looked down at the mess. Her overwrought reaction made me erupt into a fit of giggles. When she set about wiping up the ice cream, all the while muttering that she didn't see what was so damn funny, I laughed even harder and finally had to rush to the bathroom before I peed on myself.

When I returned to the kitchen a few minutes later, Chloe offered me a small bowl of ice cream. "I saved a little bit for you," she said, her grin sheepish.

I hadn't yet eaten dinner, but I figured having dessert first wouldn't hurt. Chloe and I drifted back into the living room, where we sat down on the couch. I was making short work of the ice cream when my roommate announced, "I want to do something wild, like get my nipples pierced." Her eyes brightened as she considered the idea. "I should do it tonight. Come with me, Maya!"

"Nope!" I placed the empty bowl on the table, ready to restrain Chloe if necessary. "No body modification while you're nursing a broken heart."

"But I've always wanted to!"

I rolled my eyes. "Wait another month or so, and then you can go for it, okay?"

Chloe's stare held a challenge as a sly smile appeared on her lips. "What do you think?" She lifted her camisole to expose her breasts. "Would my nipples look good pierced?"

Now that I was finally getting an eyeful of Chloe's tits, I struggled to avert my gaze. They were even sexier than I imagined, the small nipples a deep rosy shade. Those peaks seemed to grow harder as I watched. When I finally managed to look away, I realized I was getting wet. "Come on, Chloe. Cover up." My words took on a pleading tone.

In my peripheral vision, I saw Chloe pull the camisole over her head and toss it aside. My stare darted all around the room, desperately trying to avoid my half-naked roommate. Chloe placed a hand on my thigh. "Maya, look at me," she said quietly. I was fully aware that Chloe and I shouldn't be doing this, but the urge to turn toward her became irresistible. I gave in to that need, and when our eyes locked, I saw the same abject desire on Chloe's face. "I want you to touch me."

And I wanted to touch her, I realized. Chloe took my hand and brought it to her breast, making us both moan. "Don't fight it," she urged. "Give in to what you want. What we both want."

"This isn't a good idea," I said, even as I began fondling her nipple.

Chloe looked down, licking her lips while she watched me. "I've made myself come while imagining us together," she confessed.

"Ah, fuck." I sighed, helpless to stop what was now unfolding. Could Chloe have somehow guessed how much I wanted her when I hadn't even admitted it to myself?

I had no choice but to admit it now. My hands seemed to move of their own accord, cupping Chloe's breasts. I gave them the gentlest squeeze and was rewarded with her pleasured cry. "Do you want to kiss me?" she asked.

In response, I leaned toward Chloe. Our first kiss was eager and hungry, with none of the uncertainty I'd imagined on the rare occasions I allowed myself to fantasize about my roommate. The sensation of our tongues meeting made me slide my hand between Chloe's legs. She gave my lower lip a gentle bite, revealing her excitement. I could feel the heat of her pussy through her pants.

She grew impatient, tugging at my tank top. I immediately took it off. Unlike Chloe, I wore a bra, and she began pawing at my breasts as if desperate to free them. I laughed even while my skin flushed with arousal. "Patience, baby," I told her. My hands shook a little when I unfastened the bra, but it wasn't from nervousness. I was so ready to feel my bare skin pressed against Chloe's!

As soon as she saw my breasts, which were a little larger than hers, she lowered her head, taking my nipple between her lips. I was so turned on that I couldn't think clearly. My sweet, sexy roommate was sucking my tit with a force that would mark my skin, and I fucking loved it! When I dared to slide my fingers into her pants, I felt her teeth on my nipple, delivering just a hint of pain. I never would have guessed she'd be aggressive while aroused.

My fingers caressed Chloe's outer labia, and she released a moan, her mouth full of my tit. My God, she was wet! Her pussy was completely smooth, with no pubic hair to sop up her juices. The more I touched her, the more control I relinquished, until I was guided only by an instinctual need demanding to be satisfied. My line of thought trailed into oblivion as I became a slave to my lust.

Chloe lifted her head, and I easily recognized the blatant need in her gaze. "Come here," I said, pulling her onto my lap so she was straddling me. Her moans grew louder when I began sucking her nipples, rolling one and then the other against my tongue.

"I'm so wet for you!" Chloe said, her hips moving beneath my hands.

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Oh, I knew just how wet she was! Teasing her nipples with my fingertips, I murmured, "I want to taste your pussy."

Chloe smiled. "Only if I get to taste yours."

That was how we ended up in Chloe's bedroom. While undressing, I watched her quickly strip. It was as if she couldn't bear to be clothed for a second longer. Once Chloe was completely naked, she fixed her stare on me as I took off my shorts and underwear, revealing more skin. Though my outer lips were shaved, I had a thatch of hair on my mound.

Chloe closed the distance between us, lowering her head so she could teasingly lick my nipple. That peak hardened to the point where it ached a little, with my skin pulled taut. Her fingers made a trail along my skin, traveling lower until they reached my pussy. She grinned to find me wet with my own arousal.

I couldn't stop myself from grabbing her wrist and leading her to the unmade bed. There, Chloe let me position her just how I wanted for us to 69. She and I were around the same height, which worked well for my plans. We lay on our sides, with my head resting on her inner thigh, and her head resting on mine.

She didn't wait even a moment before burying her face in my pussy. A low moan escaped me as Chloe enthusiastically lapped at my inner folds. I could feel her warm breath against my skin, and her palm caressing the curve of my ass. I knew she'd never eaten a woman out before, so I figured she was now doing what she herself enjoyed when a man went down on her. I simply followed her lead, swirling my tongue over her slick inner lips. That first tangy taste, laced with a trace of salt, made me moan even louder. "I could eat your pussy all night!"

Chloe responded by flicking the tip of her tongue against my clit, slowly at first and then gradually faster as she increased the intensity. My clit began throbbing from the stimulation, desperate for more. After taking a deep breath to enjoy Chloe's scent, I gave her clit the same treatment. It was surprisingly large, and I could tell it was also quite sensitive from the way she cried out. Those cries grew muffled as she pressed her mouth to my pussy, but her hips began rocking again as she worked her cunt against my face.

It was sheer, unbridled lust in that bed; I couldn't remember ever being so aroused before. My face was covered in Chloe's juices, and her scent clung to my skin. I was already getting close, with her tongue readily coaxing forth my orgasm, when she grazed my clit with her teeth. "Fuck!" I wailed. I guessed she also enjoyed that sensation, a hint of teeth and lots of tongue, so I used the same technique until we were both quaking.

I pushed Chloe to her orgasm first. As she shuddered and released a low scream, I held her fast, my tongue wildly lashing her clit. "Maya!" she shrieked just before another fierce contraction seized her. Only when her spasms subsided did I slow the pace of my licking. I honestly couldn't get enough of her pussy.

Chloe returned to pleasuring my clit, daring to nibble it ever so gently. "I'm gonna come!" I panted. "Please, Chloe!" Her tongue worked at such a fervent speed that I trembled from the continual waves of bliss washing over me. Then my body tensed, poised to climax. Chloe didn't slow for even a second. Instead, she brought about one of the most powerful orgasms I'd ever experienced. Pressing my mouth against her thigh, I tried to muffle my screams while my hips bucked, and I violently shook.

I heard Chloe's satisfied groan as she squeezed my ass. When she finally lifted her head, I didn't even wait to catch my breath. Instead, I sat up and moved to lie on top of her, my mouth seeking out hers. We tasted ourselves in that kiss. As Chloe suckled my tongue, I wondered if she'd ever been so free with a man.

"I want to make you come again," I whispered against her lips. "Stay right here." Climbing from the bed, I broke into a run on the way to my room. While there, I took some lube and one of my favorite toys from the bedside table drawer.

Chloe's eyes widened when she saw the hot pink silicone-covered dildo I carried. It was six inches long and had a nice girth, but it wasn't so thick that it would cause discomfort. It also had a powerful thrusting mechanism while it vibrated. My roommate cupped her breasts, rolling the nipples between her fingers. She spread her legs for me and then moaned, "Please." I grinned and rejoined her on the bed. In moments, I had the toy slick with lube. When I brought the dildo's tip to Chloe's entrance, she quickly nodded. "Fuck me, Maya!"

I was gentle while sliding all but an inch of the dildo's length inside her pussy. When the toy began thrusting, I didn't want it striking her cervix. As soon as I turned on the vibration, Chloe arched her back and released a cry. "Holy shit!"

My grin widened. "Nice, huh?" I loved using this toy on a partner while I went down on her.

"Yes! Oh my God!" Chloe's eyes actually rolled. I kept the thrusting and vibration at a lower level at first. Leaning forward, I lowered my lips to Chloe's clit, which was still plenty swollen and sensitive. She wove her fingers through my hair while I licked and gently sucked. "Maya, yes, yes, don't stop!" As I licked her at a leisurely pace, careful not to overstimulate that tender bud, I increased the dildo's intensity. I could hear the toy working deep inside her.

Chloe's thighs started shaking around me. "Gonna come again!" Her voice was guttural, almost unrecognizable. "Oh fuck, I can't...!"

I thought Chloe was about to tell me it was too much, that she couldn't bear all the stimulation. But she didn't have a chance to speak before her muscles grew taut and then slackened, only to contract again.

And then she squirted. My eyes widened as the hot liquid streamed onto my chin. This was a first for me, but I immediately set about lapping up the fluid. It had little taste, and there wasn't so much that I couldn't handle it. Knowing I'd caused Chloe to come so hard made my own pussy throb.

"I'm sorry!" she wailed, still shaking.

I turned off the dildo and carefully withdrew it from her pussy. She stared up at me, appearing mortified. After wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I smiled and said, "Don't be sorry, baby. I loved getting you so excited."

"I had no idea that was going to happen!"

"I loved it," I repeated firmly, then leaned to give her a tender kiss.

While I held her in my arms, she continued shivering. "I've never had an orgasm like that before. It was so fucking intense!" Her stare grew hot while she stroked my cheek. "Can I do the same for you, Maya?"

"I'd love for you to use your fingers. Is that okay?"


Once I was lying on my back with my head resting on Chloe's pillow, she lubed up her fingers. "Use two at first," I told her, "then work your way up to four."

"That won't hurt you?" A shadow of concern darkened Chloe's expression.

"No, it gets me off being stretched," I assured her.

Chloe started out slow and careful. Two of her fingers felt incredible, especially when she curled them upward to massage my G-spot, but it wasn't long before I was desperate for more. "Work your ring finger inside me now!" I begged through my heavy breathing. Her eyes locked with mine as she did what I asked. The wet sound of her fingers fucking my pussy made my muscles rhythmically clench. "More, Chloe!"

When she had four fingers inside my cunt, I began rocking my hips, taking her as deep as I could. "Harder!" I practically growled.

My pussy could only yield to the pressure of her fingers stretching me wide. "Such a greedy little slut," Chloe murmured with a grin.

Those words caused a jolt of lust to travel all the way to my core. I wasn't normally one for dirty talk, but hearing it from Chloe drove me wild. "I'm close!"

Chloe fucked me hard and fast, her fingers merciless. "Come for me, Maya!" she urged.

It felt like she left no part of my cunt untouched; her fingers were everywhere! All the while, my G-spot was getting relentless stimulation. My thighs clamped around her arm when the first orgasmic contraction gripped me. A helpless cry escaped my lips as I writhed on the bed, my hips still pumping away. I was unable to utter a single word while I climaxed hard around Chloe's fingers.

"You're squeezing me so tight!" she breathed, giving me a delighted smile. I realized then how much she loved watching me come.

When my cries became soft moans, and I lay trembling before Chloe, she gently took her fingers from my pussy. For a long time, we didn't speak while holding each other. My mind was racing, trying to figure out where she and I would go from here. Chloe, meanwhile, appeared utterly relaxed in my arms.

We finally left the bed, taking turns using the bathroom. A little later, when Chloe poured drinks for us, we both gulped down the water, grinning at each other over our glasses like the infatuated lovers we'd become.

Just before midnight, we went back to Chloe's room. In the glow of her bedside lamp, I caressed her cheek. "I don't regret what we did," I said softly.

Her entire face lit up at my words. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

Chloe threw her arms around me, planting kisses all over my face until I began giggling. When she brought her lips to mine, I welcomed her tongue into my mouth. The feel of her warm skin beneath my palms made me grow wet yet again. "Thanks for taking such good care of me tonight," she whispered.

"I'll be happy to take care of you every night," I whispered back. Then I slipped beneath the covers and between her thighs, eager to make good on my promise.

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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