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Lorna, Mary, Judy, and Emily

"Two young girls grow up and play together and become voracious lovers"

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I was an only child, raised on a small croft in Scotland. There were no young families nearby so until primary school I had little contact with other children. Even then, I remained an outsider because most of the kids already knew each other and had established groups of friends.

Mary and I first met during my third year at school. She and her mum Judy had newly moved to the area and were staying in a farmhouse that was one mile away from my home. Fortunately, Mary and I hit it off straight away, and we became best friends. In fact, during the holidays I often spent more time at Judy's house than at home.

Passing my time there worked well for all of us. Mary and I became sisters: growing up, learning and sharing together. Judy got a second daughter to dote on, which I think she had always wanted and it kept me out of my mother Emily’s way.  She wasn’t a mumsy mum; I think it was difficult for her to deal with or cope with a boisterous youngster. My mother was also prudish. I couldn’t have mother-daughter chats: she became red and flustered whenever I asked about anything girly. To be fair, I later found out that this was how my mother had herself been brought up; she didn’t know of any other way.

Judy noticed one day that I was quiet. “You seem out of sorts today, are you okay?”

“I’m worried. My chest feels swollen and sore. I think something is wrong with me.”

“Don’t be. You’re not ill. This change is normal for a girl of your age. You’re starting to develop breasts, the first steps to womanhood. Hasn’t your mum talked to you about this?”

“No, when I asked she just went red in the face and wouldn’t say anything.”

“Oh, poor girl. No wonder you’re scared. First things first, come with me.”

Judy took me through to her bedroom and got me to take off my top. She held a mirror in front of me and pointed. “Look, these are your breast buds. They are beginning to grow and swell. That’s what you are feeling. There can be the occasional pain, but I think it is your clothes rubbing against them that has made your buds so sore. Dab them with a little of this soothing oil balm while I go get you a training bra.”

I had no idea what Judy meant but soon found out. She came back with some packets. Mary followed her through and took her top off. Mary and I faced each other. The first time we had seen the other in the flesh. We both blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed, have a good look, be comfortable with your bodies. You're both developing breast buds. Yours are slightly more advanced than Mary's ones, but she will soon catch up. From now, you need a bra to protect those sensitive buds. Today, I’m going to fit both of you with a bra.”

Soon, Mary and I were standing in front of a mirror admiring each other in our white training bras. It felt strange, tight and restricting at first but of course, Judy was correct my clothes no longer rubbed against or irritated my buds as I walked.  

You will have to wear your bra every day, only take it off when you go to bed. Mary, you don’t need to start wearing one straight away but you can if you want. It would be good for both of my girls to share this small step to womanhood.”

“I will wear the bra from now. It’ll give me the chance to get used to it and protect my buds as they blossom. Also, I don’t know why but wearing this bra makes me feel more girly and less of a child.”

Judy smiled and kissed Mary and then me on the cheek. “Good. It should be like that. For a girl getting their first bra is a right-of-passage. I’m happy for both of you.”

“The bras will become tight or uncomfortable as your breasts enlarge. Tell me when that is happening and I will get you measured and fitted with bigger ones. You can learn about the mysteries of bra band and cup sizes.”

Judy spent the rest of the day talking with Mary and me about puberty and what would happen to us. Nothing too graphic, but enough to prepare us for the changes and to know when we needed a more detailed chat with Judy.

From then, Judy was my mentor on all things intimate, including the birds and bees talks. I’m not sure if Mary and I became synchronized, but we went through the stages of puberty, even starting our periods, at similar times. We shared the trials and tribulations of developing womanhood. Judy was a lovely mum; she prepared us for everything.

At school, Mary and I both liked the same subjects, so we were together in the same classes throughout primary and secondary education. Our final grades were good enough for acceptance to the university. For convenience, we decided to rent and share a small flat nearby the campus.

Before starting at university, Mary and I spent the holidays helping Judy clear and replant her extensive garden. It was during this time that our relationships moved to a different level.

One day I had to stop working and ask Judy if I could lie down for a while.

“Are you ill?”

“Bad period.”

“Come with me.” She took me to Mary’s room. “Try to make yourself comfortable.”

I had just flopped onto the bed when she came through with a hot water bottle. 

"Hold this close; it should help to dampen down the cramps."

I fell asleep almost straight away and was out of it for a couple of hours. When I started to wake up, I realized that Mary was sleeping beside me, her head nestling on my chest. As an only child, I had never shared my bed with anyone before. I put my arm around her, to cradle her closer to me and fell asleep again feeling her warm breath blowing over my neck. The only question, was it just chance that her hand was inside my top, clasping my breast? It was causing very interesting sensations around there.

“Come on lazy bones, time to get up and have some supper.”

“I’m sorry to have been rude, for sleeping so long.”

“Don’t fret, you’ve both worked so hard in the last few days and looked so peaceful, I decided to let you be.”

After dinner, I helped tidy up, thanked them both and set off home. I couldn’t stop thinking how good it felt sleeping alongside Mary. Maybe it was just the novelty. It would have been a first time for her as well. Did she get the same feelings, would she want to do it again?

Over the next few days, Mary didn’t say anything about that afternoon, but as I was leaving on Friday night, she clasped me around the waist, placed a lingering kiss on my lips and said, “Come over early tomorrow. Mum is going to be away. We can have a proper girly day.”

I could hardly contain myself but was also apprehensive. How far did Mary want to go? Was it just going to be making out or further? Judging by her interest in my breasts, I think she wants to explore new territory. I was also unsure about being intimate with a girl. It wasn’t accepted, was it? I decided to let Mary take the lead just in case I was misreading things. I didn’t want her to feel forced into anything, but I did set out some encouraging pointers for her: I wore a thin blouse and no bra.

I was nearby Mary’s house by eight o’clock in the morning, she saw me in the distance and ran out to meet me. She gave a lingering kiss on the lips, and we held hands as we walked the rest of the way. I couldn’t help noticing that she made many side-ways glances at my breasts: my nipples were so evident through the blouse. She held my hand even more tightly. Clear message and my chest tingled with anticipation of what was to come.

We went through to Mary’s room, got comfortable on the bed and kissed for a long delicious time. I could feel the rise and fall of her chest on my breasts. We were both aroused, but it did not seem to be getting anywhere. Then, I realized that Mary was waiting for me to make the first big move.

I threw caution to the wind and stripped off in front of Mary. A delighted smile broke out on her face as she watched me and then started to undress. I must admit that I couldn’t help ogling as she revealed every inch of that gorgeous body. I got onto the bed, pulled her on top of me and held her while caressing her neck and hair and stroking her back and behind. We kissed and kissed as we lay there, breast to breast, mound to mound, feeling the warmth and movement of our bodies close together.  

“I’ve been dreaming of this for days: getting even closer and personal with you.”

“So, it wasn’t an accident that your hand was inside my top the other day, you were copping a feel.”

“Yes, I was just going to hold and comfort you, but your pert breasts were gently beating against me and made me curious. I had to explore them in the flesh so to speak. I couldn’t stop myself and was turned on by your soft skin and firm sexy boobs.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, but now I’m eager to get my hands on your luscious stack.”

 Mary giggled and vigorously rubbed her mound against mine. “That’s enough of the talk; I want you now.”

I started to kiss Mary's neck, she whimpered and rolled off me onto her back. I moved down to her pert little breasts and stroked them gently. She began to moan and tremored when I kissed her breasts and started to lick and suck the nipples. Mary began to massage my breasts and pushed me back far enough that she could get her mouth onto my nipples. We were cliched in this way, suckling a breast each, for a long time and getting hotter and hotter. I decided to move further south, released her nipple and started to kiss below the breasts and around her belly button. Mary reluctantly came off my boob allowing me to kiss and stroke all the way down to her mound of Venus.

I took things slowly: this was an untouched pussy. The fuzz on Mary's mound ruffled as I blew through it.

“Ooh, that tickles.

I gently stroked and kissed Mary’s inner thighs and close to her pussy. On cue, Mary spread her legs allowing access. I had a good idea what to do, but finding the right spots amongst Mary’s fuzz was fun. I had seen mine in the mirror, but hers looked different. I stroked the lips and started to kiss and suck on them. I found the clit and nuzzled and sucked on it as well. Mary was writhing and moaning by now. I moved back down to the lips and started to lick between them while stroking her clit with my finger. Mary was hot and bucking so I pushed my tongue into her vagina. I explored as far inside as I could and licked and licked. Suddenly, she gasped and started to shudder. Cum began to flow, and I struggled to cope but, determined not to lose a drop of those sweet juices, I eventually licked her entirely out. Mary gave out a long euphoric sigh and went limp. I pulled myself up the bed, clasped her in my arms and kissed her with lips still coated by her pussy nectar.

After a short recovery, Mary started down on me. However, she could not cope with kissing and licking my pussy.

“I’m sorry, I cannot do it.”

"That’s okay, use your fingers instead.”

She gently stroked the lips and clit and slowly pushed one and then two fingers into my fud. She explored and pushed her fingers in and out. I got hotter and hotter down there, and I had a massive climax with plenty of cum flowing out onto her hand. 

“Keep the cum. I want to us to share it.”

Mary and I licked every drop from her hand and fingers. My cum was sweet, but Mary's nectar was best. We cuddled together, pulled the duvet over us and fell asleep. We stirred around mid-day and as with all new lovers were soon making out again: we did it exactly as before, no need to change a winning combination at this early stage. We woke again at around four o’clock in the afternoon and were kissing and cuddling when I remembered that Judy would be back soon. So, we stopped and had a shower together. That took a long time, due to extended mutual lathering and toweling down. Fortunately, Mary and I were redressed and sitting in the kitchen having a meal when Judy arrived back.

"Did you have a nice day together? All play and no work I hope.”

I could honestly say, “Yes, it has been fun doing girly things.”

There were few opportunities to get intimate during the remainder of the holiday, although sheer lust took over one day and Mary and I romped amongst the long grass in a field out of sight of the house. Notionally, we had gone on a picnic. But the sandwiches we shared were tastier and the juices sweeter than the usual picnic fare.

A week before starting at university, I spent three days in the city sorting out the documentation for the flat, getting the keys and stocking up with a list of essentials. It was a cozy little place, having a living room and kitchen, bathroom and large bedroom with two Queen-size beds. While I was there, Mary and Judy went shopping in nearby towns for new bedding and other items for the flat and of course new clothes.

On my return, I dropped in to visit Mary and found Judy crying in the kitchen. Mary had thrown a strop after the second day of shopping.

"I'm fed up; I'm not traipsing around shops anymore. We've got all that is needed; now it is just looking and trying things on for the sake of it. I'll stay with Auntie Jean for a couple of days."

I was shocked: I had always looked on Mary as being the perfectly behaved girl, but of course, like any teenage girl she could be brattish and go off on one, particularly around certain times of the month.

Judy admitted, "I'm disappointed. I was so looking forward to spending quality mother-daughter time with Mary before she goes off to university. I am also angry that Mary was so hurtful and insensitive. I have failed to teach her to behave properly. My mother would have thrashed my bottom if I’d done anything remotely like that. Yes, it’s probably difficult for you to imagine me being rebellious, but I was: my bottom was tanned many times while I was growing up. I know my mother didn’t like to use the belt but saw it as her duty, as a good mother, to teach me to obey and show respect. She packed a wallop, and my bum would be sore for days, but I now realize the punishments were justified and had the desired effect on my conduct. I respect my mum for her tough love.”

 “Mary is a good kid but can be particularly rude and spiteful at times. I could have curbed that behavior by skelping her bum when it happened but her father was opposed to spanking, and I have always respected his wishes. Timeouts and removal of privileges seemed to work when she was a child, but her belligerent behavior has persisted. I’ve failed,” she ended.

"You are a good mother and have a wonderful daughter. Yes, she can occasionally be bolshie, but that will disappear as soon as she has to live in the wider world.”

“Lorna, have you ever been spanked?”

“Yes, but only once, when I was eight I got the belt from my father. I could hardly sit down for a week, and I made sure never to step over the line or get caught again."

“That short-sharp shock certainly worked. You are well behaved and courteous, but you should have got another one a few weeks ago. I know about the naughty games you and Mary were playing.”

I was dumbfounded. How could Judy know?

“Didn’t you think a mother would notice? The knowing looks, rumpled bed, and the unique fragrances in Mary’s room after you spent that day exhausting yourselves. So, yes, I know and should have thrashed you both for that indecency, but I couldn’t break my promise to my late partner.”

“I’m sorry to have let you down. That pledge need not apply to your ‘second daughter’. Be a dutiful mom and give me the lesson I deserve.

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No-one else needs to know”.

Why did I suggest this? I could see that Judy was very down and depressed. I thought that giving me corrective discipline, allowing her to be the tough-love mum, would relieve her frustrations. Also, a girl once told me that a spanking from her mum was much worse than a hard spanking from her dad. How could it be that way? I might have an opportunity to find out with my ‘mom.'

“Lorna, it is a kind offer, but it wouldn’t be right to spank only you. Mary was also in the wrong.”

Before I realized it, I said, “You could spank me twice. Once as Lorna and once as Mary. I can be her substitute.” Having got this far, I just wanted to be sure Judy wouldn’t say no.

I could see that Judy was struggling with this idea. “Are you certain you want to do this?”

“Yes. The spankings should be the same and hard both times, no matter how much I cry or beg. Allow time between each, for both of us to recover. It’ll be like being punished at school during the day and later again at home. If you want, I will dress as Mary for her spanking. That will help you focus on Mary's bottom and her bad behavior.

She hugged me. “Thank you. We had better start now, don’t you think? I will set out Mary’s clothes for you.”

No dawdling. Judy was perking up already.

I went to Mary’s room and changed into the clothes that were set out.

“Come through to my bedroom.”

Two surprises: there was a bolster pillow on the bed as well as a tawse lying beside it. Judy told me to get onto the bed and go over the bolster. As soon as I leaned over, my bum shot straight up in the air as my body weight pulled me down and pinned me over the bolster. I felt so exposed, especially when Judy folded the skirt off my bottom.

"Mary, your recent behavior, and dirty little games are unacceptable. You must learn to be polite, obedient and ladylike. This punishment will make you think twice about straying; it is the same as the last I had from my mother. Five per cheek by hand to warm-up, five of the belt on knickers and six on the bare. 

With that, there was a burst of pain as Judy’s hand hit down on one bottom cheek and then the other. She kept going until she administered all the hand-spanks. Some warm up, my bum was already roasting hot. Judy had undoubtedly acquired a skill of her mother. ‘Oh my, she’s going to light up my butt with that belt.’

Judy never said a word and moved on to the tawse. This switch ratcheted things up: intense pain coursed simultaneous through both cheeks of my butt at each strike. She stopped at five. By now, my bum felt like a furnace, and I was crying. Judy then pulled down my knickers. I’d heard that they don’t give much protection, but I soon found out that this wasn’t true. The pain that spread through my bum after the first swat on the bare was excruciating. I was crying uncontrollably and promising never to misbehave again by the time Judy applied strike six.

“Be sure you do remember: a daughter is never too old to be spanked by her mom.”

Judy picked me up lay me face down alongside the bolster on the bed. “Rest now.” She was back a few minutes later and applied some soothing lotion to my rear. Nevertheless, I was lying there with my bum heating the room air and thinking, ‘did I go mad, what on earth possessed me to ask for this?’ I eventually fell asleep.

About four hours later, Judy woke me up. I went through to the kitchen, sat down a little gingerly and had dinner with her. We washed the dishes, tidied up and then sat uneasily and uncomfortably on the sofa watching TV.

"I phoned your mom and told her you were exhausted. She agreed that you could stay here overnight, so no need to face the walk home.”

Judy started to get fidgety around nine o’clock. “Okay Lorna, we had better get this over and done. Go change into the clothes I have left for you on Mary’s bed.”

To my surprise, there was a pink nightdress and panties. I was called to the bedroom and told to take my position over the bolster. Judy folded the nightie onto my back and gave me the lecture about my wrongdoings and the punishment tariff. Everything went as before, except that every smack was agony since my bum was already tender. I was howling and begging her to stop, even before she got to the bare, but being the dutiful mother, she kept lashing my behind to be sure I got the message. I was distraught and incoherent at the time she applied the sixth and final on the bare. My butt was on fire and waves of the pain coursed through me.

Judy lay me on the bed again. “It is over. You did well. Rest now.”

As before, she applied lotion to my tender behind. She took away the bolster and returned a few minutes later having changed into her nightdress.

I got up and hugged her. “Please forgive me for being such a bad girl. I have learned my lesson.”

Judy and I hugged for a short while and then she said, “Get into bed.”

I was startled but quickly did as told since my butt couldn’t risk another swat.

Judy then got into bed beside me. “Time for some mother-daughter bonding. My mother and I used to cuddle up and sleep together the night after she gave me a severe spanking. It was to show that I had paid my dues, she was no longer angry with me, and I was again her much-loved daughter. Mary has missed out on this special treat as well.”

I kissed Judy on the cheek. "Thank you, mom; I will be a good girl." She looked calm and contented, so the pain in my bum was worth it. We slept in that safe cocoon all night. From then on, there was always a special bond between Judy and her ‘second daughter.'

We woke next morning still huddled together. I gave Judy a daughter’s kiss on the lips and then whispered to her, “Yesterday taught me a great deal. From now on, please be a good mum and punish me if I deserve it. I will also ask you for a corrective spanking if I think it is needed.”

"My dear, I love you so much. I will be a dutiful mum.” She was; Judy’s tawse educated my butt on several occasions over the years.

Judy and I were having breakfast when Mary arrived home. She was astonished to see me there but didn’t ask questions. Also, she was surprised that the reunion with her mother went so smoothly. It was a settled family again. My bottom was going to be tender for many days, but it was a price worth paying.

Mary and I moved into our flat two days before the start of University Freshers week. Judy and Emily drove us there with all our boxes and baggage and helped us to unpack and set out everything around the flat. There were tearful farewells as our mums set off for home late that evening. Even Emily cried; she and I became more comfortable together once I reached my late teens.

Strangely, in all the rush of the last few weeks, Mary and I had not talked about our sleeping arrangements so I was unsure what would happen. Mary made the decision straight away.

“I’m exhausted, let’s go to bed. I want to cuddle up with your sexy body tonight.”

The plan for the following day had been to go exploring to find the best routes to and from the university and the lecture theatres, but as we were having breakfast, I found myself becoming distracted by thoughts of Mary's beautiful, sensual body.

"The only lands I want to explore today are yours, let's go back to bed."

Mary’s was through into the bedroom and naked in seconds. I tried to be calmer but failed, practically ripping off my clothes and pouncing on her. Lust took over. Let’s just say we had full body workouts again and again throughout the day and exhausted ourselves. The first time in our own home, our bed, with no risk of being caught: we could and did give freely to each other. The intensity, passion, and satisfaction made our previous times together pale into insignificance. Mary and I became a real couple on that day of pure, unfettered sex.

After that, Mary and I made love every day and often multiple times a day: we could hardly keep our hands off each other. It took many happy weeks to work how to satisfy our high sexual needs without impacting upon university coursework and student activities. Exhaustion, no matter how pleasurably achieved, doesn't help concentration at long lectures or practical studies. Eventually, we found the best times and ways. Our lovemaking became less frequent and less frantic but was even more satisfying. Ah, all those dreamy days and nights together. Like any couple, we had our blazing rows and arguments, but oh it was fun making up afterward.

In those days, people did not approve of girl-girl couples, so Mary and I had to be very discrete out-with the flat, just acting like friends that shared a home. We had to keep both beds made up, even though we only used the one. The other was just a show for visitors to the flat. Another issue was when either of our mothers came to stay for a few days. Before the first visit, I got two single sleeping bags so that Mary and I could sleep in the living room freeing up the bedroom. Remember, while Judy probably guessed that Mary and I were an item, Emily had no idea and would’ve been mortified to find out or so I thought.

Emily was the first to stay over. Mary and I dutifully slept in the individual sleeping bags for the first three nights, but on the fourth, I was just beginning to doze off when I felt Mary squeeze in beside me.

She kissed me. “I need to be with you. It’ll be snug but better than sleeping alone.”

“What about my mother?”

“Emily’s a heavy sleeper and gets up late. I’ve set an early alarm. It’ll be okay.”

Making out in that single sleeping bag was an experience. Hands, legs and girly bits touching and stimulating unexpected places, and wow, the heat generated by two vibrant bodies wrapped so tightly together. We were very sweaty by morning, and what a shame, we had to have a long cooling shower together.

Mary had been correct: my mother was just awakening as we were leaving for our morning lectures, so for the remainder of that visit Mary and I shared each other’s sleeping bags at night. For subsequent visits, I bought ones that could be set up as singles for appearance sake but then zipped together as a double when it was safe for us to share each other: all the fun with added comfort. They were a well-used purchase since our mothers regularly came for short stayovers: both were lonely now that their only children were away from home. 

Mary and I had a hectic routine of lectures, tutorials, practical studies, and exams throughout that first year at university. We were both doing reasonably well: Mary was a good student, but I sometimes struggled to focus on the work in hand, and by Easter, I noticed that my grades were steadily falling. Nothing seemed to help me concentrate, so I decided to ask Judy for help. “Will you be my dutiful mom? Punish me for getting bad grades. The thought of what will happen if they don’t improve will help me concentrate."

Judy didn’t raise any question. “If it is what you want, I’ll be a good mum.”

Almost nine months to the day, I was again over the bolster, my exposed butt in the air.

"This standard of work is unacceptable. You've let yourself and me down and earned this."

I gasped as the hairbrush smacked hard onto one bum cheek and then other. This warm-up was twelve swats per check. A new variant was that Judy occasionally gave two or three smacks in succession to one cheek but not necessarily the other. No way to anticipate or adjust to the incoming. My butt was on fire already.

Judy pulled down my knickers and then started with the tawse. She applied the belt to my butt with gusto: pain seared through my cheeks and I was screaming at each stroke. Fourteen strokes at varying intervals. I was a crying wreck by the end.

I was about to get off the bolster.

"Stay there, and savor the pain. Let it tell you what you need to do in future.”

“I promise I’ll concentrate on my studies and get good grades.”

"I'm sure you mean it now but what about later. I'm going to check your grades in two weeks time. If there is no improvement, you will get same punishment or worse, and this will be repeated every fortnight until I think you have got the message.

Judy was correct: The memory of that painful thrashing encouraged me to work hard over the first week but my focus strayed the over the second week, so I was over the bolster again for some remedial action. This education had a longer lasting effect but not enough to avoid a third session, all on the bare and with an extra heavy tawse. I could hardly stand, and even Judy was crying.

Judy hugged me tightly, "I don't want to do this again but I will if I have to. Please work hard and concentrate on your studies. It is for your good, your future."

We had a mother-daughter bonding night before I headed back to the city next day.  Mary was reading when I got to the flat, but I took her to bedroom straight away. 

“I want you now.”

Despite the pain in my butt, I was randy, and it took several intense workouts with Mary to quell that ardor.

“Wow, that sex took my breath away: visit your mum more often if it leads to this."

My bum cheeks winced at that thought.

The pain and memory of Judy’s third punishment are still with me to this day, but it had the required effect. I was so scared of it happening again that I threw myself into my studies.

One day, Mary said, “You’ve become a workaholic, I’m missing out on quality time with you.

“I know but promise to make it up to you after the final exams," and I did. The last exams were on a Thursday. Mary and I didn't leave our flat again until the following Monday morning having followed through on almost every girl-girl move in the book. Oh, they were fantastic days.

Mary and I passed the year's final examination with high grades, and Judy and Emily came to stay with us to celebrate. On the first night, we went out for a meal together and then had a few glasses of wine on our return to the flat. We were all a little tipsy before going off to bed. I awakened early and made coffee for all of us and was taking the tray through to the bedroom when I stopped in my tracks.  I got Mary to come with me.

What had I seen? It was Judy and Emily sleeping together. My oh, so prudish mum had gone all the way with Judy. They both gasped when they saw Mary and me standing there, but we went over and kissed them both on the cheek.

"We're happy. You've experienced precious love. You need never be alone again.”

Emily went crimson when I said, “We’ll leave you to cement your partnership. Mary and I will do the same.”

As I closed the door, the sounds that I heard indicated that they were going to have a very active day in bed, as did Mary and I in our cozy sleeping bag. 

Who would have thought it? Our mothers were making out while their only daughters did the same in the next room.

It was a quiet but happy and contented group that shared an evening meal. I had never seen my mother smile so much.

Later, she sat beside me. “I’m sorry I haven’t been a proper mother to you. I am proud of you. I’m glad you have a strong bond with Judy, that she helped you when I couldn’t. In Mary, you have a wonderful loving partner and soulmate. I was quite jealous that day I spied you cavorting together in the long grass, all the passion.”

“You’ve known all along.”

“Yes, but I was never comfortable talking to you about girly things, was I? Yesterday changed all that. Judy got me to come out of my shell and share myself with her.”

I beamed when she said, “I was brought up to believe that sex was dirty, a chore a wife had to do for their husband. How wrong, freely given mutual love is fun and enthralling: it is a pity I waited so long to find this out, but Judy and I can make up for lost time."

They have been an item since that day.   


Written by beth10smith
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