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Lisa and Karen - The Awakening

"Lisa explores her sexuality after a chance meeting at a party."

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October 2008


Trouble was, I was afraid that Greg might turn out to be a bit of a knob. We knew each other from just being in the same crowd. He was a nice enough guy, but seemed a bit devoid of spark. When he repeatedly suggested going out sometime, I always made an excuse or invented a diary clash.

To his credit he never gave up, he asked again a few weeks later. As it happened, I’d been invited to a party and really didn’t want to go. His reaction was surprised enthusiasm when I agreed he could meet me at the party as my plus one. We agreed to meet at eight.

The party was in full swing when I arrived. It took me a good thirty minutes or so of increasing misgivings before it slowly began to dawn on me that my date wasn’t going to show.

Oh great, he’s stood me up. Another Friday night flying solo.

A bit of a knob? No, a complete one, I rued.

Feeling like a fish out of water, I decided I needed to lose my newfound wallflower image, so I put on my best poker face and began to mingle.

Everyone, or so it seemed, had paired up. Couples were kissing on the stairs and fumbling in darkened corners. This particular fish felt even more out of water as I wandered through the rooms seeking someone I might know to chat to.

It was then I noticed a pretty longhaired girl in a black dress standing alone by the doorway.

They say no one knows what the future holds, and the lives of most people hinge on moments that were unplanned or unintended. Well, neither of us knew at the time, but this was the moment upon which the rest of our lives hinged. Our ‘Eureka’ moment if you like, the moment after which nothing would ever be the same again.

Feeling slightly awkward, I nervously manoeuvred across the room and approached her.

“Hey, I’m Lisa,” I offered as a fairly lame introduction. I was relieved when she gave me a welcoming smile.

“I’m Karen. I’m glad I’m not the only singleton here, nice to meet you. I need another drink…join me?”

We made our way over to the table, which had been converted into a makeshift bar, and poured ourselves two glasses of red wine.

We found ourselves a quiet windowsill, perched our bottoms and began to chat.

She told me she’d come to the party with her friend Cassie, but within minutes of arriving, Cassie had copped off with a guy she’d met in the hallway. That was the last Karen saw of her. I sympathised over her friend deserting her, and confessed I’d been ‘stood-up.’ We touched glasses to toast our mutually discarded status.

We giggled at the quirkiness of our chance meeting, and instinctively bonded over the fact we were both on our own. Sipping our drinks, we amused ourselves by jokingly trying to establish if we’d been ‘ditched’ or ‘abandoned’. Either way, we’d both ended up alone… until now.

Karen was friendly, pleasant and easy to talk to. She spoke with a soft reassuring voice, which put me at ease. We hit it off straight away.

As we exchanged information, we realised we had quite a lot in common. We shared a similar taste in music and we both enjoyed nice clothes. We also found it freaky that we only lived about a mile from each other, but had never met until that evening.

We were both getting quite tipsy and increasingly giggly.

Karen suggested another toast.

"To the great unwanted" she proposed, we both giggled as we raised our glasses. Thinking back upon it now, I’d begun not to notice anyone else in the room, Karen and I had sort of created a bubble around ourselves.

I leaned into her as we clinked our glasses together. Our eyes met but for some reason, we held each other's gaze a moment longer than we had at the first toast. In that moment something changed. I felt something, as yet unidentified, deep inside. My face flushed and my heart beat a little faster. We broke the gaze and took a sip of wine, but a feeling, a feeling new to me, persisted in the pit of my stomach. We resumed our light-hearted chat but somehow it seemed a little more intimate now… a little more significant.

The time flew past and before we knew it people were beginning to drift away. We decided to leave and share a taxi home. During the journey we swapped phone numbers. As we arrived at Karen’s house, she pressed some money into my hand for the taxi fare before giving me a hug. I promised I’d ring her.

Dwelling on the evening before I drifted off to sleep, I pondered on our meeting. First impressions were favourable. I liked her. I really liked her. I puzzled slightly over the effect that she’d had upon me.

Over the next few weeks I phoned her many times. We’d often meet up and go clothes shopping or out to lunch together. We enjoyed each other’s company and, before we knew it, we’d become best friends.

As the weeks turned into months, I began to realise our friendship was different. I always felt good in her company. We’d take full advantage of each and every opportunity to hold hands or accidentally touch each other. Anything that allowed bodily contact.

I found it difficult to sleep at night. Lying in bed I’d torment myself thinking about our relationship.

Were her smiles signals of interest, or were they only signs of friendship?

Should we be friends or a couple?

Should I cross that thin dividing line that separates friendship and romance?

Was I deluding myself by refusing to accept that my feelings towards her had grown?

I was physically and sexually attracted to her from the moment I laid eyes on her. For a few weeks I made myself believe that it was no more than that, but that was never going to last. Eventually I couldn’t fool myself any longer and had to concede the inevitable. I had fallen in love with her. I wanted her.

I’m quite open-minded about my sexuality. I’ve always had a healthy interest in women. An attractive woman always generated a spark inside me. But this wasn’t a spark…Karen had set my heart ablaze. One thing I knew for sure. I wanted my first one-on-one experience with another woman to be with Karen. I knew she was the one.

My dilemma was huge. How to approach another woman to tell her you have feelings towards her?

The last thing I wanted was to embarrass Karen, or to make her feel uncomfortable. Imagine if she rejected me. The humiliation would be too much to contemplate and possibly, maybe probably, destroy our friendship completely. The prospect was horrific, unthinkable.

Not a single day passed by that I didn’t consider disclosing my secret. On several occasions I came close to declaring my hand. I’d painstakingly recite my speech, franticly going over and over it in my head. My carefully chosen words would be on the tip of my tongue, and then my lack of courage would kick in, leaving me red faced and unable to recall a single word.

Powerless to find the courage to do anything about it, I did what I always do in times of uncertainty. I adopted my well-practiced ostrich mode. In other words, I did nothing.


I poured myself a large glass of red wine and took a sip, before ringing her.

“Karen, it’s me Lisa. What you doing Saturday? Perhaps we could spend the evening together? Maybe get a takeaway, my treat.”

“Yep, sounds like a plan. I’ll be round about six.”

I took another sip of wine as my thoughts turned to her.

My pulse began to race at the thought of her coming round.

At ten-thirty I finished my wine and got undressed ready for bed. I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror as my mind went into overdrive.

Look at me. I can’t take my mind off her.

I was besotted. I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

As I climbed into bed the wine failed to send me to sleep.

Deep in thought I began sending out powerful sex signals to her, hoping to draw her near to me. I just hoped she would receive them.

She was breaking my heart. Logic dictated that I couldn’t just let things drift. I had to do something.

The truth is, I’ll never know if a decision is good or bad until I make it.

On that basis, I made my decision. On Saturday, I would disclose my feelings to Karen.


On Saturday, I decided to colour my hair before Karen arrived. I removed my bra, changed my top for an old tee shirt and applied the hair dye.

Moments later Karen arrived.

She’d never ring my doorbell like anyone else. She’d always announced her arrival by shouting through my letterbox.

“Only me babe. I’m a bit early. You gonna let me in?”

Padding across the floor barefoot in my pants and tee shirt, I opened the door to let her in.

“Hiya babe. I’m a bit early, let me give you a hug,” she said, as she stepped through the door putting her arms around me.

In contrast to my ramshackle appearance, she looked good in her skinny jeans, flat shoes and pink top.

I explained I needed to rinse the hair dye from my head.

“Let me do that for you. I’ll wash it and get you looking all foxy,” she said, as she led me into the bathroom.

Karen placed a towel around my shoulders. A shiver ran down my spine at her touch.

I bent over the bath while she washed my hair. As her fingers worked shampoo into my scalp I could feel myself becoming aroused. Closing my eyes, I hugged the towel tight against my chest as my sexual fantasy began…

I imagined Karen lying naked in my bed. As I pulled her towards me, we kissed on the lips. Gently at first, then more urgently as her mouth opened slightly to receive my probing tongue. Our hands were frenzied as they explored each other’s body.

Our imaginary lovemaking came to an abrupt end as I felt warm water running between my breasts. I had loosened my grip on the towel.

As I stood up, Karen locked her blue eyes onto my chest.

My nipples were erect and clearly visible beneath my wet tee shirt.

I quickly tried to wrap the towel around me. Karen, noticing how aroused I’d become, looked away to spare my embarrassment.

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As she wrapped a second towel around my head, her eyes were repeatedly drawn back to my nipples. Had the powerful sex signals I'd sent her paid off?

Drying my hair, I watched her every movement around me. Her breasts rising and falling with every breath she took. She must have noticed me staring.

I was mesmerised by her.

After we dried and brushed my hair, I changed back into my clothes ready for our evening together. Before leaving my bedroom, I gave my cleavage a quick spray of perfume to add that extra boost of confidence.

Around six-thirty we started getting hungry, so I phoned for a takeaway and opened our wine. I lit a couple of scented candles to add a little mood lighting and create a mellow atmosphere.

Karen raised her glass and looked me straight in the eye.

“To us,” she said softly, as we both took a sip.

We chatted as we ate our food and sipped our wine. We had created the perfect romantic setting. I didn’t want to appear too eager or anxious or blow it by outrageously flirting with her. I knew I’d only get one chance, so it had to be right.

Clearing away in the kitchen, Karen knelt down to put something in the dishwasher. My eyes locked onto her shapely bottom as I caught a glimpse of her white cotton pants above the waistband of her jeans. Her femininity aroused me immensely.

This was my opportunity, the chance that I’d waited for. Now the time had come I was scared. My throat was dry. I thought my heart was about to jump out of my chest but I had to do it. I knew if I didn’t do this now, I would regret it forever.

So many questions filled my head.

How do I make the first move?

Have I had too much wine? What if she recoils in horror and rejects me?

Have I read the situation completely wrongly?

What followed can best be described as an awkward silent moment between us, while I cherry-picked the right words in my head.

Karen hesitated before breaking the silence between us.

“Are you okay babe?” She asked with a reassuring smile.

I can do this.

It was now or never. Taking a deep breath, I placed one hand on her shoulder.

She raised her eyes to my face before speaking again.

“What is it?”

I quickly removed my hand. My face flushed crimson as my mind went blank.

“I know this sounds stupid, but you know I’m very fond of you, don’t you?” I mumbled the first thing that came into my head.

I can’t believe I said that!

Karen smiled back at me, as though she knew what was going to happen.

“I’m very fond of you too, Lisa,” she said stroking my cheek. “More than fond to be honest,” she added.

I took another deep breath.

“Oh my God, is this really happening? We’re not girl on girl types, are we?” I said nervously.

“Is that a statement or a question?” she replied suggestively raising one eyebrow.

We squared up to face each other. Taking one tiny step forward I could feel her hot sweet breath on my face. My nostrils filled with her perfume each time I took a breath, sending me giddy. Without blinking she stared deep into my eyes. I swallowed hard as we came together.

Several long wispy strands of hair had fallen from her messy topknot to form long chic sideburns in front of her ears. Gathering them together I carefully tucked them behind her ear before pulling her in for our first passionate kiss.

My entire body was shaking. My knees started to buckle as I struggled to catch my breath.

Karen kissed me back. She really kissed me back. She left me in no doubt she wanted me, just as much as I wanted her.

“I have dreamed of doing that for so long,” I whispered.

Her eyes never left mine, this felt so very right.

“I want to make love with you,” I breathed.

“You’re beautiful,” she whispered as she cupped my face in her hands.

“I must be dreaming. Please hold me, hold me tight,” I said, burying my head into the nape of her neck.

Karen obeyed my instruction and hugged me.

After several delicious minutes of hugging, I raised my head to kiss her lips for the second time.

We became bold. For one timeless moment we kissed like real lovers. Our tongues hungrily exploring each other’s mouths mixing our saliva. I inhaled her breath with every breath I took. Unable to resist, I slipped my hand under her top and began stroking her curvaceous waistline. Inching my hand upwards, Karen pulled her top over her head and dropped it onto the floor. Her ample cleavage and semi-hard nipples had the desired effect.

“Oh my God,” I gasped as my breathing increased. “You sure you’re alright with this? Can we take it further?”

Karen smiled at me. “I won’t fight it. If I go silent, it’s because I’m lost in your eyes,” she said softly.

I giggled.

I began to smother her in butterfly kisses. She shuddered as I rained kisses down her neck and onto her shoulder.

By the flickering candlelight, I could just make out her cheeks flushing as our breasts came together. I fumbled to unhook her bra as we lowered ourselves onto the sofa.

Her unblemished skin was intoxicating. I wanted to savour each precious moment of my first time holding a semi-naked woman in my arms. I removed my top and undid my bra allowing us to hug breast to breast.

“Oh, Lisa, oh Lisa babe,” she sighed as our naked breasts flattened together.

Her devilish smile captivated me as she pulled the hairpin from her topknot and shook her head. Any inhibitions we may have had flew right out of the window as her long hair cascaded down around her shoulders.

“I think our ‘Boom’ moment has arrived don’t you?” she asked as she shook her hair around her shoulders.

Slipping my fingers into the waistband of her jeans, I un-popped the stud and lowered the zip. Slipping my hands into the elasticated waistband of her underwear, I peeled her skin-tight jeans and knickers over her thighs and down to her ankles. She shuffled them off her feet.

As I lay back on my elbows, Karen tossed her head throwing back her long hair from her face leaving her sweet aroma hanging in the air. Sitting astride me, she cupped my breasts and teased my nipples. The warmth of her moist labia triggered every erogenous zone in my body as she straddled my belly. I closed my eyes as she lowered her head to kiss me, her tongue dancing with mine then urgently biting my bottom lip. Stroking the small of her back my hand wandered slowly up her spine. Taking hold of her hips with both hands I pulled her towards me.

Taking control, she moved up the sofa and placed one knee either side of my head dominating my upper torso. She then presented her smooth hairless pussy to my face. I took in her sweet fragrant musk as I parted the wet folds of her velvet like vagina with my tongue and probed deep into her.

Raising my arms, I gently tugged her nipples sideways separating her breasts as I licked my way along to her sweet little bead of flesh. Her juices coated me as I made small circles around her engorged clitoris with my tongue. With a little creative shuffle, she moved her hips to find the best position to maximise her pleasure, as I continued to smear her lady juice with my tongue.

“That’s the spot, keep it there,” she pleaded, gasping to catch her breath.

A giveaway light red flush appeared on her upper chest as the pleasure intensified. I knew her orgasm was close, but I didn’t want her to cum just yet.

Pulling her down we momentarily hugged together before Karen slid onto the floor and knelt beside me. I raised my hips as she fumbled to undo my skirt and pulled at the elastic of my panties. Soon they lay on the floor with the rest of our clothing.

I lay on the sofa before her completely naked. I could feel her eyes burning into me as she explored every inch of my body. Her soft hand traced over my belly button down to my sex, then traced back up to my breasts.

She moved between my thighs. Using her knee and one hand she gently pushed my legs further apart. With my legs forced open I felt as if I were on some delicious rack of pleasure, leaving me open, wet and totally exposed.

Goosebumps formed on my breasts as her fingers began to work their magic. A small amount of love juice involuntarily leaked from between my legs as she curled one finger inside me creating a wave of sensations, the like of which I have never experienced before.

Her fingers knew exactly what to do as she teased me through the curls of my neatly trimmed pubic mound. My juices coated her finger as she penetrated me. I blushed as she raised her hand to her mouth sampling my nectar.

Burying her face between my legs she began lapping at my pussy with the tip of her tongue. I slid my leg up her back, using my calf to pull her further into her meal.

She made eye contact as she lifted her head.

Moving on top of me, she positioned herself carefully making sure our clits were touching before starting a very slippery humping motion.

Her bedroom eyes widened with lust as the words left her lips.

“It’s your turn now.”

My hips were gyrating and writhing in time with her movements.

My toes began to curl as she continued her rhythmic tribbing.

My tummy muscles tightened as I approached the point of no return.

“I’m going to cum,” I gasped.

At that moment her trim belly muscles went into spasm as her orgasm took hold.

I called her name as I melted into mine.

We climaxed together then lay in each other’s arms for several minutes sharing that glorious afterglow of sex.

Karen stayed the night. I lay awake for hours just looking at her before drifting into a deep sleep.

We woke early Sunday morning hazy with pleasure. For a few seconds I wondered if there might be any awkwardness. I looked at her anxiously until she opened her eyes.

“Any regrets?”

“No, none at all. I love you.” She smiled leaning over to place her head on my chest

“I love you too.”

We remain lovers to this day.






Special thanks to Davidls for his help with my final edit – Amy x



Written by amyjayne
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