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Jenna From The Club

"I only took one glance..."

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Author's Notes

"This is a free story from my Smashwords stories."

I never imagined myself being as outgoing as I was last Friday night. In fact, many would tell you that I lead a rather dull life. And at the age of twenty-two, that is a little sad. Oh, I have friends, lots of them. But when we hang out I am usually the last one on the dance floor and the first one to sit back down. I must admit, reading my own description of my social life makes me want to fall asleep.

“Come on, Claudia,” my friends would say. “Have a drink, hook up with someone and forget where you left your thing in the morning.” They were party girls alright, and last Friday night I decided I would take a page from their book.

A new club had opened in town and we were all excited to try it out. The drinks were cheap and the guys were plentiful, so the girls were happy enough. I had something else on my mind, though. Ever since I was seventeen, I found myself thinking more about girls than boys when I masturbated. Any time I attempted to meet someone for a romantic time, I only ever wanted women. Ten years on and I feel exactly the same as I did then.

Don't get me wrong. When me and the rest of the girls get a few drinks inside us, we might end up with each other's tongues and fingers inside of us. But a lot of girls do that, don't they? It's just one of those silly girly things that men dream about and search for online. I've had sex with most of my girlfriends, and I've never regretted a single rendezvous.

Amanda and I used to experiment every day after school. She would come over and seduce me like the little slut she was. Five minutes later, our clothes would be scattered across my bedroom and our mouths would be pleasing the most sensitive parts of our bodies. It was bliss, but nothing more than two young girls experimenting.

They knew I preferred girls, but I never referred to myself as a 'lesbian'. I don't know why, though. Never had the image of a naked man ever made me as wet as the though of a smooth, silky naked lady. It was easy for me to notice my interest in the same sex when one day I felt a moist spot in my panties grow as I spent a about three quarters of English class staring at Carla Tambourine's long, shiny legs. She always had a mini skirt on in school and sometimes a cute pair of toe-less heels. She was lusted after by both the boys and girls in my school. I even heard that she had fooled around with a girl in a bathtub at a party. All that gave me the material I needed to play out multiple scenarios in my head involving myself and Carla. Happy times.

I was all dolled up and ready to hit the club with the girls. I slipped into my short purple dress and decided not to go with the bra. I had an impressive cleavage and I wasn't opposed to showing it off. I wore the matching sandal heels that I got only two days before. Pink lipstick and eye shadow completed my look. Oh, and a small black thong. It wasn't exactly warm that night.

It only took us twenty minutes to get to the club and we were lucky enough to beat the line. There were already a good two dozen people in the club at that time. The music was playing and the people were either having a drink or dancing their asses off. Of course I immediately began looking at the women in their strapless dresses, miniskirts and heels dancing as though they had just taken a magical eroticism potion. I really wanted to meet a girl that night, and the thought of taking one home with me was driving me insane.

I was always very good looking growing up. Everyone said so. A slim built, ample chest and nice legs, I often wondered myself why I was single. But I wanted that to change tonight.

We sat at a booth that faced the DJ booth on the other side of the dance floor. The girls were chatting away about the latest episode of Big Brother. I didn't watch it so it made me feel a little out of the loop when the girls were deep in conversation and I was left to think of a new topic of conversation.

Mandy sat to my left. She was my most recent friend. She was really beautiful and had a reputation of being rather gender blind after she had had a few drinks in her. I saw her once give oral to a girl in the car park of a night club and then later saw her bent over the hood of a guys car. She had her thing down to her ankles and she was screaming with orgasm into her purse. She was a wild one, but she was always super sweet to me.

I told Mandy that I was more interested in meeting a girl that night. She grinned, ran her hand up my dress and just stopped short of my pussy. My heard began to beat faster. I looked down to see that she had hiked my dress up a bit. The biggest shock was when she leaned forward and ran her tongue over my lips and into my mouth. She pulled away and said “Just one girl?” she laughed and threw her head back. That was Mandy. A laugh and a half.

We ordered more drinks and I was now coming out of my shell. My other friend Jackie told me that she was feeling frisky and she wanted to dance. Dancing was her mating call. The way she swished her hips and slut dropped always turned heads. I looked at her as she made her way to the dance floor. Her body was to die for. I guess it was the alcohol, but I had the urge to nuzzle my head between her breasts and squeeze them with my bare hands.

I had to cool down. I told the girls still sitting at the booth that I was going to go outside for some air. I made my way around the swaying crowd and exited out through the door.

The air was so cool. In retrospect I was glad I opted to wear my panties after all. There weren't many people outside. Just a few couples chatting away and enjoying the dull drone of the music coming from inside. I took several deep breaths and emptied my head. There were a lot of hot girls in there and if I am honest, I wanted all of them. Just me and all of them, naked and in a pile in the middle of the room with out legs flailing in the air. I laughed at myself as I though about it.

I was about to head back inside when I dropped my clutch bag. “Shit,” I said aloud. I bent down to pick it up when suddenly a beautiful vision appeared before me. Next to my clutch bad was a smooth, shapely foot, with polished and pink painted toenails all dressed in a five-inch, silver, strappy high heel. My mouth dropped open. It failed to notice that I was still bent over in a short dress. I grabbed my clutch bag and got back up.

When I saw her, she was smiling. She was a stunning vision of beauty. She had short blonde hair with her bangs covering one eye. She had a full set of lips on her that you would never stop kissing. Her green eyes sparkled in the light, the kind you could get lost in.

After a moment she asked “Um, are you okay?” I never realised that I had just been staring at her like a creepy lunatic.

“Oh, yes I'm fine, thanks,” I replied.

She opened the door and held it open for me. I smiled and walked back inside. The music was loud again and I reckon that is why she grabbed my arm and decided to talk to me in the lobby. “They are on sale at Dunn's,” she said.


“My shoes. I saw you were interested in them. I got them in the Dunn's sale yesterday. I'm sure they would suit you just fine.”

“They look so sexy – beautiful, I mean beautiful on you.”

Her eyes widened. I thought I had blown it until she giggled again. “Thanks, love. I'd say you would look good in anything.”

I blushed. I was getting a compliment from a very sexy girls regarding a very sexy garment that she was wearing and telling me that I too could be sexy in them. She still had her soft hand on my arm. “I'm Claudia,” I said.

She giggled and looked deep into my eyes. “I'm Jenna,” she replied.

Her hand slid down my arm. She didn't hold too tight, but just enough to give me a tingle in my pussy.

She stepped closer to me. “I haven't seen you around this part of town before. I think I would remember a pretty one like you.”

My heart fluttered. “Well, we normally go out on the other side of town. This place just opened tonight so we thought we would check it out.”

“We? You came with people?”

“Yes, my girlfriends. We usually go out together. I was sort of thinking about hooking up tonight.” Then I thought why the fuck did I just say that?? She grinned and bit her lip.

“Me too,” she replied. “Have you seen anyone you want to be with.”

I wasn't going to say a damn thing. I could tell she wasn't exactly new to going out and hooking up with whomever she wanted. Her stance told me that she was always on show. She stood like a model at the end of a runway.

“I haven't really noticed anyone yet. You should know that I am interested in women.”

She continued biting her bottom lip. It drove me wild. I had the urge to run my tongue over her plump lips like Mandy did to me.

“Wow, that's something you don't see much around here. What about your girlfriends, are they into girls too?”

“Well we have out moments, but they are looking for guys.”

“Oh, party girls, eh? It's a lucky girl that gets to put her hands on you.”

I giggled from embarrassment. I was actually being flirted with. I also noticed that she was still touching my arm. I knew right then and there that I wanted her to be that 'lucky girl'. “Do you want to get a drink?” I asked.

She put her hand on my bare shoulder and whispered “I'd rather drink you.” She pushed her sexy lips against mine and gave me the most sensual kiss I ever received. Her lips slid and folded over mine. I returned the favour by placing my hand on her waist and pressing my mouth harder onto hers.

It didn't take long before I felt her tongue enter my mouth. Like a cute, wriggling worm, it made itself at home in my mouth. I didn't care if anyone saw us. I wrapped my leg around hers and almost creamed in my panties at the feeling of her soft skin.

As our tongues wrestled, I ran my hands through her hair and hers explored my ass. She took a firm grip and even spread my cheeks apart a little bit. I was instantly in heaven. I could already picture our night together.

After a moment, she pulled away. She held my hands and looked at me with a beautiful smile on her face. She could tell I was breathless from our kiss. She was obviously very proud of her skills in the romance department. I wanted to know more about her skills in the slut department. “Well, this is a great start to my night. I wish there were more girls like you around.”

“I'm one in a million, honey,” she replied.

“You sure are.”

Hand in hand, we walked into the main club and walked over to the bar. She ordered two drinks for us and we sat on the bar stools. I looked over at the booth and saw my friends pointing at me with their mouths wide open. They spotted Jenna and she knew they had.”Wow, your friends are hot, babe,” she said, crossing her legs and glancing over at them.

“You can tell just by a glance?” I asked.

“You are clearly a woman of good taste. And a woman of good taste has very good-looking friends.”

“I guess I must have good taste if I let you kiss me,” I said coyly.

She giggled and stroked my arm. “Are you glad you met me five minutes ago?”

“I am. I mean I was a little surprised that we went so far so soon after we met. But I really liked it. You made me feel a kind of passion I have never felt before.”

I think I made her day when I said that. She bounced happily on her bar stool like a giddy child. I noticed her perky breasts bouncing as she did. Her top didn't show much on top, but it did reveal a pair of long, sexy pins. I could tell that I was coming out of my shell. I teased her a little by rubbing my leg against hers. We giggled as we sipped out drinks. I knew people were looking at us, especially the men. I could tell they had a mental image of myself and Jenna with our fingers in each other's pussies on the dance floor. Either that or imagining their girlfriends making out with us. “Do you think you would be interested us seeing each other again soon?” I asked shyly.

“I was under the impression that our night together wasn't over,” she replied as she ran her hand up my dress.

I set my empty glass down on the table and took her hand in mine. We had only known each other for about thirty minutes, and I have to admit I was still feeling a little uneasy about how quick this was going. I didn't know who she was, other than her name and that she was a sexy goddess. And then there was the other part of me that thought fuck it, we will get to know each other later!

We got to know each other a little bit more as the night went on. We moved from the bar to the dance floor. I spotted Claudia with her hands around a guys waist as he gyrated his cock against her pussy. She looked over her shoulder and spotted me dancing with Jenna and winked. I swear I saw her mouthing oh my god, and could spot the slight jealousy on her face.

I had my had around Jenna's waist and our hips snaked with one another in beat to the music. We never lost eye contact with each other the whole time. She had those come to bed eyes that could made you melt. I gave her my best sexy stare back. Whether or not it was working, I had no idea. But she pulled me closer to her and now our breasts touched, so I knew I had a some sort of effect on her.

She kissed me again. It was only a peck on the lips, but as she pulled away she clasped my bottom lip with her teeth and pulled gently, teasing me a little. I giggled and ran my hands up her waist to pull her even tighter to me. Her perfume wafted up my nostrils. She smelled like a goddess of seduction with the sweet scent that drew people towards her in a trance. It was intoxicating.

During the slower numbers, we rested out heads on each other's shoulders, every now and them kissing each other and nibbling on each other's earlobes. We laughed as we did so and then she said the four words I had wanted to hear from her all night. “Come home with me,” she said, again with her coy little smile adding to her beauty. How could I resist? And yet, knowing that she wanted to take things further, I felt like my feet were frozen to the ground and my body was paralysed.

“Are you sure?” I asked. She didn't respond to my question in words. Instead she ran her hand up the back of my dress and squeezed my left buttock. I jumped and squeezed her waist in response. I saw that no one was actually looking at us, but I still felt exposed with her hand squeezing my ass. I then realised that Jenna wanted to have sex with me and would be willing to make an exhibition of us both by doing me on the dance floor. I figured it would be best if we had privacy. Besides, This was what I set out to to do tonight.

“I'd love to,” I replied. "Are you local?”

She nodded and said “Don't worry, I'm not a weirdo.” She laughed and began stroking my hand with her fingers in a way that made me want to purr like a cat. “How about it? I could show you a good time.”

“Of course! But I'll have to tell my friends first.”

She walked off to the bathroom to freshen up, making sure I noticed her ass wiggling as she walked. She told me she was going to show me a good time and I didn't think for a second that she would disappoint. I on the other hand had only found sexual satisfaction from fingering myself or using a deodorant bottle as a dildo. So I was a little rusty. I had to please her in a way that would equate to the toe-curling orgasm she had in mind for me.

I scurried over to the booth and saw that only Mandy and Natalie were sitting there. “Where are the girls?” I asked them.

Natalie took a sip of her drink and pointed to the dance floor. “They're having a good time. I hope you are too, young lady.”

I blushed, thinking how I was going to explain that I was going home with a girl not long after I met her. Then I decided I would tell them straight up that the hottest girl in the world wants to eat me out until I was dry at her place. “I've pulled,” I said.

They looked at each other then looked back at me. Mandy looked behind me to see if anyone was there. “Who is it?” she asked.

I looked over and spotted Jenna coming out of the bathroom. I pointed her out to the girls and watched in delight as their mouths dropped open. They eyed her up in down and I could tell they were suddenly feeling a little wet.

Jenna waved over at me and blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and rub it on my breast to be a little naughty. She bit her bottom lip and waived for me to come over.

“That's is incredible, Claudia!” said Mandy. “She is smoking hot! I've never seen her before!”

“She's from the other side of town,” I replied. I felt a little full of myself, but I didn't mind as it was usually the other girls that left with a good-looking girl or guy. Now it was my turn and I was going to have an incredible story to tell them tomorrow.

I kissed the girls goodbye and made my way over to Jenna who was waiting at the door to the lobby. She held her arms out and took me in for one more passionate kiss before we left. I was never going to get tired of that slender tongue inside of me.

It only took us five minutes to hail a cab. It was a good thing too as it began to rain. Jenna told the driver the address and we set off for her place.

As soon as we set off, she put her hand on my leg and began to stroke it. I looked at her and saw that she was leaning in for a kiss. Our lips touched and I was in heaven again. I loved the feeling of her, plump, shiny lips. I ran my tongue along them and tasted her sweet, cheery lip gloss. Her mouth sandwiched my tongue and she began to suck on it. I could only imagine the hard-on the diver was getting if he was watching us.

Her touch felt so good, but I tried not to make any noise so as to keep the driver from either throwing us out or getting us involved. Jenna pulled away but continued to travel up my thigh with her soft hand. Before long, she was stroking the fabric of my panties. She looked at my breasts and placed her head between my exposed cleavage. I felt her tongue moisten between my breasts. My heard began to race. I'd never been felt up in the back of a cab before. However, bliss came to an end as she looked up and said, “This is us here, driver.” We had arrived.

From the outside, her house looked stunning. I knew a girl like her would make sure the inside was just as lovely. She paid the driver and we got out. My legs were a little shaky from our back seat romp and had no doubt that it certainly had some effect on Jenna.

The street was quiet and the only noise came from out heels clicking on the ground. We held hands until we got to her front door. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then opened the door.

I was so happy to see that she kept a lovely home. The smell of sweet air freshener filled my nose. Her decor was modern but with the slightest theme of dark pinks and purples. She took my hand again and led me towards the living room.

“You have a lovely living room,” I remarked.

I herd the clinking of glass coming from the kitchen. “Thanks,” she replied. “I was never sure if I had that much of a decorator's eye, but I like it.”

“It's beautiful.” I sat on the sofa and fixed my hair. A moment later, Jenna came into the living room and sat two wine glasses on the table and poured us both some red wine.

“I hope you like this,” she said. She handed me the glass and I took a sip from it.

“Mm, it's lovely,” I replied. I sat the glass back on the table and looked at her. She sat next to me and crossed her legs. She leant in against me until our shoulders touched. We played footsie and felt each other's toes through the straps of our heels. “You have pretty feet,” I said.

“Thanks. I got a pedicure this morning. I love the shade of pink on your toes, Claudia.”

We laughed and spent a few minutes playing sexy sword fights with our legs and feet. I felt a lot more relaxed now, but I wasn't sure if it was the wine. She looked even lovelier in this light. Her teeth were pure white and her skin slightly tinted with a tan. I couldn't resist her.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her. She saw me coming and kissed me first. My leg was now crossing over hers and I could feel her firm breasts against my chest. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me tight to her. Our tongues danced wildly together and out lips smacked on each other.

My head was spinning and I knew it wasn't the wine. For the first time in ages, I had seen a girl I wanted and went for her. I felt so alive to be on top of her and about to deliver a world of orgasmic eroticism to her.

Her hand ran up the back of my thigh and she lifted my dress up to around my waist. I felt her grab my ass cheek and squeeze it. She loved it. My ass was her plaything and she wanted more of me. I bucked my hips and that made her spank me. I cried out and started kissing down her neck.

Her breathing got heavier and I could hear her whispering my name during each breath.

She threw her head back when I reached her breasts, Her chest was heaving and it made her tits look even more delectable. I undid the ribbon on the dress, reached inside and liberated a beautiful, perky, round breast with a pink, erect nipple in the middle of it. “It's beautiful, Jenna. I love your breasts,” I panted.

She looked down at me and revealed the other breast and slid her dress down to her stomach. I gazed at her perfect breasts for a moment and dreamt about the pleasure they were going to give me.

I took one in each hand and that alone was enough to make Jenna moan with excitement. Her legs had tangles themselves around me and she was now pulling me closer to her.

Without hesitation, I rested my head on her chest and began sucking on her left breast. It was beautiful. Her breasts were so very soft and yet maintained a firmness that felt good between the teeth.”Oh, Claudia,” she gasped. She began playing with her other breast, even running her nipple through her fingers.

I looked up at her and saw that she had become lost in a daze. Even more so now that my hand was creeping up her leg towards her pussy. I knew I was near as I could feel the fire burning under her panties.

My tongue circled her now wet nipple. Small strings of my saliva remained and ran down her breast. I squeezed it firmly and heard her give out another gasp.

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Her legs opened for me. I reached the top of her thigh and felt a quiver in my pussy as my fingers brushed the fabric of her underwear. “Oh, Claudia,” she purred, “eat me, please.”

I took my lips from her breast and kissed my way down her flat stomach. I reached up and pulled her dress lower, sliding it down past her long legs. She lifted them in the air for me. I slid the dress over her stilettos and let it fall to the floor. It was a beautiful dress, but it looked better on the ground.

“Come here,” she whispered, her hands caressing her breasts, squeezing them together. I could feel her leg brushing against my arm. It was restless, in constant motion due to her anticipation of what I was going to do next.

I crept beside her and kissed from her shoulder to her lips. Our tongues met and tangled together in a warm, moist bond. I could feel her breath all over my face, in my mouth. My hand found its way to her breast again and I didn't want to let it go. It was so perfect, as though it had been made especially for my very own hands and mouth.

She groaned as I felt her, an showed her appreciation by slipping her fingers into my panties. I felt a shiver when her soft skin touched my pussy lips. She teased them and stoked them with the tenderness only a woman could give to another woman.

My fingers played with her hard nipples. As we kissed, our bodies drew closer and closer until I was almost on top of her again. I reached my leg over hers, giving her better access to the contents of my panties. Her fingers swept my moist lips and began to separate them.

My mind was ablaze. Not just at the fact that I was having some of the most passionate sex of my life, but that I had come out of my shell so much to be thinking of the dirty things I wanted to do with Jenna than night.

I moaned out loud as her middle finger slipped between my lips and into my pussy. She had a look on her face that told me she liked what she was feeling. She slid her finger in and out slowly, each time I heard a small squelching noise from my moisture. “Do you like my pussy?” I asked.

“You're so tight, Claudia,” she purred. “So wet. I want to taste every ounce of it.” She pressed her finger in deeper. Now my juices were really flowing.

She rolled us over until we were lying flat out on the sofa. I was on top of her moving up and down on her middle finger. “Oh god, it feels so good, Jenna. I haven't felt like this in a while,” I said.

“I'll make you feel like a goddess, baby,” she replied as she looked up at me. At that point I felt a second finger go into me. I threw my head back and cried out. She was stretching me, widening my pussy to give me all the love she could. “You're soaking wet. Oh, god, it's all over my hand.”

“You turn me on so much, Jenna. My pussy feels so good, baby.”

I began to ride her fingers faster. I felt the pleasure run through my body all the way to my tits. My nipples became hard and erect. I tugged at my dress and pulled it down to reveal my breasts to her. She smiled and with her one free hand took my breast and played with it. She had such a tender touch.

She took her cum-soaked fingers from my pussy and grabbed my other breast. She smeared my own juiced over it. I could smell them. It was paradise and it was now running down my breast in small beads. “Your tits are beautiful,” she said. She pressed them together and kneaded them with her fingers.

“They're all yours.”

I lay down on top of her, making sure that our breasts touched. She put her arm around my neck and pulled me closer. Our lips met once again and this time her tongue explored my mouth with the kind of intensity I had never felt before.

It had gotten really warm all of a sudden. We were entangled together. Our legs and arms were folding and entwining around each other. Our hips bucked and ground together and I could swear I was about to cum right there and then just from that alone.

She wrapped her leg around me and pressed my groin towards hers. I could feel the heat coming from her. It was intensifying for me to know that I was making a girl so hot and bothered.

My hands explored her chest. Her heaving breasts were aching to be fondled. My grip on the caused her to call my name aloud, and as she did I felt a stream run out from between my pussy lips. It was my first orgasm with her. “Oh my god!” I yelled. My panties were soaked and I knew Jenna could feel it on her bare leg.

“Wow, I must have some effect on you,” she said, smiling.

My head fell to her chest as I tried to contain myself. She tightened her legs grip around me. I rubbed my now soaking thong against her thigh and gave it a good glaze. I noticed she had put her hand down her panties and was now stroking her own pussy. Her fingers were moist when she pulled them out. I took her hand placed her wet fingers on my bottom lip. They smelled so wonderful is it any wonder I then ran my tongue in between them? I sucked each finger individually and what I tasted outdid the flavour of any chocolate or any dessert I had ever tasted. It was the flavour of Jenna.

Jenna joined me in tasting her fingers. Our tongues lapped at them and met each other in between. We kissed with her middle finger between us and we licked until the cum was gone. “You taste so good. I want more,” I whispered into her ear.

Not long after I said it had she slipped her pretty red thong down her legs and kicked it to the floor. She lifted her legs for me and her feet were pointing to the ceiling. In between her legs was the most precious thing I had ever seen. It was so clean and pure and with the sexiest shade of pink between two plump lips. I leaned in and kissed it lightly. She jumped a little and leg her legs come down to rest on my back.

It didn't take long for me to spread her pussy lips apart and run my tongue in between them. Her pure pink inside was coated with her sweet nectar. I flexed my tongue to harden it and explored around her pussy lips and grind the tip of her clit. It was such a special pussy.

Jenna moaned and threw her head from side to side. My tongue had fond a good home in her. I flicked it up and down her slit as my fingers tried to keep her tight lips open. My mouth sucked on her exposed clit, slightly stretching it out before it pinged back to normal.

Jenna rocked her hips up and down in tandem with my tongue going in and out. “Shit that's so fucking good!” she yelled. “More. Give me more!” She held my head in place, forcing my tongue deeper inside.

I shook my head from side to side as I sucked on her plump pussy lips. Her legs were in the air again and she had spread them. I held onto her thighs and hooked my tongue inside her burning pussy. I could feel every drop of her cum flowing out into my mouth. She moaned louder, getting ever nearer to her climax. “Just a little bit more, baby. YES!” she cried.

She kicked her feet around in the air. I parted her firm buttocks and my tongue from her pussy to her ass hole.

She squeaked as my tongue poked her tight anus. It looked just as beautiful as her pussy did. Her juices ran down into her ass and glazed her hole. I couldn't help but run my tongue around her anus and imagine how it must have felt for her.

My fingers had now found there way to her overflowing vagina. I slide two in and was shocked at how tight she felt. It was as though she had never been touched before. I started sliding them in and out and before I knew it I was finger fucking her into an orgasm. “Oh, baby. I'm almost there!” she cried.

“Fuck. You have to cum for me now!” I panted. I wanted every ounce of her cum all over me. I wanted to drink it, bathe in it and be covered in it for the rest of my life.

I simultaneously drilled both holes with my fingers and tongue, getting ready for the explosion. It wasn't long before Jenna cried out in sheer glee. Her legs widened and her back arched off the sofa. I felt a burning steam of cum shoot from inside her. I took my fingers out and quickly ground

them against her clit. Her cries escalated when several jets of cum spurted from her pussy.

Unable to think of anything else, I knelt there being sprayed with my lover's orgasm. My mouth was wide pen. I didn't know if I wanted her cum in my mouth or if I was just in shock at seeing her squirt so much.

Large droplets of orgasm covered my breasts and face. I looked to the floor and noticed that it had puddled around my knees.

Jenna wriggled and twitched on the sofa as the orgasm worked its way out of her. “Oh fuck! I can't believe I did that. Oh my god, you are the best!”

I blushed. I had never been told that I was the best during sex. But right now I felt it. Her pussy lay before me finely soaked. Her chest was heaving. I ran my fingers over her

discharge and ran my hands up her stomach. With grace and tenderness I coated her beautiful tits in her own orgasm. “Oh yes,” she sighed.

She sat up. I saw that her legs were shaking. “Let's go to my bedroom,” she said.

I didn't have to think twice. I stood up and let her take my hand. We walked naked up the stairs and at the top she opened the first door on the left.

It was a beautiful room decorated mainly in dark purple. She had pictures of very attractive friends all over her wall. “Take your thong off, baby. Take a seat.”

I slid my thong to the floor – the quickest I had ever done before – and sat down on her very comfy bed. “What are you doing?” I asked. She opened her drawer and began to root around inside.

“I have something for you, baby. I hope you like it,” she replied. “For me? What is it?”

“It's m secret weapon.” She winked.

Eventually she fund what she was looking for and produced it to me. My jaw dropped open. It was the longest strap on dildo that I had ever seen in my life. It was at least fourteen inches long.

Jenna smiled as she slipped into it. “You like what you see?” she asked, stroking the rubber cock in her hand.

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't even sure if I could take it. But I nodded anyway. “Don't worry,” she said, “I wont hurt you. I only want to make you cum.”

Jenna climbed onto the bed with the rubber dick swinging between her legs. She kissed me then lay me down on the bed. Her hands stroked my breasts and teased my nipples. She then pressed her lips against them and sucked on them. “That feels so nice,” I whispered.

“Mm, anything to please you, baby.”

She swung me round on the bed and lifted my legs up. She untied the straps on one of my high heels. She teased my ankle with her fingers. I arched my foot and my shoe tangled by my toes. She took the shoe and them placed it on the bed. “Your feet are so pretty,” she said.

I giggled and said “Thanks. Is it something you are into?” “Only when they are as cute as yours,” she replied.

Before I could say anything else, she stuck her tongue in between my toes and began sucking on them. It made me jump. I was always very sensitive and tickling in the foot department. Despite it tickling, I didn't want her to stop. It felt too good.

I began rubbing my breasts to show her I was interested. She nibbled on the ends of my toes and ran the tip of her tongue down my arch. I brought my knee up to my chest and undid the the straps on my other show. I took it off and threw it to the floor. She took my other foot and began sucking both of my big toes at once.

It wasn't something I had done before and I hadn't really though about it, but I did love looking down at Jenna with my feet in her mouth. I wriggled my cute toes in her mouth and felt her soft tongue moisten them. It was so new and exciting.

She finished off by kissing each toe and then crawled towards me. I felt the rubber dick slide up my leg.

She lay down on top of me and started wriggling around. Her pussy was still wet from her orgasm and I could feel the moisture dripping onto mine. I opened my legs and as I did so, she licked a very thin line down my stomach. My heart beat faster the closer she got to my pussy.

Finally, she was there and the moans she made told me that she was impressed with what I had. “So beautiful,” she said as her finger inspected between my quivering pussy lips. “I can't wait to devour it.”

I arched my back and spread my legs wider. She smiled at me and then buried her pretty face in my pussy. The simplest touch from her mouth made my moistened toes curl. Her lip gloss mouth glided over my flaps. She managed to spread them a part using just her own lips. Her hot breath clouded over my pink inside. Her tongue licked every inch of my pussy, outside and in. She had been dying to come face to face with it all night.

I rubbed her back with my feet, knowing she would enjoy it. I could see her head shaking and jerking, trying to bury her tongue deeper into me. She could taste my orgasm from earlier. I wanted her to taste more of it. I wanted to show her what I had to offer.

I pushed her head against my pussy. “Yeah, eat me hard, baby,” I said through grinding teeth. Using my foot on her back as leverage, I lifted my ass off the bed and thrust my pussy towards her. She was now stuck tight between my groin and my hands.

I could hear her muffled moans of delight. Her tongue wormed its way around my firm clit. Every part of her tongue was satisfying. She sucked my swollen lips and pried them apart with her fingers in a bid to stretch them out. The feeling of her making my hole bigger sent a shiver throughout my body. It was when she slipped her finger in that I let out my cries of pleasure.

As her finger drilled deep into my hole, I could hear the same sloshing sound as I had earlier. Her finger and my juices were playing with each other. She hooked her finger and twisted it, giving me an almighty sensation I hadn't felt in ages.

My orgasm was brewing and was about to burst. Her tongue flicked and ground at my clit as her finger fucked wildly inside me. “That's it, girl. Fuck me hard! Make my cunt raw!” I yelled in the heat of the moment.

I threw my head back and jerked my hips. Jenna devoured my pussy. I felt her tongue go so far inside it bordered on the impossible. Her lips were now glistening with my cum. I wanted to kiss her and taste my passion, but I didn't dare move her away from my cunt.

She held my legs in place and rubbed against my clit with the tip of her nose as her tongue lapped my pink inside. I cried out “Oh, I'm gonna cum! Fuck! Keep going, I'm almost there!”

She slapped my pussy with her hand resulting in my juice spraying onto my thighs. She kissed, licked and sucked on my throbbing clit as she tried to drive me closer to orgasm.

Suddenly I felt a bolt of lightening inside me. I saw colours exploding in my mind and the feeling pure bliss washed over me as I finally succumb to orgasm. I collapsed flat on the bed and lifted my leg up high. “Yes!” I screamed. A sea or orgasm flowed from me. I squirted just as much as Jenna did, maybe even more.

Her mouth was open and pressed against my cunt. My cum shot into her mouth and dribbled down her chin. She looked at me as I came and massaged my pubic bone as she drank me up.

It only lasted moments, but they were the best few moments of my life. I lay almost lifeless on the bed with small trickles of orgasm still coming out of me. Jenna had collected a lot on her mouth and had the good idea of us both sharing it.

She lay on top of me with her mouth full or of my orgasm. She pressed her mouth against mine and unleashed a mouthful into mine. I was in shock as I had never done anything so kinky in my life. I had taken a girl's orgasm in my mouth before, but I had never shared it in such a way.

We were both drinking my cum. It sloshed around our mouths as our tongues wrestled with each other. Out lips made smacking noises as we kissed.

Her face was wet. As were her tits, her stomach and her pussy. She looked like a perfect sex goddess when she knelt up off of me. “You're amazing,” I said.

“Only because I had your beautiful pussy to work with, baby,” she replied. She giggled and smeared the rubber cock with orgasm.

I found myself on all fours with my face buried in her pillow. It smelled like her hair. I used to love smelling my friend's pillows when we fooled around at their houses.

She knelt behind me. “I've wanted to ride you like this from the moment I met you,” she said. “Fuck me hard,” I replied, really coming out of my shell now. “Stretch me out with your big cock.”

“Oh you dirty little girl.” She spanked me on each cheek.

I felt her slide the tip of the cock into my pussy. My orgasm was acting like a very good lube. My toes curled and I arched my back as she pushed it in deeper. “Oh yeah,” I gasped.

She jerked back and forth, watching my lips envelop the cock head. Her hands help my ass tight and she began moving me back and forward.

I held my breasts in my hands and played with them harder the harder she fucked me. It was now a good four inches in me. I could feel the realistic veins grinding against my insides. Jenna squeezed my cheeks and fucked me faster. I moaned and sighed into the pillow shouting fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. I felt like a dirty girl because I knew that's what I was now.

She pumped the cock into me harder and harder. It wasn't long before I was feeling my current length limit. It was getting really tight in there, but the faster she fucked me, the more I was taking in. “You've soaked this cock, you filthy girl,” she teased. “Does it feel good inside you, baby?”

“Yes! Fuck me harder! Fuck me like a whore!”

“Whoa, girl! I never knew you were such a dirty slut.” Neither did I.

Jenna's hips were thrusting faster and faster. My pussy had never felt such intense pleasure before. My entire body had gone limp and I was now being fucked like a rag doll. My cries were being muffled by the pillow and the bedsheets.

Suddenly she took the cock out of me, and as she did there was an unmistakable suction sound. When the head came out of me, so did a river of cum. She stoked my gaping pussy and curled two fingers inside. When she took them back out, she sucked my orgasm from them. “Mm, I love this taste,” she said.

I was still immobile from being drilled so hard. I puffed and panted, brushed the hair from my eyes and rolled over. I saw her jerking the cum-soaked cock. She then crawled over me and plunged it into my mouth.

I sucked hard on the thick prick, tasting the orgasm she gave me. It tasted better than the last one. I sucked like a whore and even attempted to take it to the back of my throat. Jenna's hand on the back of my head ensured that I couldn't stop sucking. I didn't want to stop.

She pulled it from my mouth. A thick string of my spit dangled from the head. She took the spit in her hand and rubbed it all over the dick. “Do you want to fuck me, Claudia?” she asked, slipping the strap on from herself.

“I'd love to!” I replied. Nothing would have given me more pleasure than to fuck her sexy body into oblivion.

I slipped on the dildo and pushed her on her back. We giggled with each other as I lifted her legs up in the air. I saw her pussy spread open and her juices were already flowing from her. Her cunt was greedy and it wanted feeding.

Doing as she did, I slipped the head between her lips and started moving back and forward. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “Fill me up, baby.” I continued to press the dildo into her and could now see it sitting tight to her lips.

I rested her feet on my shoulders. I slipped her heels from her pretty feet stroked my cheeks against them. They were so soft and pretty. The pretties, most pampered pair of feet I had seen on a woman. The feet of an angel. I kissed her toes the way she kissed mine. They were a pleasure to put my lips against. I ran my tongue over her shapely foot, sucking and nibbling on her heel. She giggled as I did it, but soon started to get a kick out of it.

My hips had gotten faster. I was now fucking Jenna with at least three-quarters of the length of the dildo. She could hardly contain her screams. She yelled my name at points and gasped as another inch was given to her.

My tongue was busy licking her cute toes. Her pink polish adding to their beauty. I switched to her other foot. Her toes were clenched. I ran my tongue over each of them and pressed them against my face. I was loving her cute little feet.

Jenna clenched the bedsheets. Her face was red and she looked like she was about to pop. She slid her feet to my tits and played with them, running her toes over my nipples. “Oh-oh god, baby!” she screamed. I was fucking her brains out the way she wanted me to all night.

As I watched her orgasm grow, I realised how much I had changed on that very night. After meeting an ordinary girl at a nightclub, I was now in her bed, having sex with her only a few hours later. I had never done anything like that. There was something about Jenna that made her different from everyone else in order for me to run off home with her and jump right into bed. She was special, and I was falling for her.

She grabbed her legs and pulled them backwards and placed her knees behind her ears. With one loud roar, she announced her orgasm to me and unleashed a torrent of sweet cum from her pink paradise.

I slipped the soaking cock out and pressed my face against her pussy and felt a shower of heated beads of orgasm hit my face. We both screamed, and Jenna's body jerked like crazy. “FUCK!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. I held my face to her cunt and made sure to get as big of a soaking as I could.

I was drenched. Her orgasm ran down my face and onto my breasts. I caught a glimpse of myself in her mirror. I knelt there with my hair in a mess and a slick of cum covering my body. I loved this new me.

I collapsed on her and we held each other as we caught our breath. Our hearts were beating so fast we thought we were going to pass out.

Eventually we managed to calm down. I looked at her and said, “I'm really glad I met you tonight, Jenna.” I kissed her on the lips and smiled.

“I'm glad too. Really glad,” she replied.

“I think you've really changed me and turned me into the kind of woman that I've always wanted to be, but been too shy to.”

“I think we need each other, sweetie. It is hard to find a sweet, sexy girl in this town that isn't just sleeping with women as an experiment. You're the real deal. Lesbian through and through.”

“Ha, I sure am, babe.”

We kissed for so long that night. It must have been around two in the morning before we fell asleep in each other's arms. We pressed against each other in the hope that our orgasm-soaked bodies would bind us closer. And I think it did.

Written by SandiLove
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