Eighteen-year-old Penny enthusiastically peddled her bicycle along the bumpy, winding path of the meadow. Her long blonde hair blew around in her wake, and her lemon dress lifted on the breeze, revealing her long shapely legs as they pumped up and down.
It was a beautiful warm day and the sun shone dazzlingly into her blue eyes.
Penny was a popular girl, she was bright, pretty with a sexy petite figure.
She had fended off many approaches from the male fraternity. However, she wasn't sure about boys and remained a virgin.
Secretly, Penny was pretty sure that she was gay.
Since the age of sixteen, she was convinced of this.
She found herself masturbating several times a day, always imagining sex with other girls and women from her village. None of whom were gay as far as she knew.
Her favourite TV shows were Orange Is the New Black and The L Word. Some of those actresses were hot, and it was her overwhelming fantasy to be locked up in a women's prison. This thought regularly gave her the most satisfying orgasms.
Penny had learned that there was a women's open prison in the nearby town of Darkwell.
One day with nothing better to do, she had decided to investigate.
She had read that open prisons housed inmates who were a low-risk category, with less risk of absconding. These women would be likely serving out the last few years of their sentences.
Penny had in fact attempted breaking the law herself, so desperate was she to live out her favourite fantasy.
She had gone on a pilfering mission to a local store and had attempted to make off with a handbag, an electric toaster, a vase, and a cuddly toy.
Her tally had looked more like a game show win than anything else.
She had been apprehended by a burly female security guard, who was actually quite attractive, and made to hand everything back.
The most frustrating outcome was that she was let off with a warning because the store manager thought her too petite and pretty to be a bona fide thief!
Of course, it hadn't helped that it was her own family's store, and Daddy was the boss.
As much as she pleaded her guilt, she was just humoured and shown the front door. No prison sentence beckoned on that occasion.
Penny ventured on and could see Darkwell in the distance, shimmering in a heat haze.
Unexpectedly she came upon ruins of an old settlement, the most resilient feature appeared to be a wishing well. She slowed down and circled the old stone walls and debris. It was eerily quiet and nothing stirred.
Penny dismounted and walked over to the broken-down walls of the well. She leaned forward and peered down into the blackness, she couldn't see if there was any water down there or not but it smelt damp and musty. Unless that was her, she giggled. Well, it had been a bumpy ride, after all.
Lying beside the well was a plank of wood with partial writing showing. Penny picked it up and dusted it off. A message came into view. It read, "Make a wish but shhh don't tell, your dreams will come true at this wishing well. Whatever your pleasure, whatever you need, toss in a coin, and on your dreams, you will feed."
That sounds good she thought, so she took out her purse and looked inside, there she found a 50 pence piece, it was all she had and it grieved her to part with it, as it was a special minting as it pictured Peter Rabbit on its reverse, and could be valuable one day.
She thoughtfully turned the silver coin over in her fingers and decided that her dreams were worth far more than Peter's cottontail ass.
She closed her eyes, made her wish, and tossed the coin into the well. She watched it fall until, swallowed by darkness, she heard a plop as it entered the water. She turned and walked away, almost certain that nobody else had wished for the same thing as her.
Back on the saddle, she headed for town and her first sight of a real female prison.
Penny wasn't a big believer in magic, but she was convinced that her investment at the wishing well had been worthwhile.
Eventually, she reached the edge of Darkwell. She took out her mobile phone and tapped to open the browser and brought up Google maps.
Soon she had directions to Darkwell Women’s Open prison. Having one eye on maps and the other on the route ahead, she weaved her way to her destination.
Soon she could see the prison up ahead.
As she closed in on her goal, her peddling slowed and her eyes focused on the tall chain-link fence.
As she coasted along she scanned the prison grounds. She spotted a few female prison guards sporting grey flannel uniforms positioned inside the perimeter, and several inmates who were wearing Government Issue, navy blue t-shirts, and soft pale grey jogging bottoms.
Penny rode close to the fence and looking around noticed that she had caught the attention of a pretty inmate, who smiled at Penny.
This surprised her and caused a momentary lapse in concentration.
As she returned the smile to the attractive looking prisoner, her bike wobbled beneath her and crashed heavily into a fence post; the impact threw Penny clear over the handlebars. She screamed. In a split second, she landed head first onto a hilly grass verge.
Her landing was as dramatic as it was painful. She bumped her head hard and for the first time in her life, she could see stars and hear tweety birds. Her bike landed on top of her, and blackness descended.
Penny had no idea how long she'd been out, but when her eyes flickered open, she was aware of someone touching her, she could feel her dress being raised from her legs, and a whispering voice. She wasn't fully awake but she thought the voice was female and had mumbled, 'Oh, lord.'
She stirred and fought to open her eyes. She felt her dress fall back onto her thighs. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she found herself in some sort of medical room. Tilting her head to her left, she could see a large black woman sat next to the bed.
"Are you back with us child, you took one hell of a bump?"
Penny still felt disorientated and struggled to speak, her head felt like mush and she was pretty dazed. She didn't know where she was.
She lay quietly, gathering her thoughts and memories.
A black woman was just sitting staring at her, and from time to time was glancing down at Penny's shapely legs.
Finally, Penny asked, "Where am I, and who are you, please?"
"Well, child, you have wound up in prison," and she chuckled. "Darkwell open prison for women, to be exact. I am known as Mama, that's my nickname in here, everyone in here has a nick. They call me Mama cos I take care of the ladies when they need some loving."
Penny's eyes widened at Mama's openness.
"Oh, so you aren't a doctor or nurse?" Penny inquired. This brought a hearty burst of laughter from the big woman.
"Oh no sweet girl, I ain't that important around here, but I have a couple of roles I fulfil as I am trusted, and this one at the moment is keeping watch over you until the doc gets back. She shouldn't be long now."
Penny eyed her newly met companion, noting her kindly appearance, smiling eyes, and very large bosom. Mama looked to be in her fifties.
Penny plucked up the courage to ask, "What were you doing with my dress just before I woke up, I heard you say, oh lord?
Feigning guilt Mama said, "Shit, you caught me?"
She continued, "I was just being curious, it isn't every day that a pretty young thing like you comes along."
Penny felt herself blush, and said, "You were checking me out down there?"
"Well yes, I suppose you could put it that way, I was peeking at your gorgeous long legs and pussy hugging panties. It was delightful to see. You are a beautiful girl. What's your name?"
Penny, who was now blushing even harder, murmured, "Penny."
Just then a lady in white flannels entered the room, "Oh good you're awake," she said cheerily, "we thought you'd be OK. You took a nasty tumble. How are you feeling?"
Penny replied, "Shaken and woozy."
"I'm Doctor Fox and I have admitted you to our modest sickbay for 24 hours to make sure you are well-rested and to be sure that your bump has caused no lasting after-effects."
Penny observed the attractive doctor and thought to herself that she had been aptly named, she was a fox. Even the uniform couldn't disguise her curvaceousness.
"Has Mama been behaving herself with you, she can be a tad over-friendly?" The doctor threw Mama a knowing grin.
Before Penny could reply the doc said, "You'll be well taken care of while you are our guest, I have left you some painkillers on the bedside cabinet for the headache if you need them.
I am off for the day now, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll leave you in the capable hands of Mama and her crew. It's usually quiet, not even the guards come down here, so get well rested and enjoy your stay with us."
Once the doctor had gone, Mama smiled said, "I'm her Mama too, sometimes. She used to be a spaghetti girl. Straight, until I got her wet."
Penny's eyes widened once more, and remarked, "She is pretty."
Mama smiled again and said, "Woody said you were checking her out, and that when she smiled at you, it made you crash your bike. Is that true?
Penny asked, "Who is Woody?"
Mama chuckled and said, "Woody was the lady you saw out in the exercise yard as you rode by. She said you were cute. She raised the alarm when you came off your bike, all legs akimbo!"
"Woody is a weird name for a girl," said Penny.
"There are reasons she is called that, firstly she spends much of her time in the woodwork room. Second, she made herself a big Doe from wood, shaped it, and polished it. When she wears it, it's her 'woody' the girls crave. Only she wears it, and she is incredible with it."
Penny's imagination ran wild.
"You have a nickname Penny?"
Penny shook her head.
"Then we need to make one for you, let's think. Well, you're pretty, have a killer figure, and young."
Mama thought. Then her face beamed, "How about, Jailbait?"
Penny grinned, giggled, and nodded her approval.

"So Jailbait, what brings you to Darkwell, why were you taking such an interest in the prison?"
"Promise you won't laugh if I tell you?"
"I promise."
Penny explained about thinking she was a lesbian, about her love for gay TV shows, about the wishing well on the edge of town, and about her prison fantasy.
Mama listened with interest and of course broke her promise by laughing.
Then she said, "Well, now that you're here, I'd hate for you to leave us disappointed.”
“Let's me and you get it on, and I'll call Woody to come to say hi, maybe some others?"
Penny looked pensive, but Mama seemed eager to satisfy Penny's curiosity.
"I'll be right back, Jailbait, I need to tip off the others, are you going to have fun."
She found herself alone and considered her options. Making a run for it was one of them. However, she remembered her visit to the wishing well and realised that this was exactly what she had wished for.
She relaxed herself, her head hurt less, and she thought she would be in good hands with Mama.
Mama returned and was stripping off her sweat top and stepping out of her joggers. She was big and beautiful with large breasts which she freed from the confines of her bra. Penny's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.
Mama breathlessly reported, "I asked Woody to give us a little time, cos I want you all to myself for a little while."
By the time she reached Penny, she was naked.
Penny realised that the wishing well had delivered with a little help from Peter Rabbit.
She opened her arms to the voluptuous Mama, who was already pushing the hem of Penny's cotton dress up her thighs and had begun stroking her through her panties.
Mama's touch was delicious, and Penny felt her juices let go.
Mama remarked, "Mmmm you get wet quickly, and you smell deliciously ripe. Let's get you undressed."
Penny and Mama worked quickly together until her lithe, sexy body was naked.
Mama exclaimed, "Oh, lord," again. Penny giggled and asked, "Do you like me?"
She got her answer as Mama slid her voluminous body over Penny's.
Mama was remarkably nimble, and her large breasts tumbled sensually against Penny's. Both women gasped in pleasure as their bodies melded. Mama brought her mouth down to Penny's. Their first kiss was gentle, Penny opened her mouth and slid her tongue inside Mama's, their tongues duelled erotically.
Mama's hand travelled down her young lover's trembling stomach, until it reached Penny's apex.
Penny gasped with anticipation, as Mama spread Penny's smooth mons and plundered her wet vulva. Penny parted her legs giving way to Mama's deft touch. She felt her clitoral hood swept back, as fingers tweaked and caressed her yearning love button.
Their kissing became passionate as Mama slid two fingers inside Penny's tight throbbing pussy, and Penny rode Mama's thick fingers and writhed beneath her experienced lover.
Penny moaned into Mama's mouth as her fingers plunged in and out of her hot velvety snatch which caused Penny's pussy to clench and spasm.
Penny tore her lips from Mama's to catch her breath, Mama smiled at her through a grimace of ecstasy, as her large nipples rubbed Penny's.
"I can't hold back," Penny croaked.
Mama nodded and increased the pace of her finger thrusts, she slid herself further up Penny's firm body and pressed a thick nipple to Penny's lips, who instinctively latched onto the firm teat and sucked for all her worth.
Mama's hot fleshy folds squelched against Penny's pelvis, coating it in her juices. Penny threw her arms around Mama's broad back, and held on for dear life.
Penny pumped her hips and chewed on the rigid nipple. Lost in ecstasy, her hot rippling cunt spasmed around Mama's twisting digits. Her orgasm hit like an express train. She cried out as Mama once more covered Penny's mouth with her own, their tongues swirled and she too careered towards a thunderous orgasm.
Their bodies undulated tightly in a tumultuous tidal wave of climax.
Both women lay panting, unable to move. Penny whispered into Mama's ear, "Thank you, that was amazing." Mama grinned and replied breathlessly, "You were great Jailbait, I haven't cum that hard in a while." Her words thrilled Penny.
Then a voice interrupted their intimacy, "That looked hot, ladies."
Both women turned to see a smiling dark-haired beauty wearing a pink bathrobe which displayed a good amount of cleavage whilst concealing an unnatural protrusion between her thighs.
Penny recognised the girl from the exercise yard.
"You look to have made a good recovery, Jailbait. Is that thanks to Mama's miraculous healing powers?"
Penny blushed and smiled at Woody. Mama chuckled.
Woody shrugged off her robe and grinned lasciviously, "I'm here as your physiotherapist, Jailbait."
Penny's jaw dropped as Woody's perfect hourglass figure was revealed and dropped even further when she eyed the dark wooden protuberance jutting lewdly from Woody's pussy.
Mama slid from Penny and stood next to her.
The Doe was huge and curved, Penny thought it to be at least twelve inches long, and very thick.
She gulped and must have looked worried.
Woody said, "Don't worry Jailbait, one size fits all, you'll love it."
Mama smiled reassuringly and tenderly kissed Penny's lips as Woody took charge.
Woody stood at the foot of the bed and indicated for Penny to wriggle down and pull her knees back. She did so, positioning her sticky folds for Woody's pleasure.
Woody grinned lasciviously, and remarked, "Your pussy is beautiful, just like the rest of you, Jailbait."
Woody's words thrilled Penny.
Woody slid the wide tip of the shiny Doe over Penny's swollen labia and nudged her barbed clitty. She saw Penny's pussy visibly quiver and throb.
Penny felt the bulbous tip move lower as it teased her virgin slit. The big round head spread her glistening lips. Penny whimpered with desire and her hips rose instinctively, coaxing Woody to penetrate her wanton love-hole.
Woody let the anticipation slowly build, gradually increasing the pressure on Penny's oozing pussy. Penny groaned as she felt her cunt stretch slowly over the homemade Doe.
Penny bucked at the rigid toy. As Woody leaned forward, her breasts swayed above Penny, as she thrust her hips with all her might impaling Penny's velvet walls, honey sprayed coating both girl's thighs.
Soon Woody was pounding Penny's pouting folds, working her magic, making the entire length disappear inside her wannabe lesbian novice.
Penny had never felt pleasure like it, and threw her head back, closed her eyes, and opened her legs wide in capitulation. "Oh yes, fuck me," she cried.
Woody was also crying out, as the pony which was wedged tight inside her sex vibrated sensually with her relentless thrusts, the harder she pounded Penny's grateful pussy, the greater her own reward.
Mama had become an idle bystander, exclaimed, "Fuck this, I need something."
She clambered over Penny and knelt astride her pretty face. Penny opened her eyes to see Mama's pussy hovering above her. She knew what was expected. Mama lowered her pink folds on to Penny's waiting mouth. Her vulva flared on contact. Penny clutched Mama's large firm buttocks and pushed her face up into her fragrant pussy.
Penny's face was immediately coated in a beautiful sticky mess as Mama pumped her strong hips. Penny drank her fill, slurping noisily, her nose pressed hard into Mama's sensitive clit.
Woody was so erotically impassioned by the activity in front of her, that she pumped her hips with more intensity as she closed in on her orgasm. The increased vigour of the Doe sent Penny spiralling towards her own peak. She screamed into Mama's gushing vulva and chewed Mama's draping lips. Penny shook violently as her climax slammed into her.
Soon all three of them were shaking and shuddering simultaneously, all bucking and writhing in one gigantic cum-fest.
A crescendo of screams and moans heralded the women's final satisfaction.
Woody withdrew her cum-slicked creation, and Mama lifted her sated body from Penny's cum-coated, glistening face.
Penny felt perfectly gratified but soon found her eyes becoming heavy, as she fought the urge to sleep. Her eyes flickered as she heard the door open. She looked toward the newcomer; surely she couldn't manage anyone else she thought.
It was cute Doctor Fox, smiling and talking, but Penny couldn't discern her words. The doctor was coming closer. She looked sexy. Penny battled to remain coherent. The good doctor leaned in close. She was going to kiss her; Penny puckered her lips and held her breath in readiness.
Suddenly all Penny could see was a bright light in her left eye, then a hand on her face stroking her eyelid open, the same bright light appeared in her right eye. The doctor's voice gradually penetrated Penny's brain.
The foxy doctor was saying, "How are you feeling, Penny? Are you back with us?
Then she was looking away and speaking to someone else, maybe Woody or Mama, Penny thought. She turned her head and there was Mama, but strangely she was wearing a proper nurse's uniform.
Gradually Penny became more lucid and realised that she was in a real hospital ward. There was a cannula in her hand with a drip line.
"How has she been, nurse?"
The large black nurse with a friendly demeanour replied, "Penny has been fitful and calling out dreams more than nightmares I think. I caught some of her murmurings, names maybe. There was a Woody and a Mama; I got the impression that she was enjoying her dreams."
The Doctor said, "Poor thing suffered a bad concussion, but hopefully she will be on the mend now. She seems to be coming out of it. I'll leave her in your capable hands, nurse Maman."
The nurse replied, "Thanks Doctor Fox, I'll take good care of her."
Nurse Maman sat next to Penny, as Penny drifted in and out of consciousness she became aware of the nurse lifting the bed covers for some reason.
Did she really just hear the nurse say, "Oh, lord?"