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I move in with my lover

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Despite our age differences I was getting quite comfortable dating Catherine, she was quite happy to drive me where ever I wanted to go anytime I chose. Picking me up from work each night, she would drive me home, or to her house on Wednesday and Friday nights, when I would spend the night with her. Wednesday evenings we would usually take in a movie, then back to her house where we both enjoyed loving one another. On the weekends we enjoyed the social aspect of the lesbian clubs.

Now this might sound funny but I'd never been to a live concert before, coming from a small town there just wasn't the appeal, except for to odd pantomimes at Christmas. Now in the bigger cities there were the regular theatres where live productions were staged. Reading the paper one night I noticed an ad for a musical revue that was playing at one of them, that featured a famous entertainer named Harry Secombe. I'd often heard him on the radio, and thought he was funny and told Catherine I would like to go.

She got excited and went and purchased tickets for the evening show on a Friday night. We talked about what to wear, (It was my way of finding out what was appropriate) and she suggested evening dresses. I found a way of asking her advice about anything, that way I didn't feel so silly in my ignorance of something I wasn't sure about.

I didn't own such a thing as an evening dress at that time, but felt my best dress would have to do. On the Friday we were to go to the show, I got off work early and went home to my room to get ready. I always liked to start an evening out with a nice bath, take my time doing my hair and nails then put on some pretty underwear. By this time I was building up quite a wardrobe and loved silks and satins, I always felt so sexy in them.

Catherine came to pick me up early so we could go for a drink before the show, and drove us to one of our favorite bars. She looked gorgeous, she had obviously taken the trouble to get dressed up nicely for the evening too, and with her new hairstyle looked fabulous.

Once inside the theatre we checked out coats in the cloakroom, and I thought Catherine looked very curvaceous in a full length dress, her upper chest adorned with a lovely three strand neck lace. There was a bar there where people were enjoying drinks while waiting for the show to begin, then a few minutes before curtain time there was an announcement. "Ladies and Gentlemen please take your seats," it was all very posh I thought not being used to it.

We had good seats not too far from the front where we had an excellent view of the stage, and I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Half way through it there was an intermission where we could go to the washroom, then to the bar for a drink until they announced the start of the second half. Noticing how other people were dressed so nice I recall thinking, "This is for me for sure."

After we left the theatre and Catherine took my arm as we walked to her car, where as usual she unlocked the door and held it open for me to get in. Before she had a chance to start the engine, I leaned over and placed a hand on her arm said "Thank you that was a most enjoyable time I'll make it up to you".

Once we got in to her house she hung up our coats, and rushed to stoke up the fire and went to make tea as usual. "No tea" I said, "How about some wine?"

Catherine poured us a couple of glasses of white wine, I was beginning to enjoy wine more and more and found I preferred white to red. Still standing when she brought the wine to me, I held my glass up and got her to link arms with me and said something like, "Here's to the prettiest lady in the theatre tonight" and we both took a sip. As usual this embarrassed her and she looked down, so I placed a finger under her chin lifting her head up and kissed her mouth.

Standing close to her like that and kissing I could smell her, it was intoxicating, her luscious tits pressing into me as we tongued one another. I thanked her again telling her how much I enjoyed the evening, I was starting to get aroused and wanted to make love to her as I'd promised her. Topping up our wine glasses with more wine, I took her hand and said, "Come" and led her to her bedroom.

There I unzipped her evening dress and helped her out of it, placing it carefully over a chair then turned to look at her. I caught my breath for a moment; she was wearing a waist cincher with a small push-up bra that had made her look so curvaceous. Obviously she had worn the new more modern underwear she had bought recently to please me and it worked. She was wearing the more modern knickers, but these were not the normal cotton ones, rather they were very pretty silk ones that fitted tight round her bum. They also had lace round the leg openings and tied with a ribbon at the side.

It was all in black, in fact the silk was shining in the light of the room, and standing there in her high heels and wearing black nylons she looked absolutely gorgeous. I asked her to turn around slowly so I could enjoy the view, I even asked her to bend over to present her derriere to me. It looked so thrilling to me, so beautiful and well rounded. The silk material stretched over her hips so inviting I just had to run my hands over it loving the feel of the smoothness.

Quickly I slipped my own dress off followed by my bra, taking her hand led her to her bed where we both laid down on top of the covers. I saw the happiness and love in her eyes, now I could cradle her in my arms as I petted her. French kissing her then moving round to nibble on her ear, moving down to kiss her neck and shoulder. It wasn't hard to pop her tits out of her lacy bra so I could devote my time to them, caressing lightly with my fingertips, round each rock hard nipple yet not touching it to tease her.

Her breathing started to change, pressing her tits up for my searching fingers as she began emitting small moans of pleasure. For me it was always a pleasure to play with her tits, they were so big, soft and sensuous. By now I had learned to take my time, to kiss and suck them making her wait till I was ready to go further. She would wiggle under me as her excitement grew, her moans turning to squeals of pleasure, her legs intertwined with mine as she liked to press her pussy against my thigh.

Suddenly she had a climax, and I gave her a moment to enjoy the rush before moving a hand down over her hips and bum. Again slowly I stroked her lightly with my fingertips, over her buttocks and into the valley between her cheeks. The feel of the silk of her knickers was in itself erotic, so smooth to the touch then to move down the leg to feel the nylon covering her thigh. The garter strap from her bodice made it so much more pleasurable, those ugly rubber bands she had used to hold her stockings in place did nothing for me.

My own adrenaline was starting to flow by now, how I enjoyed the feeling of silk and nylon. Now moving her more onto her back, she opened her legs to give me access to that most intimate part between her legs. Still I made her wait as I continued to stroke her thighs and buttocks, my mouth was still on her delicious tits as my hand explored her lower body. I had one of her thighs gripped tight between my legs as I pressed my crotch against it, loving the sensations I was feeling myself.

At last I moved my fingers from her thigh into her crotch, her knickers were wet there as I explored her vulva, round the outside it before cupping it in my hand for a minute. Then to let my finger stroke the material into the valley between her labia's, gripping my shoulders tightly. I felt her fingernails digging into my flesh. I still kept teasing her feeling her clit through the silk, feel her trying to press it into my hand. I continued to stroke it her cries getting more urgent, till she finally froze for a moment as she had a most powerful orgasm.

I felt her relax as if thinking it was over but I still wasn't finished. I lifted up the leg that was over hers to free her up as I pushed her knickers down below her knees, now I could truly feel her wetness. Moving round to place myself between her legs I kissed her tummy just below her bodice and into her pubic hair, her smell was strong, her hair saturated with her pussy juice. I moved my arms under her thighs as she raised her knees up, her feet still trapped by her knickers. She was mine completely, I kissed the inside of one thigh from her stocking tops up over her pussy and down the other, and her cunt was wide open inviting me to explore it with my tongue. Explore it I did, her inner and outer labia's, tasting her juices, lapping at it like a dog and finally sucking her clitoris. She would occasionally clamp my head with her thighs, feeling her garter buckle against my cheek till again with a cry she froze for a moment, and then convulsed as she climaxed once again.

Breathing heavily myself I rolled off her in a high state of arousal, and after a few moments of bliss I felt her move around to pull my knickers off and go down on me. It didn't take long for me to reach my peak of arousal, calling out to her as the dam burst within me to give me a most welcoming and much needed orgasm.

Moments later it was morning, or so it seemed, as Catherine was waking me up with the proverbial cup of tea telling me I'd better get up for work.

I groaned, I'd felt so secure and comfortable but knew she was right, and had to force myself to get moving. Driving me there she was bubbling over about how much she had enjoyed herself, and thanking me for the nice 'treat' after saying it was the best night ever. I let her ramble on about it until we got to my work. As I was about to get out of the car I leaned over and kissed her saying, "You were worth it, that was the most beautiful evening" and left her with that.

A few weeks later my birthday was coming up, and Catherine wanted to take me somewhere special for dinner, of course as usual there was no objection from me, and again it was an excuse to get all dolled up.

After dinner we relaxed with some more wine and she looked closely at me and said, "Mairi why don't you come and live with me?"

In a way she caught me off guard, I was happy with the way things were going and told her I'd think about it. In a way I was excited by the idea, but also had to think about the social side of things.

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Although since dumping Robert I hadn't had intercourse with a man, in fact I hadn't even dated one but I had thought about it. As I said when she had gone away that weekend, the weekend I'd also met Marlene McDonald I'd also gone to a regular dance hall with the intention of finding a man. Still as it happened I hadn't met anyone I fancied, so ended up going home by myself, but that didn't mean I'd ruled them out completely.

I finally agreed with some provisions for social reasons. To strangers she would become my Aunt, and I of course would be her niece, so she would become my 'Landlady', and I her 'Boarder'. As we were supposedly related, being seen together in public would make it seem more acceptable.

The only real friend that mattered to me was the older sister of a close friend of mine I'd gone to primary school with from my home town. Her name was Sue and she had a lot to do with my decision to leave home and move to Glasgow. She helped me get a job in a Fish and Chip restaurant, and I stayed with her in her room till I could afford to move into a room of my own. We kind of hung out together for a few months with the lower elements of society.

Sue would turn tricks on the side to make some extra money, and finally quit her waitress job as it was more lucrative on the streets than the poor money she made working nights in the restaurant.

Before I decided to move in with Catherine I went to visit her and discussed the move with her, admitting to her I'd turned queer, she was the first I 'came out to' so to speak. She got a charge out of that telling me she sometimes had entertained couples as part of her 'trade.'

So it was decided I'd go live with Catherine as her Niece, now she was even more like a mother in a way, attending to my every needs. She would make breakfast every morning while she would run me a nice hot bath so I would be nice and fresh for work. The room in the boarding house I'd lived in never seemed to have enough hot water, and of course first thing in the morning was usually the worst time to expect any. With Catherine having an immersion heater there was always plenty of hot water.

Of course she was thrilled to bits, as she said she could take better care of me, and I was happy to let her do it. She would lay out my clothes on the bed so after my bath I could dress quickly, and she would drive me to work. She would pick me up after work to take me home where she would fix supper, and then I could relax by the fire after. Monday evenings she would usually do our laundry, then on the Tuesday the ironing, folding and putting away the clothes.

I had my own room there where I laid out my things that were just for the benefit for any visitors that might drop in, in particular her family members as she liked to look as respectable as possible for them, whereas in reality I took over the master bedroom.

Sundays was still our best time where we would enjoy breakfast in bed, make love then have a leisurely bath together. This would be followed by her giving me a nice oil massage, then decide what we wanted to do for the afternoon. I had expressed an interest in learning to drive her car, so at first she would take it out of the city then let me take over the wheel. We would enjoy our excursions into the hills; we would stop when I felt like it for a snack or a drink as some picturesque pub, and on occasion supper before returning home.

During this time and over quite a few weeks when Catherine and I visited our gay lounges we'd run into Marlene and Ruth again, Marlene seemed pleased to see me again and we often shared a table and chat over a few drinks. She asked me about my background and what brought me to the city.

I lied to her telling her I'd finished school and would by going to University, but had decided to take some time working as a waitress to save some money for my tuition etc. Many months later she told me she knew there was something fishy about me she couldn't quite figure out. While I'd done a good job of pretending I was from the middle class, with Daddy being in the 'Transportation Business", I would occasionally let my guard down with something I'd say that didn't fit.

Stupid me, she did her homework through her contacts in the school system, and talked to someone from the Academy I'd attended and found out the truth. She learned I'd been a trouble maker often with authorities, civil (Police) as well as the school system, and even being threatened to be sent to a Reform school. I'd dropped out of school as soon as I could at 15, and worked low paying jobs before Sue, who was home one Christmas convinced me to move to the city.

Unknown to me at the time Marlene found my story amusing, and made a point of quizzing me over the next few months whenever she could get the chance. As I mentioned before I liked her, and I think she did a lot for my ego by pretending to believe my story. Little did I realize then that she had a hidden agenda? Of course I was getting to meet a lot of other ladies who were also like us, and sometimes they would join Marlene and me at a table. Marlene would make a point of introducing me to them, telling them about my academic desires.

I never paid much attention to the fact that her Ruth addressed her as 'Mam', and Catherine did the same as well as some of the others we met, and soon I was being addressed as 'Miss.' It was like Marlene was the 'queen bee in the hive' and others gathered around her. I was by far the youngest and in a way enjoyed the attention I was given. Of course Catherine was my constant companion during that period, as she too enjoyed socializing with others.

After that night at the theatre and I had moved in with her, she bought me an evening dress for any more social events we would be attending. The next occasion was an invitation of Marlene's when she suggested we should attend a variety concert at a theatre, to which we agreed. It was arranged we should meet at a restaurant for dinner beforehand, then after we could all go to the theatre together.

It was a wonderful evening, I received lots of complements on my dress and how I looked. One thing about Catherine, she sure had good taste on clothing, although as I said before she did prefer the older styles for herself. This fed my ego and I basked in the attention I was receiving.

Marlene herself looked quite different in a silver evening dress; I'd only seen her wearing high necked blouses or dresses before, whereas now what she was wearing seemed to emphasize her breasts. The dress was low cut and her tits were like two nice globes resting in their cups, obviously well supported by her under garments. She also introduced us to other friends of hers as 'Catherine's niece.'

I was to be going home for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, and the Saturday before Marlene was having a get together at her house with some other friends and we were invited. I was now so sure of myself I felt I could walk on water, could do no wrong as I thought she had actually bought my story.

There were about a ten or twelve of us women, and I realized they were all either lesbians or bisexual. I should mention that in those days, anyone who had relations with other women was just considered lesbian. Although a lot of the women were married to men, and for their own reasons enjoyed the company of other women to relieve their sexual tensions. We didn't consider them to be bisexual, in fact I never heard that term till after I came to North America.

It was a very quiet social evening, there were lots to drink and there was a generous buffet so we could help ourselves. Although every one mixed with each other, I was flattered by the attention I received from other ladies. There was music playing in the background and as the evening wore on, and feeling mellow from the drinks, a couple started to dance with one another. Soon we were all dancing, but not with our regular partners, we took turns dancing with each other. It was nice although there was a lot of kissing and petting, no one took offense, and it was my first experience of sharing a little romance with other ladies.

After midnight the things started to slow down and some started to leave, particularly the married ladies, and Marlene quietly asked Catherine and me to stay till they all left. She served us one last drink and sat on her sofa to chat, she asked about my plans for the holidays and I told her I was going home until after the New Year. Marlene smiled at that and suggested I could pay a visit to an old friend of hers, and mentioned her name.

Of course I knew who she was talking about, one of the teachers I'd known at school who was considered a bitch. For the first time I realized the lies I told about my school days might come back to haunt me.

Marlene assured me she was an old friend who would make me very welcome, "Don't worry" she went on to say something like, "Margaret's a good old girl like the rest of us.

Inwardly I groaned, I never knew the woman's first name, to me she was 'Miss Sharp,' (we called all female teachers 'Miss' in those days). She would introduce herself to a new class at the start of the year by saying, "Sharps my name and sharps my nature, and I'm not here to sharpen your pencils!" I knew she was a spinster and never knew or suspected why. At lease knowing she was queer might be something I could use to my benefit, after all a little blackmail never hurt anyone did it?

Finally we left, from some of the conversation I'd heard over the evening, I wondered what was going on with some of the ladies. Once we were in bed and starting to make love I asked Catherine what she thought about it. I could see she was a little disturbed by my question, and just said she was happy to see me enjoy myself. By now I knew her well enough to know there was something more to my imagination, and insisted she tell me what it was. We had been made very welcome yet my instincts were picking up on something.

Finally she told me what it was, she said she was sure that some of them enjoyed playing with others, and didn't want to lose me. I assured her I loved her and although I enjoyed the attention I received from the other ladies, she was my only true love.

Written by Mairi
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