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How I Helped My Step-Sister Continued

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It had been almost a year since Bella had turned up on my doorstep, cold and wet with her two kids in tow. Twelve months in which my life had literally been turned upside down. My relationship with Bella had gone from strength to strength after that first night of lovemaking. We had tried to keep it a secret, but the kids found out quickly and as kids do, they also adapted quickly. The ex-husband was however a different matter. When he found out, he tried to make it uncomfortable for Bella and I, but as we lived a couple of hours away, we kind of thought, fuck him.

He then tried to use our relationship as a way of getting the kids, but he didn’t really want them. So we came to an arrangement, and they went to see him two weekends a month, which I paid for. The big reason I agreed to that was Bella and I got to spend two entire days just playing and fucking and sucking till we could take no more.

It was during one of these weekends of pleasure that Bella shocked me. We were in bed and had just finished fucking when she sat up, turned to face me, crossing her legs, she said, “I need to tell you something and ask you something.”

“What is it, you can tell me or ask me anything.”

“I don’t know how you are going to react.” She was quite nervous, so that made me a little nervous. I wasn’t daft, she was under thirty, good looking with an impressive body. I was an over fifty-year-old man with greying hair and a bit of a paunch.

“I have loved every minute with you this last year. I had forgotten what it was like to be loved. And to be fucked the way you do, but..” And there it was, the dreaded but, my heart sank. “It’s not enough and I want something more.”

I must have looked like a little kid who had had his sweeties taken away as Bella burst out laughing and threw her arms around me and said, “Don’t be silly, I never want to leave you or your bed. Nobody has ever fucked me the way you do. But ever since I was a teenager, I have loved the taste of pussy. I have also loved the feel of a woman licking my pussy and I am missing it.”

Wow, my heart slowed down at those words and I smiled and said, “OK, what do you have in mind?”

“There is a girl called Katie, she is the Irish au pair to a couple of kids in the same class as my eldest. We have been talking and flirting and I think she likes me, and I really like her. You should see her Tony, she is slim with firm breasts, green eyes, and flamimg red hair.”

“Red hair and green eyes,” I laughed, “that is a dangerous combination. Do you think she is into women?”

“I do, yes. I am thinking of asking her out for a drink and to see where it goes.”

“Then that is what you must do, maybe ask her for a playdate with the kids next weekend, and if that goes well, invite her out the following Friday when the kids are with their dad.”

Bella threw her arms around me again and started kissing me. “You’re the best.”

The following day when Bella brought the kids home, she told me that she had spoken to Katie, and they were going to go to the park on Saturday morning, I asked if she wanted me to come but she said, “No, I want to get to know her first before I tell her about you.”

Saturday came and Bella was like a little girl going to her first party, she changed outfits about 10 times before I eventually had to push her out of the door, about three hours later I heard the front door open and the kids ran in full of stories about their time at the park. Bella just stood in the doorway with a coy smile, I shooed the kids upstairs to get washed up for lunch and Bella came across to me, she hugged me and kissed me long and hard. “Oh Tony, she made me so wet with all the flirting” I slipped my hand down the front of her pants and her panties were indeed soaking wet. I slipped my hand inside and could feel how hot and wet her pussy was, my finger slipped in easily.

“Stop it, the kids will be back any second, I will tell you all about it tonight, after they are in bed”

Reluctantly, I pulled my hand out and gave my fingers a quick lick, “Waste not, want not,” I said smiling. Bella punched me on the arm and turned to see the kids coming back in. The rest of the day I kept catching her looking off in the distance, lost in thought. That night, after the kids had gone to bed, and I was sitting on the couch, Bella came in and curled up next to me and put her head on my lap.

“Tony, I really think she likes me.”

“Why do you say that, what happened?”

“When we met up, she gave me a hug, but it was more than a friendly hug. She seemed to linger, and I could have sworn she was smelling my hair and my perfume. Then when we got to the park, she took off her jacket and had a men’s shirt on with a few buttons open, and I could have sworn she deliberately kept bending down to get things from her bag. I would either get to see her cute butt or down her shirt to a lacy white bra and her nipples seemed to be always hard.”

“Go on,” I said.

“She also seemed to find reasons to keep touching me, either my leg or arm. At one point she brushed some hair from my face, and when I asked her about coming out with me next Friday, she almost jumped with joy.”

“Then I would say she does like you and you must go for it. What are you going to do?”

“I do not know, it’s been a while since I went on a date, and not sure what to do.”

“Well, why not go to that little Italian restaurant for something to eat and then to either the pub for a drink or to a club to dance?”

“And what about you?”

“I will take the kids to their dad and then come home and watch some TV, and then if you need I can come and pick you up. Also, I can sleep in the kid’s bedroom if you want the bed for the two of you.”

“You really are the best,” she said, as she sat up and turned to kiss me, she was lying across my lap and could feel my cock hardening under her body. “Oh that feels good, maybe we should go off to bed early,” I really didn’t need asking twice. We fucked with a passion that night that left us both exhausted but very satisfied.

The week seemed to go by in a whirl. Every time Bella came home from the school run, she seemed a little more excited and told me a little unique thing about Katie. Friday came, and I went to pick the kids up from school as I was going to drive them to their dad’s a couple of hours away. As I waited outside, I spied who I assumed was Katie. She was about five foot eight, with pale ivory skin and long wavy red hair. Dressed in jeans tucked into little suede boots with a matching jean jacket and a white blouse. I could see why Bella found her attractive, she wasn’t stunningly beautiful, but she was a very pretty girl, I say girl because I would put her age at about nineteen or twenty. Just then the bell rang, and the kids came running out, I saw them hug her on the way past and as they came up to me, I asked, “Who is that?”

“Oh, it’s mummy’s friend, Katie,” said the kids. I looked up to see her staring at me, I smiled and then got the kids into the car.

After dropping the kids, I called Bella to tell her they were safe and sound with their dad (I didn’t hang around too long, as I still wanted to punch him in the mouth), she sounded as excited as I had ever heard her, she told me that Katie had called her to ask who I was.

“And did you tell her?”

“No, I said I would explain tonight.”

“Good, I think you must tell her the truth, if she can’t handle it then maybe she is not the one.”

“I really think she is, but I won’t lie to her, so yes, I will explain who you are.”

“I think traffic is going to be bad, I probably won’t be home before you go out. So, I just want to say I love you, and I want you to have a great time. I truly hope you get what you want tonight.”

She was silent, then said, “I think that’s the first time you have said you love me, not as my brother, but as the love of my life, and it feels so good to know that. I love you too.”

“Now don’t get all maudlin on me, go put your best frock on and slap on some makeup and go on your date.”

She laughed and said, “I will send you a picture of my outfit that I am going to wear.”

I hung up and concentrated on the road, about 20 minutes later my cell phone pinged and I looked down to see a message from Bella, I opened it and almost crashed the car. Dressed in high heels, green high cut lace panties, and a matching bra. She had the biggest grin on her face. And then a message came through. Will she like it? I couldn’t text while driving so hit record and said, “If she doesn’t then she is crazy, oh and you can’t send me pictures like that when I’m driving, I almost crashed the car.” She replied with a sorry face emoji.

My phone pinged again, but this time traffic was at a crawl so I grabbed a quick look. Bella had on a short green mini dress with a low-cut neckline and high heels. I again hit record and said, “If she doesn’t fuck you then she is mad, because I want to fuck you.” She replied with several rude and funny emoji’s.

I got home to an empty, quiet house, made myself something to eat and settled to watch some TV. Not long after I got a message from Bella, I opened it to see a picture of Bella and Katie in the restaurant, they must have got the server to take it and they both looked very sexy and thrilled. I replied simply, “Enjoy.” Just then my phone rang, and it was Bella.

“Hey, why are you calling me? You are on a date with a pretty girl and you’re phoning me?”

“She is in the bathroom I am about to tell her about you and I’m a little scared.”

“Well, as I told you earlier, she will both accept and understand or she won’t, and only then can you decide what’s next.”

“Yes, you’re right, wish me luck.”

“You don’t need luck she will go for it. You’re a very sexy woman, anyway I will either see you in 10 minutes or a few hours, and at least that way you will know.”

“Thank you for being understanding, I love you.”

I hung up the phone and sat there thinking about what was happening, on the one hand, I wanted Katie to say yes because it would make Bella happy, but on the other hand, I wanted Bella all to myself so, I was hoping she would say no. Five minutes passed, then ten, then twenty and thirty, and as she hadn’t called me, I figured it went well. About 11:30 pm I went off to bed and sent a quick message to Bella to let her know I received a picture back of the two of them at a club with cocktails in their hands, looking like they were having a great time.

(Hi this is Bella, it’s my turn to take up the story)

After sending Tony the picture of my lingerie choices and almost making him crash, I sat down to put on my make-up and my mind raced. ‘Was I making the right decision? Does Tony really want me to do this? Will Katie even want me and if so, will she understand about Tony?’

All these questions needed answers and sitting thinking about them won’t get me the answers. I have to meet Katie, tell her everything, and hope she understands. I think Tony does, and that makes it easier. After my ex-husband, I didn’t think I would find love but I did and with my brother, well step-brother. I just know he is my lover and the love of my life.

I was going to meet Katie at a local restaurant and when checking myself in the mirror, I thought I looked good, green dress to match my lingerie, just short enough to show some leg and low cut enough to show some cleavage. I was pulling out all the stops to impress. I arrived a little early, but she wasn’t there; I took a table and ordered a drink, as my drink arrived, I saw Katie walk in, she took my breath away, she looked stunning. Dressed in a loose-fitting white dress with matching heels, her red hair was loosely hanging around her shoulders and she had on a little makeup, mainly to accent her green eyes.

She moved through the tables and I noticed she got more than one long look from the diners, both men and women. I stood and clasped her in an embrace, her perfume smelled of gooseberries and honeysuckle. I pulled away and said, “Wow, you look great,” she blushed a little and sat down. We ordered and made small talk, mainly about the kids. After the main course, I asked the server to take a picture of us, which I sent to Tony. Then she excused herself and went to the bathroom, so I phoned Tony to let him know what was happening, and that I was about to tell her about him. He made me feel better about it and gave me the courage to tell her. She came back and sat down. She could see I was looking a little apprehensive so asked me, “What’s wrong?”

I looked deep into her beautiful green eyes and said, “I am about to tell you something, and it’s going to determine the rest of, well not just this evening, but our friendship and whatever else happens going forward.”

“She looked at me with a sweet but concerned look on her face.”

I took a deep breath and told her the whole story, about my parents and having a much older brother, who I didn’t really know. I told her of my terrible marriage, of the abuse and of leaving him, and then turning up on my brother’s doorstep and him taking me in. Of me falling in love with him and of having a relationship with him.

I could see her thinking deeply about this, then she asked, “Was he the man who picked up the kids this afternoon?”

“Yes, he took them to their fathers for the weekend, so I could come out with you for the evening”

Looking a little crestfallen Katie said, “I thought you liked girls, I really liked you and that’s why I came out with you, I thought it was a date?”

I grinned at her. “I do like girls, and boys, I also thought this was a date. Tony knows and he is OK with it. I have thought you were so sexy since the first time I saw you, and I am so glad you are into girls, but I wouldn’t have felt right not telling you about Tony.”

“I understand and I really like you but I am not sure how to feel about this.”

“It’s a lot to take in, let’s finish dinner and go somewhere to drink and dance and see what happens.”

At this suggestion, she perked up a little, and we continued with dinner. After dinner, Katie suggested a club near to where she was living and we caught a cab. When we arrived, there was quite a line to get in, but the minute the doorman saw us, he ushered us to the front and let us in. I am sure it was because of how Katie looked and they let her friend tag along. We became a big hit inside with several men offering us drinks and wanting to dance with us, the drinks we gladly accepted but we only danced with each other. Later in the evening, I got a message from Tony, so we sent him a selfie to show him we were okay.

At about 1:00 am I said to Katie, “It’s time to go home, it’s been a long night,” and she agreed. We went outside to get a cab, and I said, “I would really love you to come back to my place, but I understand if you don’t want to.”

“Will Tony be there?”

“Yes, but he is sleeping in the spare room, and I promise you have nothing to worry about with him. He is one of the best men you will ever find.”

“OK, I will come for coffee and I will see how I feel.”

My heart jumped as we got in the cab and cuddled in close in the back seat. I placed my hand on her leg and stroked it, then she leaned on to my shoulder and draped her hand over my legs. I so wanted to kiss her but thought better of it in the cab. We got to the house and made to go inside. She stopped at the door and asked, “Will Tony be up?”

“No, he went off to bed earlier.”

We went in and through to the kitchen. Sitting on the kitchen table was a bottle of wine with two glasses, some water, and a platter with cheese, fruit, and bread. Standing in front was a brief note from Tony.

‘I hope you have had a wonderful evening, I thought you may be hungry or thirsty so left this for you. Katie if you are here, welcome to our home. Bella, I love you, and will see you in the morning.”

I looked at Katie and she had this dumbfounded look on her face. I smiled and said, “I told you he was one of the best.”

She looked at me and said, “I really want to kiss you.”

I pulled her into my arms and got that sweet smell of her perfume again as our lips brushed lightly together before I pressed a little harder and pushing my tongue out, I explored her mouth, tasting her as she did the same and tasted me.

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“I don’t want to eat or drink, I just want to go to bed with you,” she said.

I took her by the hand, grabbed some water, and led her to the bedroom. We walked past the kid’s room where Tony was sleeping; I felt my heart pull to him, but that was for tomorrow. Tonight, there was just Katie and me.

We got to the room and I turned to face her. She came forward towards me and we kissed, it was deep and passionate. I felt her hands pull the bottom of my dress up, the fabric sending shivers through my hips as it snaked up my legs. She stopped right where it technically still covered my underwear and she grabbed handfuls of my ass and so I grabbed hers. Our kissing had reached a more sensual rhythm as we both got distracted by what our hands were doing.

I began pulling my dress off, as it came over my head, Katie saw my lingerie. “I love the green underwear, it matches your dress.”

“It also matches your eyes.”

I took her in my arms and as I embraced her, I lifted her dress over her head. She was wearing a white lace bra and matching panties. She looked even better, almost naked, with her pale alabaster skin and flaming red hair. We moved over to the bed and laid down, we began kissing and caressing each other. I reached behind her and unclasped her bra, freeing her breasts. The dark nipples showing bright against her pale skin, so I bent my head down a took one of her nipples in my mouth, it instantly hardened and I rolled my tongue around it. While doing this I gently squeezed and massaged her other breast. Kissing down her belly I moved round so I was in between her legs and I reached up and took hold of her panties, pulling them down.

She stopped me. “I have a confession to make, I have fooled around before but I have never gone too far, and certainly not as far as this. So, I am unsure what to do.”

I was a little shocked but smiled up at her, moved up, and kissed her long and hard before I said, “We can do as much, or as little, as you want. If you are unsure stop me and we can talk about it.”

She smiled and I went back to removing her panties. That was my next shock. She was unshaven, not something you see so much these days, but her pubic hair was the same flame red colour and I hate to admit it but it looked hot.

She obviously caught my look and said, “I have thought about shaving it but have never plucked up the courage to do it.”

“And you shouldn’t, it suits you and the colour is amazing.”

I reached down and ran my fingers through her pubic bush and felt the soft hot lips of her pussy. I licked my finger and ran it up and down the length and could feel she was already getting wet and ready. I slipped just the tip of my finger in and felt that familiar warmth and wet feeling that I had been missing. Sliding my finger further up I uncovered her clitoris and ran my wet fingertip over it, Katie shuddered a little at that first touch. I looked deep into her eyes, kissed her long and hard, then sliding down the bed I kissed her breast, then her stomach, before moving to her waiting pussy. I was so ready for this first taste, I could now smell her sex over the perfume I had been smelling all night. It was such a familiar, yet new smell and I leaned in and kissed her pussy lips.

That first kiss made her tingle, I could see gooseflesh prick up along her skin, and I slowly let my lips caress her pussy lips before sliding my tongue along them. Using my hands, I lightly parted her pussy lips to let me get to the treasure inside. Just using my lips, I brushed her labia, just using my tongue to wet my lips as I lightly kissed her, then when I reached her clitoris, I sucked it gently into my mouth using the tip of my tongue to flick it. I could feel it growing under my gentle sucking and Katie was emitting low sensual groans every time I sucked or flicked her clitoris. Lifting her hips, I moved down below her pussy and licked at her asshole causing her to gasp at this.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Hopefully making you feel wonderful, I know it feels weird. It did the first time I did it, but oh, it felt wonderful.”

“I just wasn’t expecting it. Will I have to do it to you?”

“No, you can do whatever you want to do or don’t want to do, if I do something you don’t like just say so and I will stop.”

“No, it felt good, a little strange, but good.”

I smiled and went back to doing it again. I now slid a finger into her pussy as I continued to lick and suck on her clitoris. I slowly increased the speed with my finger as I sucked harder and harder on her clitoris. I could feel her tense and she grabbed my arm, squeezing as I felt the orgasm go through her body. I looked up from between her legs and could see the smile on her face. I crawled up her body and leaning down, I kissed her, letting her taste her own wetness from my lips.

“Was that good?” I asked.

“That was amazing, I have cum before but never from someone licking my pussy. I am going to enjoy doing that a lot.” I laughed at this. “It’s my turn to do it to you,” she said.

I then realized that I still had my bra and panties on, so I stood to remove them, and Katie looked at me. Suddenly, I felt a little shy as I was almost ten years older than her, and I had given birth to two kids. I still had a good body, but there was a little extra here and there. Then the strangest thought popped into my head, I wonder if this is what Tony feels like when he strips in front of me. I made a mental note to appreciate him a lot more the next time.

I looked down at Katie and she smiled up at me I told her, “Just remember, nothing you do is wrong and if you don’t know ask. We will do it together.”

“I want to lick your pussy like you licked mine, but I want to try a sixty-nine as well.”

“Oh, one of my favourite positions, I love the feel of fingers and a tongue in my pussy while I get to do the same.”

“Do I go on top or you?”

I laughed and said, “I think you should, it can look a little weird on the bottom for the first time.”

I laid down on the bed and she moved in over me, her pussy was already wet and glistening so I knew I was going to enjoy licking all of that up. She bent down and I could feel her hot breath on my bare pussy; I was already soaking wet. I felt her tongue lick gently along the slit, then a little firmer, and my lips parted. She got her first taste of my wetness. She stopped and lifted her head, I was about to ask if something was wrong when I heard her go, “Mmm,” and then her head was back down, and she licked with more vigour.

I set about licking and sucking her pussy, I slid first one then two fingers in, to finger-fuck her pussy. She took this as an invitation to do the same and slid first one, then two fingers into my pussy. I was so turned on that I came before I had even really got going. She stopped licking, and I embarrassingly admitted that I don’t usually cum that quickly, but she had turned me on so much that I couldn’t help myself, but I will be ready to go again soon. She climbed off and turned to face me, I kissed her long and passionately.

“You and I are going to have some good times together,” I said.

“I hope so, because so far it’s great.”

I grabbed some water and noticed my little friend on the bedside table, I grabbed it, and turning to Katie I asked, “Do you use a vibrator?’

“No, I don’t have one, I have to make do with my hairbrush handle or my fingers.”

“Then we have to get you one. I have a couple and I love them. Do you want to try?”

“Yes, please,” she said.

I had a small vibrating wand I used when I was just feeling frisky and wanted something quick, so, I thought I should start with that as I didn’t want to frighten her with my big one. She laid back, and I leaned over switching it on and that all too familiar buzzing sound started (Tony calls it my bumblebee because of the buzzing). I rubbed it along her pussy lips before rolling it around her clitoris. I slid it back down her pussy before slipping it in, bending my head down I sucked her clitoris while pushing the buzzing vibrator in and out of her pussy. She reacted almost immediately, not only to the vibrator but also to my tongue. She arched her back and grabbed my head pulling me in harder to her. I felt her stiffen and cum not once, not twice but three times. Her pussy was soaking so much that there was a wet patch forming under us. I pulled out the vibrator and licked it clean. She looked beautiful basking in the afterglow of her orgasm.

We were both drenched in sweat and cum, so I suggested we head to the shower, getting under the hot shower, I started by soaping up and washing her all over, paying particular attention to her pussy, it was still wet and judging by the little jump when I touched it, it was still sensitive from the orgasms. She did the same to me but when she reached my pussy, I opened my legs more to allow her better access and as she slipped in a finger, I lifted my leg to the side of the bathtub so she could get at my pussy easier. She kissed me hard on the lips while finger-fucking me. I was so wet that she slipped two more fingers in, thankfully she had smaller hands than Tony as I would never have taken three of his fingers. She kissed me harder and explored my mouth and tongue as she increased her speed with her hand. I could feel my orgasm growing, from deep in my belly up through my chest and to every nerve ending in my body. I came so hard that my legs buckled a bit and I had to sit down on the bath edge.

“Are you OK?” Katie asked.

“Oh God, yes, after Tony you’re the only other person to make me cum like that. So hard it made my knees week.”

She blushed so much that I could have sworn her face was the same colour as her hair.

“Let’s finish up and go back to bed, I want to wrap you in my arms and sleep peacefully with you there.”

We finished up in the shower and when we got back to the bed, we realized it still had a big wet patch so we had to change the linen. I slipped off my towel and climbed into bed, Katie followed suit and we snuggled up together.

I looked deep into her emerald green eyes, kissed her lightly, and said, “Thank you, that was one of the best times of my life.”

“Mine too.” She snuggled up closer and I could feel her heartbeat and listened to her breathing getting slower, pretty soon she was asleep, I didn’t last too much longer but fell asleep with the best feeling in the world going through my head. Maybe, just maybe, I had found another one in my life.

I awoke early the next morning, my internal clock so used to have to get up to get the kids to school made me wake first. I smelled fresh coffee, I looked over and saw Katie sleeping, her beautiful flaming red hair laying loose on the bedsheets. She looked so beautiful and innocent laying there, that I just wanted to wrap her in my arms and lay with her all day. However, I slipped out and grabbing one of Tony’s t-shirts quietly let myself out of the bedroom, and made my way down to the kitchen.

As I got to the door, I saw Tony by the stove, with his back to me. Dressed in just shorts and a tatty old t-shirt, the shirt must have been ten years old, but I couldn’t get him to throw it away. It was his sleeping attire, he told me, because the kids were in the house and that if they weren’t, he would be naked, but seeing that familiar sight made my stomach turn. I had a beautiful woman lying in my bed upstairs, and the person who I love and who means more to me than anything standing in front of me.

“Morning,” I said, and he jumped.

“Oh, my word, I didn’t hear you,” he said.

(Hi this is Tony, now it’s my turn to continue with the story)

I hadn’t slept very well as I had heard the two of them come in and quickly heard them come up the stairs and past the bedroom door. My mind was in turmoil, I wanted to stop them as I wanted Bella to myself, but I understood that by letting her do this she and I would be stronger. Thankfully, the bathroom is between our room and the kids’ room, so I didn’t hear the lovemaking, as I didn’t know if I could stand that. I eventually fell asleep but slept fitfully for a few hours. I woke very early, I couldn’t just lie there thinking about it, and so I got up to make breakfast.

When I had taken early retirement a few years ago I took up cooking, went to classes, watched as much Food Network as I could and experimented a lot. I thought I had become an excellent cook, and cooking relaxed me. I had made fresh coffee, some blueberry flapjacks, and I had a Spanish omelette in the oven. I was just getting ready to cook some bacon and was engrossed in my work when I heard, “Morning.”

I almost jumped out of my skin, I turned to see Bella standing in the doorway. “Oh, my word, I didn’t hear you,” I said.

She just smiled and said, “I love watching you cook, you always seem happy when you’re in front of the stove.”

She looked stunning, a little dishevelled with that just got out of bed look, but still looked stunning. Dressed in one of my t-shirts with bare legs and bare feet. Her hair was a little tousled, but that just made her look even more beautiful. She smiled at me and my heart melted and it was then I realized I didn’t care if she had just come from the bed of somebody else, she was here, looking at me, and I could see the love on her face.

“You look tired, thrilled, but tired,” I said.

“Oh, Tony, it was wonderful, it was better than I remember, the feel, the smell, the taste, everything.”

I laughed, “Why do you think I enjoy doing it with women so much?”

She laughed at me and walked over. She put her arms around my neck and looked into my eyes, “Thank you, for being you. For letting me do this, for taking me in, for loving me, for making me safe, for everything. Your love and understanding makes me so happy.”

I kissed her long and hard. It was my way of saying, you’re welcome. It was then that I noticed Katie standing in the doorway, looking a little shy and maybe a touch embarrassed. I smiled because I realized that with her arms around my neck, Bella’s shirt had ridden up and Katie was looking at her bare ass.

I said to Bella, “I think you better introduce us, as your friend is getting a good long look at your naked ass.”

Bella turned and saw her, “Aww, I thought you were still asleep. I came to get you some coffee.”

Katie looked at Bella and then at me, “I wanted to surprise you and bring it up to you in bed, and now you’re here and I didn’t and... and I, ugh...” I quickly jumped in,

“Hi, I’m Tony, you seemed to have turned Bella into a giggling girl who has forgotten her everything, and especially her manners. Please, come over and take a seat, it really is very nice to meet you.”

Katie blushed a little but came to the table, Bella hugged and kissed her and said, “I think we all need to sit and talk. Last night was amazing.” I looked over and saw Katie blush a little. “I want to do it again, but I don’t think it’s going to be my choice.”

Bella looked at me, then at Katie, then back at me. I looked at Katie and thought, ‘OK I will start.’

“When my wife died several years ago, it resigned me to being on my own, and I was OK with that. Well, that was until a year ago, when my little sister, who I hardly knew, blew into my life and turned it upside down. In this year, I have fallen in love again and become a very happy man. If I have to share Bella with somebody else to stay this happy, then that is what I will do. She is obviously smitten with you. I know our situation is a little strange, but if you can get past that, then I think you may, like me, fall for this woman.” I looked across at Bella, who was blushing. “How we are going to do this, I don’t know, but we are all adults and I’m sure we can come up with a solution.”

Katie looked first at Bella and then at me. “Bella is madly in love with you that is very obvious from the way she talks about you, and the way she looks at you. And yes, the situation is a little strange, but then so is mine.”

l looked confused, I first looked at Bella and then back at Katie.

“One day, when I’m ready, I will tell you everything. Last night was one of the greatest nights of my life, and I want to do it repeatedly. If that means I have to share Bella, then I am prepared to try that.”

Bella beamed at this and threw her arms around Katie’s neck and kissed her. Then she looked at me and came over to me and did the same.

“All right enough now, let’s have some breakfast, then I will run Katie home so she can shower and change, and then tonight we can have dinner together here and chat about the future and what is to come.”


Written by Jakeburns78
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