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Home for Christmas

"Returning home was to be a real eye opener for me!"

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Sue and I traveled home together as she decided to take a holiday being the festive season. We took the train from Glasgow and thankfully there was an attendant who came round with a trolley selling alcoholic drinks. We had a good time enjoying some drinks and chatting about some people we'd known in our home town. Also talked about our new lives in the big city, and she commented on how we'd evolved turning into 'Ladies.' We both got a kick out of that.

I laughed at that, but inwardly I had my concerns, it had been over two years since I'd left home for life in the big city. Once I was into my teens and particularly the last few years before leaving school, I had not got along with mother very well. She had been very demanding and it caused a lot of strife between us, as mother was a very strong demanding woman. We often clashed when I refused to conform to her way of thinking. She was the boss of our house; daddy was a wimp who had to cow tow to her demands or else be subjected to her wrath and discipline.

My savior was my aunt, if you can call it that. She had been my baby sitter for as long as I can remember, and meant more to me than my mother. Aunt Liz loved me and would take the time to play games with me, snakes and ladders, cribbage and even monopoly. She also baked lots of cakes and pies for me, I should say 'us' but she always made me feel she made them for me. By the time I left primary school to move on to grammar school, I had her wrapped around my little finger. I also felt I could trust her, over the years anything I said to her she would keep in confidence and not tell my mother.

As I got into my teens the arguments with us got worse, as I got bigger and stronger she had trouble holding me for the spankings and got my father to help hold me bent over. I hated my father for that, so we were never close. Anytime I was 'grounded' he would be made to stay home to make sure I wouldn't leave the house, mother still liked her nights out at cards or bingo, so he would have to do whatever she wanted.

Like a lot of men he was a sucker, one night when I was about 13 or 14 and under curfew he was out of cigarettes. So he decides run to the store to buy a pack, he made me promised I wouldn't leave the house while he was gone. Once he was gone, I locked the door before he got back, and when he returned he banged and hammered on the door but I didn't unlock it to let him in.

Mother finally got home much later, and I gave her some excuse about waking up and finding I was alone, locked the door as I was supposedly scared to be alone in the house. Mother was quite adamant that from then on he was not to leave the house for any reason when he was to stay home to make sure I wouldn't leave the house.

After that he was too scared to leave the house when he had to stay home with me, so one night when he was out of smokes again I suggested if he give me the money and I would go to the store for him. It took some persuasion but then again daddy was pretty weak willed, and I knew if I persisted he would give in to me. At first I went and bought his cigarettes and returning home, took a bunch of them out of the pack for myself. I knew he couldn't complain to mother or he would be in trouble with her, so he quickly learned to listen to me when I wanted anything. Now I had some measure of freedom and all I had to do was make sure I was home before mother was, and that wasn't hard as mother was seldom home before midnight when she had her card or bingo nights.

Now I was heading back home for the first time in over two years, in her letters to me I felt she had mellowed a bit and was honestly concerned about me. I had also kept in touch with my aunt, so I knew if things didn't work out with mother I could always go and stay at her place

I looked out the window at the country side passing by as thoughts of my teen years were going through my head. I had gone through primary school with Sue’s younger sister Sarah, and it was only after we moved on to high school that we separated. Sue and I had always got on well as I was growing up and had been a good friend in Glasgow. They had a brother named Duncan who was a year older than Sarah and I, but was a little slow in the head and never got to high school. . The lived in a farm cottage just outside town and I'd spent many a happy hour there, got on well with her parents as I often helped her kinds with their homework.

We arrived home in the evening, we took a taxi from the station, and it dropped me off at home then went on to take Sue home. Mother was home to greet me and it was an awkward moment, till she finally smiled and we gave each other a hug.

After supper I had a bottle of whiskey in my luggage and got it out, and wondered what mother was going to say about it. Before I left home she was dead against my drinking, a major problem between us.

Now she just smiled and said, "Well you’re a big girl now, I'll get the glasses and lemonade."

We enjoyed a few drinks as we chatted; she complemented me on how well I looked my hair style as well as the nice clothes I was wearing. To me she hadn't changed much since I'd been away, still working at her old cleaning job. I exaggerated on my work, making it sound like I was the manager of the restaurant I worked in.

We went to bed early, in my old room I stripped off naked and got under the covers. It had been some time since I'd slept in my old bed, the last couple of years before I left home I'd gone and lived with my Aunt Liz., thinking of her, Liz that is, I was looking forward to seeing her the next day, of course she knew I'd be home and would be happy to see me again too.

As I lay in bed my mind turned to how my home life had been, mother and I were both strong willed people that had been the main cause of out disagreements. Of course this had got worse as I came into my teens and I began to exert myself. Now here I was back in my old bed naked as usual with thoughts of how my life had evolved, particularly in the last couple of years since I'd left home. I was more than happy with how my life had turned out, particularly how mother seemed to let bygones be bygones

I thought of my Catherine and wondered how she was getting on with her family, they had not been accepting of her lifestyle so it was a strained relationship, yet she would visit them on special occasions.

I thought of our love making, how she had could make my body come alive. The most beautiful orgasms she could produce from it, as well as make me want to reciprocate the pleasure. Her cries of pleasure no matter how rough or gentle I was with her, she seemed to be so grateful. I was getting aroused thinking of her, I touched my tits, running my hands over them, across the brown tips of them making my nipples perk up and get hard. I felt their fullness they were all natural, I was blessed to have such a nice rack. As one hand played with my nipples, the other worked its way down lower over my tummy and into my pubic hair, then to between my legs. I toyed with my pubic hair, pulling on it made it feel so good, then moving down found my swollen labia's.

My fingers parted my lips and found my hole, then pushing one inside it felt tight. I sucked on my finger to wet them then returned to rub my clit in a circular motion. Soon my pussy was producing its juices to make entry easier, it was sticky and slick at the same time and there was a lot of it. Lubricating itself in anticipation of getting fucked, I slipped my two middle fingers deep inside her and fucked myself till I gave into my orgasm.

The next day was Christmas Eve, and I had some last minute shopping to do, in particular to buy booze. I'd held off on that till I knew how mother was going to react at my coming home. Now I was living with Catherine I didn't have to pay rent, or spend much money for that matter, so could afford to be generous while I was home.

I picked up about 10 bottles, half of them Scotch and the rest some rum, gin and vodka. I also picked up two large bottles of white wine, something I'd acquired a taste for in Glasgow.

Christmas evening was spent at home with family and some of mother’s friends; I was particularly pleased to see my Aunt Liz again, as she had always been so good to me growing up. Sue and her sister Sarah also came which made it nice for me, I hadn't seen or spoken to Sarah since I left home, but I was also to go to their home on Boxing Day for a social get together. It was a pity I thought that their mum and mine did not get along, I'd always like Agnes their mum, I thought she was so nice.

Once I was in my later teens I would quiz her about makeup, her choice of clothes and used to be fascinated watching her dress. She seemed to be such a perfectionist how she'd take her time making sure each garment fitted properly, like her nylons making sure the seams wear perfect at the back of her legs and not crooked. You could say she was my role model on how to dress, I used to think she was so sophisticated.

I visited my aunt Liz in the early evening and gave her a bottle of whisky, she liked to drink too so we had a couple there. Then she came with me to visit my friends at their cottage, we were made very welcome; Agnes made a big fuss over me after so long. She hugged and kissed me and led me into their living room, there I was introduced to other friends of hers and quickly offered a drink. The table had been pushed against a wall with lots of sandwiches, chips and other treats laid out for us.

Agnes was a very good hostess; she had always been a 'touchy' person, so when she gave me a hug and kiss I never thought anything of it. Same when she came up to me during the evening to chat, she would place her arm around me, or place her hand on my waist. She kept complimenting me on my appearance saying I looked gorgeous, having left home a teenager and now returning as beautiful young woman. I now noticed how she dressed, as I said above how she used to impress me with her styles etc., now I began to see her differently.

She wore just a bit too much make-up and perfume, not too bad compared to some women, still I thought it was a bit too heavy. She favoured low cut dresses that seemed to be one size too small, hugging her body so the outline of her girdle showed through the material. Same thing with her bra the way it dug into her flesh, making her boobs stand up more. I always thought she had a good body kept honed from all the walking she did going to town 'shopping' so often.

At one point when she got me alone she asked me about the new friends I'd made in Glasgow. Of course we'd all had quite a bit to drink by then, so I thought nothing of it. But she did make one comment that I didn't think much of at the time, something about "Like mother like daughter." Because of the other people there she dropped the subject, and I never gave it another thought.

Liz and I left around midnight as Liz was quite drunk, and I had to make sure she got home OK. I spent the night with Liz as she lived much closer to my friends than mother did.

Sue was leaving to go back to Glasgow the next afternoon, so I went to their house to meet with her before leaving for the train station. Once the taxi arrived her mother gave her the usual hugs and kisses, then one for me too, although I wasn't going back till after New Years Eve. In saying goodbye to me, Agnes quietly invited me to lunch the next day.

I met sue at her house the next day and went with her to the train station . We got there early and went into the bar for a drink before her train left. Something about the night before was in my mind, so I asked her what she had told her mother about me. "Nothing much" she said, "Just how well you were doing in your new job and how you had changed, now associating with a nicer group of people." Not quite the words she used but that was basically what she said.

The next day, and as no time was set for our lunch, I decided noon was the best time to arrive at Agnes’s house. It was chilly out and decided to take my old pedal bike there, so dressed simply in just a blouse and pleated navy skirt. Well wrapped up in my overcoat, scarf and gloves I decided to take the wine with me.

I arrived just after noon and was expecting Sarah and Duncan to be there too, but Agnes said they were at work so there was just the two of us for lunch. After she hung up my coat, I was ushered into the living room where there was a nice fire burning in the grate. Lunch was sandwiches and cake laid out on the table, I was famished and filled a plate and sat on one of the easy chairs on either side of the fireplace.

Agnes busied herself opening the wine and poured two generous measures in glass, then sat on the other armchair opposite me raising her glass with a, "Down the hatch" and taking a big swig. She was nicely dressed, (by her standards) although I swear the dress she had on was not only much shorter and revealing, but again one or two sizes too small. It had a wide square cut top that left most of her upper chest exposed, with her tits standing up quite proud and adorned with the triple strand necklace she was wearing.

The first half hour or so was spent eating the sandwiches washing them down with the wine, chatting about mundane things, and then relaxed enjoying the warmth of the fire and the wine. Agnes was up and down keeping our wine glasses topped up, and I noticed she had a bit of a rounded tummy. This told me she wasn't wearing a girdle, she was wearing her stiletto heels that I thought was a bit unusual as she was in her own home.

Slowly the conversation turned to what did I do for entertainment in Glasgow, where did I go and who with etc... I told her the usual, the movies and dancing and how I'd discovered live theater and loved it. It soon became apparent at what she was hinting at, and I realised her daughter Sue had told her more about me than I liked. Well what was done was done, so I wondered how I could turn this line of chatting around and asked her what Sue was doing for a living in Glasgow.

She was quite honest with me, she told me she knew Sue was in business for herself, and was doing quite well at it.

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She was smiling at me as she said that and went on to say, "A chip off the old block."

Now to get back at her in a way I said, "Oh so you do a little business on the side as well do you?"

"Of course" she replied, you don't think I could afford to live on a farm workers pay and still have nice things do you?" At this she spread her dress out, and her necklace to indicate her personal attire.

Suddenly it dawned on me why she would get all dolled up to go 'shopping,' and didn't always come home with groceries. I never thought of her as a street walker, not in our small town. "How do you meet them?" I asked.

Smiling she said, "Oh bars, tearooms the pictures, places like that." The men catch your eye and you smile and they approach you and in private you can tell them you're a business woman, and like it to be very discrete."

Funny how I never thought that in a small town like ours, that there would be such a thing as prostitution. "How did it start" I blurted out now I'd turned the conversation around.

"In school" she went on, "When I discovered boys were willing to show their appreciation to feel my tits, then later my pussy, soon I'd start giving them a wank and well" she said, "The rest is history."

Having been so close to her and her family I never suspected her of being a whore, I guess like the saying goes, "I couldn't see the wood for the trees." I had to take a break and go for a pee, and went to the toilet and sat on the toilet and enjoyed a delightful piss. In a matter of a couple of hours our conversation had gone from chatting about mundane things to the personal aspects of our lives. And to think she was my best friend’s mother who I'd known and looked up to for years.

I admit to be intrigued by what she was telling me, and returning finished off my wine and held out my glass for another. Agnes smiled happy to comply, and she was obviously enjoying the way our conversation had turned around. I could tell by her smiles at me, obviously feeling the effects of the wine as well. Now sitting opposite me in the armchair instead of having her legs crossed at her ankles as she usually did, she brought her feet up close to raise her knees up.

As I said, her dress was shorter than normal ending just above her knees when she was standing, so seated it was quite a few inches above them. Now she opened her knees so as she moved, I could see right up her dress. I could clearly see the white triangle of material covering her pussy, the garter straps coming out of the legs of her knickers and fastened to her stocking tops. Her thighs looked gleaming white between the knickers and stockings.

It was obvious she was flashing me, and when we made eye contact she smiled and licked her lips. Then when I smiled back she just leaned back and opened her legs fully to give me a full view. I was beginning to get aroused myself, with the warmth of the fire and the wine I was getting quite a glow on, and so was Agnes obviously. Well I decided to do something about it.

Putting down my glass and I stood up and brushed some crumbs off my skirt, watching her out of the corner of my eye as I did this. I took my time making it look like I was going to leave. I saw her disappointment as I started to walk past her chair, then suddenly I sat down over the armrest so I was in her lap. I knocked her arm as I did this spilling her wine over her as I grabbed her long hair and pulled her head back over the chair. Now she couldn't move as I was much too strong for her, and looked down into her eyes seeing the shock there the moment before I kissed her.

I kissed her hard on her mouth forcing my tongue into it, I held her for some time as I tongued her till I felt her relax and start to respond. I heard her glass hit the floor as she dropped it and brought her arms around to hold me. Now she was mine, I kissed her eyes and still holding her head by her hair, I forced it to one side so I could tongue her ear. I took her earlobe and the earring in my mouth, pulling on it as I bit her ear.

My fingers found her upper chest and I moved her necklace out of the way to caress it with my fingertips, from one side to the other and down feeling the roundness of her globes. She was whimpering now I still held onto her hair so she was limited in her movements, she gave up trying to move me and was rubbing her hands all over my back. Her low cut dress permitted me to pop her tits out of their holders, now they were mine to play with.

How I loved the feel of a nice rounded tit, and she had a lovely pair as I moved my fingertips over and around her nipples. She kept trying to get me to let go her hair so she could sit up, but I had a firm grip and wasn't going to let go till I was ready. With me sitting on her lap like that and holding her there wasn't much she could do about it. Her hands were roving over my back and hips and I felt her try to get them between us. Her whimpers were turning to moans and cries of pleasure; At last I raked my nails over her nipples, feeling their ripeness. From her response and squirming they were obviously very sensitive; I pulled and pinched them loving every minute of it myself. With a cry she just laid her head back as a token of submission.

I had made myself very horny and wanted something done about it, so I got up and Agnes didn't move; now I straddled both arms of the chair still facing her. I unzipped her dress and pushed it off her shoulders altogether, then unclasped her bra and threw it off as well. She put her hands out and started to run them up and down over my thighs under my skirt, one thing about pleated skirts, it gives lots of freedom.

Slowly I undid my blouse and took it off followed by my bra; I caressed my own tits for a moment before taking hold of her head and bringing her lips to suck my tits. She knew what to do as she licked and teased each breast with her tongue before taking my nipples in her mouth to suckle them. I pushed a hand down between us to find her dress had ridden up. I pulled her dress a little further up, I felt her push her legs apart to give me better access to her cunt.

The crotch of her knickers was soaking wet, her mound felt swollen as I rubbed the material between her labia's. In trying to poke my finger into her pussy I felt the outline of her mound. She pushed a hand down to feel my pussy too; it felt awesome as she copied my movements stroking my cunt through my knickers. The intensity was almost too much, I had to have more.

Getting off her I pulled her to her feet and pushed her dress down to her feet for her to step out of. I told her to lie down on the rug as I undid my own skirt, I took it off followed by my knickers, and standing on either side of her head let her look at my body for a moment before kneeling down straddling her head. Leaning forward, I looked under me to watch as I brought my cunt close to her mouth.

She tilted her had back, her tongue out reaching for it as I lowered it to feel her lick the lips. I rubbed it over her face before placing my forearms on either side of her waist as I settled down onto her face. She buried her tongue deep into my pussy, licking and sucking on my labia's and clit. She raised her knees spreading them apart, her own pussy was wet and open, the hair around it glistening from her juices.

I was so ripe it didn't take long before my orgasm burst over me, the force of it made me cry out loud as I collapsed on top of her. I spent a few moments recovering as I enjoyed the sensations surging through me, my head now between her thighs. I placed my hands under her thighs to pull her legs further back as I kissed her cunt. She lifted her legs even further back; this gave me full access to her dripping pussy as I began to explore it with my tongue. She smelled pungent and tasted salty but I didn't care, I brought her all the way with my mouth and tongue. Moaning and groaning till at the last minute she let out a scream and went stiff. I felt a gush of fluid and watched, her cunt lips wide open she suddenly crossed her legs tight, still moaning from the pleasure.

After I rolled off her and got up, the fire had burned down and it was starting to get a little chilly in the room. Agnes got up and immediately put some more coal on the fire and stocked it, and then taking our glasses went and poured us some more wine.

We sat back in the armchairs in just our garters and stockings; nothing was said for a few minutes as we just studied each other sipping our drinks.

Suddenly she asked me, "What made you turn to women?"

I thought for a moment, thinking how I was going to answer. "Well I've always preferred girls and women for friends. I told her, "I recall being here with Sarah and liked to watch you get dressed, and loved the nice pretty knickers and garters belts you wore. So much nicer than the old fashioned bloomers mother and Aunt Liz wore."

Suddenly I thought of Marlene, "Do you know anything about Ms. Sharp?" I asked.

"The school teacher" she said.


"Do you know where she lives" I went on.

"Not really, other that it's in the west end where the richer people live, why do you ask?" she said.

"Just curious, I met an old friend who went to school with her and if I was to meet her to say hello."

"You could try the Oak Wood Tea Rooms" she went on, a lot of that ilk go there as it's quite a posh place."

The Oak Wood Tea Rooms was a very rustic place in the west end, and although I suppose it had been a Tea Room long ago, it was now licensed and a very plush place that catered to the more well to do.

It was getting on in the afternoon and I got dressed leaving my knickers off, as they were still damp at the crotch. Agnes put on a robe and walked me to the door and I handed them to her saying, "Here you can keep these."

"Thank you" she said, sniffing them with a grin, "You will come again I hope?"

She was rubbing my arse as we gave each other a long wet French kiss, then I turned and left to go home.

I wanted to spend some time with mother now we had kind of let bygones be bygones, and after a discussion decided we would go shopping on New Year’s Eve. I wanted to buy mom some nice underwear, and some new shoes. After we decided to have lunch and I thought about the Oak Wood, for mom this would also be a treat as she would never think about going to such a posh place.

Once lunch was over we sat chatting and I felt I had to 'come out' to mother, we'd had a few drinks and I knew she wouldn't make a scene in public. Quietly I said to her, "Mother I'm living with another woman."

She looked at me for a moment with a funny look on her face, and then she glanced around before saying, "Are you lovers?”

I just nodded my head.

"Well if it's what makes you happy then I'm pleased for you. Well as you've confessed to me then I can tell you about me."

Now it was my turn to look around before saying anything, "What about you?"

"You must know my card partner and I are lovers as well"

I was stunned at this.

"Ms. Thompson" I said.

"Yes have been for years now, why do you think I was always late coming home after my cards, even let you sleep over at your aunts."

Now as I thought back it made a lot of sense, now I had a ton of questions I would ask her later.

I didn't notice had the bar was filling up, and had to go to the ladies room, and on the way I happened to spot my old school teacher Miss Sharp, sitting with a couple of friends. The old hatred I had for her welled up inside me and it was too good an opportunity to pass up. After all Marlene had told me that in their school day she had been in a lesbian relationship with her. In the washroom I wondered what to do about it, Marlene had asked me to say hello if I was to see her.

Plucking up the courage as I left I pretended to see her for the first time, "Well hello Miss Sharp" I said, she looked at me puzzled. "How have you been keeping," You must remember me, Mairi, Mairi Gibson, I used to be in your class." I smiled and acknowledge the other ladies with her with a nod of my head. "I know an old friend of yours I met in Glasgow, Marlene, Marlene MacDonald, she said to say hello if I was to run into you."

The look on her face was precious, it went from puzzlement to fear when I mentioned Marlene's name. "You must write to her, Marlene said she'd love to hear from you." "Well I'm with my mum over there" looking at her, "You must say hello". I'd say she was in shock by now, the blood had drained out of her face, she looked over at my mum and gave a half hearted wave of her hand, mother smiled and waved back.

Returning to our table mother said, "What that was about?"

I told her, even telling her what Marlene had told me about her having lesbian experiences. At this mother actually smiled and said something like, "Why that old battleaxe, the way she has treated kids in school over the years." I was worried mother might say or do something stupid, so I put a hand on her arm and told her to wait, that I'd find out more from Marlene and let her know.

I told mother that on the way out to make sure we say goodbye in a loud voice so her friends would hear. When we did the poor woman shrunk down and muttered a weak, "Goodbye." I'm afraid my hatred of the woman from me school days still bothered me, but now I'd found out something about her.

That night I went to a dance and after the midnight madness being New Years, I left and went home. I missed my Catherine terribly and wished I'd gone back before the New Year, Still I was glad mother and I had that talk, I felt a lot better as a result.

When I got home I found out dad was passed out from drinking too much. Mother was still up with Mrs. Thompson and insisted on me having a good 'New Years' night drink with them before going to bed. I was happy for mother and her lover too, and just had to go to bed and take care of my own needs by myself.

I left the next afternoon to go back to Glasgow; I was ready to leave for as much as I enjoyed the visit I not only missed my Catherine, but also the more refined life I was enjoying there.

Written by Mairi
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