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"Going on holiday with a friend you've had a crush on for a ahile"

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We’ve been friends for years, hanging out most weeks and talking most days whether that’s messaging or phone calls. We’ve been on group holidays but this is the first just us; I’m packing my things, making sure to add a few risqué bits. I’ve liked you for too long but never acted on my feelings, I always try to hide them despite what our friends say.

This will be the first holiday just us on our own, our friends couldn’t join us due to previous engagements. I meet you at your house in the early morning, you have your bags by the door so I grab them and put them in the back of my car. You lock up your house, grab your carry on and join me at the car. I open the passenger door you give me a grateful smile, and you climb into the seat. I close the door and quickly get into the driver’s side.

We sing to cheesy songs on our way to the airport, it doesn’t take us that long with it being 4 AM. When we reach the car park I get our bags out of the boot, you go to grab your bag but I lock the car and walk off with our bags. I can hear you calling after me but I carry on walking, ignoring you I carry on walking into the airport.

When we reach the check-in desk you go to grab your bag, I tell you it’s fine and carry on waiting in the queue. We sail through check-in, for once I don’t have to have my beg checked or be searched. When we finally get sorted we make our way to a bar, we grab a table and use the app on my phone to grab some drinks and something to eat.

Our drinks arrive whilst we’re having a general catch-up after not seeing each other for just over a week. We carry on talking and laughing throughout our meal, ordering more drinks when needed. We hear our flight being called so we down the rest of our drinks, heading to the gate you try to take your bag from me again but I just start to walk faster. You chase after me laughing, when you finally reach me you wrap your arms around my neck, placing a kiss on my cheek.

We sit in the chairs waiting for our seat allocation to be called, you plug your headphones in to listen to some music. I watch you out the corner of my eye as you untangle the wires, once sorted you hand me an earbud so I can listen with you. You lean your head on my shoulder, curling into me as much as you can despite the armrest being in the way.

Our seat allocation gets called, so we pull out our passports and tickets. Showing them to the woman we are finally able to board in the plane. I help you put your bag into the overhead storage, letting you sit next to the window. We carry on listening to music whilst we wait for everyone to board, the pilot goes through the usual protocol once everyone is seated. When he’s finished the plane slowly moves down the runway, you grab hold of my hand as you’re not particularly keen on flying.

When you grab my hand I feel a spark go through me, causing a nervous feeling to happen in my stomach. The grip on my hand gets tighter as we take off, so I return the pressure. Taking the headphone out of your ear I whisper reassurance to you, I can feel you start to relax as your grip loosens but not fully letting go. I put your headphone back in your ear humming to the song that’s playing, you’re looking out the window and I can feel your thumb tracing patterns over the back of my hand.

It’s half an hour into the flight and I decide to pull my book out as you’re flicking through your phone. I feel you shiver next to me, so I grab the free blankets that we discarded onto the spare seat. I throw one over your legs and the other around your shoulder, you look at me and give me a grateful smile. Another half-hour passes and you start shifting in your seat, you look tired so I move the armrest up and offer you my shoulder again. You lean your head on the offered shoulder, your face nuzzling into the crook of my neck.

Your breath tickles my neck as you lightly snore, your arms loosen on my arm, landing on your lap with one of your hands on my thigh. I think to myself, ‘How am I going to survive this trip?’ You move in the seat and wrap your arm around my waist. I can’t help but groan at the situation I’m in, but I wrap my arm around your shoulder placing my hand on your back. I go back to reading my book awkwardly one-handed, my other hand traces patterns over your back absentmindedly.

I don’t know when it happened, but I must have fallen asleep at some point. I lift my head up from yours, trying to straighten up as much as I can without disturbing you. I look at the screen on the headrest in front. Seeing that we’ve nearly reached our destination I gently shake you awake, you sit up slowly as you stretch out the kinks in your neck and back. We fall into an easy conversation as we reach the end of our journey, as the plane lands you grab my hand resting them on your thigh.

When the plane lands you let go of my hand slowly, the belt sign goes so I stand up to grab our stuff from the overhead compartment. We make our way off the plane; this time I let you have your bag as you insisted, you said you would punch me if I carried it again. We make our way out of the airport embracing the afternoon heat of Spain.

Our taxi is there waiting for us, we jump in and head to the hotel. The car pulls up to the extravagant hotel you chose, I always joked you were a Princess in a previous life. We get checked in and shown to our room, as soon as we get into the room we drop our bags. You head straight into the bathroom as I jump onto the king-size bed, I close my eyes and sink into the soft mattress and cotton bedding. I hear the bathroom door open and close but ignore it, the next thing I feel is your body pressed against my back as you lay on top of me.

I hold my breath as I feel those butterflies start again in my stomach, I can feel your breasts pressed against my back. You roll off me and get up from the bed, you get your suitcase and start to unpack. I groan as you start to sing to yourself, chuckling you throw a pair of socks at me. I throw them back at you as I get up from the bed, starting to unpack my own suitcase. We decide to just hang around at the hotel for the rest of the day, first on the agenda was to go to the pool.

We take, it in turns, to go to the bathroom to get changed, I advert my eyes as you come out of the room. I rush into the ensuite and lock the door, I look at myself in the mirror and give myself a pep talk. I get changed into my swimsuit and throw a baggy top and shorts over the top, I splash some cold water on my face taking a deep breath, and head back out. As I walk out of the room I look towards you; thankfully you’ve put on a cover-up, but your legs are still exposed and I can’t seem to take my eyes away.

You grab my hand and pull me out of the room, we head towards the swimming pool our hands swinging between us. We find some sun loungers and place our towels on them, you lay down sighing as the sun warms your skin. I go to the bar and grab us some drinks, I place them on the table between the sun loungers and lie down myself. I lay down and I can feel myself relax, melting into the sunbed as my eyelids close and sleep takes over me.

I wake with a start at the feel of a cool liquid being dripped onto my skin, my eyes go wide as you're standing over me, your hair dripping onto my stomach. I reach up and tickle your side, your laugh rings in my ears and it’s like music. I sit on the side of the lounger and grab you, you fall onto my lap so I wrap one arm around you as the other carries on tickling you. You take my hand and pin it to your chest, your skin's soft beneath my hand as I feel your heartbeat.

I can feel the heat building in my chest and slowly creep up to my cheeks; I turn away removing my hand from your grip, you stand from my lap as I stand up myself. I go to the deep end of the pool and jump in, hoping the water will cool me down. As I reach the surface I look over at you and see you smiling at me, I dive back under the water and swim a couple of lengths. When I get out of the pool you’re laying down on your front, I can see the sweat dripping over your body. I take a deep breath and head over to you; I want nothing more than to run my fingers up your leg, from your ankle to the top of your thigh.

Shaking my head I pull myself out of the daydream. I wrap my towel round me, telling you that I’m going back to the room whilst I slide my flip-flops on. You say that you’ll join me but I tell you to stay as you’re enjoying the sun. When I reach the room I strip off my swimsuit and head into the bathroom, I turn the shower on making sure the water is warm before I get in.

The pressure of the water hitting my body feels amazing, I can feel myself relax as it starts to pummel at the knots in my neck. I wash my hair thoroughly to get all the chlorine out of it, I lather the soap onto my body. I run my hands over my skin, I start to imagine that they’re yours. They connect with my breasts, I can’t help but moan as my palms brush against my nipples. I can feel them become erect, I pull and twist at them my mouth dropping open at the sensation.

I run my hand down my stomach to my pussy, my fingers make light contact with my clit. My head drops back against the tiled wall, my fingers circling my nub slowly. I pant into the shower as the water licks at my skin, the sensation is too much as I start to speed up my movements. I can feel the tension building in the pit of my stomach, so I move my fingers to my entrance sliding two inside me using my thumb to circle my clit.

My walls start to close around my fingers as I come closer to the edge, images of you floating around in my mind. That’s when I hear the main door open, close, and lock. I can feel the panic rise in me as I realise you’ve come back to the room. I remove my hands from my body and place them on the tiles, quickly turning the water to cold and blasting myself. I stand there for 30 seconds and I can feel myself calming down, when I start to shiver I move out of the stream of water and turn the taps off.

I wrap the fluffy hotel towel around myself as I get out of the shower, my skin sensitive from the overstimulation from the shower. My legs nearly give out so I grab hold of the sink, I hear you ask if I’m okay so I reply that I’m fine. I quickly towel dry my body and wrap my hair up in the towel, I look for clothes to get dressed into. That’s when I realise that I left them on the bed, I bang my head lightly against the wall (how could I have been so stupid?).

Unlocking the door of the bathroom I hesitantly enter the main room, you’re sat on one of the chairs on the balcony reading your book. I quickly get dressed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, once done I join you on the balcony and you apologise for falling asleep by the pool. I tell you it’s fine and that you should go shower as we have a dinner reservation, you get up from the chair running your hand from my arm, over my shoulders, and down the other arm.

I watch you head into the bathroom; I swear you exaggerate the sway in your hips, but I can’t help but watch your arse as you walk away. Once I hear the lock go on the bathroom, I jump up to get changed. I know it’s just friends going out for dinner, but I can’t help but put all my effort into my outfit. I put my black lacy bra and pant combo on; I pull on a red tank top, as I’m pulling my skinny jeans over my arse I hear the bathroom door unlock.

Turning around I see you in just your towel, so I quickly turn away to dry my hair and put it up in a bun. It’s still hot at 7 PM so I pull my hair into a bun, leaving the fringe out and straightening it. Once I’ve hair sprayed my hair and got it to how I want it I move on to my makeup. I keep it simple like always just applying mascara and eyeliner, when I’m done I go to the balcony and sit down by the table. I sit there having a cigarette whilst watching the world go by, I go to pick my phone but that’s when you walk onto the balcony.

My breath catches in my throat as I look you up and down, you’re in a pair of ripped skinny jeans with a green shirt. The rips on your thighs show off a lot of skin, your shirts undone showing off a small amount of your bra. My eyes nearly bulge out of my head at the amount of cleavage that’s showing, you give me a shy smile as you watch me check you out. I get up from my chair so I’m eye-level with you, I try my best to keep eye contact with you but I can’t help my gaze drifting down.

We grab our stuff and head out to the restaurant, you link your arm with mine and pull me closer to you. There’s a small queue outside so we wait until it’s our turn, we’re shown to our table in a quiet area of the dining area. I pull your chair out and you thank me as you sit down, I sit in the chair opposite as the waiter hands us our menus. He leaves us to look over the selection of meals and drinks, after 5minutes he comes back to ask us if we’ve made up our minds. I watch the waiter flirt with you as he takes our orders.

I lean forward taking your hand in mine, bringing it up to my lips I place a kiss. The waiter takes a step back clearing his throat, I wink at you and I can see the blush creep up your neck. I go to remove my hand from yours, but your grip tightens on my hand holding it in place. A different waiter comes back with our drinks, she spills a little bit on me and starts to apologise. I wave her off as I dab at my jeans, I look at the bar and I can see the original waiter there with a huge grin on his face. You look over your shoulder and see what’s happening.

All of a sudden I feel your foot move up my calf, my eyes go wide as I look at you. You’ve got a smirk on your face as your foot trails higher, I can feel myself start to tense up at the contact on my leg. You look back over your shoulder and see the waiter staring at us, I can see the evil glint in your eye as you lean in closer to me over the table. You tug on my hand pulling me closer, when we both reach the middle of the table you lean in a little closer.

I can see your eyelids close as your lips purse, you’re leaning in further and I can feel the butterflies start in my stomach. Just before your lips make contact I turn my head to the side, your lips connect with my cheek. You pull away looking disappointed; I feel bad but I’ve wanted this for a long time, I don’t want it to happen just because of some dickhead waiter. As we pull away the original waiter brings our food over, I give you a soft smile as we start to eat. We exchange small talk whilst we eat, the waiter comes to check how our food is so we order another drink.

Once the meal is finished we settle the bill and head off. We’re walking along the seafront and I can’t help but notice that you’re keeping your distance now. I slow down slightly to keep at your pace, you’re kicking your feet in the sand so I stop. You go to take another step, but I grab your wrist spinning you around to face me. You look at me to question what I’m doing, but that’s when I pull you into me.

Your chest presses against mine as your free hand rests on my hip, I lift my hand and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. You lean into my hand, your lips brushing against the palm of my hand. I can feel the electricity behind the brief touch. I place my other hand on your hip, my fingers touch your skin as I didn’t realise that your shirt had lifted. I feel you shiver against me as my fingers land on your skin, I lean in slowly towards your lips. I see you look down at my mouth, you lick your lips in anticipation.

At the last minute, you turn your head, I hear you giggle as you pull away and runoff. I groan into the night, the moon illuminating the sky so I’m able to see where you are. I let out the breath I didn’t realise I was holding as I set off after you. When I catch you up you slow down to walk, moving closer to me you take my hand and interlock our fingers together. I feel my heart skip a beat as you grip my hand tighter, your thumb drawing patters over my skin.

We’re getting closer to the hotel and I can feel you start to walk quicker, tugging me with you until we reach the elevator. You keep pressing the button for the lift eagerly, I can feel the tension build within me as the numbers count down. The doors finally ding open and as soon as they do you pull me in quickly, pressing the door closure button until they are firmly shut.

I can feel the sexual tension rise between us, it’s so thick it could be cut with a knife. The grip on my hand tightens, you’re so close to me I can feel your whole-body tense. I can sense you looking at me and I can’t help but peek over at you, your pupils are blown as you watch me lick and bite my lip. The elevator stops on our floor, you’re pulling me towards our room. Once the door is open you kick it closed, I can see the hunger in your eyes.

You push me against the wall, pinning my hands above my head. I can see your eyes looking at my lips, your pupils dilate as you watch my tongue poke out to lick my lips. I bite my lip slightly and it’s like a switch has flipped, you crash your lips against mine hard. Your free hand moves from my hip, over my side, and into my hair. Our lips meld together as we fall in sync, the butterflies in my stomach dissipate as I feel your tongue trace my bottom lip.

I arch my back off the wall; my thigh sliding between your legs, I can feel the heat coming off you on my thigh. You slide your tongue into my mouth, the feel of your tongue against mine sends a rush of arousal through me. I groan as you pull away from my lips, kissing your way to my ear. Your teeth graze against my ear lobe as your lips caress the shell of my ear, I try to move my hands but you have a firm grip on them.

Your lips trail down my jaw to my throat, you kiss and bite the column of my neck. I feel your tongue run over my skin, my eyes roll into the back of my head involuntarily. Another shot of arousal shoots through my body, I straddle your leg and grind my pussy against your thigh. You let go of my hands and grip my hips pushing them against the wall, my hands falling to your shoulders. I slide them up your neck and into your hair, my nails scratch over your scalp as I pull your head further into me.

I feel your hands on my skin as they slide up my top and over my stomach, my tops scrunched up on my chest just under my chin. Your fingers trace light patterns over the top of my breasts, ever so slightly going beneath my bra. I arch my back into your hands but you move them back to my stomach, the muscles twitching under your touch as you move your fingers to the top of my jeans. You bite and suck at my neck leaving a mark before you kiss your way over the bunched-up top to my breasts.

You bite at the flesh as you undo my jeans, running your hands back up my sides to pull down the cups of my bra. You flick your tongue over my nipple as you pinch the other; you switch sides repeating your actions, you pull back and move to kiss my lips. Your hands slide round my back and unclasp my bra, I pull it from my body and throw it across the room. My hands find their way underneath your top, I scratch my nails over your skin as you bite my bottom lip.

I push you slightly and you lose your balance, I take the opportunity to guide you toward the bed. The backs of your knees hit the bed and you fall onto it, you scoot further onto the bed placing your hands on my thighs as I straddle your waist. I pull my top off throwing it to join my bra over the other side of the room; I take my hair out of the bun and shake it out, I lean down to kiss you as my hair cascades around our faces.

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With one hand on your jaw, I turn your head to the side, my other hand slides down and undoes the buttons on your shirt. I kiss, suck and bite at your neck, leaving a mark… Karmas a bitch. I start to slide your shirt off your body, you lift yourself up slightly to make it easier for me. Whilst your back is off the bed I undo your bra, ripping it from your body I throw both items of clothing onto the floor. I sit up and run my fingers lightly over your torso, you whimper at the look in my eyes as I stare at your boobs.

Your grip tightens on my thighs as I play with your nipples, I pinch and roll them between my fingers pulling at them gently. I can feel your nails dig in through the fabric of my jeans as I lean down and take a nipple into my mouth, my fingers carry on caressing the other. My tongue rolls around your nipple, my teeth grazing over the sensitive flesh. Your hands move from my thighs to my shoulders, your nails digging into my skin causing me to hiss as I bite your nipple a little bit harder.

I undo your jeans with my spare hand running my fingers under the waistband of your pants, you arch up from the bed as much as you can with me on top of you. You groan in frustration thrashing your legs slightly at the fact that you can’t get any relief from the ache between your legs. I slide my hand down further, the angle hurting my wrist but it’s worth it for the noises falling from your lips. I can feel the heat radiating from you as I near your pussy, letting go of your nipple I kiss down your stomach.

You take advantage of me moving down your body and lifting your hips up, pulling down your own trousers and pants. I look up at you shocked slightly but you just grin down at me, I pull the items of clothing the rest of the way down your legs. I place a kiss on the tops of your thighs and one on your pubic area, I carry on moving further up your body. You pull my body on top of yours pressing us together tightly like you’re afraid I’m going to run away.

I place a chaste kiss on your lips as I look into your eyes, running my fingers through your hair. I cup your chin and you move your head into it placing a kiss on my palm, I try to show you all the feeling I have for you through my eyes. You start to smile and I grin right back at you, as my thumb strokes at your cheek I move my head down to kiss your lips softly. You moan into my mouth, bringing your hands up to the back of my head you hold me steady.

Rearranging my position so I’m to the side of you I rest my head on my hand leaning on my elbow, I watch your facial expression as I trail my fingers down your body. You scrunch your nose up when I reach a ticklish point on your stomach, I run over it a couple of times but you grab my hand and push it lower. I get the hint and move my hand lower, I ghost it over your pussy lips whilst moving to your thigh.

I run my fingers over your thighs in turn, my nails scratching lightly every now and then. You’re whimpering whilst your nails scratch over my back and chest, leaving red marks over my body. You tug at my nipples as I brush gently over your clit, your hips buck into my hand causing my fingers to slip and move to your entrance. I circle your hole, dipping the tip of my finger into you slightly. You grab my hand, overpowering me and pushing my fingers into you.

You hold my hand there as I curl my fingers into you, you feel so good around my fingers. The feel of you sends a spark of carnal desire through me, I thrust my fingers into you hard but slow with your hand still over mine. Your other hand manages to slide into my jeans, pushing past my pants and straight to my opening. You moan as you feel how wet I am from all the teasing that’s gone on throughout the evening, you manage to push two of your fingers inside of me. I let out a loud moan at the feeling of you filling me, you try to move your hand but it’s trapped by the restraints of my jeans.

I somehow manage to wiggle the material down to my knees without either of us having to stop what we’re doing, you’re able to move your fingers inside me. I double my effort to meet your thrusts into me; we’re gasping into each other’s mouths, our tongues brushing occasionally as we wet our lips. You manage to push me onto my back and hover over me. I curl my fingers inside you and you gasp as I hit the right spot, I circle my thumb over your clit as I feel your walls close around my fingers.

The noises coming from you are causing the knot in my stomach to tighten, you mirror my movements and circle my clit with your thumb. I can feel my release build up more as the grip your cunt has on my fingers makes it hard for me to move, with one final flick over your clit I can feel you relax. Your body starts to jerk as you cum hard over my fingers, it doesn’t take long for me to follow suit.

When you’ve come down from your high I slowly remove my fingers from inside you, you whimper at the loss of contact. I go to place a kiss on your lips but you pull your fingers from me quickly and turn around, getting up from the bed with the sheet. You make your way to the bathroom picking up your pyjamas on the way, you close the door quickly and lock it behind you. I’m left there stunned.

It’s been about 20 minutes and I can still hear the shower going, I decide to go for a cigarette so I pull on some shorts and a t-shirt making my way to the balcony after grabbing a beer. I sit there and think about what’s just happened. I question what just went on. “Surely you wanted it? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have let it happen.” “Was it that bad?” “Was I just to fill a space whilst you’re on your own?” All these questions go around in my head.

I can feel a tear fall down my cheek as I take a swig of my beer, I wipe it away with the back of my hand. I can see the light from the bathroom reflect onto the balcony wall, I straighten up and take a long drag of my cigarette. The light goes off and I just sit there waiting for you to join me; I check my watch and it’s been five minutes, I take a chance and look behind me. I see your form in the bed, the duvet wrapped around your shoulders with your back towards me.

After sitting there for another half hour I think you must be asleep so I creep into the room. I debate joining you in the bed as all I’ve wanted is to hold you whilst you sleep, but I decide to grab the spare sheet and a pillow and sleep in the chair by the window. I doubt I’ll get much sleep but after what’s just happened, all my emotions are swimming around my head so I wouldn’t be getting much sleep anyway. I curl up in the chair and just watch the night sky through the window, I see a shooting star and make a wish… “I wish for you to be happy no matter what.” I close my eyes and try to get some sleep.

I wake in the morning with a sore neck and a stiff back, I look over at the bed and it’s empty. Getting up from the chair I try to stretch my back out and massage my neck. It doesn’t help so I get into my swimsuit, grab my towel and head down to the spa. I decide to swim a couple of lengths before going into the jacuzzi, I’m hoping the pressure from the jets will work out the knots I have. I sit there with my eyes closed for a little bit, the pressure of the jets working their magic.

I can sense someone coming into the jacuzzi so I move over a little bit to give more room, the body sits next to me pressing their thigh against mine. With my eyes still closed, I move over a little bit more, but the pressure on my leg follows. I open my eyes and see you there with a small smile on your face, I stand up from where I am. I give you a look as if to say, “Stay the fuck away from me.”

I get up and go into the steam room, it’s dark in the room lit only by a small red light in the corner. I look around to see if anyone is in there; luckily there isn’t, so I choose the corner furthest from the door and light. I lay on the top row of the sauna and close my eyes. I lay there thinking about last night and how your body reacted to my touch, the noises you made as you came around my fingers.

The sweat is dripping down my body and onto the wooden bench, I think I’ve been in here for 5 minutes and that’s when I hear the door open. I sit up and look towards the door, I see the light reflect off the intruder’s face. It only takes me a second to realise you’ve followed me in here, you sit down over the other side of the room with your elbows on your knees and your head in your hands. You’re looking really upset; usually, I would feel bad and try to comfort you, but after the way you acted last night I get up and walk out.

I don’t look back, I just keep going until I find myself back in the hotel room. Clothes are still thrown onto the floor, the sheets are crumpled and the smell of sex and sweat hangs in the air. I open the balcony door to let the air circulate as well as make the bed slightly. Once that’s all done, I jump in the shower and get dressed quickly before you come back. I sit on the balcony enjoying the midday sun with my book, I hear the door open and close to the main room then to the bathroom. I decide to go for a walk as I don’t want to be around you right now.

The sun is starting to set as I make my way onto the beach near the hotel, the sky is a mix of pinks, oranges, and reds. I pull my phone out of my pocket to take a picture and see five messages and a missed call from you, I ignore them for now and pull my camera up. I take several pictures of the sunset as well as a selfie with the biggest fake smile I can manage and I lay back onto the sand scrolling through the photos. I come across one of us from the other day, you have your arms around my waist as mine are around your middle. My eyes are closed as I press a kiss to your cheek, you have the biggest grin on your face.

A tear falls down my cheek as I remember that day, the amount we laughed and what led us to that moment. I drop my phone onto my stomach and place my arm over my eyes shutting out the world, it’s been roughly 2 minutes when my phone goes off again. I look at the screen and it’s another message from you, I sigh and decide to look at the messages. “Where are you?” “I’m sorry” “Can we talk?” “Please tell me where you are?” “Fine, be that way.” They were the first five messages, this one hit home like a punch to the gut.

“I’m sorry about last night, I got scared so I pushed you away. I just wanted things to go back to normal this morning, but I realise I’ve really hurt you. There is nothing I can say to take back what I have done, I don’t regret last night one bit… I really enjoyed it. See I’ve had these feelings for you for a while now and they’ve confused me. Yesterday just got all a bit too much.

The flirting, the lingering touches… I know it was my fault mainly because of the waiter situation at the restaurant but I couldn’t help myself, and then I had worked myself up so I decided to do something that I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time. I like you… a lot. It’s taken me a day without you to finally realise. Please tell me where you are? If not, just at least let me know you’re safe?”

I lock my phone pushing it into my front pocket as I get up from the sand, I brush off as much as I can before I head back to the hotel. I go straight to the bar and order a beer for myself and a vodka and coke for you, I get into the elevator and a smile starts to creep onto my lips as I remember yesterday. When the elevator doors open I fly out and walk quickly to the door, I knock on the door with my foot as hard as I can. I can hear rustling behind the door as you get up from wherever you’re sat, the door quickly opens and I’m met by your smiling face when you see it’s me.

You go to pull me into a hug but realise I have drinks in my hands, you open the door more to let me in. I place the drinks on the side and I can feel you standing behind me, I turn around and you wrap your arms around me in a tight hug. I pull you in closer as I feel you start to shake, you pull back slightly and start to apologise. I cut you off by placing a kiss on your lips, you smile into the kiss pressing harder against me.

I spin us around and push you down onto the bed, you let out a little giggle as I climb on top of you straddling your hips. I lean down to kiss you, my hands cupping your jaw as my thumbs stroke your cheeks. Your hands reach under the back of my top kneading the muscles, your nails scratch hard as you bite my lip. I let out a hiss and a moan at the sensation, I look down at you and your eyes have gone a darker shade of brown, almost black.

You lift your hips and manage to flip our position so you’re on top of me, you pin my hands to the bed as you kiss down my neck. You stop and lick at the bruise you left last night, nipping the skin slightly with your teeth. I groan whilst trying to pull my hands out of your grip, you trail one of your hands down my arm. I try to squirm out of your touch as it tickles, but you apply more pressure to my wrists. Your hand carries on with its journey down my side and under my top, I gasp when your hand touches my skin as it’s cold.

I manage to get a hand free and place it on top of your, I tug your hand to my breast and you let out a moan as you realise I’m not wearing a bra. You sit up slightly to let me get my top off the best I can with one hand still pinned, you waste no time and take a nipple into your mouth. I arch my back off the bed as you flick your tongue over the sensitive flesh, biting and sucking occasionally as you pull and pinch at my other nipple rolling it between your fingers.

You swap sides and repeat the process, my hips buck as you slide your thigh between my legs. I grind my pussy the best I can against your thigh, the seam of my shorts rubbing against my clit causing me to throw my head back. You let go of my wrists and I immediately pull you back to my lips, pressing a hard kiss to your mouth as our teeth clash and tongues meet. I bend my knee up placing my foot firmly into the mattress, you moan as your cunt makes contact.

We’re like horny teenagers grinding and groping each other whilst making out heavily. We pull off each other’s clothes in turn placing kisses against newly exposed skin, light touches and caresses exchanged between each other. Once you’ve pulled my shorts and pants down my legs you kiss your way back up my inner thighs, when you reach the apex of my legs you dodge my attempt at getting you where I want you most.

Placing a kiss to the top of my pubic area you trail your fingers up my thighs, you massage the tops of my legs grazing your fingertips ever so slightly over my pussy lips. You place more kisses over my skin, biting ever so lightly. I look down and I can see you looking up at me, my jaw drops as I watch you stick out your tongue gently licking my clit. I throw my head back into the pillows arching my back as far off the bed as I can trying to gain a little more pressure, but you pull back and sit up.

You look at your drink and see there is still ice in there, you grab a piece out of the glass with a mischievous look on your face. I feel the cool liquid drip onto my skin and I can’t help but flinch, I try to pull away but you somehow manage to have me pinned to the bed again. You place the ice cube in your mouth before lowering your head down to my nipple, the feeling of the ice against my skin causes goosebumps to rise all over my body. You trail it from one nipple to the other causing them to harden instantly.

You pick out another piece of ice and trail it across my collar bones, down my sternum to my belly button as you carry on paying attention to my nipples. You lick down the trail you just left then sit up grabbing another ice cube, place it in your mouth and slide it further down my body. You reach my pussy and run your cold tongue over my dripping core, you place the ice on my clit letting it melt as you suck on the bundle of nerves.

I whimper at the action and tangle my hand into your hair, your fingers run down my body and down my thighs. You place one hand on my hip and apply pressure to stop me from moving, your other hand moves to my entrance circling the opening. You slide one finger inside me and I can feel my walls constrict around the digit, pulling it in as far as it will go. The ice has melted and I can feel your teeth graze over my clit, you add another finger and start to move your fingers in slow shallow movements.

The sensation on my clit gets too much so I pull you up by your hair, you move up the bed and lay beside me. I pull you into a kiss when you’re at head height; one hand stays in your hair holding you against my lips, the other moves down your body. I stop to tug at your nipples and roll them between my fingertips, you’re arching into my hand trying to gain more attention but I decide to move my hand lower.

I reach your cunt and I can’t help but let out a moan at the feeling of how wet you are, I can’t be bothered to tease you, so I circle your clit slowly. You’re fingers move faster as I start to circle your clit faster, you move your leg between mine using your thigh to thrust harder into me. I insert two fingers into you hard and fast, I curl them inside you hitting your G-spot moving them inside you. You rest your forehead against mine our breaths mingling between us, I open my eyes and see you looking at me with a smile on your face.

We’re matching each other’s pace and I can feel you tighten around my fingers, your breath changes to be sharp and shallow as I push as hard and fast as I can into you. I can feel the knot in my stomach tighten as I come close to the edge, I move my thumb to your clit and start to circle it. I didn’t think it was possible but your walls become tighter, I can feel myself about to cum as you mimic my actions.

It doesn’t take long and I can feel your walls pulsate around my fingers as you cum, you’re moaning fills my ears and that’s all it takes. I can feel the knot leave as I come undone, you slow your movements before pulling out your fingers. I keep my fingers inside you but slow my movements until you’ve come down from your high. As soon as you’ve caught your breath I start my movements again and you cum again, a high pitch moan leaving your mouth.

I kiss you once you have come around from the intense orgasm, you kiss me back lazily with a smile plastered on your face. I remove my fingers and you whimper at the loss of contact, I roll onto my back and you instantly place your head on my chest. I press a kiss to your forehead and wrap my arm around your shoulders pulling you tightly against me, we remain like that for 5 minutes until I hear your breath even out.

Getting up from the bed I hear you protest, a hint of panic in your voice. I turn back around and explain I’m going to the toilet, then having a shower, you give me a sad look as I turn back around. I reach the toilet door and turn to face you, “More than welcome to join me…” I wink and close the door partially. I laugh loudly as I hear a thud, the only thing I can think of making that noise is you possibly falling from the bed. How did I get so lucky with you…

Written by tech_chic
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