Helen’s emotions were riding a roller coaster for the rest of the afternoon. Time and time again she relieved her neighbor’s visit as if she was watching herself in a movie recording. Everything was so far outside of her range of experiences, and the heat still lingering between her legs didn’t let her think rationally.
The potted plants in the living room needed to be watered, but she had already tried twice, and every time she stepped into the room her eyes had roamed over the couch where she was expected to - to perform, and over the panorama windows, and she had become acutely aware of her state of undress and the craziness that was going on. Torn between the almost overwhelming urge to strip completely naked, to fetch the cucumber and start early with her lewd task, and the equally intense feelings of fear and guilt which were making her tremble, she had fled back into the relative safety of the kitchen both times. Safe, unless she dared look at the fridge and think about its contents.
But finally the sun settled down, signaling her that it was soon time for her performance. She fetched her brightest pink lipstick, a leftover from a Halloween costume, and the big cucumber she had already put onto the counter so it could warm up to room temperature. Her fingers trembled when she wrote the names onto her stomach, and she had to use both hands to steady them enough, carefully writing "Lisa" and "Jen" onto her stomach in big uppercase letters.
Her shorts still sported a huge wet stain in the front, and when she stripped out of them, the air was filled with her musky scent. After turning up the lights in the living room to their maximum and draping herself onto the couch, her eyes became glued to the wall clock, her need climbing with every inch the sweep hand crawled closer towards the hour mark, while she imagined the two girls sitting in front of the window with their binoculars and waiting eagerly for the show to begin.
Eight, at last it was time. Her hands shook even more when she gripped the cucumber with one hand and started to softly stroke her pussy with the other. She reveled in the smooth feeling of her hairless crotch. If she had had an inkling how exciting this would feel, she would have started shaving down there ages ago. It made her feel doubly nude and highly sexual. Helen’s folds were already drenched with juices, so she didn’t really need any foreplay and put the tip of the huge green vegetable against her entrance, her breath hitching at the thought of her own depravity.
She had never had anything even close to the size of the cucumber down there, but even while she wondered if she could fit the width of it inside herself at all, she started to push. She was met with serious resistance at first, her pussy stretching only reluctantly. Yet the heat that shot through her nether region didn’t even let her contemplate stopping, and she pushed the intruder harder into her sex. There was a moment when the pressure became slightly painful, but it was still bearable, and she couldn’t suppress the moan when her pussy finally stretched enough and two inches of the cucumber slipped into her.
"Oh my god," she moaned, the feeling of fullness unlike anything she had felt before, and even increased the pressure. Her pussy clenched hard around the vegetable and made her gasp in pain. She couldn’t say why she didn’t let up, for a second she feared that her sex might be split into two halves, but then she could only stare, her heart beating like a drum, at the spot between her legs where the green monster slid deeper and deeper inside her love tunnel.
Her breath was flying by now, and every quarter inch of cucumber that vanished inside her drew forth another hoarse moan. Her pussy lips had taken on a dark red, swollen appearance and glistened with moisture. She flicked her clit, and the waves of pleasure rolling through her womb were exquisite and made her tremble all over. Finally, the intruder refused to go deeper, and she started to pull it backwards, only an inch, and pushed it in again.
The heat and the pleasure had her gasp and mumble pointless words of agreement while she writhed on the couch. Again she pulled out, this time a little further, and shoved it back in. "Oh god, oh god, oh yes." Repeating the action and pulling out further with each thrust, she started to truly fuck herself. Her eyes sought out the window, the dark squares behind which her new neighbor was watching, her cheeks burning with shame even while she was swept away by the incredible feeling between her legs.
Helen yelped when the phone started to ring, the shrill sound breaking her out of her ecstasy. She was completely lost for a moment, but then she reached over the backrest of the couch and gripped the phone with moist fingers. It almost slipped from her hand, but she managed to hold on and brought it before her eyes. It showed an unknown number, and she contemplated simply ignoring it, but when it kept up the annoying rings, she took a deep breath. "Hello?"
"Nice show, Helen."
A giggle answered her. "Who else. But I’ve got the speaker set to loud, so Jen is also listening in."
"How - how did you get my number?"
Another giggle. "The phonebook, silly. We were just talking while we watched you, and we thought we might spice things up a bit. What do you think?"
Spice things up? Helen couldn’t see how that was possible, with her pussy still clenching around the huge cucumber stuck in her pussy every few minutes.
"Helen?" Lisa’s voice prompted when she didn’t reply, sounding a bit impatient.
"Uh, okay," she finally managed to stammer.
"Good. Do you have a sleeping mask?"
Helen almost declined, but then remembered that there was one of those in the package she had received years ago on an overnight flight. It should still be in the drawer with the knick-knacks. "Yes," she hastily answered, "I should have one."
"Okay, then that’s what you do. Fetch the mask, set your phone to hands-free mode and put it on the table, then put on the mask and continue fucking yourself."
Helen’s breath hitched. She could think of one reason why she was supposed to put on the mask. Still, she didn’t question the motive. "Okay," she agreed breathlessly.
"Oh, and by the way, keep the cucumber in."
"Okay, I will."
"That should be ‘I will, Mistress’ if we want to do this right."
The thought alone was outrageous, to address a girl young enough to be her own daughter as mistress, but Helen was too far into this perverted little game to care. A tingle resonated all through her body when the words rolled over her tongue as if they had been waiting to do this all her life. "I will, Mistress."
"And one more thing. Crawl."
She could hear giggles and whispers as she slid down from the couch and started to cross the room on all fours, her movements made even more awkward by the phone in her hands. She had to move carefully so the tip of the cucumber didn’t press too hard into the sides of her pussy. The wooden floor was hard on her knees, but the lack of comfort only added to the wicked lewdness of her voluntary action.
Finding the mask took a bit of rummaging in the almost overflowing drawer, but she finally held it in her hand, a burgundy red piece of padded fabric with a rubber band.
After crawling back to the couch, she did as instructed, and finally sank back onto it, her eyes now covered with the sleeping mask.
"Good girl," Lisa’s voice sounded from the phone, "you may continue."
A small part in Helen’s head screamed in outrage at the sarcasm, but the bigger part of her, the needy, sexual part, could only moan and grip the cucumber.
She had to start over again, only with tiny movements, getting her pussy once more acquainted to the feeling of being stretched to its limits and released again.
"You’re one dirty slut, aren’t you?" This time it was Jen who talked to her.
"Yes Mistress," she replied, only to moan and arch her back when the cucumber slipped another half inch deeper.
"And whose dirty old slut are you?"
"Yours, Mistress," Helen replied, breathless and without even thinking, "and Mistress Lisa’s."
"Good answer," Lisa’s voice praised her. "I think we’ll have a lot of fun together. I can’t wait to…" Her neighbour’s voice trailed off. "I’m getting ahead of myself. Why don’t you tell us how you feel while you fuck yourself. Keep up the commentary."
"Oh god," Helen moaned, "I feel so full! It’s incredible." A tremor ran along her thighs and travelled up her stomach. "I’ve never felt so naked before in my life - ah, oh yes, yes - and so dirty." She gripped the cucumber with both hands and worked herself into a frenzy. "It’s so… huge…" she gasped, writhing and shaking, "and… it hurts a bit… ngh… but… so good!"
Suddenly the sound of the busy signal filled the room and startled her, but then she heard the giggles right next to her. The beeping stopped, and she froze.
"Don’t stop!" Lisa’s sharp command hit her light a whiplash, but she immediately picked up her ministrations again.
"What do you think?" Lisa asked.
"That’s so crazy!" Jen’s voice was full of excitement. "That’s got to be the sickest thing I’ve ever seen!"
Helen’s heart missed a few beats, but the crude comment did nothing to damped her arousal, on the contrary, it set loose a swarm of butterflies in her stomach.
"You ain’t seen nothing yet, girl," Lisa told her, "I’ve got soo many depraved things planned for her, if she keeps playing, that is."
Helen’s moan following that statement drew eager smiles onto the faces of the two teenage girls. "She seems to like that idea." Jen giggled.
"What do you think, Helen, would you like it if we did the same thing like now in a room full of strangers?"
A whispered "oh my god" and an arching of her back was the only response Helen could give.
"Or in front of someone who knows you well?"
"No! Please!" Helen exclaimed, but the tingling in her nipples and the involuntary clenching of her pussy told her differently.
"I think you’re lying," Lisa remarked, but Helen was distracted from protesting by the touch of fingers on her breasts. "Are you close to cumming?"
"Oh god yes."
"Then stop the movements."
It took all of Helen’s willpower to do so. She slumped back into the couch, and the need between her legs rose to almost unbearable levels. "Please," she whimpered.
"Please, what?"
"Please, let me cum, Mistress!"
"Not yet."
Helen could sense the enjoyment in the girl’s voice.
"What do you think of her body, Jen?"
Lisa’s friend took a few moments to answer. "Well, she’s not completely ugly. But her white tits and lower parts look rather ridiculous against the tan on her arms and legs. And her tits are starting to sag a bit. I do like her nipples though, they are quite long."
Helen almost couldn’t believe the audacity with which the girl was talking about her body and her face flushed with shame.
"Well, she is an older slut, so that’s what can be expected."
A gasp escaped Helen’s throat when fingers wrapped themselves around both her ankles and roughly pushed her legs upwards and back, folding her in the middle. Yet, she didn’t, couldn’t resist.
"What do you think about her ass, though?"
Helen jerked when two hands started to knead her exposed backside, and yelped when a finger dug between her cheeks and trailed over her sphincter.
"Hm, nice and full," Jen assessed, "a bit on the wide side, but quite spankable."
Lisa giggled in response. "That’s what I thought too. But let’s get to what we discussed. Helen, we’re going to help you down from the couch and we want you to stay on your knees, is that understood?"
"Yes, Mistress." Her reply was meek, her mind still struggling with the girls’ casual, demeaning words and images of nubile fingers smacking her backside. A hot knot formed in her stomach.
She let herself be guided to the floor, a bit fearful that a wrong movement might make her fall and push the cucumber too far inside her, but the girls were careful and held her tightly. Then she was on her knees, her bum resting on her heels, and still breathing hard. A clicking noise startled her, but when it was repeated and moved around her, she recognized it.
"Please," she whispered, already knowing that it was futile.
"I told you about the pictures," Lisa’s voice answered her plea without sympathy, "now be a good girl and smile for me."
She couldn’t let that happen, Helen thought to herself, if those photographs came out, she’d be shunned by everyone. The people she knew would look at her like at a cheap tramp and spit on her.
The potted plants in the living room needed to be watered, but she had already tried twice, and every time she stepped into the room her eyes had roamed over the couch where she was expected to - to perform, and over the panorama windows, and she had become acutely aware of her state of undress and the craziness that was going on. Torn between the almost overwhelming urge to strip completely naked, to fetch the cucumber and start early with her lewd task, and the equally intense feelings of fear and guilt which were making her tremble, she had fled back into the relative safety of the kitchen both times. Safe, unless she dared look at the fridge and think about its contents.
But finally the sun settled down, signaling her that it was soon time for her performance. She fetched her brightest pink lipstick, a leftover from a Halloween costume, and the big cucumber she had already put onto the counter so it could warm up to room temperature. Her fingers trembled when she wrote the names onto her stomach, and she had to use both hands to steady them enough, carefully writing "Lisa" and "Jen" onto her stomach in big uppercase letters.
Her shorts still sported a huge wet stain in the front, and when she stripped out of them, the air was filled with her musky scent. After turning up the lights in the living room to their maximum and draping herself onto the couch, her eyes became glued to the wall clock, her need climbing with every inch the sweep hand crawled closer towards the hour mark, while she imagined the two girls sitting in front of the window with their binoculars and waiting eagerly for the show to begin.
Eight, at last it was time. Her hands shook even more when she gripped the cucumber with one hand and started to softly stroke her pussy with the other. She reveled in the smooth feeling of her hairless crotch. If she had had an inkling how exciting this would feel, she would have started shaving down there ages ago. It made her feel doubly nude and highly sexual. Helen’s folds were already drenched with juices, so she didn’t really need any foreplay and put the tip of the huge green vegetable against her entrance, her breath hitching at the thought of her own depravity.
She had never had anything even close to the size of the cucumber down there, but even while she wondered if she could fit the width of it inside herself at all, she started to push. She was met with serious resistance at first, her pussy stretching only reluctantly. Yet the heat that shot through her nether region didn’t even let her contemplate stopping, and she pushed the intruder harder into her sex. There was a moment when the pressure became slightly painful, but it was still bearable, and she couldn’t suppress the moan when her pussy finally stretched enough and two inches of the cucumber slipped into her.
"Oh my god," she moaned, the feeling of fullness unlike anything she had felt before, and even increased the pressure. Her pussy clenched hard around the vegetable and made her gasp in pain. She couldn’t say why she didn’t let up, for a second she feared that her sex might be split into two halves, but then she could only stare, her heart beating like a drum, at the spot between her legs where the green monster slid deeper and deeper inside her love tunnel.
Her breath was flying by now, and every quarter inch of cucumber that vanished inside her drew forth another hoarse moan. Her pussy lips had taken on a dark red, swollen appearance and glistened with moisture. She flicked her clit, and the waves of pleasure rolling through her womb were exquisite and made her tremble all over. Finally, the intruder refused to go deeper, and she started to pull it backwards, only an inch, and pushed it in again.
The heat and the pleasure had her gasp and mumble pointless words of agreement while she writhed on the couch. Again she pulled out, this time a little further, and shoved it back in. "Oh god, oh god, oh yes." Repeating the action and pulling out further with each thrust, she started to truly fuck herself. Her eyes sought out the window, the dark squares behind which her new neighbor was watching, her cheeks burning with shame even while she was swept away by the incredible feeling between her legs.
Helen yelped when the phone started to ring, the shrill sound breaking her out of her ecstasy. She was completely lost for a moment, but then she reached over the backrest of the couch and gripped the phone with moist fingers. It almost slipped from her hand, but she managed to hold on and brought it before her eyes. It showed an unknown number, and she contemplated simply ignoring it, but when it kept up the annoying rings, she took a deep breath. "Hello?"
"Nice show, Helen."
A giggle answered her. "Who else. But I’ve got the speaker set to loud, so Jen is also listening in."
"How - how did you get my number?"
Another giggle. "The phonebook, silly. We were just talking while we watched you, and we thought we might spice things up a bit. What do you think?"
Spice things up? Helen couldn’t see how that was possible, with her pussy still clenching around the huge cucumber stuck in her pussy every few minutes.
"Helen?" Lisa’s voice prompted when she didn’t reply, sounding a bit impatient.
"Uh, okay," she finally managed to stammer.
"Good. Do you have a sleeping mask?"
Helen almost declined, but then remembered that there was one of those in the package she had received years ago on an overnight flight. It should still be in the drawer with the knick-knacks. "Yes," she hastily answered, "I should have one."
"Okay, then that’s what you do. Fetch the mask, set your phone to hands-free mode and put it on the table, then put on the mask and continue fucking yourself."
Helen’s breath hitched. She could think of one reason why she was supposed to put on the mask. Still, she didn’t question the motive. "Okay," she agreed breathlessly.
"Oh, and by the way, keep the cucumber in."
"Okay, I will."
"That should be ‘I will, Mistress’ if we want to do this right."
The thought alone was outrageous, to address a girl young enough to be her own daughter as mistress, but Helen was too far into this perverted little game to care. A tingle resonated all through her body when the words rolled over her tongue as if they had been waiting to do this all her life. "I will, Mistress."
"And one more thing. Crawl."
She could hear giggles and whispers as she slid down from the couch and started to cross the room on all fours, her movements made even more awkward by the phone in her hands. She had to move carefully so the tip of the cucumber didn’t press too hard into the sides of her pussy. The wooden floor was hard on her knees, but the lack of comfort only added to the wicked lewdness of her voluntary action.
Finding the mask took a bit of rummaging in the almost overflowing drawer, but she finally held it in her hand, a burgundy red piece of padded fabric with a rubber band.
After crawling back to the couch, she did as instructed, and finally sank back onto it, her eyes now covered with the sleeping mask.
"Good girl," Lisa’s voice sounded from the phone, "you may continue."
A small part in Helen’s head screamed in outrage at the sarcasm, but the bigger part of her, the needy, sexual part, could only moan and grip the cucumber.
She had to start over again, only with tiny movements, getting her pussy once more acquainted to the feeling of being stretched to its limits and released again.
"You’re one dirty slut, aren’t you?" This time it was Jen who talked to her.
"Yes Mistress," she replied, only to moan and arch her back when the cucumber slipped another half inch deeper.
"And whose dirty old slut are you?"
"Yours, Mistress," Helen replied, breathless and without even thinking, "and Mistress Lisa’s."
"Good answer," Lisa’s voice praised her. "I think we’ll have a lot of fun together. I can’t wait to…" Her neighbour’s voice trailed off. "I’m getting ahead of myself. Why don’t you tell us how you feel while you fuck yourself. Keep up the commentary."
"Oh god," Helen moaned, "I feel so full! It’s incredible." A tremor ran along her thighs and travelled up her stomach. "I’ve never felt so naked before in my life - ah, oh yes, yes - and so dirty." She gripped the cucumber with both hands and worked herself into a frenzy. "It’s so… huge…" she gasped, writhing and shaking, "and… it hurts a bit… ngh… but… so good!"
Suddenly the sound of the busy signal filled the room and startled her, but then she heard the giggles right next to her. The beeping stopped, and she froze.
"Don’t stop!" Lisa’s sharp command hit her light a whiplash, but she immediately picked up her ministrations again.
"What do you think?" Lisa asked.
"That’s so crazy!" Jen’s voice was full of excitement. "That’s got to be the sickest thing I’ve ever seen!"
Helen’s heart missed a few beats, but the crude comment did nothing to damped her arousal, on the contrary, it set loose a swarm of butterflies in her stomach.
"You ain’t seen nothing yet, girl," Lisa told her, "I’ve got soo many depraved things planned for her, if she keeps playing, that is."
Helen’s moan following that statement drew eager smiles onto the faces of the two teenage girls. "She seems to like that idea." Jen giggled.
"What do you think, Helen, would you like it if we did the same thing like now in a room full of strangers?"
A whispered "oh my god" and an arching of her back was the only response Helen could give.
"Or in front of someone who knows you well?"
"No! Please!" Helen exclaimed, but the tingling in her nipples and the involuntary clenching of her pussy told her differently.
"I think you’re lying," Lisa remarked, but Helen was distracted from protesting by the touch of fingers on her breasts. "Are you close to cumming?"
"Oh god yes."
"Then stop the movements."
It took all of Helen’s willpower to do so. She slumped back into the couch, and the need between her legs rose to almost unbearable levels. "Please," she whimpered.
"Please, what?"
"Please, let me cum, Mistress!"
"Not yet."
Helen could sense the enjoyment in the girl’s voice.
"What do you think of her body, Jen?"
Lisa’s friend took a few moments to answer. "Well, she’s not completely ugly. But her white tits and lower parts look rather ridiculous against the tan on her arms and legs. And her tits are starting to sag a bit. I do like her nipples though, they are quite long."
Helen almost couldn’t believe the audacity with which the girl was talking about her body and her face flushed with shame.
"Well, she is an older slut, so that’s what can be expected."
A gasp escaped Helen’s throat when fingers wrapped themselves around both her ankles and roughly pushed her legs upwards and back, folding her in the middle. Yet, she didn’t, couldn’t resist.
"What do you think about her ass, though?"
Helen jerked when two hands started to knead her exposed backside, and yelped when a finger dug between her cheeks and trailed over her sphincter.
"Hm, nice and full," Jen assessed, "a bit on the wide side, but quite spankable."
Lisa giggled in response. "That’s what I thought too. But let’s get to what we discussed. Helen, we’re going to help you down from the couch and we want you to stay on your knees, is that understood?"
"Yes, Mistress." Her reply was meek, her mind still struggling with the girls’ casual, demeaning words and images of nubile fingers smacking her backside. A hot knot formed in her stomach.
She let herself be guided to the floor, a bit fearful that a wrong movement might make her fall and push the cucumber too far inside her, but the girls were careful and held her tightly. Then she was on her knees, her bum resting on her heels, and still breathing hard. A clicking noise startled her, but when it was repeated and moved around her, she recognized it.
"Please," she whispered, already knowing that it was futile.
"I told you about the pictures," Lisa’s voice answered her plea without sympathy, "now be a good girl and smile for me."
She couldn’t let that happen, Helen thought to herself, if those photographs came out, she’d be shunned by everyone. The people she knew would look at her like at a cheap tramp and spit on her.

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But despite her misgivings, she formed her lips into a reluctant smile.
"That’s better. Now open your mouth."
Not knowing what was about to happen, she parted her lips. An instant later something warm and soft pushed into her mouth. For a moment she thought it were fingers, but when her tongue touched it, she immediately knew better. Those were toes, without doubt, and the sweet, salty taste confirmed it.
She should be repelled, disgusted, and a part of her was. Still, her breath hitched and her pussy pulsed with renewed vigor.
Some more clicks sounded, and then the blindfold was pulled off her head. She hesitantly opened her eyes, curious to see Lisa’s friend for the first time, but a bit nervous about what she might see.
When she did see the girl, sitting on the armrest of the plush chair, completely naked and one leg bent and pointing towards her, her heart almost stopped. The name she mumbled was unintelligible, but the girl’s widening grin told her she understood quite well. Helen was paralyzed, she should have fled the moment she recognized the girl, but something inside her kept her here, kneeling, with the girl’s toes in her mouth.
Lisa had crouched down at her side, once more wearing a light summer dress, holding an expensive camera and shooting away, capturing the moment in all its depraved glory.
Helen didn’t know what drove her, but while waves of embarrassment still travelled over her skin, her tongue took on a life of its own and started to caress the toes, wiggling its way all over and between them.
The dreamy look that came over the girl’s face almost made her insides melt.
"Oh god, that’s good. Don’t stop."
Helen moaned around the toes and a huge dollop of saliva dribbled over her lower lip and down her chin. Lisa jumped at the opportunity and started to snap close-up pictures, also capturing the moment when it tore free and splashed onto the older woman’s breast.
"How does it feel," she purred seductively, "to lick the toes of your best friend’s daughter? To have the girl you used to babysit watch you debase yourself. Does it make you hot, slut?"
"Nghh." Helen could only moan in response. She couldn’t understand the way her body was betraying her, turning such shameful and dirty things into exquisite arousal.
"Spread your thighs!" Lisa suddenly ordered.
She moved them a bit apart, but apparently, it wasn’t enough.
"Wider!" And again. "Wider!"
She shuffled awkwardly around, until she felt the tip of the cucumber touch the floor.
But Lisa wasn’t satisfied, even when she tried to tell her to stop with slightly panicked noises.
"Don’t worry, slut," Lisa cooed, "I know what I’m doing. Just follow along. Spread them a bit wider, only a half foot, then you’re good."
Reluctantly, Helen did so, but she had to lift her bum to alleviate the pressure from the cucumber.
"Let me help you," Lisa whispered into her ear, the tickling of her breath making her shiver.
A muffled cry filled the room when two hands pushed down hard on her shoulders and the cucumber was shoved roughly even deeper into Helen’s pussy, the tip touching something deep inside her. It hurt for a moment, tears sprang to her eyes and she struggled to lift her body again, but the hands on her shoulders wouldn’t let her.
"Don’t!" The sharpness in Lisa’s voice made her freeze. "Breathe deeply, it’ll get easier."
It did, and after a few seconds the sensation was one of being completely stretched and filled, and every small movement felt like a pin-prick deep inside her. One of the hands let go of her, and then there was a touch at her clit, already moist from her own ministrations. A finger rubbed over it, once, twice, then in circles, and she forgot all about protesting, focusing on the wonderful tingles there instead.
"You know," Jen’s voice made Helen look at Miranda’s daughter, and she wondered for a moment why she hadn’t recognized it earlier. Jennifer came after her mother in all but height, she was only a little taller than Lisa, but she also had Miranda’s curves. But on her it still looked more youthful than womanly, her skin soft and tight and unblemished by age. Jennifer always had been a handful, but she had liked babysitting her. But she wasn’t given time to think back.
"I’ve been dreaming of a moment like this ever since you told on me. It was just one cigarette, and I didn’t even like it. But you earned me a month of being grounded." A grin played around the corners of the girl’s mouth. "Call me petty. I don’t mind."
Helen almost dislodged the toes from her mouth to reply, but a fingernail scratching her clit distracted her, and all she could do was moan. The dull throbbing inside her was somehow intermingling with the pleasurable touches on her pearl and transforming into something strange and exhilarating. Her breathing got ragged. Her chin and upper body were glistening with drool, and she could feel her juices leak out of her pussy and dripping down her perineum and the back of her thighs.
"Do you want to come, my old slut?" Lisa’s voice once more tickled her ear while the girl’s touches on her clit became faster and harder.
Helen could only grunt. Her eyes lost their focus, and the heat between her legs built up to almost unbearable levels. Her nipples pulsed with almost painful arousal. Her whole body started to tremble.
"Come!" Lisa ordered.
It may have been the command, or it may have been that Lisa bit down hard on the soft skin between Helen’s neck and shoulder. It did push her over the edge, and the wave of burning fire that was released in her pussy and consumed her body almost made her pass out. She was shaking all over, a blubbering, trembling mess of pleasure. She felt like flying, or free-falling, and it was the most intensive thing she had ever experienced in her life.
Hands held her steadfast, otherwise she would have collapsed to the floor, and she reveled in the unbelievable climax while the finger on her clit kept up its flicking and rubbing and pushing and prolonged the moment into a small eternity.
Finally, she was spent, and came down from her high. She was sweaty and trembling, but Lisa’s finger still kept stroking her clit, which was hypersensitive by now, every touch almost painful.
"Pfeafe," she struggled to plead with her mouth full with Jen’s toes, "pfeafe fpop."
"But why should I?" Lisa answered with a smirk. "I like the desperation in your face. It makes you look so vulnerable."
If anything, her ministrations grew more forceful again, drawing a muffled howl of despair from Helen’s lips.
"My, are those tears?"
Helen nodded as good as she could, her eyes seeking the cruel girl to stop and give her clit, which felt raw by now, some relief.
"Hm, I don’t know. I like that look on your face so much." She tilted her head with a thoughtful look. "Well, perhaps another time."
Helen let out a breath of relief, and another one when Jen pulled her foot out of her mouth.
"Did you enjoy that?" Lisa asked softly, her demeanor changed in the blink of an eye.
"Yes," Helen replied, her eyes to the floor and a deep blush painting her face crimson, "yes, I did, Mistress."
"Even licking Jen’s dirty toes?"
Her eyes roamed to look at the saliva-covered foot. She could lie. But she didn’t want to. "Yes, Mistress."
"Good, I’ve got a feeling you’ll be doing a lot of that. Among other things."
It sounded ominous, but even spent as she was, Helen’s heartbeat picked up pace.
"Do you want to keep playing the game?"
The rational part of Helen’s mind screamed ‘No!’, but she squelched it, every fiber of her body longing already for another of those intense orgasms. She couldn’t understand what the girl was doing to her, how she was doing it, but looking up at Lisa’s angelic face, seeing the hopeful smile playing over her sweet lips and the flush of arousal on her cheeks, any leftover resistance crumbled to dust. "Yes, Mistress, I want to keep playing."
"Good." The smile on the girl’s face was so bright and exuberant, it made her tummy tingle. "Stand up."
Climbing to her feet was harder than expected, her knees having fallen asleep after kneeling such a long time, and Helen swayed a bit once she was upright.
"Ask Jen to remove the cucumber."
Her cheeks flushed bright red once more. She felt like a schoolgirl in front of her headmistress, and the reversed ages didn’t help her embarrassment. "Please, Mistress Jen, would you remove the cucumber?" She asked demurely.
"Remove it from where?"
"From my pussy."
"Make whole sentences when you talk to me. And it isn’t a pussy. This is a pussy," she pointed to her own shaven plum which was glistening with arousal. "Old sluts have a cunt. Now try again."
Helen bit her lip. The ease with which both of them could make her feel small, insignificant and dirty was incredible. "Would you please remove the cucumber from this old slut’s cunt, Mistress Jen?"
"But of course," Jen quipped, and before Helen could prepare herself, she grabbed the protruding part of the cucumber and yanked it out, making Helen yelp and almost tumble to her knees.
The object left a void inside her, and the cool air now touching deep into her womb felt strange.
Jen started to giggle and Lisa joined her.
"You’re dripping all over the floor," her best friend’s daughter exclaimed.
A look down confirmed it, now that her pussy was no longer filled, the copious amounts of fluid she had produced dribbled down in long dollops and splattered on the floor.
"Tomorrow’s Saturday and Jen will be staying at my place the whole weekend. Why don’t you come over in the morning, say at eight, and we’ll continue the game?"
Helen couldn’t keep her thoughts to herself. "Miranda lets you stay over…"
"Miranda," Jen cut her off and put emphasis of her mother’s name, "thinks that I’m with another girl from my class from outside of town." She gripped Helens chin and made her look directly into her narrowed eyes. "And if you know what’s good for you, she’ll keep on believing that."
"Of course," Helen hastily relented, the closeness of the girl’s nude body and her forceful behavior seeping away all thought, "I’m sorry."
Jen’s gaze lingered on Helen’s face a little longer, but she seemed satisfied and let go of her chin.
"Eight o’clock," Lisa reminded her, "and don’t wear anything. Don’t be late, or you’ll have to pay a forfeit. Don’t clean yourself up, I want you like you are now. And don’t diddle yourself. Understood?"
Helen gasped for air. "Please, may I just take a short shower?"
"No, you may not." Lisa’s eyes twinkled. "I want you to remember your dirty performance every second you are awake. It will keep you in the right mood. So once more, do you understand?"
Helen hung her head. "Yes, Mistress."
"Then repeat the rules."
"I need to be there at eight, punctual, and naked. I’m not allowed to shower or wash. And no diddling myself, Mistress."
"Good. Come Jen, let’s get going. See you tomorrow, slut."
Jen jumped up from the plush chair, let the cucumber clutter to the floor and pinched Helen’s nipple, eliciting a yelp. "Yes, see you tomorrow, slut."
"See you tomorrow, Mistresses," Helen whispered, slumping to the ground and trying to understand herself. She felt dirty, soiled, but she couldn’t deny the incredible feeling the girls’ demeaning words and actions had brought alive inside her, and which were still resonating through her body.
She was a grown-up woman, she told herself, she should be able to control herself. But something about Lisa in particular seemed to sweep all her inhibitions and rational thought away with a single word or wink.
She sat for hours, in a puddle of her own pussy juice, the scent of it becoming stale and bitter. But try as she might, every effort to get a grip on herself was thwarted by images of Lisa’s nubile body, by fantasies of kneeling in front of her and licking her delicate little toes and of worshipping her bald and ripe pussy.
Finally, she capitulated. A look down showed her that her clit, still engorged and dark red, didn’t appear the worse for wear as she had feared. She got up with a sigh. She cleaned the floor, couch and chair from the love juices and drool before stumbling her way up the stairs and into bed, where it took her a long time to fall asleep. She had to clasp her hands together to keep from touching herself. She was turning into a sexual deviant, and a lesbian at that, and she felt torn between her moral values and the liberating pleasure the loss of control brought her. She had no idea where this journey was heading, but she was sure, even though she forced her thoughts not to linger on it, that it was a one way ride.
When she drifted to sleep she was unaware of murmuring, "Please, Mistress Lisa."
"That’s better. Now open your mouth."
Not knowing what was about to happen, she parted her lips. An instant later something warm and soft pushed into her mouth. For a moment she thought it were fingers, but when her tongue touched it, she immediately knew better. Those were toes, without doubt, and the sweet, salty taste confirmed it.
She should be repelled, disgusted, and a part of her was. Still, her breath hitched and her pussy pulsed with renewed vigor.
Some more clicks sounded, and then the blindfold was pulled off her head. She hesitantly opened her eyes, curious to see Lisa’s friend for the first time, but a bit nervous about what she might see.
When she did see the girl, sitting on the armrest of the plush chair, completely naked and one leg bent and pointing towards her, her heart almost stopped. The name she mumbled was unintelligible, but the girl’s widening grin told her she understood quite well. Helen was paralyzed, she should have fled the moment she recognized the girl, but something inside her kept her here, kneeling, with the girl’s toes in her mouth.
Lisa had crouched down at her side, once more wearing a light summer dress, holding an expensive camera and shooting away, capturing the moment in all its depraved glory.
Helen didn’t know what drove her, but while waves of embarrassment still travelled over her skin, her tongue took on a life of its own and started to caress the toes, wiggling its way all over and between them.
The dreamy look that came over the girl’s face almost made her insides melt.
"Oh god, that’s good. Don’t stop."
Helen moaned around the toes and a huge dollop of saliva dribbled over her lower lip and down her chin. Lisa jumped at the opportunity and started to snap close-up pictures, also capturing the moment when it tore free and splashed onto the older woman’s breast.
"How does it feel," she purred seductively, "to lick the toes of your best friend’s daughter? To have the girl you used to babysit watch you debase yourself. Does it make you hot, slut?"
"Nghh." Helen could only moan in response. She couldn’t understand the way her body was betraying her, turning such shameful and dirty things into exquisite arousal.
"Spread your thighs!" Lisa suddenly ordered.
She moved them a bit apart, but apparently, it wasn’t enough.
"Wider!" And again. "Wider!"
She shuffled awkwardly around, until she felt the tip of the cucumber touch the floor.
But Lisa wasn’t satisfied, even when she tried to tell her to stop with slightly panicked noises.
"Don’t worry, slut," Lisa cooed, "I know what I’m doing. Just follow along. Spread them a bit wider, only a half foot, then you’re good."
Reluctantly, Helen did so, but she had to lift her bum to alleviate the pressure from the cucumber.
"Let me help you," Lisa whispered into her ear, the tickling of her breath making her shiver.
A muffled cry filled the room when two hands pushed down hard on her shoulders and the cucumber was shoved roughly even deeper into Helen’s pussy, the tip touching something deep inside her. It hurt for a moment, tears sprang to her eyes and she struggled to lift her body again, but the hands on her shoulders wouldn’t let her.
"Don’t!" The sharpness in Lisa’s voice made her freeze. "Breathe deeply, it’ll get easier."
It did, and after a few seconds the sensation was one of being completely stretched and filled, and every small movement felt like a pin-prick deep inside her. One of the hands let go of her, and then there was a touch at her clit, already moist from her own ministrations. A finger rubbed over it, once, twice, then in circles, and she forgot all about protesting, focusing on the wonderful tingles there instead.
"You know," Jen’s voice made Helen look at Miranda’s daughter, and she wondered for a moment why she hadn’t recognized it earlier. Jennifer came after her mother in all but height, she was only a little taller than Lisa, but she also had Miranda’s curves. But on her it still looked more youthful than womanly, her skin soft and tight and unblemished by age. Jennifer always had been a handful, but she had liked babysitting her. But she wasn’t given time to think back.
"I’ve been dreaming of a moment like this ever since you told on me. It was just one cigarette, and I didn’t even like it. But you earned me a month of being grounded." A grin played around the corners of the girl’s mouth. "Call me petty. I don’t mind."
Helen almost dislodged the toes from her mouth to reply, but a fingernail scratching her clit distracted her, and all she could do was moan. The dull throbbing inside her was somehow intermingling with the pleasurable touches on her pearl and transforming into something strange and exhilarating. Her breathing got ragged. Her chin and upper body were glistening with drool, and she could feel her juices leak out of her pussy and dripping down her perineum and the back of her thighs.
"Do you want to come, my old slut?" Lisa’s voice once more tickled her ear while the girl’s touches on her clit became faster and harder.
Helen could only grunt. Her eyes lost their focus, and the heat between her legs built up to almost unbearable levels. Her nipples pulsed with almost painful arousal. Her whole body started to tremble.
"Come!" Lisa ordered.
It may have been the command, or it may have been that Lisa bit down hard on the soft skin between Helen’s neck and shoulder. It did push her over the edge, and the wave of burning fire that was released in her pussy and consumed her body almost made her pass out. She was shaking all over, a blubbering, trembling mess of pleasure. She felt like flying, or free-falling, and it was the most intensive thing she had ever experienced in her life.
Hands held her steadfast, otherwise she would have collapsed to the floor, and she reveled in the unbelievable climax while the finger on her clit kept up its flicking and rubbing and pushing and prolonged the moment into a small eternity.
Finally, she was spent, and came down from her high. She was sweaty and trembling, but Lisa’s finger still kept stroking her clit, which was hypersensitive by now, every touch almost painful.
"Pfeafe," she struggled to plead with her mouth full with Jen’s toes, "pfeafe fpop."
"But why should I?" Lisa answered with a smirk. "I like the desperation in your face. It makes you look so vulnerable."
If anything, her ministrations grew more forceful again, drawing a muffled howl of despair from Helen’s lips.
"My, are those tears?"
Helen nodded as good as she could, her eyes seeking the cruel girl to stop and give her clit, which felt raw by now, some relief.
"Hm, I don’t know. I like that look on your face so much." She tilted her head with a thoughtful look. "Well, perhaps another time."
Helen let out a breath of relief, and another one when Jen pulled her foot out of her mouth.
"Did you enjoy that?" Lisa asked softly, her demeanor changed in the blink of an eye.
"Yes," Helen replied, her eyes to the floor and a deep blush painting her face crimson, "yes, I did, Mistress."
"Even licking Jen’s dirty toes?"
Her eyes roamed to look at the saliva-covered foot. She could lie. But she didn’t want to. "Yes, Mistress."
"Good, I’ve got a feeling you’ll be doing a lot of that. Among other things."
It sounded ominous, but even spent as she was, Helen’s heartbeat picked up pace.
"Do you want to keep playing the game?"
The rational part of Helen’s mind screamed ‘No!’, but she squelched it, every fiber of her body longing already for another of those intense orgasms. She couldn’t understand what the girl was doing to her, how she was doing it, but looking up at Lisa’s angelic face, seeing the hopeful smile playing over her sweet lips and the flush of arousal on her cheeks, any leftover resistance crumbled to dust. "Yes, Mistress, I want to keep playing."
"Good." The smile on the girl’s face was so bright and exuberant, it made her tummy tingle. "Stand up."
Climbing to her feet was harder than expected, her knees having fallen asleep after kneeling such a long time, and Helen swayed a bit once she was upright.
"Ask Jen to remove the cucumber."
Her cheeks flushed bright red once more. She felt like a schoolgirl in front of her headmistress, and the reversed ages didn’t help her embarrassment. "Please, Mistress Jen, would you remove the cucumber?" She asked demurely.
"Remove it from where?"
"From my pussy."
"Make whole sentences when you talk to me. And it isn’t a pussy. This is a pussy," she pointed to her own shaven plum which was glistening with arousal. "Old sluts have a cunt. Now try again."
Helen bit her lip. The ease with which both of them could make her feel small, insignificant and dirty was incredible. "Would you please remove the cucumber from this old slut’s cunt, Mistress Jen?"
"But of course," Jen quipped, and before Helen could prepare herself, she grabbed the protruding part of the cucumber and yanked it out, making Helen yelp and almost tumble to her knees.
The object left a void inside her, and the cool air now touching deep into her womb felt strange.
Jen started to giggle and Lisa joined her.
"You’re dripping all over the floor," her best friend’s daughter exclaimed.
A look down confirmed it, now that her pussy was no longer filled, the copious amounts of fluid she had produced dribbled down in long dollops and splattered on the floor.
"Tomorrow’s Saturday and Jen will be staying at my place the whole weekend. Why don’t you come over in the morning, say at eight, and we’ll continue the game?"
Helen couldn’t keep her thoughts to herself. "Miranda lets you stay over…"
"Miranda," Jen cut her off and put emphasis of her mother’s name, "thinks that I’m with another girl from my class from outside of town." She gripped Helens chin and made her look directly into her narrowed eyes. "And if you know what’s good for you, she’ll keep on believing that."
"Of course," Helen hastily relented, the closeness of the girl’s nude body and her forceful behavior seeping away all thought, "I’m sorry."
Jen’s gaze lingered on Helen’s face a little longer, but she seemed satisfied and let go of her chin.
"Eight o’clock," Lisa reminded her, "and don’t wear anything. Don’t be late, or you’ll have to pay a forfeit. Don’t clean yourself up, I want you like you are now. And don’t diddle yourself. Understood?"
Helen gasped for air. "Please, may I just take a short shower?"
"No, you may not." Lisa’s eyes twinkled. "I want you to remember your dirty performance every second you are awake. It will keep you in the right mood. So once more, do you understand?"
Helen hung her head. "Yes, Mistress."
"Then repeat the rules."
"I need to be there at eight, punctual, and naked. I’m not allowed to shower or wash. And no diddling myself, Mistress."
"Good. Come Jen, let’s get going. See you tomorrow, slut."
Jen jumped up from the plush chair, let the cucumber clutter to the floor and pinched Helen’s nipple, eliciting a yelp. "Yes, see you tomorrow, slut."
"See you tomorrow, Mistresses," Helen whispered, slumping to the ground and trying to understand herself. She felt dirty, soiled, but she couldn’t deny the incredible feeling the girls’ demeaning words and actions had brought alive inside her, and which were still resonating through her body.
She was a grown-up woman, she told herself, she should be able to control herself. But something about Lisa in particular seemed to sweep all her inhibitions and rational thought away with a single word or wink.
She sat for hours, in a puddle of her own pussy juice, the scent of it becoming stale and bitter. But try as she might, every effort to get a grip on herself was thwarted by images of Lisa’s nubile body, by fantasies of kneeling in front of her and licking her delicate little toes and of worshipping her bald and ripe pussy.
Finally, she capitulated. A look down showed her that her clit, still engorged and dark red, didn’t appear the worse for wear as she had feared. She got up with a sigh. She cleaned the floor, couch and chair from the love juices and drool before stumbling her way up the stairs and into bed, where it took her a long time to fall asleep. She had to clasp her hands together to keep from touching herself. She was turning into a sexual deviant, and a lesbian at that, and she felt torn between her moral values and the liberating pleasure the loss of control brought her. She had no idea where this journey was heading, but she was sure, even though she forced her thoughts not to linger on it, that it was a one way ride.
When she drifted to sleep she was unaware of murmuring, "Please, Mistress Lisa."