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Guest of Honor

"One woman is shown exactly how much she is wanted."

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Ashley knocked on the door of her friend's house and stood there waiting for Sandra to answer her. The window on the door was covered. Why? Ashley didn't know. When she heard the door opening, she looked up and saw Sandra stepping outside to greet her. Sandra gave her a quick hug and stepped back to look at her, her hands grasping each arm.

"Thanks for coming over, Ashley. It's good to see you," Sandra said as she gave Ashley a hug.

"It's good to see you, too, Sandra. I thought it would be hopping over here. Are there more people coming?" Ashley asked.

"Everyone is here. We were waiting on you." Sandra dropped her hands from Ashley's arms and took a step back. "Do you trust me, Ashley?"

"Of course, why would you ask that?" Ashley glanced at the covered window and wondered what was going on.

"I need to blindfold you before you enter. I won't leave your side until I am sure that you are comfortable. If things become too much for you, all you have to do is say, and I will stop it all." Sandra pulled the eye mask and scarf from her pocket and held them in front of her.

"Sandra, this is very strange. What is going on?" Ashley placed her hands on her hips as she looked up at her friend. She had no reason to not trust Sandra, but the fact that she wanted to blindfold her made her a little uncomfortable.

"Nothing will happen that can harm you, and nothing will happen if you don't want it to. I'm afraid I can't say much more than that without giving too much away. I am positive that you will enjoy tonight if you can relax and put your trust in me. I would never let anything happen to you, Ashley." Sandra stepped closer to Ashley and brought her empty hand up to her cheek. "I want to show you a night of passion."

"And I can't see during this night of passion?" Ashley asked as Sandra's hand moved through her hair.

"No, you can't. That is where the trust comes in." Sandra laid the scarf over her shoulder and brought the eye mask up toward Ashley's face. "Do you agree to this?"

"Yes, I guess," Ashley said and closed her eyes. She still didn't understand what was going on, but she and Sandra had been together before. It had been quite enjoyable, and Ashley wasn't going to turn down another night with her.

"I'll be right behind you when we enter," Sandra said and slid the mask down over Ashley's closed eyes. She stepped behind Ashley and pulled the scarf off her shoulder and tied it over Ashley's eyes. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah," Ashley answered as she brought a hand up and felt across the silk scarf. She heard both doors open and felt Sandra behind her as she walked them into her home. The doors closed behind them, and they stopped just inside the door.

Ashley felt one of Sandra's hands come up to her hip, and the other sat against her lower back. She felt hands come down on her sides, and a body stepped right up against her. A lone finger lifted her chin so wet lips could softly kiss her. Ashley was surprised, but she controlled her shock and kissed the lips that were against hers. The hands left her sides and were replaced by another set. Another set of lips came down on hers and lingered just a moment longer than the first. Hands and lips made their way up to her and after a soft kiss, would move on. Ashley had counted six kisses, and they were all to people that she couldn't see.

"Sandra?" Ashley said as she turned to her friend who was still standing behind her.

"I'm right here." Sandra pulled Ashley's head further around and gave her the last kiss to welcome her. She licked against Ashley's lips, which parted and allowed her tongue to slip through and slide against hers.

Ashley turned in Sandra's arms and pressed against her soft lips. As their tongues continued to move against each other, Ashley felt hands come around her and start undoing the buttons on her shirt. She tried to pull away, but Sandra held her still and wouldn't let her go. Ashley relaxed her arms and let her shirt be pulled down her arms. As the person behind her slid their hands up her bare back, more hands teased their way across her stomach and shoulders. Then she felt lips settle on each side of her neck and another on the back of her neck.

Ashley gripped her hands in Sandra's shirt as wet sensations hit her from all sides. Soft lips kissed up one side of her neck, a tongue teasing a path between each kiss. The woman on the other side sucked on her neck, moving all the way down to her shoulder. The person behind her had her tongue slowly licking up and down her spine.

Sandra pulled her lips away from Ashley and released the grip on her head. She lowered her hands and freed the button of Ashley's jeans. Ashley laid her hands on Sandra's shoulders as she pushed the fitted jeans down and over her hips. Sandra's thumbs looped in Ashley's panties on the way down and pulled both down around her ankles. Sandra pulled up one foot and removed Ashley's shoe and sock and laid it out of the way. She pulled the jeans and panties off before going to the other side and repeating the process there as well. When Sandra stood again, she placed her hands back on Ashley's cheeks and kissed her softly.

"Do you accept what we want to give you?" Sandra asked.

"Yes," Ashley voiced softly but surely.

Sandra gave her another soft kiss and then stepped back and out of the way. She watched as Ashley's bra was removed and discarded. Female bodies surrounded her and brushed against every part of Ashley's naked body. Sandra took a seat in her recliner as clothes started coming off and voices started murmuring their appreciations. Sandra unbuttoned her shirt and slid a hand over her bare breasts. She didn't plan on sitting out the entire time, but for now, she wanted to watch Ashley and see the reactions on her face.

Ashley was already panting just from all the hands and lips that were touching and teasing her. There was a mouth on each side of her neck and a set of lips teasing up and down the front of her thighs. That woman was kissing and licking every part of Ashley's hips and legs except for the hot, wet space that ached to be touched. Behind her, she had a set of lips kissing each cheek of her ass. Occasionally, a tongue would slip down the crack of her ass and tease across her rectum. Ashley felt the cheeks of her ass being spread and felt both tongues slide down and start rimming her asshole at the same time. Ashley felt like she could melt just from that alone.

The last set of lips would kiss down Ashley's back, tease across her lower back, and then kiss up the sensitive skin of her sides. Hands were everywhere. There was no way to know which hands belonged to which set of lips. They overlapped so often that there was no way to keep track.

"Oh, my, god," Ashley moaned as her entire body tensed from all the sensations. "Sandra, where are you?"

"I'm watching, love," Sandra said, her shirt now off and discarded on the floor. "This is the hottest thing I have ever seen." Sandra had a hand on each breast. She was gently teasing herself while everyone else was teasing Ashley.

"Oh," Ashley groaned as her hand was taken and placed between the legs of a very excited woman. Ashley pulled her fingers through the wet folds and up across a much distended clit. She captured it between two fingers and teased another across the top. She felt the woman on her left moan as she kissed her way down Ashley's chest. When Ashley squeezed the clit even tighter, the lips pulled back and a louder moan was heard before she caught Ashley's nipple between her teeth and bit down gently.

Ashley released the clit of the woman who had just captured her nipple in between her teeth. Ashley slid that same hand around to her back and between the legs of the woman kissing across her shoulders and the back of her neck. She slid two fingers through the wet pussy and up over her clit. Her other hand searched out for the breast of the woman on her right. When she found what she was looking for, she didn't even bother being easy. She grabbed a hold of the hard nipple and twisted it between her fingers.

"Yes," a voice hissed right below her ear.

Ashley rolled the nipple in her fingers and then pinched it hard. She heard the whimpered gasp and the slow breath that was released against her neck. Ashley moved over to the other nipple and treated it with the same rough treatment. Ashley felt hands surrounding her back and thighs. They lifted her off her feet and lowered her to the floor on her back. Her arms were pulled straight out at her sides. Her legs were drawn up to either side of her ribs.

Ashley felt women move up on all sides of her. Two women pulled up on each side of her neck while two more women moved up on either side of her stomach. The last two made their way up behind each thigh. When Ashley felt someone kneel at her head, she bent her head back between the bare legs and breathed in the scent.

"Sandra," Ashley said as Sandra's hands came down on either side of her head.

"I'm here, honey. I wouldn't miss this for the world. All you have to do is lay there and let us do all the work. You don't have to do a thing but enjoy yourself." Sandra ran her fingers between her legs and got them nice and wet before pulling them back up and teasing them in front of Ashley's nose and mouth. Ashley knew what she was being offered and thrust her head up off the floor to capture Sandra's fingers between her teeth. She sucked both fingers into her mouth and moaned against them as she cleaned Sandra's fingers of her juicy cum.

"Oh fuck," Ashley groaned as mouths come down on her body. Two tongues were sharing the space between her legs, licking and sucking on every part of her wet pussy. When the tongues joined together and pushed just inside her pussy, Ashley's hands came down toward the floor quickly. They came down on the backs of the women who were lying at her sides and playing with her breasts. Lips sucked and teeth bit as Ashley was heightened to a state that she had never been in before.

The two women that lay at Ashley's shoulders kissed their way up the sides of her neck and then teased their tongues against each other right on Ashley's throat. She could feel their tongues slide out against her and then flick against each other. The sound alone was enough to turn Ashley on, but feeling them tonguing against her turned her on even more.

Sandra was lying at her head. She would suck all over one of Ashley's ears and then move to the other side, tonguing and biting on earlobes. She moved over Ashley and kissed her hard. She kept teasing Ashley with her cum covered fingers and had her growling every time Sandra offered them to her.

Ashley felt a finger sliding around her rectum gently. Two more fingers were circling around the opening of her soaked pussy. The woman at her ass moved first and pushed just enough to let the tip of her finger sink in. The other woman pushed her two fingers up into Ashley's pussy and a mouth lowered on her clit. That was all it took to distract Ashley, and the finger in her ass slid all the way in. The women matched their movements and slid in and out of Ashley at the same time. When she felt a tongue flicking across the top of her clit, she couldn't hold back the words that flew from her lips.

"Are you ready to taste me?" Sandra whispered in Ashley's ear.

"Yes, please, honey. Let me have your pussy." Ashley grabbed Sandra's legs and tried to pull her up over her head, but Sandra stood instead. She turned around and lowered herself back down over Ashley's face. Ashley wrapped her arms around Sandra's legs and pulled her pussy down onto her face. She started ravaging Sandra's pussy. Even though Ashley couldn't see, she could hear Sandra above her eating the pussy of another woman.

Sandra reached her hands down to Ashley's hair and untied the scarf that had been keeping her vision blocked. She pulled the eye mask off and Ashley's eyes opened below her. Sandra smiled down at the sex-crazed look on Ashley's face. She moved her face and hands back up to the woman in front of her, gripped her ass, and pulled her pussy back to her mouth.

Ashley rammed herself down on both of the hands that were fucking her pussy and her ass. The woman that was clamped onto her clit never let go. She kept sucking and flicking until Ashley's breathing was frantic.

Ashley's orgasm burst forth with no warning at all. She screamed into Sandra's pussy and started sucking even harder on her clit. All the women held on and continued fucking her pussy and her ass. The woman at her clit eased her lips and teased across its tip. Sandra screamed next and was followed by the woman who was thrusting against Sandra's face. Panted screams and moans filled the room as at least half of the women climaxed.

Ashley felt women pulling away and others taking their place. Two new women tasted her pussy for the first time. Sandra and the woman she had been tonguing came down to her chest and started sucking on her nipples. The women who had sucked her to climax each bent down and gave her a long kiss, letting her taste herself on their lips. One of them knelt down like Sandra had done. The other stood in front for the woman above her to suck her off as well. Ashley dove right in to the pussy above her and heard a moan. Ashley watched as the woman standing was pulled forward and a face was buried in her pussy.

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The woman's head fell back as heat spread through her pussy.

Ashley attention was brought back down to her own pussy where, once again, three mouths were stimulating her. One woman was rimming her asshole and slipping her tongue in as far as it would go. Another mouth was doing the same thing to her pussy, a stiff tongue being forced in and out. The person at her clit was being soft and gentle, sliding her juices up and over her clit and then wrapping fingers around it and sliding them up and down her enlarged clit.

"Fuck," Ashley screamed at the unexpected pain. She tried to get her hands up to her nipples, but there were too many bodies in the way. As tongues started running over the top of her clamped nipples, the pain eased off and was replaced by pleasure. They didn't remove whatever they had clamped on her nipples, but Ashley had come to accept the pain that increased her pleasure even more.

Ashley brought her mouth back to the pussy that lingered over her. She cupped her hands around the cheeks and squeezed. She slid one hand down into the wetness between the girl's legs and then back up to lube her rectum. Ashley circled her finger round and round getting closer to the tight hole. She placed her finger over the top of it, pressed, and was immediately in. She pushed her finger until it was all the way in. As she sucked on the hard clit, she started thrusting her finger in and out of the girl's ass.

Ashley had to use her other hand to keep the girl from pulling away from her mouth. She continued to ram her finger into her ass as she finally clamped down on the clit and sucked on it harder. Her tongue flicked over the top until the girl was riding her face, mouth, and finger.

She could hear the woman moaning against the pussy of the female above her who must have been getting a hell of a good pussy treatment. She was whimpering as she gripped the woman's head in her hands and pressed forward against her over and over again.

When Ashley felt a tongue circle around her clit and lips sliding up and down, she paused what she was doing and moaned against the woman above her. The woman at Ashley's clit finally lowered her lips all the way down and started sucking over and over again. Ashley clamped back down on the clit above her and gave it all she could. She slid her lips up and down the exposed clit and flicked her tongue across it repeatedly.

That was when the clamps were removed from her nipples. Ashley made sure not to bite the woman's clit as she screamed against her pussy. But her nipples were instantly covered by warm wet mouths. Tongues circled and lips started sucking as blood flowed back into her nipples. She felt her orgasm coming quickly. She buried her mouth in the girl's pussy and pulled the clit into her mouth as her climax hit. Ashley screamed against the pussy above her, the vibration sending the woman above her over as well. She screamed right after Ashley along with the woman whom she was sucking on.

Bodies relaxed next to her as everyone stopped to catch their breath. Ashley wasn't sure how much more she could really take. If things kept going like they had been, then there were two more women to take a turn above her face and two more to fuck her pussy. When Sandra walked over top of her and held out a hand, Ashley took it and was pulled up off the floor. Sandra led her down the hall to her bedroom with six women following right behind them.

Sandra had Ashley crawl up to the middle of the bed. "Stay on your hands and knees, please."

Ashley did as she was told. One woman came and lay down above her with her pussy right below Ashley's face. Another woman crawled over the face of that woman so she was in position to have her pussy sucked. The two women who hadn't had the luxury of tasting Ashley yet made their way behind her. One lay down on her back and slid under Ashley pussy. The other crawled over that girl and made her way up to Ashley's ass. The last two women slid under her chest and started flicking their tongues across her nipples. Ashley lowered her head down to the pussy in front of her and licked from the bottom all the way to the top.

This got everyone going again. Mouths were sucking nipples. Tongues and fingers were sliding through wet folds and pushing into waiting orifices. They all moved quickly. Some of them had already cum and could last longer. Others were so ready to cum that a simple touch could send them over the edge. The woman sitting in front of Ashley came first as she thrust her pussy against a woman's face over and over. The woman below her and Ashley was next. Both women pulled themselves up and out of the way to watch the rest of the action.

Ashley lowered her head down to the bed, giving more of her pussy and ass to the women behind her. The women at her breasts slid out as well, but stayed close enough to use their hands on Ashley's breasts. From underneath, Ashley felt the woman bring her tongue all the way up, flatten her tongue, and slide it all the way back down and across her clit. The woman behind her bent down to her pussy and pulled her tongue all the way up and over her rectum. Fingers eased their way in both places as a mouth surrounded her clit again. The woman underneath her had her hand aimed perfectly. Every thrust went right into to the upper wall against her g-spot.

A hot fire started building in Ashley's groin, and with every thrust it grew stronger and stronger. The girl at her ass had added a second finger into her rectum and made Ashley feel totally full. Every time both girls thrust in, she could feel them rubbing against each other. After one more thrust, Ashley lost it. Her back arched as her climax hit, and she squirted all over the girl underneath her. The girl tried to catch as much as she could, and she stayed down there until Ashley was all cleaned up. Once all the women were out of the way, Ashley collapsed on Sandra's bed and didn't bother to move.

"Hey, you," Sandra said as she crawled up over Ashley, "you still alive?"

"Barely," Ashley muttered but smiled.

"Come up here with me," Sandra said as she moved up to the pillows.

Sandra and Ashley settled in the pillows with two woman curled around each of their backs. The other two women made their way up between legs and laid on whoever was under them. No words were said for a while. The women just cuddled and recovered from the many orgasms they had all had.

As Ashley lay there relaxed and surrounded by naked women, her mind kept going over everything that had happened since Sandra had walked her through the door blindfolded. Never before would she have thought or been brave enough to have sex with so many women. But the fact that it had been done to her, for her, was even harder to believe. She didn't consider herself unattractive, but she was no model either. She was a tad bashful but opened up to anyone she considered a friend. She hadn't been here long, and Sandra had been the only real friend she had made so far.

Ashley let her eyes linger at everyone woman that was lying in bed. With herself included, there were eight women piled onto Sandra's king size bed. Ashley thought back to each woman that she had made cum, which were three. Each one of those women had made three other women climax. Adding herself to the mix made seven women that had all had at least one orgasm since the night started. But that was the problem. There were eight women in the bed. Ashley brought her head up and looked at Sandra

"She is ready ladies," Sandra said and kissed Ashley. Ashley felt bodies moving and rising from the bed until it was just her and Sandra left.

"The last act of the night will be between you and one other woman. I will be here with you at the beginning to help get things going, but I will eventually slide out and leave you two alone. Go to the end of the bed and get on your hands and knees facing me." Sandra kept an arm on Ashley's back as she sat and moved away from her.

Ashley did as Sandra had told her. When Sandra turned over on her back and slid her head between her arms and down between her trembling legs, Ashley closed her eyes. Sandra's tongue started sliding up and down her pussy. Two hands joined Sandra's tongue, and before long, had her dripping wet again. One hand was circling around her rectum and pushing against her. One finger slipped in and pulled right back out. Two fingers slid in this time and gently pushed all the way inside of Ashley's ass.

Sandra's mouth was sucking and flicking across her clit which had Ashley concentrating on little else. Though she did feel when the fingers started twisting in her ass and spreading her even wider. When the fingers pulled out of her, Ashley started to turn to see what the problem was, but then felt something else pushing against the relaxed opening of her ass.

A thickness pushed into her, and Ashley had to breathe deeply to keep herself and her body calm and relaxed. As it pushed further in, Ashley felt her ass being stretched more than she ever had before. She let out a small scream and felt whatever had entered her settle against her bottom. She opened her eyes as Sandra started sliding back out from underneath her. She stopped at Ashley's lips long enough to give her a wet, sexy kiss.

"Enjoy, honey. This whole night has been for you." Sandra smiled and slid out from under Ashley and off the bed.

Ashley felt a hand on her upper back, urging her to lower her shoulders down to the bed. Ashley did as the woman wanted and laid her head and shoulders onto the bed. Women were paired up around the room, all naked and touching as they watched was happening to Ashley.

Ashley felt hard rubber slide between her legs and against her wet pussy. It would pull away, tease against her opening, and then slid back between her folds and through the wet juice. Ashley hooked her arms under her chest to get ready for what was going to happen. She was going to be fucked, long and hard she guessed, by a woman wearing a strap on, a large one from what Ashley could tell.

The tip of the rubber cock was placed right against her wet pussy. Hands came up to her hips and pulled her back slowly as the woman eased forward and inside. Ashley grunted at the fullness as the woman moved into her slowly and gently. With her ass already being full, Ashley was surprised how much fuller the dildo felt as it entered farther and farther into her. When a hand slipped around her leg and started rubbing against her clit, Ashley moaned and found herself pushing back against the cock inside of her. As the woman kept rubbing her clit, she started thrusting against Ashley. Ashley pushed herself back up on her hands and pushed back against every thrust. The woman's hands tightened around her hips as her speed and strength increased.

"Oh, fuck," Ashley moaned with her head down between her arms. She felt so full that she was sure she would burst open at any moment. But the sparks that shot from her groin with every thrust made her not care at all. The jolt of fire would hit, fly through her body, and head right back down to her pelvis to be joined by the next jolt making it stronger and stronger with each thrust.

"Fuck me!" Ashley yelled. "Fuck me harder and make me cum." With those words spoken, Ashley lost all thought after that. The woman behind her started ramming into her, and Ashley pushed right back against her. One of the woman's hands slid back down to her clit. The other moved up her body and caught an aching nipple. It was pinched, pulled and tortured while the woman continued to fuck her.

Ashley grunted with every thrust. She could hear the woman's labored breathing behind her and knew that she was close to coming. Ashley pushed herself up on her knees, her back arched, and she grabbed a hold of the woman's arm that was wrapped around her thigh. The new position had the thrusts pushing up against her most sensitive spot.

"Yes," Ashley hissed as the woman changed to short hard thrusts. "Oh, god yes, baby. Fuck!" Ashley screamed as her climax finally hit. The woman fucking her let go as well and her hips started a crazy hump and grind against Ashley as they rode their climaxes together. Ashley collapsed down on the bed with the woman collapsing on her back. She felt the woman pull out of her and fall on the bed beside her. Ashley managed to turn over and pull the woman close enough for a slow, sensual kiss.

They lay there together with Ashley not even knowing her name. Naked, female bodies joined them on the bed, and they all lay in a post-orgasmic haze until Ashley finally raised her head up off the bed. She reached around to slide her hand down to her ass, gripped the plug that was still in her ass, and gently pulled it out. She lay back down, and the women behind her curled up around her back, enveloping her in warmth.

"Sandra?" Ashley said.

"Yeah, honey?" Sandra answered somewhere above her on the bed.

"Thank you," Ashley said and meant it.

"It was our pleasure, honey. Get some sleep." Sandra grabbed the remote and turned off the over head light.

Blankets were pulled from somewhere and bodies were covered. Ashley closed her eyes and knew she would have no problem sleeping tonight.

Written by leahharvey1821
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