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Friends To Lovers

"Best friends unleash their inner desires on each other."

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Author's Notes

"After keeping their desires for one another hidden, during a drunken night together, they let go. Allowing their feelings to take control. <p> [ADVERT] </p>A gentle romance of two women discovering their love is deeper than just a friendship."

It was one of those nights when the world seemed to slow down as if the very fabric of time itself had been stretched taut like a trampoline, waiting for something, anything, to release it back into its natural rhythm. The sky was a deep, inky black, speckled with stars. A cool breeze rustled through the trees, sending shivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to be caught in its icy grasp. But for Katie and Laura, it was just another night out together, another chance to escape the mundanity of their everyday lives and lose themselves in the crowd's anonymity.

They found themselves at a small, intimate bar, the place where the bartender knew your name and your order before you even uttered a word. The air was thick with the scent of stale cigarette smoke and cheap perfume, the low hum of conversation a constant background noise that seemed to wash over them like a soothing balm.

They sat at the bar, their long legs splayed out before them, their laughter echoing through the room, being lost in the many other conversations and sounds within the bar. And all overshadowed by the loud beat and hum of the music that sent vibrations channelling along the floor and felt underfoot, the kind which instinctively makes your foot tap and your body react and move to it.

Katie, with her hourglass figure, was wearing a tight pair of blue jeans that hugged her curves in all the right places. With them a red vest top that revealed just enough of her voluptuous bosom to make heads turn and eyes bulge. Her long blonde hair fell around her shoulders, framing her delicate features like a work of art. She was every man's fantasy, flirty and vivacious.

Laura was petite, yet curvy. her shapely body had a silent lure that seemed to make men swoon over her without her realising. With her small pert breasts, she didn't need to wear a bra, she wore clothes that seemed to draw your eyes to them. Perhaps it was the firm peaks poking the fabric, as her nipples were always like bullets cheekily tempting. She was alluring in a quiet, sensual way.

Tonight she wore a short black gypsy-style skirt. This was teasingly short. Resting amid her thighs, seductively lifting to show her smooth skin. From behind it exposed the crease of her buttocks where her legs met, leading to her sexily long and smooth legs, finished with an elegant heel, hanging loosely as her leg lifted to rest on the other. With a pretty white blouse, the front had a floral pattern swirling all over, with four buttons. Each one was spaced an inch apart, leaving a gap in the fabric where a sneaky eye could see the flesh of her chest.

Laura was married to Tom. He is a sweet guy and a loyal and loving husband. Their sex is love-filled and routine. Despite loving him dearly, she no longer had the stomach-churning lust for him, sadly it had fizzled out somewhere during the seven years of their marriage. Inside her, she felt something stirring. It was a hunger for more.

A hunger for something she had felt before, but quickly dismissed. Thinking it was just an alcohol-fuelled thought, not meaning anything. Yet somehow when drunk the truth was always there, released in a web of confused emotions and words, which at the time seemed random or mistaken for gibberish. This hidden desire surfaced whenever she was with Katie, a naughty feeling that teased when given the opportunity.

Katie was in a steady relationship with Lee. He was a rough type, strong and covered in tattoos. Despite his rough and strong unapproachable exterior, he was a loving and gentle man. He worshipped Katie; he was very much in love. Now Katie was a wild cannon and loved, no, thrived off attention. Knowing men found her attractive, she enjoyed the tease she could be. Knowing they would never get to touch unless she allowed it. She loved Lee and their sex was rough, ravenous and they enjoyed being spontaneous with where they unleashed their passion.

She had always been a fiery, wild woman. Her unpredictability, coupled with Laura's shy, alluring calm, made them very interesting friends. A mixture of dynamite and flowers, contrasts but is fascinating to those who know them. They were so close to each other, after so many years of friendship, they had a way of communicating without words. Using a look or a flick of their hair, a raised eyebrow.

However, they both felt this closeness was hiding something deeper, both unsure and not wanting to spoil their friendship. This left them with many awkward moments of emotions being suppressed, drowned with alcohol to disguise any fact that slipped through their unspoken emotional blockade. A kiss while dancing, stroking the bulging flesh of a breast or pulling in close to grind into while dancing to the music, all hidden with the blame of alcohol instead of the truth.

Whether Katie was testing her, or it was the alcohol, Laura didn't know. But Katie was looking at her, the look of a dirty secret. With a bite of her lip, her hand moves over Laura's knee, sliding up her skin, the warmth of her hand making her body ignite and tingle. Lifting her unsure gaze to meet Katie's, her mouth agape as her breathing laboured. The pounding of her heart made her breasts lift, pushing her alert nipples further forward. A cheeky nub exposed through the gap of her blouse. Katie's hand moved to touch it, stroking the tip as the pink swell immediately made her purr. The low hum as she moved closer, squeezing her fingers around it, pulling it slightly as the urge to suck it flashed into her mind.

Embarrassed, Laura pushed her hand away, laughing to disguise the throbbing inside her knickers. She finished her drink, trying her best to dismiss her urges to rip open her blouse and let Katie bury her face in her bosom, letting her touch her breasts fully.

As the night wore on, the alcohol took its toll. Inhibitions lowered, tongues loosened, and hands wandered.

Not sure what was different about tonight, or how they knew it was the right time. Perhaps it was just Katie's spontaneous personality that helped them take the risk. All night, she had been touching Laura, though this was also not unusual. But tonight she was being different, her touch coupled with a menacing look of pure desire, a lust as though she were peeling off Laura's clothes to lick her bare skin beneath.

Lost slightly from the muzzy sway of her as the alcohol was taking hold, she joined in, pulling at Katie's top, her hands exploring her curves through her clothes, squeezing and getting braver. Whatever happened under the dim light of the bar, changed the dynamic of their relationship. They were sitting there close together, at the bar with the music and atmosphere so electric and warm.

Katie and Laura found themselves locked in a heated embrace, their lips fused as if they were two halves of the same whole. The surrounding air crackled with electricity that would spark if it was visible. Their desire for one another grows with every passing moment. It was a moment of clarity amidst the haze of alcohol-fuelled bliss, and for a fleeting instant, they both knew that this was it.

This was the night they would finally give in to their desires, the night they would cross that forbidden line. Lost in each other's hunger for more, they let go.

Tasting each other's saliva as their tongues ventured deeper. Swirling inside, dancing as their kiss grew in intensity, their bodies drawing closer than their heat increased. The bartender, oblivious to the passionate exchange unfolding before him, set down a fresh round of drinks. Katie and Laura barely registered the interruption as they continued to explore each other's bodies, their hands roaming over soft skin and hard muscles. Everything around them had disappeared. It was just them in this frozen moment, in their fear of crossing that line, now forgotten.

Katie gently pushed Laura back against the bar, her lips trailing down her neck, her teeth nipping at her flesh. Laura moaned softly in pleasure as Katie's tongue danced across her collarbone. With a swift movement, Katie unbuttoned Laura's blouse revealing her naked breasts. She cupped them in her hands, kneading them gently before taking one nipple into her mouth and sucking it hard. Finally able to enjoy the naked mounds as they had been teasing her all night, their shape and lure calling to her. Laura cried out even further as pleasure coursed through her body.

The feeling of Katie's hands and lips on her chest made her body jerk, little pulses as her body became so charged, it felt so sensitive when touched. Like little shocks of electricity surging through her, taking her breath and making her gasp for another. She reached down and unzipped Katie's jeans, pulling them down over her hips to reveal her smooth, shaven pussy.

Her fingers trembled as she delved down, tracing the outline of Katie's hot lips, the feel of her labia in her fingers as she touched them. The warm damp as she pushed her fingers over them to feel the faint pulsing of her slit, dipping inside to feel the heat and wetness that awaited her touch. She groaned under her breath, lost in the moment, enjoying pushing her fingers into the soft opening that was humming to her touch.

Katie pulled Laura's hand away, looking into her eyes, pausing a moment as the final doubt left her eyes. As she slowly lowered herself back onto Laura's fingers. With a gasp, Laura felt Katie's warmth envelop her hand her muscles tensing as she felt the tightness of Katie's channel.

She moved her hand back and forth, finding a rhythm that had both women moaning in ecstasy. Katie had now moved her hand from Laura's chest down to her skirt, with her hand hidden under the fabric. Her fingers moved the lace of her knickers, letting her fingers enter the waiting dampness, holding her breath as she opened Laura's lips to push her fingers inside. As Laura feels Katie's fingers slide inside her, with the force of her thumb rubbing her clit, she bucks slightly as the shock took her to a new level of pleasure.

They were both virgins, but they could feel the connection between them, the way their bodies seemed to fit together perfectly. Each with their fingers deep inside the other, lifting and moving in a rhythm which they found naturally from their bucking and pulsing. With one hand buried deep causing pleasure, they each continued to touch and grapple with the other, grinding and enjoying this naughty thrill, forgetting they were still sitting at the bar.

Within the darkness and the flicker of the lights from the dance floor illuminating them for a second, a flash of bare skin, hair and lips with their intertwined movements, hiding the pleasure unless too close. The barman had noticed and watched them, his eyes unable to stop watching as he could see they were both submerged in their ecstasy of pleasure. Lost in each other to notice or care. It was erotic and he couldn't stop the blood from forming the bulge in his trousers as he got aroused from the view.

As their passion reached its peak, Katie leaned forward, her breasts pressing against Laura's lips. Laura opened her mouth, sucking one hard nipple into her mouth as she felt Katie's orgasm wash over her hand. She continued to stroke her, feeling the waves of pleasure course through Katie's body. Until at last, she felt the familiar tightening in her stomach. With a sharp cry, she came, her hips bucking wildly as she climaxed around Katie's fingers. As they both removed their fingers from the other, they kept still. For a moment, they both sat there, panting heavily, their hearts racing.

Katie looked at Laura, their eyes locked in a wordless understanding. It was as if they had shared a secret that no one else in the world might know. And as they heard the distant sound of the barman calling the last call, they knew that this was only the beginning. Laura glances over at the barman, who quickly looks away. He looked flustered. Her gaze was drawn to the prominent erection within his trousers. She knew he had seen them.

Smiling to herself, she looked at Katie, who was busy kissing her nipples and resting her head on her heaving chest. As Katie met her eyes, they both smiled, a warm satisfied smile which gave the other knowledge that they were ok. They had taken the first step on a journey that would forever change the course of their lives.

It was exhilarating, their desire for each other clear as their eyes darted over their exposed flesh, their bodies tingling as their orgasms passed from their bodies as they calmed. They rose from the bar, Katie steadying herself on one arm as she adjusted her dishevelled clothing. Her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen from their passionate kisses. Laura's hair ruffled slightly and her breath came in sharp gasps, her eyes shining with a mixture of desire and contentment. Her blouse was still open, resting against her naked breasts. Her breathing made them poke through slightly as she walked, drunk and high on lust. She didn't care or hadn't realised.

As they made their way through the crowd, heads turned to watch them pass, but neither of them noticed. They're lost in their private world, a world where nothing else matters but the connection they share.

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Outside, the night air was cool and crisp, a welcome relief from the stuffiness of the bar. They paused, leaning against the building as they tried to regain their composure. Katie glances at Laura, taking in her lovely features, her smooth skin, and her curvy figure. She reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her cheek, their fingers briefly entwining before both pulled away. A silence fell for a moment as they both looked at each other.

"So," Katie said, her voice barely more than a whisper. “What happens now?"

Laura shrugged her expression a mix of uncertainty and curiosity.

"I don't know," she replied. "But I think... I think I want to see."

Katie smiled, feeling a surge of relief wash over her.

"Me too."

She leans forward and buttons up Laura's blouse, seeing her nipples had stiffened as they were bare and reacting to the cold. They started walking down the quiet residential street, the sound of their heels clicking against the pavement filling the silence. Katie glanced over at Laura, admiring her graceful stride, and the way her hips swayed with each step. Making her skirt flick up, flashing the pale pink of her buttocks before falling back to cover it. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to wake up next to her every morning. The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

They stopped outside a modest house with a well-kept lawn.

"This is it," Laura said, a note of nervousness in her voice. "My husband will be home soon.............. but...."

She glanced at her watch, feeling a knot form in her stomach. Katie reached out and took Laura's hand in hers, offering her a reassuring squeeze.

"It's okay," she said softly. "We need this."

They climbed the steps to the front porch, their fingers still entwined. Laura fumbled with her keys, finally unlocking the door and stepping inside.

The house was dark and quiet, the scent of dinner still lingering in the air. They moved through the living room. Laura led them down a hallway to her bedroom, the room where she had spent so many intimate moments with her husband. But as she closed the door behind them, she couldn't help but feel as if a new chapter in her life was about to begin.

Laura turned to face Katie, their bodies mere inches apart. The air between them filled with anticipation. Katie reached up, her fingers tangled in Laura's hair as she pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Their tongues danced together, exploring every inch of each other's mouths.

As they broke apart for air, Katie whispered, "I want you, Laura."

Without another word, Katie unbuttoned Laura's blouse, revealing her small, perky breasts. They were the same colour as her pale, smooth skin, and they seemed to glow in the dim light of the bedroom. Katie's breath hitched as she reached out and cupped one of them in her hand, gently squeezing. Laura moaned. Katie responded by kissing a trail down her neck, nipping at her collarbone before moving lower still. As Katie's tongue danced across Laura's breast, she could feel her heart racing against her palm. She sucked at the nipple hard, drawing out a gasp from her lips. Laura threaded her fingers through Katie's hair, her hips beginning to move in time with the rhythm of Katie's mouth.

Meanwhile, Katie's own body was on fire. The urges filling her were making her body tingle with excitement. Pulling back from Laura, her clothes quickly discarded to the floor, her pale skin exposed to the cool air. Laura too removed her clothes. They stood there before each other, naked, their eyes locked, their breath coming in fast, hard gasps. Katie reached out and touched Laura's cheek, brushing her face.

"You're so beautiful," she murmured, her voice thick with desire.

Then, without another word, she lowered herself onto the bed, spreading her legs wide in invitation. Her body lifted and her excitement pulsed and surged through her. Laura crawled onto the bed, straddling her hips, their bodies pressing together, skin to skin. They kissed again, their tongues tangling, their hands exploring every inch of each other's warm, smooth skin.

As their passion ignited, Katie arched her back, offering herself up to Laura, her breasts pressing against Laura's chest. Laura grasped her hips, guiding her down, feeling the heat of Katie's wetness against her. She lowered herself, slowly, teasingly, until she was fully impaled on Katie's eager mouth. At that moment, they knew they had found something precious, something they had been searching for all along.

Their lovemaking was a dance of desire and need, a harmony of breath and skin. Laura's fingers dug into Katie's skin as she moved with a ferocity that surprised even her. Katie gasped and moaned, her nails scrapping down Laura's back, urging her on. They're lost in each other, oblivious to anything but the sensations coursing through their bodies.

Enjoying the rush as this newfound desire took them deeper into each other.

Their bodies were electric, bucking and twisting as they enjoyed the sensations of their excitement. As their climaxes built, they shifted positions, with Katie now on top, riding Laura with a fierce determination. Laura's hands found their way to Katie's hips, guiding her up and down, feeling the wet heat of her sex against her fingers.

The world outside the bedroom faded away, leaving only the two of them, their bodies moving together in a rhythm that was as ancient as it was new. With a cry that seemed to echo through the house, Katie came, her body shuddering as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her. Laura felt her release follow moments later, the intensity of the sensations consumed her muscles tensing and her vision blurring.

They collapsed together onto the bed, their hearts racing, their skin flushed and slick with sweat. Laying there, spent and satisfied, Katie looked up at Laura with a mixture of wonder and regret.

"I can't believe we just did that," she whispered, running a shaking hand through her dishevelled hair.

"But I don't want it to end." Laura smiled, brushing a lock of hair from Katie's face.

"It doesn't have to," she said softly. "We can figure this out together."

As the initial shock of their encounter wore off, they laughed about the absurdity of it all, the unexpected looks, the untimely touchings, the way it had all unfolded like some sort of twisted comedy of errors. But despite the laughter, there was an undercurrent of understanding between them, a connection that went beyond the physical. They had shared something intimate and profound, and neither of them could deny the powerful emotions it had stirred up within them.

Over the next few weeks, they met in secret, sneaking away from their respective families and making love in the quiet moments they could steal. They told no one about their relationship, not even their other friends. It was their secret, their private little world, where they could escape the expectations and constraints of their lives.

Tom and Lee were blissfully unaware as they continued their normal routines, thinking everything was fine, both unaware of the hot and steamy sex which was happening behind their backs. They did not know, as both Katie and Laura continued to indulge in sex with their partners to keep them satisfied.

Lee was always wanting sex. He could feel Katie was not as sexed up and dirty as usual, holding back and just letting him take her. She seemed bored and uninterested. Thinking he had done something wrong, he bought her flowers. Cooked her dinner and tried his best to make her feel special, though nothing changed. If anything, she grew more distant.

He often caught her on her phone, whispering on a call, as if saying things secretly. With a feeling twisting in his stomach, knotting and hurting his gut, he knew something was wrong.

While Katie was sleeping, he checked her phone, finding nothing. All her calls and texts were to Laura, her best friend. Photos were of places, views and selfies, of Laura with Katie when they have been out together. Putting her phone down, he felt confused. He knew something was off. She was hiding something. He just didn't know what.

Katie knew Lee was suspicious, though thought she had kept him satisfied enough to calm him. However, with her feelings for Laura now unleashed, she was struggling to be intimate with him, despite his efforts.

They continued to meet up, exploring their newfound enjoyment of each other. Learning their desires and what made the other excited. It was very new and exciting. They were very vocal and passionate whenever they got together. Still keeping their love for each other hidden, a dirty secret they snuck off to enjoy, like a sneaky cigarette or a sly chocolate when on a diet. This secrecy added to their excitement and passion. They had not considered the flip side of their moments together, the potential devastation if the truth was known.

One day, as they were making love in Laura's car during Katie's lunch break, they heard a familiar voice calling out to them from the parking lot. Startled, they looked up to see Laura's husband, Tom, standing there. His face contorted with anger and hurt, seeing their naked bodies embraced in the back seats of the car.

He had followed them, tracking their every move until he could no longer deny the truth. As they stared at him in shock and fear, he got closer to the car, his fists clenched tightly at his sides, pressing his face to the glass. He growled.

"You two are something." His voice was thick with emotion. "Disgusting," He hissed, the anger visible as his body shook.

They both hesitated, not sure what to say or do. He just turned and walked away, leaving them alone with the consequences of their actions.

In the weeks and months that followed, their lives were now in turmoil. Laura and Tom's marriage crumbled under the weight of her betrayal, and Katie's own life turned upside down as well.

Lee had gone wild, his anger something Katie had never seen. His normal calm and happiness became the rage, and he was utterly terrifying. He left her, riding off on his motorbike. She did not know where he had gone. The look in his eyes was that of devastation and heartbreak. After several hours, he returned, calmer, and they talked. She felt bad for him, though knew ultimately she couldn't deny her feelings for Laura. It wasn't fair to any of them.

Friends and family members alike struggled to understand what had happened, and why Laura had stayed with Katie, instead of reconciling with her husband. But despite the pressure from the outside world, Katie and Laura held fast to their love for each other, refusing to let anyone or anything come between them.

Lee was devastated, though he had said to Katie he had always suspected something, whether it was his way of coping, unsure. He moved out of their flat and went to a friend to stay; he had realised there was no chance to reconcile. Tom filed for a divorce and forced Laura out of the house. She moved in with Katie.

They quickly found that they needed to get away, a fresh start together to make their memories, rather than being surrounded by their broken past and a reminder of their betrayals. This didn't deter them. They knew their love was powerful and wanted more than anything to make it work.

They packed and moved far from the prying eyes and judgmental whispers of those who once knew them. They built a new life in a small town, where they could be together openly and honestly, free from the lies and secrets that had defined their past. As they walked hand in hand down the streets of their new home, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as equals and as lovers.

End. 💋

Written by FukFox
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