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First Time Visit To Adult Store

"Visit to adult store for conservative prude ends up in exhibitionism and first time lesbian"

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My boyfriend Richard and I went away for a weekend escape to a regional town. Although we went there for a relaxing get-out-of-the-city break, we got bored at the bed and breakfast and ventured into the town looking for something to do. It was a Saturday night and we decided to find a cinema and watch a movie. After finally finding the cinema and parkeing, we walked to the box office and was told that the main movie had already begun. Disappointed, we gave up on the idea of a movie and decided to walk around and seek something else to do.

It turned out that there was not much else around but ,at the end of one street, we came across a big red neon sign with XXX written on it . It was a porno shop bazaar -- a huge one. Adult stores were not shops I'd ever gone into, mainly because I preferred to keep my sexual interests private and I would be so embarrassed being seen in such a place. In my mind, a woman going into such a store was taboo. I believed that only hookers would stick around such places or dirty old men looking for them or any other release they could get their hands on. Honestly, it gave me an ill taste in my gut and I wanted nothing to do with such a place.

This should give you some context to my personality. Richard, however, was always pushing me to be less conservative and old fashioned and take more chances. It was a continual bone of contention between us. Maybe we were badly matched. To make things worse, our last fight was about me being a prude and I'd agreed to try being less so in the future.

Richard pointed at the shop. “There's nothing else to do here, so let’s go in the adult shop. I know you hate these places but nobody will recognise you out here so no need to worry. Come on, let’s go, it will be fun”, he said, trying to convince me.

My instinct was to refuse. “No, Richard, please let'’s not.”

“So much for you trying new things,” he blurted out.

I felt guilty for not trying harder and I thought, 'It’s late at night, we are in a foreign town far from anyone we know, maybe it will be okay. We can go in and be out in whiff.'

This time, I let him get his way and we entered the huge store. It looked empty. The bell rang as we entered and a tall guy at the counter, greeted us from afar.

“Hello, just call on me if you need any help or have any questions,” he said, still looking at his computer screen.

There was nobody else around. I felt relief. We walked down the first aisle. There was shelf after shelf of magazines and videos and then a cabinet filled with vibrators of all sizes and colours. Richard took his time looking at each part of the display. I felt a bit dirty being there and I so wanted to just get out. I could not relax and be myself and window shop like in a normal shop.

Having never been into an adult store before, I was taken back by how many categories of porn there were and how it was openly on display. I had looked on the internet but never in a public space where others could be also shopping. I felt more and more uneasy about being there. I couldn’t let myself even open a book or look at any particular item. I realised I was actually quite a prude.

“Richard, let’s go now. We've seen it all,” I said , pulling at his hand which I held more out of nervousness than anything else.

“I just want to buy this one thing,” he said, reaching for a box on the shelf.

Richard took the box and headed to the counter to pay for it.

“What are you buying?” I asked.

He wouldn't let me see what it was. “It’s a surprise.” 

“Don’t waste your money on it. You know me, I won’t use it,” I said.

The salesman, a tall European-looking guy, took Richard's credit card and asked, “Have you checked the sizing? There are no refunds or exchanges.”

Richard looked at the box. “It is a size hundred-and-six.“

The salesman responded, “If that's for the lass with you, it's way too big.”

The writing on the box was in German.

“You can try it on, there are changing rooms at the back of the store,” he said, pointing to the back mirrored wall. “You can't always tell from the numbers. You just gotta try it for size .”

We walked down the aisle to the back. Besides the mirrored wall, there was a little room which had purple hanging curtains on two sides but no doors.

“Yes, that’s the changing room until we complete renovations,” the salesman shouted from the distance.

I really didn’t want to try on anything from that store. When Richard was being stubborn, I always pushed back -- but I remembered our recent chat about being more open and trying new things. Although this was out of my comfort zone, maybe I should just do it to make Richard happy.

I pulled open the curtains and walked in. There was another curtain on the one side, but the place was empty and it was about eleven o'clocl, so it seemed private enough. I opened the box and lifted out this leather mini in black. It looked okay, so I tried it on. It was too big for my waist and would not stay up. My petite figure needed a much smaller size than whatever hundred-and-six was.

“Hey, Richard, this is way too big,” I said, handing him the box and skirt through the opening in the curtain.

I got dressed back into my jeans again. As we were leaving the store, the guy behind the counter said to Richard, “Try this on, it’s the last of our small sizes. It will fit for sure,” and he handed a wrapped packet to Richard.

I'd already indicated with my eyes that I'd enough and it was time to go but Richard seemed downtrodden and asked me really nicely.

“Please ,try this one on. I promise we can leave after. I want to get you a memento for your first time visiting an adult store."

The guy heard Richard and said, “Mate, you need to get her one of our top selling vibrators, not this sorta thing, if you want a memento she will never forget. Llet me show you one. It’s on twenty percent sale at the moment.”

I wanted to sink into the ground. My face was red and I was so embarrassed and felt so out of place having another guy talk with my boyfriend about me using a vibrator.

“No thanks, this will be just fine. I will try it on,” I said as I took the plastic-wrapped package from Richard and returned to the changing room.

I closed the curtains and unwrapped the outfit. It was a black top made of stretchy material -- I think spandex -- a bit like the material used in yoga pants, but shinier and it had gold stars scattered around as part of the design. I opened the outfit and held it up in front of me. It had long legs and arms that I guessed would fit the whole body and was not actually a top as I had initially thought. It looked like a full bodysuit.

It was one of these dancing-type outfits where you put legs in first, then peel it up the body and finally put the arms in. I took my jeans off and started to put a leg into the material. It was really tight and I needed to pull it up in layers. I got my legs in and managed to pull the outfit up to my hips, but the metal clasps on the bikini I had on from earlier was catching and pulling at the material. I was worried the metal clasps would tear the material. I unrolled the suit and started again after taking off my black bikini briefs.

I pulled it up my legs and then had to grab the skin-tight material around my hips and pull it up higher and over. I felt the seam pull into my butt. I removed my pink t-shirt and then realised that my bikini bra also had clasps. So I unclipped it and removed it. I slipped my arms into the suit, pulling it taut over and across my shoulders and then over my breasts. I then adjusted myself so as to pull the material around until it fitted without pulling anywhere. It felt like a second skin. I had never worn such tight and form-fitting clothes. It felt quite strange and I was too shy and self-conscious to open the curtain for Richard to see. There was no mirror in the room so I couldn’t see how it looked.

I was about to change back into my clothes when I heard Richard ask from outside the changing room, “Does it fit?” 

Then the store guy then said from a distance, “That outfit will definitely not be too large – it’s a small size.”

“No, I don’t think it’s any good,” I chimed back, "but there's no mirror in here."

“Come on out, there are plenty of mirrors here”, Richard said.

II anxiously opened the curtain and there was a mirror just outside. I looked down the aisle and the store guy was at the counter, so I walked out to the mirror.

“Oh my god does that look sexy and good on you?" Richard exclaimed.

I looked in the mirror and this bodysuit was figure hugging -- way too much! The material contoured around my legs and torso and was tight across my breasts too. I turned to the side. It pulled in tightly and disappeared right into the crease of my butt, making it look like I was nude. Each butt cheek was tightly outlined by the suit, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Facing front, I walked closer to the mirror to get under the light. The black shiny spandex had the gold starts scattered around the breast area and the crotch. The taut spandex was see through and the gold stars attempted to hide the private areas. My breasts could clearly be seen through the material and the gold stars did little to cover them. My nipples poked prominently in the transparent material.  I instinctively put my arms across my breasts to cover up. As I did, I noticed how the spandex traced around my mound ,even pulling into my slit. The stars hid my vagina from being exposed but I had not shaved in a week and little sharp pubic hairs were visible around the stars. Standing there like this was a no-no, so I started to retreat for cover back into the privacy of the changing room.

The store guy arrived next to Richard as I stood there frozen with my arms still crossed over my breasts trying to cover up.

“That is a perfect fit and it really suits you,” he said as he looked me up and down.

I didn’t know what to reply. I was not the exhibitionist type and being dressed like this was unnatural for me. I felt so uncomfortable.

“Well, I best get changed,” was all I could muster as these two men were fixated on my body.

“I am just going the toilet,” Richard announced. "You get changed and I will be back in five minutes."

Richard disappeared and I nervously moved back to the changingroom. I was not thinking and I pulled on the curtain too quickly as I tried to close it and the rail came crashing down. The store guy came over to help put the curtain back up as I stood there, but the bracket had also come out.

“Looks like the room is not going to be usable,” he said. “Mmmm… the only toilet is by the cinema across the road. You can go into the old store room, which is now the peep and glory hole room, but nobody is there, so you should be private.” 

I had nowhere to go. To make things worse, the movie across the road had just finished and two couples entered the store. They were browsing the aisles and stared over at me. I felt like a slut. I didn't know what to do. I had nowhere to run. I felt an idiot holding my one arm across my breasts and the other over my crotch area. I had nowhere to hide.

I was obviously a sight as the two couples  walked over. They stood there just looking. I wanted the ground to suck me in so I could get out of this embarrassing situation. Luckily, the guys got distracted by some magazine on the shelf and walked away leaving the two girls. They were dressed in mini dresses and skimpy tops.

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“What’s happened here?” the blonde girl asked.

I think they had been drinking as they were quite loud. I started to tell them about the curtain and trying on the outfit.

“You don’t need to be so afraid and shy, holding your arms like it’s the end of the world,” the red head said. “Lift your hands away, let us see the outfit.” 

I let my arms hand down, trying to be brave and just going with the flow.

“Shit! You are damn hot, young lady,” the blonde said. “I wish I had a figure like yours to look so good in an outfit like that. You're amazing. Be proud, don’t hide away. Show off your gift.” 

“Thanks.” I didn’t know else to say.

“We can see you're not used to wearing anything like this,” the red head commented. “By the way. I love your breasts. Your nipples look so good pointing out by the stars.” 

I was quite embarrassed and the blonde then added, “And a great cameltoe. The stars are not doing much to hide that pussy!”

This was all so strange to me. I had never had women look me up and down and talk about me in such an open sexual way. It hit me that I was in fact a real prude. This was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life and I swore never to go back into an adult store again. How did such a thing happen to me on my first visit?

The store was filling up now and the assistant was back at the counter serving customers.

I asked the girls,  “Where's the peep room where I can change out of this?”

The blonde girl took my arm under hers and said,” Come along, we'll show you."

As we walked down the aisle the red head slapped my butt and said, “Geez, this material really outlines that sexy little butt of yours. I wish I could get my ass to look so good. Maybe I should buy an outfit like it.”

We got to the end of the passage and the blonde opened the door and led the way into a room. It had low lighting and had three little window slits. I guessed they were for people to look through as a dancer or stripper performed in the centre of the room. There were also holes beneath each window, which I think was for people to put their penises through or whatever.

As we closed the door behind, I took no notice at first when the blonde faced me and put her hand on my stomach to feel the material. “This is so soft and shiny -- it’s like those dancing outfits, leotards but shaped like a bodysuit or catsuit”, she said, “and you got a tight flat stomach. ” She touched it again, this time sliding the back of her palm slowly down my stomach and resting for a moment on my mound, before turning her palm and tracing two fingers over my pubes and down until they landed on my inner thigh. She then walked away to fetch something.

It felt so weird. I had not had a woman touch me there or like this ever before. The shock of the situation took me off my usual guard and I did nothing to stop her. I was paralysed by the surprise. Her touch was more than a casual friendly gesture, I thought, and I was taken back by the sensations. I felt shivers and tingles growing throughout my body accompanied by a deep throbbing. This unexpected experience had, in an instant, turned me on. I was  aroused and I felt an intense pooling and building of heat in my pussy. My nipples felt sensitive and got erect, poking beneath the spandex material. My clit was on fire. I could feel it swelling in excitement and anticipation. Without realising it, I had opened my thighs as spasms of arousal coursed through my body. I didn’t know how to stop the rush of hormones so I just stood there. My pussy was welling up. The warm moisture building up between my legs was now more than damp. I reached my fingers down to pull out the spandex material gathering and pulling right into my slit.

This was crazy! What was I thinking? I didn’t know how to deal with these raging urges. I so wanted to hide them so that these girls wouldn’t notice.

I then felt the hands of the red head reach around from behind me and slowly caress my breasts on top of the tight material, brushing her fingers across my now hard nipples, causing me to arch as I felt a small orgasm cascade through my pussy, ripples of tiny contractions. Then she squeezed the epi centre of my stimulation and, with two fingers, twisted and pulled hard on my erect nips through the material. Pangs of pleasure felt so, so good. I let out a slow moan.

While the red head continued caressing my breasts, the blonde kissed me on my neck. I smelt her perfume as I tingled under her warm breath and soft lips. It was ticklish at first but then very sensual, sending sparks of electricity through my spine.

I could not hold in my arousal anymore. The pleasure-filled sensations were washing over me ,wave upon wave, taking me along for the ride. She kissed me on my lips. It was wet and passionate, her tongue dancing around mine. I lost it and all inhibitions just melted away. I kissed her back passionately, opening my mouth and taking in her tongue deeper, sticking my tongue into her mouth. It felt so perfectly good. As I was kissing the blonde, I felt her clenching my glute quite strongly and then I felt a finger from her other hand rub slowly up and down the crease in my butt. This was so arousing.

We kissed as I put my arms around her waist in tight embrace. I felt her leather skirt and as she continued to play and massage my butt I slid my hands down her skirt to feel hers. I lifted her skirt up and felt her naked butt. She had no underwear on. I clenched the soft butt and, guided by her, I too put my fingers to her crease.

Just then she pulled back and said, “I need to pee so badly. Will be back”.

She pulled her skirt down, ran her hands through hair to straighten it, and quickly left the room.

The red head retracted from behind me. I missed my breasts being touched. The scintillating sensations of arousal were at a peak. I didn’t want to stop now. I had succumbed to this whole experience and now just wanted more, to be touched, to feel the pleasure everywhere. I was yearning for more, desperate to move further and become totally absorbed in it. The red head kneeled between my legs which were quite unstable and rubbery.

“You are so wet,” she said “Your pussy is soaking wet. I can see white creaminess oozing out and flowing through this thin spandex around your crotch area,“ she said, almost gasping with elated surprise.

I was too taken back to be embarrassed. I looked at my crotch area. It was soaking wet. A circle of wetness was extending down my inner thigh.

The red head placed a finger along my slit which was swollen with arousal and she rubbed gently, applying pressure up and in between my pubes, the spandex fabric stretching with her finger movements. She lifted up her finger in front of me said, “Mmm, look at your pussy juices coating my fingers.”

I focussed on her fingers held up in front of me. They were glistening with a white creamy wetness. She stroked my one nipple with her finger, wiping it dry on the shiny material. I was in need and I guided her arm back down towards my crotch area. My breath was now audible in quick short and sharp bursts. I wanted her fingers deep in my pussy. I wanted her to just fuck me and penetrate me deep, hard and fast.

This was the last straw. I lost all the care in the world. My inhibitions had disappeared. I was in a meditative like state. I was actually trembling with excitement, my breath shallow and fast. My tensions and stimulation were at a peak. I was pulling and contorting my muscles tight, sucking in every cell in my body, holding it all in like a tightly wound ball. As if reading me, she took her finger and strengthened the pressure as she pushed the spandex deeper into my wetness. I was rotating my hips so that I could suck in her fingers deeper into my pussy. I felt an aching orgasm coming on. I was throbbing at the edge. She pinched my pubes and massaged my clit in circular motions, hard and furiously as I needed. I grabbed my nipples with my fingers and pulled them really hard. I could no longer stand. My legs just couldn’t hold me up. I sat on the floor, my knees up and splayed wide apart, and I rested back on my elbows.

I wanted to tear open the spandex to expose my pussy and breasts so that I could be touched fully and without restraint.

She pushed my knees down and climbed on top of me, placing her butt on my thighs and leant forward. I felt her pussy against mine. She too had no undies on. I felt the heat of her pussy as it touched mine. She now stuck her tongue into my mouth as I lay back and she crouched over me. She rubbed her pussy against mine rotating it up and down as if she was fucking. Her breath was also shallow and slow and very loud, gasping each time her pussy made contact with mine. Pussy against pussy, heat against heat. I felt her folds rub against mine, her clit touching my clit. Wow, it was so intense!

I could not hold back the waves any longer. I grabbed her by the ass and pulled her into me, yearning to feel her nakedness against me. She went harder and faster as she gyrated her hips into me. We were in a rhythm, both moaning. She pulled her top aside and started fondling her small breasts pulling her nipples out as she thrust against my crotch. I let out a scream as I arched my back pushing my thighs up high and into her hard. I was digging my nails into her butt, pulling her into me, my pussy throbbing and pulsing out of control. I trembled, I moaned loudly as the feeling of ecstasy overcame me.

Wave upon wave of pleasure washed over me as I felt the rush of wetness around my pussy. I looked at her and felt her pussy squirting over me, soaking my crotch area even more. She let out a screeching moan and collapsed forward and over me, putting her arms around my butt in a tight embrace as he lay her face down flat on my breasts. We lay there catching our breaths.

After a while, we both broke out in laughter.

“By the way, my name is Suzie... so nice to meet you,” she said and we laughed again.

“My name is Rachel,” I replied as we stood up.

I looked in the mirror. My face was sweated out, my hair dishevelled, my face and neck red, and my new outfit which I had not yet bought was soaked from my waist down mid-thigh.

I put my jeans and blouse on top of the outfit, and straightened my hair. Suzie pulled her skirt down and was fixing her hair too.

“We should find Britney and our men,” Suzie suggested.

Outside the room, we walked to the counter, where we were greeted by the store guy who was chatting to Richard, the blonde girl whom I now knew was named Britney and their two partners, Greg and Jon.

“Was just wondering what had happened to you,” Britney said. “I told the guys that you were having a serious chat and they should just wait a few minutes.” 

Nobody said anything about this encounter.

Richard asked me later why I was so long and I told him were chatting and time just got away. It turned out he met a friend outside the movie theatre and was kept back for twenty minutes chatting too.

“So, you going to take that outfit,” the store guy asked me.

“Oh, yes, I will take it. I still have it on under my clothes if that’s okay.”

We paid for the outfit and left the store. As we walked out, Suzie handed me a piece of paper. I quickly put it in my pocket .

When I got back home that night, I read it. “Hey sexy, I had such a great time, you are awesome. You got me to squirt for my first time, call me and we should meet up again. I want to turn you into a dirty slut.” She put her pohone number at the end.

Well, our next meeting is another whole story. I also have a photo of the outfit which I still have it at home. Richard is no longer my boyfriend, tthough!






Written by racqelhunter
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