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Finding Lynn Part 2

"Lynn is trapped in a loveless marriage and accepts the lead of her Dom to explore F-F"

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Author's Notes

"Again, many Thanks to DiamondGirl for the editing help and to Curvygalore at Lush for helping me to bring better stories to Lush that you will want to read. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks to DiamondGirl for her great editing"

Lynn and her Dom had just entered the “Crystal Ballet”, an upscale strip club and restaurant near the Pentagon.

"The lady is free of charge," the bouncer said as he viewed my sweetheart from ankle to forehead and back again. "If you are looking for Leon, he is backstage dressing one of the girls for a fancy visitor." As I nodded with a knowing smile, he pushed all my money back at me saying, "If you are that guy, man, you have already paid, in spades."

As we sat down in the VIP section facing the center stage, I watched Lynn's eyes as she nervously looked around the room. I could tell from the clutching of my hand that she was nervous being the only woman not "working." Even with plenty of cleavage, so readily apparent, she was clearly overdressed for this establishment.

The thumping music was so loud I had to get awfully close to her ear to say, "Remember sweetheart, this is for my pleasure!"

Hearing those words Lynn visible relaxed. Knowing what was expected of her pleased her. As the center of attention, both from me and the strangers in the room, she blushed while her nipples soon became apparent, straining against her thin sun dress. Looking towards the stage Lynn finally saw the young blond twisting and spinning down a long brass pole. Hanging upside down, her long blond hair created a golden halo between her head and the stage floor. Lynn was a little started when she quickly sank towards the floor and then her ankles expertly slowed her descent causing her breasts to lift up and fall back towards her neck.

The young lady, just barely eighteen with firm breasts and a very flat tummy, continued to grind her body against the pole. I wondered if Mommy and Daddy knew how she was putting to good use all those many cheer-leading camps they had paid for. As she slid across the stage she lifted and rocked her legs as if she was in the midst of coitus with an invisible lover. Knowing this song would soon end the men rose to bring her tips at the edge of the stage.

"Bring her this," I instructed while handing Lynn a ten-dollar bill while separating her hand from mine. "Wait," I said turning her back towards me, " Women can only tip using their teeth."

I watched with a big smile as Lynn moved to the stage, waiting for all the men to tip the young girl and leave. Most put their dollar offering into the garter belt, high up on her hip, or the side strap of the very thin black mesh thong. She smiled sweetly as each took the opportunity to briefly caress her inner thigh.

The blond dancer finally took notice of Lynn and the offered ten dollars pursed between her red lips. That prize was equal to all the tips of the other men and generated the desired effect.

"You like my dancing, honey?" Her eyes had locked on Lynn and the ten-dollar prize, as she scooted towards the edge of the stage.

Lynn just nodded and bent forward to deliver the offered gift. Much to Lynn's surprise and my pleasure the dancer flung her legs over Lynn's shoulders and drew her closer. By arching her back, Lynn, the pussy of the young blond with the black thong pulled tight between her pussy lips, and the offered ten-dollar tip were just centimeters apart.

"Come on honey, it won't bite you," urged the young dancer as she pulled her thong away from her pussy. This exposed her completely, and probably illegally, giving Lynn the money shot every man in the house would die for.

Bending a little further Lynn braced herself with her hands on the stage as she turned her head slightly and deftly slipped the ten between the thong and the shaved pussy.

"Thanks," the dancer spoke as she flexed her pelvis up and gripped Lynn harder with her legs to bring Lynn's face and lips in contact with her young shaved slit.

"Yeah," the entire room cheered at the sight of the two ladies entwined.

Lynn quickly rushed back to our table. Her wide-eyed expression was a mixture of wicked pleasure and concern she had crossed some boundary. Kissing her softly I put her at ease, telling how much she had pleased me and that I liked the taste of her new lipstick.

"Don't," I instructed as I stopped her hand, holding a cloth napkin, from wiping her face and mouth. "I may want to kiss you again."

Lynn smiled and took the Grasshopper drink that I had ordered for her. To ensure she was relaxed and not knowing her tolerance for alcohol I had made it a double.

Satisfied that she had really pleased me Lynn sat back to watch the new girl take the stage. I noticed my friend Leon off to the side of the stage, near the dressing room where the girl had just emerged. Giving me a thumbs up I knew that this must be 'the one.'

"Please put your hands together," came the loud announcement. "Gentlemen, and Lady, you are in for real treat. Please welcome to our featured stage the one, the only, Barbra Lynn, but we all know her as our very own RRREEED!"

As the scattered applause came from around the room a red headed beauty crossed the stage in two steps and leaped upon the tall brass pole like it was her long-lost lover. She was aptly named. Her hair was a mane of red hair and copper glitter, like the lady in weird science. Her thick pouty lips were painted in the same firecracker red that flashed from her 5" leather heels as she spun around the pole. Her only piece of clothing was a one piece body thong that just barely covered her thick nipples and disappeared between her long slim legs in a very thin red line.

Everything about Red was in motion. Your attention was constantly shifting from her floating head of hair, touched by the occasional hands adorned in long red nails to her spread eagle legs and her clutching butt cheeks. At one-point Red froze on the pole with her back arched in an unbelievable pose four feet off the floor. Every eye in the place was focused on that thin strap, praying this time it would let go.

I watched Lynn as Red continued to twist and turn, offering her ample breasts to the audience like they were part of an erotic feast. More than once I caught the briefest of eye contact between Lynn and Red.

As Red concluded her first dance she pulled the thin straps down to fully expose her 36D breasts, silver dollar size areolas and finger like nipples. Lynn was mesmerized and downed the last of her drink. As Red continued her second number Lynn did not notice the second drink deftly placed within reach. Having never allowed herself to think sexually about another woman she was enthralled with the opportunity where her inspection was clearly expected.

As Red finished her second number a very enthusiastic line of customers jockeyed for position next to the stage. Many were regulars and were rewarded with their faces pulled between her breasts in acknowledgement of their tips. Sipping on her second drink Lynn looked at me for an indication it was her turn to tip the young redhead.

"Wait" I said restraining her free hand but not interfering with the hand holding her second drink. Lynn slumped back in her seat, clearly disappointed, and took a long draw on her drink.

As Red finished collecting her tips she returned her straps to the cover position and then made a bee line to our table. As the young red head approached Lynn sat up, still sipping from her drink.

"Hello," the soft voice said as Red extended her hand of welcome, not to me, but to Lynn.

Gingerly, holding the offered hand with the long red nails, Lynn offered a soft 'Hello' in reply.

Not waiting for an invitation, Red slid into the seat next to Lynn. I could see her bare thigh was quickly in complete contact with Lynn's leg.

"You are beautiful," came Red's next remark as she looked down the front of Lynn's dress.

"Ah, thank you," Lynn softly replied with eyes towards the floor.

"No!" I said as I caught her hand when she instinctively went to close a second button.

As I released another button Red laughed, again took Lynn's hand, and said, "Honey, in here everything is allowed."

As Lynn took another swig of her drink Red stood up and took Lynn by the hand. "Come on honey," she urged Lynn to her feet. "Your boyfriend bought you a VIP lap dance, so we are going to play." As Lynn started to move Red looked at me, crooked her finger at me and with a very wicked smile added, "Come on handsome, you paid for it, so you can watch."

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As I followed the ladies to the back VIP room I relished how my sweet allowed herself to be led by this young woman who radiated sex in every direction. All the men we passed smiled or winked at Lynn knowing something hot was about to begin.

As we entered the dimly lit lounge, we first encountered a very large and stern looking bouncer. "It's all right Ronnie," Red said as she pulled Lynn through the entrance, "They are with me and they have paid."

"Ok," came his gruff response, "I'll be here if you need me."

Red then led us to the very end booth area.

"This is nice and private," claimed Red as she drew Lynn and I into her private performance area.

As our eyes began to adjust to the darkness, I could see an extremely comfortable love seat/recliner that was covered in red leather. The low arm rests looked worn and slick from use. Next to it was a small drink stand with a box of tissues and below a simple pink waste basket. Red indicated that my seat was to be the metal folding chair, next to the entrance of the alcove.

Lynn looked a little hazy from her buzz and the swiftness of this new situation.

"Please sit down and get comfortable,” instructed Red as she pointed Lynn towards the red leather couch.

Red half-pushed Lynn onto the couch, causing her feet to fly up as the love seat partially reclined.

"We won’t need these," she continued as she quickly removed Lynn's shoes, caressing each foot with her red hair as it came free.

As the music began to play Red pulled down her thin straps once again allowing her firm breasts to swing free. Before Lynn could utter any response, Red climbed on her lap and kissed her deeply. It was not a friendly kiss; it was more of a kiss to Lynn's soul. As their tongues sought each other Lynn's hands found their way to undulating hips and held the girl tightly against her aroused body. Just as she had on stage all of Red was in motion rubbing, grinding and teasing every place the two were in contact.

Reluctantly breaking their kiss Red began to press her naked breasts against the thin material of Lynn's sun dress. "This won't do." claimed Red after a few rubs back and forth. "I hate your buttons, they hurt," claimed Red, "Please get them out of the way."

Lynn looked my direction and seeing no direction, or objection, she turned her lusting gaze back onto the sexy green-eyed lady on her lap and slowly unbuttoned her own yellow dress. My cock was straining for attention as I watched the buttons reveal more and more of my lady. As the last button came undone, and Lynn's beautiful breasts were completely visible, Red took Lynn's and placed them on her own firm breasts. Lynn felt a thrill inside her pussy as she pressed her palms against Red’s firm nipples.

"Together!" Demanded Red as she caressed and rubbed her breasts on Lynn’s naked cleavage. Beads of perspiration were forming on all four breasts. She had managed to spread Lynn's legs apart, so her knee was in firm contact with Lynn's sex. Leaning back, while still gyrating on Lynn's leg, Red grabbed Lynn's hands, full of her young breasts, and demanded, "Suck them baby, suck them good.” Glancing in my direction she added, “This is what your man paid for!"

This time Lynn did not bother to look my way. She leaned forward and brought one swollen nipple to her mouth. Reacting to knee teasing her sex she immediately began to lick and suckle it like it was her favorite ice cream cone. This contact sent Red into high gear bouncing and rubbing on Lynn like she was a personal dildo.

As the first number ended Red jumped off Lynn's lap and laid spread eagle next to her. "I don't know about you, but I need a break."

Taking this is a cue for the end of the lapdance, Lynn, face flushed red with the tease and the drink, began to pull her dress together.

"Where do you think you are going?" Red demanded, as she pressed Lynn back onto the couch. With a sweet teasing smile she tossed me the box of tissues and added "Here, you are really going to need these."

As the next song began Red leaned across Lynn's lap to take her right breast into her hands. "Mmmm" escaped from her throat as she expertly sucked the nipple and part of Lynn's breast, deep into her mouth.

"Oh, My God!" exclaimed Lynn as she first experienced the hot tongue of a woman who knew exactly how to please and tease a nipple. After a few minutes had passed, "The other?" was Lynn's encouragement to pleasure both her other breast.

"Why, of course my lady," came Red’s reply as she pulled the nipple from the suction of her mouth with a loud 'plop.' She immediately latched onto the other breast while Lynn grabbed her head, ensuring complete contact. Squirming with pleasure, on the soft leather couch, Lynn was clearly in need of some contact with her pussy.

As I watched this erotic scene play out, I noticed that Red had pulled the red thong down around her hips, exposing her slit and sweet bum for me to see. As she sucked and rubbed against Lynn the contractions of her outer lips were plain to see.

The second thing I noticed was Lynn had taken one hand and was pulling the hem of her skirt up higher and higher and higher. Even in the dim light I could see her juices glistening on her swollen lips.

"Did he pay you enough?” questioned Lynn as she gently pushed Red off her suckled tit and towards her wanting sex.

"Honey," came Red's soft reply, "He paid me more than enough." With a lustful smile Red dove between Lynn's outstretched legs and began to lick the flowing juices and nurse on the swollen clit she quickly encountered.

Pulling my swollen cock from my pants I gripped my thick manhood and relished the sex before me. Lynn was stiff as a board, shaking with every lick to her slit and the deep sucking of her clitoris. Red was earnestly thrusting two of her long thin fingers, topped with her long red nails, deep into Lynn's cunny.

"More," demanded Lynn. "More fingers."

Red heard the need in her voice and quickly began to stroke Lynn's swollen puss with four thrusting fingers. Her thumb continued to rub the finger-like clit between long licks and lips latching onto the elongated clit as if it was another nipple.

"I'm going to cum, Oh Gawd, I'm going to cum!" cried Lynn as her legs continued to shake, sending her tits swing in little circles.

My cock had become so hard I could feel my seed begin to boil in my lions.

Red stopped briefly, looked my way and made a hand slap on her ass. I needed no further invitation. As Red returned to her snatch munching, I positioned my thick cock head against her young tight and dripping trench.

"Now!" screamed Red as she pressed her booty back towards me, swallowing my thick manhood up against her cervix in one slick gulp.

"Yes, Oh Gwad, Yes, N O W!" screamed my sub as Red responded to my thick intrusion with a lip-lock on Lynn's clit that sent her over the roof.

"Come on baby girl!" urged Red as she bounced expertly back upon my swollen cock, "The last song is almost done… make me cum, you bastard ... make me cum, NOW!"

As the tight velvet walls contracted and milked my cock Lynn searched for my hand and eyes. She could barely move from her own climax but wanted to enjoy mine while she could.

"I'm coming!" I groaned needlessly. The explosion from my nut-sack deep inside her hot, young pussy spoke for itself, sending gushes of our combined cum flowing down her legs with each hard thrust.

"Red," called the bouncer from the small hallway, "Time is up girl.”

As Red stood up my semi-hard cock slipped from her hot, wet pussy. First giving Lynn a deep, wet kiss, she pulled up her thin straps and then offered Lynn a lick of her fingers covered with her cum. As she handed me the tissue box, she gave me a peck on the cheek and my cock one long pull. Red quickly departed with "Later baby?"

to be continued...

Written by diamondjim
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