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Emily, Judy, Mary, and Lorna

"The mothers of Lorna and Mary come together to be a loving couple"

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It is difficult for youngsters of today to believe or understand the strict mores that defined female lives in the past. When I was growing up in 1930's Scotland the preached doctrine was that sex was dirty and sinful, except when between husband and wife to procreate; Not for mutual pleasure and forbidden out-with the marriage bed. So entrenched were these ethics that pregnant girls often got thrown out of the family home for bringing shame on it. To compound this, wives had no rights. They were their husband's property; There to meet his every need and demand, to be homemakers and produce babies. Large families were indeed the norm with many women having ten or more children.     

Girls and boys were raised separately and always chaperoned when together. As for education on intimate matters that was none existent; Mothers didn't even talk about them with their daughters. So, before my marriage, I was innocent and had never been alone with a man. Other than a few perfunctory kisses, the first physical contact with my husband was when he took my cherry on our wedding night. It wasn't a romantic event in the least; A few kisses, rough penetration of my pussy, a period of harsh humping and then release of his cum inside me. The memory of the awful pain is still with me today. He fell asleep afterward; his needs met without any thoughts for me; After all, I was there just to provide a pussy for his use.

My husband became a companion. He looked after me but had little or no interest in a close relationship. Due to his upbringing, he was uncomfortable or possibly disgusted by intimacy. The sight of the blood and cum on the bed after that first night together put him off even more. From then, we slept in separate rooms, and he would come to my bed once a week for a quick non-fulfilling rut. There was no passion between us; We didn't even sleep together afterward; He just used my fanny to masturbate. Fortunately, physiology helped me; I usually became wet in anticipation of the event, making his abrupt penetration and shagging at least tolerable.

You may wonder why I accepted this loveless marriage. In truth, I had little choice. I was plain and left on the shelf. The offer seemed to be my last chance to avoid spinsterhood. In those days, it was beyond the pale for a woman to remain single. She was looked down upon; Seen as selfish and avoiding her female duties. The only thing considered worse was to be married but have no children; Always the woman’s fault of course.

My partner and I had several interests in common, and I thought we could bond together, so when he proposed I jumped at the chance. Nowadays, I would’ve waited for Mr. Okay or stayed single and pursued a career, but that was not an option for me back then. We married two months later, and I became pregnant during our first month together. It was then that my husband's insensitivity and lack of empathy came to the fore. He continued to ride me weekly while I was expecting. Sex during pregnancy can be useful for couples if done with tenderness and sensitivity. Not in my case, my husband screwed me when he wanted, even while I was recovering from morning sickness or uncomfortable sleepless nights; A horrible experience but then again, I was his to use as he wished.

Fortunately, once I had a significant belly bump, my husband stopped shagging me and did not return to my bed until our daughter Lorna was born. I was delighted with my beautiful girl, but he and his mother were not; She was not the son that they craved. This need was the reason why, despite my condition and pleadings, I found myself being ridden by my husband within a week of giving birth.

 “I must have a son, no matter how many babies you have to produce.”

From then, my husband took me a least two times every week until my belly bump was visible. This stress combined with carrying a new baby while still recovering from childbirth inevitably took its toll on my health. I miscarried. I was distraught at my loss but thought that I would at least get a period of respite. Not so; Such was my husband’s callousness and desperation for a son that he started screwing me again a mere seven days later. This time I didn’t become pregnant; A medical exam carried out some months later revealed that I could no longer conceive due to damage from my second pregnancy. After that news, my husband never made sexual demands on me again.

Despite everything, my husband and I stayed together as a loveless couple to give the semblance of a family for Lorna. In hindsight, this was a mistake; We drew further and further apart, and eventually, he left Lorna and me on our own. I later found out that this was due mainly to pressure from his mother; She desperately wanted a grandson and had identified a new fertile broodmare for him. How could she do that to other women?

For many years, I was an emotional zombie. I cared and raised Lorna on my own as best as I knew how but I couldn’t form a strong bond with her or be a proper nurturing mom. I was anxious and moody all the time. These failings could have been disastrous for Lorna, but fortunately, Judy and her daughter Mary moved into a house nearby when Lorna was eight years old. They hit it off immediately, Lorna and Mary became best friends, and Judy soon became Lorna's de facto second mother. Was I jealous? No, I felt guilty but knew that Lorna would need a guidance and support through adolescent life that I was unable or capable of giving to her.

Although I watched Lorna grow up from a slight distance, it was clear to me that she was a brainy and talented girl, with a thirst for knowledge. I resolved to help her to develop her full potential and have opportunities of which I could only dream. The main problem was that my schooling had been minimal, so I started to do day and evening classes and correspondence courses in the subjects that Lorna and indeed Mary would be doing in the years to come. This challenge gave me a new purpose in life, brought me to back to normality and rebuilt my confidence. Both girls were intrigued by this old lady doing schoolwork but happy to ask for help and tuition when they were struggling with their studies. Through this, Lorna and I developed a closer relationship albeit still not a real mother-daughter one.

I sat in on various classes at the local secondary school and one day found myself in a Girls Health and Fitness class; A euphemism for sex education. I thought I might find out what to tell Lorna about the birds and bees, when and how. Imagine my shock to find that the lecturer was a spinster, who had evidently drawn the short straw in the class stakes. She just spoke in generalities about girl's physiology, babies, and the need keep your body healthy and pure. No discussion about relationships, love, safe sex, or even consent. So, this was not a great help; The girls probably got more useful information from friends in the playground.

One thing that the teacher said did intrigue me, “Never play with yourself; It is disgusting and a sin, it takes your beauty away, makes you ugly and prone to woman’s troubles.”

I could hardly contain myself when one of the bolder girls shouted, “Is that what happened to you, miss?”

The teacher went bright red as the girls in the class burst out laughing. They were savvy and probably had more experience of this heinous crime than the teacher. I felt so out of touch. When I was young, no one talked about our girly bits and any pleasures their use could give you. Most women of the day would’ve found out these delights with the help of a caring, loving husband. I didn't, and in the sixteen years since my brute of a husband stopped taking me I’d had no sexual experiences or desires; I’d never even touched myself except when bathing. At that moment it dawned on me that, as these teenagers, Lorna was probably experimenting with herself. I needed to know more about how teenage girls develop this physical side of their sexuality and the risks if any.

I went to town next day and after a lot of searching found some informative books and magazines. The content was an eye-opener to me. There were so many ways to explore the body, stimulate it, locate the arousal buttons and of course get intense pleasure into the bargain. Although still frowned upon, it was clear that masturbation had many benefits for girls; Enhancing their sexual knowledge and health, relieving stress, and fostering general contentment and well-being. Despite the teacher’s scare stories, there were no down-sides. At least I could now have an awkward conversation with Lorna about it if needed. I sighed at the thought of all the delights that I missed while growing up, little realizing that the old lady could still enjoy them.

It was a few weeks later when heading off to bed that I heard low moaning noises coming from Lorna’s bedroom. Thinking she was sick, I peeked around the door. Lorna was on top of her bed, one hand inside her pajama bottoms vigorously rubbing her pussy while the other gently massaged her exposed breasts. She was writhing gently and enjoying herself. I didn’t disturb her but admit to a little feeling of envy when I later heard a long sigh and deep moan followed by silence. She looked so peaceful and content when I checked on her.

A few days later I again heard sounds from Lorna’s bedroom; This time more loud and intense than before. I peeked in; She was naked, massaging herself and oh my, using a hairbrush handle down there. As I stood there transfixed, Lorna wriggled and convulsed on the bed and finally gasped with pleasure when she climaxed.

I found it difficult to get to sleep thinking about what had just happened. Lorna shouldn’t be using a hairbrush to stimulate herself. It’s unsafe. How do I protect her? While images of Lorna pleasuring herself played over and over in my head, I automatically started to mimic some of her moves; My hand slipped into my pajamas, over my mound, and onto my pussy lips. That first touch triggered a pleasant tingling sensation and a feeling of warmth down there.

‘Hey, there’s life in the old girl yet.’

I seized the moment, began to stroke around my lips and between them. I found my clit with my free hand and gently rubbed it; Luckily, I’d recently read about the clit, where it was, and its importance for stimulation. As I warmed up, I gently pushed my forefinger into my vagina; It was a tight fit but as I pulled in and out and massaged inside a mass of delightful feelings developed in there. Soon, my fanny tremored and released a small amount of juice as a light wave of pleasure spread up through my body. 

‘Oh wow, my first ever climax; Not breath-taking but fantastic nevertheless and all due to self-love. I was surprised but delighted to find my fud was highly sensitive and responsive; despite age, childbirth and the many ravages inflicted on it by my husband’s savage cock. From now on, it can expect regular workouts; Just to keep it healthy of course!’ I bathed in the post-climax afterglow and slept like a baby through the remainder of the night.

Early next morning I set off to town to visit an adult shop. I must have walked past the entrance twenty or thirty times before I picked up the courage to go in. The fact that the girls behind the counter were not much older than Lorna didn't help my discomfort, but clearly, they recognized the rabbit in the headlights look.

"Please take a seat; I'll get Mrs. Jones to see you.”

To my relief, a woman of my age appeared and introduced herself.

“Hello, I’m Janet. How can I help you?”

I sputtered for a moment and went crimson but then let it all go. “My teenage daughter is experimenting with self-love. I'm glad; It's important she knows herself before sharing with others. My problem is that I spotted her using a hairbrush handle; I think it would be safer for her to use a tool made for the purpose and would like to buy a dildo for her, but have no idea what to get.”

"Your daughter is lucky. Most people still believe that self-pleasuring is bad for girls, but it isn't. It helps them to know their body and its sexual needs, and hey, it is a joyous experience as well."

“What would you suggest?”

“Let me show you this set of simple silicone toys. Which one is similar in size to the handle that your daughter has been using?”

“The first one is nearest, only a little longer.”

“Good, I would recommend you buy it and the next size up, which is significantly longer and thicker. Those will meet your daughter’s needs at this stage.”

“Okay, that will be fine.”

“I’ll go and pack them up for you, along with some lubricant and literature about safe self-love, unless there is anything else.”

 I probably went bright red. “After seeing the joy my daughter gets from self-love, I've tried it myself for the first time and let's just say; It won't be the only time. I should buy a toy for myself.”

“How delightful, what a wonderful thing to learn from your daughter. Any ideas on size?”

"The fifth one along is similar in size to my former husband's cock, but I couldn’t cope with that at present, my pussy has tightened up through the years of non-use.”

"I suggest you take the third and fourth ones; The circumference of the smaller dildo should be comfortable for you in these early days, and number four will be perfect when you feel the need for a bit of extra stretching and stimulation."

"Thank you; I will take them."

“I’ll pack everything up for you, while you see the cashier.”

I was putting my purse back in my bag when Janet came with my purchases in two discrete carrier bags.

“I hope you both have plenty of fun with your toys.”

I blushed again. “I’m sure we will, thank you for everything.”

After buying few other things in town, I headed home. I left one bag on Lorna's bed and packed my stuff away into my room. I was having tea when Lorna came back.

“Did you have a nice day out?”

“Yes, it went well. I’ve left something for you in your room.”

She was back within minutes with the dildo packages in hand.

“Why are you giving me these?”

“I thought you should use something made for the job rather than a brush handle.”

 Lorna’s jaw dropped. “You’re not upset or disgusted that I’m playing with myself.”

I gave her a proper motherly hug. “No, you are doing what most girls of your age do in secret; Exploring your developing body and sexuality with the bonus of having some fun along the way. I wish I’d done the same.”

“You never pleasured yourself?”

“Back then, intimacy was a sin for girls and boys; We were kept in ignorance about our bodies to ensure nothing untoward happened.”

“Thank you for being so understanding and supportive. I’ve been worried there was something wrong with me and about how you would react.”

“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal and healthy but don’t overdo it and always be discrete. By the way, I should thank you for helping me discover self-love."

“You mean?”

“Yes, last night for the first time in my life.”

We hugged as mother and daughter and cried, but they were tears of joy at our new shared bond. There was a knowing smile between us as we went off to our beds.

It was embarrassing to realize that my teenage daughter already knew more about her body and its needs than I did on my own. Women of my era weren't sexual beings; We only provided a fanny for our husband's carnal use. There was nothing in it for us, except to be rutted like a hind by a stag and pregnancy. It sounds stupid now, but this meant that I’d never explored my sensuality. So, it was a revelation to find that my intimate regions were physically sensitive and responsive with sensual-needs that I could satisfyingly fulfill through self-love. For probably the first time, I felt genuinely feminine and alive.             

I let my fingers do the walking for a couple of weeks before I used the toys. I was still apprehensive about putting anything into my fud after all the pain and trauma caused to it by my husband’s cock, but eventually, I tried them and wow, that brought the pleasure and satisfaction to new highs. Surprisingly, I preferred the smaller toy; It was maneuverable, better for finding and targeting the sweet-spots in my vagina and speeding myself to orgasm. However, I admit that a deep rodding with the bigger dildo was an excellent way to relieve the stresses and strains caused by particularly bad days.    

Sadness for the women of my generation who suffered from ‘female hysteria or the vapors' tinged my newfound feeling of contentment and well-being. These health issues were rooted in repressed sexual tension and frustration and could have been avoidable had females been able to fulfill their wants through shared-love or self-love. The former would have involved loss of male power and dominance, and the latter was a mortal sin, so weren’t options. As a result, the sexual mores of the day ruined the mental health and welfare of so many women.                    

The final two years of school were hectic for Lorna and Mary, so many tests and exams to be done to get the academic grades for acceptance to the university. I worked with both, giving them individual tutoring and support through their coursework, and came to appreciate how close was their friendship. It was during the summer break before leaving for the university that I noticed subtle changes; Lorna and Mary would often gaze intently at each other and became much more touchy-feely. The explanation became clear one day when they went for a picnic. By chance, I was out gathering wild fruit, heard noises coming from a nearby field and went to investigate. To my shock, Lorna and Mary were romping in the long grass. I was going to shout at them to stop but didn’t. Girl-girl love was still a no-no, but I was captivated by the apparent delight and passion of their lovemaking; It was a joy to see the girls taking their relationship to this high sensual level. Their frolic was driven by lust but also providing them a valuable lesson; Sex and love when shared freely by equals are exquisite. Knowing this, they are unlikely to accept anything less in the future; Never to be a dominated or passive sexual partner.

I watched a little jealousy as Lorna and Mary shared their intense love, but was also turned on. I frigged myself to climax. Pussy juices soaked my knickers by the time I sneaked away, leaving Lorna and Mary to finish off. When Lorna came home that night, she looked euphoric but tired.

I smiled inwardly and cheekily asked, “Did you enjoy your picnic?”

She blushed a little when she said, “Yes, it was fun.”

Although surprised by the turn of events, I was pleased that Lorna was safely learning so much about her sexuality this early in her life. The knowledge will set her in good stead, help her choose the best partner, and if it’s a girl rather than a boy then so be it; The most important thing is that she finds happiness and fulfillment.

Things were a bit of a blur during the week before the girls went off to the university; There were so many things to arrange. Late one evening I was surprised to receive a call from Judy.

“Lorna has just arrived here; She looks exhausted. I would suggest that she rests here overnight and comes home tomorrow if that is okay with you.” 

“Yes, that is fine, thank you for looking after Lorna.”

Lorna looked a little downcast and stiff when she arrived home the following day.

“I was worried. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just a bit tired and sore. Judy packs a wallop with her belt.”

“What? She’s not allowed to do that. What did you do? Why did she punish you?”

“I asked her to do it.”

“What possessed you to do that?”

“Judy was angry and upset after a row with Mary.”

“I should’ve thrashed Mary for humiliating me in public, but I promised Mary’s father I would never spank her.”

“I could see Judy’s angst, wanted to help her, and the only thing that came to mind was to suggest she punish me as a substitute for Mary. I hoped this would relieve her frustrations.”

“Oh, my.

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Did it work?”

“Certainly, Judy didn’t hold back, my butt hurt like hell, but afterward she was calm and at peace; All her agonies having transferred onto my rear. Seeing Judy’s smile return made it all worthwhile.”

I hugged Lorna. "You are a good girl; I'm proud of you for soothing Judy.”

My bottom winced at the thought of Lorna’s pain. I remembered the many bare bottom spankings that my mother gave to me. Even up to my late teens, it was a rare month that I didn’t get smacked for some indiscretion, real or imaginary; That heavy hairbrush was never used for purpose but had intimate knowledge of every millimeter of my tender behind.

Mom always said, “I hate this, but it is for your good, to teach you to behave properly.”

As I hugged Lorna and thought about what she said, it dawned on me that my mum had spanked me to work off her bottled-up stresses and frustrations. As kids, we were all smacked by my mum. But being the only girl, I became her sole target in later years. Mom must have had many issues because I was always bawling inconsolably each time she transferred her hurt to my butt. I hated my mom for the pain she inflicted on me, I can never forgive her, but now I perhaps understand some of the reasons why; Another gift through my daughter. It’s a funny old world; I made sure Lorna never suffered that pain and humiliation at my hands, but now she had been spanked by Judy at her request.

The next two days were frenetic. We packed up the girl’s belongings, loaded the car and took them to the flat; There was so much stuff that I made two journeys on the first day. The following morning, I drove everyone to the city where we helped the girls to unpack and organize things in the flat. Late that afternoon, we made our tearful farewells to Lorna and Mary and set off home.

Judy and I were friends but not close ones, so I didn’t know her that well. While I was often hesitant and unsure, Judy always struck me as self-confident and strong-willed, knowing what she wanted to do, when and how. We talked a lot during our journey home and, although not renowned for my empathy I sensed that Judy had doubts about her future now the girls had flown the coop. I decided there and then to keep an eye on Judy, to be sure she was okay. After all, I owed her so much.

Four days later I walked over to Judy’s house and was aghast to find her depressed and disheveled. She hadn’t been looking after herself.

"What's the point, my only role was to raise the girls, and now they're gone, I've no purpose."

I surprised myself and stunned Judy when I shouted, “Don’t be silly, the girls may have moved away, but they need us more than ever, to be the mainstays they can turn to when things go wrong as they always do at that age; To be there to fix their broken hearts. So, get a grip, we’ll work on this together. Get changed. I’ll pick you up in an hour.”

I collected Judy later and drove to the town, where we went my favorite salon. A bit of feminine pampering and preening lifted Judy's spirits and going shopping for new clothes afterward reinforced her contentment. Having lifted Judy out of her funk, I took her to meet the headmistress of the primary school. I knew she was looking for a part-time assistant to help with the kids in years one and two. Judy seemed to fit the bill and when she heard about the position was keen to try it. The headmistress agreed to give Judy a trial; Two days per week for the next month. Judy was to blossom in this post; Kids that are just starting school have many difficulties and dealing with them was a perfect foil for Judy’s maternal instincts. A successful day all around

Judy didn’t have a car, so on the days she worked at the school I drove her there in the morning. I then helped a local charity shop during the day and collected Judy in the afternoon. We would have an evening meal together and chat late into the night. Our friendship blossomed during this time, and I found out so much about what made her tick.

Judy was initially from the area and had an upbringing very similar to mine; Strict and in line with the customs of the day. Like me, Judy was innocent before marriage but had the fortune to find a good caring and sharing husband. James was ten years older than Judy and a widower. During his first marriage, James views on the roles and duties of women changed from the traditional to the enlightened, and he and his wife developed an equal and loving partnership. From day one, James set about building a similar relationship with Judy, teaching her about sensuality and the pleasures to be derived from the use of her girly bits.     

“Our first time wasn’t great; I was too scared, but James was gentle, triggering arousal within me in ways I never imagined, riding me slowly until his cock spasmed and shot its load inside me. James was a good teacher and a generous and considerate lover. With practice, the sex became intense and passionate with both of us giving as good as we got. We made love virtually every day, nothing to do with a need for babies, it was a pleasure that we shared with each other.”  

I often blushed as Judy described her times with James but also cried inside when I thought about my husband.

"I became pregnant with Mary after six months, and James was a doting father, supporting me through the vagaries of pregnancy and helping to look after Mary. I wondered if he had gone off sex because for the first four months after Mary was born we only made out and even that was a rarity. I was slow on the uptake, James was a caring soul and didn't want to force himself on me; I had to let him know when I was ready. Once he got the message, he vigorously assuaged my sexual frustrations, and we made up for much lost time."

Together Judy and James worked and played hard and became loving and passionate spouses.

“James and Mary became my raison d'etre. This universe shattered when James passed away, due to congestive heart failure but I carried on by focussing all my efforts on Mary. We moved up here to be nearer my family, and to my delight, Lorna came into my life. I had the joy of helping Mary and Lorna in the journey of growing up; Through puberty, periods, first bras and discussions about the birds and bees and sexuality. I hope you don’t mind but consider Lorna to be my second daughter.”

“Not at all, I couldn’t provide her with the mumsy support and guidance that you did. I’m just glad to have helped both Lorna and Mary with their education and allowed them to blossom.”

“Yes, between us, I think we have given them the skills to dictate and manage their futures; Empowering our girls in a way we couldn't even dream about."

 Judy and I became close companions over following the months, sharing many good times together. Out of the blue, I got a call from Judy.

“I’m very ill, can you come over?’

I was there within ten minutes and found Judy lying on her bed; She had a high fever and was shaking. I put her to bed and called the doctor; Yes, rural doctors still did house calls in those days.

"She has a bacterial infection that is treatable with antibiotics. I've left a course of tablets for her, but she shouldn't be left alone for the next few days; They are critical. If I don’t hear from you before, I’ll be back at the end of the week.”

"That's no problem; I'll stay and look after Judy."

The fever had abated a bit, and Judy had fallen asleep by early evening, so I went off to bed. I awakened at around two in the morning on hearing coughing noises and went through to find that Judy was now cold and shivering. I tried to warm her up with hot water bottles and extra blankets but to little avail. I desperately thought about what to do when a gem from my grandmother came to mind.

“The best way to heat someone up is with your own body.”

So, I slipped into bed with Judy.

“What are you doing?”

“Roll over close to me and hold me tight. I will do the same with you. I’m hoping my body heat will warm you up and get you stable again.”

Judy felt so cold as we cuddled together but did slowly begin to warm up. I don’t know when I fell asleep but awoke next morning to find Judy looking intently at me.”

“Where did you learn that trick. It was effective.”

“A bit of granny wisdom.”

I got up, prepared a large drink and bland soup for Judy; She needed to take in fluids. I took them through to her along with her antibiotics. Judy had consumed a fair amount of the liquids that I left and was fast asleep when I checked on her later. I busied myself about the house and was preparing a very light meal when Judy appeared somewhat unsteadily in the kitchen.

“What are you doing here, you should be in bed.”

“I can’t lie there staring at the ceiling. I’ll not be able to sleep tonight. I’ll sit by the fire in the living room and watch some television.’

“Okay, but let me know if you need anything.”

Judy stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, giving me the chance to change the bedding and set out fresh pajamas for her. We had a little meal together, and she felt strong enough to go for a shower before going to bed. I was changing in Mary's room when Judy came through."

“It was reassuring having you beside me last night, will you join me again, in case I get cold?”    

This proposal caught me on the hop but how could I refuse. Judy and I shared her bed that night. Given such an opportunity, most youngsters would’ve been at it like rabbits, but we were just sleeping companions. After all my years alone, it was indeed comforting to rest alongside a good friend, and from then, Judy and I shared her bed whenever I visited. I was interested in going further than this but unsure if Judy was keen; I didn't want to risk upsetting her and breaking up our friendship. Adults have fears and sensibilities that make life so complicated; I now know that Judy felt the same way at the time and wanted me to go for it. Oh, well!

One day I collected Judy from the school. She was distressed; Having spent the day dealing with tantrum upon tantrum had frayed even her nurturing nature. Judy was still tense when we were lying in bed together that night.     

 “How do you cope? You never seem to be stressed.”

I leaned over and put my hand on her stomach. “I masturbate.”

“What, that is wrong and bad for you.”

 "Shush. Don't be silly. It’s only the miseries who say that, to stop others having fun. In fact, it is good for a female’s health.”

I was slipping my hand into her pajamas when she asked, “What are you doing?”

“Relax, just go with the flow.”

For the first time, I explored and stimulated another woman's pussy.  Judy was very sensitive down there. She gave a small gasp as my hand slipped into her bush, or should I say forest and her breathing became heavier as my fingers went over her mound and onto her labia. Her pussy repeatedly twitched as I began to stroke the clit and around and between the lips. These responses increased when my finger penetrated and massaged inside her vagina. It wasn’t long before she gave a long deep sigh, her body shuddered, and my fingers became wet with her cum.  

“Oh, my goodness. That was amazing. The last time I had a climax was with James; Far too long ago.”

“Yes, and despite the naysayers, the sky didn’t fall in did it.”

“You’re right, so many wasted years because of those scare stories. No more; Stress relief is on the menu from now on.”

A few nights later Judy leaned over to me. “You look tense, let me help you.”

Judy slipped her hand on to my pussy. I was enchanted and excited to feel this sensual-foreign hand investigate and work its magic on me. Judy knew all the correct buttons to push to arouse my fud. Probing and massaging my vagina with one and then two fingers pushed me over the edge. I had an orgasm stronger than any triggered by self-love and soaked Judy’s hand with so much cum.

“Thank you. I needed that relief.”

These episodes didn't lead us to move to the next level. We were still both inhibited by the traditional sexual-codes; Sex other than between husband and wife was a sin. It is scary how deep-seated were these mores. Also, after the traumas of my marriage, I still had fears of sharing my body with anyone, no matter how good our friendship. We continued to masturbate each other occasionally; Strengthening our bonds and confidence in each other through this mutual pleasuring.

Events were to change this situation. I was approached by two girls one day while doing voluntary work at the secondary school.

“Excuse me, do you mind if we ask you a question.”

“Not at all, how can I help?”

“We need some advice and cannot ask our parents or teachers. I remember that you sat in on the Health and Fitness classes last year. At the time I wondered why you were there, but one of the girls told me that you were looking for information on how to discuss the birds and bees with your daughter. That is so cool. My parents never talked to me."

"That was the idea, but the course wasn't helpful. My best information came from talking with the girls in the class. So, what can I do for you?

They both blushed. “Ahem.”

“Don’t be shy. I can see that you are in love.”

“Is it so obvious? We’ve tried to be discrete, to avoid any problems or bullying.”

“No worries; No-one else has noticed. I have friends about a year older than you that are an item. They are very careful, but I recognize slight nuances that show up their love for each other; I see the same ones between you two. You are safe; It is not obvious to anyone else."

“So, you don’t disapprove.”

“I should give you the lecture that girl-girl love is bad and immoral, but I can’t. It is as genuine and pure as boy-girl love. If girl-girl is the thing for you, then let it rock your boat."

“Wow, you are the first adult to be so open and supportive. Our question is that we are going to the university in the autumn and were wondering whether to move in together as a couple or keep things as they are for a little longer.”

"I can't answer that, but I can say that my friends did exactly that a year ago and are a blissfully happy couple. They are very careful; The flat is set out as for two girls that have shared occupancy, and they act only as friends when out amongst others, but behind closed doors is another matter."

“It sounds to me that you think that we should become an item.”

“That is up to you, but you're clearly in love and are considering this move. My advice is to grab this chance to take things to the next level. There are no guarantees; If the relationship develops as hoped, you are a loving couple for life, if not, your hearts break, but you move on to other liaisons with all the memories of the joy and hurts of your period together. Don't be shocked that is a reality of life whether it be girl-girl or boy-girl."

I saw them smile at each other. "Thank you for helping; We now know what to do."    

I was mulling over the conversation and realized that I had given these girls advice that I wasn't following myself. Telling the story to Judy that evening, I observed her reactions to it intently; She didn't argue and was supportive. I acted on my advice and seized the moment. I pulled Judy to me and gave her a long lingering kiss on the lips. Judy pulled away abruptly, and I thought that I’d stepped over the line with her, but no, she was just recovering, before pulling me onto her for a breath-taking snog together.

“Why did you wait so long to do that?”

“I didn’t want to scare you off.”

“I’ve hesitated for the same reason.”

Judy and I had an intense and arousing make out session during that evening.

As we were going to bed, Judy said, "I want to make love with you but not here for the first time; This is the house I shared with James."

I could understand this and certainly didn't want the moment to be in my house of horrible memories.

"Let's wait until we are with Lorna and Mary for the next few days; A neutral venue and how appropriate, our daughters are sharing their love and have brought their mothers together."

The following day seemed to drag on forever. We took Lorna and Mary out for a meal to celebrate their first successful year at the university and then shared some wine on our return to the flat. We were little unsteady before we retired for the night; The girls to their sleeping bag in the living room and Judy and me to the bedroom.

I was undressing and struggling with my bra strap when I felt a pair of hands on my back.

“Let me help you with that.”

Judy undid the bra, pushed it off my shoulder and cupped my breasts in her hands.

“I have waited too long to get my hands on these. Let’s get to bed.”

All inhibitions lost, we clutched each other in a tight embrace. Judy started by kissing my shoulder and neck and slowly down to my boobs, gently stroking and licking them and sucking on the nipples. The sensations were so new and intense; They almost overwhelmed me even at this early stage. Determined not to be entirely passive, I moved far enough to get my lips to her breasts which triggered a delighted response in Judy. We stimulated each other's boobs for quite a while before Judy released and started to work her way down to my fud. Reluctantly, I had to free her breast but soon found new joy as Judy began to stroke my inner thighs and around my pussy lips. She stroked the labia and started to suck on them while nuzzling my clit. These actions triggered an explosion of delightful sensations around my fud, and I was already contentedly moaning when she started to lick in between the lips and pushed a finger and then her tongue into my vagina. The feeling of her hot sensuous tongue probing and licking inside me drove me to a massive climax; My fanny pulsated, cum gushed out, and intense waves of pleasure spread through me. Judy came up beside me, and we shared a beautiful French kiss; Her tongue still soaked with my sweet cum.

I then went down on Judy; Since this was new to me, I took the simple route and matched every move she had used on me. Judy was soon shuddering and bucking, releasing so much cum that I struggled to cope. Her cum tasted even better than mine, and we shared it as she licked it off my tongue during a long lingering kiss.

Judy and I pulled the duvet over us and slept contentedly through to first sunlight. I woke to find Judy kissing me gently. “Wake up lazy bones; I want some more fun."

We made satisfying love as the night before. Fortunately, we were back asleep under the duvet when the two girls came through with morning coffee; I would've have been so gross if they’d caught their mothers in the act.

We were both apprehensive how Lorna and Mary would react, but the happy smiles, hugs, and kisses they gave us said it all.

“We’re so happy for you, the way you flirted with each other last night was a good sign, and now you've experienced the exquisite passion shared by Mary and me. You can now become a loving and satisfied couple.”

I admit to blushing when Lorna said, “We’re going back to bed, enjoy your day.” We did!

None of us left the flat over the next two days; We had plenty of satisfying whole body workouts interspersed with a few refueling stops.

Unfortunately, it had to come to an end. We had to pack everything up and vacate the flat. This time we hired a removal company to transport all our goods, and I drove our tired but happy contented group back to Judy's house. I moved in with her, Lorna with Mary and we shared a bliss filled summer together.

I sold my house of horrors. Having found true love with Judy, I could never go back there. We agreed to move to the city at the end of the summer break, so Judy sold her house as well. Judy and I got a flat in a different part of the town from girls; Notionally, we didn't want to cramp the style of our maturing daughters, but it also allowed us to be more spontaneous and adventurous in our lovemaking; No worries of being caught in flagrante delicto. Judy and I made full use of this delectable freedom as I'm sure did Lorna and Mary.

I’ve had a painful journey through life, but have now found genuine and rewarding love with Judy. It is also reassuring that our daughters will not go through the ignominy of becoming a man's property to use as he sees fit. They will be empowered, able to dictate what they want.  I am unsure what the future holds but am determined to enjoy it and replace the bad memories with many happy, loving ones.


Written by beth10smith
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