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Elodie and Cora - One Night Stand

"It doesn’t have to be forever, just one night of filth."

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Author's Notes

"Elodie meets a stunning woman while dancing on a night out; their instant sizzling chemistry is only the beginning of their night together—public oral sex, alcohol, and drug (weed) use."



The club was a heartbeat on loudspeaker, bass rattling through her blood and bones as she moved like water on the crowded dance floor. That feeling she craved, permission to let go and just feel, block out the impersonal city streets, and let her body follow the flow of the music.

It was an intoxicating primal need to be around people, dancing as close as physics would allow, and experience undiluted joy as one; that’s all Elodie wanted. To bask in positive energy until it recharged her from a grueling work week. Her friends had paired off with their partners or found one for the night.

Rainbow lights draped her lithe form like robes as she writhed under the weight of sound and closed her eyes as it raced through her veins. Her tiny skirt barely covered her ass as she swayed and lifted her hands, wearing a broad grin as arms wrapped around her waist and tugged her into their heat.

She always started alone but never left without someone at her side. A stranger’s hands traced her soft curves, and the press of a woman’s chest at her back made her grind her hips and sidle impossibly closer. Their scanty clothing offered little in the way of protection as they moved together, sweat trickling down her exposed neck as the woman behind her trailed her fingers around Elodie’s front.

Static sparked on every patch of Elodie’s bare skin as the woman’s hands coasted over. Captivated by the magnetic force she wielded so effortlessly, Elodie reveled in her energy and encouraged it.

The alcohol in her system loosened her already loose inhibitions, and Elodie didn’t stop her new friend from cupping her lace-covered breasts, rubbing and squeezing before her hands dropped back to Elodie’s waist. Reaching back, Elodie gripped the woman’s hip, slowing their erotic dance and spinning to face her.

A scarlet grin, a flash of bright white teeth, red hair, and green eyes were all she needed to see as Elodie shoved her knee between the woman’s legs, and they resumed their grinding. Moving like a question and an answer, following the pull of electricity zinging between them.

Elodie was a goddess unleashed under the force of attraction, fingers itching to play and tease, map every inch of the other woman’s skin until she knew it better than her own. Her heart raced, that familiar rush of blood under her skin ignited the embers smoldering low in her stomach. Yelling over the music, Elodie had to know her name.

“Just for tonight, who do you want to be?”

The woman chuckled, barely audible over the music, but it made Elodie shiver as it slid along her skin like dark, lustful magic. Goosebumps spread in its wake as she leaned in ever closer.

“Cora. Do I need to know yours?” She teased and lust sparkled bright and hot in Elodie’s core as she hastened to reply.

“Elodie, are you alone?”

Cora nodded, cat eyes flashing fire as Elodie moved her knee between the woman’s parted thighs to ignite the desire she saw hiding in the laughing lines of Cora’s grin.

“Hopefully not for long,” Cora replied, bending so her breath tickled the shell of Elodie’s ear.

They stuck like glue through a few more songs. Their dance became more like sex the longer it went on. Hands roving over any bare skin they could reach, heat building to a smothering level as Elodie flung her arms around the other woman’s neck, a challenge in her eyes that Cora accepted.

Supple lips crushed hers, a tang of sweetened alcohol on Cora’s tongue as it swept inside to play with hers. Fire licked down her torso as they rubbed against each other, teeth and tongues working overtime as they tried to climb inside each other and blocked out everyone around them.

The liquid heat between her legs became a torment every time Cora’s thigh caught her clit, the tension in Cora feeding into hers as they moved. An unspoken current weaved between them, a thrum of connection beyond words and logic.

The air was heavy with a charged anticipation, and it lay over them like a weighted blanket, nerves alight with the promise of delirium. Heaven and sin, madness and magic, were all the same thing and Elodie didn’t care what it was between them, as it overpowered her and took control. The dance was just a prelude to what she really wanted, but she would enjoy every moment as Cora’s hands grabbed her ass and pulled them flush.

Their kiss turned greedy and filthy, hungry fingers grasping at clothing and legs trembling as her inner walls clenched around nothing. Breathless and dizzy, running off instinct, Elodie buried her hand in Cora’s hair and pulled, smirking into the kiss as the woman’s moan tripped onto her tongue.

She tasted like smoke and mint under the alcohol. The flick of her tongue shot straight to Elodie’s slick cunt. They parted as the song changed to something too slow for their style of dance. Cora gave her a look full of flame and ardor that made her lick her lips.

“Do you smoke?” the other woman asked. And Elodie didn’t usually, but she’d say yes to anything then.

Nodding, Elodie said, “I don’t have any on me.”

Cora smirked, hand reaching into the neckline of her top, and Elodie followed the action, swallowing hard as she pulled a joint of her bra and winked.

“We can share, come on,” Cora urged, grabbing her sweaty hand and dragging her through the mass of bodies to escape into the chilly night air. Elodie didn’t bother pretending she wasn’t staring at the woman’s ass as she walked, and her pulse flickered wildly, breath shallowing as she imagined all the ways this night could end.

The smoking area was nearly empty. Two others engaged in a rousing game of tonsil tennis and were blind to all else down in a shadowed corner as the two women snuck out of sight of the security cameras to smoke. Elodie watched transfixed as Cora rolled the joint between her crimson lips, lighting it effortlessly, and taking a few drags to start it off.

The delicate contours of her new friend’s face held her riveted as she blew rings of thick smoke. The cloying smell of it soon filled the air. Cora’s free hand tilted Elodie’s chin up, and she opened when Cora kissed her to blow the smoke into her mouth. The action was more intense and sexy than it should’ve been.

Inhaling it as she pulled away, Elodie closed her eyes, released it, and opened them to see Cora holding the joint out to her. They shared it between them. Elodie coughed more than once as Cora giggled at her, eyes locked on each other until it was gone, and the drug made their bodies fizz. 

It oddly combined heaviness and weightlessness, making their movements lazy. Every touch and look they shared heightened their buzz as a gaggle of giggling women spilled out of the club and disrupted their peace. Elodie sighed, but Cora smirked.

“Let’s find a spot inside,” she said, and Elodie let her lead the way back into the club.

The beat and strength of the music were like walking into a physical wall as they joined hands and wove through the crowds to find an empty table. Cora laughed as she spotted one in a corner. The multicolored lights didn’t banish all the shadows veiling the booth, and they’d be able to touch and feel without too many distractions.

Elodie’s pulse jumped in her throat. The weighty lust in her core tore away any insecurities as Cora guided her to sit with her back to the wall. She waited for the woman to join her, but Cora held eye contact as she removed one of her rings and let it fall to the floor; it rolled under the table.

Her breathing harshened as her new friend winked and disappeared under the table. Warm hands soon grabbed her knees and pried them apart. Catching on fast, Elodie lifted her hips to help Cora remove her skimpy underwear.

Where they went, Elodie had no clue as Cora shoved her skirt up her thighs to expose her dewy cunt, and dragged her to the edge of the leather chair. That live wire thread between them went taut as intense apprehension merged with shivering desperation, and Elodie’s gaze bounced sightlessly over people walking by their booth.

Teasing bites and kisses quickly tattooed her inner thighs. Her hands curled around the edges of her seat as Cora’s hot breath ghosted over her overheated flesh. The challenge would be keeping her expression from giving them away as Cora’s thumbs peeled her folds apart and dipped her tongue into the pool of essence seeping from her.

Cora’s nails dug into Elodie’s thighs as she swallowed her down, tongue flattening as she eased her into it and soon made her forget about the surrounding people. Alternating between featherlight flicks over her clit and deep, sensual licks that made Elodie whine low in her throat as a man glanced over at them on his way to the bar and did a double take, turning and going on his way after Elodie met his eye.

She sank her teeth into her lip, almost drawing blood as Cora abruptly slid two fingers inside her and drew her clit into her mouth. Glittering warmth spread from her core and sweat soon beaded on her panting chest as the redhead feasted.

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Tossing her head back, hands grabbing hold of Cora’s hair, Elodie gave herself over to it and didn’t hide her reactions whenever anyone looked their way. It was too good. The weed in her system made everything hyper-sensitive as Cora sucked and lapped at her clit, her fingers moving easily inside her slick cunt.

Static skittered over her skin as Cora grazed her teeth over her clit, adding another finger when Elodie tugged her hair and slid further down the chair. Flame spiraled through her, turning her blood molten as the other woman worked her over and pushed her to the precipice of release. Circling that bundle of nerves with the tip of her tongue, Cora crooked her fingers and caught that spot that made Elodie’s wetness turn into a torrent, soaking them both as Elodie struggled to keep hold of herself.

She could smell the salty-sweet and musk of herself and knew Cora liked what she tasted by her humming that vibrated through her. All her nerves felt exposed, pores splayed open under the onslaught of sensation and mindless desire. Cora’s clever mouth drank her down, and the nails cutting into her thighs added a sumptuous bite of pain she needed to keep her tethered to the earth as release rushed toward her.

A ragged moan escaped her clenched teeth, and Elodie’s cunt clamped down on Cora’s fingers. She didn’t let up. Her mouth sealed around her clit and sucked, tongue tapping and circling as Elodie’s body arched, muscles going rigid.

They had an audience, but she didn’t care, as that shimmering wave of wildfire crested and seized her body and mind in its delectable hold. Babbling as she shoved Cora’s face against her soaked cunt, Elodie came hard; it ripped the air from her lungs, and she let out a howl so ragged it didn’t sound entirely human.

The potent mixture of intoxicants surging through her bloodstream made it roll on forever. Her legs twitched, and sweat glazed her flushed skin as she struggled to push Cora away when she became too sensitive to withstand the soft brush of the woman’s tongue. Cora only relented when Elodie cried out and yanked on her hair, and she quickly mourned the loss of Cora’s fingers filling her still fluttering cunt. 

More. It was the only word Elodie knew as Cora pulled her skirt down and crawled from under the table to sit beside her.

Cora’s mouth was glossed with Elodie’s essence, and the urge to taste it was overwhelming. Her lipstick hadn’t budged, and she would have to remember and ask what brand it was before the night was over. Cora smirked and didn’t object as Elodie climbed into her lap and kissed her forcefully.

She groaned at tasting herself on the other woman’s tongue as Cora’s slippery fingers gripped the back of her neck. Dirty and rough, Elodie felt the bruising kiss down to her curled toes as they writhed against each other. She was only slightly aware of being watched as they kissed, lost in an addictive sea of desire, music, and chemistry.

They didn’t come up for air until Cora whined impatiently, fingers pulling Elodie’s hair to turn her head to the side. Mouthing along her jaw, taking tiny little bites of skin until she got to her ear.

“We should find someplace a bit more private...” Cora suggested.

Shivers tripped down her spine, and Elodie had no hesitation as she replied, “I live down the block. We can run there.”

Cora grinned, and they disentangled themselves, entwining their hands together as they sharpened their elbows and forced their way through the gaggle of drunken people dancing out of rhythm. The frigid night hit them like a blast of ice water as they burst out of the club’s exit and ran on their spindly heels down the street.

It only took a few minutes before Elodie was clumsily unlocking her door, fire burning low in her abdomen as it opened and Cora pushed her through. Tension built like a storm on the horizon as Elodie led her through her darkened apartment and into her bedroom. She ignored the messy dresser and the scattering of mismatched shoes she’d left lying on the floor as her eyes zoned in on her rumpled king bed.

Longing to taste the other woman’s desire, Elodie whirled as they reached her bed. She grabbed and shoved the woman down onto her back. Cora bounced and laughed as Elodie straddled her and kissed her stupid, delighting in her plump lips and twisting tongue as two sets of starving hands tore and grasped at clothing.

A silent conversation began between their bodies. Soft moans, gentle sighs, impatient whimpers, and frantic fingers tugging, pinching, and gripping as they tossed articles of clothing to the floor. The world outside their sinful cocoon faded; all that mattered was Cora’s willing body and obvious excitement.

Elodie’s thighs were a sticky mess as Cora rolled them so she was on top, her red hair draped around them like a curtain as she snapped her teeth and tugged on Elodie’s bottom lip. She moved with a dancer’s fluidity as she leaned back on her haunches to unclasp her bra.

Elodie hungrily watched the sway of her full breasts, mouth-watering and desperate to leave her mark all over Cora’s pale freckled skin, limned in orange light from the streetlights outside her window.

Reaching up, she covered Cora’s chest, fingers fanning out to squeeze gently and send ripples of luscious sensation that made Cora quake. She savored their weight and warmth as Cora lowered herself and offered them up to Elodie’s waiting mouth.

It was all the invitation she needed. She swirled her tongue around her lover’s peaked nipples, teasing her with teeth, suction, and tongue and smiling into her smooth skin whenever she moaned. Elodie relentlessly worked on Cora, causing her lover’s hips to undulate, and she released her with a loud popping sound, her peaked nipples stained cherry red and glistening with Elodie’s saliva.

“Your turn,” Elodie murmured, chuckling as Cora’s eyes went black.

“How do you want me?” The redhead asked and licked her lips, jolting as Elodie drew a finger through her wet folds.

“Get comfortable, sit on my face, and hold on to something.”

She adjusted her position and ignored her own need as Cora scrambled to do as told, knees straddling either side of Elodie’s head as her saturated cunts, sweet scent captivated her senses.

No perfume compared to the liquid lust of a beautiful woman. She grabbed Cora’s hips, tilting her head to better appreciate the subtle nuances of her body. Elodie extended her tongue, giving Cora a long swipe up her slit, and groaned at how wet she was. The redhead cried out as she did it again.

Cora’s hips slowly swayed as Elodie sampled her essence, little licks and deep drags of her tongue to play with the strands of maddening tension making the other woman shake. She tasted sharp and slightly sweet, soaking Elodie’s face and sliding down the back of her throat like honey.

Arousal built within her as Cora’s moaning grew loud, and she taunted her clit with flicks of her tongue. Elodie’s fingers were firm on Cora’s thighs as the woman woke the neighbors with every fierce cry of pleasure.

She explored every sensitive spot, every fold, essence dripping like rain into her open mouth, and her tongue circled that stiff bundle of nerves, sending the woman wild. Watching someone enjoy what she was doing to them was better than being eaten out herself, and the fire between her legs soaked the bed under her.

Elodie increased the pace of her mouth’s assault, matching Cora’s quickening hips as she chased her orgasm. Swift sweeps of her tongue, deeper jabs as it breached her entrance, and Cora’s cunt fluttered around her stiffened tongue. Elodie’s name was a record on repeat as she switched between determined laps of Cora’s clit and short, shallow thrusts inside her.

She never wanted it to end, but the redhead hung on the edge, grinding into Elodie’s mouth and nearly smothering her as she rode her face. Focusing on her clit, she copied Cora’s move from the club and sealed her lips around the hard little nub, and suckled incessantly as Cora’s body tensed and bowed.

Cora keened, a flood of wetness drenching, and she wailed at the sky as Elodie refused to let up and drank down each wave of essence, making too much noise for the paper-thin walls. Cora spasmed and drooped as Elodie relented on her clit and tenderly tried to clean up the mess she made, reluctant to stop tasting or end the night.

Cora’s tantalizing body was sticky with sweat and desire. She trembled and whined softly in her throat as Elodie pressed a kiss to her oversensitive folds and let her free. Cora moved down Elodie’s body with a sinuous wriggle, flattening herself on top of her as she came down from her high. Elodie stroked Cora’s messy hair, murmuring nonsense words that neither would remember in the morning, and smirking at nothing as Cora lifted her head to meet her eye.

“Give me five minutes, and we’ll go for another round.”

Elodie laughed and agreed, unable to believe her luck as she replied.

“Good. I’m not letting you leave until you’ve bought me breakfast.”

Written by Miss_Celestia13
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