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Danni - Part 2

"The day after we kissed"

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I just about skipped home. I'd never felt so exhilarated in my life. Danni had always been my best friend. Now she was teetering on the brink of being my lover. My mind was filled with the unspoken joy of holding hands with her, the kisses we had shared and the touch of her hands over my back. It had all felt incredible and I couldn't wait until I saw her again. I went to bed smiling and soon fell into a deep, contented sleep.

I woke early the next morning, an hour before I really needed to. I felt oddly depressed. The night before had been so amazing and beyond any expectations I'd ever had of my friendship with Danni. I had to pinch myself to believe that it had really happened. I almost started to question myself.

Had I imagined the whole thing?

Had she been drunk?

Was it a one off that she would think would be best forgotten?

I went back to bed and lay dreaming of all the possibilities that could open up to me if Danni felt the same way about me as I did about her. I ran my hand over my tummy, imagining it was Danni's. I felt amazing just doing that to myself. I could barely imagine what it would feel like if it was Danni's hands and fingers exploring my body.

I closed my eyes, running my hands slowly over my inner thighs, dreaming of Danni's fingers gently caressing me slowly up and down. The tips of her fingers gradually reaching higher and higher with each upward stroke. I was rapidly becoming lost in the most sensuous thoughts of Danni exploring my thighs with her hands.

My phone beeped loudly, snapping me out of my luxurious daydreaming. I'd received a text. It was only 6am. Who was texting me so early in the morning? I was torn between continuing what I'd started in bed and succumbing to my curiosity and checking my phone. I checked the phone!

It was a text from Danni. It simply read "xxxx."

Despite being one of the shortest texts I had ever received, I was over the moon. Maybe I was reading too much into the four repeated letters but I instantly knew she still felt good about what had happened between us the night before.

I really wanted to finish what I had started while I lay in bed but it was more important to me to reply to Danni's text. "What should I reply with?" I thought to myself.

"I loved last night," I started keying. While that may have been true, I wasn't sure if it really suited. I deleted what I had started. Danni had sent me a very short text. Perhaps I should reply with the same?

"When?" I keyed. I sat staring at what I had typed into my phone, my finger hovering over the send button. It was true that it was short but was it too forward and suggestive? Would Danni share my thought that it was suggestive? Would she like that? I had taken an almighty risk the night before in kissing Danni. Luckily that had payed off. Would it be too much to ask for this risk to pay off too? If it did I swore I'd go straight out and buy a lottery ticket!

"Courage Katie," I said to myself before pressing the send button. My "When?" text had been sent. I sat staring at the phone for what felt like an eternity. It beeped again less than sixty seconds after I had sent my message.

I sighed with relief. It was Danni again. The message simply read, "Tonight?"

"My place, 7pm , dinner and...........," I typed and sent. I had deliberately left the end with a series of dots. I was suddenly feeling very playful and excited about the evening to come and wanted Danni to fill those dots with whatever she wanted to imagine. I was already imagining lots myself! Another beep.

"Can't wait. See you xxx" came Danni's reply. I smiled at the response, hoping she was doing the same after receiving my texts.

Despite the fact I had to go to work, my mind was already focussed on planning for the evening. I had committed myself to making dinner. My text ending in dots had, at least in my own mind, committed me to something more too. I had clear ideas about dinner and I knew what the dots meant for me, but would Danni's idea of what the dots meant mirror my own?

I flew into the shower and dressed quickly for work. The last thing I wanted to do was work. I wanted to spend the day planning the evening and I knew every second I spent at work would seem like an hour. My mind was filled with ideas for dinner, what to wear and what I could do to make the evening perfect.

I'd never had a second thought about sharing an evening with Danni before, but after the kisses we had shared the night before I knew this evening would be different from the start. It felt like a first date with a new person rather than another evening with my best friend. I decided to plan like it was a first date and the first thing I needed to do would be to get dinner sorted.

We usually shared a pizza or takeout. I knew that both of those options wouldn't be good enough for a first date. I wanted to cook something special without it seeming like I'd spent hours doing it. I also didn't want to be attached to the hob and oven for ages while it cooked. I worked in a supermarket, so I was surrounded with plenty of ideas for dinner. Beef casserole, pasta, grilled steak, pan friend chicken in cream and brandy. My mind whirled with the options. In all honesty all I wanted to do was go home, try on clothes, have a very big glass of wine, and dream of the evening to come.

I decided to cook lasagne. I could prepare it early then just put it in the oven and have a delicious cheesy baked pasta meal forty minutes later. Maximum impact with minimal effort. At the end of my shift I picked up some beef mince, a bag of salad and two bottles of wine before rushing home as quick as I could.

I got in at four o'clock and quickly prepared the lasagne. To save time I kept the recipe very simple. I layered the cheese sauce with the beef mix and lasagne sheets, topped the dish with plenty of grated cheese and put it in the fridge ready for later. I felt pleased that I could now concentrate on preparing the more fun aspects of the evening to come.

While I knew I should wait, I opened one of the bottles of wine, poured myself a glass and sat staring at the open doors of my wardrobe. Should I pick underwear first and my other clothes around that, or decide on a dress or jeans and then pick the underwear after? I smiled to myself. This was a ridiculous dilemma! Danni was my best friend and she'd caught me touching myself in the shower not more than 24 hours earlier and here was I stressing about underwear!

I slipped on a pair of sheer black hold ups and a pair of black knickers and looked at myself in the mirror. It was the sort of thing I might wear out to a club or a special dinner. Would Danni like it? Would it be over the top for a night in with her? Should I take the risk? Why not I thought, all my risks seem to be paying off at the moment. I picked a lacy black bra to match and put that on before looking in the mirror again. I thought I looked okay. "Who doesn't like black hold ups and lace?" I thought to myself.

I undressed and put the underwear to the side before turning my attention back to the wardrobe again. Jeans were out of the question if I was going to wear hold ups. It would have to be a dress or skirt and blouse. The madness of what I was doing hit me again. It had never even occurred to me to stress over clothes for a night in with Danni. I had to keep reminding myself that this was most likely not going to be an ordinary night in! While I was in the mood to be daring, I thought a dress would be going too far. I picked a turquoise skirt and black blouse.

I looked at the clock. It was six. I needed to get a move on as I still had things to prepare before Danni arrived. I found some candles in a kitchen drawer. I placed four in the lounge ready to be lit. I laid the table with a nice cloth and put another two candles on the table. Was this too much? Would Danni think I was mad? I reckoned that at worst she'd think I was sweet, so I left things as they were.

Six twenty. I jumped quickly in the shower with no thought of touching myself this time. I dried myself and set about making myself up. I'd never gone too mad with make up and I didn't want to now. Mascara, blusher and a very subtle shade of lip stick and I was done. I slid the knickers, bra and hold ups on and looked in the mirror again. I thought I looked okay but what would Danni think if she saw me like this?

I looked at my bedside table and saw my perfume bottle sitting there. "Why not?" I thought. I sprayed a little on my arms and neck and then without even realising what I was doing I sprayed a little on my tummy and inner thighs. I laughed to myself. This was ridiculous! I finished dressing then turned the oven on ready for the lasagne.

Six fifty and I was starting to feel a little nervous. I lit the candles. The nerves turned to panic as the doorbell rang. My heart was suddenly beating out of my chest, my mind swamped with thoughts of dinner, candles, underwear, perfume and most of all, Danni. I had no idea how the evening would unfold and I think that's what made me so incredibly nervous and unbelievably excited at the same time. I opened the door and there was Danni waiting on the doorstep.

"Hi," I just about squeaked as I opened the door. Danni was wearing a coat, so I had no idea what she was wearing and whether I'd gone over the top with my own choice of clothing.

"Hi Katie," she giggled back at me.

I could see Danni's eyes look me up and down. More than anything I noticed she was smiling. It was that same smile I had seen so many times the night before. Besides the smile, she also had the most playful look in her eyes.

"You look fabulous," she said to me. "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

I was so nervous I had completely forgotten the most basic of pleasantries!

"Of course, come in," I replied.

Danni walked past me into the hall and took her jacket and shoes off. I breathed a massive sigh of relief. She was wearing a blouse and skirt too and looked absolutely fabulous. The big difference were that her legs were bare and her skirt was much shorter than mine. I couldn't help but look longingly at her legs!

"So?" Danni said, smiling again. I think she knew that I had looked her up and down.

I was trembling all over. "Dinner?" I asked.

Danni didn't immediately respond with words. She walked over to me, placed her hands around my waist and kissed me softly on the lips. While I knew this was what I wanted, I was so taken aback that at first I didn't respond.

"I loved what we shared last night," she said. "Can we share more?"

I held Danni as tight as I could so she wouldn't notice how much I was trembling.

"I want to share everything," I whispered back at her.

This time I kissed Danni before she had a chance to kiss me.

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It was soft at first, my lips gently caressing over Danni's. Then I opened my mouth a little and ran the tip of my tongue over Danni's lips in a soft circle. Danni pulled me close, opening her mouth a little in return. Our tongues met again, gently touching at first, then swirling together in rhythm. I could feel Danni's arms envelope me, her hands move down my back and over my bottom. I did the same, my fingers running down Danni's spine, before spreading and cupping and squeezing her cheeks through her skirt.

We both withdrew from the kiss at the same time and looked into each others eyes as we stood in the hall holding each other. Danni's hand moved from my back to my hand, fingers interlocking with mine. She moved down the hall towards the stairs, gently guiding me with her.

"Follow me," she said.

While I knew that at that moment in time I wanted to follow Danni wherever she wanted to take me, I somewhat lamely replied, "What about dinner?".

Danni turned, looked me the eyes again, pecked me on the lips and said, "Katie, later," before gently pulling me along behind her up the stairs.

We walked up the stairs, fingers locked. I'd never felt so nervous and excited at the same time. I could feel myself tingling all over, especially between my legs! Danni pushed open my bedroom door and pulled me to the edge of the bed. We kissed again. Long, deep and with passion, our tongues circling together. I could feel my chest flush and my nipples harden. I wondered if Danni could feel them pressed against her.

My arms encircled Danni, my fingers sliding up and down her back. I was so aroused I wanted to touch her all over. I could feel her hands sliding over my cheeks, fingers gradually pulling my skirt higher and higher up my thighs until it passed over the tops of my hold ups and over my bottom. Danni's hands then cupped and caressed my cheeks. My own hands did the same to her. She felt so incredibly amazing. Warm, soft and divine to the touch.

I'd been taking risks all day and it was no time to hold back. My hands stroked over Danni's cheeks in firm circles until my fingers found the zip on the back of her skirt. I was so turned on and excited I fumbled a little, but I managed to unzip her skirt and let it drop to the floor. Danni sighed as we continued to kiss, my hands clasped on her ass. I felt her fingers searching for the zip on my skirt. I so desperately wanted her to find it and start undressing me. It didn't take long before I felt my skirt loosen. I wiggled my hips a little and felt it drop too. Danni's hands returned to my cheeks. Our lips didn't part once as we were so lost in each other's embrace.

I eventually pulled away. I wanted to look in Danni's eyes again and make sure she wanted to go as far as I did. We stood inches apart, gazing at each other. Danni looked just stunning in her blouse and knickers. I could see how hard her nipples were through her bra and blouse. I knew at that moment that she was just as aroused as I was and I knew she wanted this as much as I.

Danni raised her hands and started to undo the buttons on my blouse. One by one she undid them until my blouse fell open. Never once did she stop looking into my eyes and smiling that fabulous smile at me. We didn't speak. I don't think either of us felt the need. We were so caught up in the moment. She slid my blouse over my shoulders and let it fall to the floor with my skirt. Danni just stood gazing at me, running her fingers over my tummy and hip while I stood in my bra, knickers and hold ups. I knew she was waiting for me to do the same with her blouse.

I caressed my hands slowly up and down Danni's arms and over her shoulders until my fingers reached the top button of her blouse. I twisted it until it parted the hole and fell loose. I moved slowly down her body, undoing each button in turn. Her breasts, held in place by the most gorgeous and sexy white lace bra, were slowly revealed. I slid the blouse over her shoulders until it too fell to the floor with her skirt.

I felt it was my turn to lead again. I pulled Danni close to me, kissing her hard on the lips. My hand cupped and caressed her breast through her bra. I reached behind her and unclasped the fastener, loosening it. She wiggled her shoulders and her bra fell to the floor. I was in awe. Danni was virtually naked in front of me. I couldn't resist her any more. I kissed her again on the lips, then lowered my head and kissed her breast softly. She moaned a little as my lips met her nipple. I caressed over it with my tongue, my hand holding her other breast lightly, cupping it in my palm.

I enveloped her nipple with my lips, gently licking it with the tip of my tongue. It was the most incredible and indescribable moment of my life. I gently pushed Danni to the bed, straddling her as she fell, my knees either side of her hips. I reached behind myself and unfastened my own bra, letting it fall. Danni lifted her hands and cupped both of my breasts. I could feel how hot her hands were and I'm sure she could feel how aroused I was as my hard nipples nestled in her palms.

I leant, my breasts swaying slightly beneath me as I did. Danni guided me forward until my own nipple met her mouth. She kissed it gently, then rolled her tongue over it softly. I could feel the excitement and electricity flowing through me. Without even knowing I was doing it, I felt myself rubbing my very wet crotch over her hip through my knickers as she kissed and licked my erect nipples.

I was completely lost in the sheer excitement and pleasure of what we were doing. Danni was my best friend. She was now my lover. I wanted her to have all of me and for her to let me have all of her.

I moved from straddling her to laying beside her. I closed my eyes as Danni kissed me again. Her hands stroked each of my breasts in turn before I felt the tips of her fingers move over my tummy and trace a line along the top hem of my knickers. She stroked me from hip to hip and back again before tracing a line down the side of my knickers between my legs and back again. I knew I was wet. Wetter than I'd ever been when I touched myself.

Danni continued to caress the hems of my knickers as we slowly and passionately kissed. Her fingers were driving me wild. My hips were lifting slightly off the bed, desperately wanting her to explore further. Almost as if Danni had read my mind, I felt her fingers hook under the elastic top of my knickers and pull them gently over each hip in turn. I lifted both again, helping her to slide them over my hips, ass, thighs, knees and off. I lay on the bed in just my hold ups, goose bumps all over, flushed right across my chest, aching for Danni to touch me.

Danni held my hand again, guiding it to her own knickers. I was so incredibly turned on, I needed no second invitation. I slid my fingers under the hem of her knickers by each hip and slid them down her legs. Danni lay naked beside me and she looked utterly stunning. I kissed her breasts again, my hand caressing slowly up and down her inner thighs. I felt her widen her legs a little as each caress got higher and higher.

My fingers met her lips. I stroked each one slowly up and down. Danni moaned a little as I touched her. I could feel her own fingers searching for my own lips. I pressed my body hard to hers as we lay side by side, making is as easy as possible for her to touch me. Her fingers met me and I pushed myself hard onto them. While I wanted her to explore me slowly and sensuously, I was so turned on I felt the urge to have her inside as quickly as possible, caressing and curling her fingers within me.

My own fingers circled Danni's lips more urgently. I applied a little more pressure with each upward stroke, gradually parting them. I could feel how wet she was. My caresses gradually released that wetness allowing my fingers to slide easily over and around her parted lips and clit.

I felt Danni's fingers slide over and around my clit. The tip of one of her fingers slid just inside me. It felt incredible and I instantly wanted it deeper. I lifted my hips again, pushing hard against it and felt it slide further in. She curled inside me, caressing the inner walls. I started to pant, feeling an orgasm building. My whole hand pressed and caressed over Danni's lips and clit. I curled two fingers and felt them press against her wetness. I pressed a little harder, feeling them slide inside her.

We were kissing non-stop, our tongues swirling and exploring each other. Our fingers curled and slid in and out of each other. Our bodies were pressed together. I was close. Danni was sighing gently every time I slid my fingers into her. I knew she was close too.

Danni slid a second finger into me, circling them deep inside. I was moaning by now and couldn't wait any longer. I tensed, gripping the two fingers buried deep inside me and let the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced go. I felt utterly alive and electric. I held Danni tight, pushing myself hard onto her fingers as my orgasm peaked and then subsided. Her fingers circled slowly as I slowly got my breath back.

I wanted Danni to experience the same intense joy I had. I slid my fingers deep inside her again, twisting my wrist and curling the tips with every push. I could feel her tensing next to me, making me slide inside her quicker and deeper. She clutched me tight, her tongue deep in my mouth. She moaned, lifting her hips off the bed to meet my fingers. I could feel her grip me deep inside as she reached orgasm. I continued caressing inside her as she held me tight until I felt the orgasm fade.

We lay entwined on the bed, kissing slowly, fingers resting inside each other.

I had no idea what to say to Danni. We'd barely exchanged two or three sentences since she'd walked in the door. Danni looked at me, smiling that smile again.

"What's for dinner?" she whispered.

"Lasagne," I replied.

"How long?" she asked.

"About forty minutes," I said.

"Put it in the oven, then come back to bed."

I got off the bed, wearing nothing but my hold ups and went downstairs to the kitchen. I popped the lasagne in the oven and walked back to the bedroom. I stood at the door and gazed longingly at Danni naked on the bed in front of me. I could see in her eyes that she wanted more. I was glad. I wanted more too. We'd brought each other to orgasm with our fingers. "What else could I bring her to orgasm with?" I thought.

"Forty minutes," I said to Danni.

She smiled again and beckoned me to join her. I climbed back on the bed and lay next to her, holding her in my arms. I knew we could do a lot in forty minutes. I knew Danni would feel the same. It was time we got started and we both knew fingers would only be the beginning.

Written by KatieElizabeth
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