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Come Undone

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“Sophia!” I yelled for the zillionth time. “We’re late.”

I stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting less than patiently. I could hear her rummaging around up there. I’d told her in no uncertain terms that we absolutely needed to leave by seven at the latest, and here I was shouting at her at twenty past. I’d turned into my mum. Great. 

“Two minutes. It’ll be worth it...” Her teasing voice floated down. 

I sighed. That little minx would be the death of me. My mum would kill me if I was late for my dad’s birthday party. I could just hear her clipped tones. ‘Your brother and sisters managed to be on time. If I’d meant 8.30pm, I’d have said 8.30pm.’

I sighed. Families. You couldn’t pick ‘em. My brother and two sisters weren’t lez-bee-ahns. That was the way she said it, like it was a wholly unfamiliar word. Careful pronunciation needed in case of offense. She’d repeated it like that when I’d told her. ‘You’re a lez-bee-ahn?' Her mouth had frozen on that last syllable in startled incredulity. That was ten years ago now, but I still wasn’t quite sure I was forgiven.

I opened my mouth to yell again when I heard the bedroom door slam shut and Sophia came running for the stairs. She bounded down, all repressed energy and dark curls and whipped her hands behind her back when she saw me, then sidled up to me.

“Got something for you,” she grinned.

God help me.

I raised an eyebrow and waited.

“I ordered it aaages ago and nearly forgot. Sorry it took me so long to find it.”

With a flourish, she brought her hands round and presented me with a really cute little box. I took it gingerly. I didn’t recognise the logo.

“Come on, just open it, were going to be late,” she admonished.

Cheeky git.

I opened the box and delved into layers of tissue before removing the item and holding it up by my fingertips. To call it underwear would be reaching. It looked like a g-string with a gold bit where the crotch would go and behind the gold bit was a bulbous blue protrusion which looked like it would nestle against your clit at one end and disappear inside you at the other.

Damn her. I really wanted to see what it felt like.

“Umm Sophia, we’re going to a family party. I’m not sure this is appropriate.”

She pouted. Sophia was a champion pouter.

“But Elle, it’s a present. Pleeeeease can you wear it? Look, I got one similar.”

She pulled her dress up to show me. It was different in design to the one I was holding. I couldn’t tell if anything was inside her, but the crotch part was a golden circle which nestled around her clit, framing it beautifully and leaving it proudly on display. As I stared she licked her finger and slicked it over her little nub, groaning a little.

“Please, Elle. I’ll be so turned on anyway, but the thought of you wearing that will make it so much more thrilling. Please...”


I tore my eyes away from her gorgeous pink clit and held the g-string out to her as I extricated myself from my panties. Whooping in glee, she knelt at my feet and had me step into the contraption while I held my dress up. She took her time shimmying the little dildo part back and forth until it was nestled neatly inside me, the tip of the jewel flush against my pierced clit.

“Perfect,” she announced, planting a kiss on my hairless snatch and kneeling back to admire it. “How does it feel?”

I took a testing step. Hoo boy, I was going to be feeling that all night!

“Very strange,” I grinned, as I let my dress fall back to mid thigh. Why did it seem so much shorter now than when my ass was decently clad in actual panties with actual material? I could feel the string ride up high between my buttocks. The dildo part was fairly small but it was definitely making its presence felt and the rounded nub against my clit was umm, insistent.

I took a couple of testing steps back and forth and had to swallow an audible gasp. This was going to be a long night. I turned to see Sophia standing by the open door, tapping her watch. The unholy amusement on her face was the only thing that saved her from a poke in the eye as I grabbed my jacket off the kitchen table and flounced past her.

The taxi made good time, so we weren’t more than fashionably late. I only got the beady eye from my mother, rather than an actual lecture. Sophia got more of a glare, but she was an expert in all things mother-in-law. Taking her hands, she leaned in, kissed her cheek and launched into an enthusiastic monologue of how fantastic she looked and how lovely her dress was and how beautifully decorated the house was. I shifted on my feet trying to ignore my clit and let Sophia win my grudging mother over for the umpteenth time.

It wasn’t that she didn’t like Sophia, that would be nigh on impossible. People just liked her. She was petite, friendly and beautiful. It would have been like kicking a puppy. But she was a lez-bee-ahn. And she’d made her youngest daughter a lez-bee-ahn. I could have been a doctor or a lawyer, but no, I’d left university early and became a professional lesbian. I’m convinced my mother actually thought they were mutually exclusive life choices. 

I’d actually left university because I was fed up and broke. The lesbian thing came later. Having money was way more fun than another four years of people telling me what to do, so I’d ditched it and taken a crash course in floristry. I liked flowers. They were happy and colourful and best of all, they died and people had to come and get more. Winner winner chicken dinner. As it transpired I had a knack for it, and so I’d managed to progress from mobile stall, to static stall in a mall to having my own little store in the space of a few years. That was where I’d met Sophia. She'd come in looking for tulips and left me with her number and the soft imprint of her lips on mine. To this day I’m still not sure how she managed it. She dazzled me. Best part was, I’d been fairly sure I was straight.

I was jolted out of my reminiscence by a hearty slap on my ass. I yelped as everything down there tingled and cursed myself for not being more aware of my surroundings. Rule number one at a Taylor family party. Never lose track of drunk Uncle Mike. He wasn’t an actual uncle, but he’d been a family friend for ever. Mum and dad remained blissfully ignorant to the number of times he'd gotten drunk and tried to feel up me or my sisters since Aunt Alice had divorced him a few years back. He never remembered when he was sober and he’d have been mortified, so generally we let it slide and just kept a lookout.

“Hi, Uncle Mike.” I quickly kissed his cheek and danced out of grabbing distance. “Lovely to see you, just going to get a drink.”

I could see Sophia pissing herself laughing as I hurriedly backed away. I glared at her and she blew me a kiss. It was alright for her, I thought sourly. She’d never been accosted by Uncle Octopus. She met me by the gin bar and started pouring me a mitigating double.

“Sorry,” she announced, not sounding anything of the sort. “I was just leaving your mum when I saw him make a beeline for you. He must like the dress.” She smirked at that, then added in a low growl, “Good thing he doesn’t know what’s under it.”

I squirmed at her tone and felt the g-string shifting inside me. Sophia took a sip of her gin and watched me with those knowing dark eyes. “I bet you can’t wait until I slide my tongue all up in that pussy of yours.”

I looked around, alarmed, but no-one was close enough to hear her, thank god. Just two girls at a party, getting some gin. Nothing to see here.

“My clit is so swollen,” she informed me, matter-of-factly as she turned to survey the room. “I’m about 30% of my way to orgasm already and I haven’t even touched myself since we’ve been here.”

How she kept her face so straight and innocent was beyond me. My gin threatened to spill from my glass as I shook with lust. The minx knew her dirty talk was turning me on even more.

“Let’s see, Elle, it’s 8.30 now,” she continued, shamelessly. “At precisely 9pm, I plan to have my tongue buried in that needy cunt of yours. Until then, go mingle.”

With that she waltzed off, leaving me a dripping mess by the gin bar. I was actually worried I might be dripping. Between the constant stimulation, the dirty talk and the complete absence of any absorbent material guarding my nether region, it was a distinct possibility.

The next half an hour was pure torture. I mingled with family members, hugged my dad, avoided my mother, chatted inanely to family friends, avoided my mother, made innocuous small talk, avoided my mother and glanced at the clock twenty million times. Why wasn’t it moving? Was it broken? I glared at it, convinced it had stopped at the ten to mark. After twenty minutes the big hand moved to nine minutes to. I scowled again. My pussy was aflame. Why did I let her talk me into these things. The witch had befuddled my brain.


I froze. Shit. Rule number two at a Taylor family party. Avoid my mother. What the fuck was wrong with me tonight? I only had two rules. She must have cursed me. That little devil had stolen my senses and put a curse on me. I plastered a smile to my face and turned.

“Hi mum, great party.”

She regarded me with her usual candid enthusiasm, which was an expression that somehow perfectly conveyed vague disappointment that I didn’t have letters after my name, with a vague irritation that she couldn’t actually find much to fault me with. I did okay work wise. I’d pretty much been on time tonight. I’d worn a dress and made myself up nicely. I knew the drill.

I’m genuinely not sure if she’d just have stared at me suspiciously until she found something to fault, but Sophia thankfully had remembered the rules this time. She hurried over, gave my mum her most disarming smile and hooked her arm through mine.

“Hi, Mrs T. Sorry to interrupt, but do you have more ice? The gin bar is out.”

Ah, the only thing my mum hated more than my life choices. Looking like a bad hostess.

“There’s none?” She look aghast. “There was plenty...” 

She didn’t even finish the sentence, but hurried away. Sophia smiled innocently at me, but I knew her too well.

“What did you do?”

“Me, what now?” 

Her sincerity was irrefutable. I arched a brow and waited. 

Finally she smirked. “Fine. There was plenty. Until I decided her giant potted ferns looked a little on the warm side.”

I chuckled. I had to hand it to her, she was a minx but she generally came through.

“Besides,” she added, nodding towards the clock, where time had apparently restarted and which was now showing a minute to nine, “I have a prior appointment and you know how I hate being late. Follow me, please.”

My heart was racing again as she took me by the hand and out the open patio doors. She nodded amiably at people on the way down the garden, acting like she didn’t have a care in the world and was just out for a stroll and some warm evening air. I think I was smiling but it could have been a grimace as walking more than a couple of steps was causing the g-string to really grind against my already wet pussy. I could definitely feel wetness on my thighs and it was all I could do to keep the pace steady and not bolt for the small wooden summer house at the bottom of the garden.

No one else was near this end of the garden and I was fairly sure we weren’t spotted ducking inside but, to be honest, by that point I didn’t care. Sophia closed the door behind her and leant against it, watching me. She pulled her dress up to her waist and showed me her beautifully framed clit.

“Look how swollen and needy it is, Elle,” she whispered, fingering it slowly. “I’ve been going mad waiting for you. Knowing we’re both so aroused.”

I don’t know who drooled more. Me or my pussy. Sophia still dazzled me. Years later and one look just killed me. I loved this conniving little pixie, who could make me come undone with her words and talk me into situations I’d never have contemplated, left to my own devices.

“Let me see you,” she pleaded, letting her dress fall back down. She guided me down onto the wicker loveseat and dropped to her knees in front of me. She stared up at me with those beautiful dark eyes. “I need to taste you.”

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I leaned back and let her pull my dress up to my waist. Cool air hit the wetness on my thighs and I shivered in anticipation.

“Oh my,” she tutted. “So wet, Elle. Look at you, you poor thing.”

I groaned as she licked my inner thighs.

“Mmm, so tasty though. I bet there’s plenty more where that came from.”

She grabbed hold of the crotch of the g-string and wiggled it, making me gasp.

“It’s probably best that this comes off for now, Elle. I think I really need to assess the situation from close-up.”

Being that any closer to my crotch would have put her face in it, she wasn’t getting any complaints from me. I lifted my butt slightly and let her pull the strings over my hips. The little dildo released from my pussy with a heavenly sucking sound, releasing more of my wetness onto my thighs. She wiggled the tip of it over my throbbing clit a couple of times before taking pity on me and taking it off. When I’d stepped out of it, she held the dildo out.

“Suck it.”

I didn’t hesitate. I took it deep into my mouth, cleaning my juices from the smooth, warm stone. She watched me as I licked it clean, passion burning in her dark eyes.

“Spread wider,” she whispered, tapping my inside thighs gently.

I pulled my knees up and held them, letting my legs fall open as wide as I could. My whole pussy pulsed, spread open before her, slick with my excitement.

“Mmm, it’s so pink and juicy,” she groaned, before lowering her head and trailing her tongue the whole length of my wet slit.

My head fell back against the seat and I let out a heartfelt moan. “Oh fuuuck, Sophia. That feels so fucking good, baby.”

Her tongue was relentless, tracing little paths up and down my pussy, teasing and torturing me but not quite giving me the friction I needed to peak. I was a mess. Every time she licked up and swallowed down my juices, more came pulsing out of my needy cunt, brought by the fresh waves of arousal her tongue was pulling from me. I lost track of time. The last of the summer sunlight disappeared and dusk settled over the summer house. The only sounds were the distant clink of glasses and laughter drifting from the party, my moans and her slurps.

She was edging me closer and closer to an orgasm, but never quite letting me get there. Every time she sensed me getting close, she pulled back and avoided my pierced clit. I was nearly sobbing with frustration when I finally gave in and begged her.

“Please, baby. Please. I need to cum.” It was nearly a wail.

For a moment, as she again lowered her head, I thought she would oblige me but when I felt her tongue delicately rimming my ass I realised she was just starting a whole new level of torture. This time it was most definitely a wail, as she lovingly lapped at my most sensitive of places.

I was delirious. She avoided stimulating my clit and my pussy as she concentrated on that erotic ridge that circled my dark hole. The sensation was almost overwhelming, but still not enough to cum. It was maddening, and infuriating and I’d have promised her anything there and then if she would have allowed me to finish.

My breath came in pants as I heaved in air and gasped it out, trying to hold on to reality while wishing desperately that she would let me fall apart. After what seemed like aeons, she upped the stakes by sliding her middle finger into my twitching cunt and fucking me slowly.

Expletives fell from my snarling lips as I pleaded with her to let me cum. She ignored them all and kept up that slow torturous pace until my breathing evened out a bit.

“Here’s the thing, Elle.” She slid a second finger into my snatch as she spoke, compensating a little for the loss of her tongue.

I tried to focus on her in the gloom.

She went on, conversationally.

“Here’s the thing. I have about a dozen or so nasty things that I want us to do to each other this weekend, but we can’t do them here.”

I was trying to concentrate on her words, but she squeezed a third finger in at that point and all I could do was moan incoherently again.

She continued, as if oblivious to my mental sluggishness.

“So, I’ll make a deal with you... Option 1, I let you cum now. Once you do, we clean up as best we can, go back to the party, say goodbye to everyone, leave by the front door and you don’t cum again for the whole weekend.”

I blinked. What?

She continued. “Option 2, you don’t cum yet. We call a taxi and sneak out the back gate, go home and I let you cum then. And I’ll let you cum as much as you want this weekend. So what will it be?”

She inched a fourth finger in just as I reminded myself to breathe. The wicked little minx was playing me like a puppet in more ways than one. Have you ever tried to have a rational thought while your pussy is stretched around your lover’s hand and you’re fairly sure you might die if you don’t cum soon? That was my reality. The short term gratification bit of my brain was having a major argument with the longer term payoff part and I was genuinely unsure which bit was going to win.

All the while, she kept one hand in my pussy, fucking me slowly. When I didn’t answer, she flicked my hooped clit with the other hand and had me cursing. If she did that again the decision would be out of my hands. I’d never experienced my clit being as sensitive as it was right now, but one more touch and I knew I’d explode. And I knew right then in that moment that I wanted a whole weekend of nasty stuff with her instead.

“Taxi,” I managed hoarsely, hating myself a little. Her hand stilled and she grinned as she pulled her phone from her pocket and rattled off my parent’s address and ours.

“Five minutes,” she promised as she hung up and slowly slid her fingers out of me. She licked up the remaining wetness on my thighs then stood in front of me and sucked her fingers into her mouth one by one to clean them. I was trembling as my body tried to level out, aching from a sense of loss.

I lay there for a minute but when I attempted to stand she tutted me and picked up the g-string, a wicked grin on her face.

I flushed. “I can’t put that back on, Soph. I won’t be able to stop myself coming.”

She was merciless as she knelt to help me into it. “Oh shoosh, Elle, you have more willpower than that. Besides, if you cum before we’re home, I’ll assume you wanted option 1.”

She did show some restraint and let me pull it up myself, correctly guessing that if I’d have allowed her to wiggle it into place I’d have been done for. I gave myself another minute before standing. My legs were shaky and I felt punch drunk.

I don’t remember much of the taxi ride. I do remember pulling my dress under me as much as possible so I wasn’t leaking all over the poor guy’s seats. Sophia kept up a bright chatter with the driver the whole way home, partly because she just genuinely likes everyone, but also partly to prevent him noticing that her hand was up my dress, gently tracing the outline of my puffy lips.

When we reached our house, I stumbled out and let her deal with the cash. I couldn’t ever remember being this turned on and this out of sorts before. We’d edged each other before, but not in public and not where I couldn’t scream out my frustrations. If I’d had my way, I’d have shoved her face back into my pussy as soon as she came through the door, but Sophia, being Sophia, had other ideas.

She closed the house door behind her and we stood in the dark kitchen, watching each other. Before I could move, she reached behind her and unzipped her dress slowly, kicking it aside when it pooled at her feet. All she was wearing was the g-string and she was perfect. Her small upturned nipples made my fingers flex. I wanted my hands on them. I wanted my mouth on them.

She clocked my gaze and tugged on them.

“You want these, don’t you, baby? You want to taste them. You will. I know you want to cum so badly, and you will.”

The space between us fizzed with tension. I could have had my hands on her in two seconds, but she had me spellbound and I didn’t move.

“You want this too, don’t you,” she continued as one hand trailed lower to circle her engorged clit. She whimpered. “It’s so sensitive, Elle. It’s been so sensitive all night and I’ve been wanting you all night.”

My pulse, which had never quite evened out from the summer house, began to pick up again. I stared at her perfectly framed clit, thinking about how it tasted and how I loved sucking on it. She was so beautiful when she came. Her cheeks would flush and she’d watch me like I was the only person who existed for her. Unless I blindfolded her. Then she’d scream my name. 

“Take your dress off,” she ordered suddenly, still not coming any closer.

I didn’t trust myself to undo the zip, so I pulled it over my head and threw it... somewhere... I didn’t care. I’d gone braless too tonight, so all that remained was the villainous g-string. My nipples pebbled as they reacted to the cooler air on my skin.

“My poor baby,” she murmured sympathetically, as she feasted her eyes on my hard nipples and wet thighs before finally coming towards me. “You’ve been so patient, Elle.”

She stopped in front of me and patted the island I leant against. “Up.”

I didn’t argue. I don’t think either of us trusted me to stand right now. I boosted myself up onto the counter and for the second time tonight let her peel the g-string down my legs.

“I think this is a keeper,” she declared cheerfully as she chucked it to the side. 

I stared at her. 

“Whaaat?” she asked, feigning innocence. “That’s the shortest party we’ve ever been at and we’re both gonna cum lots this weekend. I think that’s a success story.”

My brain couldn’t argue with Sophia logic in its current state, so I let her have it. Gently, she pushed me back until I was lying across the island. The ceramic was cold against my back and I shivered. Then she touched me and I was shivering a whole lot more.

My body didn’t immediately return to previous arousal levels, but it certainly came close. When she slipped two fingers inside me, I groaned. Everything was humming back to life, like a generator switching on.

“Now where was I earlier?” she mused as she fed a third digit in. “Oh, I remember now...” And in went the fourth.

I felt deliciously full as she pumped her fingers slowly in and out of me. I gripped the edges of the counter and thrust my hips towards her, trying to get her deeper. She hadn’t touched my clit again yet, so the build was slow and I wanted more. Needed more.

“More,” I gasped out, humping myself shamelessly onto her fingers.

She stilled. “You sure?”

We’d only done it a couple of times before but I was wet enough and aroused enough.

“I’m sure,” I whispered, adrenaline spiking through me.

It was like nothing else. It was exquisite. She tucked her thumb in and pushed forward relentlessly as I pushed back against her. My breath heaved out in one long cry as her fist inched its way into my cunt and filled me completely. She stilled again as my lips closed over her wrist and admired me wrapped around her.

“Fuck, Elle.” Her voice was breathy. “It’s so beautiful. You’re so fucking amazing. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, baby,” I managed between gritted teeth, “but I swear if you don’t let me cum soon I’m never speaking to you again.”

She laughed softly and resumed fucking my pussy, twisting her arm as she did for fuller effect.

“Harder,” I snarled as I felt the pressure build inside me. I was a slave to my needs as I lay stretched out on the counter, impaled on her arm. Closer and closer she brought me, everything building and gathering, churning inside me until I knew it had to be released or I would fracture into a thousand tiny pieces.

Fast and faster still she fucked me, until I felt her breath on my clit and I knew the end was near. The first time she licked it I managed to hold on somehow, but when her lips clamped around it and she sucked it hard into her mouth I exploded almost immediately.

Someone screamed. It was probably me. I might have actually blacked out for a second too. My pussy gripped her fist as the torment of the last few hours peaked and roared through my body, leaving me twitching and helpless.

I sucked in air, aftershocks keeping me trembling until she finally took pity on me and released my clit. She left her fist in my pussy until the contractions stopped and I could bear to have her move again. Slowly, she withdrew her fingers, watching in fascination as they emerged. Boosting herself up onto the counter, she cuddled into me.

“Under the circumstances, I’m willing to give you five minutes before we do me.”

I grinned weakly.

Cheeky git.



Written by Jen
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