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"She should have listened..."

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I heard the front door open followed by the sound of her keys fall into the bowl by the door. A slight tremble ran through my body. I had been worked up all day and all I could think about was having her hands on me, but I was nervous.

This morning before she left, she made sure I was a needy mess, waking me with her tongue. She was licking me slowly, almost lazily, like she had all the time in the world. God, I wish that had been true. Instead of seeing her naked when I looked down, I saw she was already dressed and ready for work.

I pouted slightly. “No fair.” It was a little breathier than I had planned.

Her breath blew warm across my wet lips as she chuckled, and her tongue flicked over my clit. She sucked it into her mouth one last time, and rubbed it between her lips. It popped out and she kissed it gently.

I lifted my hips and rubbed it along her lips, trying to tempt her to continue. I felt her breath on my lips again, as she laughed at my ache.  Then her fingers curled on my inner thighs, and her teeth nipped my right one above her hand.

“I would love to finish this babe, but I have to go. I have a meeting this morning.”

I watched as Cass climbed out of bed leaving my legs spread, and my pussy throbbing.  My fingers slid down over my lips and pressed my clit as I watched her fix her clothing. My ass came off the bed and I moaned loudly, eyes closing, head falling back pressing harder, fingers moving faster, working towards that much-needed release.

That’s when I felt the sting on the back of my leg. It caused my eyes to pop open, my fingers to stop moving and my ass to hit the bed. Cass stood over me with such hunger in her eyes that I almost came. “No,” her voice was so tight, “not now. You are not allowed to cum today. It is date night baby, and I want you begging me by the time I get home.”

The whimper that slipped out of my mouth was a mixture of need and whine. “But, Cass…”

She raised an eyebrow and held her hand up stopping me. “No Molly.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, let my legs drop and made an unladylike sound. She bent over, and her fingers moved quickly into my hair lifting me off the bed pulling me to her. I moaned at how easily she controlled me.

Looking into my eyes, her chest rose and fell and that hunger was back causing my legs to close and my fingers to slide back over my pussy as fresh sweetness slipped out of me.

“No, Molly. Move them.”

My fingers moved and I brought them to her lips. I attempted to give her my best innocent look, even as I smeared my juices across her lips. She closed her eyes, licked her lips slowly and I heard her growl, “Fuck.” as her fingers tightened in my hair.

“You are not allowed to cum today. Capiche?”

Knowing there was no arguing with that, I huffed out, “Capiche.”

She grinned then, knowing she had me. “Good girl.”

“Thank you,” I replied and kissed her bye.

I should have been so happy that she was home and this torturous day was finally over, but I was also scared. I had completely disobeyed her. It was an accident, but she wouldn’t care. She had Capiche me, and I knew better, I knew to not push myself that hard.  So I sat, back straight, in the living room with my hands clasped, on my lap, my fingers wringing nervously together. I hated when I disappointed her.


“Hi Cass, I’m here.” My body shook a little more. ‘God why didn’t have self-control?’ I thought for the thousandth time today.

As soon as she walked into the room, she knew something was wrong. Her eyes saw everything and her arms folded across her chest and her back straightened. “What’s wrong?”

My head fell down and I whispered, “I’m sorry.”

“You came didn’t you?”

My head nodded, but I wouldn’t look up.

“Molly, look at me.”

Her voice was low and smooth, causing my pussy to throb even through my shame. I lifted my head and she pointed to the spot in front of her. I stood on shaky legs and walked slowly to her. She took my chin in her fingers then leaned down and kissed me gently.

“Follow me,” is all she said and walked down the hallway. I thought she was going to our room, but she turned left and went into her office instead. I walked in slowly behind her and she was slipping out of her shoes.

“Take your clothes off please.” She wasn’t even looking at me as she stripped down.

My fingers shook even more as I began stripping as well. I couldn’t stop watching as she folded her clothing and placed them on a shelf to the side, then stopped and watched me strip. My clothes fell, discarded on the floor in a crumpled mess. ‘God, the difference between us,’ I thought and bent down to pick them up to fold them like hers.

“Leave them, Molly.”

I stood back up and clasped my hands behind my back looking at her waiting for her to say something, to yell at me, I had no idea how to handle this.

She walked out of the room and returned with two towels. One she laid on her desk and patted it. “Come here and sit on my desk for me. Sit where you normally do when you are demanding attention.”

I climbed on the center of her desk and slid back. Then she took the other towel, draped it over her chair, sat down, and rolled forward a little. “Move to the edge of my desk and place your feet on the arms of my chair.”

Wiggling to the edge I did exactly as she asked, spreading wide and placing my feet on the arms of her chair. It left me so open and so vulnerable feeling.

“Lovely,” she said softly, and her fingers slid along my lips causing me to shudder. “You were bad today.”

“Yes ma’am,” my voice cracked with shame and need.

“I told you no cumming and you were so greedy. I’m very disappointed in you, Molly. All day I thought of coming home and fucking you. I thought of how much I wanted to come home and make you cum for me. Pleasing you is what I thought of doing all day, and you disappointed me.”

A tear slid down my cheek, and my legs started to close, but her voice stopped me. “Do you think that’s a good idea?” My legs spread wide again and I took a deep calming breath.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly.

“I know you are, but you still did it.” She leaned forward and slid her nose up along my slit causing me to shudder again. Then she kissed them gently, her tongue pushing between, pushing directly onto my clit making me gasp again. Keeping the pressure on my clit her tongue began making slow circles building my need back up, momentarily forgetting that I was being punished.

My hands slid back along the desk as my body moved down to lay back. She began humming onto my pussy and I lifted, pushing against her, offering her more, wanting more.

“Mmm my sweet tasting girl, you like that don’t you?”

“Yes,” I moaned softly, then felt the sting of her slap on my ass.

“Too bad my sweet girl, you don’t deserve it. That will be the last time I touch you there tonight.” Her face was regretful, but still full of need.

I started to move my feet and get off her desk, but she grabbed my ankles. “Did I tell you to get up?”

“No ma’am,” I said softly and stopped moving.

“Put your hands flat on the desk and behind you some, I want you leaning back a little, so I can see everything that’s mine and you can clearly see me.”

I did as she asked and watched as she sat back in the chair, her hands still holding my ankles, her thumbs moving almost absentmindedly along my skin. Her hands sliding down my feet to my toes and back up curling around my calves then back down, moving my feet to her knees.

She leaned back in the chair, sliding down lower in the seat, spreading her legs further, which in turn spread mine as well. Looking into my eyes, I felt her fingers slide off my feet, but as she licked her lips, I broke eye contact to look down and watched as they moved slowly up her thighs.

There is a mole on her inner thigh right at the crease of her leg and I love to kiss it when I go down on her. She knew this, and her middle finger made small slow circles around it before moving the rest of the way to her sweet spot.

I inhaled deeply and held it as her fingers began to lightly pat herself. Then using two fingers, she spread her lips wide exposing her glistening, swollen clit.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Her voice was low and soft.

I nodded slowly; there was no way I could speak.

Her other hand moved down, and her fingers tapped rhythmically around her glistening cunny. She tapped gently at the opening, and I heard the soft little sounds made by her sweetness. I felt my own juices flow out of me and I made a soft little whimper.

“You like that don’t you? You want to touch it don’t you?”

“Yes,” I breathed.

“Would you like to feel my pussy pressed on yours?”

My hand moved for my pussy, and I whimpered.  I had to touch it.

“Molly. If you move that hand again, you will regret it.”

I froze.

“No more moving. Capiche?”

“Capiche,” I whispered.

Cass sat back in the chair and shook her head. “You really are a bad girl aren’t you?”

“I’m so-” She raised her eyebrow, and I shut up instantly.

“Oh, the fun we could have had tonight,” she said and licked two of her fingers. “I could have felt your tongue tasting me,” She flicked those two fingers over her clit. “Licking me harder and faster.”

I watched her closely as she rubbed her clit in small quick circles then move down to slide two fingers inside her slick opening. Her eyes closed, and her head fell back.

“Oh baby, this could be your tongue pushing inside me, flicking me, tasting me.” She pulled them out and they were covered in her juices. Her eyes were locked on mine and she brought her fingers to mouth.

Her chest rose and fell quickly and there was a soft panting sound coming from her. Cass leaned closer to me and I watched as her tongue slid out and slowly licked up her fingers, swirling around them collecting everything. “Mmm,” she hummed.

She was still leaning forward watching me, but her eyes looked down my body and stopped when her eyes were on my cunny. Her hand went back down and she began fucking herself.

I was so wet I could feel it slip through my lips and soak the towel underneath me. My pussy ached and I knew if she was to even blow on it I would cum. My hips rocked up slowly in hopes that she would forget herself and touch me so I could.

“Damn it, Molly, I wanted to fuck you tonight. I wanted to feel your cum cover my mouth.” Her voice was breathy, but I could hear her frustration. She fell back into the chair and her hand moved faster and rubbed harder.

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Cass moaned louder and louder. I watched her swollen pussy glistening with her honey, and my pussy throbbed with need.

Her back arched and she growled softly coming to her feet. The intensity and hunger in her eyes made me gasp. She placed her arms on either side of me and pressed her cunny hard against the lip of the desk. Cass rocked her hips and rubbed her clit against the already moisten towel.

She gripped my ass and pulled me closer to her.  My entire body hummed with the excitement of feeling her pussy on mine. She was so close and I wanted to cum so badly.

To my extreme disappointment, she stopped just before we touched. I could feel the soft tuft of her pubic hair flicking across my swollen clit and I cried out in frustration.

Cass’s fingers dug into my skin and made a short snort of a laugh, then kissed me hard. Between pants, she said, “I said I wasn’t touching it.”

Her eyes were on me, and I knew she was close. I loved to watch her cum, to hear the sounds she made. The ache to hear her cum was almost as strong as my need to cum.

I laid my head back and arched my back more. “Mmm, you’re so sexy,” I purred. My hips rocked, moving with her despite not being able to touch her. “You fuck me so good.”

My actions had the desired effect. Her grip tightened on my ass, and she leaned forward, kissing my exposed neck. Her breathing became short gasps and she suddenly bit me. I wrapped my legs around her pressing her harder against the desk as her body shook. She groaned louder and her teeth sank in harder.

Her arms wrapped me and held me close. I could feel her body tremble and another round of guilt hit me. She had been as needy as me, and my lack of self-control had ruined her plans. I leaned back on the desk and wrapped myself completely around her.

“I’m truly sorry.”

“Shh.” She kissed my neck gently and sat up. “Come on let’s go shower and eat.”

We showered together, and Cass even washed my hair. She was so sweet and attentive to me for the rest of the evening that my guilt had eased, and I knew for sure she was no longer angry with me.

Now that my guilt had ease it left me fully aware of my body and how frisky I was. Every time she kissed me or touched me a new desire formed. I could feel myself growing very pouty and grumpy. As I got ready for bed, it hit me that she was keeping me turned-on on purpose. So, to spite her, I slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama bottoms.

I turned in time to see her walk back in the room and the raised eyebrow said everything, but I chose to ignore it and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I swear I heard her laugh, but I was too pouty to care and pushed the door closed harder than I had intended to.

Cass was laying down with her back to the door and she had turned the light off on me. I paused for a second and almost asked her to turn it back on so I could safely cross the room, but I refused to speak. The grumps were too deep inside me at this point. All I wanted to was to cum, but that wouldn’t be happening tonight.

Halfway away across the room, my knee slammed into the chair and I mumbled a few cuss words. I was still mumbling as I began to crawl in the bed and that’s when Cass finally spoke.


I froze. “Yes?”


I had a moment of panic thinking she meant to get off the bed, but then it hit me she meant the clothes. We had a no clothes rule on date night. I hesitated for a moment getting my pout under control then dropped my clothes to the floor and left them lying there. It was a last little poke at her before I crawled in the bed.

Cass rolled over to greet me and pulled me into her arms. I settled into her and fell asleep with her fingers playing lazily through my hair.

My hand slid along a cold sheet and I opened my eyes. I was confused, expecting to find Cass there, but instead, she was standing in the bathroom pulling her hair into a bun.

“Why did you let me sleep, I wanted to play before work?” I whined and flopped back down on the bed.

She laughed and walked into the room putting the last bobby pin in place. “I know you did, but I have a meeting this morning.”

I sighed dramatically and she walked over to me. “Don’t pout, Molly. It’s not attractive.”

I sighed louder and even more dramatically. “Nice,” she said and shook her head at me. “I’ve gotta go.” Then she bent down and kissed me lightly. “Don’t be late for work.”

‘So this is how my day is going to be?’ I thought sulkily to myself.

Throughout the day my emotions ranged from pouting, to sad and to the regret of some of my co-workers, anger.  I was needy and mad at myself for going against Cass and then mad at her for dragging this punishment out by not allowing me to cum this morning.

By the time I got home, I was quite miserable. Not even the smell of my favorite dish, steak fajitas could cheer me up.

I dropped my keys into the bowl next to Cass’s and went upstairs to change. I had just stepped out of my bottoms when I heard her walk into our room.

“What’s wrong, you didn’t even come to say hi?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Nothing, I just wanted to get comfy.”

She walked up and wrapped her arms around me. “Nothing huh? I think someone is feeling sorry for themselves because they are so needy.”


“Oh?” she asked with humor in her voice. “Then it wouldn’t matter if I did this…” Her hands released from around my waist and laid my hips. They slid forward and down and she gripped my inner thighs.

Her thumbs ran back and forth along my pussy.

I made a soft sound and leaned into her, I was instantly wet. “No more teasing please, I can’t handle anymore.”

“Aw does my girl want me to touch her?”


“Where would you like me to touch you?”

“Here,” I said pointing down to my cunny.

“Here?” she asked cupping it. One of her fingers slipped between my lips and I moaned loudly.


“Already so wet for me?” She slowly circled between my lips and felt just how wet I was.

I swayed my hips and rubbed my bottom against her. “Always.”

She slipped a second finger between my lips, gliding them from my opening to my clit. “Good.”


Her fingers pinched my already swollen clit. “What was that?”

“Please,” I said louder.

She pinched it harder and slid her fingers back and forth against it. I cried out and felt a jolt roll through my body. My knees weakened, and I whimpered, “Please make me cum for you.”

I heard her soft husky laughter in my ear and it caused goosebumps to prickle along my skin along with another tremor. I almost came, and she had barely touched me.

“Finish getting undressed and get on the bed.”

Without hesitation, I pulled my shirt off, dropped it on the floor near my bottoms and unhooked my bra tossing it behind me as I climbed on the bed.

“You realize we are going to have to talk about you and your need to have clothes scattered everywhere, right?”

I grinned, flopped on my back, spread my legs and motioned for her to come to me. “Cum first, talk later.”

She shook her head and removed her shirt. “No patience.” Then she dropped her sweats and crawled between my legs. “No foreplay?”

My fingers curled into her hair and I guided her to my pussy. “Too much foreplay already. Cum first, talk later.”

“Me civilized, you cavewoman,” she said with a laugh and nipped my lips.

“No, me gonna burst. Baby please,” I whined and wiggled my hips.

“How I can I refuse such a sweet little beg?” Her mouth pressed against my pussy and I whimpered.

She kissed it and then licked slowly up my inner thigh, nipping her way back down. My hips were raised off the bed and I was taking short gasping shuddering breaths.

Cass grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to her and her arms around my thighs. Her fingers spread my lips exposing my swollen clit and blew lightly over it. I whimpered again and wrapped my fingers into her hair.

“Baby…” I wanted to cry with frustration.

I heard her soft laughter and then nothing as I felt her tongue press onto my cunny. She slid her tongue up and over my clit, sucking it into her mouth. My hips bucked up, but she held me in place as she continued to suck and flick her tongue back and forth.

My body began to shake and I panted loudly. I wasn’t going to last much longer. My fingers curled tighter in her hair, pulling her closer and trying to push my cunny harder onto her mouth and tongue. She knew what she was doing, and I was so thankful that this one was quick.

Her teeth grazed across my clit and then her tongue pressed flat against it, rubbing back and forth.

“Shit…” I cried through gritted teeth as I came.

My back arched, and cunny throbbed, but she didn’t stop. She continued to suck until I begged her to stop.

She kissed up my body and laid between my legs kissing me and rocking her hips so her pussy rubbing against mine. I lifted my legs and pulled them back some giving her better contact. Cass pressed down harder with each roll of her hips.

Our kiss grew deeper and my hands glided down her body and gripped her ass, encouraging her to move harder. I loved when she needed me when she needed to fuck me hard. Those times she had to claim me and show me who was in charge.

My head fell back and I sighed in pleasure. She kissed down my neck and I heard her soft pants. They sent shivers down my body and caused me to throb. My nails pressed into her ass and she growled.

In one swift motion, she sat up and placed her hands on the back of my thighs, pushing my knees on either side of my body. She was bent over me with her clit pressed against my slick cunny and clit. I was so wet that she glided smoothly back and forth.

Her breasts were swaying above me and I reached out to hold them. I squeezed them and gripped her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, twisting slightly.

Our moans and groans became one as she pushed us closer to our release.

“Yes, Cass, that’s it. Make me cum again. You fuck me so good.”

Cass gripped my thighs and rocked faster. It was too much, and I came.

“Oh God, baby.”

Her rhythm slipped, and I felt her arms shake. “Fuck, baby,” she groaned, and let herself lie fully on top of me, as she continued to rock slowly.

I wrapped my arms and legs around her, wanting her closer to me as the last of the shudders slowed.

She was nuzzled onto my chest and gently kissed my breast. I smiled to myself and kissed the top of her head, my fingers playing through her hair.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled weakly.

Cass didn’t say anything for a moment and then pushed herself up so she was looking down at me. “I know.”

“I’ll behave from now on.”

She looked down at me and raised an eyebrow looking skeptical. “No more lack of self-control?”

I shook my head. “Nope, I’ll be good. But, if I do mess up, no more making me wait that long again. Capiche?”

She shook her head, laughed softly and kissed me. “Capiche.”

Written by MollyDoll
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