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Business and Pleasure

"A young business owner learns why her partner sleeps around."

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“Don’t you dare fucking touch me,” Denise said as she gripped the gash in her arm.

“We have got to get the bleeding stopped before you pass out or something.” Blake grabbed a towel and tossed it at Denise’s head. She hadn’t meant to hurt Denise, not really. But she was able to piss Blake off quicker than anyone, and this time, Blake had just lost it. “Wrap the damn towel around it. I’ll gather supplies to get it cleaned up and wrapped.”

Denise grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her arm. She pressed her hand down against the deep cut and took a seat on the bench in the locker room. She should have just kept her mouth shut, but the way that Blake preyed after every female that walked through the door got on her nerves. It didn’t look good for their company or any of them as owners. She’d already received complaints from straight women who thought Blake had been a little too friendly. It needed to stop, and Denise had told her as much.

Blake had the medical bag in one hand and peroxide and towels in the other. She sat everything down on the bench next to Denise and straddled it as she sat down next to her. “Give me your arm.” Denise tried to pull away, but Blake already had a good hold of her wrist which prevented her from getting free.

“I’m sorry about your arm, Denise. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was only reacting to you grabbing my shoulder. I’m just tired of you all pointing out what a slut that I am. I don’t see how it is anyone’s business but mine.” Blake pulled the towel back enough to see how badly it was still bleeding. She wrapped the towel back around and held her hands tightly around it.

“You represent this company when you’re here, Blake. Every time you make a move on another woman, you bring the gym down another notch. If you want to pick up numerous chicks and fuck their brains out, fine, I don’t have a problem with that. But do it somewhere besides here. I have received complaints on you, Blake.” Denise saw Blake’s head come up in surprise, but it was quickly lowered back down toward the bench.

“I didn’t ask to be a part of this company. I don’t know how to be a business owner, and I don’t think I want to be.” Blake had received part ownership of the gym when her Aunt Traci passed away. Denise had received twenty five percent of the company as well. She wasn’t Traci’s actual niece, but Traci and Denise’s mother had been best friends for years. Denise had always considered her family and had called her Aunt Traci her entire life. Blake and Denise had known each other when they were younger. They had never been close friends, but they played together when they were both at Traci’s home.

“This has been a surprise to both of us, I know that, Blake, but you can’t continue acting the way you have in the past. Our customers need to see us both as mature business owners, not twenty something sluts.” Denise cringed as Blake pulled the towel back to check her wound again. “It might also be a good idea if you take that ring off. I can’t believe it’s sharp enough to make a gash like that.”

“I’ll take the ring off and become a nun. Is there any other requirements you have for me?” Blake opened the peroxide and poured some over Denise’s arm. She got the iodine next and used a cotton ball to clean the entire wound.

“I’m not asking you to change who you are, Blake. I’m only asking that you remember where you are and stop sleeping with every woman that walks through the door.” Denise held the gash together as Blake started placing butterfly strips down its length.

“I don’t get to sleep with every woman here,” Blake mumbled as she placed another strip on Denise’s arm. Blake couldn’t tell her that if she could have the woman that she wanted, she’d no longer need to pick up every other woman that she saw.

“Name one woman that you really wanted to sleep with that your charms didn’t work on,” Denise said as Blake placed a bandage over her cut and started wrapping her arm.

Blake kept her eyes down on Denise’s arm and tried to keep her breathing normal. She didn’t want to have this conversation, especially with Denise. Right now, all she wanted was to sneak away and pretend this never happened.

“That’s what I thought. You have the entire game all figured out don’t you? I doubt you’ve ever been told no by a woman.”

Blake taped off the bandage on Denise’s arm, quickly gathered everything up, and rose to leave. She made it to the door but stopped with her hand on the knob. “There is one woman that I have always wanted, and I still can’t figure out what it will take to get her.”

“Who’s that?” Denise asked as she took off her bloody shirt and pulled a fresh one out of her locker. Blake turned around, leaned against the door, and watched her as she carefully pulled the clean shirt over her arm.

“You,” Blake said softly. She paused a few seconds before turning and leaving Denise alone.


Denise hadn’t seen Blake all week. At first, she was glad to have the space as she tried to come to terms with what Blake had told her. Denise was straight and had never even fantasized about being with a woman. She could look at a woman and see her beauty, but it never turned her on. The more she thought about Blake and what she had shared with her, Denise realized she should have seen it long before now.

After Traci had died and the company had become theirs, the other owner of the club was more than willing to show them both how everything worked. From the mundane office work to each of the machines, she continued helping them until they were both comfortable with it all. Eventually, she let them help run the company. Denise was better at the office work. Blake got the responsibility of helping the women when they first joined the gym.

At the beginning, Blake was always making her way into the office to see how Denise was doing or see if she needed anything. They had even spent some time together in the gym after closing one night. Blake took it upon herself that night to make sure Denise knew how to work every machine, even if it meant physically adjusting her body into the right position. She could still remember the way that Blake stared at her. Somewhere deep, she must have known what was going on, to be able to remember the look on her face that clearly.

Denise pulled her car up in front of Blake’s apartment and turned it off. If they were going to be able to run a business together, Denise knew it was important for them to at least talk about things. She grabbed the beer from the passenger seat, got out of her car and headed toward Blake’s door.

Blake opened the door after Denise knocked but immediately tried to shut it again. Denise had been ready and stuck her shoe in the gap. “We need to talk, Blake, please. I have beer,” Denise said wiggling her eyebrows. Blake gave her a look but opened the door and allowed her entry. “Where have you been all week? Your fans have been asking for you.” Denise realized how that sounded as soon as it was out of her mouth. She looked over at Blake and saw the hurt on her face. “I didn’t realize how that sounded until after I said it. I’m sorry, Blake. But people have missed you. I told them that you were out of town for the week.”

“I’m sorry. I just needed some time.” Blake took the beer that Denise handed her and twisted the top off. She threw it across the room and straight into the trash can. She gave Denise a small smile when she turned and looked at her with surprise.

“You got a basketball hoop around here somewhere?” Denise asked and took a drink of her beer.

“Sure, it’s on the garage. Why? You think you’ve got a chance of beating me?” Blake teased as she looked over at Denise.

“What do you want to bet? If I win, I want a day off with you working in my place.” Denise got a rubber band out of her pocket and pulled her hair up in a ponytail. “What do you want if you win?”

“A kiss,” Blake said without ever moving. She brought her beer up for another drink but never moved her eyes off of Denise.

“Well, it’s a good thing I’m confident, or you’d have me a little nervous.” Denise stood and turned her back to Blake and took a deep, nervous breath.

Blake got the basketball out of the garage and pulled the door back down. She counted of steps and used white spray paint to mark out half a court. Since this was all for fun, she didn’t worry about exact dimensions.

“You realize that your three foot steps are probably more like four and half feet, right?” Denise asked as she watched Blake mark the half court line?

“Do I need to make it smaller for the shorter people to feel like they have an actual chance of winning?” Blake walked backwards and set the spray can down by the side of the garage. She picked the ball up and dribbled it while she downed the last of her beer. As she walked toward Denise, she tossed the empty bottle by the side of the porch. “Since you are horizontally challenged, you get the ball first.”

“You’ll regret that later,” Denise said as she walked out to the half court line that Blake had painted on the driveway. She tossed the ball in to Blake who bounced it right back to her. Denise knew she should probably be more worried than she was. Blake’s height gave her a distinct advantage, but everyone knew that point guards were the best at handling the ball. Denise had never had any trouble when it came to holding her own against the taller players. While they had the slight advantage in height, she could outrun and outplay everyone she had ever come up against. She dribbled the ball and walked in toward Blake. As Blake settled down to block, Denise made her move, faked Blake one direction and made an easy layup to score the first two points of the game.

Blake caught the ball and smiled at Denise as she stretched her legs out quickly. She could already see the competitive side of Denise, and they had just started. Blake checked the ball and casually made her way closer towards the basket. She didn’t bother getting in a hurry. She just brought her arm up and let the ball fly straight in for a three point shot. She blew on her fingers and buffed them against her shirt as she walked right by Denise. That got her a casual shove, but it made her smile.

The stayed close in points the entire game. Blake decided that she could use this opportunity to get close to Denise. She stopped with the three point shots and made Denise stay right on top of her as she moved all the way in to the basket. When Denise had the ball, Blake made sure her long arms were everywhere they shouldn’t be, including brushing up against Denise. If it had been an actual game, she would have long fouled out. But in this game, she would use whatever she could think of to be close to Denise and win. They had agreed before starting that the first person to reach thirty points would be the winner. It was tied at twenty eight apiece. They were both panting and sweating but having a blast. Blake had made the last point. So, Denise took the ball out and sat it on the ground.

Denise stood there bent over with her hands on her knees. Blake stood across from her in much the same position. Denise pulled the bottom of her shirt up to wipe of her face, but then she stood and pulled her shirt off completely, leaving her in her white sports bra. Blake didn’t move, but her eyes did. Denise couldn’t help but notice her eyes as they took in every curve. Blake had seen her without her shirt before, but something was different about this time. Denise should probably feel guilty about using her body to distract Blake, but she didn’t. She found she actually liked having Blake look at her like that. She threw her shirt over by the porch and picked up the ball.

Blake stood as Denise did and pulled her own shirt over her head, casting it up next to Denise’s. She didn’t have the soft curves that Denise did, but she had large enough breasts to be distracting. The fact that they would be right in Denise’s face every time she went to block her made Blake feel she might have hope in distracting her. Denise dribbled toward her, and Blake blocked her every move. When Denise dribbled and took a step back, Blake was right on her with her arms straight up in the air, which put her breasts right in front of Denise’s face. As she headed back out with the ball, Blake could see the frustration on Denise’s face. When she made a move to get around Blake and jump for a shot, Blake made her move and blocked the ball completely.

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Denise took a moment to catch her breath as Blake took the ball out. She had no idea why she was teasing Blake, but she knew that she was enjoying it. They entire game had been nothing but a tease session. They had both done their fair share of riling each other up. The fact that Blake now had the opportunity to score the winning goal had Denise a little bit nervous. But she knew what she had been doing the entire time, and she wasn’t going to back out now. As Blake bounced the ball to her, she passed it right back and moved in toward Blake. Blake took one step inside the half court line and let the ball fly. Denise watched, almost in slow motion, as the ball slipped from the tips of her fingers, flew through the air, and went right through the net. Denise collapsed on the driveway and lay back on the hard ground.

Blake got their bottles of water off of the porch and sat down next to Denise on the ground. She sat one bottle down next to Denise, pulled the top off the other one, and drank half of it right away. She held the water above Denise’s stomach and poured a small amount of the cold water across her hot skin. Denise’s quick breath and the rising of her breasts caught Blake’s attention and made her want to do it again. But she put the cap on her bottle and sat it down next to her legs.

“I’ll have to remember to ban three point shots the next time we play,” Denise said as she loosened the cap on her bottle of water. She pushed herself off the ground and brought the bottle up to her lips.

“Do you really think you’ll have more luck against me in the paint? You’re barely tall enough to reach the steering wheel on the car. How the hell do you think you’re going to get the ball around me?” Blake was teasing Denise, but it was her that was shocked as Denise tilted her water bottle over her head. Water rushed down Denise’s head and face then seemed to slow as it made its way over every curve down her chest. Blake couldn’t pull her eyes away as the water disappeared between her round plump breasts. Droplets of water settled on hot skin and Blake wanted so badly to bend over her and lick each droplet up. When she heard Denise clear her throat, she pulled her eyes up and met Denise’s parted lips and steady gaze.

“I admit that you won this game, but it won’t be the last one that we play. Claim your prize, Blake.” Blake grabbed her bottle of water and moved toward Denise. Instead of kissing her, she reached down and took her hand to pull her to her feet. She dropped the ball by the porch as she bent over to collect her and Denise’s shirt. Blake went straight into the kitchen and got two more beers out of the fridge, handing Denise’s over to her.

“I’m not going to kiss you, Denise. I shouldn’t have even said it. I won’t risk our friendship over an urge. The only way I’ll ever kiss you is if you ask me to.” Blake took a seat at the table and brought her beer up for a drink. But before she got it to her lips, it was pulled back and Denise’s lips came down on hers. After her initial surprise, Blake eagerly accepted the kiss and pressed up against enthusiastic lips. Blake felt Denise settle over her legs and press against her chest. The beer was abandoned on the table, and Blake’s arms went around the body that she had been wanting for months.

Blake’s hands went up Denise’s back, slipped under the bra she was wearing, and slid around her sides to the curve of her breasts. Blake’s hands stopped when Denise pulled back and looked at her. Denise’s hands moved down to the bottom of her bra and pulled it up over her head, throwing it somewhere on the floor. Blake didn’t move away from Denise’s eyes as her hands slid forward, palms sliding across nipples. She saw the look in Denise’s eyes as pleasure coursed through her body, and she heard the breath that she took in and held.

“I need a shower,” Denise almost whispered. Both of her hands were on the back of Blake’s head, snaked through her hair.

“No, you don’t. You’re wet, and sweaty, and pressing up against me. If you took a shower, I’d have to work twice as hard just to get you right back to this point, ready and on top of me.” Blake wrapped her hands around Denise’s breasts and squeezed. She slid her thumbs across the hardening nipples and watched as Denise pressed into her hands. “Tell me you want this to end, and we’ll stop it right here. There will be no hard feelings, and we’ll continue on just like we always have.”

Denise slid her hands down out of Blake’s hair and onto her shoulders. She looped her thumbs in the straps of her bra and slid them down Blake’s shoulders. Hands released her as arms slid up and out of the straps. Those same hands went back around her and forced her even closer, pressing their breasts together. When Blake’s nipples brushed against hers, she was surprised to hear the moan that slipped from her lips. None of the guys that she had been with ever had her wanting like she was right now. Part of it was the tension between the two of them, but Denise had finally accepted that what she felt for Blake was more than just friendship. She didn’t know until Blake had been gone this week, but not having Blake around in her workout gear left her feeling empty and edgy.

“Kiss me, Blake, please,” Denise begged as Blake’s hands wrapped around her breasts.

Blake brought her lips over to Denise’s and kissed her softly. Her lips teased and nipped at Denise’s lips until they parted and allowed her tongue to slip through. Denise’s tongue met hers and slid along its length until their lips met in a hungered rush. Denise pressed her body even closer and tilted her hips down against Blake’s stomach. Blake slid a hand between their bodies and cupped Denise through her shorts.

“Blake,” Denise whispered as she pressed down on the hand that was between her legs. Blake’s hand released her but only so she could slide her fingers up Denise’s shorts and slip under her panties. “Oh god, Blake.”

Blake wrapped her hands around Denise’s ass and stood up with her. She carried her through the front room and into her bedroom where she laid her down on the end of the bed. Four hands quickly got her shorts undone and down her legs along with her soaked panties. Blake’s clothes were off just as fast, and she finally lowered herself down on Denise’s naked body.

Denise wrapped her arms around Blake and kissed her with more passion that she had ever kissed anyone. Her body was on fire, and she felt like she was getting ready to burst into flames. Her hands went to Blake’s hips and pressed her down into her pussy as she grinded up against her, spreading her juices all over her. Denise’s passion drove her hand down between her legs and up into Blake’s wet folds. She slid her fingers through every wet section of Blake’s pussy and slipped two fingers up inside of her. Blake pulled back from there kiss and looked down at Denise.

Blake hadn’t expected Denise to be this aggressive, but she was going to take advantage of it. She pulled her legs up and slid down on Denise’s fingers. Denise’s hand settled between her own legs and Blake pushed down on her fingers. She could tell by the look on Denise’s face that she had placed her hand where she could get as much enjoyment out of it as possible. Blake pushed herself up on her hands and thrust her hips down onto Denise again. Every thrust sent Denise’s fingers up inside of her and sent her hand down on her own clit. It didn’t take them long, and they both were thrusting against each other with Denise’s hand between them. Blake was the first to slip over the edge. As she settled on Denise’s fingers and started rapidly pumping against her hand, Denise screamed and followed right behind her. Blake finally collapsed on Denise’s chest and caught her breath.

“You are unbelievable,” Blake panted as she ran her hand up through Denise’s hair. She wasn’t sure when it had been released, but she was glad it was. She continued to run her fingers through the long strands and pulled them down on Denise’s chest.

“I wasn’t going to give you a chance to tell me no,” Denise said as she ran her hands down Blake’s back. “Once I understood everything, I knew what I wanted.” Denise grabbed onto Blake’s shoulders and pulled her up into her neck. “I want you, Blake. I think I always have. I just had no clue until you were gone.”

Blake nipped at Denise’s neck with her lips and teeth until she felt Denise’s hand on the back of her head. She finally lowered her lips and kissed her way up until she latched onto a spot and sucked it between her lips and teeth. She slid a hand down Denise’s body and into the soaked folds. Her fingers slipped up and down every fold until she heard Denise’s ragged breathing. Blake pushed up and looked into Denise’s eyes as she took two fingers and pushed up into her.

“Do you like to be fucked?” Blake asked as she thrust up into Denise. “Or do you like to be teased?” She pulled her fingers almost all the way out and moved her thumb up to Denise’s clit. She pressed down on it as she teased her fingers just inside of Denise’s pussy. Denise writhed under her gentle touch. “You like to be teased, don’t you? I can do that all night long.” Blake pushed back up into Denise and twisted her fingers as she went, caressing her inner walls with her fingers. She let her thumb continue to press against the base of Denise’s clit as she tormented her with her fingers.

Denise did like to be teased, but she couldn’t take much of it at the moment. She reached down, grabbed Blake’s wrist and thrust it up inside of her. She saw the smile on Blake’s face as her tongue slid close to her nipple but never quite making it all the way there. “God Blake, just fuck me, please,” she begged as Blake’s tongue circled around her nipple. When Blake finally lowered her lips and started suckling, a sigh escaped Denise and she wrapped her arms around Blake’s head. She suckled from one and then the other, making sure to give each one equal treatment. As Blake kissed down Denise’s stomach, she did everything she could to hurry her along. But Blake was taking her time and there was nothing that she could do to rush her.

Blake pulled her fingers back out of Denise. She teased her fingers up around her clit and then down past her opening and along the tight ring of her ass. She didn’t press for entry, just teased her wet fingers around the rim. She slid her fingers back up, added a third finger and rammed her fingers up into Denise’s upper wall. Her chest shot up off of the bed and hovered in the air as Blake kissed down her thigh and finally slid her tongue through Denise’s juicy center. Denise fell back on the bed and gripped the sheets as sensations shot through her body and settled between her legs. Blake increased the speed of her fingers and started fucking Denise hard. She teased her tongue across the top of her clit before lowering her lips and sucking it into her mouth.

“Fuck, yes,” Denise said as Blake finally settled where she had wanted her. “That is perfect, baby.” Denise wrapped both hands in Blake’s hair as she started humping her fingers and face. Blake knew exactly what she was doing with her fingers because Denise was already feeling the stirrings of an orgasm. With her sucking on her clit like a starving baby, Denise knew it wouldn’t be long until the sky erupted overhead. Her hips continued to move up and down against Blake’s mouth until she felt Blake’s hand change positions slightly. Denise’s hips stopped moving, her hands tangled in Blake’s hair, and when her mouth opened to scream, no sound came at all. Eventually her throat relaxed and the scream escaped with her held breath.

Blake kept pumping her fingers into Denise but released her clit and just licked across its tip. She tilted her hand again and pressed up into Denise on every thrust. She held her fingers inside and started pumping up against her sweet spot. Denise’s hands let her hair and gripped the sheet under her. Blake watched as Denise’s head thrashed back and forth on the pillow. Her chest arched up, and she pressed down even harder on Blake’s fingers. Blake licked across the top of Denise’s clit and surrounded it with her lips as she pulled it into her mouth. Denise screamed and her hips came up off the bed. Blake used the new position and rammed her fingers up into Denise. She continued screaming and didn’t stop until her body collapsed on the bed. As Blake kissed her way up Denise, she realized that she had passed out. Blake curled up next to her and pulled her into her arms, holding her close until she came to.

“Wow,” Denise said after she woke up curled up against Blake’s chest. “That has never happened before.”

“This is a day of firsts for you, I think,” Blake said and caressed across Denise’s lower back.

“Yes, and it’s not over,” Denise said and kissed her way down Blake’s chest.

Written by leahharvey1821
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