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Brains and Brawn

"What happens when two rival sects are forced to work together under a truce?"

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There was a temporary treaty in place allowing for two rival governments to exchange people and goods in an effort to create peace. Commander Jennifer Williams didn't like it when she was asked to rescue one of Sota's medical ships from pirates. But as an Alliance marine she did what she was told, boarded the pirate vessel, and took control with a small team. Her orders were to take the pirate ship back to headquarters. There was something about it first belonging to an ally before it was stolen. It was going to take more than a week for it to arrive because the hunk of junk couldn't go faster than warp 5.

First she needed an engineer to get the pirate ship in working order after the fight. That engineer happened to be Lieutenant Samantha Singh, chief engineer aboard the Sota medical ship.

After the fighting was finished, there wasn't much for Jen to do other than oversee the repairs and lift debris out of the way. Since there was a hull breach in the engineering area, so she was there the majority of the time. She took orders from the lieutenant moving debris and monitoring functions whenever possible. She got the feeling that the Lieutenant was starting to like ordering her around.

It was one particular late night when the commander and lieutenant were the only ones left in engineering finishing the repairs.

"Well, I'm famished, I think there are still some rations in the trunk over there. Care to join me?" Samantha asked as Jen wiped the grease off her hands.

"You wouldn't happen to have bourbon stashed that trunk would you?" Jen threw the rag on the closest console and walked toward Samantha and the food trunk.

"An Alliance officer asking for alcohol? And I thought you guys were sticklers for the rules." She laughed as she handed Jen a protein ration.

"There are always exceptions for those rules." Jen sat down on the floor and leaned against a panel. "For instance, I'm on a job that doesn't require a gun. Good enough reason to drink and celebrate."

Samantha grabbed her ration and sat opposite of Jen. The room not being wide enough, both their legs over lapped, but didn't touch each other.

"I find it odd working with you. Different priorities and attitudes."

"Working with me or the Alliance?" Jen took a big bite of protein before snapping her water canteen open.

Chuckling Samantha said, "The Alliance in general. You certainly helped get the job done. How does a marine know about intake manifolds?"

"Well," Jen cleared her throat and handed her canteen to Samantha, "Some marines were raised on farms where it was typically less expensive to fix whatchamacallits yourself than to pay a licensed mechanic to come to an outer rim planet to tighten a few screws for a few thousand credits."

Smiling Samantha turned her foot to tap Jen's leg. "Those licenses are expensive. They have to pay for them somehow."

"You have a license?" Jen asked shocked.

"Yep, paid for it myself. I was raised inside the rim. I thought I was going to live forever there."

"What happened?"

"Bad luck mostly. And when things went too far, I joined Sota." Samantha sighed. "What about you? Outer rim doesn't get much attention. Why did you join the Alliance?"

"Well, they came and dropped off supplies. They had a recruiting table there as well. I wanted off the rock, so I joined. That's when I learned about long hot showers. It was amazing."

They both laughed. Samantha's foot was now resting on Jen's leg. It was rare that Jen could be this open with anyone. She wasn't going to talk about the plague that rid her of her family, but talking with Samantha was comforting.

"Speaking of I believe I've got that working on here as well, but only on deck one where the captains quarters are." She took a swig of water from the canteen. "You're going to need someone down here monitoring the systems, but I think this ship will float to point B."

"Are you volunteering?"

"I might as well be. I don't think anyone else on yours or my ship knows anything about hydraulic engines with ceramic parts."

"Well you're more than welcome to monitor the systems so I don't crash into a planet or meteor." Jen struggled to get up. It had been a long day. It reminded her of how worn out she used to be on her farm, but she quickly dismissed the memory. "I'm sure you need to grab your belongings. We'll leave at 0800."

Jen held her hand out to help Samantha to her feet. Samantha took her hand and landed closer to Jen than usually acceptable. Jen had a good five inches on Samantha that made Samantha look up at Jen. Jen's red hair was tied in a military bun and Samantha saw the deepest dark blue eyes she had ever seen. She couldn't tell from afar because of the horrible lack of light in engineering, but close up she could see, from the tiny reflection of light, that Jen was beautiful. Her body was toned for combat and it vibrated with presence. At first, Samantha was intimidated by working with her, but soon saw she was majorly attracted to her. Especially when she was bent over the intake manifold for hours on end. She couldn't get over how her pants tightened around that toned ass. It was incredibly distracting to Samantha.

Samantha, realizing she was still holding her hand, let go and stepped back. "Yes ma'm. Will be there nice and early."

Jen smiled making Samantha inhale a sharp breath. Her smile made her eyes crinkle and Samantha's heart melt. She was an Alliance marine. She heard all the horrible stories of what the Alliance had done in the badlands. But this woman took her breath away with a smile. Her brain told her it would hurt to pursue her, but her libido was telling her something radically different.

With that she turned and left engineering back to the med ship.

Jen watched her leave. Her belongings were already in the captains quarters. The captain had already ordered her to command the pirate ship back to base. It was up to Jen who she wanted on the ship and she definitely wanted the engineer who put it back together. Samantha Singh... Jen didn't think someone would ever make an effect on her.

She was one of Sota's most cherished engineers from the inner rim with the sexist accent. It was as if the words floated off her tongue. There was no way this woman was in her league. Her dark skin made her seem of Indian decent, but her accent indicated she was from northern Europe: The old United Kingdom maybe. It had been over 200 years since the arrival of other sapient species and Earth coming together as a planet rather than a bunch of individual little countries. Patriotism toward a village or a town became obsolete, especially on Earth which became the most diverse world. Jen could tell Samantha was raised wealthy by the way she carried herself. She was surprised Samantha admitted to being from the inner rim and yet she still joined Sota, known for recruiting those from the outer rim like Jen herself. There was a story there and Jen wanted to hear it.

There were a few others joining from the Alliance to help with the pirate ship. Sota's people were already done repairing their ship and were going to continue on their previous course. With any luck the ship would make it without buckling and the shower in the captains quarters would continue to have hot water.


At 0530 Jen began her exercise routine of push-ups, squats, and sit-ups. She ate a protein ration, took a shower, and dressed in her uniform. At 0645, she heard the hatch open and turned to see Samantha who had a duffel bag over her shoulder.

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, Commander. Any other arrivals yet?"

"The team from my ship won't arrive for another forty-five minutes minutes."

"Good to know. I'll be in engineering if you need me." She turned to leave.

"Samantha." She turned around. Her eyes on Jen. "Thank you for the hot shower." The effect of Samantha's eyes had some interesting effects to the inside of her stomach. Her smile even more so as her cheeks burned with blush.

"No problem. Any other problems in the captains quarters I'll attend to personally myself."

"Good to know."

" And Commander," she added, "Call me Sam. Only my father calls me Samantha."


All systems were online and ready. The helmsmen started the journey back to Alliance headquarters. Commander Jennifer Williams left the bridge to wander into the captain's quarters for extra rest. That was until there was an alarm that went off announcing someone was at the door.

"Come in."

"Commander, here is the morning report, sir."

"Thank you, Ensign. How's the ship treating you?"

"Better than expected, sir."

"That's good to know. Anything else to report?"

"Engineering is not on the report, sir. The Sota Lieutenant said she would hand it to you personally, sir."

"Thank you, Ensign. Dismissed."

"Yes, sir." This was Ensign Malone's first mission out of the academy. It was protocol to call anyone "sir", and Jen had gotten tired of correcting all the academy graduates. It was a lost cause.

After the ensign was gone, Jen touched her communicator. "Lieutenant."

"Yes, Commander."

"Is there something wrong in engineering?"

There was no response. "Lieutenant?"

The cabin doors opened and in walked the Lieutenant. She turned around and locked the doors.

"Here's your report. I thought it best that I hand it to you personally."

Suspicious, Jen took the data pad from her hands. "Why is that? Is there a malfunction?" She looked for a discrepancy.

"No, engineering is fine. What I wanted to tell you was that the Alliance has way too many rules. With Sota, everything is out in the open."

"That's because Sota is a rebel faction and not a bunch of allied human and non-human governments trying to find equilibrium." Jen continued scrolling through the engineering report.

"Maybe, but when we want to do something with another crew member, we're more than welcome to do it as long as it doesn't affect the mission."

Jen set the data pad down and moved around the captain's desk. This was something that didn't come across her priorities often. She didn't want to think who Sam would be involved with. It was a thought she wouldn't be able to shut down. She had to think of something fast. "You're not Alliance, but the rest of the crew is. Fraternization among the ship is looked down upon. I guess there's a loop hole there, but I won't look too closely as long as everyone shows up for their shift."

Sam leaned over the desk. She was wearing a loose shirt allowing Jen to see some amazing cleavage. "I guess that'll have to do, Commander."

Sam's hand went beneath Jen's chin to grab her collar and collide their lips together. Jen was unprepared for her taste. She couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was taking the initiative. It had been so long since Jen had time to find someone for herself. It was usually a strip joint followed by a lonely drunk walk home. Perhaps she'd find someone before she got drunk, but it had been a while.

Sam was amazing though. Even with a desk between them, she could feel her heat.

Letting her go, Jen backed away. "I think Ensign Davies couldn't look at anything but you this past week. It would be less of a hassle to get with her," Jen whispered as she stood up.

"But I like a challenge, and I like you. Last night just confirmed it." Her lips locked on to Jen's again, prohibiting her from replying. This time Sam's tongue traced Jen's bottom lip as she coaxed her mouth open.

Jen opened her mouth and it was a collision of lust and an opening of souls at the same time as she wrapped her arms around Sam to lift and pull her across the desk. Sam's legs were now bent under her on the desk allowing her to let go and focus on Jen's neck as she was unbuttoning the Commander's uniform.

Jen found the bottom hem of Sam's shirt and pushed it up to feel the heat from her skin. At that moment, she was happy her engineer didn't wear an official uniform. She found the clasp of clothing holding her breast together. She unhooked it and her hands wandered directly onto her chest where they immediately found a perky bud each.

With a quick movement of her hands Jen had taken off all the clothing protecting Sam's chest. She dove into her breast catching a nipple between her lips. She sucked and tongued her way around the small coin sized areola and drug her tongue to the other breast.

"Mmmm, Commander, I see you don't need a tour." Sam kissed her way to Jen's lips where she then captured her bottom lip with her teeth. It came back with a pop.

Jen smiled, "It's Jen, only my crew calls me Commander." Sam sucked Jen's earlobe.

"Does this mean I'm no longer part of your crew?" Her smile was evident.

"Well right now, you're just the woman I'm about to fuck. I'm sure you'll be part of my crew in an hour or so."

"An hour, huh? Should I charge a rate?"

"Only if you're not satisfied." With that Jen lifted Sam off the desk and carried her to the bed. She heard two thumps and could only assume Sam had kicked off her shoes.

Jen dropped her on the soft bed covers as she took off her commander's jacket. After throwing it on the chase nearby. Then she started working on the buttons of her shirt. Sam hooked her legs around Jen's as she started unbuckling Jen's belt. Jen threw her shirt and bra over her head. Her hands went over Sam's to unclasp the belt and unbutton her pants.

"That hour will be up soon, Jen, there won't be enough time for--" Jen had leaned over and placed her lips over Sam's. She quickly stepped out of her shoes and pants at the same time. Sam's arms wrapped around her their mouths moaning in unison at finding each other.

"There will be time for everything." Jen whispered as she maneuvered her hands over Sam's delicious body.

Jen quickly found her way to Sam's core. It was so wet she easily slipped a finger into her folds testing her clit.

"Oh God!" Sam moaned as Jen traced a finger inside of her. She then split her lips with two outer fingers using the middle third to massage her clit. Sam's legs did nothing but open wider.

"This is what you wanted. Damn, Sam, you really are wet." All she could do was arch her back and shake her head in agreement. Her eyes were closed as her tongue licked her lips in anticipation.

Jen clasped her lips around a nearby nipple as she still played with Sam's slick clit. Sam wiggled almost uncontrollably. Jen loosened her lips and trailed down making her way down to the hem of her pants. When her fingers left Sam she protested. "Don't stop, please."

Jen practically ripped Sam's pants off. It was time to dine. Sam was splayed out for all of her to see. Her dark caramel colored skin glowed under red light of the cabin. Her breast were swollen with kisses and her lips were plump. Her core glistened and beckoned with every pulse. Jen looked into Sam's eyes. They were primal as she looked into Jen through her lashes. What a seductress.

"Looks like you're burned into my memory. I will never look at you again without remembering this."

"Glad I could help. Now, please finish what you started before I throw you down on this bed and have my way with you."

"Yes, ma'm." Jen laid her hands on Sam's thighs and massaged them upward toward her breasts. She lowered herself and began to kiss the inside thigh where it met escaping juices. Jen could feel Sam arch and move trying to guide her, but Jen didn't want any part of that, yet. Her hands kept pulling and pinching her nipples as she kept licking all around wasting no moisture.

Sam began panting and moving her hips more. Jen couldn't take not tasting her and wrapped her arms under her legs to hold Sam's hips down. Then Jen latched on to the swollen clit before her. Her tongue looped around it and tried to push it back in as it kept slipping away.

"OH MY GOD, JEN!" Sam hands latched directly to Jen's hair. This eventually pulled her hair out of its tight bun. Sam had curled up and was hugging Jen's head to her wet pussy attempting to rock and squirm under Jen's lashing tongue and suction.

"Mhmm?" Was all Jen could say with her mouth trapped between Sam's legs. "Mmmmm."

"Ahhg, Jen!" Sam's hold grew tighter as her orgasm pulsed through her. Jen could feel the warm juices flow over her tongue. Jen slowly turned her head which loosened Sam's hold. Sam was still twitching from the aftershocks of her pleasure.

"Yeah?" Jen looked into Sam's eyes smiling as she kissed the moist swollen clit that poked out. Before Sam had any time to recover Jen took her clit into her mouth again with her thumb pressing inside that sweet wet hole.

Sam's legs spread wider and her arms were slammed on either side wrenching the sheets in her hands. Her eyes were closed and her hips started moving in rhythm again.

"Open your eyes Lieutenant, you're about to miss the best part." Jen slipped her middle finger to tease the crack.

Sam's eyes opened in almost shock. Jen wouldn't look away and bore into her eyes as she sucked on her clit. Jen stared Sam down. Their eyes in full contact. Jen could see Sam's heavy breathing and watching her heave and keep eye contact was the best sight Jen had ever seen. Her thumb was thrusting in and out of tight hot core. Her middle finger was pushing against her back entrance but not quite in the door. All it took was for Jen to start humming for Sam to cum again.

This time though, they were both surprised when Jen was squirted in the face with juice. It had hit her face and gone down her chest, but Sam was screaming so much in pleasure that Jen didn't want to let up. Sam's tensed body relaxed. Spent she raised her head to look at Jen wiping herself with a sheet.

"Wow, I'm so sorry. I had no idea...I've never done that before. I didn't think I could."

"No worries." Jen finished wiping herself off and laid beside her on the bed. "I've never made anyone do that either. I guess there's a first time for everything." Looking at Sam directly in the eye she stuck her thumb in her mouth to lick the remaining juices off.

Sam smiled and rolled over enough to throw her leg over Jen's. She reached behind and let the remaining hair still in the bun fall down. Jen's light red hair fell over her breasts to cover her tight pink nipples. Sam's fingers trailed through the mane as she pulled Jen closer. She wanted to taste herself on her new lovers lips.

Jen acquiesced and opened her mouth to allow Sam to search her with her tongue. She never knew how well she would taste in Jen's mouth.

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Sam couldn't get enough of it as she climbed on top of Jen.

"It's your turn to cum hard now. You think you're ready?"

"You keep talking, and I'm sure I'll come just from your voice." Jen reached up and kneaded Sam's perky breast being sure to squeeze a nipple between two extended fingers.

"We'll see about that." Sam dove to Jen's neck where she licked and sucked. Her hands wandered to Jen's breasts where they were pinched and tweaked her nipples. Jen's hands went around behind Sam's shoulders when Sam began to rub herself on Jen. The pressure of her thrusts on Jen's core was something Jen had never experienced. She sure as hell didn't want her to stop.

"You like that don't you?" Sam asked her breathing ragged. "Have you ever felt the pressure of another woman's pussy on yours?" Jen could do nothing, but shake her head. She held on tighter to Sam's shoulders as Sam continued to ride her.

Her voice was like velvet in her ear. The pressure at first wasn't much of anything, but the continuous tempo of her hips made it impossible to ignore as the pleasure built up. And Sam's voice in her ear vibrating through her body was almost enough to push her over. That was until Sam stopped and rearranged herself.

"Well, ma'am, you're about to find out what you've been missing in Sota," Sam said through a smile as she slid one leg beneath Jen's.

"Are you trying to recruit me?" Jen lifted herself up to suck her nipple.

"If it doesn't work, I'll try something else," Sam said in a sultry voice then glided her pussy onto Jen's. It was absolutely frictionless as both of their juices slid everything into motion. Sam continued her movement as Jen tried to meet her thrust for thrust. Sam was right on her clit making Jen moan in appreciation.

"That's what I like to hear, Alliance." Sam bit Jen's shoulder as she thrust harder against Jen's slick cunt. She reached around to grab Jen's hair making her neck exposed to more tongue lashings.

Jen cried out in pleasure and was so damn close to coming her heart out. The air around them smelled of delicious pussy. Nothing could be heard but the both of them moaning and the juicy connection of both of their clits rubbing and grinding against each other.

"One way or another, you will come to me, Jennifer Williams. You're mine, now." Sam bit her neck enough to draw a tiny bit of blood.

That was all Jen needed as she screamed her release. Her nails dug into Sam's shoulders as she held her close and moaned into Sam's warm neck.

Sam slowed her movement, but didn't stop until she felt Jen's aftershocks subside. Jen lifted her head and kissed Sam lovingly.

"Thank you, I needed that," Jen said. They were still connected. Moving seemed impossible for them both. She touched her neck to see a small smear of blood on her fingers.

"Trust me, you needed that, too," Sam smiled as she took Jen's fingers and licked them clean of the blood. "But most of all I needed you out of my system."

"Did it work?"

Sam kissed Jen's forehead and dislodged herself from Jen's hold. She fell on the bed facing Jen. She took a deep breath. "Not even close."

Jen smiled as she laid herself down beside Sam. Facing her, Jen reached over and pushed Sam's now uncontrollable hair behind her ear. "Good, because if this doesn't happen again, it's going to be a long ride to Alliance HQ."


It had been five days, but the pirate ship was still a good three days from docking at the Alliance headquarters on Earth. Jen and Sam had been seeing each other on and off. One day, Jen was called into engineering to okay some modifications being done to the core. Little did she know that Sam had cleared engineering of all workers so they could have the whole deck to themselves.

Jen had learned the hard way that balancing on top of a console was harder than imagined. Thrilling, but hard. Jen had never came so hard in her life as she did that day.

Their relationship, as politically gray as it was, felt nothing but natural. Jen knew that seeing Sam after this mission would be impossible, but she couldn't help feeling that she wanted more. They had agreed to meet up for lunch at some point on Earth, but Jen even doubted that.

Today after their quickie in Jen's quarters she told Sam that she was to immediately report to HQ for a mission after they arrived on Earth. Jen had asked to postpone the lunch indefinitely. Sam didn't show any emotion as Jen had relayed this information. Jen knew she was feeling more than just sex from Sam and knew she needed to end it. There was no protest from Sam, but Jen didn't know why Sam was avoiding her.

"That's fine, I can find something to keep me occupied until another Sota ship arrives." Sam kept her face unemotional she stroked Jen's leg in bed.

Jen couldn't get over how beautiful she was in her bed. Her dark slender legs wrapped with Jen's pale white was an awfully enticing combination. Her shoulder length dark hair would be splayed upon the pillow when Jen was on top of her. Jen's red hair would almost reach down and frame her face as she went in for the sweetest and deepest of kisses.

She knew it was getting too hot. It was probably for the best that the Alliance had called her for another mission. She didn't see the logic in postponing the inevitable, but after she said told Sam, she felt distant from her.

After a little while longer of dozing off together they both realized they needed to be at their work stations and got dressed. Sam went down to engineering for the last few routine checks before the ship docked. Jen put on her Commander's uniform and came out on the command deck.

Two days later they were an hour from the docking bay at Alliance headquarters. As happy as she should be, Jen felt nothing but dread.

"Commander, Alliance is sending out a hail."

"Open a channel."

"Alliance to the pirate ship Omega. State your purpose or be fired upon."

"This is Commander Jennifer Williams of the Alliance. We have control of the vessel. Repeat, vessel is in Alliance control. Omega is scheduled for HQ by order of Admiral Harris."

"State your clearance."

"Williams Sigma Pi Two Three Five Six."

"Permission granted, Commander. Welcome Home. Dock at bay 34. Alliance Station Out."

"Ease her in, helmsmen. Don't give them a reason to be trigger happy. Alert me when we're ten minutes out."

"Aye aye, sir."

Jen went down to engineering to make sure the docking latches were working properly. Of course she didn't need to travel down all the way to engineering. Yesterday was the only day Sam hadn't made contact with her. Not even a daily engineering report. When Jen had bumped into her in the mess hall, Jen asked if she was alright.

"I'm fine, Commander. There's a lot to check before the ship docks. Just routine checks. Nothing to stress over, ma'am."

Jen had just stepped into engineering. She saw the three workers there hustling about checking consoles. One of them saw her and yelled, "Commanding officer on deck."

All of them stopped what they were doing and faced her at attention.

"At ease, where's the Lieutenant?"

"One of the secondary hydraulics locked up, sir. She's correcting it now."

Jen went up stairs sure enough to find Sam bent over a grease fitting pounding at a hydraulic lift.

"I wasn't aware there was a problem. Is the ship prepared to dock?"

Sam straightened at her voice. Her head had a smear of black grease and her hands more so. Her shirt was tossed to the floor and all that remained was a tight black tank top. She couldn't even see the scratch marks from their earlier episode in the black gunk that covered her all the way to her shoulders.

"It's a backup system. It won't stop the ship from docking properly. I just like to be prepared. She wiped her hands on her pants.

"I wasn't notified we were having any problems."

"As I said, it's a backup system. Nothing that needs to be worried about."

"I think I need to decide what needs to be worried about on this ship, Lieutenant."

Sam's mouth tightened as she snapped her heels together and saluted.

"Aye aye, sir." She bent down and forcibly grabbed her shirt.

Jen grabbed her arm as Sam tried to walk passed her. "Dammit, Sam what the hell is going on?"

Sam swung around. "Nothing, but your protocol as usual. It's a wonder how the Alliance has gotten so far. I can't spend every five minutes updating on progress and actually get something done." She shook her arm from Jen's hold.

Jen exhaled and looked around the room to see if anyone else was there. They were alone on the second deck of engineering. "You know that's not true. This is bullshit, you know you should have contacted me about this. You're avoiding me and that's fine. Your job is to get me to point B. Remember that? Part of getting me to point B is giving me updates on the damn status of this ship."

Sam shook her head and laughed. "Fine. Your ship is ready to dock. The secondary hydraulic system is working. Your core won't explode, not that there was any chance in that in the first place."

Jen leaned back and placed her hand over her own mouth to keep from yelling. She had no idea what to say that wouldn't involve the whole engineering deck from looking. She wanted to know why Sam was avoiding her, but she didn't want to pressure her. It was this weird battle between protecting her privacy and curiosity. She was feeling more and more for Sam than she did for anyone in her life. She needed to let her go. Jen knew it was for the best.

Sam asked in a curt tone, "Am I dismissed, Commander?"

Jen closed her mouth and nodded. Sam turned on her heel and left.

"Commander," Ensign Malone called through the communicator.

"Yes, Ensign?"

"The admiral has a priority one message."

"Patch it through my cabin."

"Patching it through the cabin, sir."

Jen reached her cabin and went around the desk to turn on the monitor.

"Yes Admiral?"

"Commander, I understand you have a Sota officer on your ship."

"Yes, Lieutenant Samantha Singh, is there something I can help you with, sir?"

The Admiral's brow grew heavy as his voice became more authoritative. "Tensions have been rising between the Alliance and Sota despite the treaty. Threats have been made behind closed doors with the higher ups. Nothing tangible, yet. We suspect something is brewing. Has the behavior with the Lieutenant changed?"

"The Lieutenant has been nothing but helpful, sir. To be honest, she's the best engineer I've seen in a while. I don't know anyone else who could have done what she did in the time given."

"That's good to hear, Commander. I want you to be aware that Sota could be communicating with her. With you just half an hour away from docking at HQ, I want you to be on your guard."

"Always, sir."

"Harris Out."

The communication link died and the monitor went black. Jen saw the reflection of herself. She looked concerned. She felt concerned. Her heart was heavy. Was Samantha's behavior due to a message that was sent to her from Sota?

She needed answers now.

"Lieutenant Singh," she called through her communicator.

"Yes, Commander?"

"I need to see you in my quarters."

There was a pause.

"I'll be right there, ma'am."

A few minutes later the alert sounded indicating someone was on the other side of the door.

Jen stood behind her desk.

"Come in."

Sam stepped inside the room and stood at attention as the doors closed behind her.

"Sit down, Lieutenant."

"I'd rather stand, Commander." There was a staring contest between the two of them. A play for dominance was being made. Jen finally stepped in front of her desk.

"Fine I'll cut the bullshit. Did you receive a communiqué from Sota?" Sam's eyes furrowed, but remained standing at attention.

"No, ma'am."

"Then why did I just get a warning that a threat has been made against the Alliance headquarters?"

Looking straight ahead Samantha said, "I have no idea, ma'am. I know of no such threat against the Alliance, ma'am."

Jen stood in front of Samantha. She wanted to touch her so badly, but she knew it wouldn't end well. She needed to calm Samantha down.

"Speak freely, Lieutenant Singh. Why did I get a warning that you were the one the Alliance is worried about?"

"I don't know of any plans made against the Alliance, Commander."

"What are your plans once we reach Earth?"

"With all due respect, they're no concerns of the Alliance, ma'am." Jen turned around and hit a wall. The metal surface rang throughout the room and Samantha winced.

Jen turned around and walked until she was inches from Sam's face. "Dammit, Sam, I'm trying to help you."

"I don't need saving, Commander."

Jen stepped back and rubbed her face into both of her hands. She took deep breaths.

"Whatever I did to make you angry, I'm sorry. We can ignore this last week like it never happened, but I need to know if you're a threat."

For the first time, Sam showed emotion. Her had went to Jen's arm. "Do you think I'm a threat?"

Jen searched her face. "A couple of days ago, I would have said no, but you've changed Sam. For a reason that you won't share, you've changed and I can't trust you."

Sam's face showed pain as she let go of Jen's arm. "I have an appointment with the Shodain Ambassador. I'm to relay a message of peace and not of violence. Sota doesn't feel welcome on Earth and for good reason. Hopefully with my message the Ambassador will help."

Jen turned back to her desk and sat down in the chair behind it. She slumped over the desk and rubbed her forehead. "Fine. Thanks for telling me. I'll tell the Admiral you're clean. Dissmised."

Sam took one step toward the desk. "As for me avoiding you..." Jen slowly looked up to meet Sam's eyes. "I felt we needed space."


"You said it yourself, up until a couple of days ago, we were inseparable. It wasn't going to continue on Earth. You were going to join back up with your captain, and I was on the next Sota ship back into the traverse. I just felt like I needed some time away from the heat."

Sam looked up and rubbed her sweaty palms on her pants. This wasn't easy for Sam. She had never felt this way about anyone. Not since Sahiem, her late husband. It scared her to no end. It had been 6 years and she was still mourning for him. How could she find love so soon? She didn't really know the commander, but these feelings were irrefutable. A week of the most wonderful sex couldn't not equal love. Yet, Sam was substantially hurt when Jen said she couldn't trust her. Who was she lying to? It wasn't just sex. Sex doesn't include the feeling of protection she had for Jen or the wanting of her scent. Sam felt they had marked each other more ways than one, but she didn't want to admit it. It was still too soon for her.

"I'm not one for half-pregnant answers, Sam." Jen's head was resting on her fist. Her eyes were tired, but tracing hers for an answer Sam was unsure she could give her.

Sam looked around and made her way to the chair in front of the desk. She sat down her head staring at her feet. She took a deep breath asking for courage. Then she lifted her head and looked at Jen straight in the eye.

"Do you remember Hiroden?"

Picking her head up, Jen said, "Third human colony founded in the inner rim."

"Yes. Helix had a plantation there. My family had moved there. Helix wanted them to run the colony."

Jen's eyes widened. "Your family was one of its partners?"

"Yes and no." Sam's brow crinkled in consideration, "It's complicated, but essentially my father had a high position in the company." She took a breath. She curled a long dark strand of her hair behind her ear which Jen noticed she did when she was nervous. "I spent my teenage years there. Fixed what I could get my hands on. I eventually married a man named Sahiem." She looked at Jen for a moment before continuing. "We had a happy life. He was a project manager for Helix, but not working under my father. Sahiem hired me for some mechanical work. My father had no control over him and that's really why I liked Sahiem" Her voice trailed off. She cleared her throat. "There was a house, a dog, and possible children in the future. But an unfortunate accident killed almost everyone."

"The explosion," Jen said remembering the news feeds. Sam nodded and sniffed obviously holding back tears.

"It took everyone I had in my life. My mother and sister were at home, but my sister ran away and my mom just sat there and died... She wouldn't allow me to do anything. I...I...didn't know what to do."

Jen went around the desk and kneeled before Samantha and placed hands on her shoulders. Sam leaned over and buried her face into Jen's hair. After a few minutes, Sam leaned back. Jen didn't lose contact with her.

"I've never told anyone. I swear, I never cry." Jen stood up and gently kissed each tear stained cheek. Then Jen kneeled down and looked up at Sam.

"If you let me, I want to be your friend, no matter what side we're on. You're not going to lose me."

"What happens if the Alliance goes to war with Sota?"

"Then I guess you and me will be the last ones standing; the last ones to fight one another." Jen grinned.

"That is unless you just want to call a truce." Sam laughed as she brushed a tear away. "I could never hurt you, Jen." It was the most sincere thing someone had ever told her.

Jen pulled Sam up. Sam wrapped her hands around Jen's neck and they both leaned in for a kiss. First it was very gentle. Jen could feel every curve of Samantha's body infused on hers as she pulled Sam's hips tighter against hers. Jen deepened the kiss by leaning forward pushing Sam's breast into her chest. Their tongues began a dance as old as time as Sam's hands tightened on Jen's shoulders reminding Jen of her healing scars from their last episode.

"Commander." Jen's communicator went off.

Sam stepped back ending the kiss and leaving Jen completely.

"Yes, Ensign?"

"We'll be docking in ten minutes."

"Thanks for the update. Williams out." Jen licked her lips and smiled at Sam.

"We're still on for lunch right?" Sam asked her hands in her back pockets biting her lip shyly.

"You're damn right, Lieutenant."

Smiling Sam turned around and headed out the door.

Jen couldn't stop smiling. She had her girl back.

Written by skizzor90
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