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Beach House

"Woman falls in love at the beach"

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I sat atop a sand dune and stared, mesmerized, out over a calm sea. The sun, having risen a couple hours before, hung low in the sky. On the water, little ripples from a gentle breeze reflected the intense sunlight, creating thousands of bright dazzling diamonds on the ocean's surface. Though it was still morning, it was uncomfortably warm already. I felt little beads of sweat forming on my brow, then trickling down my nose to hang suspended momentarily from the tip. I stuck out my tongue and caught a salty drop. It promised to be another very hot day.

As I sat brooding over the rotten year I'd just been through with the collapse of my business and my longing to fill the empty place in my heart, I resolved to focus on the positive aspects of my life, rather than dwell on the negative. Then I noticed a shape, long and dark, floating just beyond the gracefully curling breakers that rumbled when they broke. I squinted and wondered, was it a log? That is, until it stood up and strode steadily through the water toward the beach. 

The girl was tall and slender with long blond hair. It was wet and streaming down over her shoulder and chest, partially obscuring one perfectly proportioned breast. The other breast, naked and proud, shimmied like a bowl of pudding and bounced as she walked toward me. It occurred to me that she was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. I felt my heart racing in my chest and butterflies forming in my belly.

As she neared, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. I was staring, rather impolitely I'm afraid.

"Sorry, I know it's not officially a nude beach… hope I haven’t offended," the girl said as she retrieved her beach towel from where she'd left it; just a few feet from where I sat.

"Oh god no, not at all … I should be the one apologizing for staring, but you're just so beautiful, I couldn't help myself," I confessed.

"Oh my, why thank you," she said as she bent forward, her breasts swaying seductively; her nipples clearly hard and distended. She gathered her long hair in the towel and wrapped it, turban-like, on top of her head, then straightened up.

"Say, would you like to have a cup of tea with me? That's my place just there," I asked, indicating the bungalow behind us and just on the other side of the dunes. Oddly, I felt like I couldn’t let her get away from me; I longed to get to know her. I stood and brushed the sand off my bikini-clad bottom.

"Sure, how could I refuse after being called beautiful… which I'm not, by the way," she responded with a chuckle. 

She grabbed her beach tote and pulled out a short white cover-up which she threw on before following me up the sandy path that wound between swaying clumps of sea oats to where the boardwalk terminated. The cover-up barely hid her nudity since it was made of a thin gauze-like material; her dark areolas were obvious through the translucent material. I found the look to be rather erotic.

When we reached the boardwalk, she paused and extracted an old pair of flip-flops from her tote and tossed them on the gray weathered boards before slipping them onto her feet.

"Good idea, don't want splinters," I said, "I'm Marcie, by the way."

"Sienna," she replied.

"Oh my, what a beautiful name," I told her as we walked the short distance to my place.

"My mom was an artist … named all us kids after colors," she said as we walked across the back deck of my beach house.

I pulled the sliding glass door open and ushered Sienna inside my little beach cottage. 

"Oh what a lovely place," Sienna told me.

"Thanks. I'll put the kettle on … it'll only take a minute," I said.

"How long are you here for?" she asked.

"Just two weeks, then I have renters taking it for most of the rest of the summer," I explained.

"Oh … so you own the cottage, then," she said.

"Yep, I've been coming here every summer since I was three or four years old. This place has a lot of memories for me. When my parents died in a car crash a couple years ago, my sister and I inherited it," I explained.

"So sorry about your parents," she said as the kettle began to sing.

"One second," I said as I went to the kitchenette to make the tea.

I came back carrying a tray with two cups, milk and sugar, and a plate of ginger cookies.

"So sad when parents die too young, my dad died of a heart attack when I was in middle school. I hardly remember him. At least you've got your sister; I'm an only child," Sienna told me.

"Please, don't remind me," I responded.

"You two don't get along?" Sienna asked.

"I love her, but she's totally irresponsible. She's never lifted a finger to help out with this place, but insists on taking it four weeks a year … rent-free. Without the rentals, we couldn't afford to keep this cottage. It barely breaks even, as it is," I said.

"So, I take it that you live near here," she said.

"Yes, about forty minutes away. How about you? Are you local?" I said.

"No, I live in Dallas. I recently moved there for a job. Still, it's not too long of a drive to come down here to Galveston; just a few hours," Sienna told me.

"What sort of work do you do?" I asked.

"I'm a pilot. I fly corporate jets for a charter company. I'm Gulfstream and Embraer qualified," she said.

"Oh wow, that sounds exciting," I said, genuinely impressed.

"I'm away from home a lot, which is about as exciting as being a cross-country truck driver," she replied. "Makes relationships difficult, too much time to play while the cat's away. Meow."

"Oh, sorry… don't know what to say…" I stammered.

"I'm better off without her anyway - it was almost a year ago, I'm over it now. But, enough of me whining, what do you do for a living?" she asked.

"Up until covid hit, I had a pretty good massage therapy practice going. Then it just withered and died with the pandemic. It's starting to come back now, but nowhere near what it was before," I explained.

"Oh damn, I wish I lived closer, I'd be your best client… I just adore having a good massage," she said. "I'm very outdoorsy. I love running and hiking and swimming… if it's outdoors, I'm in. But as a consequence, I get a lot of sore muscles."

"Well, how long are you down here for? I've got my table and oils in the trunk of my car. 'Have table, will travel' is my credo," I said.

"Oh, that’s clever," Sienna said with a chuckle.

"But not original. It's a take off on 'Have Gun, Will Travel' - an old TV show from the fifties about a gunslinger for hire, named Paladin, in the old West. It was one of my dad's favorite old shows and I used to watch reruns of it with him when I was a kid. My sister hated it. But I loved the alone time with my dad … and without my sister," I told Sienna.

"Oh, how sweet," Sienna said, "but, yes, I would love a massage, if you have time. Sitting in a cockpit for hours on end, constantly alert, tends to make one a bit tense."

"Just let me know when, I have no plans all week beyond sunbathing and swimming," I said.

"Perhaps this afternoon? I was going to run to the grocery store this morning," she suggested.

"Let's say you come over here at four. I'll cook you dinner after if you bring the wine," I said.

"It's a deal," she responded.

We kept talking while sipping our tea and we got to know one another a little better. I commiserated with her about her recent breakup from a long-term relationship. We compared likes and dislikes, covering everything from music to favorite desserts until Sienna had to leave to do her shopping.

"Okay, see you at four, Marcie," she said as she left.

I spent the rest of the day getting ready; setting up my portable table and putting out towels and scented candles. I was terribly excited at the prospect of seeing Sienna again. I'd taken an instant liking to her. She made me feel, well, funny; gave me butterflies in my tummy, if you know what I mean. It had been a long time since I’d been in a meaningful relationship. I missed affection, both giving and receiving. I missed feeling butterflies and being all flustered because I really really wanted to see someone again. Just like I felt with her.

So, all through the day, I couldn’t help thinking about seeing Sienna. I sort of even felt a little guilty because I kept recalling her naked from when she'd walked up out of the surf that morning; visualizing her perfect breasts, her flat tummy, the cleft of her smooth-shaven sex. 

As a massage therapist, I'm pretty much used to seeing naked people, but there was something about Sienna that got my juices flowing… quite literally. I was wet most of the day just thinking about her.

By the time four o'clock rolled around, I was acting like a giddy schoolgirl going on her first date. But there was something else going on, something subtle… a sense of hopefulness was lurking in my brain.

When I heard a tapping on my sliding glass door, I gasped. She's here, I thought.

"Come on in, it's not locked," I yelled from my kitchenette. I scooped up the mushrooms I'd been chopping and dumped them in the red sauce I had simmering on the stove.

"Ouuu, something smells good," Sienna said as she walked in. She set her tote on the countertop and extracted two bottles of wine.

"I hope red is okay," she said.

"Perfect, it's just gonna be pasta and salad later, maybe some garlic bread, too, nothing fancy," I said.

I stepped around the breakfast bar and gave Sienna a girlfriend hug, but chaste as the hug was, it still sent my heart racing and initiated more tingling in my tummy. 

"You look lovely, I like your dress," I told her.

She wore a simple short sundress with spaghetti straps and a deep vee neckline. It was white with little sunflowers all over it.

I was in my massage togs, black lycra shorts, and cerulean blue cami.

"I've got everything set up in the den. If you want to get started. We can just let the sauce simmer until we’re ready to eat," I said, and led her down a short hallway. "Right in here."

"Oh, this is lovely," she said. "Umm, I love the Jasmine scent." Just before Sienna had arrived, I'd lit a bunch of scented candles that I had placed around the otherwise dimly lit room.

My massage table was set up in the middle of the small room. I had a stack of towels on a credenza along one wall, with my massage oil in a pump bottle next to them. 

"You can hang your dress from the hook on the back of the door. And you can leave your underwear on, or not… your choice," I said as I started in on my pre-massage instructions that I recite for every client.

"I never wear undies, but that's okay cause you saw me naked this morning," she said with a smile and a bit of a laugh. 

My heart leapt in my throat, but I tried to retain my 'cool'… to no avail. My hands were trembling slightly like a nervous school girl and those damned butterflies were acting up in my tummy again.

"Oh… uhh, okay then," I said, and was about to offer to step outside while she undressed like I always did with my clients. But she just pulled her dress up and over her head and hung it on the back of the door. Sure enough, she was totally naked.

"Where do you want me?" she asked.

In my bed, I thought, then mentally shook off the thought.

"Lying on your tummy to start," I told her.

As she climbed onto the table, I turned on my massage music. A piece that I also use for meditation. It has a hypnotic rhythm, and flutes (or maybe pan pipes, I was never sure which), plus, the sound of rainfall in the background - very relaxing.

When she was situated, I began by putting her beautiful long hair up with a Scuncii to keep it from getting all oily and sticking to her body. Then I gently massaged her scalp before putting oil on my hands. Next, I pumped some oil into the palm of my hand and rubbed it between my hands to warm it. Nothing worse than having cold massage oil squirted on your back.

I started on her neck and shoulders, eliciting soft moans and groans that I took as approval. 

"You've got a lot of pent-up tension in your muscles," I told her as I worked my way down her back and over her shoulder blades.

"Oh Marcie, that feels so good," she said softly.

I continued moving down her back and eventually, I reached her luscious ass cheeks. I felt her quiver a little as I kneaded the big muscles in each cheek. Next, I moved down to her feet. When I rubbed her arches, I learned she was ticklish. 

"Sorry," I said when she squealed and jerked her foot away. But I wasn’t sorry. It gave me a little thrill to see her squirm. I have a little bit of an evil streak in me, I guess.

I moved upward and attacked her calf muscles. I got more moans of pleasure and I could tell the tension was releasing. When I started on the backs of her thighs, she started moaning in earnest. 

“Oh my god, I didn’t realize how sore my legs are. Oh, that feels marvelous,” she said through her moans.

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I worked my hands up the backs of her legs, letting my hands almost act like squeegees, pressing hard and pushing them up over the slick oiled skin of her thighs. When I’d reach the top of her thigh, at her butt cheeks, I would then shift my hands to the sides (inside and outside) of her leg and pull down while squeezing and kneading the muscles.

Her moans increased. 

The only problem with this part of the massage (if you could even call it a “problem”) is that you’re very near the client’s pussy (in fact, since she opted to be naked, I couldn't help but see what a beautiful pussy she had). So, I’m often unsure, at this juncture, if the moans I’m hearing are from sore muscles… or something else, shall we say.

Fortunately, Sienna clarified that for me.

“Oh Marcie… that feels so wonderful… it's… ahhh, getting me really aroused.”

“Oh my god… so, so sorry…” I stammered.

“Oh no, it's a good thing… I’m loving every second. It's just that it's been so long since I broke up with Gale, and I haven’t been with anyone since,” she said, her voice trailing off as she squealed with delight. I’d just run my fingers up between her dripping wet labia since she'd just made it clear that’s what she desired… and so did I.

“I hope you’re okay doing this with another girl…” she said.

“Let me show you how okay I am with it… and you…” I said as my middle finger slowly entered her vagina.

“Oh fuck yes!” She squealed.

My heart was racing. I felt it thumping wildly in my chest. My own pussy was burning with desire for Sienna. But most of all, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy that I was giving her so much pleasure. And Sienna was responding by writhing and twisting and lifting her hips off the table as she sought deeper penetration.

"Fuck me, Marcie! Harder! Hurt me… fuck me… fuck me!" She screamed as I added a second finger inside her and drove them both in deep until I felt her cervix.

Then I began pumping in and out. Slowly at first, but quickly adding speed until my fingers were pistoning as fast as I could make them go. Her juices were flying through the air and wet slurping noises were mixed with the mewling and moaning sounds from her throat as she was overtaken by a powerful orgasm. I felt her vaginal muscles rhythmically clapping down on my fingers inside her as she was carried off to some surreal mystical place of orgasmic bliss.

When I sensed she had plateaued, I gradually backed off to just slowly stroking her internally. Creamy white secretions oozed from her and coated my fingers and hand. I leaned forward and licked up the thick fluid as I withdrew my fingers. It tasted so sweet. 

Then my tongue connected with Sienna's clit and she screamed as her whole body shuddered from my tongue swirling around her now ultrasensitive swollen nub.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck… " she incanted.

I was pretty sure she quickly had another, perhaps lesser, orgasm from my oral ministrations. 

"God Marcie, how can I ever thank you enough? This is wonderful!" she told me.

"Just seeing and hearing you enjoy it so much is reward enough for me …makes my heart glad," I told her as I beamed a big smile at her.

"Could I make a request, at the risk of sounding greedy?" she asked somewhat shyly.

"Sure, what is it, honey?" I said.

"I'd really love to taste your pussy," Sienna said.

"Ouuu yes, I'd love that, too. Though, can I suggest we go to my bedroom? It will be a lot more comfortable than this little table," I said.

With that, I helped Sienna get up. Her legs were a bit wobbly, and I led her to my bedroom.

I felt hands lift my cami top up over my head. As I turned to face Sienna, her lips connected with my naked breast, her tongue lashing my sensitive nipple. 

"Ouuu, yes… god, I love that," I sighed as Sienna gently shoved me onto my bed. 

Her fingers tugged my yoga shorts down my legs. They were drenched at the crotch from my juices. As I hadn’t worn panties, I was rendered naked.

Sienna pushed my thighs apart and she wasted no time burying her face in my wet pussy. Her tongue immediately sent electricity flashing through my entire body. My tummy muscles tightened and I squealed. Loudly.

"Ohhh Marcie, your pussy is beautiful. I love your large lips. I love the heady musky fragrance of you, and your taste is divine," she said, then returned to lapping at my hot eager cunt; her teeth tugging at my swollen labia.

Molten fire was spreading out from my core and permeating my entire being. I grasped handfuls of duvet and thrashed under Sienna's skillful onslaught, screaming my joy. I felt her penetrate my vagina, curling one or more fingers against my magic spot. I felt her massaging me now, only it was internally. She found my g-spot and was playing me like a finely tuned instrument. I was completely out of control as she continued her exquisite torture. I was drowning in sublime pleasure and sensing I was about to be washed away as my orgasm quickly broke over me. My vaginal muscles clamped hard on Sienna's fingers and began clenching rhythmically in sync with the contractions of my tummy muscles. My whole body convulsed and contorted in my delirium. Mewling sounds escaped my throat as she mercilessly continued to fuck my burning cunt.

"Cum for me, honey," she said as she pumped her fingers in and out of me.

"Fist me… fucking god please… fist me!"

I felt pressure on my cunt, then felt immense pleasure from being stretched to the max. I relished being completely filled as her fist slowly sank into my body. I think I swooned. I know I had another glorious climax as she furiously pumped her fist in and out of my vagina. 

During that fisting orgasm, I screamed and screamed, then I panted like a dog as Sienna ravished my pussy, bottoming out in my cunt over and over again.

"Hurt me, hurt me," I yelled. I glimpsed Sienna's slender arm sink into me halfway up to her elbow, then withdraw and slam into my cunt all over again. She was panting along with me but from exertion as she rammed her fist deep inside me.

At some point, I quite literally passed out. She told me later that my eyes rolled back in my head and I just went limp. She related that she was getting concerned, fearing she may have hurt me when I suddenly came around. Relieved, Sienna said that she slowly withdrew her fist and then cleaned my pussy with her mouth and tongue, giving me numerous little aftershock orgasms. 

After some lengthy recovery period, I finally spoke.

"Oh my fucking god, Sienna, I think I love you! I've never experienced anything like that in my entire life. Thank you so much," I said, then I reached up and pulled her to me and kissed her passionately. 

"I want you to spend the night with me, please…" I pleaded.

"I'd love to, if for no other reason than to just watch your climax again. That was awesome," she said admiringly.

"Wow, I know what you mean, I still can't believe it and I am the one who experienced it," I said with a giggle. "Why don't we have a shower, then get dinner? Oh, and sorry…"


"For not finishing your massage," I said and laughed.

In the shower, I knelt between Sienna's legs and gave her another nice orgasm, licking her clit while pumping my fingers into her eager pussy. We quit the shower when the hot water started turning cold.

We dried each other but shunned clothes and spent the rest of the evening naked together.

I boiled water for pasta, then set the table while we waited for the noodles to cook. Sienna poured us wine. As we worked in the kitchen, we each kept stealing kisses or fondling the other's breasts or ass checks. I got goosebumps when she kissed the back of my neck or gently blew in my ear and I felt her tongue swirling in it.

During dinner, we kept exchanging kisses. We held hands, squeezed each other's thighs. We couldn’t get enough of each other.

"God, I'm so happy I ran into you this morning," I told her as we finished eating. "Sorry I didn't make dessert."

"That's okay," she replied, then leaned in and kissed me, making me weak in the knees again. "Your kisses are sweet enough." 

I realized then I was falling for that marvelous woman. She made my heart ache … in a good way. I just wanted to be with her, to become attached at the hip, as they say.

We cleaned up from dinner, poured more wine, then retired to the back deck overlooking the beach. It was full dark but the rising moon eerily illuminated the ocean and the surf. A nice breeze blew off the water. We sat side by side, each with one arm around the other, and a glass of wine in the other hand.

"You said something earlier, after your super orgasm, I was wondering if you really meant it," Sienna asked somewhat timidly.

"When I said 'I love you'?"


"In truth … yes, I am falling for you," I admitted.

"I was hoping." Then she kissed me again. A very long and tender kiss.

"I'm falling in love with you, too," she whispered.

We sat in silence, arms around each other, lost in our thoughts and emotions.

"I'm not sure how it can work with me hours away in Dallas," she said eventually.

I thought for a bit, then responded.

"Have table… can relocate," I said, my voice quivering slightly.

"Really? Oh my god, Marcie, you'd really do that?" 

"If you'll give me room and board until I can get my massage business up and running in Dallas, yes."

"Oh you know I will, I'm so happy, Marcie!" Sienna said and hugged me, squeezing so tight I could scarcely breathe.

We were both still naked and I realised it was getting chilly.

"Let's go to bed early," I suggested. And so we did.

We made love, slept, woke in the middle of the night, and made love again. We made love in the morning when we woke up, then luxuriated in the shower before breakfast.

That was pretty much how we spent the rest of our time together at the beach. She effectively moved in with me and we were inseparable. We went shopping together, swam, sunbathed, played mini golf, made love multiple times every day… did everything together. All the while, dreading the day she'd have to leave to drive back to Dallas.

On the day she had to leave, we cried and hugged a lot.

"I should be up in Dallas by the end of the month," I assured her over lunch. "I just have to put my place up for sale, and get my sister to step up and take care of the beach house."

"Do you think she will?"

"Hmmm… let's just see, I'll call her right now," I told Sienna. And I did.

"Hey Sis, it's me… yep, I'm good, wonderful, in fact, that's why I'm calling… I met someone, someone really special and I'm moving to Dallas… yes, I said Dallas… by the end of the month… her name is Sienna… yes, she's a girl… well I didn't know either until I fell in love with her… you're going to have to take over looking after the beach house… well, if you can't or won't, then, we'll have to sell it… I don't want to sell it either… well, think about it, we can talk more later, right now I've got to see Sienna off, she's driving back up to Dallas tonight… love you too, Sis, bye."

"There, done," I told Sienna, "Hey, why are you crying?"

"Cause that just made it real, listening to you tell your sister. I guess in the back of my mind I've been doubting this is real, figuring maybe you'd never show up or back out for some reason."

"Sienna, listen to me. I've fallen so deeply in love with you that I want to be with you always, through thick and thin, in fact, I want to marry you… if you'll have me."

"Oh my god, Marcie, did you just propose?" Sienna said, more tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Yes, my love, I did, I want to be with you always," I assured her.

Sienna wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my neck.

"Yes, yes, I'll marry you," came her muffled reply. Then we kissed passionately for a very long time.

I was worried about her driving for four hours in her current emotional state, but she assured me that once behind the wheel of her car, it was like being in the cockpit of a jet - she'd be in pilot mode. Miss Cool, Calm and Collected. 

So she drove back and five weeks later, I moved in with her in Dallas. 

A few months later, she had to fly a charter to Mallorca and she asked permission for me to hitch a ride so we could get married on the beach there during a three-day layover while she waited for the client’s return trip.

My sister grumbled at the expense, but she flew in to be there and be my bridesmaid. Sis stayed two weeks and made a holiday out of the trip. Sienna and I, of course, had to return when the charter clients were ready to return to the States. 


My wife (oh how I love saying that) and I intend to go down every summer to our beach house for a vacation and to celebrate the miracle of our meeting.

Written by Joan658
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