My husband gingerly picked up the small book, as if he feared touching it might contaminate him. Sitting to the side of his desk, I looked from the book's obscene cover to Jacob's face, wondering if I would discern more than blatant disgust in his eyes. He wasn't always so proper, I reminded myself. Before we were married, he was quite persuasive in convincing me to try all sorts of filthy acts, both in bed and out.
But now, Jacob was the pastor of a church, and I played my role as his prim, dutiful wife.
Sitting before the desk in Jacob's private office was a couple in their early twenties. At that moment, John appeared livid, his cheeks flushed and his jaw clenched. Beside him was his wife, Rue, who looked as though she wanted to crawl off somewhere to hide.
"That is a wicked thing!" John bellowed while jabbing a finger at the book Jacob held. My husband's eyes widened a little as he flipped through the glossy pages, making sure not to linger on any one for too long. A few furtive glances let me know it was a collection of erotic photos. From what I could tell, the racy pictures featured only women.
Making no effort to conceal his distaste, Jacob closed the book and deposited it into a desk drawer. "I'll dispose of that later," he told the couple.
John glared at Rue as he said, "How am I supposed to trust my wife now? We've been married only a year, and I'm already finding that sort of filth stashed away in my house!"
Rue dared to meet my eyes, and I gave her a faint smile. Though I was well into my thirties, I easily remembered being her age. I remembered my own curiosity, not only about sex, but also about the world beyond this small town. I put that curiosity aside when Jacob, whom I would soon marry, announced that he had been called by God to serve as a minister. Needless to say, I was shocked by this epiphany on his part, but out of love for the man, I vowed to support him.
My stare settled on John, who continued to berate his wife. I could only imagine how difficult it must be for Rue to be married to him. What kind of man came across a book of erotic photography and decided to run to his pastor about it? My lip curled in disgust for a few seconds before I managed a more neutral expression.
"She won't even tell me where she got it!" John said. He had a way of addressing only my husband; it was as if Rue and I didn't exist. "I found it hidden in a dresser, beneath several of her sweaters."
I opened my mouth to ask why he was rummaging through his wife's things, then wisely subdued the urge. Due to the delicate nature of this discussion, Jacob had asked me to attend this meeting with the young couple, and I didn't want to make him regret that.
My husband stroked his dark beard, his hazel eyes contemplative as he regarded the couple. John's expression was still sour. He was a burly man, his blond hair even lighter from the summer sun. Rue had pinned her long auburn hair back with two barrettes. Her dress, with its modest hem and high collar, bordered on old-fashioned. It was hard to imagine the young woman being captivated by such a book as the one her husband found.
When Jacob began speaking to Rue, his tone was gentle. "You know it's sinful, and a betrayal of your husband, to view this kind of material, don't you?"
Rue wiped away several tears while nodding vehemently. "Yes, Reverend. I'm so sorry."
"Where did you get it?" John hissed.
Jacob held up a hand. "That's not important. What we need to realize is that Rue is remorseful, and she'll make every effort to be a better wife to you in the future."
Again, Rue's eyes met mine. I offered another smile, this one warm and encouraging, for I well understood how humiliating this was for her. Jacob must have noticed our silent exchange. Gesturing to me, he went on in that same soothing voice. "Rue, if you ever feel the temptation to engage in lustful thoughts or acts, you can always turn to my wife for support. Priscilla knows none of us is without sin, and she would gladly pray with you."
"Absolutely," I quickly chimed in.
Rue mouthed a "thank you" before lowering her stare to her hands clasped in her lap.
"You should ask her if she's a lesbian!" John snapped. "Maybe you noticed there weren't any men in that dirty book of hers."
"I'm not!" Rue insisted through more tears.
Jacob released a barely audible sigh. "John, do you and your wife have marital relations on a regular basis?"
John pulled at the collar of his shirt, obviously uncomfortable. Yet he replied, "Almost every day."
Turning back to Rue, Jacob asked, "And you enjoy being intimate with John, don't you?"
"Very much." Tentatively, Rue reached for John's hand, and he allowed her to take it.
Jacob gave them both an approving smile. "Then I highly doubt Rue is a lesbian, John. My guess is that she was merely curious about those pictures. Perhaps she wanted to learn more about her own body?"
Seeing an out, Rue quickly took it. "That's exactly what it was, Reverend!"
Observing their discussion, I tried not to squirm in my chair. As gentle as Jacob's tone was, I didn't think it was fair that Rue be humbled in such a way before her husband. She had to grovel for the man's forgiveness.
I was relieved when Jacob finally suggested that we pray together. In his prayer, he emphasized the need for a wife to submit to her husband, and for a husband to cherish his wife. He also spoke of forgiving past transgressions. Once the prayer ended, the couple rose from their chairs. Approaching Rue, I held out my arms, and she readily stepped into my embrace. I could feel her trembling.
"I'm always here if you need a friend," I whispered.
She gazed up at me, her large blue eyes full of gratitude. "Thank you so much, Priscilla."
As the couple left Jacob's private office, I sensed that John's hostility had significantly diminished. At least we'd been able to help Rue that much, I told myself. After closing the door behind them, I turned to my husband, who stood nearby.
"I must admit," he said, "I never anticipated a problem of that kind arising between a couple in my congregation! If anything, the roles would typically be reversed, with Rue finding a dirty book that John had hidden away."
"You handled it perfectly," I assured him, "and I think the way you ministered to them will do much good."
Those words brought a smile to Jacob's face. "I'm glad you were with me today. And every day, I'm thankful to have such a beautiful and supportive wife."
It was true, I did look the part of a devoted wife. My light brown hair was neatly drawn back from my face, and my makeup was appropriately subtle. I easily discerned the way Jacob's stare grew hotter as it moved over me. "You look divine in that dress, Priscilla." The corner of his mouth lifted in a wry smile. "The hem's a little short, though."
Glancing down at my blue dress, I feigned indignation. "That's the style now!"
Jacob drew me to him, then planted a kiss on my lips. "I didn't say I minded," he told me in a low voice. "It's just that you need to serve as a good example for the other women."
My smile tightened a little even as I replied, "Of course."
Maybe it was at that moment when my own sinful thoughts began to consume me. By the following afternoon, I'd decided I would pay a visit to Rue at her home. I arrived in her quiet neighborhood around two, when I was sure John wouldn't be home for several more hours. The early fall day held a pleasant breeze, and I noticed several windows of the house were open to let in the fresh air.
Rue couldn't hide her surprise upon answering my knock. While I wore a stylish red dress, just as short as the one I'd had on in Jacob's office, Rue was adorned in a faded housedress. "Priscilla!" she cried, then quickly looked down at herself. "I wasn't expecting company."
"I'm so sorry to stop by uninvited," I said. "If it's a bad time—"
"Oh, not at all!" She held open the door and gestured me inside. "Please come in."
The house was humble and tidy, not all that much different from the parsonage where I lived with Jacob. While I sat at the kitchen table, Rue dashed around, making a fresh pot of coffee and placing cookies on a plate.
"You really don't need to go to all this trouble," I said.
"I don't mind at all! It's not often I have visitors." When the young woman sat down across from me, I knew she was nervous. Attempting to put her at ease, I initially made small talk about goings on at church and in town. I helped myself to a chocolate chip cookie and complimented her baking skills. With each bit of praise I bestowed on Rue, her eyes grew brighter, her face more open.
Once she was plenty relaxed in my presence, I covered her hand with mine. "I want to say how sorry I am for what you went through yesterday, Rue."
Those words made her face darken. "I'm just so ashamed," she whispered. "I found that book during a recent visit to my older sister's home. I was looking for some aspirin in her nightstand drawer, and I came across it hidden there. She's been married for years, and she and her husband both seem so happy. Happier than me and John, that's for sure." Her cheeks reddened as she went on. "I don't know what made me bring the book back with me, but I'd often find myself looking at it while John was at work."
Leaning closer, I dared to murmur, "What did you find most exciting about those photos?"
Rue's hand appeared unsteady as she brushed a strand of hair back from her face. "I know it's sinful, Priscilla, but I couldn't stop looking at the picture of a woman with her..." She cleared her throat and tried again. "With her face between another woman's thighs. They looked as if they enjoyed it a lot, and John has never done that to me."
I made a regretful sound. "No wonder you were curious! And there's nothing wrong with being curious."
"You don't think I was sinful?" She made no attempt to hide her surprise.
Smiling, I shook my head before glancing over my shoulder toward the hallway behind me. "I'd love to see the rest of your house."
"Of course!"
It took us no time to reach the main bedroom. "Oh, it's beautiful!" I exclaimed. "This room definitely has a woman's touch." Turning toward Rue, I offered another smile. "Let's sit for a while."
I sensed her confusion, but she was eager to please, and so we sat together on the edge of the neatly made bed. She drew in a deep breath when I grazed her wrist with my fingertip. "I have a confession to make," I said. Rue stared at me expectantly. "I looked through that book before Jacob disposed of it, and I enjoyed the same photos you did. In fact..." My fingers glided over her bare arm. "I couldn't help but think of you." Again, I leaned closer, flashing a sly grin. "Did you get wet while turning those pages? Because I did."
Rue was dumbfounded while listening to my revelation, yet she didn't pull away. Instead, she inclined her head toward mine and revealed, "I had to change my panties afterward!"
We both giggled. But I was completely serious when I asked, "Are you wet right now?"
Rue nodded, her blush deepening. Her full lips were parted, and I heard her breathing quicken. By this point, my hand had reached her shoulder, and I let my fingers travel back downward so I could cup her breast. A faint cry escaped her as I touched her in such an intimate way. "Will you let me see just how wet you are?" I whispered.

"Yes." Her answer drifted to me on a sigh.
Still smiling, I lifted her hair off her neck, then planted an open-mouthed kiss against her skin. Inhaling her scent, I teased her nipple to hardness through her dress. "I want you so much. I want to bury my face between your thighs and taste you."
In that moment, Rue became completely mine. She let me undress her, my fingers deftly working at buttons and clasps. She wore a simple brassiere beneath her dress, and I was eager to remove it. Her breasts were small, their nipples pale pink. Sitting next to me on that bed, she thrust her breasts against my palms. I heard her moan as I fondled those firm mounds.
Lowering my head, I took her nipple between my lips. My own moans joined hers as I sucked and licked. Rue held me to her, eager for my mouth. When I began lifting her half slip, revealing more of her thighs, she actually rocked her hips in excitement.
I kissed my way upward, along her collarbone and neck, until I reached her warm, soft lips. Oh, she was greedy for that kiss! Her tongue immediately sought out mine, and she was emboldened enough to gently squeeze my breast. I made an encouraging sound from deep in my throat just as my fingers reached her panties. The fabric was already soaked!
Breaking the kiss, Rue whispered, "Please..."
When I slowly rose to my feet, she did as well. Our movements grew hurried as we stripped naked. My undergarments weren't nearly as modest as hers, and Rue gazed upon them with clear admiration. It was a shame her husband was so opposed to his wife expressing her sensuality, for Rue would have looked stunning in lingerie. While revealing my breasts, which were only slightly larger than Rue's, I sensed her desire to touch me, but she waited until I stepped out of my panties as well.
We spent several moments gazing upon each other. The thick curls covering Rue's sex were the same deep shade of red as the hair on her head. I licked my lips, then said, "No woman should go without the pleasure of a tongue between her thighs."
Rue inched closer until I could feel the warmth radiating from her skin. "Jacob does that to you?" she asked, sounding almost shy.
"Of course," I said. "He loves it. Just as I know I'll love doing the same for you, sweetheart." I slipped a hand between her legs, my fingers spreading those fleshy lips covered with coarse hair. Transfixed, Rue watched me explore her sex. When I homed in on her clitoris, already swollen from arousal, she made a sound like a whimper. "Do you enjoy that, Rue?"
"So much!" To emphasize her words, she emphatically nodded. I rewarded her by massaging that pearl. She was so wet that I could hear my fingers working away. "Oh, that feels so good, Priscilla!"
"Make me feel good, too," I coaxed her.
She didn't hesitate to obey, and as she explored my inner folds, slowly approaching my clitoris, I gave her another kiss, this one full of such passion that it started a needy throb within me. When she finally dared to graze my tender bud, I delivered a playful bite to her bottom lip. "We're going to have such fun together," I promised.
Leading her to the bed she shared with her husband, I didn't bother to draw back the covers. As soon as we lay down, and Rue rested her head on the pillow, I eased my body on top of hers. It was glorious, feeling her skin pressed against mine! I lingered over her breasts, leaving the nipples wet with saliva. I loved the sound of Rue's soft cries as I moved lower, sliding my tongue along her stomach. She readily spread her legs so I could settle between them. I planted more kisses on her inner thighs, then focused my attention on what I craved most.
Just as she'd parted her legs, Rue now spread her outer labia wide with her fingers, inviting my mouth. Inhaling deeply, I reveled in her powerful scent. Finally, I couldn't resist any longer, and I kissed her slick, flushed folds. She released a cry of such abject pleasure that I had to grin. My lips and tongue worked fervently, gathering up her taste while stoking her lust. When she wove her fingers through my hair, loosening the strands from the neat bun I'd worn, I gave her clit a teasing lick.
Soon, the young woman was begging, growing so wanton that she rolled her hips, and I had to hold her fast in order to give her clitoris more stimulation. I loved having her juices all over my face; that mixture of salt and tang made my mouth water. Gazing up at her, I found her staring down at me, her expression full of pleading. I knew it wouldn't be long before I gave her the release she so desperately needed.
Though Rue let out a whine of protest when I lifted my head, she eagerly watched me slide a finger inside her. "Priscilla! Oh, yes! More!" she panted. Studying her face closely, I added another finger, then slowly began thrusting them in and out. Her thighs quivered, and I felt her muscles clench around me.
"Another?" I asked.
Strands of hair clung to her face as she nodded. Carefully, so carefully, I inserted a third finger into her tight entrance. When I was certain she could bear the intrusion without pain, I slid them in deep. "Your greedy little cunt is stretched wide for me!" I told her.
Rue gasped at my filthy talk, but it did nothing to dampen her desire. Claiming her with my fingers, I suckled her clitoris until she choked back a scream. She reached climax with a series of spasms that made her sex grip my fingers even harder. All the while, I showed her no mercy. The moment her first orgasm subsided, she tried to squirm away, but I kept my lips wrapped around her bud as my fingers moved in and out of her sopping cunt.
Rue quickly surrendered to yet another orgasm while pulling roughly at her nipples. Through her contractions, she wailed, "I can't take any more!" She sounded on the verge of tears. Still, I waited until her rapture ebbed before I withdrew my fingers and sat up on the bed.
Rue looked up at me with wide eyes, her smile full of adoration. "No one's ever made me feel like that before, Priscilla!"
Stroking her cheek, I said, "I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did."
Rue managed to sit up, and her mouth was demanding on mine. I let her taste herself on my tongue and lips, knowing it must make her feel both dirty and excited. "Let me try to please you," she urged.
When I fell back against the bed, I drew her down with me. She suckled my breast with an intensity that threatened to mark my skin. "Careful," I said through a pleasured moan.
Lifting her head, she offered a sheepish smile. "Sorry."
"Oh, there's nothing to be sorry for, darling." I twisted a strand of her hair around my finger as my smile faded a bit. "I loved how responsive you were to my touch. You came so easily! Unfortunately, you won't be able to make me come simply by having your fingers inside me."
Rue couldn't hide her confusion. "Why not?"
I shrugged. "I've never been able to climax from any kind of vaginal penetration. It frustrates Jacob to no end."
She considered what I said for a few seconds, then asked, "What if we did what some of the photos in that book showed? If you, um..." Her shyness returned while she struggled to speak. "If you were to lower yourself onto my face, could you come from that?"
"Oh, I certainly could," I said in a seductive voice.
Rue immediately lay on her back so I could straddle her. Recalling some of the most explicit photos in the book, I positioned myself in the same way, with my sex just above her mouth. Rue pulled me downward, her tongue moving past my furred outer lips. I gasped at the way she suckled my flesh.
"You love that, don't you?" I asked her while cupping my breasts in my hands. She moaned in response, her tongue sweeping over my clitoris. "Such a naughty girl!" I teased. That only made her double down on her efforts to please me. It wasn't long before I was grinding my sex against her face. Glancing in the mirror over a nearby dresser, I caught sight of my tousled hair and flushed cheeks and found I looked just as beautiful as the women in that erotic book. And of course, I'd always known Rue would.
It took only minutes for that talented tongue of hers to make me beg for my own release. I moved my hips faster, coating her skin with my juices. "Keep doing that, Rue! I'm so close!"
Again, she moaned beneath me while licking at what seemed like an impossibly fast pace. My eyes rolled from the sheer ecstasy of it, and I felt as if the heat of the sun had lit up my core. A delicious relaxation rendered me slack-jawed a mere second before my muscles tautened, and incoherent sounds, full of lust, fell from my lips in place of the scream I managed to suppress.
The moment I reached that same point when my pleasure became unbearably intense, I tried to lift myself off of Rue, but she held me fast, giving as good as she'd gotten. I yielded to her firm grip, my body quaking while her tongue coaxed forth another round of contractions. When she finally released me, I practically toppled onto the bed beside her. Almost immediately, I found myself in her arms. Our kiss, deep and lingering, bore the taste of overwhelming arousal.
As much as I would have loved to, I knew better than to linger with Rue in that room. The afternoon had grown late, and we couldn't risk John discovering us when he came home from work. Once she and I had dressed and straightened our hair, I gave her a final kiss. "Wash your face before John arrives," I advised her.
"I will," she promised.
Gazing tenderly upon Rue, I realized she was glowing. How happy she looked! And how satisfied. "If you'd like," I said while taking her hand, "I can visit you at this time every week."
"Oh, I would love that, Priscilla!" Rue kept a gentle hold on my hand while walking me to the door. Just before I left, she pulled me into a hug. "Thank you so much for today."
"No need to thank me, darling." Hugging her back, I brushed my lips against her hair. "We're close friends now, aren't we?" When she nodded, I added, "And close friends take care of each other."
From the front porch, Rue watched me walk to my car. We exchanged waves, along with knowing grins, and then I headed home. Once there, I didn't follow my own advice. No, I refused to wash the young woman's smell off of me.
Jacob arrived earlier than expected, before I'd had a chance to start preparing dinner. Greeting him at the door, I turned my face upward for a kiss. He drew me into an embrace, lowering his lips to mine. I heard the faintest sound of surprise emerge from his throat, and when he pulled away, his brow was furrowed. "What have you been up to today, Priscilla?"
Holding his stare, I replied, "I paid Rue a visit this afternoon. I thought it would be a good idea to check on her after our discussion yesterday."
Jacob's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. But I noticed. Again, he kissed me, his tongue claiming my mouth this time. The pleasure in his moan was unmistakable.
Reluctantly withdrawing, my husband smiled and said, "I hope you'll continue to be a friend to Rue. She could certainly benefit from your good example."