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A Sticky Situation

"A sticky encounter has erotic consequences!"

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They say a change is as good as a rest, but I’m not sure how appropriate that is, when it comes to the gym. Until the other day, I had never missed my twice weekly sessions. Keeping fit is a way of life for me and I like to do plenty of cardio, mixing it up with a few weights. So when I had to switch to a Tuesday, owing to an emergency plumbing job, I was a bit miffed. I’m a stickler for routine and this had put me out of step.

Being blonde and naturally curvy, I tend to make an impression with the guys, although it’s like water off a duck’s back to me. I do appreciate a nicely toned set of pecs and abs, but I’m more inclined to be on the look out for my own sex. To be perfectly honest, there wasn’t a lot in that direction on my nights. If there’s any other fit gym bunnies, I’m the first to have a little perv, but it’s been slim picking for a while.

I entered the gym to the usual bump of metal, as heavy weights clanged and testosterone pumped guys heaved and groaned with their exertion. I headed for the cross trainer, ignoring a few sexist mutterings and my attention was immediately caught by a gorgeous vision of brunette and lycra, who was running on the treadmill. Her long dark hair was done in a pony tail, and was bobbing in time to the pounding of her feet. She was slim but not too slim, with a lovely bum in shiny, calf-length pants and a crop top that showed off a cute little sparkler in her tummy button.

As I climbed onto the cross trainer she looked in my direction and well - she checked me out. It wasn’t the once over I had given her, but she definitely had a little look. What can I say, she had a face to go with her body; so sexy with beautiful brown eyes and a kind of serious expression.

I began my work out, but couldn’t resist the occasional glance in her direction, mainly to look at that delicious bum, as she clocked up the miles. It was the first proper distraction I had had in the gym for a good many weeks. I had split up from my ex for a few months now and as a result I was as horny as hell but had kept things in check thus far… a girl and her toys and all that. Having the real thing would be very nice, but I was generally enjoying life.

I was in full flow, as the brunette began to ease off and turn down the speed on her tread mill. I was working my machine somewhat half-heartedly, as I was more interested in what she was going to do next. I hoped beyond hope that she hadn’t finished her session, as I mustered the courage to put myself in her way. I pumped my arms and legs, my heart beating for all the wrong reasons. My heart skipped a beat as she walked past my cross trainer and hit a glance straight at me. I didn’t smile as such, but half turned up the corner of my mouth in acknowledgement.

My eyes followed her across the gym, as she took a break at the water fountain.

‘Will she or won’t she?’ I thought, as she chucked the plastic cup in the waste bin. To my relief, rather than continuing to the exit, she wandered back to the middle of the gym and picked up a couple of weights and began to do a few squats. Seeing my chance, I slipped away from the cross-trainer equipment and walked towards her, just as she was re-stowing the weights. She turned round and gave me an undisguised look of surprise. I had inadvertently sneaked up on her, and she gave a little gasp, as she obviously hadn’t expected me to appear so suddenly. I was rather close, to the point where one might describe as ‘invading her space.’ Still, it was worth it. Oh she was sexy! Her eyes were like the richest carnelians, her lips a beautiful shape and so kissable.

Following our slightly clunky ‘introduction’ we turned to the weights rack and both went for a six kilo dumbbell.

“Ummm… I was going to train with that one,” she said, indignantly.

“Oh. Well, so was I,” I replied, not sure what I was meant to say.

“Well, one’s no good,” she added.

“Well, I’ll take that one and you can have those,” I said, grabbing her dumbbell and nodding towards the four kilo weights.

“Well! You cheeky…!”

“Like you said, one’s no good.”

Well, if looks could killl! She stormed off to the exercise bike, where she pedalled like fury.

“Ooops!” I said to myself, as I did a few gentle biceps rolls. Sadly, we avoided each other after that, and I realize I had made a proper mess of everything. I just hoped I would be forgiven.


There are many things I can do well on my own and since Helen and I had broken up six weeks ago I'd become an expert at them all. My beaded dildo had been employed more often than I could remember and the tips of my fingers were almost raw as I'd struggled to satisfy the overwhelming appetite to have something rubbing over all my sweet spots. The one thing Helen and I used to do together that didn't involve fingers and tongues that I couldn't do on my own was badminton. I hated the effort of keeping fit, but badminton was fun, especially with Helen. We'd always had fabulous and very sweaty workouts both during the game and afterwards, when we got home.

While late night masturbation had its place, exercising something other than my fingers and imagination was still important to me, so for the last six weeks Tuesday night had become gym night. While it wasn't quite the same as a game of badminton with Helen, twenty minutes on the treadmill and a few weights with a blast of Katy Perry on my iPod to keep me company was a passable substitute.

I was normally in my own little zone, oblivious to the wannabe beef cakes showing off around me. Maybe there were a few too many bashes of metal and grunts from the guys as they tried to out do each other lifting weights, but for some reason I had trouble concentrating that night. The final straw in shifting my attention from the treadmill was the subtle wolf whistle I heard from one the of guys in the quiet spot just after Katy Perry had finished Teenage Dream and was about to launch into Last Friday Night. I glanced to my left and couldn't believe what I saw stood on the cross trainer.

Stunning would have been an under statement to describe her. She had smooth and silky blonde hair that fell just longer than her shoulders and a perfect hour glass figure with curves in all the right places. Her skin was flawless, like honey coloured silk draped over glass. If I thought my crop top and lycra shorts were functional wear for the gym, then the blonde had taken sexy gym wear to ridiculous lengths. Her pale blue and skimpy gym bra barely contained her ample breasts. As she started to swing back and forth on the cross trainer, it was clear she was also determined to give generous glimpses of her shapely bum. Her almost non-existent gym shorts rode higher and higher up her thighs until the bottom curves of her cheeks were flashing provocatively round the gym.

She was obviously very happy to flaunt her perfect body to anyone that fancied a look, and I definitely fancied a look. There was a very sexy confidence in how she carried herself and there was no denying the fact that she was gorgeous. There was also no denying the fact she knew it too. Everything about her was telling the world, 'Look at me. I'm beautiful and I know it.' I hated her already!

Despite thinking she was way too into herself in the way she flaunted herself, I was already hooked on looking at her and wanted to see more. I fancied having something to remember for my inevitable bedtime masturbation session, so I slowed the treadmill down and went to get a drink of water from the fountain by the exit. I smiled a nervously at her as I walked past as she swung quickly back and forth on the cross trainer. Rather than smile back, she gave a sort of odd curl of her top lip which only confirmed my suspicion about her arrogance. I'm quite sure she thought I was beneath her.

I did a few squats on the mats by the dumbbell rack to loosen myself before doing some weight work. When I twisted round to have another sneaky peek at the cross trainer, I couldn't believe what had happened. She'd moved and was now stood right in front of me, so close in fact that my breasts brushed hers as I turned. I sighed a little, both in surprise and at the fleeting touch of her breasts against mine. The sexy feel to the sigh didn't last more than a second. If more or less taking my spot on the mat wasn't enough for her, I was staggered at what she did next. I picked up a dumbbell to do some wrist curls and was about to reach for its pair when, before I knew it she had it in her hand.

"I was going to train with that one,” I huffed, barely able to believe her cheek in deliberately taking the other half of my set.

“So was I,” she replied, staring straight at me. It was obvious she always got what she wanted and wasn't going to back down easily.

“One is no good to me. Are you going to give me that or not?” I demanded.

“I’ll take that one then,” she said, snatching the dumbbell from my hand. "You can have those," she added, nodding towards a smaller set of dumbbells still sat on the rack.

I was staggered at the brazen nerve she'd just displayed. 'The cheek of it,' I thought. "If I'd have wanted those ones I'd have picked them up!” I said, struggling to keep my temper in check.

“Well, like you said, one’s no good.”

She may have been gorgeous but her attitude stank. I stared hard at her, before turning my back and stomping off to find solace on one of the exercise bikes. As I pedalled in fury I couldn't help but start to feel a little turned on by the encounter. Despite hating everything about the blonde, I fancied her like crazy.


The encounter with the sexy brunette had left its impressions. I couldn’t stop thinking about her gorgeous brown eyes and her mouth-watering figure on the drive home. It was with extra urgency that I fired up my vibrator that night and gave myself a particularly yummy orgasm. Our moment in the gym had fuelled my imagination. I allowed my mind to wander, the confines of reality making way for a fantasy, where a hot sprinkling shower and a shared bar of soap sent tingles of pleasure through my pussy. Satisfied and sleepy, I floated on clouds of candy floss until I eventually lost the battle with consciousness.

I had been quite precious about my regularity at the gym, but clearly that all had to change. It can’t have been a coincidence that the inflexibility of my routine had hitherto kept me and sexy girl apart. I figured she had to be a three nights a week girl and I was keen to make amends for my behaviour from the first time. In some respects, our encounter added extra verve to the situation, but I wanted to test the water. I just prayed that she fancied me as much as I did her.

Gambling that she would be in the gym on the Wednesday I headed there, with my kit, straight from work. I was a touch earlier than the previous night, even so my heart sank when I arrived, only to find the fitness suite full of guys. Decidedly crest-fallen, I headed for the exercise bike and had begun a distinctly half-hearted session of pedalling.

After ten minutes, I looked down to fiddle with the resistance controls, resigned to the fact that she wasn’t going to turn up. As I began to pump my knees with greater effort, I saw the door to the gym open, followed by the unmistakeable figure of the beautiful brunette. Her hair flowed like a cascade of molasses and her figure was perfect; a divine balance of peachy bum, slim waist and a pert bust.

Heading for one of the benches, she kept her gaze straight ahead, but then as if with a jab of curiosity, turned her head and looked at me. Her lovely face was inscrutable and left me knotted in the stomach. She fiddled inside a little pocket in her top and gathered her hair into a pony tail before beginning her warm up.

As I moved to the cross trainer, the object of my desires lay on a big squashy exercise ball and commenced a set of crunches. Walking across the gym, I paused to fiddle with the pec deck and nonchalantly looked down between her legs. I was hit by a thrill of lust as I studied the outline of her sex. Each time her elbows came up, it made her bum slide momentarily against the ball and in turn made her groin thrust towards me. I licked my lips, my brain mesmerised by the heavenly vision and a multitude of erotic thoughts.

I sat astride the pec deck and did a few reps. Not that I needed to or desired to improve my pecs, but it simply afforded the best view. At last she sat up and I realized how obvious it must have looked, conveniently perched there like that. Never the less, she gave me the briefest glance and headed towards the water fountain.

My tummy was like a barrel of butterflies as I skipped off the equipment and picked up my drink bottle. I saw my chance to pass the time of day and hopefully repair the damage from the first time.

She was on her second cup of water when I arrived. Unscrewing the cap on my bottle of juice, I diluted the solution and replaced the cap and built in straw.

“Hi!” I said.

“Oh hi,” she replied. “Not so busy tonight.”

“Hmmm.. so Mondays and Wednesdays your nights then.”

As she was about to speak, I lifted the drink to my lips and gave the bottle a squeeze. Somehow, in a total absence of coordination, I missed the straw entirely, but proceeded to squirt a good measure of sticky juice all over the brunette.

“Oh!” she exclaimed.

“Oooh! I’m so sorry!”


“Oh dear, let me…” I offered, taking a cup of water and spilling that in her general direction, too.

“What are you doing! Just leave me alone!”


The few remaining gym users looked round, wondering at the cause of the commotion.

Seriously, even if I had sat down with a pen and paper, I couldn’t have planned a more comprehensive fuck up of my attempt at a reconciliation. I chucked my bottle in the bin and headed as far away from as her as I could – feeling embarrassed, humiliated and like a complete numpty.

I was close to tears and wanted to take it out on the gym. Stupidly, I sat on the bench and contemplated the bar, which had what looked like reasonably manageable weights at each end. This based on nothing at all, given that I had never even considered using one before.

The second I moved the bar, I realised I was in trouble. I had badly misjudged the weight and it took a supreme effort to steady the bar, but there was no way I was getting it back up. I was effectively trapped.

“Ummm… help!”

I realised it had gone rather quiet and the only noise was coming from the exercise bike. I made a vain attempt to shift the bar, but there was no chance… I made another plea for help, but louder.


I'd never gone to the gym twice a week but felt compelled to return the following night. Despite the fact I hated her, I couldn't get the blonde out of my mind and I needed to see her again, if only to refresh the memory I had of her irresistibly provocative body. I'd stayed awake pleasuring myself well into the small hours of the morning, imagining over and over her rubbing and pushing those perfect breasts up and down my body. The fantasy always ended with her knees straddling my face, while I gazed up at her perfect curves and willed her to lower her sex onto my waiting tongue.

I had no idea if she was going to be at the gym again, but when I arrived my luck was in. I felt butterflies well up inside me and my chest flush with anticipation the moment I saw her pedalling away on her own in the corner.

Not far from where she was exercising there was a large squishy exercise ball. I suddenly felt incredibly brazen. I shamelessly pulled my pants a little higher over my hips so my pussy was tight against the material, then sat on the ball and began rolling back and forth with my legs spread out in front of me.

I closed my eyes as I rocked, indulging myself in the naughtiest of fantasies. This time I was naked on the ball and every time I thrust myself towards her, the blonde's silky blonde hair teasingly tickled my inner thighs. With every rock, I pushed myself a little nearer her until the tip of her eager tongue tantalisingly flicked over my puffy lips. The next rock went further, this time allowing her to briefly taste me, then further again so she had a sneaky moment to explore my wet folds.

When I opened my eyes again I was pleased to see she had moved to a spot directly in front of me by the pec deck and was staring intently down between my legs as I exercised. I gave one last slow and deep thrust on the ball, hoping she enjoyed the finale to my little show, before getting myself a drink of water. I was even more pleased when the blonde followed me and struck up a friendly conversation while she filled her juice bottle up. 'Maybe she isn't so bad after all?' I thought to myself.

That thought changed in an instant after she proceeded to splurge her drink down my front and then throw some water at me in a ridiculous attempt to clean up the wet and sticky result of her clumsiness.

"Just go away," I shouted, before turning round and storming off to get a fresh top from my bag.

As I fiddled with the zip, I decided to call it a night, because even if I changed my top I knew my bra was still going to be soaked. Even though I'd told her to go away and was preparing to leave the gym myself, deep down I knew it was very much the last thing I wanted to do. I'm sure spilling her drink was an accident, but at that moment I was too proud to turn round and apologise for shouting at her.

I was just about to leave when I heard a strangled yelp from the other side of the now empty gym

I don't quite know what possessed her to do it, but the blonde had tried to bench press a ridiculously heavy looking set of weights. It was obvious she'd totally failed as her elbows were fully bent under the weight of the bar which was now pushing hard against her throat. I quickly dropped my bag and dashed over to help her as she looked to be in real difficulty.

I tried to lift one of the weights at the end of the bar in an attempt to flip it off to her side, but it was just too heavy. The only way it was going to be shifted was for me to stand directly above the centre of the bar and use both hands to lift it straight upwards. I hoped that if I could shift it just an inch or two, the blonde would get enough purchase on the bar from below to push it off.

Putting one leg either side of the bench, I straddled her head and pulled the bar upwards as hard as I could. Despite the seriousness of the situation, when I looked down at her firm and sexy body spread out beneath me, I couldn't help but imagine her naked with me kissing, caressing and exploring up and down. As I strained to lift the bar, I also knew my pussy and ass were more or less spread just above her face. How I wished I was naked and the blonde's tongue was sliding in and out of all my secret places as I rode her face until she brought me to the sweetest of orgasms.

With me pulling as hard as I could and the blonde pushing upwards in a similar fashion, we managed to get her slowly but surely out of danger. Despite the drama, delicious tingles of arousal had coursed through my body in the knowledge that my pussy had kissed her face through the material of my pants as I'd bent my knees while straining to lift the weight.

"Are you okay?" I panted once the bar was safely placed back in its cradle.

"Thanks to you, yes," she spluttered, still gasping a little from where the bar had pushed against her throat.

"I'm sorry I shouted at you a minute ago. I know that was an accident. It just took me by surprise, that's all."

"I was clumsy. I'm sorry too for making you a mess."

"Sounds like we're even then," I smiled. "So... can I buy you a drink to make amends. Yours is... um... sort of empty now, " I added, indicating my top which was now plastered to my breasts and completely see through.

"I'd like that. And I hope you don't mind me saying so, but you look kind of nice with a wet top," she replied, returning my smile and blushing a little at the compliment she'd just given me. "I'm all yours then," she added, giving me a very subtle wink out of the corner of one of her gorgeous blue eyes.


It was not the wisest move I had ever made. I had no desire to bench press, nor had I any experience or training with that particular piece of equipment. Goodness knows where my brain was, but maybe it was fate’s way of making amends. One way or another, I had messed up my first two encounters with the cutest girl to grace the gym since I had begun working out there.

So, there I was pinned helplessly to the bench with the bar pressing dangerously against my neck, as I struggled frantically to bear the weight, lest it crushed me. Within a few seconds of my calling for help, the brunette herself was on the scene, and desperately attempted to free me from my predicament. Our combined force was just enough to lift the bar out of harms way and get it back on the little rests.

As the bar clanged into place, my relief was mixed with a touch of lust as I lay on the bench and realized I had a very nice view indeed. In coming to my assistance, she had had to straddle my face and I was now staring right up at her garden of delights. It was not a view one often had and after she had steadied herself, I was afforded what seemed like a heavenly few seconds of wanton gazing at the intimacy of her yoga pants.

Eventually I got up and I thanked her profusely, apologizing for the accident with the drink and she apologized for snapping at me, and we agreed we were now even. The results of the incident with the juice were only two obvious, as her top was wet and clinging delightfully to her breasts.

I was praying that she would make a move, as I could sense a spark had developed and if she didn’t it would be down to me. As I was compiling the right line in my head she suggested that she buy me a drink, adding that my drink was now empty.

"I'd like that. And I hope you don't mind me saying so, but you look kind of nice with a wet top," I said, flirtatiously.

She glowed and gave me the warmest smile.

“I’m Danielle, by the way. I guess we should be on first names basis, seeing as you saved my life and everything.”

“Ah, that’s true! I’m Katie,” she said. “You can tell me all about yourself over that drink.”

“It’s deal!”

We headed into the changing rooms and I have to admit that I was secretly nervous and excited about seeing her undress for her shower and also what she would think, seeing me. As it happened we didn’t get the chance. There was black and yellow tape across the entrance to the showers and a little sign, saying ‘Sorry out of order.’

“Oh, I didn’t see that before!”

“It was there,” said Katie.

“Oh. Must have had my mind on other things,” I said, flashing my gaze down to her top and back to her eyes.”

She looked at me a little bashfully and pulled on her jeans and top.

We headed to the small, dimly lit bar, where a few five a side footballers were talking men’s talk in the corner and a couple of girls with racquets were in deep conversation by the slot machine, which would whir into life with a little jingle now and then.

Katie got me a fresh orange juice in a tall glass and ordered herself a pineapple. We sat side by side on the two comfiest-looking leather chairs.

“So, you first. What’s your day job?” asked Katie.

“I’m a designer for a delicatessen. It’s like a specialist caterer. We do canapes for weddings and corporate promotions. How about you?”

“I work for the police. As a civilian. It’s data entry and classification. You know.”

“Ah that sounds interesting!”

“It is, kind of. It can be. Some of the stuff though!”

“Ah, I bet.”

We paused to take long quaffs of fruit juice, and I decided to take the plunge.

“You haven’t got anyone to rush home for then?”

“No,” she said, with the faintest hint of delight in her face. “Just me and Molly, my cat. How about you?”

“Nope. Been single for a year.”

Katie ran a finger around the edge of her glass. “Did you dump him, or was it mutual?” she asked.

“Him? It was a her.”


I watched her as she took a sip of her orange and perceived a little shyness at the revelation of my preference for girls and hoped it would push things in the right direction. But I wanted to play my cards wisely and rather than ask her out directly, I moved the conversation on to holidays and fashion. I was bonkers about shoes, she had a weakness for a posh dress. Katie had sparkling brown eyes and a wonderful complexion with her beautifully rosy cheeks. The anticipation of the changing room and then the twist of fate with the showers, simply turned the screw. I thought back to the lovely view I had enjoyed when stuck to the bench. Her cloying, drink drenched top was still etched in my mind, whetted my appetite and made me want her all the more.

When the moment was right, I asked over to mine the following night. Nothing fancy, a couple of cocktails and some sweet nibbles from my latest range.

“Am I your guinea pig?” she asked, in a rather suggestive way.

“Something like that.”


The next day was a long day, as I busied myself, working on several projects but all the time thinking what I would wear and how I would play the role of hostess when the hot gym bunny came round to try my canapes. 

I was in a semi day dream from mid morning to late afternoon, concocting any number of seductive scenarios and I was in a bit of a lather by the time it was time to leave work. I had been working on some special vol au vents, which were filled with gin and rhubarb mousse. I was really hoping they would be a hit with my sexy guest. 

Two hours later I had just lit the final candle on my buffet table and put the Bacardi on ice. I did a final wriggle in my little black dress, adjusting my suspender belt as the door bell rang. A shiver of anticipation ran down my spine. A shiver that became a suffusion of tingles as I opened the door to let her in 

“Welcome to my humble abode.”

“Thank you! Hmmm… something smells nice.” 


Katie gave me a hug as I spoke and kissed me on the cheek. Her body was lovely and hot and the heat of her lips against my face was wonderful. 

“Well, yes… but.

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You’ve been baking.” 

“It’s the canapes, come through.” 

I was frankly unable to concentrate on anything apart from Katie. 
She looked amazing. She had her luxuriant dark hair beautifully coiffured, falling around her shoulders like a sea of schorl. She was wearing a short black skirt and a shiny purple blouse, which had just enough buttons undone to reveal a sheer black bra. 

Having already the knowledge of her gym body, and her slim, feminine curves, now clad in her skirt and top was just too much of a distraction. I was terrible like that. I wanted to explore her body now, but I was restricted to an affectionate hand on her waist as I pointed to the various light bites. 

“Let me get you a drink, Katie. Naked on the beach or Rampant rabbit?” 


“My cocktails.” 


We had a fit of giggles and I looked into her eyes, hoping to convey the longing I had to taste her sweet lips. 

“I’ll let you choose.” 

I made her drink as she watched, blending the ice and shaking the cocktail mixer, which caused Katie’s gaze to be diverted to my top. I licked my lips, realizing that my energetic cocktail waitress movements were making my boobs jiggle. 

“There you go.” 



“Oh! Oh Wow!” 

“That’s the Rampant rabbit.” 

“Whooo! That’s a surprise.” 

“The Bacardi really kicks in doesn’t it?!” 

“Just a bit!” 

“It’s Barbadian. Seventy percent proof. By the way, have a nibble when you fancy.” 

Katie gave me a smoking hot glance, as she chose one of my vol au vents. We clinked glasses and I joined her at the buffet table, deliberately not looking where I was going and bumping into her. I used a helpful hand to steady her, my hand curving around her hip and sliding down on to her bum. 

“Oops! I’ve barely had a drink yet,” I said. Katie had probably cottoned onto my mischievous little plan, by the look in her eyes. To my surprise and with unbridled joy, she returned my affectionate cuddle with a hand around my waist, pulling me towards her affectionately. For a moment, we were within kissing distance and Rihanna seemed to catch her breath in the back ground. 

For whatever reason, we both decided to let the moment pass, but there was a spark and my confidence was boosted, as I trailed a finger down her spine, drawing a sensual glance from her. We giggled over our exploits in the gym, and more than once I noticed Katie’s eyes aimed towards my boobs, my cleavage forming what I had hoped was an irresistible display of boobage. 

I guided her through to my living room, where the music was a little louder and we were both relaxed, enjoying each other’s company. We paused as one of my favourite tracks came on, and the suggestive lyrics struck a cord somewhere. Katie’s hand reached for mine and our mutual attraction began to take over. I pulled Katie towards me and closed my eyes as our lips met. For a moment, I’m sure my heart stopped as the sheer bliss of her lips on mine was followed by the meeting of tongues. This was no polite peck, but quickly became a full on passion riser. 

Katie kisses were like no kisses I had had before. Our fingers were intertwined as we kissed, and then Katie pushed herself towards me and began to grind as I loosened one hand and cupped her bum, cheekily. 

I think Katie was surprised when I broke the clinch and pulled away from her. 

“What’s wrong?” 

“Nothing. Everything is perfect. Just sit there.” 

“Oh. Okay.” 

I left her alone briefly, in my high-backed club chair, which allowed me to dim the lights just a touch and change the music. Rihanna had created the mood I had desired and now it was down to Enya, to complete the seduction of which I dreamed, as I re-entered my living room. 

Breaking the moment had been a risk, just as things were heating up. I could have just fallen into bed with her of course, but that wasn’t my style. Katie was special and I needed to do this right. I began my show with a confident prance across the room, sweeping up my hair and pouting seductively. I was the sublime combination of hostess and slut. 

Katie watched as I moved in time with the music. I was standing right in front of her chair, making as if to remove my dress, but then changing tack and walking a circle and then back. I wanted to hold her attention and put on a really naughty show. I had taken dancing classes in the evening, re-kindling my interest in dance from my teens. I was praying I had done this right. 

I got closer with every beautiful exhalation of the Irish singer’s voice, until I was rotating my hips in front of Katie, slowly turning to give her a long uninterrupted view of my bum as I did my erotic dance. 

During my dance as the first track faded into the second, I put a foot on the chair and slowly revealed my stocking top. I licked my lips and pressed my toe against the front of her skirt and then did a twirl before she had chance to react. 

In this way, I kept up my tantalizing dance, but I wanted to give her more. 

I undid the two catches at the back of my black cocktail dress, which made it slip down gradually as I gyrated. I turned to see Katie’s eyes staring with a combination of lust and amazement. I put one knee on her chair as I eased my dress over my shoulders. I stroked her hair with both hands as my cleavage poured over my bra, just inches from her face. 

I took her hand, encouraging her to touch me, and she slid her hand inside the hem of my dress and onto my leg. In the same movement, I straddled her, lifting my dress, and revealed my complete outfit of stockings and suspenders. Would I pull off my dress or keep her waiting? I opted to disrobe from the other end, easing my dress down over my arms, until the bodice flopped down, nestling at my waist. I stood up and allowed it to fall to the floor, leaving me in lingerie. 

Stepping out of my dress, my dance now got more and more erotic, and more enticing, as I stroked my fingers slowly over the gusset of my panties as my eyes gazed into Katie’s. 

I straddled her again, but this time even closer than before, which was hardly possible, as I unfastened the clips on my bra. Katie slid her hands along my thighs, as I let go of the straps. I leant forwards, placing her hands on my bum, as my boobs began to jiggle their way out of my brassiere. She did a little murmur of delight as my breasts were released and I moved teasingly, putting my nipples just out of reach of her pursed lips. 

This became even more exciting than I could have imagined. Katie herself was so alluring that my own body was getting worked up and I could feel my pussy tingle, as I stroked myself against her leg. I knew I was growing increasingly wet down there and having Katie just where I wanted her, was electrifying. As I ran my fingers through her hair, my breasts swayed just out of kissing distance of her beautiful lips. I knew how much she wanted to kiss them, but I wanted to tease, rising up and down, brushing her face with my hair. Once or twice, I moved closer, brushing her lips with my nipples. All the time my panties were rubbing against her, making me wetter, pushing the silky gusset into my increasingly moist sex. 

At last I relented, and I swayed my boobs briefly before dragging them across her face. She cupped my breasts as her lips and tongue stroked the nipple, making me shiver with delight. As the temperature rose, I felt a couple of exploratory fingers against the crotch of my panties and I understood things were about to get even hotter. 


I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Danielle's dance was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen and I'd never been so turned on. I'd felt silly in the flat earlier when I'd slipped on one of my black crotchless body stockings. I didn't think I had anything to lose though. If she got to see it she'd get the surprise of her life and we'd both be glad of my choice. If she didn't, well it just looked like a black bra and tights under my skirt and blouse and she'd never be any the wiser. As I watched her dance for me, any thoughts of being silly were long since gone and I knew I'd made the right choice. 

When Danielle started rubbing her wet, panty clad pussy up and down my leg and teasing me with her full boobs I was aching to touch her. My sex was aching too; aching to have Danielle inside it. By the time she moved close enough to allow my tongue caress her pert nipples and let two of my fingers worm between her thighs to caresses the crotch of her hot, wet panties, I was desperate to enjoy her body. 

"I want you," I whispered to Danielle as my fingers pushed and stroked at her sex through the lace material of her panties. "Take me to bed." 

"Oh Katie, that would be my absolute pleasure. This way," she replied, pulling me up off the chair and through to her bedroom. 

"I seem to be wearing a lot more than you," I giggled as Danielle dragged me to the foot of her bed. "I think you need to even things up a bit." 

"I really think I do," Danielle replied as she stepped in to me, placed her arms around my waist and delivered our second full on passion rising kiss. 

As our tongues swirled together I could feel Danielle pushing her sex at mine though the material of her panties and my skirt. The palms of her hands caressed up my sides and across my breasts, momentarily cupping them before finding the top button of my blouse. One by one she undid them, allowing the front to fall open and me to wiggle free. Danielle slid the blouse down my arms until it fell on the floor round our ankles, then her fingers explored round the waist of my skirt until they found the zip at the back. One steady but swift downwards tug on the zip and my skirt was loose, tumbling to join my blouse on the floor and revealing the crotchless body stocking I'd so wisely picked. 

"Oh my, Katie. You're stunning and a little naughty too," Danielle sighed as our kiss broke and she got her first proper sight of my lingerie. "Have me, have all of me," she added as she flopped backwards onto the crisp cream bed sheets. 

Even though her body was the most perfect thing I'd ever seen, my gaze was inexplicably drawn to the chest of drawers by the side of her bed. The bottom drawer was still pulled open and it looked very much like it held a sizeable stash of sexy lingerie. There was a huge jumble of lace and nylon that was spilling out over the front and sides of the drawer. More interestingly, behind the spill I noticed a selection of sexy toys peeking out from beneath the lingerie. I have no idea if she'd intentionally left them on display, but the minute she blushed a deep red after realising where my gaze had wandered, I suspected she hadn't. 

I looked quickly over the selection. A deep purple coloured bullet vibrator was half hidden under a pair of white crotchless knickers, a much longer and sleeker blue vibrator lay on top of a fishnet mini dress and a clear PVC double dildo with three gorgeous bulbs on each end was intertwined with a pair of black sheer stockings. 

The moment I glimpsed the gorgeous set of polished silver pleasure balls peeking out from behind yet another pair of skimpy lace knickers I knew that was the toy for me. Whatever Danielle was going to offer me on her bed, I desperately wanted her to slide the balls inside my vagina first. I was already imagining how exquisite that would feel and also how that would be a massive turn on for us both. I couldn't resist quickly wandering over to the drawer and sliding my index finger into the little silk loop that hung off of the top of the first ball. 

"I'm going to have every inch of you, but first, would you like to put these inside me?" I almost begged as I lifted the balls out of the drawer and dangled them enticingly in front of my pussy. 

"I'd love to," Danielle replied. "And just where would you... um... like them?" she added, looking at me coyly through some strands of hair that had fallen across her face 

I lay down on the bed beside Danielle and put my hand behind my left knee. Then ever so slowly I pulled my knee upwards and outwards, spreading my legs so my stocking framed pussy was exposed for Danielle's pleasure. 

"In there," I said, nodding downwards to my labia, already slick with a sheen of honey. "Well... to start with anyway." 

Danielle didn't reply and she didn't need to either. The broad smile that crept across her face told me everything. After gazing into my eyes for what seemed an eternity, she flipped onto her side, lifted one knee upwards to steady herself, leant over the side of the bed and rummaged around in the bottom corner of her naughty drawer beneath the piles of lingerie. I didn't know whether to be more interested in looking at what she was searching for or ogling the delicious damp patch that had soaked across the gusset of her panties. Moments later she popped back up with a little tube of KY in her hand. 

"I really don't think you'll need that," I giggled. 


"No," I answered. "Why don't you find out why?" I added as I took Danielle's fingers in mine and guided them between my legs. 

Danielle let the palm of her warm hand rest lightly over my mound while her fingers made their first tentative caresses into my velvet folds. I was soaked, and within seconds Danielle knew that too. 

"You're right. I wont, will I?" she said, throwing the lubricant off to the side of the bed. 

I lay back on the bed, put my other hand behind my right knee, mirroring the movement my left hand had made, until both knees were bent and my dripping pussy was spread open. 

"Put one in," I insisted. 

Danielle leant in between my legs and made one long sweep of my labia with her tongue, before kissing and caressing up and down my outer labia with her lips. I pushed my hips at her tongue, forcing the tip just inside. She wasted no time in dragging my wetness out onto her tongue before licking all round the first ball, coating it in a gloss of my sticky honey. Danielle swirled the first ball around my wet lips, lubricating it further, before wiggling it in tiny circles on my entrance until it started to stretch me open. 

"Push it in," I implored, bucking my hips at the ball as it sat provocatively half in and half out of my sex. 

Danielle put her index finger on the top of the ball and pushed it a little harder until it slid inside me. I let it sit there for a moment, savouring the feeling of the ball weighing down inside me. The ball was also making me needy; needy for the second ball and needy for sex. 

I let my muscles tighten, dragging the ball deeper inside my pussy until the second ball, attached to the first by a short strand of silk, was pressed hard against my vulva. The feeling of one ball deep inside me and the other one pushing at my entrance was exquisite. All the while Danielle, deprived from licking my sex because of the position the second ball on my stretched labia, caressed her fingers softly over my clit and allowed her tongue to explore a little lower at my most secret place. Every time her tongue tickled over my puckered ring, I could feel little jolts of electricity travel up my spine, bringing goose bumps out across my chest. 

I looked down at Danielle's head nestled between my legs and could see the second ball bobbing a little at the entrance to my sex as I tightened and relaxed the muscles deep in my pussy. 

"I want that one inside too," I panted. 

Danielle lifted her head a little and licked round the edge of the second ball with my labia stretched around it, drawing a little more of my nectar onto her tongue as it seeped out around the edges. Her lips then encircled the ball, and using her tongue for pressure, she pushed it inside to join the first one inside my soaking pussy. 

"Wow that feels good, " I panted, savouring the feeling of being full with the toys. "Pull them out now." 

Danielle kissed my sex again then put her finger through the silk loop and gently pulled the balls until both had popped out into her hand. 

"In again," I panted. 

Danielle wasted no time in sliding both balls quickly into my needy sex. After she'd dragged them back out a second time I flipped myself over onto all fours. With my knees wide, hips high and head pushed into the pillow, I reached round and pulled the cheeks of my bum wide, spreading my ass for Danielle's pleasure. 

"Put the balls in my bum. Please, now," I implored. 

"Oh Katie," was all the reply I got before Danielle pushed two fingers into my dripping sex, curled them several times deep inside me, then pulled out long sticky strands of my honey which she then proceeded to rub over and around my ring. 

The sensation was incredible as Danielle put the first ball against my ring and started twiddling it in little circles. I pushed my hips back against it, luxuriating in the feeling of my ass being gradually stretched open wider and wider until the ball popped inside. 

"Oh my God," I moaned in delight as the second ball followed the first and slid inside. 

Danielle seemed to instinctively know what I needed as she began to pop the balls in and then pull them back out almost straight away. I was whimpering in a mixture of pain and delight each time they stretched my ass open and disappeared deep inside my passage, then sighing in ecstasy when she dragged them back out through my gaping ring. 

In no time at all Danielle's mastery of the balls had me on the edge of a powerful orgasm. Much as I wanted that, I was acutely aware that Danielle was probably as needy as I was. Just as she pushed the balls into my bum again, I slumped forward, reached over side of bed and fished about in Danielle's naughty drawer for something I'd seen earlier. With the balls still buried deep in my ass, I turned over and waved the double ended dildo at her. 

"Do want to play with this now?" I asked. 

"You bet I do." 

I pulled my knees to my ears then spread my legs wide. "Put it in Danielle. Put it in and fuck me with it." 

Danielle centred one end of the dildo on my sex and pushed a little, allowing the three bulbs to pop inside until the dildo was half buried in my soaking pussy and the other half was poking out of me, enticing Danielle to mount the curled shaft. She quickly slipped her knickers off and straddled my hips, rubbing the protruding end of the dildo over her clit and up and down her dripping lips. 

Danielle slipped the first bulb into her entrance and then pushed herself down onto the dildo allowing all three bulbs on her end to slide through her labia and deep inside her own sex. 

"Oh fuck that's good," I moaned as Danielle's lips, spread wide around the shaft, finally kissed my own. "Fuck me, fuck me hard. Fuck me now." 

Danielle started riding her end of the dildo, lifting herself up until it was on the edge of popping out, then pushing it deep inside my pussy as she plunged back down onto it. Her thrusts with the dildo brought me back to the edge of orgasm. It was all almost impossible to stop myself letting it crash over me as when our lips rubbed together again, she held position, then started circling her hips, rubbing her sex over mine. The movement dragged my end of the dildo in tight circles, pushing the bulbs of the toy against the balls that were still buried in my ass. 

"I need to come Danielle," I panted. "I need to taste you when I do." 


I knew Katie was sexy, but the sheer adventurousness of her sex play had left me breathless, putting perfect use to my toy collection. I was hot and turned on, beyond belief. I had bought my double ender as a joke, on a whim and it had lain in my drawer unloved and unused, waiting for the right moment. But that moment had never come until now. But what a moment. They say one thing leads to another and we had run through the whole gamut of steaminess in that evening and now Katie was exposing every facet of my fantasies and some. 

When we had become ‘uncoupled’ I slid forwards on my knees, gripping her hair in two bunches and pulled her towards me for a kiss. Her lips were hot and moist and her kisses hungry and passionate. I could feel the urgent yearning in her body; our love-making now a combination of touching and breathless snogging. I was eager to go down on Katie, and yet I was romantic at heart and needed my sensual kisses, as well as the fervid pussy licking. 

I began to rub my mound against hers, my inflamed pussy lips pressed into her sex as I kissed her lips and face. My body was growing hotter, a tingling, prickling mass of pre-orgasmic energy that I was struggling to control, but somehow channelled into my kisses and front on tribbing. Katie put her arms around my back and her groin ground into mine, as my back arched and I drew my body upwards, sliding my petals around her hood. My hair trailed over her breasts and around her face and shoulders as I moved slowly, our thighs gliding together and our breasts bumping and squishing in the same movement. I wanted to lift Katie’s arousal to a new level before we commenced our oral pleasure. 

We rolled over together, our fingers searching, fondling and tantalizing each other. I sat her up facing me and I cupped her cheeks in my palms as I kissed her neck, half pecking, half biting the flesh. I worked my fingers under her bottom and between her legs, as I kissed her other shoulder, my teeth making playful nibbles into the meaty flesh of her upper arm. All the time, my fingers were circling, plunging into the hot, swollen opening of her pussy. 

I continued like this, until I felt a hand on my arm, which I took as a signal or maybe my primal urges interpreted her meaning. I had three fingers deep in her pussy, but I drew them out and looked into her eyes as I put them in my mouth, sucking her juices. I offered them to her, so she could taste a little of her own sweetness, as I felt her fingers toying with my entrance. The finger buffet was of course reciprocated, as we both stimulated each other and turned each other on to the point where we couldn’t hold back. 

In keeping with her propensity to surprise, she pushed me on to my back, and I landed with a ‘plumpf’ on the bed. 

Katie played with me briefly, her breasts pushed into my face, but she began to kiss down my body. I kissed her cute navel as she smooched my belly, drawing the taught flesh of my stomach into her mouth, in half-hearted love bites. She hovered over me like this, until her knees were firmly planted in the duvet around my head. I reached out for a pillow, bunching it up under my head and got comfy. I so love the 69 position. It’s the ultimate expression of shared arousal and intimacy. When the lips of our mouths have quelled the thirst so far, the lips of our pussies imbue our mouths with that sweet cordial. 

I gave a soft shudder of delight as I felt Katie’s tongue part my labia at last. Her own pussy lips were swollen and inviting to my tongue. She made little whimpers between laps of my tongue against the protruding inner lips, whose folds I was gently teasing, working my lips and tongue to best effect. The result was intermittent ripples of her body, though not so distracting as to wane the pleasure she was giving me. I used a single finger to burrow slightly into her pussy, as my concentration focused on nudging her clitoris, producing extra murmurs of pleasure from between my legs. 

Katie’s plaintive moans were punctuated by harsher whimpers, as my fingers rubbed her little nub. I could feel my own body responding to the pleasure she was giving me and the mutual licking and kissing was so yummy and sexy. Katie’s oral skills were something to behold. She managed to balance just the right degree of pressure and intensity, but I was in for another surprise, as I felt a finger enter my bottom. 

I had opened my legs wider, making my little puckered hole more available. This was a wonderful combination, and made me gasp with a shrill expression of surprise and delight, for a moment leaving me panting, but even more determined to give her the best orgasm ever. Her own tight little entrance was within a lick or two and it was only a minute adjustment to enable me to lick her bum and her pussy. Her pussy was so wet, I was able to dabble into her sex and transfer the wetness on to her little starfish. I did this in a tickling movement, which only made her moans louder and her efforts on me all the more enjoyable. It was at that moment that she sucked on my clitoris and I squealed, my expressions of pleasure half muffled by her pussy as I mashed my tongue into her dew, and the juices trickled onto my lips and I was left panting. Katie gnawed on my little button deftly and lovingly, as I simply enjoyed the taste and sensation of her juicy sex box. 

We parted for an instant, and we rolled sideways, hardly disconnecting but then resumed our sixty-nine. This position provided more equilibrium, as my tongue lapped into Katie’s’ vagina and hers into mine. Her moans seemed distant and yet close, as my whole body was committed to the feverish crescendo that I was reaching. It seemed every lash of her tongue was taking me closer, every little curl of her lips setting my body on fire, as I started to tremble. 

I kissed the smooth area between her bum and her pussy, as her fingers circled my anus without quite entering. We were taking one another to the edge but somehow prolonging the pleasure as we learned what little things hit the spot. The tingles flowed every which way, and the electricity of our sexual fulfilment so close and the pleasure so all consuming. 

Being with Katie felt so amazingly illicit and that made the situation so much more vibrant and exciting. It was as if with every kiss and lick was designed to send me into carnal hysteria. Suddenly I wasn’t in charge of my body any more, but I was writhing at the mercy of Katie’s tongue. I didn’t know whether I was up or down or where I was, but for a few seconds, all my needs and emotions seemed to be complete. Katie gave me a rainbow orgasm. A spectrum of wholesome feelings of love and lust - little spasms of pleasure as I trembled and then she trembled. Our moans and our orgasm flowed in unison, as if the final throes of my climax couldn’t be separated from her own. I could taste her honey, the sticky muskiness like a fantastic mead of love, and then I kicked, my foot jerking against the bed, as I came and Katie’s cries were all I could hear. 


I stood in my kitchen, naked apart from my panties and poured a bottle of bubbly wine into two glasses.



“My Mum used to have that at Christmas!”

“Sorry, I haven’t got a cherry.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” said Katie, giggling.

I clinked my glass against hers, making a louder tinkle than I had intended and we both gasped, but the vessels remained intact.

“Hmmm… refreshing,” said Katie.

“Yes, and doesn’t go sticky if you spill some!” I exclaimed. Katie saw my hand go for the Babycham and she put down her glass and ran screaming and giggling as I chased her around with the bottle.

Written by DanielleX
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