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A Redhead in Thailand

"A 19-year-old SoCal girl discovers her sexuality with a glamorous young Thai prostitute."

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Ally sat at the end of a cheap hostel table listening to young Westerners discussing the nuances of social circles back home. She focused more on the slowly advancing time of her iPhone than the chattering of her friends, as her mind lingered on the afternoon’s events, the wrong turn down the sleazy side street of Soi 6, and a young Thai prostitute she’d encountered. An unfamiliar wild streak built within, and she wished away the monotony of another night in a hostel with Westerners. She was fascinated by the glamorous Thai girl “Gib”, by her sexuality, her culture, and indeed her profession. She wanted to experience more of it, more of the world so unlike her own.

When the time to depart arrived, she calmly returned to her room to change clothes. She’d brought just the outfit, she’d thought, a fashionable blue skirt and matching top such as rich girls would wear to a wedding. Spending extra time on her hair and makeup, her best friend had noticed her absence before she had the chance to sneak out.

“What are you doing, Ally?” she asked.

“I’m going out.”

“You’re going back to see that whore, aren’t you?”

Ally rolled her eyes. “Don’t call her that,” she said.

“She’s a whore, Ally. She’s not like you and I.”

“Kristi, you’re in Thailand, and you want to hide in a hostel?”

“It’s dangerous! Don’t be stupid!” Kristi yelled.

“Maybe, but I’m going! If you’re worried, you should come, too.”

“No way, Ally. No way.”

“Ok then, I’ll be fine, don’t tell the others, please.”

Ally exited the hostel and made her way to Beach Road, being alone in a foreign country for the first time in her life. The nightlife of Pattaya was getting in swing with crowds making their way to their planned gatherings. She negotiated the sea of inebriated tourists to Soi 6 and turned down the alley.

Soi 6 had transformed. The girls were wearing more provocative outfits, and many were standing in the middle of the street calling to the multitudes of passing sex tourists. A horde of drunken men sat in the bars with piles of beers, laughing and yelling.

As a few Indians stopped to catcall at her, Ally flinched. Her instincts told her to run away and never look back, but she shook her head and dismissed both the Indians and herself, and continued further into the depths of Soi 6.

Approaching Gib’s bar, she noticed a figure standing in the door, a beautiful hourglass silhouette, wearing a high-end black and white stripped one-piece dress, shoulderless and stretching to mid-thigh, her bare legs supported by jewel studded black stilettos.

“I knew you’d come!” yelled Gib. “I’m so happy!”

“I had to,” smiled Ally.

“Let’s get out of here!” yelled Gib, bouncing off the step of the bar.

Gib grabbed Ally’s hand, and led her across the street to a waiting motorbike-taxi.

“Have you ever ridden one of these?” Gib asked.

Ally shook her head.

“Ok, I’ll ride in back, climb on,” said Gib motioning to a Thai man in an orange vest sitting on a motorbike.

Ally slid close to the driver on the 3-person scooter, being careful to drape her skirt under her. Her white legs were laid bare to the street as the skirt crawled up her thighs. She delicately placed her sandaled feet on the middle peg. Gib jumped on the back, and squeezed her thighs against Ally’s buttocks. Placing her hands on Ally’s shoulders, she spoke in Thai to the driver, who whipped the loaded bike down Soi 6.

“Woohoo!” yelled Gib.

As the bike turned off Soi 6 and down Beach Road, Ally felt the left hand of Gib slide in a tender caress down the small of her back, before relaxing on her left hip. She felt the soft cheek of Gib on her left ear, joy radiating from her touch.

“Relax honey,” said Gib.

Ally took a deep breath, relaxed her rigid spine, and leaned backwards. Gib giggled, rested her chin on Ally’s neck, and wrapped her right arm around Ally’s belly.

Ally sensed a subtle pounding in her chest as the contour of Gib’s body became more defined and the rush of the world around her fell into surreality. Ally grabbed Gib’s forearm and Gib responded by inching herself even closer.

Ahead, lights from the buildings and a giant marquee lit up the street where the crowds intensified.

“Walking Street, you go before?” Gib asked.

“No, I've only hear about it,” answered Ally.

Gib laughed. “Woooo!” she yelled, extending her arms in the air.

“Woo-hoo!” joined Ally.

The two girls turned heads as they slid off the motorbike-taxi under the giant marquee of Walking Street. Ally’s excitement grew as she discovered another new world. Bass thumped from a club, young Thai waitresses stood at doors of open-air restaurants beckoning customers, and crowds of men and women from all countries shuffled down the wide street.

Gib took her by the hand and led her through the mass down the cobbled world-famous attraction.

“Good guys go to heaven, bad guys go to Pattaya,” Ally repeated from a sign over one of the bars.

“Yes,” answered Gib. “Many bad boys here.”

Ally’s instincts communicated yet another strange presence in a group of ladies wearing evening dresses outside the next bar. They were attractive, with gorgeous but overdone makeup, and yet something seemed unusual about them. As she dragged Gib over for a closer look, one of them locked eyes with her.

“Oh my God! Tee Hee Hee!” the girl screamed, bouncing up and down. “Your hair so beautiful, sweetie!”

Hearing the twang in her voice, Ally realized the truth, ladyboys! She smiled and laughed at the sudden attention, as the group of ladyboys surrounded her.

“I want your hair!”

“Tee Hee Hee, you are so lucky!”

“You are like a princess! Like Lindsay Lohan!”

“No No No, more beautiful than Lindsay! And more sweet!”

The ladyboys further encroached and attempted to run their fingers through her hair, until Gib stepped between them.

“Back off! She’s mine!” she yelled.

To a chorus of giggles, Gib dragged Ally away.

“Be careful with them,” she laughed.

As they continued through the crowds, Ally noticed Thai girls standing outside bars in the same manner Gib had on Soi 6. The girls were better looking than their Soi 6 counterparts except for Gib.

“Why don’t you work here?” asked Ally.

“Oh, I not like here for work, many tourists. Take pictures, rude. Soi 6, better business.”

They approached a building with several bouncers huddled around a small set of double doors with bass radiating from the inside. Groups of Thai couples, foreign men, and single Thai ladies formed a short line to enter the club. Gib walked around them, towing Ally with one hand and nodded to one of the bouncers.

“Gib! Who’s this?”

“My friend from California!”

“Ok, be careful in there! Have fun!”

The bouncers’ necks strained as the two strode into the club, where the appearance of yet another unfamiliar world stopped Ally in her tracks. Coyote dancers gyrated on podiums surrounding a packed dance floor, and the music reverberated in her chest as she gathered herself. Being too young for such clubs back in California, she felt as if she were breaking a rule. Her tummy fluttered as she encouraged herself forward.

“Come on! Shots!” exclaimed Gib.

Arriving at the bar, Gib and the bartender exchanged words as he produced two green shots. Gib handed one to her and grinned. “Your favorite! But better!”

Gib raised her shot in the air to Ally.

“One, two, three, go!” yelled Gib.

Ally downed the smooth apple shot, “Wooooo!”

“Woo-hoo!” screamed Gib. “One more?”

“Oh, hell yes!” Ally yelled.

The bartender, already pouring, produced another two shots. The girls downed them and slapped them on the bar, never paying. Gib blew the bartender a kiss as she led Ally to the dance floor.

They weaved through young Thais mingling on their night out, older farangs with their one-night dates, and solo Thai girls waiting to be picked up. Everyone turned to Ally and Gib. The sight was unusual, even for a Walking Street club.

As Gib pushed an area apart, Ally tuned out the stares and distractions of the club, did her best to dance to the hip-hop music, and focused on Gib, attempting to mimic her moves. Ally lost herself in a trance watching the captivating sways and in-sync gyrations Gib performed to the club’s music.

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Though Ally’s hypnosis was quickly broken when Gib’s attention suddenly turned to the space behind her, but before she could spin around, she felt a hand crawl up her butt cheek. As she jumped at the startling grope, Gib had leapt forward, drop kicking the perpetrator and digging her stiletto heel into his groin. Ally turned to see a fat middle-aged farang hunched over.

Gib screamed at the top of her lungs at the man as the dancing crowd caught notice and parted.

“You fucking bitch!” he yelled.

“Fuck you!” yelled Gib as she loaded up again.

Alerted to the commotion, Thai security guards appeared and stood between them. Gib related the events to them in Thai as the man tried to make denials. He stood no chance, and the guards grabbed him by the arms and flung him from the dance floor, to cheers of the club goers.

 “Sorry, honey,” said Gib, throwing her arms around her neck.

Ally’s heart throbbed as she felt the protective embrace of Gib. Her head began to swim in the wave of the club’s music as tingles flowed through her body, and in movements that seemed as if her body had taken over control, she pulled back against Gib’s hold, running her cheek into Gib’s, until her mouth contacted her waiting lips. She swept her hands up Gib’s back and pulled their lips tightly together.

The world spun around Ally as the shots began to take their full affect, while the experienced caress of Gib’s tongue found its way into her mouth. Beyond the apple, Ally tasted an exotic sweetness, as she sucked madly on her tongue to absorb as much as she could. Their dancing had ceased as they enjoyed their first kiss, blocking out the snickers from around them.

Ally felt the front of her skirt flap and a moment later, the back of Gib’s two fingers contacted her clit through her damp cotton panties. Ally’s eyes opened wide to see the stare of Gib, who smiled seductively, never allowing their lips to part.

As they watched each other’s reactions, Gib pulled her close and rotated the hand invading her skirt to collide her finger tips into Ally’s clit, massaging down to her opening, which lubricated despite the cover of panties. A tension radiated up, throbbing with the music in her heart, as the caress of two cotton-wrapped fingers softly parted her lips. The two fingers moved perfectly, as if Ally were guiding them herself, rubbing from the apex of her clit, down teasing penetration.

Stumbling to find the control of her legs, Ally wrapped her arms tightly around her shoulders, her hips moving in sync with the two fingers. Gib slapped her free hand on Ally’s ass to apply more pressure. Ally could only close her eyes and dig her chin into Gib’s neck for balance.

The two fingers left her skirt and Gib’s two hands pushed her hips backwards in a controlled stumble. The club whirled past her until her back collided with a door and bright lights spilled into her world. Still stumbling, she finally collided with a bathroom stall and noticed turned heads from Thai girls at the mirrors touching up their makeup.

Gib turned to the audience for a moment, made a remark in Thai, and then flipped open the stall and pushed Ally backward into the private confines, to a spattering of chuckles.

Ally was fearless. Finally alone with Gib, she desired nothing but the feeling of her hand back on her clit and her tongue in her mouth. She sat back on the toilet tank, spread her legs and hiked her skirt, exposing her white cotton panties between her pasty legs glistening with sweat.  

Gib latched the door and moved to attack Ally, straddling the toilet bowl, and again locking lips and burying her fingers in her pussy.

“You are so sexy,” Gib said.

“No, you are. I can’t believe how I feel with you,” answered Ally.

Ally gasped as Gib’s fingers slid around the sides of her panties. Gib, with the experience of a professional, was careful to massage with the backs of her fingers never allowing her nails to dig into her.

With Gib’s free hand, she found the side of Ally’s panties and began to move them down her thighs.

“Wait,” said Ally.

“It’s ok, no one will bother us,” Gib comforted.

Ally kept her legs spread for a moment, confused between her desire and her conservative upbringing, until finally giving into the lust as Gib playfully licked her bottom lip. Gib giggled as she pulled her panties down her legs, over her sandals, and onto the bathroom floor.

Ally’s hips were shaped liked those of a young model, with a sensual layer of skin covering a slender body, and her pale skin showing no tan lines or blemishes from hips to toe. Her skirt up exposed a bright red untrimmed bush.

“So beautiful,” said Gib.

Gib again stuck her fingers onto Ally’s now unobstructed clit and seductively kissed her neck for a few seconds, as Ally’s body trembled. Anticipation grew, as she peered at the back of the bathroom stall, absorbing the muffled thumping of the club, and felt her longing grow as Gib’s fingers continued to excite her, growing more infatuated with her new experience.

In a flash, Gib removed her fingers and lips and dropped her hips in front of the bowl putting her head between Ally’s legs and facing her bush, with an erotic smile.

“Oh my God!” said Ally.

Gib arched her back over the toilet, reached her hands under Ally’s thighs, and slowly moved her face toward Ally’s pussy. Ally tensed up, and pushed her arms out against the walls as if keeping her body from falling off the tank. She jolted as Gib’s nose pushed into her red bush and she felt the tip of her tongue collide with her clit.

Their eyes locked as Ally peered down to see the brown face and black hair resting between her white legs, and felt a vibration as her clit was sucked into Gib’s mouth and the wide portion of her tongue rubbed its sensitive underside. Ally’s legs went limp as she lost herself, only regaining her composure as her ass began to slip off the tank.

“Here, honey,” Gib said, lifting Ally’s right leg to rest on her shoulder. Ally draped her calf across Gib’s back and let her knees hang sideways.

Gib smiled as she dived back in, furiously sucking her clit and flicking it with her tongue as she judged Ally’s reactions. Gib seemed to know the spots to hit, and within a couple minutes, Ally had flexed her body against the back wall as an orgasm grew.

“Oh, fuck!” she screamed.

Giggles erupted from the bathroom and momentarily drew away Ally’s attention. Gib, noticing this, pulled on her buttocks applying more pressure between her clit and tongue, until Ally’s eyes rolled back, her head rolled forward, and her fire red hair draped around her face blocking out all the world except Gib staring up from between her legs.

Gib applied more suction and began sliding her tongue across her clit rapidly, causing Ally to convulse her hips as a wave of aphrodisia grew.

“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she moaned.

As her orgasm consolidated, she braced herself with one hand on the stall and grabbed Gib’s hair, smashing her tongue against her pussy, then wrapped her thigh tightly around Gib’s narrow shoulder blades, smothering her.

Gib relaxed her suction and slowly brushed the top of her clit with the meaty portion of her tongue and waited to be allowed air. Ally shuttered, causing the lid of the toilet to clank in hard thuds as her orgasm ran its full course, until she finally relaxed her hold around Gib’s head.

Gib stood up and cuddled her, wrapping her arms around her lower back. Ally draped her arms around Gib’s head, her head collapsing on her shoulder in exhaustion.

“Oh my God, my first time. My first time was on a toilet!” she laughed.

“What? You never cum before?” asked Gib.

“Oh no, I’ve came before, but only with my finger,” Ally answered.

“Oh,” giggled Gib. “Well, I make you cum more later.”

“Not in the bathroom.”

“Ha ha ha, not here. More drinks first!”

“Yes, let’s get wasted!” screamed Ally.

Gib backed away, stood before Ally, and lifted her tight dress, revealing slender hips, and a black t-back style pair of panties. Then she pulled the straps downward and let them fall to her ankles exposing a shaved pubic region. Ally nervously eyed the sexy pelvis and noticed the stark difference between the two’s lower bodies. As her thoughts turned to what it would be like to taste her, Gib lowered her skirt, kneeled to grab Ally’s cotton panties sitting in a pool of water and added them to her own.

“Let’s go,” said Gib.

Ally slid off the toilet and straightened her skirt before the two left the stall. Gib tossed both pair of panties into the trash bin before the two approached the mirror to fix their hair, as the other Thai girls stared. Ally and Gib shrugged at them before erupting in laughter and rushing out of the bathroom locked at the hips.


Written by Nathan_Renly
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