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A Monumental Affair

"An overnight trek amidst spectacular scenery leads to the most sensual of massages"

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The unparalleled panorama of staggeringly beautiful scenery was nearly lost in the heat haze that shimmered off the tarmac as we made our way steadily along route US163. Fortunately Lucy was driving, allowing me to soak up the views from the car window as the landscape, completely overwhelming in both its majesty and its size, swept serenely by. Lucy and I had arrived in Las Vegas five days earlier with four other friends. Principal among them was Helen, good friend to both of us and also bride to be. Tentative plans for her hen night in a pub back home had escalated beyond reason as we had goaded each other into ever bolder and grander plans to celebrate her last single night.

We eventually found ourselves booking a ten day jaunt to Las Vegas. The myriad of delights on offer to tantalise both discerning and undiscerning visitors alike had proved too much of a draw for all six of us.

While we'd booked into the Stratosphere Hotel for the duration of our stay, we'd sampled the delights of the Bellagio Fountains, The Fall of Atlantis at Caesars Palace and Freemont Street's illuminated canopy. I'd had an incredible amount of fun in more hotels, casinos and attractions than I could remember, though finding a way back out of any of them was often a Herculean task. To this day I don't think the word "exit" formed part of the language of any Las Vegas establishment.

We had another four days to fill before Virgin Atlantic was scheduled to whisk us back to normality and the dreary grey skied autumnal weather of London. While Las Vegas had been amazing fun, I fancied spending time somewhere far more natural and away from general hubbub of the city and the strip. I managed to persuade Lucy to hire a car with me and run off into the wild for a few days to see some of the desert and canyons that seemed to pretty much surround the city.

After a quick trip to see Hertz and a bit of credit card magic, we soon found ourselves speeding out of the city on I-15 towards Mesquite. We spent a day each at Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon. They were both stunning in their own way, but as I pored over the map in the motel in Page after a day at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, I hoped the best was yet to come. I saw something on the map that took me completely by surprise.

My dad had always been a massive John Wayne fan. He'd made me watch all his Westerns over and over again while I was growing up. "Get yourself to Monument Valley," he'd said, before I left for the airport. "Take loads of photographs for me and make your dad jealous."

After he'd positively raved for half an hour about the possibility of me going there, I hadn't really thought any more about it. I knew Monument Valley was in the western states somewhere, but that was about the limit of my knowledge. Yet there it was, staring at me from the map. I estimated it to be about another three or four hours drive eastwards from Page. We weren't due back in Las Vegas until the following night, so that should be enough time to enable Lucy and I to get there and back within the day. We could stay overnight again in Page that evening, before making the long drive back to Las Vegas tomorrow. Providing Lucy agreed, it was a perfect plan!

"We're going to Monument Valley today Lucy," I said somewhat matter of factly as she jumped out of the shower.

"What's that? And where is it?" she replied inquisitively, as she towelled herself off.

I was so happy when, after explaining my plan and what some photos would mean to my dad, she agreed to spend the day there.

So there we were, cruising along US163 at a steady fifty five miles an hour towards Monument Valley. The sun was glorious and the orange and red sandstone formations got ever grander as we neared our destination. After a long, but incredibly scenic drive, we eventually reached the entrance to the Valley.

While it was the most amazingly sunny and hot day, I was stunned to see there was a sign on the road by the entrance station that said the Valley was closed due to bad weather. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Really? Bad weather!" I thought.

Lucy pulled the car up to the pay booth and wound the window down.

"It's gorgeously sunny. I can't see a cloud in the sky," I said to the ranger at the entrance. "Closed due to bad weather. Why's that?"

"You wouldn't know it with the sunshine an' all ma'am," he replied, "But we had a nasty storm come through last night. It dumped a lot of rain on the trails through the Valley. The sand looks fine to drive on from a distance, but if we let you folks drive through, you'd be bogged down within yards. I'm sorry."

I was gutted. We'd driven all that way only to be turned down at the gate. My dad would never forgive me for not getting some good photos for him, especially since I'd texted him from the motel the night before to say I was going there. The ranger could obviously sense my disappointment.

"You're welcome to drive on through to the Visitor Centre. It's tarmac up to there. I won't charge you for that, but there's no way we can let folk drive on the trails," he said. "You'll still get a pretty good view of the Valley from the ridge the Centre sits on," he added.

"Okay thanks. Is there no other way to see the Valley?" I asked.

"Well, the car trails only go certain places anyway. You could try Abayo Horse Tours," he suggested. "It's a father and daughter team. They run horse trips through the park. The horses are fine with the wet sand."

"Umm, okay," I said after a moment pause for thought. "Where can I find them?"

"If you go about two miles further down US163, you'll see a sign for them pointing off to the right. It's quite a small track, but it's paved, so you'll be fine with the car. They're about another mile or so up there. They normally leave early morning though, so I expect you'll have missed them by now."

Lucy had this you are so not going to get me on a horse look on her face as the ranger gave the directions. Truth be told, I'd never been on a horse in my life. The nearest I'd ever got was having a My Little Pony when I was about four or five. I don't remember liking anything equine then, let alone now! Still, I really wanted to get some snaps for my dad.

"Come on Lucy. We've come all this way. Can't we at least check it out?" I said, with the most pathetically big eyed pleading face I could muster. "Pleeease."

"Sure," she said. "But there is no way in this world you're getting me on horse."

We thanked the ranger at the gate and drove further on down the road until we saw the Abayo Horse Tours sign. Lucy flipped on the indicator before making a tight right hand turn onto a narrow track, barely wide enough for the car. It ran almost perpendicular to the road, before looping off in the distance behind a large sandstone outcrop. I had no idea what to expect from Abayo Horse Tours, but as we rounded the outcrop and their business came into view, I was stunned by just how rustic but endearing it looked.

There were three large and permanent looking wigwams flanked by a large corral. The wigwams were covered in gorgeous and very bright designs that reflected the best of the surrounding scenery of the Valley. In the corral were three horses happily munching on some hay. Littered all round the site was a seemingly random jumble of horse tack, including saddles, stirrups, bridles, reins and bits.

The sound of our car's tyres moving from the paved track to the gravel floor in front of the wigwams brought forward a girl from the far left hand one of the three. Even from a distance she looked gorgeous. She had long, straight and very dark hair that was tied back in a pony tail with some feathers slipped through the knot. While she wore jeans and trainers, the shawl she wore over her upper body was quite obviously traditional Navajo wear, with a vivid pattern of bright reds and blacks. The shawl was neatly tied with a sash round the waist, with the material falling just below the knee. As she approached the car, I could see she was at least of partial Navajo descent, with bright emerald green eyes and full lips. She was very slim, but even with the baggy shawl I could tell that despite her slim figure, she still had very full but pert breasts. The combination of western and traditional clothing was very alluring, perhaps more so as I also thought this girl was stunning.

"Yah'eh-teh," she said to Lucy and I as we climbed out of the car.

"Excuse me?" I replied. I think Lucy and I were both lost for words as neither of us had a clue what the girl had just said.

"It means hello," she replied, smiling at both of us. "Yah'eh-teh is the Navajo word for hello. I love saying it. It's so much more fun that just hello. Anyway, can I help you guys?"

"We wanted to see the Valley," I said. "We were turned away at the main entrance because of rain last night and the ranger suggested you might be able to help us. Can you?"

"Our trips usually leave in the morning. My dad runs those. He left at nine with a group of about eight. They spend the day in the Valley, camp out overnight and get back here about the same time tomorrow morning. I usually stay back and look after the business here. It's pretty slow at the minute, so I'd be happy to take you two out on my own and catch them up. I know their route and can shortcut to it. How does that sound?"

I looked at Lucy. She had that I'm not going on a horse look on her face again. This time the look was more pronounced as camping out had been thrown into the list of possibilities too.

"I want to do it," I said to Lucy. "It sounds fun and a bit of an adventure. The girls in Vegas wouldn't believe we'd done it. Are you in?"

Lucy pondered for a moment but then gave the answer that I was expecting.

"It's really not my thing, but I don't want you to miss out. We passed some motels a few miles back. I think one or two had pools. I'll go back there and have a relax for the afternoon in the pool, get some take away and have a comfy bed. I don't mind picking you up tomorrow morning," she said. "You can do the drive back to Vegas though," she added. "That's the price."

"Deal," I replied. The whole thing seemed crazy. Horse rides and camping out, and all with my own amazingly stunning and very personal guide.

"I'm coming," I said to the girl. "But my friend isn't. Is the trip still good for just one?"

She smiled and said, "Sure. I'll ready a couple of horses if you want to get some stuff together. By the way, my name's Ajei. What's yours?

"I'm Katie," I replied. "Ajei, is that a Navajo name?"

"Well, nice to meet you Katie, and yep," she said. "It's Navajo for 'my heart'. I kinda like it."

"It's beautiful. This is going to be so much fun!" I giggled to Ajei. "You're lovely too!"

I was so excited I couldn't help just blurting those last three words out. I realised immediately that I'd been totally unable to stop myself giving her a very flirty compliment. I held my breath and looked somewhat sheepishly at Ajei to see what sort of response she'd give. She blushed bright red and then, after what seemed like an eternity, replied, "I'll make sure you have a great adventure, Katie. We'll definitely have fun!"

Ajei winked playfully at me. I wasn't sure what the wink meant, but she didn't seem at all worried about the flirt and had even returned one of her own.

We agreed a price for the trip and while I got together a few bits and pieces of overnight stuff from my suitcase in the boot of the car, Ajei saddled two horses ready for us.

"See you tomorrow morning then. Have a fun adventure," said Lucy with a playful grin on her face before she drove off to find a motel. I suspect she already knew I fancied Ajei. She probably also thought I now had an ulterior motive for the trip besides taking photos.

"Do you need help getting on the horse?" Ajei asked.

"I have no idea how to," I replied. "Why don't you show me and I'll see if I can do it."

"Okay, watch me then," Ajei said. She took the reins in her the left hand and then held the pommel of the saddle. She placed her left foot in the stirrup and then reached her right hand over to the back of the saddle. One small spring from her right foot followed by a deft swing of her leg over the back of the horse and Ajei slid perfectly into the saddle. It all looked so easy!

Ajei looked at me and smiled. "Think you can do that?" she asked.

"I watched you very very closely," I said, nodding my head and winking at her again. "I'll give it a go."

I tried to copy Ajei's movements but failed miserably in my first three attempts to mount the horse.

"Here, I'll help. Do you mind if I hold you while you get on?" Ajei asked.

"Be my guest. I think I need all the help I can get. And please, hold me all you like," I replied, giving Ajei another subtle smile.

Ajei put her hands on my hips. Even the merest touch of her hands on my body brought goose bumps to my arms. She smiled back at me as she saw the involuntary reaction I'd given to her touch.

"We'll go on three," she said. "One...two...three."

On three, I pushed myself up and pulled at the saddle as hard as I could. I could feel Ajei's hands slide over my hips, briefly cup the cheeks of my bum, before sliding down my thighs as she gave me the extra shove I needed to finally clamber over the horse and steady myself in the saddle.

"Phew. Thanks," I said.

"Believe me, the pleasure was all mine," Ajei replied, winking again at me.

As we moved off down the track into the Valley I couldn't help but gaze at Ajei. The sway of her breasts beneath her shawl and the bounce of her firm but shapely thighs as her body moved in perfect rhythm to the gentle trots of the horse was utterly mesmerising. I'm sure my own body wasn't quite as graceful, but I was flattered to see Ajei's gaze often drawn to me as my horse trotted along beside hers. I'd only known her an hour or so, yet in that short time we'd shared some very innocent but perhaps meaningful flirts. We'd also smiled and winked at each other several times. Was this building to something far more special than winks and flirts? I certainly hoped so.

Ajei and I spent a lazy afternoon riding round the Valley. The scenery was truly magnificent. Everywhere I looked, miles and miles of orange and red hued sandstone masterpieces towered into the sky. Dotted amongst them, fragile pinnacles of rock seemed to defy gravity as they also clawed their way upwards. The mesmerising autumnal colours of the Valley were broken up by a plethora of trees and shrubs, comprising every shade of green I had ever seen. Windblown sand covered all the trails, forming pretty patterned mini dunes wherever the accumulations were deep enough. The entire Valley was framed by scenic clouds that had bubbled up during the day as the previous night's rain had eventually evaporated away and the clouds cast beautiful shadows that graciously roamed across the desert floor. As the afternoon wore on and dusk approached, the angle of the setting sun increasingly accentuated these graceful formations. All day I had been completely spellbound by the Valley and had taken hundreds of pictures for my dad.

I'd also been spellbound by Ajei's company. She was not only gorgeous but incredibly easy to talk to, and I'd enjoyed chatting pretty much constantly with her throughout the afternoon. We'd laughed, joked and told stories about our completely different lives in America and England. All day I'd been expecting us to catch up with her dad and the larger tour group. Secretly I hoped we never did. I selfishly didn't want to share Ajei with anyone else that night. Even if nothing happened between us, I couldn't imagine a more perfect end to the day than to share a campfire with Ajei while we talked and giggled together late into the night. As the sun finally kissed the horizon and darkness started to fall my wish came true.

"We'll stop and camp here tonight if that's okay," Ajei said.

"What about your dad and the rest of the tour group?" I asked.

"Um, I have a confession to make," Ajei said, looking somewhat embarrassed but also a little mischievous too. "We won't be meeting up with them. This afternoon's been so much fun. I think you've felt that too. When I first saw you, you said I was lovely. The feeling's mutual, Katie. You're simply stunning and I've just had the best afternoon. I didn't want to spoil any of that. I hope you don't mind?"

"Don't mind?" I replied, blushing what was probably a very deep red.

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"You've totally read my mind, that's what you've done. It's perfect!"

"Brilliant," Ajei said, smiling again. "I'll pitch the tent. There's plenty of wood around. If I give you a firelighter, do you think you could get a fire going?"

"Sure," I replied somewhat uncertainly. I'd never lit a campfire in my life, but there was no way I was going to let Ajei down.

Ajei unsaddled and tethered the horses before expertly pitching what looked like some sort of pop up wigwam. I gathered some twigs and branches and bundled them into a pile next to a group of large stones that Ajei proceeded to form into a ring to contain the flames. Two matches and one firelighter later and we had a roaring fire going.

The sun finally disappeared below the horizon and darkness engulfed us. After a while a bright three quarter moon gradually rose above one of the sandstone monoliths to illuminate the inky black blanket of the night sky. Stars began to appear. At first they were sparsely dotted and barely flickering, but eventually a full canopy of bright stars spread across and filled the whole sky. I leant back and could clearly pick out Ursa Major, The Great Bear and The Plough from amongst the ocean of luminous wonders.

"So what do you think of Monument Valley?" Ajei finally asked after we'd sat for some time in silence enjoying the warmth of the fire.

"It's spectacular," I replied. "But I ache all over."

"You ache. Why's that?"

"Yep. My back and thighs are on fire. I've never ridden a horse in my life. My neck aches too from where I've been craning it to look at all your beautiful scenery."

"Hmm," Ajei said. "I might have just the thing to help you out there. Hold on a second."

Ajei jumped up from her position on the blanket next to me by the fire and rooted around in the bottom of one of the pockets of her saddle bag. She pulled out a small ceramic bottle that was painted in ornate designs of horses being ridden by proud looking Navajo warriors wearing full feather head dresses. The top had a tiny cork stopper pushed hard into it, to hold in whatever the contents of the bottle were.

"What's that?" I asked.

"This Katie, is a special Navajo massage oil. It's been made from secret ingredients that only the Hataali knows. I guarantee I can make all your aches and pains go with this," Ajei said. "Want to try? Please say yes!"

Madly enough, Ajei thought I was stunning. Not only that, but she was now offering me a massage! There was no way in the world I was going to turn that down.

"You bet," I replied. "That sounds amazing. What's a Hataali?"

"Ah, you would probably know the Hataali better as the Medicine Man," said Ajei. She looked at me very seriously at first, then burst out laughing. "He's a sweet old man, but I know he buys this stuff from Walgreens and then just tips it across into this bottle. I saw him in there one day buying it."

"Walgreens?" I asked.

"It's a large pharmacy chain," Ajei explained. "I had a look at what he bought after he'd gone through the checkout. I think its got almonds, apricots and some sort of mix of jojoba and kukui nut oils. It smells delicious."

She waved the bottle under my nose. The pungent aroma that wafted up into my nostrils was delicious. I so wanted the massage Ajei had offered. The thought of her hands rubbing the massage oil into my skin was very enticing to say the least. I wondered just how far she was willing to take it. It was time to find out!

I looked directly into Ajei's eyes and said, "How do you want me?"

"Hmm, I could make a very long list in answer too that question?" Ajei giggled back.

I knew from her reply, added to all the winks and smiles we'd shared that afternoon and her you're stunning confession, that this massage was going to go wherever we wanted it to. If I hadn't been tingling before, I most certainly was now.

"My neck hurts the most, can we start there?" I asked.

"Of course. Let's get you comfy," Ajei replied.

She stretched out a large blanket on a soft patch of sand next to the open fire and indicated I should lay down on my front. I took my trainers and socks off, then folded and plumped up another smaller blanket to use as a pillow. Before I lay down, I undid the top two buttons on my blouse so Ajei could get to my neck.

"Are you ready?" Ajei asked once I was laying on my front and had got myself comfortable.

"I'm ready," I replied.

"Then close your eyes and just enjoy," Ajei said.

I closed my eyes and heard a plop as she pulled the stopper out of the bottle and then the trickle of the oil as she upended the bottle and dabbed some into the palms of her hands. The goose bumps I'd felt when she'd helped me onto the horse earlier in the day were back twofold the moment her fingers touched the small of my neck.

Ajei expertly rubbed her oiled fingers over and around my shoulders, the tips firmly but gently pressing into my skin. The warm palms of her hands followed the tips, moving in a steady circular rhythm, pressing and kneading round both sides of my neck, then back down across my shoulders.

"How does that feel?" Ajei asked.

"It feels divine," I replied. "Do you fancy doing my back too?" I cheekily asked.

Ajei leant into me and whispered in my ear, "Katie, I'll massage anything that aches." She paused momentarily, then added,"... and everything that doesn't too. I did say we'd have fun didn't I?"

I turned onto my side and smiled at Ajei. "Yes you did," I said. Then I did something that felt just as natural as breathing. I propped myself up on one elbow, looked directly into Ajei's eyes, leant up and kissed her softly on the lips. She barely had a chance to respond before I quickly undid the remaining three buttons on my blouse, slipped my arms out and flopped back down on the blanket. "It's back time, Ajei," I giggled.

I felt a drizzle of oil land on my back as Ajei gently poured a little more of the contents of the bottle over me. She dripped a line across my shoulder blades and down both sides of my back. I could feel the warm oil gently trickle down my spine and form a little pool in the small of my back. Her warm hands were quick to follow, working the oil out of the pool and into my skin in a circular motion at first, then straight up and down with the palms of her hands on either side of my spine.

On each upward stroke of her hands, there was an awkward pause as she navigated around the strap of my bra. I could feel Ajei run the tips of her fingers underneath it until the elastic couldn't stretch any further, before withdrawing back down my spine and then returning her hands to my back above the strap. To make things easy, I reached round and undid the clasp, allowing Ajei to rub and caress the full length of my back completely unhindered.

Ajei moved her position. Instead of kneeling beside me, I felt her move her knee over me and straddle the backs of my thighs. Her palms returned to my back, stroking in firm circles again. She allowed her hands to meet in the centre, then radiated her fingertips out in ever widening circles until they were running down the sides of my body, caressing the sides of my breasts on every pass.

Ajei leant forwards, and despite the sheen of oil over my skin, I could clearly feel the lace of her bra moving upwards across my back as she pressed into me. At some point she must have removed her shawl. I didn't know when and I didn't care either. The soft but textured feel of the lace rubbing against my oiled skin felt amazing. I could feel Ajei's full but pert breasts pushed against me through the lace and her already hard nipples, poking a little through the gaps in the lace, rubbed over my skin, adding to the sensation.

Ajei's lips caressed across the small of my neck, her tongue gently playing and flicking over me. She leant higher, her breasts pushed hard against my back as she nibbled and gently licked my earlobe with the tip of her tongue.

"Time for everything," she whispered in my ear before moving her way back down my body.

I felt another trickle of warm oil land on my lower back. Again, Ajei's hands quickly followed, caressing and stroking over the top curve of my hips with her thumbs gently pushing below the waistline of my jeans. Over and over she stroked and rubbed around my hips. At their furthest reach, the tips of her fingers just reached my tummy before moving back round my hips again. On the next stroke under my hips, I instinctively raised my hips off the blanket. Ajei's fingers used the extra room to reach under me and quickly unhitch the fastener to my jeans.

She gave one long, firm downwards tug to each side of the material which gradually inched the zip lower until my jeans were loose round my waist. With my hips still in the air, and as Ajei held the fabric of both my jeans and my panties together, I did a series of little wiggles, allowing her to gently slide both down my legs and off.

As I lay naked on the blanket with the warmth from the fire radiating over me, I felt the dribble of the oil return to my body. This time Ajei trickled it over my buttocks and down the back of each thigh. Her two thumbs massaged lightly in tiny circles over my sacrum; that delightful and gorgeously sensitive patch of skin just above the crease of my bottom. I squirmed a little on the blanket as the palms of her hands then caressed in firm circles over my buttocks, before trailing down the backs of my thighs.

I couldn't help but shuffle my legs slightly apart on the blanket as Ajei spread her fingers across the backs of my legs so that her thumbs were rubbing up and down the insides of my thighs. She traced invisible triangles with her thumbs from the inside of my knee, upwards towards my now very tingly secret places and then back down again. I spread my legs wider and wider as her thumbs moved higher with each upward stroke, until she eventually traced them up either side of my pussy, squeezing my now very engorged labia together, before moving away again.

Ajei paused for a moment then leant forward again. I felt her breasts return to my back, but this time the lace was gone. She slowly moved upwards, a few inches off my body, her hard nipples, now completely unfettered, rubbed tantalisingly over my skin as she made her way up my body. As her lips brushed over my shoulder, I turned my head, wanting my own lips to meet hers again. We kissed, this time a little harder and more urgently than the first. We both parted our lips, allowing our tongues to meet, swirling them together as Ajei held the tops of my arms, pulling herself tight against my naked body.

Then she was gone, moving back down my body again. This time rather than hovering slightly over me, she pressed her now oiled breasts and hard erect nipples tight against me, massaging and sliding them in circles across my back as she moved lower and lower.

Ajei's palms returned to my buttocks, kneading and pressing in wide arcs that gradually spread them wider with every turn. I felt the oil poured over me again, this time drizzled in several tiny circles over and around my sensitive rosette. I could feel the oil momentarily pool in its little dip before trickling down over my labia and clit and then dripping onto the blanket.

This time Ajei didn't tease me. Her fingers massaged the oil into my labia, stroking and sliding gently up and down each one in turn. On each downward stroke she pressed and flicked at my clit, gradually releasing it from its nest, sending waves of pleasure up and down my body. The movement and pressure of her fingers over my petals released the wetness that had been slowly building and building within me. My honey trickled out over her insistent fingers, mixing with the scent of the oil to fill the night air with an intoxicating aroma of massage oil and sex.

Ajei paused again for a moment and I heard what sounded like the shuffle of her removing her own pair of jeans. My senses proved right. When she sat back down and straddled the backs of my calves again, I could feel the heat of her own sex gently rubbing against the back of my leg.

Her fingers returned to my pussy. I sighed as I felt Ajei slide a finger inside me, caressing my velvety inner walls in gentle but persistent circles. My whole body tensed in pleasure with her first strokes. As I relaxed into the movements of her finger, she slid second one in, rubbing them together in tandem and bathing them both in a heady mixture of massage oil and my own sweet juices.

The palm of her other hand spread my buttocks again and I felt the pad of her thumb dab into the few drops of oil that were still pooled in the dip of my rosette. I sighed even louder as she gently rubbed her thumb in delicate circles around it, placing a little more pressure with every tiny turn until her thumb was stretching my rosette open but not yet delving inside me.

Desperately needing her inside my most secret place, I lifted my hips off the blanket and pushed back against her thumb. The movement was enough for her thumb to edge inside. I moaned in pleasure as I felt the incredible delight of her thumb pushing slowly into my ass. Ajei started curling it, rubbing in rhythm with the curls of her fingers that were still working in and out of my pussy.

My hips were now well off the blanket, moving in time to the increasing tempo of the thrusts and curls of her fingers and thumb. I could feel Ajei begin to frantically rub her own sex harder and harder against my calf. She started to twist both wrists while pressing her digits into me. The relentless rubbing and caressing inside my ass and against the sweet spot on the upper wall of my pussy, was making me start to pant and pushing me to the edge of the sweetest of orgasms.

My pants became almost uncontrollable as I felt my peak hit me. I gripped the top of the blanket tightly while my toes became rigid and pointed. The crescendo engulfed my whole body as I shuddered backwards onto Ajei's still writhing fingers. She caressed me all the way through my climax, until my pants lessened and the intense orgasm she'd afforded me had subsided.

Eventually I rolled onto my back, a contented grin spread wide across my face. Ajei had teased and delighted me beyond any reasonable expectation anyone could have had. I knew from the frantic rubbing of her own sex against the back of my leg that she would desperate for some attention of her own.

"Come here," I said, holding my hands out to her. Ajei knew exactly what I wanted. She interlocked her fingers with mine and moved forwards, shuffling her knees higher and higher up my body until her labia, already spread and slick from where she'd rubbed them on my leg hovered just above my eager tongue.

I put my hands on Ajei's hips and pulled her down onto my face. Ajei pushed her pussy hard against my mouth. I barely had time to savour the sweetness and delicateness of her swollen labia before the force of her thrusts on my face compelled me to push my tongue deep inside her. My mouth was wide, completely enveloping her puffy and swollen labia. Her hands returned to mine as I held her hips and together we circled her dripping sex over my mouth and face. Her sweet nectar, which until that point had gently trickled down my cheeks as I'd tongued her, suddenly became a flood of wanton lust as she climaxed over my face. I continued to lick and kiss Ajei's pussy through her peak until she finally collapsed beside me in a jumble of entwined arms and legs.

Ajei and I cuddled each other to sleep in the remaining light of the dying embers of the fire. My eyes finally closed as the final embers turned to black, leaving our entangled bodies bathed in the pearly white light from the moon and star filled sky.

We made love twice again the following morning, just as the setting moon gave way to the rising sun, turning the star filled night sky into the salmon pink of dawn. We very reluctantly made our way back to the corral where Lucy was waiting for me with the car. Ajei and I exchanged contact details, said our goodbyes and promised to stay in touch. As I drove us back down the track on the first step of the long haul back to Las Vegas, Lucy looked at me and asked, "How was your trip?"

I paused for a moment, both to collect my thoughts and to have one last look in the rear view mirror at Ajei waving at our car as we drove away.

"There's only one word that sums up the trip I've just had," I replied, looking wistfully at her. "It was totally....monumental!"

Written by KatieElizabeth
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