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A Highland Fling

"Fling: A short term relationship of indulgence and sexual liaison between two people. Or, a dance"

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Clouds scurried swiftly across the sky and the early morning air was crisp with the first hints of autumnal frost as I started my southerly drive over Rannoch Moor. I'd set off deliberately early, hoping to avoid the worst of the late summer holiday traffic on the A82. Behind me lay Fort William and a fabulous week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where I'd visited Kilchurn Castle, explored my paternal ancestry on the Isle of Skye and searched unsuccessfully for the Loch Ness Monster. Ahead of me, at the bottom end of the Moor, lay Tyndrum, after which I would make a right hand turn towards the western shores of Loch Fyne and my ultimate destination of Inverary, which lay near the head of the loch.

Forty five minutes after leaving Fort William in the gloom of dawn, the sun eventually peaked over the top ridge of one of the numerous fells that littered the horizon. The landscape looked almost desolate. The bracken was yellowing, and the heather, well past its glorious high summer bloom, lay limp to the earth. Pockets of mist hung heavy in the hollows of the uneven ground, with woolly tendrils reaching out and drifting slowly up and down the many gullies and waterways that criss-crossed the moor.

I wasn't at all disheartened by the bleak look of my surroundings. I'd watched the weather report the night before in my hotel room and knew that once the sun got up, the mist would burn away quickly. A fine and sunny autumn day was forecast. It was going to be just the sort of day that was perfect for the Argyll and Bute Highland Games. I'd planned to visit the Games for the last day of my break before the long drive south back to England. I couldn't wait to have fun and soak up the atmosphere of something so quintessentially Scottish and, though distant, something that was also an integral part of my own heritage.

By the time I arrived in Inverary the sun was well up into the now clear blue sky and the last wisps of the morning's mist were evaporating from the edges of the loch. The water was calm and I could clearly see a perfect reflection of the mountains, sky and town on the mirror like surface of the water.

As I drove down the High Street I was amazed to see the whole town was festooned with brightly coloured bunting that seemed to drip from the front of every building and lamp post. After parking outside the bed and breakfast I'd booked for the night, I locked the car and made my way to the show ground at the far end of the town where the Games were being held.

Even though it was still early and the Games hadn't yet started, large crowds were already beginning to gather at the ticket booths. As I queued, I could see numerous hospitality tents strewn across the field and various arenas had been fashioned from bales of hay, placed in circles to separate the spectators from the competitors. Under the awning of the largest marquee was a wooden stage, about ten metres wide and a metre high. I presumed this would play host to the main attraction of the afternoon and thing I most wanted to see, the Highland Dancing.

I spent a fun morning cruising round the makeshift arenas watching burly men stretch every sinew in their bodies to throw hammers, toss cabers and put stones. Other parts of the grounds showcased mock battles, displays of ancient armour and all manner of clan related memorabilia. An endless stream of bagpipe and Celtic horn players provided a subtle but beautiful musical backdrop that perfectly complimented the whole Highland Game experience.

As it neared lunchtime and the start of the Highland Dancing I bought myself a bowl of Cullen Skink and a bread roll from one of the many take away vendors and made my way to the wooden stage I'd seen earlier. I was both early enough and lucky enough to be able to find a seat on the front row just to the right hand side of the stage. I put my coat over the back of the chair and watched the various pipers, drummers and fiddlers set up their instruments while I ate my soup.

Eventually the tannoy crackled into life to announce the start of the afternoon's competitions.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before we start today's competitions, for those of you unfamiliar with the rules of Highland Dancing, judges will award each competitor marks out of ten in each of the following four categories. Firstly, their timing and ability to follow the rhythm of the music. Secondly, for their technique, execution of the steps and body movements. Thirdly, for their artistic interpretation of the music and finally for their confidence and ability." The announcer paused momentarily to allow the audience to digest the scoring system before continuing, "Our first competitor this afternoon in the solo ladies category, representing Lanarkshire, and performing the Highland Fling, is...Jenny Wallace."

There was a polite ripple of applause before Jenny Wallace walked confidently to the centre of the stage and stood with her arms extended above her head and her feet turned slightly, one in front of the other as she readied herself for the start of the music.

She was dressed in a very deep red woollen tartan kilt with a gold and blue pattern woven across it. Her torso was clad in a black velvet jacket with a white linen lining and gold braid and buttons down the front. The whole outfit was made even more alluring by the matching knee high tartan hose she wore, with a pair of soft black leather shoes with an ornate laced pattern over the top of her foot.

Her costume was nothing compared to her looks. She was quite a bit taller than me, very slim and had lovely long fair hair that was scraped back into a neat pony tail. Her eyes were light brown but with enchanting hints of deep green that glinted in the sunlight. Her cheekbones were quite high but that was more than compensated for by her beautiful milky white complexion and soft, pink, very kissable lips. She was simply gorgeous!

A slow drum beat started up, quickly accompanied by a gentle blare from the bagpipes before Jenny started her routine. I was completely enthralled, not just by how gorgeous she was, but also by her movements. She was quickly onto the balls of her feet, performing different step dance combinations back and forth and side to side across the stage. Her upper body, hands and arms moved in time to the music, performing their own intricate routine that perfectly complemented that of her feet.

Jenny's looks and dancing were just amazing. To say I was totally entranced would have been an understatement to say the least, especially as her kilt had two wide pleats on each hip, giving the fabric a delicious swing and tantalising glimpses of her lovely creamy thighs every time she moved from side to side.

It was about half way through her routine that disaster struck. Every time she moved to her left and her heels thudded hard down onto the stage I could see one of the wooden boards starting to bow in the middle, with each end sitting prouder and prouder compared to the rest of the stage. It was almost as if Jenny was being sub-consciously drawn towards the ever growing danger. With every sideways move she got nearer and nearer the trip hazard until eventually, on one particularly daring step where she pushed herself high into the air, the edge of the board caught her heel. The trip caused her to sprawl across the stage, teeter momentarily on the edge, then plunge straight towards me.

I flung my arms out in front of myself in a vain attempt to catch her as she flew in my direction. Jenny tumbled unceremoniously into me, the impact tipping both my chair and me over backwards. We landed in an ungainly heap on the grass with Jenny laying directly on top of me with our arms and legs completely entwined. Despite the shock of what had just happened, it was actually a bit of a turn on to have the beautiful figure that I had so admired not moments before, now laying on top of me. I fleetingly wondered if that would ever happen again?

"Oh my god. I am so sorry," Jenny said to me once we'd disentangled ourselves and were laying side by side on the grass. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I replied. "More a little shocked than anything. How about you?"

"My ankle really hurts. I think I twisted it a little when I fell. This has just been the worst day. Nothing's gone right!"

Jenny looked absolutely crestfallen. I was hesitant to ask what else had gone wrong with her day but somehow felt she wanted someone to talk to.

"Let's get you up on your feet then," I said to Jenny, "and have a look at that ankle of yours. Oh, and by the way, I'm Kat. I'm pleased to meet you."

"Be my guest," Jenny smiled back at me. "I'm Jen, Jen Wallace. The judges at these competitions always seem to call me Jenny. They just love being all stuffy and formal. I much prefer Jen. And it's nice to meet you too."

I pulled Jen up onto her feet and after signalling to both the judges and a very concerned looking audience that she was okay, I sat her on the chair, unlaced her shoe and gently pulled the tartan hose down over her calf. While Jen had just flown off the stage and was clearly upset, I couldn't help but think what amazing legs she had. They were beautifully slender and perfectly toned from her dancing. Even though I was only going to assess her sore ankle, it felt a little erotic to be touching Jen's gorgeous legs.

"So Jen, what else has gone wrong today?" I asked as the tartan hose got low enough down her leg to allow me to see her ankle, which I could see was already starting to swell a little.

"This was supposed to be a romantic weekend away with my husband. We both came here for the Games. I dance and he throws hammers. He tore a muscle in his shoulder this morning and had to go to hospital. He's fine and at home resting now. On top of that, I've ruined my dance. I was really hoping to do well too!"

"Aww," I replied. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I think your ankle's going to be fine if we can keep the swelling down. You stay here and I'll go and get a cold compress from the first aid tent. Back in a sec."

"Kat, that's so kind. Thank you, but you really don't have to," Jen shouted as I turned and started to walk off.

"Jen, really it's no trouble. I want to, and besides, I feel sort of responsible for you now. Don't go anywhere. Back in a mo," I said, giving her the warmest matronly smile I could muster.

After a quick word with the three dance judges, I got a small bucket of iced water and a large flannel from the St. John's Ambulance crew in the first aid tent and then made my way back to the side of the stage where Jen sat rubbing at her ankle having taken the hose right off. Two men armed with hammers had quickly nailed down each end of the offending bit of wood that had caused Jen to trip and tumble off the stage and the next competitor was about to start her routine.

"I've got some stuff for your ankle Jen. Let's get this foot up and try and sort that swelling out," I said.

"Thanks Kat," Jen replied. I put my arms round her shoulders and helped her walk to a couple of free chairs on the right hand edge of the last row of seats. I sat Jen on one and put her poorly ankle up on the other.

I dipped the flannel in the iced water, squeezed it out, folded it and pressed it to her ankle. Jen flinched a little as the cold flannel touched her skin, but then settled back onto her seat once she got used to the temperature.

"I have good news Jen," I said.

"I could do with some of that. What is it?" she replied.

"I had a quick word with the judges. They said it wasn't your fault you fell over and that you can dance again at the end if you're well enough. I reckon that gives us about two hours to get your ankle all fixed."

"Oh Kat, thank you. You really didn't have to do that, but I'm thrilled you did. You're just the perfect nurse. I think I'll be fine, especially with your tender touch."

Despite everything she'd said about her husband and the romantic beak they'd planned, it was hard not to believe Jen hadn't just thrown a little flirt at me. I decided to throw one back.

"Well you know I'm your biggest fan now, don't you? We have two hours for me to give you all the tender touches you need to be ready to dance," I said, winking playfully at her.

"Touch away then. I'm all yours," Jen giggled.

I kept refreshing the flannel in the cold water and applying it over and over to Jen's ankle. I couldn't help but massage her foot and calf too, stroking tenderly up and down her soft skin. Jen had an almost permanent smile on her face as she watched my warm hand caress her up and down. She looked almost hypnotised by my ministrations.

"My ankle's feeling much better already," said Jen after about twenty minutes, "and I really like the way you're rubbing my leg," she added with just the tiniest hint of a blush in her cheeks.

"Well you're getting the full two hours worth," I replied. "I don't want the swelling to even think about coming back, and besides, you have such lovely legs." I couldn't resist giving Jen a second playful wink before adding, "and I kind of like rubbing them too."

Time just seemed to stand still as we chatted non stop like old friends and before we knew it the two hours had gone. Luckily, the swelling had dropped quite dramatically and Jen was feeling very confident she could get through her routine again relatively pain free.

The judges looked in our direction after the last of the competitors had taken her turn to perform, looking for a signal that Jen was able and wanted to dance again. We both nodded our heads in reply which was all the cue they needed to beckon Jen's return to the stage.

"It's time to dance Jen," I said. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

"Thanks to you and all that lovely rubbing, I'm up for anything!" she replied quite boldly.

"Then this is for luck," I said, bending down and softly kissing her ankle.

"Thanks Kat. I need all the luck I can get," she replied.

"Then have this too." Before Jen knew what I was doing, I leant in and kissed her quickly on the lips. "That's my special lucky kiss. You'll be fabulous. Now go."

Jen blushed a deep red. "Thank you," she said, before turning and making her way to the stage.

Jen's second dance was arguably more impressive than her first. I clapped and whistled at her every step, jump, and turn like an over enthusiastic cheerleader. While her face was racked with concentration, she couldn't resist a very subtle smile in my direction every time she came to my side of the stage. At the end of her routine, I was straight on my feet applauding. The rest of the audience needed little encouragement to do the same. Jen was positively glowing when she bounced down the steps from the stage and into my arms.

"That was brilliant," I said as we hugged.

"Thanks Kat. That felt so good. You've given me a real energy. I hope the judges saw that too?"

"I'm sure they did. Even if they didn't, your new biggest fan thinks you're amazing," I replied, gazing at her as we finally broke our embrace.

All eyes were on the judges as they looked pensively at the pile of scorecards spread out on the table in front of them. Their deliberations only took ten minutes, but for the assembled competitors it must have felt much longer. Finally, they selected three scorecards, placed them in order and passed them to a runner who took them to the master of ceremonies to deliver the results. I could see him clear his throat before flicking the switch on his microphone to bring the tannoy to life again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here are the results of the solo ladies competition. In third place, representing Ross and Cromarty is...Heather McDonald."

The audience clapped enthusiastically as Heather McDonald made her way to the stage and collected a small engraved shield and an even smaller blue rosette. She waved briefly at the crowd then walked off to the side to await the announcement of the winner and runner up.

"In second place, a fantastic achievement considering what happened earlier, representing Lanarkshire is...Jenny Wallace."

Jen turned and looked at me completely agog before flinging her arms around my neck and giving me the biggest hug imaginable.

"I did it, I did it!" Jen squealed in my ear. "I've never been placed before. This is amazing!" I didn't think she'd ever let me go. I'm not sure I wanted her to either. "Thank you Kat," she added, before bounding up the steps and onto the stage where she received a small silver trophy and a bright red rosette for her efforts.

She stood next to Heather McDonald, just about hopping up and down in excitement at her placing. I was almost in tears of happiness for Jen. She looked like she was welling up too as we stared at each other through our smiles. We were both totally lost that moment of sheer bliss and barely heard the tannoy's final announcement of the afternoon, "...and this afternoon's winner, representing Moray, please give a big hand to... Aileen Stewart."

When Jen finally came off the stage we hugged briefly again before she excused herself to call her husband with the news. While she chatted away on her mobile, I couldn't help but feel how lucky he was. Although we barely knew each other, Jen was one of the nicest and most sincere people I'd met in a very long time. She was also stunning and my attraction to her had been instant.

"My husband's thrilled about my placing," Jen said after she'd finished her call. "I also told him all about you and he wanted me to thank you too. This is the really good bit. He also said I needn't come home tonight and should buy you dinner as a thank you. What do you think? Dinner...with me?"

"You don't have to do that," I replied quickly, but already my mind was racing about the possibilities of an evening with Jen.

"Well it's all paid for anyway, so why not? Besides, don't you think it would be a shame to waste my romantic break? Say yes...please!"

It took me less than a second to decide. "Deal," I replied. "Where are you staying?"

"I'm at The Waterside Arms. It's right in the middle of town facing the loch. You can't miss it. How about eight o'clock?"

"I'll be there Jen. See you later then."

Jen and I hugged again before parting our ways for the rest of the afternoon. While I knew I could never hope to match her dancing prowess, I did a silly skip and dance of my own on my way back to the lodge I'd booked for the night. I had brilliant fun swishing my feet through the little piles of crisp crimson and gold leaves from Autumn's first sheds that now lay like a thick duvet where they'd been windswept into corners.

All the time I kept playing Jen's parting words over and over in my mind. "It would be a shame to waste my romantic break," she'd said. What did that mean? As I stared at the clothes in my suitcase deciding what to wear for the evening I wondered if it was just dinner I'd been invited for, or whether it was something much more than that. I decided to dress for "more than that." After all, I had nothing to lose.

I hadn't brought my naughtiest lingerie to Scotland with me as I wasn't expecting to need it. Despite that, I still managed to find a pair of sheer black hold ups and a matching black lace bra and panty set buried in amongst my other stuff. I had a long soak in the bath, washed and dried my hair and dressed in the lingerie. Standing in front of the full length mirror on the wall by the bed, I wondered if I'd get the chance to show Jen what I was wearing. I hoped I would. I also hoped she'd like what she saw. As I looked at my scantily clad body, it was all I could do to resist starting to touch myself and imagine my own fingers were Jen's.

I spent quite a bit of time playing with my mascara and blusher and applying a subtle shade of red lip stick. My special bottle of Beyond Paradise stared temptingly at me from my vanity bag. I couldn't resist giving a little squirt of the elegant scent on my arms and neck. When I'd bought it, the fragrance was described as being all about fantasy, with a tropical wetness and hints of exotic blooms. The description alone sounded so deliciously naughty that I'd felt compelled to buy it. It was while I was thinking about that description, and the fantasy of what it would be like to be with Jen, that without even realising what I was doing, I sprayed a little on my tummy and my inner thighs right next to my own growing wetness and burgeoning blooms. I smiled at myself in the mirror at how ridiculous my efforts probably were. On the other hand, if Jen wanted to share her romantic break with me in that way, then I knew she'd appreciate what I'd done. I quickly dressed in a black skirt, red blouse to match my lipstick and a pair of low heeled black shoes.

As I left my bed and breakfast to walk the mile along the cobbled street to meet Jen for dinner at The Waterside Arms I could see the evening mist already starting to form over the loch as the last rays of the setting sun got weaker and weaker. After the sun had finally kissed the horizon at the western end of the loch and melted slowly down into the water, the mist quickly turned into a thick fog, swallowing everything in an enveloping whiteness.

I could barely see ten feet in front of me. The only way to stop myself wandering in an unwanted direction was to follow the raised kerb at the side of the road and hope that took me to Jen's hotel. The fog shrouded everything and even familiar sights such as benches and lamp posts were given a ghost like mysteriousness in the dense white shroud that now hung over the town.

After ten minutes of walking I started to notice a faint odour of wood smoke pervading the air. I changed course to follow it and two minutes later the white stone walls and brightly lit lamps above the thick wooden door of The Waterside Arms loomed up at me through the fog. I opened the door and entered the reception area of the hotel, glad to be out of the chill night air.

The bar was well signed and I was amazed with what I saw when I got there. The solid flag stoned floor was surrounded by ornate oak panelled walls that were adorned with a variety of Highland themed oil portraits and paintings. To the left of the bar there was a large log and peat fire roaring away behind a wrought iron grate. To the right of the bar was a second, much larger fireplace. It wasn't lit, but instead was stacked high with seasoned beech logs ready to top up the other fire should the flames die down too much.

Each table in the bar was seductively lit by a tea light candle placed in a thistle shaped brass holder. Solid oak sofas and armchairs, with thick red velvet padded cushions, surrounded each table. I spotted Jen sitting waiting for me on the sofa nearest the fire, already half way through her first glass of red wine.

She'd obviously had similar ideas to me regarding her attire. The glorious Highland Dance costume had been replaced by a cream cap sleeved blouse and a knee length forest green pencil skirt that perfectly complimented the green flashes in her eyes and rode up her delicious thighs as she relaxed back on the sofa.

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She also wore a pair of beautiful emerald stud earrings and a matching pendant necklace that dangled tantalising down the between her pert breasts.

Jen stood and kissed me on the cheek as we greeted each other. We ordered a bottle of the red wine Jen was already drinking and settled back into the easy free flowing conversation we'd enjoyed earlier that afternoon. For dinner we shared a large fresh from the loch chargrilled salmon, drizzled in a brandy sauce, with side orders of fries, crayfish and smoked mussels.

As we ate, the waiter delivered a second bottle of wine. It was part way through that bottle, with inhibitions gradually waning, that Jen turned the conversation to the day's events and how she felt about what had happened.

"Kat, thank you for being there for me this afternoon. I barely know you, but you've been a true friend."

"You're welcome," I replied. "It was a pleasure to help out. Truth be told I loved touching your legs. I'd have done that even without the swelling."

Jen took one long sip of her wine, looked me straight in the eye and said, "Kat, you do know that you're gorgeous don't you?"

I couldn't have dreamed of a more flattering thing to hear and felt the question I had posed to myself earlier in the evening regarding Jen's intentions was about to be answered.

"Thank you, but you're married," I replied with a gentle smile on my face, "...and, I assume, straight too," I added quickly.

Maybe my reply was a little too defensive, but I wanted to let Jen take the lead until I was certain what direction she wanted the conversation to take. I didn't have to wait long to find out.

"That's true I know, but I've always appreciated girls." Jen took another long sip of wine before continuing. "I've got lots of bi-curious thoughts I've always wanted to share."

"Ooo...I'd like that. Share away. Um, anything in particular?" I asked. I felt myself beginning to squirm in my seat as the first of aches of arousal and desire started to tingle between my legs.

Jen took a much longer sip of her drink, almost as if the wine was giving her the courage to push the conversation ever deeper into a heady mixture of flirting and sexual confession. "Lips for a start. They're so soft. Men, bless them, no matter how recently they've shaved just can't match that softness. I've always imagined..."

"Imagined what?" I interrupted excitedly before Jen could tell me exactly what she'd imagined.

Jen blushed deeply then said, "What it might be like to kiss a girl."

"I kissed you earlier. Did you like that?" I tentatively asked.

Jen paused momentarily then replied, "Yes, but it was only a little peck really, and I was too surprised by what you did to really appreciate it."

I took one big gulp of my own drink as she spoke, perhaps trying to find the same courage that Jen was getting from hers. "So, just kiss?"

She blushed again. "Well maybe more than that."

"How much more?" I asked, giving Jen my best attempt at a seductive smile.

"Everything more."

"Tell me something about everything?" I asked, desperately wanting more and more sexy details about Jen's fantasies.

The questions and answers were flying back and forth between us now. The tingles I'd felt between my legs moments earlier had now been joined by butterflies in my stomach and a warm flush spreading across my chest.

"If had the chance I'd definitely want to go exploring. The softness would be different for me. I'd be drawn to bits that were soft and smooth and warm. Boobs, belly and especially inner thighs. I'd love to tease the soft skin up and down there."

"What else?" I asked, needing more and more information.

Jen's confidence in talking about her bi-curious desires was growing by the second and I could barely hide my delight at her progressively more intimate disclosures.

"Um, I'd love to taste," she said. "I've only ever had a second hand taste of myself if someone is kissing me afterwards and I really liked it. I've always wondered if someone else would taste similar."

"I know what you mean. I love that. The taste is just yummy. I mean really yummy! You do know I like girls don't you?" If Jen wasn't sure about me before, she could have no more doubts now.

"Really? Wow, okay. I kinda thought so when you were rubbing my leg this afternoon. Even after you kissed me before I danced again I wasn't absolutely sure. I love that. It's really sexy," Jen said somewhat coyly. "Kat, I want you to know that I've thought about you all afternoon and hoped what you've just told me might be true." Jen paused for a moment before speaking what for her must have been the ultimate confession, "I want you to know that I've imagined over and over what it might be like to be with you."

There it was. While softly spoken, what Jen wanted from me and from her invite to join her for a romantic evening came through loud and clear. It was my turn to blush a deep red even though the words were music to my ears.

"Why me?" I asked, not wanting to let the momentum of the questions and answers drop.

"Well, no-one's ever really made me think about it before. It was never really an option and I've also never had the opportunity to talk about it or explore my feelings. You did today, from the first moment I saw you, or rather fell into you," she giggled. "I've thought about little else all afternoon."

"Tell me something really naughty about your thoughts about girls," I said, putting my leg against hers under the table and my fingers on her forearm.

"Give me a moment to think of something deliciously naughty" Jen replied, smiling at me while rubbing her own leg gently back against mine. "Okay, when I touch myself, I often like to lay on the bed, put my feet on the wall either side of my long mirror and watch myself and imagine it's another girl playing with me. Then I imagine my reflection is another girl spread for me, wanting me, asking me to touch and explore her."

I loved the brazen honesty of Jen's confession and the tingles of desire I'd felt between my legs were now an inferno of passion that desperately needed quenching. I took another long sip of my drink to give me the final bit of courage to say what ordinarily I'd never dream of saying. I matched Jen's ultimate confession with an ultimate offer of my own.

"Jen, can I be your mirror?"

"What do you mean?" she asked.

I looked straight into Jen's eyes so she knew I was being deadly serious. "I'd like to show myself to you, all of me, right now. Would you like to watch me touch myself?"

She blushed again, tipped her head forwards a little and looked at me sheepishly out of the corner of her eye. "Yes please, Kat. I'd love to."

"Where's your room then?"

"This way," said Jen, and with that she picked up her wine glass and took me by the hand. I quickly grabbed the remnants of my own glass of wine and with my fingers joined with Jen's, she led me from the bar, back across the reception lobby and up the stairs to the bedrooms, smiling nervously all the way.

Jen's room was incredible. It had a polished wooden floor, almost completely covered in a variety of brightly coloured rugs, all with deep, thick but very soft looking piles on them. The white painted ceiling was divided into sections by stained wooden beams that ran parallel to each other from the ornate French widows to the wall behind a very plush and comfortable looking super king sized bed. The room was also elegantly furnished with antiques, bookshelves and even a feature wood burner, softly aflame behind the safety glass. I could see through the open door into the bathroom where a very inviting full length Victorian style roll top bath stood to the side of a large walk in shower with numerous nozzle jets set into the wall at various heights.

"You sit there Jen and just watch," I said, indicating the armchair between the bed and the fire. "From everything you've just told me in the bar, I think you'll like this," I continued, before turning out the lights and standing in the middle of one of the fluffy rugs.

"Kat, this is crazy mad. I can't believe you're doing this," said Jen once she was settled in the chair. "Are you sure?"

"Shhh...Just watch and enjoy," I softly replied. "The fact it's so crazy is what's turning me on more than anything."

Illuminated by nothing except the soft light of the fire, I started turning the buttons on my blouse between my fingers and thumb, slipping them through the holes one by one from top to bottom. When the last one was undone, I pulled the collar of the blouse off one shoulder and slid my arm out. The second shoulder quickly followed. My gaze didn't leave Jen's for a moment as I let the blouse fall to the floor by my feet.

Next, my fingers found the clasp and the back of my skirt. I unhooked it and gently tugged at the material either side of the zip, lowering it slowly until the skirt fell loose. I wiggled my hips a little and let it drop, landing next to my blouse on the floor.

Jen was just staring at me open mouthed with a look on her face which I hoped was pure lust. She was squirming a little in her seat too; a good sign that my guess regarding her stares being ones of desire was correct.

I let my fingers play over my breasts through my bra, then over my tummy and down to the top of my mound, still hidden from view by my rapidly dampening panties.

"Would you like to see more Jen?" I asked, moving my feet apart on the rug and curling my fingertips down between my legs.

"Kat, if you're still willing, I want to see it all," she replied a little nervously.

I reached up behind my back and unclasped my bra, then slid the straps off my shoulders. I held the cups over my breasts for a moment with the straps dangling down my sides before slowly peeling the bra down my body until my breasts came free.

"Oh Kat," sighed Jen, "you truly are gorgeous."

"I want you to see just how sexy you've made me feel," I replied, slipping my panties over my hips and down my legs until, except for my hold ups, I stood naked in front of Jen.

I didn't need to look down at myself to know that my nipples were starting to stiffen and my labia were engorged with desire. I shuffled my feet a little wider on the rug, allowing Jen a good look at my lips, already covered with little droplets of pearly dew that glistened in the firelight.

I scrunched my panties in my hand and started slowly caressing the lacy material over my body. I started with my breasts, caressing my panties in tight rings around my dark areola, then rubbing each nipple in turn. They responded perfectly to the attention, becoming hard and erect, like two tight ripe buds aching to be licked and savoured.

I moved the material down over my tummy and starting rubbing over the top of my mound. Jen sat forward in her seat looking at me intently. I could sense that she wanted to touch me. I didn't want her to. Well, not just yet anyway. This whole experience for her was one of exploration and I wanted to tease her some more until I was sure she'd find it impossible to resist the body I was offering her.

The rubs with the panties got lower and lower until I could feel the material pushing against my clit. I stroked over it in tiny circles, teasing my little bud out of its nest and gradually spreading the pearly dew over my lips until they were both slick with my desire.

My legs started to tremble a little as I rubbed myself for Jen and it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep my balance. I climbed onto the bed and lay back against two propped up pillows, not breaking the rhythm of my caresses for a moment. The sensation as I slowly slid my balled up panties back and forth over my clit was divine. With my knees raised, I widened my legs, exposing myself even more to Jen.

"Give me one of your stockings Jen," I said.

To Jen's credit she didn't ask why. Neither did she need a second invitation to peel one of her beige stockings down her leg and hand it to me as I lay on the bed. I gently patted my clit with the tips of my fingers, making it rise up, then slipped Jen's nylon stocking round between my legs. Pulling either end to and fro, I started rubbing it over my pussy and clit. The material quickly sank between my wet lips as I pulled it closer and tighter to my bud. The feeling of the thin soft nylon rubbing incessantly over the knot of heat between my legs was bringing me tantalisingly close to the edge of the sweetest of orgasms.

I looked at Jen again and could clearly see the lust burning in her eyes as she watched me pleasure myself in front of her. The time felt right for me to see if she wanted to explore her feelings and desires in the only way left that she could.

I let go of the stocking as I lay just about panting on the bed. "Jen, would you like to touch me?" I asked.

Her reply was as short as it was swift. "Yes," she replied breathlessly.

After slipping off her blouse and skirt, Jen climbed onto the bed and sat upright between my legs. She left on her bra, knickers and, somewhat bizarrely, her one remaining stocking too. I don't think Jen had even noticed and I certainly didn't care.

Leaning forward a little, she somewhat hesitantly ran her hand up my calf over the nylon material of my hold up. Despite all the touching I'd done with my own hand and with my panties, it was nothing compared to Jen's touch. Even though she was only tentatively touching my lower leg, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck prickle a little and a warm flush spread up my thighs and between my legs.

"That feels nice Jen, " I whispered. "You can go a little higher if you like?"

Jen didn't say a word. Her reply was to caress over each knee and then trace the backs of her fingers up and down my inner thighs bringing goose bumps to my arms and chest. I felt compelled to show myself to Jen, wanting her to see me, to enjoy what she saw, and to lose herself in my body. I widened my legs much further in an almost involuntary response to her strokes, strokes that were becoming bolder by the second.

There was a dreamy quality to Jen's face as she leant into me and replaced her fingers with her lips, delicately kissing my inner thighs, starting just above my knee and moving higher and higher over my soft skin. I was convinced she'd be able to feel the heat coming from my very exposed pussy on her face as she stopped just short of my sex and then kissed her way back down my other thigh.

It was a massive turn on to watch Jen's expression and her reactions as she explored me, teasing my skin with her tongue and starting to really indulge her long latent desires.

Jen's need to explore led her to move up my body and trail little kisses from left to right and back across my stomach. I could feel the heat from her own sex on my thigh as she moved higher and started kissing and caressing the soft curves of my breasts. Any inhibitions she might have had seemed to have disappeared. My nipples responded to her desires, swelling again as she took each in turn into her mouth and gently sucked and nibbled on them.

I rolled on my side, pushing Jen back onto the bed. With my toes together and spreading my knees wide, I exposed myself again, this time to Jen's hand. She lay next to me, her lips locked to my right nipple with her right hand reaching down between my legs. I felt one finger stroke over my lips then push just inside me. Another caressed and dabbed round my rosette in tiny little probing circles. All the while her warm palm pushed and rubbed over the top of my mound. I could easily have lay there and let her bring me to orgasm as she fingered me, but I thought Jen might like my climax in a different way. I knew I would.

"Would you like to taste me?" I asked, whispering softly into Jen's ear as her finger teased and wiggled inside me.

"I want every inch of you Kat, in every way. Yes."

I was trembling in excitement at what was to come as I knelt over Jen and straddled my hips over her eager tongue, desperately wanting her first forbidden taste to be a taste of me. As I gazed down into Jen's brown eyes I couldn't resist reaching down and pulling my labia wide, revealing my rosy velvet flesh to her tongue. Jen's gaze moved down from my eyes and over my breasts until it settled on the treat I had just so provocatively exposed to her.

"This looks so beautiful, so inviting," she whispered. "I want it. I want to explore it, to taste it. I need it." With that she caressed round behind me, her fingers stroking and cupping the cheeks of my bum before her palms of her hands settled on my hips. Jen paused momentarily, savouring the view of my spread pussy hovering just above her face, then gave a little tug on my hips, signalling that she wanted me to lower my sex onto her waiting tongue.

I pushed my hips forward as Jen eagerly leant up into me. The first soft touches of her warm tongue on each of my petals sent little jolts of electricity up my spine, bringing goose bumps out over my chest and down my arms. Jen let her lips glide over each in turn and, as she became more confident, she started licking delicately up the inside of each while my fingers continued to part them for her.

Jen tugged subtly at my hips a second time, letting me know that she wanted me even lower, even harder on her face. Pushing my own hips a little more at her, I could feel the tip of her tongue probe gently at my sex. It wasn't long before a third tug came. This time more urgent, more needy. This was the signal that Jen really wanted me to let go. I wasn't going to disagree. I put my whole weight on Jen, forcing her tongue inside me as I sat on her face.

Any shyness or hesitancy Jen had shown was completely gone now. With her mouth clamped to my sex, she was quickly into an incredibly erotic rhythm of licking through my swollen folds, dabbing her tongue inside me and sucking my hard pearl between her lips and rolling it round and round on her tongue. As I looked down at her face, I could see her eyes were closed as she focussed on exploring her desires while pleasuring me, and the sweet honey she'd released from me with her tongue was starting to trickle out over her cheeks and chin. I was delightfully close to a powerful orgasm. An orgasm that would be made all the sweeter in the knowledge that I was Jen's first girl.

Knowing that Jen's shyness had disappeared and she was really into me, my own confidence grew as I made love to Jen's face. I started to rock back and forth on her, rubbing the full length of my labia over her mouth as I teetered on the edge of orgasm. The tugs on my hips returned. Every time I rocked forward Jen pulled me a little further than I would have gone on my own. I didn't resist going with the pulls, knowing where her tongue would end up if I rocked as far forward as I now wanted to.

My clit started rubbing at her nose. On the next forward rock, my lips parted over the same place. Shivers went up my spine on the rock after that as Jen's tongue finally brushed over my rosette. The pulls on my hips stopped and I sensed that Jen wanted some time to explore my most secret place. I wasn't wrong. I could feel the tip of her tongue dabbing at my bum, caressing it in circles, savouring the most forbidden bit of my body.

Wanting Jen to truly enjoy all of me, all of what I had to offer, I reached round behind me and pulled my cheeks wide, pushing myself onto her tongue and feeling the hard tip slide inside. We both sighed at the same time. Jen's sigh was one of sheer wanton lust over the opportunity to have my body and finally explore her bi-curious desires in every way she wanted. My sigh was one of total orgasmic bliss as I shuddered deeply, pushed hard down onto her tongue and climaxed over her face.

Jen lovingly licked and caressed my secret places as I pushed and slid over her face until my orgasm finally subsided. When I eventually lifted myself off her, I looked down into her eyes and smiled. She had the most wonderfully satisfied look. Her lips were full and rosy, like they'd been passionately kissed, and her cheeks were flushed and glistening with a sheen of my honey coating them. Her eyes sparkled with satisfaction, almost like the cat that had just been given several large portions of cream. I collapsed beside Jen on the bed and spooned close up behind her, with my arm draped over her side.

"How was that?" I asked after a few minutes of quiet cuddling as we both got our breath back.

"Kat, I loved that. It was truly the most erotic thing that's ever happened to me. You're amazing, and I loved how you tasted, felt, your perfume. I loved everything," she replied.

"You know it's my turn now Jen, don't you?" I said as I started softly kissing the back and side of her neck.

"Your turn?"

"You didn't think you'd just get to have me without me returning the compliment, did you?"

"Of course not silly. I guess I hadn't thought that far ahead," she replied. Jen shivered slightly with desire and I could feel her toes curl against my leg as I started gently caressing her nipples through her bra. "So, how do you want me?" she asked.

"Well, for starters I loved the look of that walk in shower. Fancy trying it...together?"

"Mmm," she replied. "That sounds amazing!"

"Come on then Miss Jen," I said playfully as I got up off the bed and pulled her into the bathroom.

We switched the taps on, sending numerous jets of hot frothy water spraying round the shower. Jen was still dressed in her bra, panties and one stocking. She quickly remedied that as I took off my own hold ups. Despite everything that had happened that evening and my admiration of her body as she'd danced twice in the afternoon, this was the first time I'd seen Jen totally naked. She was stunning. Her pert breasts with two beautiful brown nipples just defied gravity, and as my eyes scanned down her body, her own pussy looked so inviting with a small trimmed patch of hair on her mound and beautiful smooth waxed lips that were already full and desperately in need of my attention.

"Oh Jen, your body is just stunning," I said. "I'm going to pleasure you like crazy. If this is your one opportunity, I want to make it an experience, a night, you'll never forget."

"Take me. Do anything. I'm yours," she replied with that look of lust back in her eyes.

As we disappeared together naked into the clouds of steam and hot spray, I think we both knew it was going to be a very long and very passionate night and whatever intimacy we'd already shared, we also knew that had only been just the start.

Authors Note: Thanks to an amazing friend for the inspiration to write this xx

Written by KatieElizabeth
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