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Beth and Tracey Chapter 2 of 3

"Beth wins another bet with Tracey"

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Someday I am going to learn that making a bet with my girlfriend is a lost cause. Not only do I usually lose, but also the stakes never seem to be what I thought they were. Not that she is dishonest; it’s more like she’s unexpected. If she says we are going fishing, I expect to be sitting on a lake or river trying to catch lunch. She would be driving me to the coast to catch a ride on a charter and we get to spend the day after some game fish. She did that once. We showed up dockside in bikinis and got a free several-hundred dollar-fishing trip. Outrageous!

See what I mean? One of the things I love about her is her imagination, her spontaneity, and her insanity. We balance each other well, I am more down-to-earth and she is in the clouds. Opposites do attract—we are the proof!

As I walked into the club, I wondered for about the 1000ᵀᴴ time what the hell I was doing there. Yes, I know Beth won the bet, like normal. I agreed to go clubbing with her as my loss. But I figured we were going clubbing—you know, some dancing, a little drinking, and like usual we end up in bed together and have a terrific time. Why in the hell was she taking me to a strip club? Two women would stand out in a crowd of horny men like a 6-foot redhead in Japan. Beth, who is closer to 6-feet than I am, once described standing in a very crowded airport in Tokyo as looking out over a black and brown bumpy carpet!

Beth, and you might have guessed, is my girlfriend of the past couple of years. She is quite a bit taller than I am, almost 5'11", slender, dark hair and dark eyes, besides being athletic, artistic, and having a high IQ.

My name is Tracey, I am shorter, closer to 5'4", also slender and athletic, but the less said about my IQ the better. We met in a hotel hallway where she saved me from an alcohol-induced mistake. You might have read it in Beth and Tracey Chapter 1. It really doesn’t matter if you read it, this story is more about one of our regular activities, our wagering, than our original meeting.

One of our routines is betting, we seem to bet on everything, movie endings, friends activities, how we get treated in restaurants . . . which is weird in this day and age, but you have no idea the looks we get when we ask for a table for two. All too often we get shown a table set for four and get asked when our dates are showing up. If it’s a host or hostess, we tip the server in cash and suggest they not share it. If it’s the server, we might leave a minimal tip. After all, they need to earn a living, but we also suggest to be nicer to their customers and they might do better.

Well, this time it was a tennis match that I shouldn't have lost! As soon as Beth mentioned "bet" I should have known better. I should just admit defeat, and not bother betting, but I lost and so I had to go clubbing. Clubbing isn't one of my favorite things. Crowded clubs, full of dead from the neck-up guys who do not know how to take "no" for an answer! Beth really loves to dance so we go clubbing more often than I like, but then she runs on the hiking trails with me, which isn’t her favorite pastime. You shoulda seen her trying to keep pace with me in Willow Hill . . . oh, but that’s not needed for this story. Okay, enough stalling. I guess you want to hear about the trip to the strip club.

Yes, you heard correctly, a Strip Club! The garish signs out front called this a Gentlemen's Club—yea right! A little blood in the penis and the idea of being gentlemen goes out the window. It's not that I hate guys, but I got real tired of their petty emotional games long before I met Beth.

The club had a stupid name, but I guess the neighborhood might hate it being called Strippers-R-Us. She tugged me in and the bouncer, or door attendant, let us in without a cover. I guess women are welcome, but I would have been shocked to see too many of us. The place wasn't crowded, it was early, but except for the waitresses and a couple of dancers in robes talking to customers, we were the only women in the place.

Knowing my nature, Beth picked a booth along one wall. The club was kinda interesting. Tons of wood decor, it was actually nicer than I expected. There was a long dance area, raised, like a modeling runway. It was slightly wider and rounded at the end that stuck out almost to the center of the room. Around most of the raised dance area was a huge horseshoe-shaped bar. I thought that was pretty smart, a buffer area between the dancers and the customers for most of the runway. There were two areas where people could get right next to the stage. There were two pools tables in one area and a line of six-person booths along each wall running parallel to the dance floor, the rest of that area was filled with small tables. To one side of the back, on the left of the bar, was what had to be the 'private' dance area. There was a curtained off door and a huge bouncer standing there. The other side must be the dressing area. I saw a beautiful brunette coming out and head behind the bar, apparently to dance.

The waitress, a very cute twenty-year-old, with a real perky personality, came by quickly and took our order. "Hi Ladies, we are still at happy hour so everything is half-off." She leaned over giving us a clear view of her very perky little titties. "Well the drinks and food anyway. Plus . . .” She lowered her voice. "If you order everything now I can keep it at half price and just deliver it to your table as you need it."

That was nice of her. Beth decided tonight was a real party night. She ordered two different sets of appetizers, and eight drinks apiece. I looked at her like she was crazy, but she said it would still be cheaper than ordering fewer drinks later, even if we didn’t drink them all. I consented and the waitress bent over our table writing it all down. "My name is Bethany and if either of you need anything, please just look for me. I'll be looking for you, that's for sure!"

Beth smiled and introduced us. She shook our hands; her hands were tiny, but so soft! I think she hung onto our hands longer than necessary, but it was a nice touch.

"So what do you think?"

"It's better than I dreaded. Can we leave yet?"

"You haven't even seen your first dance yet. You can be such a spoilsport. Besides, we have drinks and munchies coming. Just relax and have a good time." She pulled me closer and kept one arm around me as we both watched the brunette ascend up to the dance area. She was tall, but not as tall as Beth. She was also stacked! Those had to be fakes; there was very little jiggle as she went up the stairs. Her make-up was perfect; almost a cat-like expression and it suited her attire nicely. A slow song started. Oh god, what was that song? I turned to Beth, my musical encyclopedia.

Without having to ask she said, "Memories." It was from the Broadway musical 'Cats.' Surprising music for a strip, but it is a great song."

The music was a little more lively arrangement than I remembered from the play, but the brunette used it well, with slow, long movements around the stage, showing off her long legs. It was funny, the stripping seemed appropriate and after several minutes she was down to a simple thong. The music shifted into something more athletic, I didn't recognize it, but Beth did. She was singing in a low voice, her breath across my hair as I stayed next to her.

Bethany came back with our drinks and a nice selection of munchies. "I took the liberty of giving you a sampler plate. It has everything you wanted and a few other things. Plus it was even cheaper. I hope you don't mind." We both thanked her for her thoughtfulness. Boldly she knelt on the cushion of our booth and picked up a nacho and fed it to Beth. I was surprised, but Beth didn't seem to be. Bethany got her fingers licked and she smiled. "I love it when women come into the club, it doesn't happen often enough." Her face was a little red, maybe a slight blush, but the tips of her small breasts were hard as rock. She came to my side of the booth and fed me a nacho as well. She leaned against me for one quick moment and she smelled of a nice perfume. Beth's hand squeezed around my waist; giving me a message I wasn't quite sure about.

Bethany left but with a beautiful smile for us both. "I think she likes you."

"Beth, I think she likes both of us."

"You aren't annoyed?"

"How silly do you think I am? She can flirt all she wants. I know where I am sleeping tonight." I hugged her and kissed her. She smiled, but there was something wrong. The smile held a secret, or a promise that I didn't understand.

We watched the brunette, introduced as Joy, finish her very athletic routine, and adding some very sexy moves. The guys around the bar were tossing crumpled bills on the stage. They weren't rowdy, but appreciative. This wasn't turning out as bad as I thought.

An hour and a couple of other dancers later, plus two more drinks complete with soft touches by our waitress, we could see Joy working her way around the room. Chatting with people while a much less talented dancer worked feverishly on the stage. Bethany brought her to our table and she sat down beside me. "Hi, I'm Joy. I hope you are having a good time." She shook our hands and Beth offered her a drink. She smiled a wide smile and accepted. Bethany ran off the get it.

"Your dancing was excellent! Sexy and athletic, very smooth!'

"I'm glad you liked it. It's fun to do and I had special incentive today."

"Really what?"

Joy looked me in the eye and said, "You two."


"You don't know what a soap opera a place like this can be. 10 seconds after you walked in we all knew you were here. Bethany came back and told us you were both very pretty and very nice. A combination that doesn't happen very often." She looked at us, her honesty evident. "Some girls come in here to disrupt the place, others try and compete with the rudeness of the guys. Rarely do we get a nice couple in here looking for an interesting evening."

The next dancer was announced, "Kitten."

"Oh you have to watch her, she's amazing!" Joy slid deeper into the booth next to me and I became very conscious of being surrounded by Beth and Joy. Beth's hand wasn't helping matters as she lightly scratched the back of my neck.

Kitten really was amazing. A tiny girl, she couldn’t be much taller than 5'1”, but the things she could do in the air while holding onto the pole defied gravity. Her music was some Sting and a bit of stuff that made sitting still difficult. Joy was practically dancing with her which made her thigh press and bounce against mine. Her robe rode up and I could see her thong. Beth's other hand went to my thigh and she started teasing the bare skin. She knows how her nails affect me!

Joy turned back at the end of Kitten's set. "I have to go back and get ready for another round of dancing. Would you like to meet Kitten?"

Beth nodded and reached for her purse. Joy smiled, "Thanks, but you bought me the drink and you both are so nice to just relax with. Don't worry about us; the 'gentlemen' will keep even the most mercenary of us happy. You two just enjoy the evening. Can I come back and talk later?"

"Of course." Beth said. Her hand was making it hard for me to talk. Joy leaned over me, her breasts pressed against me. They felt softer than I thought--maybe they were real. She offered her lips to Beth, who kissed her chastely. She them pressed her lips to me, less chastely, I felt her tongue probe gently, then she was gone. She used a jasmine scent, very sexy! I noticed several customers watching us with interest.

Bethany came back with another round of drinks. I think I was starting to feel them. She slid into the booth next to Beth. "Joy is one of the best. She likes you two." She looked down for a sec, "I do too." She looked up, "Kitten will be out in a few. After she goes around the room, I'll bring her here. She a special friend of Joy's and I think you’ll like her. Oh, she might get sidetracked into the private area for a lap dance. If she does, I hope you are still here when she gets out. The customers love her. I think it's her Asian looks." Bethany kissed Beth and that drew some more attention from the other customers.

The guys started watching us as well as the stage. I started feeling self-conscious when Beth whispered in my ear. "Let them watch! You are mine and those pricks can't touch you!" With that she kissed my ear and slipped one hand under my skirt, lightly touching my sex. I was wet, as she certainly knew it. Her touch was teasing, rubbing my panties and pressing lightly. I squirmed and she kissed my ear again.

A guy tried to barge in, ruining the moment. "May I join you?"

Beth looked up, "No." She said slightly abruptly, but not rude. If he had a sensitive bone in his body he would have known he was interrupting. But he was probably thinking with a different bone. Looking at his face, I knew he didn’t get it, he labeled us and went back to whisper with his buddies at the bar.

I was getting nervous, not excited.

"Fuck him. He can't do shit in here. If I don't kick his ass, the bouncers will."

We both heard a loud "Dyke" from him to his friends. Beth started laughing out loud. When heads turned she announced, "We aren't dykes, we just don't want you!"

His buddies laughed at him and he took two steps toward us when two bouncers seemed to materialize from the floor. He stopped and they whispered a few things. Wiser than I thought he collected his jacket at the bar and was escorted out.

One of the bouncers came to our table. "The house apologies for his behavior. He's a regular and he knows the house rules. Your tab is on the house for the rest of the evening. Please enjoy yourselves. There are other, more private, booths in the back if you need them. In the meantime, just remember the house rules. Have a good evening."

I looked confused and Beth turned over the menu. "House Rules!"

Interesting. No hassling other customers must have been the one he broke. Also no sex in the club, shit, that means Beth was going to tease me all night. I wonder if the bathrooms have a little privacy! It wouldn't be the first time for Beth and me! Although that one French restaurant was a challenge, but hell, how were we to know the manager's office was right next to the ladies restroom and they heard every sound. Well, the food was lousy anyway!

Kitten came out and worked the room. The robe seemed to swallow her. She also opened it frequently, providing glimpses to her adoring customers. One of the bouncers approached her. She shook her head -- a negative to whatever he said. He said something else and she stamped her foot, shaking her head violently.

Beth jumped up, "I'll be right back."

I was confused, but Beth went to the bouncer and Kitten and joined the conversation.

In a minute the Bouncer left, apparently satisfied. Beth came back and said, "Grab your drink and come on."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

She tugged me towards, oh no, the private dance room. I tried to protest, but she kept pulling me. I felt like every eye in the place was watching me. I swear I only entered the room to get out of public view. The Bouncer was there and Beth handed him some cash. "Read the room rules. I will stop anything that violates them. The cops can shut us down, so don't break them."

When he left Kitten appeared. "You are Beth?" Beth nodded. I think I was awestruck. Kitten was incredible; she was shockingly, heart-stoppingly, beautiful. Then she smiled and became almost too beautiful to actually look at.

"Thank you Beth. You saved me."

She escorted us to two chair, large one-and-a-half person padded armchairs. While we walked she explained the problem. "The guy who wanted me to dance for him is rude and twice bruised me. He isn't nice, but he's a part owner of another club, so the manger here can't throw him out without lots of other headaches. He keeps trying to pressure me into 'working' for him, but I know how he treats his dancers."

She hugged Beth, who returned it enthusiastically.

"So what can I do for you, my savior?"

"Dance for my friend here."

Kitten looked at me and smiled. "Of course, whatever you wish. I feel as if I owe you."

Beth paused. "No, Kitten, don't dance because you think you owe me something, dance because you love to dance, dance because my friend is beautiful.

Kitten hooked her arm around my waist and hugged me to her. "You have quite the lady here."

"I know, Kitten, she's a bit pushy, but she's mine."

She laughed a low liquid laugh and led me to one of the chairs. Beth sat in the other.

Kitten stood in front of me, slowly turning listening to the music. Her eyes closed, giving me a chance to study her.

She was more like 5'2, but she was in three-inch heels so she was taller than me in my flats. Her hair was jet-black and long, down to the small of her back. Her face was a delicate balance of smooth angles and softness highlighted by large almond-shaped eyes. A small nose, or maybe it just seemed that way because of her eyes. Her mouth was full, very kissable lips painted a dark red that complimented her skin tone. Her smooth skin was a remarkable color, tanned to an interesting shade of gold. She opened her eyes suddenly and smiled when she caught me studying her. Her smile brightened her face, making her more beautiful, and yet more approachable at the same time.

The bouncer intruded. "Kitten, we have another offer."

She looked angrily at him. I hope she never looks at me like that; I might die on the spot! "I told you no! If he persists, tell Joey that I will quit!"

"Not that, he's changed his offer. He is offering you a grand to let him come in and watch you give this lady a dance."

A thousand dollars, WOW, but I didn't want to feel like a spectacle for his enjoyment. I think it was time to get out of dodge while I had some dignity left.

Beautiful Kitten didn't hesitate. "No! That's not my policy. Let him jerk off at the bar. Close the door and leave us alone."

"That's against house rules."

"Get the hell out of here, you are ruining things for me. I want some privacy to pay this beautiful lady the attention she deserves. Now get out and don't let anyone in until I come back out."

Her forcefulness was amazing and a real turn-on. He spun on his heels to do her bidding. I looked up at her; she was standing and looking at me, her face red in annoyance. "I am sorry, Tracey, that you had to see that. This job is like any other; you have the good and the bad. You saw part of the bad. May I offer some of the good and dance for you now?"

I swallowed nervously and nodded. Unable to trust my voice, I looked over at Beth and she was curled up in her chair like a long, limber cat, her eyes intent upon us.

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I heard the door click shut and could see the bouncer standing with his back to the door, not allowing anyone passage.

Kitten moved and captured my attention once again.

She smiled and slipped off the robe. She was naked except for her thong. Her perfume washed over me, something delicate and familiar. I'm sure Beth could place it but all I wanted to do was inhale it. My own body felt hot as she cupped her naked breasts, pinching the nipples slightly. She didn't talk, but slowly started swaying to the music, rebuilding the atmosphere of a few minutes ago.

Kitten moved closer to me, slipping her leg between mine and moved up closer as she fondled her breasts. She was the perfect 'B' cup, with dark large aureoles and tight, long nipples.

She released her firm breasts, and bent down, touching my thighs, pushing them open. My skin tingled from her touch as she opened my legs wide. She knelt between them and presses her body against me, slipping up and down in time with the music. I could only moan as the pressure crossed my sex. My skirt rode up and the cotton panties were no protection as they soaked quickly. She pressed one of her breasts to my crotch, pushing against my wet pussy and when she leaned back I could see the wetness on her nipple.

"I wish I could suck my own breasts right now, I bet this tastes incredible." She said as I watched her hand massage my juices into her breast. "You are so wet, what was your girlfriend doing to you at the table? I bet she's a tease, knowing the house won't let actual sex she was teasing you, wasn’t she?"

I found my voice, although it didn't sound like me. "Yes, she was teasing while you were dancing."

"Did you like my dance? Did you get excited at my dance?"

"Yes, yours and Joy's"

"Oh, yes, Joy is so sexy! She tastes so good too. I bet you taste just as good!"

She presses the other breast to my cunt, which was now practically gushing. It too was wet and this time she came up my body and placed it near my mouth.

"Would you like to taste yourself on me?"

She almost touched my lips when my mouth opened.

"Oh I'm sorry, that's against the house rules." She said as she pulled away. I almost cried in my disappointment.

She slid back, dancing against me, staying in contact with the inside of my thighs. She turned showing her ass, the thin purple thong making an absolutely straight line between two perfectly formed, taut, golden globes. No tan lines at all.

Kitten placed her ass on me and again started rubbing up and down my body. The pressure was incredible, rubbing the material of my clothing roughly against my nipples and then down to my pussy, a slight twist and one globe would drag across and make me groan.

I could only watch as she tugged the thong halfway down her ass and she pressed the small of her back to my face. My hands came up to her hips and I kissed the crack of her ass, right above her thong. Her skin tasted like cinnamon, and a tiny touch of salt. I tried to kiss her again and she danced away from me.

"Tracey, you naughty girl. You aren't allowed to touch me. That's against the rules." She wagged her finger at me and then took it in her mouth, sucking it like a cock. It came out wet and she started rubbing her nipple with it.

"Normally when customers break the rules, we have to stop, but . . ." She pulled the thong up tight and I could see a wet spot." . . . as you can see I don't want to stop."

I was amazed! She was excited!

She reached down and picked something up off the table. "So I am going to give you a choice." She opened her hand and a short length of rope dangled down. "We can either stop . . .” The end of the rope touched my cunt. She started jerking the end over my cotton-covered pussy in a series of light touches, like angel kisses. ". . . or I can restraint your hands so you can't touch me."

Her thigh pressed against me, rubbing hard. Then the rope teased my nipple.

"Do you want me to stop?" Before I could answer, she pressed her body to mine and took my mouth with hers. My hands came up instinctively and held her to me.

The kiss stole my breath and whatever was left of my sense. Kitten's skin was so soft, impossibly soft and my hands slipped over it with a mind of their own. When I felt the thong and slipped my hand under the material, she came up for air.

"You are such a naughty girl. Shall we stop?"

I shook my head. There was no way I could not touch her.

"So I can tie your hands up?"

I nodded again. I heard a small clapping, but was too mesmerized by Kitten's huge eyes to look away.

Kitten leaned above me, placing her breasts an inch away from my face while she guided my arms over my head. Unable to resist, I touched my tongue to her nipple and not only didn't she protest, she pressed her breasts against my face. Capturing her nipple in my teeth, I held it while pressing my tongue to it, and then I sucked as much of her breast into my mouth as I could. She moaned a sexy, breathy moan, which delighted me. She also pressed her knee on my pussy, almost making me cum on the spot.

When she pulled that delight from my mouth, she was looking at me in a slightly disapproving look on her face. She held and massaged the breast I had assaulted and rubbing my saliva into her skin. "You are still such a naughty girl. You know how turned on I am getting and you take advantage of me in a vulnerable position.

I try and talk, but she silences me with a touch of her finger to lips.

"Shhhh. I know it's against the rules, but I would have been disappointed if you hadn't done it!"

She smiled and it was like the sun coming out in a dark room. She stepped back and I tried to follow her when I was pulled back by my arms, now tied above my head and to something on the wall.

She closed my legs, how could she do that, I wanted her to make me cum so bad. She straddled my legs and slid back up to my thighs. The thong tight to her pussy, the wetness had spread and her full lips were straining the material. She saw me looking.

"Do you like my pussy? I take very good care of it. But very few people actual get to see it. All the guys here want it, but I save it for special people. Tell me Tracey, are you a special person?"

I didn't know how to answer. What would make me special in this angel's eyes? I looked at her without a word, but my face and eyes easily gave away my desires.

"I think you are special. Instead of trying to talk me into something, you just look at me with those sexy eyes. You have lovely eyes and I think I want you to see my pussy."

She slid off my legs and stood in front of me, pressing her hand to her pussy, rubbing the material in deep, getting it wetter. Then, hooking her thumbs in the waistband, she strips off the thong in a quick move. Without giving me a chance to see, she bends down and retrieves the thong. Turning slightly away from me, she brings it to her nose and inhales. Looking at me she offers the thong to me. She places it on my upper chest and her hot scent takes me away to places I didn’t know existed.

"Do you think I smell good?"

Nodding rapidly because I had no words left in my brain."

"Joy tells me I smell good. She's very special to me! Thank you, you are sweet, and I think you are special!" She turns to me and I see her delta, a thin, razor sharp line of hair was all she had, it looked like a small trail leading to heaven.

She straddled my knees again and this gave me a better view. Her labia were nicely swollen and I could see moisture on them. She looked so lick-able, so tasty; she made my mouth start watering. I couldn't take my eyes off her sweet pussy, a pure jewel. I was honestly shocked when a pair of hands came around her back and cupped her breasts. I didn't even see anyone else enter the room.

Joy's head appeared over her shoulder, and cupped and teased Kitten's breasts. Kitten leaned back against her and took her hand, pressing it against her pussy, wetting one finger and taking it to her lips. I was so turned on, impossibly excited. I wanted to be Joy holding Kitten like that!

Joy did the unthinkable and pulled away from Kitten and smacked her on the ass. Her body jumped so perfectly.

"You are naked you little slut, you know better than that."

Kitten smiled.

"Well at least you are better than that slut." She said looking to her left. Beth was sitting there, her hand buried in her panties, frigging herself like mad. "If the cops see her, they will arrest the two of you and close this club down."

Kitten frowned at that thought. I wanted to say something, but my brain wasn't working at full throttle.

"For your punishment, you have to do my next set!"

"No, Joy, I am not done here. Please don't make me."

I was crushed; Kitten was going to leave me.

"Oh yes, my little sex Kitten. Go get ready--you have ten minutes. I bet lovely Tracey will wait for you!"

I was almost in tears. Joy was watching me carefully.

"Tracey, would you like to watch Kitten dance again?"

I nodded, still unable to talk.

"Alright, but I think you need to stay tied up or you'll do like your slutty friend and get us all in trouble."

I nodded frantically, not willing to let Kitten out of my sight.

Joy smiled and started straightening my dress. "Oh this will never do, you looked like you've just been fucked. Bethany, go get shorts and a shirt from my bag. They are right on top."

Cute little Bethany jumped and ran out. I never even knew she was there. Who else was watching Kitten drive me insane?

Joy unzipped my skirt and pulled it down. She tenderly stroked my legs, teasing me a little. "I can see why Kitten thinks you are so special. You have wonderful skin, and so warm to touch. I am tempted to taste you, but Kitten might get annoyed with me." She stood me up and untied my hands briefly while pulling my wrinkled top off. No bra was necessary and Joy whistled appreciatively. "Lovely breasts, so perfectly shaped."

Bethany appeared like more magic and Joy pulled a club tee-shirt over my head. It was a size too small and fit me like a second skin. My nipples as hard as Bethany's and I looked a lot like her in that shirt. She re-tied my hands before having me step into the shorts. They were a little looser, but a very thin material. I looked like I worked there, but I didn't care. I was so turned on and Joy realized it and she pulled the shorts up, being very careful not to touch me in my more sensitive areas. I would have come in a second!

Kitten re-appeared making her change. She looked—she looked—my eyes opened wide. She looked like nothing I had ever seen. She had on a leather bustier, leather panties, and thigh high boots. She reached up and removed a small chain I always wear. She hooked it around her own neck and I smiled. She looked perfect! A leather-visor-ed cap, into which she pulled and pushed her beautiful mane, completed the image. She leaned against me, the leather adding a new scent. She kissed me and said she hoped I would enjoy her dance.

I was nervous for a minute when I realized I was going to have to be seen like this by the clientele in the club. Joy sensed my nervousness and was quick to understand the reason. "You would rather watch from the back instead of in the club area?"

I nodded my thanks. She was beautiful and smart! My Beth stood next to me and we had a second to communicate before events took me away again. "I told you that you would have fun."

I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed. I still couldn't speak. Bethany held up a drink and a straw and I found my voice again when I got a little moisture down my throat. "Beth, I will get even with you for this!"

She laughed. "Sure, Tracey, but you have to admit Kitten is unbelievable and you have loved every minute!"

I had the nerve to blush and Beth's hand stroked my face. "Well lover, it's not over yet. I think Kitten will stretch all the rules and by the way, Happy Birthday!"

My birthday is next week and it was just like Beth to do something like this!

Beth and Bethany helped me walk. They took me though some curtains to a strange pole set on a moving platform. Joy explained, "This is one of our practice poles. It's moveable because we use it for several things." They tied my hands high on the pole leaving me standing. I squeezed my thighs together, but couldn't generate enough pressure to bring myself to an orgasm.

Kitten came up from behind me and stroked my body again. The tee-shirt and shorts offered no real coverage and she stood in front of me looking closely at me. Her eyes consumed me! Then she got up the small platform with me, pressing her body to me, her thigh coming up between my legs and pressing hard on my cunt. Her lips covered mine and her hands wrapped around me. The kiss seemed to last forever, and I was feeling a little dizzy, so lightheaded the place seemed to be moving around me.

When Kitten stepped back something had changed. Kitten was carrying a leather cat-o-nine tails and the noise level was suddenly devastating. What the hell, I was on stage! In the open! The whole fucking club could see me! I screamed "NO!"

Kitten stepped back to me and whispered something almost too fast for me to hear, then she stepped away and turned toward the crowd. I could almost swear she said "I Love You!" My head spun for a second when I started struggling at my bonds. I was struggling for real and that seemed to set the audience on fire!

Then beautiful Kitten started her dance, a dance full of power, with an athleticism that took my breath away. I slowly stopped struggling, as I was hypnotized by her movements. She would close with me, running the cat over my body, never actually striking me, but using it to caress me, to tease me. Her scent, mixed with the leather would wash over me over and over again until I was panting in heat. I needed her so bad.

The audience gasped at something I couldn't see, Kitten turned around back at me as two hands came around the pole and my body and rudely grasped my breasts. I started to struggle against whoever it was when they tore my shirt. It ripped from my breasts so easily, but that didn't matter. There was an intruder, an enemy touching me. I screamed and tried to fight her! Kitten cried a roar and advanced on the intruder and me.

Joy appeared to my left. The change in her was remarkable. She was done in an open chain mail covering a thin leather thong and bra. Her hair was up, looking like a dark flame. She was carrying a sword! Kitten advanced on her and they started a dance that looked more like a battle. Back and forth, their weapons and their hands tearing at each other. In minutes each was practically naked, and still they fought on. Their dance was almost a gymnastic exercise complete with weapons, screaming voices, the music harsh and painful. Everyone was silent as the two obviously exhausted warrior-women continued to struggle.

A slip and Kitten had an opening, her hands wrapped around Joy's neck and as quickly as the fight began, it ended. Joy lied motionless on the stage floor while Kitten rose in triumph. She cried her war cry one more time, this time the audience joined her. Crumpled bills showered the stage as she turned her back on the crowd and looked at me. I couldn't look at her, my eyes dropped to the floor. She advanced on me and the club went silent again. I couldn't look at her, but I could see the sweat on her beautiful legs. She walked like a lioness to me. Her hands almost gently tearing the rest of the tee-shirt from my body. Those hands raising goose bumps on my flesh. She took a knife out of her boot and cut the shorts from my body. Then she cut my panties, I was physically and emotionally exposed to her. The crowd was starting to make noise again, but I couldn't hear them as I forced myself to meet her eyes. She was looking at me in a way no one had ever looked at me. I was hers! I was hers to do with in whatever way she wanted. She owned me like no one had ever been able to own me. Her eyes’ bridled my soul!

She stepped up on the platform and took my hair in her hand. She bent my head back and kissed me. Her tongue raping my mouth as her hand went right to my dripping cunt. She pushed two fingers into me and the platform slowly started rotating giving the audience a new view. Her hand took me; she had me screaming in orgasm in seconds. Over and over again I was cumming like never before. My body went limp, the roped hurting my wrists as someone cut me down and laid me down on the stage.

I came to back in the private dance room and heard Beth laughing. Opening my eyes, she was sitting across from me, laughing at me as I woke up.

I looked at her accusingly. "You set me up, didn't you?"

She smiled huge. "I set something up, but this was a hell of a lot more than I bargained for."

"Me too, you bitch!" I said it with a tired smile. She came over to me as Kitten and Joy came in.

"The crowd went insane. You were incredible." Kitten said as she knelt by the chair I was curled up in. Joy stood by, looking smug.

Kitten kissed my hand, which made my body remember everything. “The place went wild, they had never seen anything like that. I thought they were going to tear the joint apart. Chris and the other bouncers were seriously thinking of cracking some heads to get them to calm down!”

Joy told me the take was phenomenal, and I was entitled to a third after the house cut. I whistled when she told me the amount. That was more than I made in two months! It made Beth's eyes bug out.

Kitten looked at me, with those eyes, those wonderful eyes. "The manager offered you a job, waiting tables at first until you learn all the ropes, then on stage with me and Joy."

Rubbing my wrists, "I think I already know about the ropes. But I don't think I could handle this every night." I touched Kitten's face. "It was so intense."

She looked at me again, smiling and maybe a little sad because I wasn't going to join her.

Joy jumped in before things got mushy. "Hell, girl, you can stay an amateur, just come over whenever you feel like it. We would both like it if you came back. Bethany would too."

"Maybe, but the next time," I say pointing at Beth, “this one gets the treatment so I can watch!"

"Her? Damn Tracey, she was practically born stripping, didn't you know that before she met you she worked the club circuit with us?" Beth's blush told me it was true. "You made an honest woman out of her."

Joy extended her hand. "Come on, the club is closing and we need to celebrate a great evening, profitable and fun. Kit and I also have to show you some pictures of your lover!"

We walked out listening to Beth's protesting while we laughed our asses off!


Written by Brookell
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