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Twin Peaks

"One office party you wish you were at to get over your Ex."

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You love them or hate them, office parties; I could not stand them, particularly this one given by my ex, and it was one of those awkward ones. It was my ex-girlfriends fortieth birthday party, and because she was the boss of the department, she had invited people from other departments as well. Some of whom I didn’t know, one of them was her new flame.

We, that is my ex and I, had been together for six, nearly seven months; it was nice while it lasted. We left on amicable terms a month ago, we’re still friends. But it pains to see her every day, it brings back memories, and it hurts.

The office building we worked in had a large conference room, she had all the tables and chairs put around the outside, which left a sort of dance floor in the middle.

Around fifty people were expected and I helped her with stuff she wanted me to help her with. I didn’t mind, as most of the work was to be done if office hours.

My name is Jack; I’m thirty three, white, and single. I work in the human recourses department for a large stationary company.

I had my eye on someone, but not at work. It was someone from the gym I went to, that was still a work in progress. And the thing that stopped me from diving in was the fact that I still felt something for my ex, part of my heart still yearned for her.

The day… well actually… the evening of the party; everyone promptly stopped work at their normal time. Some people like me went off home, as they like me did not live too far away, a short taxi drive for those who wanted to drink that evening - mainly to freshen up and get changed for the party.

The party was to start at seven o’clock. There was a DJ booked and caterers were hired for the food.

I got back to the office at around seven thirty, and to be honest, there weren’t that many people there. I supposed being late was fashionable. The music was loud and the food was all laid out on the top table together with the drinks. There was a person acting as a barman.

I saw the birthday girl with some of her, out of work place, friends. I went and said hello and happy birthday, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I gave her a bunch of flowers I had picked up on the way there, nice ones, not trashy ones. Her new flame stood and stared at me.

I got a drink and then joined some people from my department at a table, we chatted. People started to come along but it was another hour or so before the room looked like there was a party going on.

I went to get a round of drinks for the few of us around my table. There was a lady who walked up at the same time as I did. We both raised our hands at the same time for the attention of the barman.

I recognised her and said, “Oh hi, please you go first.”

She said, “Hello, you’re very kind thank you.”

I recognised her from when I had interviewed her about a month ago, for a job in accounts. I had forgotten her name, I felt embarrassed. She ordered her drinks and while we waited, I said to her, “Hi again, how are you getting on with your new job?”

The main reason I recognised her were her eyes, she had amazing eyes, absolutely stunning, they were brown, like most Indian women have, but still very captivating, together with her looks, she looked amazing, well out of my league.

As I recalled, she was around twenty eight years old, had a previous job, but left as this one paid better. She had the typical long black hair, which ran down to her arse. Her complexion was very clean and clear, she did not use a lot of makeup and as I looked on, she just did not need any. She was just as tall as me, at five foot eight inches. But she dressed very modern for an Indian lady.

I was amazed that she actually was dressed the way she was. Usually Indian women are so modestly dressed, but she was dressed in a thin white blouse and I could see a white bra underneath. She wore a short dark blue pencil dress, which showed off her very shapely legs, and her white stilettoes threw off her well-formed calves.

She looked over and directly into my eyes, I felt uncomfortable, they were so piercing, she said, “It’s Jack yes! I like it, people are so nice. I’ve made some friends.”

I felt so small, as I could not remember her name. My hand came up to my head and I scratched it, she must have known and she said, “Bap, Everyone calls me Bap.”

I still was a bit confused as I didn’t remember that name at all, I said, “Oh… right… Bap!”

She smiled and must have known that that was not the name I would recall. And she said, “That’s not my real name, but everyone and you can call me Bap.”

By that time her drinks were ready and as she went off she said, “I hope to see you later... Jack.”

I ordered my drinks and took them back to our table. People were then on the dance floor and having a good time.

I looked over to another table and there was the birthday girl, my ex, being kissed by her bloke. I kept looking at them, bastard kissed her blatantly for far too long for my liking and my trance was only broken by a person next to me who shook my arm and said, “Let it go Jack, move on.”

My head dropped, my eyes closed and I looked away. I took a long drink and had to go and wash my face. I made my excuse and left the table towards the toilets.

I got to the loos and to my surprise they were empty, I expected a queue or something. I didn’t need a pee; I just wanted to wash my face. As I turned the water on, I heard noises, I was not alone.

I turned my head towards the sounds, they came from a cubicle; there were four cubicles, and the second one had the door closed. It was obvious, the ‘Oo’s and aah’s,’ that came from there were of a couple having some fun, yeah… okay… sex.

I turned back to the water and washed my face. I dried off and looked at myself in the mirror, and thought I should be over her by now. I made my way back to the party. As I walked along the corridor I noticed Bap walked the other way; I presumed to the loos as well, with another lady, as they do, ladies always seem to travel in two’s to the loos.

Bap looked and smiled at me and said, “Hi Jack.”

The other lady giggled and looked away from my glance. I didn’t say anything; I just held up my hand, wiggled the fingers and walked on.

The party seemed to go well, and it was close to eleven o’clock. And because it was a weekday, Wednesday, we all still had work to come back to tomorrow.

The DJ had started to play the slower tunes, and there were only about six couples on the dance floor, others had left, or were about to.

One of the couples still on the floor was my ex and her bloke. Their bodies close, she had her hands underneath his arms and laid on his upper back, and his hands were on her arse, slowly fondled her as they moved and kissed.

The music stopped, I wanted another drink, I stood and was about to make my way to the bar. I looked behind me to ask the only other person on my table if he wanted anything. And ‘Whack,’ I bumped into someone, it was the bloke.

I stopped in my tracks, but he stumbled and almost fell. He looked like he had more than his fair share of drinks. I looked back around and said, “Sorry mate, you okay?”

I wasn’t that sorry, and he wasn’t my mate, but I was too nice a person. He came up close to me and looked at me as if he wanted to kill me. I put out my hands and said, “It was an accident, okay.”

He looked angry, his face reddened, his body stiffened and as I looked down to his hands, he had started to form a fist. I didn’t want that, not at her party.

I looked to him and said, “Look mate, it was an accident. I’m sorry, what more do you want?”

My ex shouted, “Rob, if you start anything, I’m leaving without you.”

It looked like he didn’t care for her comment; by the look of him, he still wanted to punch something… someone… me. He took a step closer and his arm went back. And just as he lunged forward, I felt a shove on my arm, someone had pushed me to one side, and as ‘Rob’ threw his punch they were able to take hold of his arm and threw him to the ground like a ninja.

It was Bap; holy shit, she over powered Rob, she had grabbed his arm, threw him over her shoulder, and he lay on the ground, flat on his back. Bap had a hold of his hand at the wrist, looked like she could have broken it with a bit more pressure, and she had a stiletto at his throat.

Bap looked down straight into Rob’s shocked eyes and she said, “It’s over, okay!”

Rob looked up from the ground; his eyes wondered from her to me, then back to Bap, he seemed to be as dumbfounded as I was, as we all were in the room. He just nodded. Bap let him go, and walked away. My ex, walked over to Rob, kicked him in the ribs and said, “Wanker.” She too walked away.

I wanted to talk to Bap, sort of thank her, but I could not see her, I looked round everywhere, but she had gone, nowhere in sight.

Rob got up and he went off somewhere, I didn’t care. I sat at the table as more people left, I just thought, forget the drink, let’s go home.

My ex came up to me and she gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, “Good night Jack, I’m sorry about Rob, he’s a dick-head.”

I asked, “Do you need anything, help to clear up, a lift home?”

She patted me on the back and said, “No, you’re fine, I’ve got all the help I need to clear up the place. And I’m okay to get home. Thanks’ again for the flowers, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

With that, she gave me another kiss on the cheek and said, “Good night.”

She then winked at me and came close to my ear and said in a whisper, “I think Bap likes you.”

I looked at her strangely and shook my head, I thought to myself, ‘I hardly know her.’

I raised my hand and waved to her as she walked away; I got up and went to the loo and that time I did need a pee before I headed out of the building. I had got a taxi in as I knew I would be drinking. So I had to call for a taxi home.

I reached the street outside; it was dark, just the street lights and hardly anyone around. It approached midnight. I looked up and down the street. I got out and looked through my phone for the taxi company I usually use.

The number rang but it gave a busy tone. I rang off and started to walk towards home. Two minutes later I tried to call again, I got a ringing tone. And just then a car pulled up on the street. It stopped and the window went down, a voice, a woman’s voice, said, “Hi Jack.”

She sounded familiar, I bent down and peered through, it was Bap, she said, “Want a lift?”

The phone still rang in my ear; it only took milliseconds for me to say, “Yes please,” as I rung off.

I opened the door and got in, she drove off as I said, “Thanks, and I wanted to thank you for earlier but couldn’t find you.”

She looked straight ahead and said, “No need to thank me, I just don’t like bullies.”

I said, “You were impressive, good skills.”

She glanced across to me and said, “Brought up in India, one has to learn how to take care of one’s self.”

As she drove, I looked down to her legs; more of them were in view, as the skirt had ridden up in the driving position. ‘Fuck they looked great,’ fantastic thighs.

We had driven for a few minutes and she had not asked me where I lived. I thought it strange, and wondered if she knew from someone else or something.

Then I realised, no, she had no idea, because she turned down a street which was in the wrong direction, ‘Where was she going? Where was she taking me?’

I glanced across to her and asked, “Bap, I don’t mean to be rude, but my home is, well, not in this direction.”

She looked to me and smiled, she said, “No, I didn’t think it was, but my home is in this direction and here we are.”

She pulled up and parked. We got out and I asked, “So what’s going on?”

She came around and stood next to me and said, “Okay, I like you. I’ll give you two choices.”

I smiled and asked, “So… how many choices would I get if you didn’t like me?”

She snickered and said, with a very serious look, “I wouldn’t have given you a lift, so we would not be at this stage.”

I wondered where it was going, what were my choices? I looked at her beautiful brown eyes and I said, “So I have to make a choice from two you are about to give me?”

She gave a sort of half a laugh; she looked so wonderful, her face shone so brightly with the light of the moon, and if the moon were not there her face would have lit the street by itself.

She pointed her key fob to the car and locked it. She then said, “Yes.”

My eyes wondered off, I looked to the ground, then to her left, then to her right, just around and she said, “Don’t be so nervous.”

I looked to the ground and said, “Okay, what! What are my choices?”

I had my phone in my hand and she pointed to it and said, “First choice, make the call you were about to make before I picked you up.”

I semi lifted my head and looked up and said, “Okay, and…”

She placed two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up even further, I looked at her. She looked to the side of me, over my shoulder to a house, she pointed to it, with her amazing eyes and she said, “That’s my house, and well, I said you didn’t need to thank me earlier this evening, but if you still feel you have to, then your second choice is to come in there and I’ll let you fuck the shit out of me.”

I thought she was joking; I smirked and said, “What!”

She walked away, towards the house and over her shoulder she said, “You heard me.”

Holy fuck just looking at her arse and legs as she walked away gave me a boner. My pulse raced, I literally felt my heart in my chest as it thumped away. Was she serious?

I ran after her and as a joke I said, “But we hardly know each other.”

She put the key in the lock and opened the door, she said, “That’ll make it even better.”

We walked through and I closed the door behind me. She took off her shoes and I did the same. I looked back around and her house was immaculate, it was so clean and tidy. Very sparsely furnished and all looked to be in very good, expensive taste.

She stood at the foot of the stairs and pointed to a door to her right and said, “Sofa’s down there.”

Then she pointed to the top of the stairs and said, “Bed’s up there.”

I still looked around and she said, “I know… Yet another choice.”

Holy fuck it was happening, she was serious! I was nervous beyond compare, I said, “Sofa… no…bed…yes bed.”

She wanted me to be clear and pointed back up and said, “Bed, yes.”

I nodded and said, “Yes, bed.”

She turned and began to take a step up and said, “Second good choice.”

As she walked up she undid her blouse.

I followed her up and into a big bedroom. A massive king sized bed dominated the room. She had put her blouse onto a dressing chair on the side.

She still had her bra on and as she undid it she said, “Come on Jack, hurry up.”

I began to strip, and froze as I saw her remove her bra and her boobs were on display. Holy fucking shit, I wanted to go and have my way with those right away.

They were gorgeous; it would take both hands to cup around one boob. She was big, but a fantastically fucking nice big, not gaudy big. Her areola were pimpled, and a slightly browner colour from her flesh. But what stood out literally, were her nipples. They stuck out like USB sticks in a computer, so large and pointy.

I started to strip again and was just down to my boxers. She removed all the covers off the bed, just left a maroon coloured silk sheet and four pillows on it.

She removed her skirt, and came close to me to put it with her other clothes.

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She looked at me and then down to her frilly knickers, she said, “You can have that honour.”

She winked and said, “But take yours off here before you come.”

She walked off to the bed. I removed my boxers in such a hurry that I almost fell. As I looked up, I could see her as she watched me. And she laughed out loud, she said, “Take it easy lover; I want a fuck, not for you to break something.”

I regained my balance and stood up. I walked over to the bed; my eight incher paraded in front of me – like I was waving a flag pole.

I climbed up and towards her, she pushed me back onto my back, she was stronger than she looked, she looked fucking great.

She grabbed my cock and began to blow me off, oh my god that was so nice. I pushed myself up and onto my elbows. I looked down as she blew me off, a mass of black hair everywhere. I could not see exactly what she was doing, but fuck, I felt what she was doing.

She licked and slurped on my cock and then sucked so fucking well. I reached over to part her hair and lift it out of the way; I wanted to look at her as she blew me off.

She must have realised what I wanted to do, so she helped me by combing back her hair herself, she combed it back over her shoulder and I got a real good view. She kept blowing me off, and she looked up towards me with those fantastic eyes, and her immensely beautiful face.

We kept eye contact for a long time while she did her work on my cock. I pointed to her arse and said, “Up here.”

She stopped and took my cock out of her mouth. She stood up and over me. I reached up and took hold of her knickers; I slowly lowered my hands and peeled the knickers off her broad hips, down across her fantastic thick thighs and to her well-formed calves. She stepped out and I threw them over the side of the bed.

I looked up at her as she stood straddled over me; she was so beautiful, the colour of her skin was wonderful, it glimmered; it was not a milk chocolate tone but lighter, almost like a real good all over body tan a white woman would kill for. No tan lines, obviously, she was a natural. Her pussy was shaved, clean. She didn’t have long pussy lips, they were short and thin.

I reached up placed my hands onto her knees, and then ran them slowly over her thighs towards her pussy. She felt so firm and toned; I reached her pussy and ran my fingers softly across it and onto her stomach. While I had my left hand on her stomach, I ran my right hand down to her pussy. She really had a nice gap between her thighs. I ran my fingers along her slit and I found her opening with my middle finger.

I inserted it and she was so wet. I inserted another finger and got them both soaked. I brought them out and onto her clit, I softly circled the wetted fingers across her clit, she moaned.

I re-inserted the fingers and then just stroked in and out of her pussy, she continued to moan. With the hand I had on her stomach, I moved to her arse and caressed it. I continued with my finger fucking.

After a few minutes, she looked up to the ceiling and combed back her hair from the top of her head with both hands. The bottom of her hair brushed on the back of the hand I had on her arse. Her hips started to waver back and forth.

My fingers were so wet that her juices ran down across my hand and onto my arm. I felt her hips shake, and she said in a soft moan, “Oh fuck, oh fuck.”

She released more juices, and they ran further down my arm, they had reached my shoulder. I turned my head and licked them off.

She still moaned and looked down and caught me as I licked her juices. I looked back at her and said, “Best curry I’ve tasted.”

Then her hips stiffened and jolted back and forth, she threw her head back up again and grabbed her boobs; ‘Fuck’ I wanted to do that. She said, “Oh yes, fuck yes, yes, yes, ahhh”

And o my god, a river ran down my arm. She grabbed my hand and pulled it out of her pussy. She dropped to her knees straddled across my chest and placed her pussy at my mouth. I instantly opened my mouth and her juices ran in, I poked my tongue into her and flicked it around; I slid my tongue out and to her clit, I licked and sucked it.

I had my hands on her hips and felt them shake. Her motions ground to a halt. She rose up slightly and I held her there, I could see her pussy, fan-fuckin-tastic. It was still slightly open, her little lips dangled down either side, her clit was red and very distinctive. But the best sight was her open pussy, an absolute contrast to her outer skin colour. It was a delightful bright pink. Little nodules of pussy flesh around a tiny little hole right in the middle – just right for my cock, I couldn’t wait.

I brought her back down and licked her pussy; I just had to taste her over and over again. My cock was so hard; I wanted to get it into her. I had seen where it needed to be and I wanted to put it in there straight away.

She moved away, she took her pussy down across my chest and stomach, she slithered it over my cock and let her belly rest on it. She grabbed my head and kissed me, we went mad for each other.

Our tongues fought and played with each other’s. We sucked each other’s lips and tongues. We kissed each other on the cheeks, and then resumed our tongue duel.

And all that time she rubbed her belly hard against my cock. I wanted to get it in, I moved my hands onto her hips, and grabbed the flesh. I pulled her up and stabbed my cock at her. She parted her legs and slid her knees up, that broadened her hips, and opened her up. I stabbed again and there it was.

As soon as I felt the head had found her beautiful opening, she sighed into my mouth. I continued to push, she was so wet my cock slid in, right to the hilt and I remained in.

She broke our kiss, her eyes were closed and she said, “Oh that’s nice.”

I felt her tighten on my cock and then she came back to kiss me again. We remained still, not a movement, my cock in her cunt while we kissed. Not so madly, but still with a passion.

I flexed my cock in her, I wanted to fuck her, and she got the message. She let go of my head and rose up. She started to jump up and down on my cock; I placed my hands onto her hips and caressed them.

We fucked for a while and then as I saw her boobs move so fucking well, I wanted them, I wanted to suck on them and the nipples. I moved both my hands to one of her boobs. I grabbed it tight, it was so firm, I pulled on it and she came down.

Her nipple was so large and hard, fuck it was nice, I licked and sucked on it. I squeezed, fondled and massaged her boob. I sucked hard on her nipple. I moved to the other twin, and did the same.

Her pussy was a real nice fit; it felt like I was being given a stiff hand-job. She cried out, “Ah fuck, I’m there. Just a bit harder, bit harder.”

And I did, I kept the same pace but rammed in as hard as I could with every thrust in, I pulled out slow, but rammed home hard, she said, “That’s it, fuck, that’s it.”

And it was her that stopped me from continuing, she pushed down hard, so I could not move and she said, “Fuck, that’s so nice, ahhh.”

I felt an awesome sensation as she released more juices over my cock and balls. Her hips rose after a while and she got off and rolled to my side.

We lay panting, her more than me, she ran her hand over my stomach and patted my chest, she said, “I need to pee.”

She got up and I watched her walk off to the en-suit, fuck that arse move so mesmerizingly. I heard her pee, and I thought I’d join her in there.

I walked to the en-suit, and saw her as she washed her hands; she had her back to me. Besides the wash basin was a shelf with a few item on it. As she turned around, I walked up to her and hugged her, I kissed her deeply. Fuck, her naked body felt so nice to hold against mine. She felt warm, soft and very feminine.

As we kissed I moved her over to the shelf, we stopped as her arse was against it. I released her from the kiss and picked her up. I was a bit surprised but glad that I was able to do that, she was light for her body size. I placed her so that she sat on the shelf.

I kissed her boobs and sucked on each of her large erect nipples, her ‘Twin Peaks,’ before I lay soft kisses all the way down to her pussy. Before I could, she parted her legs and gave me access to her intimate place. I dropped to my knees and I licked and sucked her out. I paid particular attention to her beautiful clit, I sucked licked and nibbled on it.

I had my hands on her thighs, and she had one hand on the back of my head, urged me on, and her other hand squeezed and massaged her own boob.

She tasted oh so fucking nice, I went back down to her slit and nibbled on her pussy lips, I pulled on them with my lips and I poked my tongue into her, as deep as I could go. I rubbed my hands up and down her thighs and she said, “Oh fuck, that’s so nice, I’m cumming, keep me cumming.”

I tried to make her orgasm last longer as she had wanted. I lapped up her juices and then I stood up before she had calmed back down. I guided my cock to her pussy and in one movement I was in deep, a cry from her, “Oh god, that’s it, that’s just so it.”

She wrapped her legs around me and I slid in and out smoothly, no harsh movements; I wanted her to have a nice orgasm. Then just two minutes later, she said, “Fuck, you’ve got me there again, oh fuck, yeahh.”

I looked at her face as she went through her orgasm, and although I never thought it possible, she looked even more arousing. Her eyes were softly closed, she bit her bottom lip and her face glowed with an amazing radiance – I could have looked at that face for the whole of my life.

She let her legs drop away and opened her eyes; she looked at me and said, “Please keep it in.”

She grabbed my face and kissed me, I grabbed hold of her around her waist and she again wrapped her legs around me. I picked her up, still kept my cock in her. I walked us over into the bedroom and I sat her down onto the bed.

As I did that, my cock came out, we had stopped kissing; I grabbed her hand and made her stand up. I spun her around and I pushed on her back gently to make her lean on the bed. She did, and I got myself in position to dog her.

I again guided my cock into her and slid in, oh god she was so nice it felt fantastic. I grabbed her hips and started to fuck her, she pushed back and we banged away for what seemed like ages; that time I went faster and harder than I had done in the bathroom. She went through two more orgasms and her juices ran over my balls and down both our thighs.

I was shattered, I felt I was going to cum, but I didn’t want to, not yet, I wanted to fuck her more, ‘Please god don’t let me cum yet.’

I withdrew and stood back, I had to let my cock cool down. I stepped to the side and sat on the bed, she asked, “Did you cum, Have you finished?”

I placed my hands behind me, my eyes closed and looked up to the ceiling, I could not speak, I shook my head and just managed to say, “No.”

She too sat on the bed next to me and looked at my erect eight inches and she said, “You didn’t cum, impressive.”

She took hold of my cock gently and stroked it lovingly, her fingers felt so nice wrapped round my cock. She watched me as I still gasped for breath, she said, “I’m glad I gave you a lift. I didn’t think I was your type, Indian and all.”

I turned my head in disbelief and looked at her in amazement and said, “Are you stupid? Just look at you, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous, it was me who thought I would never have a chance with you.”

She smiled and said, “Yeah, I’m not that fussy!”

I was sure she was taking the piss. She looked down to her wet thighs and then across to mine, I said, “You do leak a lot.”

She ran her hand up and down my wet thigh and said, “It happens, more with a cock than a dildo. And actually… it’s better with a cock than any dildo!”

We looked at each other in silence while I drank in her pure beauty for a minute, and then leant towards one another, drawn like magnets and we kissed softly for a while. She got a hold of my cock again, and broke away from our kiss, she said, “You recon you can finish the job.”

I smirked and thought, ‘I’ll show you how I finish a job.’

I jumped onto the bed and grabbed her from under her armpits, and dragged her onto the bed. I got straight down and lay on top of her. With one hand I pushed on her thigh and she parted her legs. I pushed my cock and found her hole straight away, I pushed right in and started right from the word go, fucked her good and hard.

I wanted it to be a good hard fuck, but I wanted there to be some ecstasy behind it. I grabbed her by the lower jaw and looked straight into her eyes. I kept fucking hard and deep, I said, “You wanted me to fuck the shit out of you, well, here we fuckin’ go.”

I fucked her hard, and as soon as I released her jaw, she grabbed my arse with both hands and dug her nails in and said, “Come on then office boy, let’s see what you’ve got.”

She started to thrust her hips up and we fucked hard. Our pelvises clashed and bounced off each other, the pain was erotic. She shouted, “Come on, fuck me, fuck me hard.”

I was sure she drew blood from my arse; her nails were in so hard and deep. It felt so fantastic, and she shouted, “Oh yeah, oh fuckin’ yeah, ohhh yeahh.”

She again released juices, that time she released an awful lot, like three orgasms worth. And as I felt her hips calm from her orgasm, she grabbed me in a bear hug and turned us around, she was on top.

She got off and turned, took hold of my cock and guided it back in, she got me fully back in and started to fuck me. She was in reverse cow girl position, with her hands on my thighs and her fab arse was straight in front of me. I grabbed it and dug my fingers into her arse flesh. I helped her move up and down on my cock, fuck, it felt so good.

She moved up slowly and back down hard with her full weight. I moved my hands to her hips and made her slam down onto my cock even harder. I was amazed and glad I had lasted that long. But then the inevitable, I felt it, I was going to cum.

I said, “I’m gona’ cum.”

She knew I was there and her movement became slow and calculated, not in frenzy like it had been up till then.

She moved so delightfully, sensually and very erotically, her pussy felt so fucking nice coming on and going off my cock, it made me boil over, I was going to cum. I blew, I grabbed her hips and buried my cock deep, and I blew three then four loads into her delightful Indian pussy.

I wanted to blow more, but she got off and turned round and grabbed my cock, she stroked it hard, I blew straight up into the air, a strand of cum about two foot in the air. She then took my cock into her mouth and continued to stroke it, she milked my cock, and I felt so exhilarated.

I placed a hand on the back of her head and pushed her down; I wanted my cock deep into her mouth as I blew. I was fucked, I heaved for breath. My eyes were closed as she drew more cum out of my cock. Her eyes were towards me, she looked at my agonised face.

My cock-head was extremely sensitive and she knew it. She kept licking it as my hips jolted uncontrollably. Her eyes were fixed on mine as her tongue swirled around my twitching cock. Holy fuck she knew how to please a man.

She continued to lick and sweetly sucked on my cock as it softened. Oh god that was so nice. She came up and lay besides me, with an arm and leg across my body. I said, “Fuck that was nice. Are all Indians this great?”

She moved her thigh across and onto my cock, she pushed her thigh down she squeezed my cock and said, “Idiot, how the fuck should I know!”

She then looked up at me and kissed me on the cheek and she said, “Aren’t you glad you made the right choices tonight. I know I’m glad I made the right choice.”

I had definitely made the right choices, and I hoped I could keep the choices I made for a long time. Bap was an awesome fuck, and I knew I would have plenty more if I played my cards right. I wanted Bap, she was one hell of a good Indian fuck.

We fucked again in the early hours, before we went to work. I think Bap helped a great deal in me getting over my ex, it was almost instantaneous.

Written by Bob_6
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