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Justice And Unity Ch. 2

"A Heart Awakened"

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Author's Notes

"All characters depicted in this novel are entirely fictional and have been created solely for the purpose of the story. Any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Furthermore, it is important to note that all characters in this narrative are explicitly portrayed as being over the age of 18."

Chapter 2

A few days passed after conversation between James and Sarah, and he found himself in a state of anticipation and restlessness. As he had confessed his feelings to her and they had discussed their shared values, he couldn't help but wonder about her response.

The days seemed to stretch on, and he spent most of his time trying to kill time by playing games on his console and checking his phone incessantly, hoping for a message or a sign from Sarah. Every notification brought a rush of hope, only to fade into disappointment when it wasn't from her. James felt a growing sense of anxiety as the silence between them continued.

James couldn't help but replay their conversation in his mind, wondering if he had said the wrong thing or if she had simply moved on. He longed for her response, hoping that their friendship could weather the revelation of his feelings and the uncertainty that came with it.

With the days stretching on and his anticipation over Sarah's response, James decided to channel his restless energy into something productive. He delved deeper into his study of the Black Lives Matter movement, immersing himself in the history, goals, and ongoing initiatives of the movement. He read books, watched documentaries, and followed the latest news about this new political movement. The more he learned, the more he realized the importance of being well-informed and actively involved in the cause.

His studies not only deepened his understanding of racial inequality but also allowed him to engage in more meaningful conversations with Isabella. Their discussions became even more enriching and informed, as they shared their newfound knowledge and perspectives with each other.

On a sunny afternoon James received a message from Isabella. She invited him to a local Black Lives Matter event designed specifically for students. The event was set to include informative talks, discussions, and workshops about advocating for racial equality Excitement and gratitude washed over James as he read her invitation. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for, a chance to become actively involved and make a tangible impact. He eagerly accepted the invitation, and they agreed to attend the event together.

A few days later, James and Isabella found themselves at the event, surrounded by a diverse group of students who were passionate about the cause. The atmosphere was electric with hope and determination as they listened to speakers who shared their experiences, insights, and strategies for bringing about change within the educational system.

During a break between sessions, James and Isabella found a quiet spot to talk. Isabella's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and she expressed her excitement about the event and her hopes for the impact it could have on their school community.

Isabella began, her voice filled with passion, "James, I'm so glad you're here with us today, supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. It's so important for us to be informed and active allies in the fight for racial equality."

James nodded in agreement, feeling more inspired and committed with each passing moment. "Absolutely, Isabella. I've learned so much in the past few weeks, and I'm determined to be part of the change."

Isabella leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a hushed tone. "There's something you should know, James. The Black Lives Matter movement, as powerful as it is, holds a secret that many aren't aware of. It's a secret that we'll all discover when a certain politician party wins an election."

James furrowed his brow, intrigued and somewhat bewildered. "A secret? What do you mean, Isabella?"

Isabella took a deep breath before continuing. "There's a hidden agenda behind the scenes. The movement isn't just about racial equality. It's also about exposing the corruption and systemic racism that exists within the very institutions that are meant to protect us. When the right people gain power, the truth will come to light, and real change can begin."

Isabella continued with a sense of urgency in her voice, "James, it's not just about exposing corruption. It's also about the power shift that needs to happen. For too long, black people have been oppressed."

She leaned closer to James and spoke with a determined gleam in her eyes. "James, now that you're part of this movement, you can make a significant impact. It's crucial that you use your voice and your influence to encourage those around you to get involved."

James nodded in agreement, eager to be a catalyst for change. "You're right, Isabella. I'll do whatever I can to make a difference."

After their conversation, James and Isabella continued to explore the event. They ventured into one of the halls adorned with larger-than-life portraits of powerful and influential black figures from history. The portraits served as a visual testament to the strength, resilience, and impact of the black community in the face of adversity.

Isabella pointed to one of the portraits and said, "Look at Malcolm X, James. He was an essential voice in the civil rights movement. He fought passionately for justice and equality."

James gazed at the striking image, taking in the intensity in Malcolm X's eyes. "It's amazing to see these individuals who made such a significant difference in the world. Their courage is truly inspiring."

Isabella nodded, her voice filled with pride. "These portraits remind us of the progress that has been made and the potential for even greater change. But there's still work to be done, and that's why our involvement is so important."

As they continued to walk through the hall, each portrait conveyed a powerful story of struggle, triumph, and the ongoing fight for equality. It was a reminder that the Black Lives Matter movement was part of a broader legacy of activism and advocacy that had shaped the world.

At one point, a muscular and tall black man approached them. The man's name was Kofi, and he had been admiring Isabella from afar for some time now. He moved closer to her, his muscles rippling under his skin as he took a deep breath. He reached out his large hand and gently placed it on Isabella’s butt, feeling the softness of her skin and the firmness of her muscles. She opened her eyes, and their gazes met.

She smiled, knowing that Kofi had finally made his move. He leaned in closer, his lips hovering over hers, and whispered, "You have such a beautiful butt, Isabella. May I kiss it?"

Isabella's heart raced with anticipation, and she nodded eagerly. Kofi's warm lips pressed against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. She moaned softly, and Kofi's hands began to explore her body, his fingers tracing the curves of her hips and thighs.

The room was filled with a sense of longing and desire, and they both knew that this was just the beginning of their passionate journey together. Kofi's touch ignited a fire within Isabella that she had never felt before, and she knew that she was ready for whatever came next.

James couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he watched them together. As he watched Kofi's hands explore her body, James felt a mix of emotions. He had always been the quiet and reserved type, content with being in the background. But as he watched her with Kofi, he realized that he wanted more. He wanted to feel her skin against his, to hear her moans of pleasure, to make her feel alive. But deep inside, he knew it would never happen. He was left with nothing but his own desires and fantasies.

As Kofi and Isabella walked away, James couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over him. He had always felt like an outsider, like he didn't belong in a world that seemed to be dominated by the strong and the beautiful. But as he turned to leave, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Kofi, who had come back to talk to him.

"James, I know you're feeling down right now, but you gotta know something," Kofi said, his voice deep and comforting. "There's a place for everyone in this BNWO. Even a white boy like you."

"What do you mean?" James asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I mean that everyone has a purpose, man. Even you. And if you want, I can show you more. I can show you a world where you belong, where you can be yourself and be proud of who you are."

James felt a sense of curiosity wash over him. "What do you mean by 'more'?" James asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"I mean that I can show you a world where you can explore your desires and fantasies, where you can be yourself and not be judged," Kofi said, his voice filled with a sense of excitement.

"Okay, I'll go with you," James said, his voice filled with a sense of determination.

As they entered the secret room in the house, Isabella's heart was beating fast with anticipation. She had always been fascinated by the BNWO, and she was eager to explore it with Kofi and James.

But as they walked in, James felt a sense of unease wash over him. He had always felt like he was on the outside looking in, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for what was to come. As they sat down on the couch, Kofi turned to James, his eyes burning with intensity.

"James, man, I gotta be real with you. You know why you're here, right?" Kofi said, his voice low and menacing.

James felt a sense of fear wash over him. He wasn't sure what Kofi was talking about, but he could tell that he was serious.

"I... I don't know," James stammered, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"You're here to learn, man. You're here to learn that white boys like you can't compete with black men like me." Kofi said, his voice growing louder and more aggressive.

Isabella felt a sense of excitement wash over her. She had always been drawn to the strength and power of black men, and she was eager to see what Kofi had in store for them. But James felt a sense of fear and anger wash over him. He didn't like the idea of being compared to Kofi, and he didn't like the idea of being seen as inferior.

"What do you mean, Kofi?" James asked, his voice filled with a mix of fear and defiance.

"I mean that black men are stronger, more powerful, and more desirable than white boys like you. And you need to learn that," Kofi said, his voice filled with a sense of conviction.

"No, I don't." James said, his voice filled with a sense of determination. "I'm just as strong and desirable as you."

Kofi laughed, a deep, throaty laugh that sent a shiver down James' spine. "Oh, really?" Kofi said, his voice filled with scorn. "Then let's see who is stronger." Before James could react, Kofi's hand shot out and grabbed him by the throat, pinning him to the sofa.

"Kofi, stop!" Isabella shouted, her eyes widening in shock and fear.

But Kofi ignored her as he continued to hold James in his grasp. His eyes burned with a sense of intensity as he tightened his grip, his fingers digging into the flesh of James's neck. He could feel the blood pulsing through his veins, the sound of his own heartbeat growing louder in his ears.

He could feel his strength growing with each passing moment, the power of his muscles increasing with each breath. He could sense the fear radiating from James's eyes, the way he struggled to break free from Kofi's grasp.

Kofi began to flex his muscles, showing off his incredible strength and power. He could feel the tension in James's body, the way he struggled to break free from his grip.

"Kofi, stop!" Isabella shouted again, her voice shaking with fear and concern.

But Kofi ignored her, his eyes locked on James'. "You're so weak, man. You'll never be able to compete with me."

James struggled to speak, his words coming out as a hoarse whisper. "I'm not weak."

Kofi laughed again, a deep and menacing sound that filled the room.

Before James could react, Kofi leaned forward and pressed his lips against Isabella's. James watched helplessly as Kofi's hands caressing her body. He could see her body responding to his touch.

Kofi pulled away from Isabella and smiled at her, his voice filled with a sense of satisfaction. "Well, what did you think?" He said, his eyes shining with a sense of triumph.

Isabella felt a sense of shame and embarrassment wash over her. She had always been drawn to Kofi's strength and power, but she never imagined that he would use it against her. She searched for the right words to respond, but before she could say anything, Kofi spoke again. "I think you'll find that a white boy like him could never compare to me." He said, his voice filled with scorn.

Kofi turned to James and released him from his grasp, his eyes filled with contempt. "You see what I mean?" He said, his voice filling with mockery. "Black men are stronger, more powerful, and more desirable than white boys like you."

James felt a sense of shame and anger wash over him. He tried to say something, but before he could, Kofi spoke again. "Now, let's get down to business." Kofi said, his voice filled with a sense of determination.

Kofi turned to Isabella and smiled at her, his eyes shining with a sense of desire. He reached out for her, his fingers gently touching the curves of her body. "Kofi, I don't…" she began to say, but he shushed her with his finger.

"Don't worry, I'll show you how it's done." Kofi said.

Kofi turned to James and ordered him to take off his clothes, too. "I want you to see what a real man looks like," Kofi said, his voice filled with a sense of determination.

James hesitated for a moment before reluctantly beginning to undo his buttons and zipper. He felt a sense of embarrassment wash over him as he exposed himself to Kofi and Isabella, but he knew that resisting was futile.

Kofi smiled as he watched James undress himself, his eyes fixed on the white boy's body. He had always been drawn to white boys like James, their skin so pale and delicate in comparison to his own dark skin.

Kofi turned to Isabella and motioned for her to join them. "Show this white boy why sluts like you prefer black men like me," he said, his voice filled with a sense of excitement.

Isabella nodded, eager to please Kofi. She moved closer to him and began to undo his pants, her hands shaking with nervous excitement. Kofi watched her with a sense of satisfaction as she pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his rock-hard cock. She stared at it in awe and wonder, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and excitement. Kofi smiled and reached out, running his fingers through her hair. "Don't be afraid," he said gently. "Just do what feels natural."

Isabella nodded, swallowing hard as she leaned forward and placed the tip of his dick in her mouth, letting it soak in her saliva. Kofi let out a groan of pleasure as she began to suck his dick. Isabella's lips wrapped around the base of his cock, and she began to suck. She could feel Kofi's fingers run through her hair, his hands massaging her scalp. She could feel him growing harder in her mouth. She could feel his cock as it pulsed against her tongue, his warm skin pressing against hers.

Kofi pulled his cock out of Isabella's mouth and gave her a playful smile. "That's enough for now." Kofi grabbed Isabella by the arm and dragged her to the sofa. He pushed her down onto the cushions, her breasts spilling out of her top. He spread her legs apart, his eyes filled with a sense of desire. He leaned over her, his cock pressing against her pussy. "You ready for me, baby?" he said, his voice filled with a sense of hunger. Isabella nodded excitedly, her heart pounding in her chest. She was ready for him, and she wanted him to take her.

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Kofi grinned and pushed his cock into her, his hands griping her waist. He thrust inside her, his body pressing against hers. Isabella moaned in pleasure, her body responding to each stroke of Kofi's cock. She could feel his hands gripping her hips, his body pressing against hers.

He continued to thrust inside her, his body moving in rhythm with hers. He could feel her pussy tightening around his cock, her body responding to each stroke of his dick. He could feel her moans of pleasure growing louder, her body writhing beneath him.

"Oh, Kofi, I'm going to cum!" she said, her voice filled with a sense of desire.

Kofi smiled and thrust his cock deep inside her, his hands gripping her hips. "Cum for me, baby," he said, his voice filled with a sense of triumph. Isabella moaned in pleasure as she felt herself cumming, her body shaking beneath him.

After a few minutes, Kofi said, "I'm going to cum inside you."

Isabella smiled and looked up at him, her eyes filled with a sense of desire. "Yes, Kofi, cum inside me," she said, her voice filled with a sense of excitement. Kofi grinned and thrust his cock inside her one last time. He could feel his orgasm building, his body trembling with pleasure. He could feel his cock pulsing inside her, his semen filling her pussy.

Kofi withdrew his cock from Isabella's pussy, watching as his cum dripped out of her. He smiled at her and said, "You have tight pussy, slut."

Kofi turned to James and looked at his soft dick. "See what I mean? Black men are just better." Jame’s face turned red. He couldn't believe what he had just seen.

"I've always been curious about black men," Isabella said. "I mean, I've just never been with one before."

"Well, now you have," Kofi said with a grin. "And you'll never forget it."

James stood up from the sofa, his face still flushed with shame and humiliation. He tried to cover himself with his hands, but it was too late. Kofi had seen everything.

"You know, I'm glad Isabella got to experience what a real cock feels like." Kofi said, his voice filled with a sense of satisfaction. "I can tell you'll never be able to compete with me."

James's face grew red with anger, his eyes burning with a sense of rage. "You know what, Kofi? I don't need to compete with you. I just want to go home."

Kofi started to laugh. "I mean, come on, man. You're just a little white boy with a tiny dick." He gestured to James's soft dick, which was still visible to everyone in the room. "And I'm a big, strong black man with a huge dick. It's just science."

"I'm leaving," James said, his voice filled with a sense of rage. "I don't need this."

The night was dark as James made his way home, the events of the day still fresh in his mind. He knew that he had taken an important step toward becoming an active ally in the fight for racial equality, but situation with Kofi made him very angry.

As he entered his room, his phone buzzed with a new message. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that it was from Sarah. Her message simply read, "Can we talk?"

He had been waiting for this moment for days, and the uncertainty had weighed heavily on him. He quickly replied, "Of course, Sarah. I've been waiting to hear from you."

James's heart raced as he read Sarah's message. Her request to meet in the park took him by surprise, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anticipation.

He quickly replied, "Absolutely, Sarah. I'll be there in thirty minutes."

With a sense of urgency, James rushed to get ready, ensuring he looked his best for the meeting. The park was a place where they had spent many memorable moments together, and it held a special significance in their friendship.

As he arrived at the park, the moonlight casting a soft glow on the surroundings, he spotted Sarah waiting at their favorite bench. Her presence filled him with a sense of both hope and nervousness.

"Sarah," he greeted her with a warm smile as he approached.

She returned the smile, though it seemed to hold a hint of seriousness.

As they sat together on the park bench, he couldn't help but feel a deep appreciation for the beautiful person she was, both inside and out. Sarah's appearance on that evening was both stunning and unique, showcasing her individual style and confidence. She wore a vibrant mini red dress that accentuated her slender figure. The bold color was a striking contrast to the dark night, drawing attention to her with every step she took. The unexpected choice of black sneakers with a slight heel added a touch of edginess to her outfit.

Her makeup was understated but beautifully done, enhancing her features without overshadowing her natural beauty. It highlighted her eyes and lips with soft, earthy tones, allowing her facial features to shine through. Sarah's hair was pulled back into a casual yet elegant ponytail. This style not only revealed the graceful curve of her neck but also conveyed a sense of effortless charm.

Sarah finally spoke."James, I wanted to talk to you in person. I've been thinking a lot about our conversation, and I appreciate your honesty."

James nodded, his heart pounding as he tried to read the expression on her face. "I've been thinking about it too, Sarah. I value our friendship more than anything."

Sarah took a deep breath, and her voice held a sense of vulnerability. "I value our friendship as well, James. You mean a lot to me."

A moment of silence hung in the air, and James couldn't help but wonder what Sarah was about to say.

Sarah's voice held a mix of vulnerability and sincerity. She took a deep breath before speaking. "James, I've thought about everything we discussed, and I've been doing some soul-searching. I want to give a relationship a chance because we get along so well, and I feel a strong connection with you."

James listened attentively, his heart beating faster at her words. He appreciated her honesty and her willingness to take a chance on something more.

Sarah continued, "But I'm also afraid, James. I'm afraid that if things don't work out, we might jeopardize the incredible friendship we have. It means a lot to me, and I don't want to lose that."

James nodded in understanding, realizing the weight of the decision they were both considering. "I feel the same way, Sarah. Our friendship is incredibly important to me too, and I don't want to risk losing it. But I also think we have something special, and it might be worth taking that chance."

They both sat in contemplative silence, the moonlight casting a soft glow around them. The decision weighed on their hearts, and the possibility of a romantic relationship was both exciting and uncertain.

Finally, Sarah spoke with a touch of determination in her voice. "Let's give it a try, James. We'll take things slow, communicate openly, and make sure our friendship remains the core of our connection. If we do that, I believe we can navigate this together."

James's eyes filled with gratitude, and he reached out to hold her hand. "I agree, Sarah. I'm willing to take that chance, and I promise to always value and respect our friendship, no matter where this path leads us."

As James and Sarah embarked on this new chapter in their relationship, James couldn't help but be acutely aware of his own inexperience. He had never had a girlfriend before, and the unfamiliar territory of romance left him feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

With the moonlight casting a soft glow on their faces, James's shyness became more pronounced. He found himself wrestling with questions that had never crossed his mind before. Should he kiss her now? Was this the right moment? Or should he wait for a more perfect, cinematic opportunity?

Sarah, who had more experience in relationships, sensed James's hesitation. She smiled warmly at him and said, "James, it's okay. You don't need to rush into anything. We can take things at our own pace."

James let out a relieved breath, grateful for her understanding. He admitted, "I've never been in a relationship before, and I don't really know how to act. I don't want to mess things up."

Sarah's empathy deepened, and she reached out to gently touch his cheek. "James, it's perfectly okay to be yourself. That's why I like you. You don't need to pretend to be someone you're not."

As they left the park, James was aware that their relationship was a journey of discovery. He might not have all the answers, but with Sarah's understanding and support, he was eager to learn and grow, both as a partner and as a person.

As James and Sarah walked back home in the night, their conversation gradually shifted from personal matters to the larger world around them. Suddenly, they encountered a group of passionate individuals. The night air was filled with their voices as they held up bold signs and banners that declared, "Black Lives Matter" and "Demand Equality Now!" They were engaging with passersby, sharing information about the new movement and the rights they were fighting for.

James and Sarah paused to watch, their hearts stirred by the determination and unity of the activists. It was a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for racial equality and the dedication of those who were committed to the cause.

The activists handed out pamphlets and engaged in open conversations with anyone who was willing to listen. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of urgency, and the words they spoke resonated with a promise of change.

As they strolled through the quiet streets, Sarah turned to James and asked with a genuine interest, "James, do you know much about the Black Lives Matter movement? What are your thoughts on it?"

James appreciated Sarah's inquisitiveness and the opportunity to discuss a matter that had become increasingly important to both of them. He replied, "I've been reading and learning about it over the past few weeks. The movement advocates for racial equality, justice, and an end to systemic racism. It's about acknowledging the injustices faced by the black community and working towards meaningful change."

Sarah nodded, her eyes reflecting her commitment. "That's what I've been reading too. It's a powerful movement that's advocating for change on a large scale. We have a responsibility to stand alongside those who are fighting for their rights."

James agreed wholeheartedly, and their conversation deepened as they explored the principles, goals, and actions of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Finally James and Sarah arrived at her doorstep. As they stood on her doorstep, the moment seemed to hold its breath, suspended in time. James, still somewhat hesitant and unsure in the realm of romantic gestures, decided to take a step. He reached out and gently brushed his lips against her cheek, leaving a soft and affectionate kiss.

The moment James kissed Sarah gently on the cheek was a beautiful and tender one, but it also brought an unexpected rush of emotions. As he pulled away from the kiss, his cheeks grew warm, and a deep blush crept across his face.

He felt a sudden wave of embarrassment wash over him, as if he had revealed too much of his emotions in that simple gesture. It was a mix of joy, nervousness, and vulnerability, all swirling within him at once.

Sarah noticed James's reaction, and her gentle smile grew even warmer. She reached out and touched his arm, her voice filled with reassurance. "James, it's okay. There's no need to be embarrassed."

James let out a nervous chuckle, his gaze downcast. "I... I'm not used to this, Sarah. I'm still learning."

She gently lifted his chin with her fingers and met his eyes with understanding and affection. "James, that's what makes this journey so special. We're learning and growing together, and that's what matters."

His embarrassment began to ebb as he looked into her eyes, and he realized that she accepted him for who he was, flaws and all. It was a comforting realization that deepened their connection and made him grateful for the chance they had to explore this new chapter in their relationship.

James took a step closer to Sarah, and without hesitation, they wrapped their arms around each other in a gentle, affectionate hug. The embrace was a testament to the strong foundation of their friendship and the beginning of something more.

With a final, heartfelt squeeze, they reluctantly pulled away from the hug, but their eyes held a promise of more to come. They exchanged one last smile, then said their goodbyes, both looking forward to the exciting journey that lay ahead of them.

As James returned home after the eventful night with Sarah, he found the house quiet, with his mother and sister already asleep. The events of the evening had left him with a mix of emotions, and he needed a a solution to release emotions.

James quietly made his way to his room, not wanting to disturb his family. He settled into the soft glow of his computer screen and began searching for porn to watch and relief. This was his way of escaping into a different world, temporarily disconnecting from the whirlwind of emotions and excitement that had filled the day.

The selection of videos on his screen ranged from amateur porn to gangbangs, and he scrolled through the options, searching for the perfect video to help him relax. His attention was caught by a video titled “black lives matter - start today”. Selected porn contained scenes of beautiful white women having sex with black muscular men. However, what attracted the most of his attention were the big black cocks. In the background he heard things like – only black cock will give pleasure to a woman; a white man is a loser who doesn’t deserve pussy; black is power; white is weak; once you tried black, you never go back, etc.

Seeing all these scenes, James cock started to get hard. He excitedly took it out of his pants and started touching it. He quickly came to the conclusion that his fully erect penis could not compare in size to the black men shown in the film. However, that didn't stop him from cumming on his stomach after a while. The girls in the video were so hot that he couldn't stand it any longer.

He had never gotten aroused by an interracial movie before. Could the topic of Black Lives Matter that has been discussed in recent weeks and uncomfortable situation with Kofi and Isabella have had any impact on this? It doesn't matter now.

As he eased himself down onto the bed, he let out a sigh, feeling the weariness of the day settling in. The mattress provided a welcoming embrace, cradling him in its comfort. He stretched out on his back, staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought about the events and encounters that had transpired.

With each breath he took, he felt the tension of the day slowly release. The room was bathed in a gentle, calming darkness, allowing him to unwind and find solace in the stillness. He knew that he would need a good night's rest to process the emotions and make sense of the new chapter in his life that had just begun.

His thoughts gradually gave way to the quiet, and as the night enveloped him, he drifted into a peaceful slumber, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures the future might hold.

To be continued...

Written by Feminizationproject
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