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Girls Gone Black - Susan's Story

"Susan finds herself enjoying her first interracial sexual encounter"

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Susan returned to the upstairs bedroom that an hour ago, she had stripped the bed of its sheets and pillowcases to wash and dry. Once again, her eyes were drawn to the sets of cuffs attached to the bedposts at the top of the bed.

Samuel, the homeowner, had apologised as he rushed away after letting her in to do her twice-weekly cleaning. “I slept in and haven’t had time to tidy up,” he had told her. “Just ignore the things on the bed in the spare room when you change the bedding. I should be back before you leave but if not, I’ll see you Friday.”

She enjoyed cleaning for him. He was quite tidy for a single man, and he did not look down on her. A few months ago, she had been a customer account adviser at a High Street bank, but then branch closure came. The growth in internet banking had made the use of high-cost branches redundant and she found herself out of work. An old friend had started her own domestic cleaning business. In fact, Susan had arranged an overdraft to get it off the ground and when she saw her job advertisements, she put pride in pocket and asked for a job. Samuel’s was one of three homes she cleaned on a weekly basis.

Giving the pillows one final pat, she reached for a loose cuff and inspected it closely. It was made of black padded leather with two strap and buckle fasteners. It was attached to a solid steel chain that had a similar cuff attached to the other end. That end was attached to a bedpost. Lost in thought, she sat down and wrapped the cuff around her wrist. Susan had never indulged in this kind of play, but she had once seen a bondage sex scene on television, and that had sparked an interest. The girl in the scene had been chained to the bed; a wrist attached to each bedpost. A man suddenly went into the room, and with the closing of the door, the viewers were left to work out for themselves, the scene on the other side of the door.

Susan’s own mind had gone into overdrive—the helpless, vulnerable, and scantily clad girl at the mercy of a male. Sometimes she imagined herself in such a position. So lost in thought was she that she had not heard Samuel return and suddenly he was with her. His smile showed his pure white teeth contrasting against his dark skin. Samuel was of Jamaican descent. She gasped and jumped up as he sat down on the bed beside her. “Are you into this sort of thing, Susan?” he asked.

“No. No.”

He patted the bed beside him. “Sit down,” he told her. “Nothing wrong with a bit of bondage. Quite a few people like this sort of thing.”

“I’ve… I’ve never done it.”

He smiled. “Well, there’s always a first time, and if ever you want to try, well…”

Susan shook her head, but Samuel took her right wrist and the end of the restraint, and then proceeded to fasten the straps. She did not pull away or offer any resistance as he secured it. Samuel then stood up and calmly walked around the other side of the bed and reached for her left hand. “Slide into the middle,” he told her.

“I… I…” she uttered in protest, but it did not stop him from securing her other wrist to the corner of the bed.

“How does that feel?” he asked as he adjusted the pillows behind her.

She said nothing as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “So… your first taste of bondage, hey?” he asked, glancing at the rings on her left hand

She nodded silently with a look of surprise on her face.

“What happens now?” he asked her as his hand alighted on her thigh.

She glanced down at his large, brown hand, his fingers long and well-manicured. Her lips parted. She could feel the warmth of his hand through the materials of her tabard and her leggings. Susan could also feel stirrings in her groin. She had never been touched by a Black man before.

“I expect that you are wondering what happened on this bed last night Susan, aren’t you?”

She found herself nodding.

“Well, it was a man who was bound to the bed,” he told her. “And it was his wife who bound him to it. She stripped him from the waist down, got him all comfortable and then came into my bedroom,” he explained pointing to the open bedroom door that looked on through the hallway into his bedroom.

She looked to where his finger was pointing. She could see his bed and her mind went into overdrive again. His hand stirred again on her thigh and began to push her tabard back. “He was here almost two hours watching the two of us fuck. It was a tortuous form of sexual excitement,” Samuel told her. “Excitement mixed together with jealousy at watching her.”

She looked up at him and began to wonder what sort of man was holding her down? What sort of man fucks another man’s wife while he is watching, bound to a bed? Finally, she wondered what this man might do to her. “What are you thinking, Susan?” he asked her with a smile that lit his face.

She found it difficult to speak. His hand began to slowly push her tabard back. She looked down and watched its hem rise to her waist. “How long have you been married, Susan?”

“Five years.”

“Do you know what vanilla means?”

She nodded.

“Is that how you would describe your relationship?”

She nodded in silence.

“Are you satisfied with that, or do you sometimes think about venturing into other arenas?”

She did not answer his question.

“Too shy to answer, Susan?” he asked. “That is okay, there’s nothing wrong in that. I guess it’s just the case of finding the right partner to explore with, isn’t it?”

She stifled a response. She wanted to. She wanted to admit it to him, but she could not. She was not that sort of girl. She was quiet, shy, reserved. She may think about such things, there was no harm in that. She might even fantasise and masturbate to her thoughts, nothing wrong with that either. But she just could not admit it openly to a stranger. Suddenly he got up and went to his wardrobe. Moments later he came back to the bed with a riding crop in his hand and sat down, this time on the other side of the bed.

“I have a lady who calls round every now and again. She likes discipline from a man of my colour; strict discipline!” he told her. “She comes here to confess to me all the dirty things she has done since her last visit, and I punish her for it. Not too harshly, Susan, she is a married woman, and I am careful to make certain that there are no tell-tale marks for her husband to see. But all the same, she is punished.”

He waited for her response.

“I take it that you have never been spanked, Susan? As an adult, that is.”

She nodded.

“But you would like to be spanked wouldn’t you Susan?”

She gave no response. His hand alighted on her thigh; his fingers outstretched so that they were close to her mound. “It’s okay to admit it, Susan,” he said softly. “If you don’t ask, you don’t get, Susan.”

Again, she stifled a response.

“Are you going to go through life suppressing your sexual desires, Susan? Holding back and depriving yourself of all that pleasure.”

She sighed.

“Imagine getting elderly and sitting deep in thought and regretting the past, Susan,” he told her. “Perhaps, this moment especially, when someone very experienced wanted to start you off on a life of untold pleasures?”

She found herself staring into his eyes. She knew he was right and knew that this chance may never come again.

“I bet you have never been with a Black man before Susan, have you?”


“Never thought about it?”


“Lots of white girls do. We have a reputation, a good reputation. We are better lovers; bigger where it matters, and we have stamina. We have imagination, you won’t be disappointed Susan, believe me.”

She lay there gaping at him.

Suddenly he stood and placed the riding crop across her tummy. Bending down slightly, he slipped his fingers into the waistband of her leggings. She saw the fire in his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then raised her bottom. She couldn’t understand why, but she found herself surrendering to him.

“That’s a good girl, Susan,” he said softly as he bared her hips.

Susan looked down, watching her leggings and panties being drawn down her legs to her ankles. Closing her thighs tightly, she raised her feet slightly to allow him to pull them off her feet. She watched them land on the floor in a bundle after his tossing them across the room, before sitting back down. “Now be a good girl and open your legs wide Susan,” he told her.

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Again, she hesitated. She was about to show her sex to a stranger; it did not seem right, but she did it. She did not want to look at his face; she knew there would be a look of pleasure on it as he stared at her sex, but she was drawn to his eyes.

Suddenly, his fingers alighted on her sex. “You are very wet Susan, aren’t you?”

She felt embarrassed. His fingers slipped between her moist lips; they made her shudder and moan softly, and then they penetrated her. She found herself automatically opening her legs wider. “What a good girl you are Susan,” he commented as his long, thick, fingers began to slip in and out of her. “Or should I say bad girl, Susan?”

She groaned, pulling on the chains that held her. “Bad girl, Susan, offering herself like this to a man she hardly knows, and a Black man at that.”

Her groan was louder this time. “Well Susan,” he told her as he pulled away and stood up. “I’m going to punish you for being such a slut and then I’m going to fuck you.”

She groaned a ‘no,’ but he ignored her, grabbing her ankles, and lifting her legs backwards before taking up the crop.

“Three now and three on Friday when you come again Susan,” he told her as he tapped her bottom.

She yelped at the first one, not because of the pain but because of the sheer effrontery. The second one made her yelp too as she braced herself for the final one. It was slow coming. He was looking down at her exposed and vulnerable position and he began to use the tip to tap her fleshy cunt lips. She knew that they would be swollen from sexual excitement, and they would also be wet. “You’re a very dirty girl Susan,” he told her before giving her a third and final stroke.

He released her ankles and her legs fell back onto the bed. Laying down the riding crop on the bottom of the bed he turned and faced her. A smile lit his face as his hands went to the buckle of his belt. Susan knew exactly what was coming next. She could only look on as he pushed his trousers and boxers down over his knees. She swallowed as she took in his enormous size and thickness, and she sighed softly as she saw his testicles swinging as he kicked off his shoes. She had heard Black men were supposed to be big down there, now she could see it for herself.

She softly said ‘no’ as he knelt between her legs and spread them, and she moaned loudly as his face moved between her widespread thighs. She cried ‘no’ again as his tongue touched her groove. She moaned loudly as his tongue glided upwards and then she cried out as it found her clitoris. She pulled on her restraints and bucked her hips but the onslaught of his tongue on her sex was overwhelming. And then his fingers entered her, plunging in and out like a cock.

All she could now do was cry out ‘fuck me.’

He continued for a short while longer until another climax passed and then he stopped and pulled up. His lips pressed against hers. She could smell the aromas of her sex and she taste her juices. As she felt the tip of his penis press against her opening she spoke. “Have you got a condom?” she asked.

Samuel shook his head and told her he was clean as he fully entered her. “Please don’t cum inside me!” she begged.

“Please pull out.” Samuel smiled. She knew that he would not. She knew that his cum was going to go inside her, and she cried out as his hands slipped under her bottom and pulled himself deeper inside her.

His thrusts were hard and deep, and she quickly lost it. She was being taken; being fucked hard and deep, and she was loving every moment, every thrust. She was screaming; head tossing from side to side. He was talking to her. He was calling her a slut and telling her to thrust back harder, and she found herself trying, and then as a huge orgasm hit, she felt his cock jerk inside her and his hot seed filling her. She moaned loudly as his cock pulsated inside her as it spurted his seed inside her.

For a few minutes, they lay still together. Samuel on top, embedded deep inside, and Susan, hands bound to the bed and thighs spread wide with her knees raised and thighs locking his hips. No words were spoken as they looked one another in the eye but thoughts were being gathered, all the same. Then Susan spoke. “I’m not on the pill, you know!”

Samuel was alarmed. “I, I didn’t know,” he responded. “I just assumed… “

She shook her head. “No… Andy and I have been trying for a baby for a while now.”

“Oh,” he responded. “How long?”

“Over a year now.”

“It can take a long time for some couples, but have you been to the doctor’s?”

“I have. I am fine as far as she can tell but he won’t go.”

He felt concerned for her. “What’s his cum like?”

She looked puzzled.

“Is it thick and white?”

She shook her head. “It’s more watery and more greyish.”

“And the taste?”

“I don’t like the taste.”

“What, cum in general or just his?”

“Other boyfriends in the past were okay but his… I don’t like the taste.”

“He should go to the doctor’s,” Samuel told her. “Sounds like something is wrong there.”

Susan did not say anything. Samuel suddenly realised the position he was in. He was still deep inside her, and his erection had not fully subsided. In fact, it was starting to harden, and Susan could feel it. Their eyes met again, and thoughts turned to sex as Samuel slipped his hands back under her bottom. “Sorry,” he told her as he withdrew a little of his penis.

“But… “

She was expecting his thrust. He was a man. She was disadvantaged. He was not going to withdraw from her, and she could not repel him. Neither did she want to. She was fertile and she needed to serve her purpose and procreate. “Fuck me,” she said softly as his thrusts increased.

“I am fucking you Susan, whatever you say!”

This time he took a little longer and it was hard and brutal. Afterwards, he unfastened her wrists, divested her of the rest of her clothing and they slipped under the duvet together. They lay in silence; Susan with her head resting on his chest as his arm held her shoulders. Susan could feel his cum slowly oozing from her. “I’m going to have to put the sheets in the wash again,” she said, breaking the silence.

“That’s okay. I’ll take care of it later.”

“Do you have any children?”

Samuel told her about his two children from his marriage. “Did it take your ex-wife long to get pregnant?”

He laughed. “No. We went at it with gusto,” he answered. “Sal took about three months, but Roddy was only a few weeks.”

Susan laughed. “Both of you are quite fertile then!”

Samuel didn’t answer at first. “What are you going to do?” he asked.

“You mean about just now?”



“But what if you are pregnant?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll deal with that if and when that happens.”

Samuel stayed silent.

“It’s okay, I won’t be chasing you for anything?”

Samuel could sense her tension but said nothing. Susan looked at her watch and made a move. “I have another job on later,” she told him.

Samuel slipped out of bed with her and reached for her hand. “You can take a shower if you want.”

She looked at him for a moment and thanked him for his offer. A few minutes later the two of them were inside the shower cubicle together. Samuel was aroused at the sight of her nakedness and Susan noticed it. “Sorry but I have to hurry,” she told him in anticipation.

He just smiled and handed her a towel. “You will be back on Friday?” he asked.

“I’ve no choice,” she responded. “I need the money and it is payday as well.”

After watching her struggle extracting her knickers from her leggings before dressing, he led her to the front door.

“Should I get some condoms for Friday?”

She smiled. “What makes you think that this wasn’t just a one-off?”

He shrugged. “Well, one can live in hope, can’t they?”

She laughed and then kissed him before turning all serious. “Look, it was very enjoyable,” she said. “The best sex I have ever had, but… “

“But you’re married and loyal?”

She nodded. Samuel kissed her one more time on the lips and opened the door for her. He watched her walk to her car and as she drove off, he closed the door and thought about Friday. “I’ll have her out of knickers again,” he said wistfully.

© Angieseroticpen 2022

Written by angieseroticpen
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