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Corrupting Jay Melding Part 2

"Tanika and Sabrina share a hotel room"

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My name is Sabrina, Jay's daughter. I'm twenty years old, and I've always been daddy's girl. I think that's why my mother may have been jealous of me as I was growing up. My dad always had time for me, no matter what was going on. I loved sports following in his footsteps, being athletic and active. Mom, on the other hand, sort of put up with us. I didn't realize the rift between us until I went off to college. When I would call home, Mom might answer, say hello, then pass me off to Dad. I'd bring laundry back, and Mom would make up excuses not to do it. Don't all moms do their kid's laundry when you dump it on them?

When I'd come home, I could always count on Dad to take me out running. It's something we shared that Mom declined to participate in. I used that time with him to tell him all my problems and frustrations with college. He'd coached me as much as he could through all my sports activities, bringing me up when I was down. I could always rely on him to help me resolve any issues I'd had with just about anything, Mom, not at all.

I guess maybe that's part of the reason I never had a boyfriend during high school. My dad was always there, probably intimidating any boys from asking me out. I tended to gravitate more to the older girls in school; maybe it was because Mom was not really a part of my life. I was missing that maternal figure. I enjoyed hanging out with them more than the boys who always seemed to be fawning over me. I did develop early, I guess, and was as tall as most of the boys. I just wasn't that interested in them.

I did notice this past year, my mother growing colder towards us. I'd invite her for 'moms weekend' at the university, and she'd find some excuse not to come. The same thing happened with the volleyball games I got tickets to. Dad would show up sans Mom, again for some absurd reason. I asked Dad what was going on; he'd just shrug his shoulders and tell me he had no clue.

My visits home this year were almost the same as the previous year. I did start coming home more often in October to run with Dad and his new friend, Tanika. I could sense Dad was looking forward to running this year more than any other. Tanika was close to my age, beautiful, African-American, tall like me, athletic, and smart. I think if Dad weren't married, they might have a 'thing' going. I liked her too. Since Dad had to maintain a slower steady pace for the group, Tanika and I would take off ahead of him, gabbing away on all sorts of subjects.

My running visits weren't as frequent as I'd have liked them to be, so I began keeping in touch with Tanika on social media or via email. I was already emailing Dad, so half the time, I included him when something was going on, or I was coming home. I did manage to run a half marathon with Dad and Tanika in November. It confirmed how well Nika and I got along, sharing a room and running together, utterly unaware of how well we were doing.

A few weeks before Spring break, Dad asked me if I wanted to do a destination run with him. It would be the first weekend of the break. I told him I'd love to, and I wasn't going to do anything special, maybe hang out with Tanika some. I'd already done a half marathon with him and Tanika back in November. I got to know Tanika a little on that trip. This one, I was going to get to know her a lot better.

About two weeks later, he messaged me asking would I mind if Tanika came along. She and I would stay in the room he'd reserved for me. My heart skipped a beat as I replied that I didn't mind at all. His reply was a 'thumbs up' emoji, which made me giggle. Dad is a bit of a Luddite.

Oh, I should let you in on a little secret. I'm bisexual. I haven't told my parents because it isn't any of their business. But, this would give me a chance to pick Tanika's brain as to her preferences intimately. I think she has a thing for Dad because of the way she's talked about him during our runs. Maybe she could have a thing for me too.

I was excited to get away from school and to spend the weekend with Dad and Tanika. When I got home before our trip, Mom was her usual self, dry, and unemotional. I wondered if she wasn't depressed. Mom had been like that for most of my life; if she were, how did she and Dad not recognize it?

I had all my things ready to go when Dad got home early from work. We told Mom good-bye then went to Tanika's to pick her up. The drive to the race seemed to flash by as Tanika, and I caught up on celebrity gossip and a few other things dad didn't follow.

The hotel Dad picked was reasonably close to the course, bib pick-up was Saturday, so we unpacked and walked around some before dinner. Dad isn't into bars or clubs, so it was easy leaving him to read or whatever while Tanika and I went out for drinks and some dancing. We didn't get all dressed up, preferring to stay casual since we weren't looking to be picked up or do any pick-ups ourselves.

I have a fake ID just in case someone asks for it when I'm out. This night neither of us got carded; in fact, we didn't buy a single drink. Two sweet looking girls together are prime targets for those who are looking to score. We passed on a few bought drinks and accepted ones with those we wanted to dance with. We never accepted one that wasn't brought to us by one of the servers; we'd heard stories about being drugged.

Neither of us are partiers, so it was mostly dancing and flirting with guys. There were a couple of girls that looked at us with appreciative smiles. I don't know if Tanika realized it or not, and if she did, she didn't say anything. I did dance with one while Tanika was occupied talking with some huge black guy.

The girl was propositioning me while we danced. She said her friend was hot for Tanika but was a bit shy about flirting. I politely told her we weren't interested. She smiled and made a few comments about straight girls being teases. I took it all in stride. She wasn't my type anyway.

I figured if anyone was going to have Tanika this weekend, it was going to be me. Our night ended just before midnight. We walked the two or three blocks back to the hotel, laughing and giggling about the people we'd met. We were both feeling good, not quite drunk, but a little buzzed.

We took turns in the bathroom, getting ready for bed, Tanika went first as I changed into my nightshirt. When she was through, I swapped with her. We were talking the entire time about the race, Dad, and the lack of decent dates on campus. It was funny; she and I had the same lackluster experiences with guys on campus. They were intimidated, too narcissistic, lazy, or too eager to get into our panties. We told each other dating stories, laughing, and belittling the guys in them. Our conversation slowly died as we both sort of ran out of steam. We climbed into bed after hugging each other good-night.

I think we held onto each other just a bit longer than normal. Tanika felt good pressing her better than average breasts into mine. I did notice her nipples were showing through her top just before I shut out the light, which brought a smile to my face. I could feel my nipples tingling, wondering if she'd noticed them.

I think it was about one in the morning when I got overheated; alcohol does that to me, why? I don't know. Just one drink will do it, beer, wine, or whatever. So, I kicked the covers off of me, used the bathroom, and got a glass of water. I removed my tee before getting back in bed. Luckily there was some light from the parking lot through the closed curtains; I could make my way to the bathroom without turning on a light and disturbing Tanika. I pushed the bedspread off me, leaving Tanika with all the covers. I pulled the sheet over me then lay facing the ceiling to try and get back to sleep.

I felt the bed move as I lay with my eyes closed. Opening them, I turned towards my bedmate. I could make out Tanika facing me her eyes open, looking at me.

I smiled, a little tired, whispering, "Hi."

She looked at me, not realizing I was awake. I think I startled her.

She whispered back, “Hi, can't sleep?”

I quietly explained the alcohol thing which she understood. She said she had a hard time sleeping in unfamiliar beds. It takes her like three days to acclimate. We lay whispering, both unable to get back to sleep.

After a few moments, I yawned; looking into her eyes, I asked, "What do you do when you can't get back to sleep, Tanika?"

I could almost feel her blushing; she thought for a moment making up her mind whether to tell me the truth or make something up.

“Just a sec, I need to use the bathroom.”

I smiled, hoping she could see me, "Sure."

Flinging the covers off, she went to do her thing. I changed positions, so I was on my side facing her. My head was resting on my hand as I waited anxiously for her. I looked down at my boobs, noticing there was plenty of light to see them. Smiling to myself, I decided to toy with her just to see her reaction.

When she slipped back in, she only covered herself with the sheet. Doing a double-take of my boobs, she coughed then matched my pose. Her breasts strained at her nightshirt. I could make out her nipples as we talked.

She hesitated again, “So, Sabrina. I, well. Just between us, I umm. Masturbate.”

I smiled, “I do too. It's nothing to be ashamed about, Tanika. I was going to before you woke up but, I didn't know how you'd react if you saw me.”

She giggled, "I probably would have just laid there listening to you pretending I was asleep. In high school, when we traveled for track meets, I'd room with at least one or two girls. We'd get nervous and not be able to sleep. During the night, I would hear moans and could smell the aroma. You're safe with me, Sabrina."

I was amazed, “Hey, half the volleyball team is bi or lesbian. I've heard it too and done it. Thanks for telling me, Tanika. Can I call you Nika or Nik?”

“Of course, Do you have any pet names your friends call you?”

I didn't want to freak her out and tell her what some of the girls I've slept with have called me. I just told her Legs, Nina, and Stretch.

She thought for a moment, “Is Nina okay?”

I purred, “Nina is perfect, Nika.”

She giggled, “So, are you? You know. Going to do it now?”

I confessed, “I'm wide awake. I will if you will.”

“I'm wide awake too. So, this is just masturbating, right? You've never 'helped' the other girls?”

Now we were getting somewhere, and much to my delight, she was somewhat leading the way.

“As long as we're being honest and don't tell my dad. I have 'helped' once or twice. I enjoyed it too. I wouldn't say I was a lesbian by any means. I hope that doesn't freak you out.”

She paused before replying, "I can see that happening, Nina. We were so confused in high school and afraid of being bullied that even though we knew things happened, we never said anything about it. I have never 'helped' though, and it doesn't freak me out."

I started questioning her limits, "So, if I accidentally touched my leg against yours, you wouldn't be mad?"

“Well, I'd just move. I'm not into girls, Nina. If you are, that's fine. It would be weird if you touched me, that's all."

“I don't want to make you uncomfortable, Nika. I'll just lay here, and eventually, I'll fall asleep. I don't want to ruin our friendship."

She smiled, “Thank you. I've heard the girls before when I was in high school. I can live with it. I may do it myself when you're asleep.”

I grinned and proposed a solution to our mutual problem, "I just thought since neither of us can sleep and we both do it, why don't we just do it together and get it over with so we can get back to sleep?"

Tanika thought about for a few seconds, “What? Both of us masturbating in the same bed at the same time? Nina, I've never. Seriously.”

I replied, "We wouldn't tell anyone, silly. It's just you and me. No touching. If we can't sleep, we're going to be dragging on Sunday. I want to PR this one. It's okay if you don't, I'm not going to force you or anything. It just seemed a way to kill two birds with one stone."

I reached down between my legs to start diddling. It wasn't long before the sweet aroma of lady sex was in the air. Softly moaning, I didn't immediately reply to Tanika's questions and concerns. She quickly picked up on why.

A few moments of silence followed, then I heard her roll over as I continued playing with myself. As my arousal grew, so did the volume of my moans. I looked over to see her hand over her ear, head buried in her pillow. I knew she could still hear me, so I upped the game by squirming on the bed.

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One hand between my legs, the other pinching my nipples. I moaned, purred, said things. I wasn't acting; I was getting myself off next to Nika. Then during one of my softer whimpers, I felt the bed move. I looked over, and Nika was on her back, hand down her panties, the sheet off her scrumptious body. I smiled as I looked over at her.

She smiled back, “If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.”

I grinned as I continued, happier now that she was playing along. We kept at it, looking at each other moaning and fingering. I decided to take it a step further. Looking over at her as she looked at me, not thinking that she would do what I asked, I asked anyway.

In a pleading voice, I looked into her eyes, "Nika, can ask you something?"

She was in a very good place when she answered, “Sure.”

I moaned softly, "Can I taste your fingers?"

I don't know why she said yes, but she did. She switched hands, holding her long slender fingers out far enough for me to turn my head and lick them. I closed my eyes and purred as my tongue lapped each digit like a slo-mo video.

Her eyes went wide, watching me when I inched my head forward to suck them all into my mouth. I let them pop back to her with a massive smile on my face.

I giggled as my hand focused down below, “Thank you, Nika. I've never had such delicious chocolate before.”

She giggled, telling me in a staccato, "You know what they say. Once you go black, you'll never go back."

I grinned, as we both drove closer to our mutual orgasm. I wanted more. I switched hands then rolled over onto my side, facing her. Before she could say or do anything, my hand was on one breast pinching her nipple, my mouth on the other merrily sucking away.

She started to say something but stopped in mid-sentence with a pleased moan. I continued teasing her nipple while I fingered myself and suckled her breast. It didn't take me long doing all that to reach my climax; I shuddered and moaned. My eyes closed while she purred, her free hand stroking my hair.

When I'd finished, she started her final ascent to the top. The room was awash in that wonderful aroma. I was a happy girl, and Tanika was closing in rapidly to that same euphoric state. I watched, my fingers teasing her breasts as she buckled and climaxed. Her body shook as she let out a quiet whimper.

Panting, she looked at me, unsure of what to say.

I smiled, then leaned over to softly kiss her. Surprisingly, she kissed me back. It was a brief 'thank you' kind of kiss.

After, I whispered how good it all felt. Tanika whispered back, admitting it was nice. She'd never thought something like that would happen. I asked if she were mad at me. Pausing for a brief moment, she said she wasn't, just surprised at the whole thing. She reminded me that what we did would never leave the room. I thanked her, kissing her cheek and telling her good-night. We rolled over facing opposite directions and soon fell asleep.


I woke first Saturday morning; Sabrina was still asleep with a smile on her face. I quietly got out of bed, tip-toed to the bathroom, hoping not to wake her. I closed the door then turned on the light to look at myself in the mirror. Did we do what I think we did? Was it all a weird dream? I sniffed my fingers; yes, it was real. I washed my hands, then took another look at myself in the mirror. I've made love with Jay and masturbated with his daughter. I used to be a good girl. What was I thinking? It did feel good, and I fell right asleep after. All Sabrina and I did were to play with ourselves; it's not like I'm a lesbian now. Not that being a lesbian is a bad thing. I mean technically I'd be bisexual, I guess if I needed a label. She sure knew how to play with breasts and that mouth. I shivered, recalling how good it felt.

I heard Sabrina waking up while I was brushing my teeth. She knocked before opening the bathroom door. There she was in all her blonde, fit, almost Amazonian glory, stark naked. I paused, brushing as I stared at her in the mirror. Her body was to die for. I don't know why, but I got a warm feeling between my legs, which amplified when she came up behind me. She laid her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my tummy, her breasts pressed into my back.

She whispered, “Thank you, Tanika. I slept so nicely.”

Her sex at my ass made me shiver. The kiss on my shoulder felt so sweet. What could I do? I was standing there, toothbrush and foam in my mouth. I didn't want to spit, so I mumbled, “You're welcome.”

Her hands slipped from my tummy up to cup my breasts. Another kiss as she told me how much she loved my big boobs while she teased my nipples. Then, suddenly she straightened up, smacked my ass, and told me 'daddy' would probably call in a few to see if we were ready for our shakeout run.

I spit out the toothpaste residue then rinsed my brush off as she plopped down on the toilet. I smiled at her in the mirror and told her I liked it too, and that I'd get dressed. She giggled as I left the bathroom; I was perplexed.

We got dressed despite the elephant in the room. I figured we'd talk about what happened at some point before we went to bed again. I didn't know what I was going to do if Sabrina came on to me again. Part of me liked that feeling, and part didn't. I felt manipulated in a way. I didn't want to make her mad and have that cloud our weekend. She could taint what Jay and I just started. I decided to see what happened.

Jay called, reminding us of our run; he was heading down to the lobby to meet us there. I told him we were just about ready. Then Sabrina exited the bathroom; seeing me hang up the phone, all she had to say was, "Dad?" I nodded, she giggled, and we got dressed.

Our run went smoothly, then back to the hotel to change. Sabrina was being touchy-feely, which caused further frustration to my mind and body. I managed to survive that with a smile and a bit of a tingle. She was slowly breaking down my defenses. I had to make a stand or completely give in. I'm usually not this wishy-washy. My brain was in overdrive, trying to sort this all out. If I could get through the night, I thought I'd be fine.

We went to breakfast, did some walking around, then headed off to the expo. We got our bibs and the goodie bags: shirts, coupons, and race flyers as usual. We hung out after more walking around and a bit of shopping. The afternoon was quiet. We stayed around the hotel lounging by the pool, swimming, and generally taking it easy. I read and did some school work; Jay and Sabrina talked about Joanne, Jay's frigid wife, Sabrina's alexithymic mother. Well, that was my opinion of her.

Dinner was lovely; we did the carb-loading thing even though it wasn't necessary. There was a nice Italian restaurant near the hotel, so we walked. After dinner, we retired to our rooms to get our things together for the race.

It was still reasonably early, around eight, when Sabrina and I started getting our bibs, shoes, socks, and everything else together for the race.

Sabrina was flirtier than before, which continued to confuse my body and mind. I didn't want to flirt back, so I tried to ignore her. She only in boyshorts that must have been a size too small. Her ass was perfect to begin with, and those shorts made it look amazing. My bubble butt wasn't that bad, and I couldn't help but look at her and those amazing breasts as we piled our race things together on the chairs.

She'd bounce around the room, taking one item at a time to her chair, then stand there asking me what I thought about nutrition or a different pair of socks, or should we slow down for Jay or try and PR.

My head was swimming. I managed to get my things together, brush my teeth, and get into bed just before nine. Sabrina was surprised that I didn't want to stay up to talk. She asked if she could watch videos on her laptop with the lights out and earbuds in. I told her it was fine then rolled over, facing away from her.

It didn't take her long to softly pat my ass, telling me I should turn over and look. I reluctantly did, and much to my surprise and amazement, she was watching lesbian porn. There was a blonde going down on a black girl. I just shook my head after maybe looking a bit too long then rolled back over.

Sabrina giggled, shut her computer down, slipped further under the sheet to begin masturbating. I could hear her moaning as the bed moved just like last night. I knew it was pointless to argue with her. I did want to get to sleep, so being the sheep I apparently was, I rolled back over to play with myself.

Sabrina grinned, "Feels good, doesn't it, Tanika?"

I whispered, "It does, I can't believe we're doing this again, Sabrina.

She then asked, “Can I help you?”

Before I could say anything, her hand was pushing mine out of the way. Her slender finger toying with me heading straight to my hood covered clit. The girl was good. I lay back and let her play. My mind was all over the place, trying to figure out what was going on. She had been on her back next to me, making it a little awkward for her. She quickly changed positions, exchanging hands so she could suckle me. I moaned, my resistance out the window.

She kept at it. My eyes closed, enjoying the sensations my body was feeling. I did manage to open my eyes when her finger left my tingling sex. She shifted positions placing her leg between mine. Then moving up my body, she lowered her breast to my face. I was baffled until she whispered, "Taste them, Tanika, you know you want to."

Her thigh rubbing against my pussy robbed all of the logic from my head, leaving me without a brain. My mouth took control; lips clamped tight around her nipple as I began to nurse. My hands on her lower back were feeling her muscles against my palms. Her voice was soft and sweet, telling me how good I was sucking on her tits.

Her leg rubbing against me was very different and yet exciting. I'd thought about the girls back in high school masturbating to relax in our hotel room. Never in my life had I seriously thought about joining them.

Sabrina was making me realize what I'd missed. Her words, her body, her actions had broken through my heterosexual defenses. I loved this.

I continued 'nursing' for lack of a better word, one breast, then the other, and back again. Sabrina's thigh on my sex felt very good. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. It was frightening yet very erotic. She kept telling me how good I was and how she loved my mouth on her tits. If I could have spoken, I would have said her rubbing me was driving me crazy, a good crazy. We kept this up for quite some time until I couldn't take it anymore and climaxed. It was different than with her father. That's when it dawned on me. I was fucking her father, and she was fucking me. Somehow that thought pushed me over the edge, and I came letting go of her breast and staring up at her hovering over me.

When it all subsided, she smiled, kissed me then rolled over whispering good-night. I lay there, stunned at what had just happened. I was confused and sated at the same time.


I couldn't believe Tanika let me get away with all those yummy things we did together. In my mind, that was just the start of her seduction. I planned on more those weekends I returned home to visit, making excuses to touch or be near her. I know she enjoyed what we did despite her reluctance to talk about it.

Our race was great! I PRed with Tanika not far behind, and Dad did great as well, finishing under two hours.

When we returned to our hotel room, I waited until Tanika was in the shower then joined her. She was shocked when I opened the shower door to step in. She shook her head no; of course, I ignored it. I slipped in under the stream of warm water as she backed up. Unfortunately for her, the shower wasn't that big.

She soon got over it when my finger slipped between her legs. Her eyes went wide, then rolled back in her head. I suckled those amazing breasts as I fingered her to a quick, intense orgasm. I wanted her to think about me while we were apart and crave me to be in her bed.




Written by _O2_
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