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Catholic Schoolgirls Coven Dabbling In Black Cock Magic - Chapter 1 - Judith's Got Hotcakes

"A Schoolgirl with a Crush Doesn't Realize He's a Warlock with a Big Black Cock and Her Friends Are Witches Who Practice Black Cock Magick"

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Author's Notes

"I want to build on this beginning to start a schoolgirl coven around the powerful witch Carlita and her black bull cock lover Danton. Though Judith is tricked into her first encounter as she... shrinks... before her secret desires... she conquers her towering lust in a dream of GTS - Giant/Tiny Sex - thinking she's had her inner wish granted. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But Carlita arranged her shrinking and the sleeping giant... is pretending to be asleep while his cock rouses, and a powerful warlock enjoying tiny Judith."

Bellisima was an exchange student who was staying with a nice Christian family for the school year and had been having a good time with the family's daughter Judith, who made her feel welcome and invited her into her friend group. But then Judith went missing. Bellisima was there with Judith's Mom and Dad when the cops came to ask questions and reassured everyone that they would have people looking for her around the clock. Judith was last seen at a charity breakfast making stacks of warm pancakes for the family's church, and then she went for her usual walk through the park before choir practice in the evening. Somewhere in there, she had disappeared without a trace.

Bellisima had been becoming closer with Judith, since the day they met and hit it off as a couple of vivacious 18-year-olds out for fun and adventure. They even made plans to keep in touch when Bellisima went back to Italy and stayed up late talking about their fantasies and dreams. Bellisima called Judith's friend from the church, Carlita, and shared her worries.

"Where could she be?" Bellisima asked.

"I can't believe it! We were at the prayer breakfast handing out pancakes and she was just as bright and bubbly as she always is, smiling and spreading kindness, and now..." Carlita said.

"The cops are looking but I want to help. Will you try to help me look for her? Is there anything you can do to help me retrace her steps that day?"

"Well, let's meet up and talk about it, anyway. I don't want to be alone right now either."

Belissima walked through the door of the local coffee shop and caught Carlita's eye.

Carlita was wearing a thick sweater with colorful stripes that hugged her tightly. She had a tummy and ample bosom, and when she stood to hug Belissima she had to pull her sweater down over her wide hips. Belissima noticed her pale skin peeking out over designer jeans and wrapped her arms around her, embracing her.

"It's so sad," Carlita said. "How are you holding up?" She stared into Belissima's dark and, Carlita thought, mesmerizing eyes.

"I'm okay. Just worried about Judith," Belissima said. Carlita reached out and held her hand over the table.

"I feel like I may know something about that day, but I was embarrassed to tell her

parents. Tell me if you think this is anything."

"Do! Tell me, please!" said Belissima.

"Well, you know what we've been talking about since Judith broke up with Derrick. That we should go meet some... fun guys together at a club sometime. But Judith has... issues."

"Ha, I know. But what does that have to do with--"

"So, at the pancake breakfast, there was a hot guy, a tall handsome black guy, maybe college-age, who was in line for pancakes. And for a minute it was just me and Judith and him standing there."

"Uh-huh, go on."

"And maybe I started flirting on her behalf a little."

"Oh, Carlita!"

"Judith needs to get over how she was raised. Her parents' thing with black people is so horrible and..."

"But Judith is so uptight, you put her on the spot she is going to..."

"She did! I said something about Judith having the best pancakes and asked him to taste her pancakes, making the hot guy skip my station and take the hot cakes from Judith. I was like Judith, you really need to give those pancakes to a guy like this with the appetite for your great pancakes."

"Oh my God! Carlita! You didn't!" said Belissima.

"Yes, I did. And she freaked! She said I was being awful and this was a church service and she got hot and embarrassed and went and pouted," said Carlita.

"But you don't think that had something to do with Judith... disappearing, do you?" asked Belissima.

Judith's eyes open slowly, her mind in a daze and her back naked and cold on a hard smooth surface. She didn't know where she was but looking around thought she must be dreaming. The sky, or whatever it was was all wrong, fluorescent and... but no, she was indoors, the ceiling was just so far away. She look around and began to grasp her situation, though the impossibility strained her credulity. As she realized the towering architecture just to her right was... a commode.. she stood and looked at her hands and smelled what they had just been sat in on the tile floor.

Judith was shrunken to roughly five inches tall.

And she was standing on the floor of someone's bathroom. The residue on her hands was the least of her worries, though.

Suddenly, thunderous footsteps approached from outside the door and Judith ran to hide behind the toilet. She saw a monstrously tall person stride in, a man, black, naked except for boxer shorts, come to stand over the toilet she peeked out from behind. He didn't see her, but she couldn't help but see him, towering over her. He peered down, still not seeing her, and whipped his dick out through the hole in the front of his boxers, and then a firehose spray of urine came streaming down into the bowl, echoing through the porcelain and ringing in her ears. She ducked instinctively but the young black man's aim with the stream was not all that great and big raindrops of piss ricocheted off the toilet seat, landing on her.

She was both horrified... but thrilled at the same time, as she realized what was happening. Looking up at the man's face, risking a splash in the face from his monstrous cock rainstorm, she recognized the man as the handsome black guy from the pancake breakfast. Could it be possible? Had her prayer come true? She had prayed to be with him, to explore his body and do whatever she wanted without anyone ever knowing. Had her wish turned into an ironic curse to be a tiny doll trapped in his house? Was it true, would no one ever know she was here?

Two things were true for Judith, which she felt all through her in her naked flesh and bones. She hadn't cum since she broke up with her boyfriend two weeks ago, and her every molecule was permeated by the pheromones of a cocksplashed bathroom floor. And she felt filthy, hornier than she ever had, and she was naked and alone. She could stay here in the bathroom, or she could chase her wish to see what she had gotten into, so she started treading her bare feet across the huge tiles, splashing in the warm puddles, and hunting down the giant. Her pussy was dripping and she was half crazy, but she wanted to get closer to that King Kong dong. She knew that too.

Danton walked from the bathroom after draining his dick, scratching his ass through the cotton of his boxers. He had had a long day with the track meet and was extra tired. Probably shouldn't have gone into that church offering free pancakes on the way and stuck with a lean breakfast like coach recommended, but he had a thing for uptight girls in their good girl uniforms and it turned out alright. Even though he was lethargic all during the long-distance event, he was thinking about that cute white girl with the booty who had gotten all embarrassed when her friend suggested they get together.

He laughed now, thinking about how red her face had gotten and adjusted his bulge with a smile in the mirror. If only she were here now, he would love to take a few laps... of what he imagined beneath that uniform skirt was a sweet virgin white girl's butthole needing to be tasted. If only. He peeled off his boxers and crashed on his bed with the music video channel playing lightly in the background.

A little while later, under the flickering glow of the TV, the tiny figure of Judith reached arm over arm over the edge of the blanket on the corner of the bed. She had climbed up from the floor and stood there at one side of the foot of the bed, the TV silhouetting her five-inch nude body's curves. While Judith stared across the slumbering man, his feet as tall as she was, long muscular and softly hairy legs, and way, way up there on the pillow his sleeping face propped up gently.

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In the foreground though, pulling the focus of Judith's view, was the bare slumbering cock, curled slightly over itself, in a mound of black snake meat. The light splashed onto it like eager lightning, and her eyes traced the dark tube of skin to the larger head, where the foreskin rolled over and peeled across the bulbous tip, rolling and unrolling ever so slightly as the giant breathed. And the tip, with the urethral slit completed the curve and dipped down to touch deep thigh so that she saw a string of stickiness pulling back and forth with each breath as well. From the dick hole, that strand expanded and contracted like a precum accordion, and Judith knew the giant was dreaming pleasant dreams. The snake was monstrous and it coiled over a gigantic pair of dark fuzzy boulders, contracting and slackening with the breaths. Those enormous black balls!

Mesmerized, Judith's pussy started drooling and she staggered towards the big black cock. Coming closer, she started to smell it. The sweaty sweet funk made her hornier and wetter so that when she was at the giant's hip she didn't think twice before climbing up onto his body. She didn't know the rules of her wish and didn't care, she was half worried to wake him, but was not going to miss the chance to wake that monster cock.

She let herself fall face-first into one of the big balls like it was a bean gang chair and it caught her much the same. But the giant flinched and pushed his crotch back in pain! He didn't like that and she went flying! One second she was face to balls with the sweet smell - and taste - the next she was doing a backflip and ending up between his legs further down the bed.

Now she was determined and walked right up to his taint and climbed the hair between his legs to get back up to be face-to-cock with that big black dream. She touched the ball sack with her tiny white hand. It was a little warm, but she wanted to warm it up more. The feeling of its squishy soft skin was pleasant as she rubbed her hand lightly over one giant ball and walked over to the other keeping her hand on the sack. While petting the balls she was salivating from her mouth as well as between her legs now, and the sleeper didn't bounce her away but did seem to like the touch. He groaned a little and she felt and saw in the flickering light the nutsack tighten right before her... She was making him aroused.

As his balls got tighter the snake started to jump and wiggle... she knew he was starting to get hard, but didn't worry about the giant moving or rolling over so obsessed with the delicious intoxicating smell the big balls were emitting. Still fully nude, she started to rub her pussy mound against the ballsack. He was more aroused now and less sensitive to pressure as his balls drew taut and she rubbed on the pouch like a horny slut getting slick on a yoga ball. She ground her sweet cunt into those dark seed melons and came, grunting dripping her juice in a streak down the side of those beastly bollocks.

Judith had been afraid to get with a black guy, mostly because she knew her parents were racist, but she had fantasized about it, thinking about sucking a black cock often when she masturbated. Now her first time with a black guy was happening, but she was five inches tall and had just cum getting fucked with a mound of ballsack flesh poking and smooshing into her bouncing pussy. She did want to suck the cock - but there was no physical way, so she found herself on her knees licking her juices off a ball bigger than she was!

She had to have more! She climbed up and stood beneath the belly button and saw what her work had created, a stiffy that needed some attention. Staring down the massive dark penis, in the background the TV was still flickering and she heard a song come on that she knew. It was Nicki Minaj's Anaconda! Judith had wanted to try pole dancing again since the girls at sleepaway camp practiced in the cabin with her.

So she walked up to the pole, way too big to grasp with one hand, and reached out both arms to try to get around that huge thing! Oh, it was so warm and beautiful, she just wanted to rub her body all over it! She was jerking the giant off with her whole body, with her legs spread and wrapped around it too. She was doing a full spread and was trying to get her pussy to stroke it so it felt sooo good. As it got harder and bigger she couldn't hold on a couple times and jumped back on as best she could.

When it started to pulsate, she rubbed her ass back against it and swirled it around, backing it up like trying to push down a tree but it kept bouncing back to smack her. She climbed it and rubbed her sweet white fuckhole all up and down and around until she was cumming wildly. She climbed up to the tip, jerking her arms around the tube as she did like a telephone pole operator, until she could drink the river of precum oozing over the top, and kept bucking and jerking it. It tasted like heaven and she felt a rumble coming up the pole and then a hard spasm shook but she held on as the cock thrust up and ejaculated a fountain pray of sweet cum all over her smiling face and coating her naked body. The buckets of hot jizz coating her writhing body made her orgasm uncontrollably and she squirted onto the cumming cock, barely holding on slipping down to the base from the slickness and continuing flow of cum.

"Carlita, if you know where Judith is, just tell me! Why are you dragging me to some--" Belissima said.

"Quiet," said Carlita. "We have to spy, don't give us away." She dragged Carlita from the driveway to the window on the side of the strange house, and pushed Belissima against the window. They both peered into the room.

The timing was perfect, Carlita saw, as she could make out in the light of the TV her friend Danton lying nude on the bed, his cock at full mast thrust up in the air in the middle of the bed, with...

"Oh my God," said Belissima. "What is that!?" She gasped and peered intently through the window pane. "There's something on that guy's cock!"

"I know," said Carlita. "Keep watching, stay quiet!"

"I don't believe it," said Belissima. "It looks like a little person!"

"It is," said Carlita. She smacked Belissima's ass and started rubbing her friend's pussy through her panties under her skirt, making Belissima gasp. "Remember when I told you my friends were into Wicca?"

"Witchcraft? Oh my god, what are you saying? Your fingers... are making me... so wet..."

"Look closer at the little figure dancing on that big black cock..." said Carlita.

"What mmm, why?" said Belissima.

"Because I granted Judith's secret wish. She's not missing. She's tasting black cock up close and personal... the man in the bed is my friend, a fellow shaman, name Danton. He's pretending to sleep to let her live out her dream, but when she wakes to her full size and comes back from her 'disappearance'... what do you think her story will be? Do you think she will admit me to me, to herself... or to you Belissima, what she experienced tonight?"

Carlita pushed Belissima's panties aside and slid her fingers into her wet pussy.

"Will you come.. with me as I listen to Judith tell me where she was tonight... as my confidante. You and I will know, and we'll see how honest she is. And I'll introduce you to our witches' coven. Perhaps Judith will want to return to the dream she tasted. Perhaps you might, as well?" Carlita stood right behind Belissima and pushed her pubis against her round ass which sought friction after Carlita's fingers withdrew. Pushing up against her and coiling her arms up around her heaving chest, beneath Belissima's top, a hand poked beneath the collar and found Belissima's mouth. Belissima didn't have to answer the question, she only smelled her juices on the fingers before her... and sucked them.

Written by cuntlapperpmv
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