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Business And Pleasure

"Two successful business owners meet to complete a deal, and form a strong mutual attraction"

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Sunita Sarkar was a beautiful and sexy businesswoman, aged forty-three. She owned and ran a business and had a happy workforce because she treated them well financially and otherwise.

She employed a manager who often had to run things in Sunita's absence, the manager sometimes moaned about her boss taking time off without warning, but her generous salary and small shareholding in the very successful company placated her.

Sunita, who liked to be called Sunny, was married and had a great sex life with her husband, but she was so highly sexed that she was almost constantly horny, sometimes getting her sexual release in steamy online encounters.

Sunita had arranged to meet a gentleman that ran a potential supplier, much of a contract had been agreed upon over the telephone, but they were to meet to finalise things. The meeting was arranged for a motorway service station approximately midway between their two businesses.

The man that she was due to meet was named Sean Hamilton and he was as successful in business as Sunita was. At thirty-eight, he was slightly younger than her and he also happened to have a very high sex drive, which sometimes had him having sex with women other than his wife.

Sean and Sunny, she had already told him over the phone to call her Sunny, had verbally flirted during their telephone conversations, although getting the right deal for their respective companies was top of their agendas. They were both looking forward to meeting each other, and not just because the arrangement promised to be a good deal for both companies.

Sunita arrived first and got herself a coffee and was seated with her laptop and relevant paperwork, awaiting Sean's arrival.

Sean arrived and saw a gorgeous-looking Indian woman sitting on her own, he so hoped that this was Sunny.

He walked towards her and she looked up and a beautiful smile crossed her face, she assumed and hoped that the tall and very hot-looking white man approaching was Sean Hamilton.

"Sunita?" said Sean.

"Sunny, Hi Sean, so pleased to meet you," said Sunita, raising her arse off her chair and holding out her hand.

"Pleased to meet you too, Sunny," smiled Sean, and they shook hands warmly. Sunny put her arse back down and Sean put the laptop that he was carrying down and sat opposite her. At Sunny's suggestion, he went and got himself a coffee.

The initial impression that they had each gotten of the other enhanced the impressions that they had both gotten over the phone.

They had a little bit of small talk and then got down to talking business. It was clear that they both very much knew what they were talking about.

There were just a couple of minor things that had to be ironed out about the agreement, and Sean made a small concession, but one that he had been more than prepared to make.

There had been a lot of mild flirting during the discussions, with a lot of smiling, and their hands touched a couple of times.

It did not take long for the deal to be completed, and it would be beneficial to both companies.

They shook hands again, with flashing smiles and sparkling eyes, their mutual attraction was very obvious.

"Well, that was painless," smiled Sean.

"You sound disappointed, do you like pain?" laughed Sunny.

"I suppose that depends on who is inflicting it," smiled Sean.

"Oh, kinky," chuckled Sunny.

They both wanted to take the conversation further, and they were certainly both reluctant to part, but with the deal agreed, what else was there?

"It was so good to put a face to the woman that I talked to on the phone, but you are even more beautiful than I imagined," said Sean.

"Oh you flatterer, but thank you," smiled Sunita.

"I mean it, Sunny, you are gorgeous," said Sean.

"I bet you say that to all the females that you do deals with," chuckled Sunny.

"I don't, because there are very few that are gorgeous," replied Sean.

There was a brief silence whilst both wondered what to say, the most likely thing was 'goodbye' but neither of them wanted to say that.

"Um, are you in a hurry to get back to your office?" asked Sean.

"Well, I should go back because my manager sometimes goes ape shit if I am away, but I pay her well to manage; what are you suggesting, Sean?" responded Sunny.

"This is probably a mad idea, but the hotel adjoining here does rooms by the hour," said Sean, hoping that he had not offended Sunita and jeopardised the deal.

"But we have had our meeting," said Sunny teasingly, because it was pretty obvious what Sean was suggesting.

"Yes, I was not thinking of discussing business, but it was a mad idea, sorry if I have offended you," said Sean, slightly flustered.

"You have not offended me at all, Sean," said Sunny, taking his hand in hers and looking into his eyes.

"Really? So do you want to?" asked Sean, hopefully.

"I am married," said Sunny, although not dismissing the offer.

"So am I," responded Sean.

"Do you often do this with women you meet for business?" asked Sunny, they were still holding hands.

"Not often, but sometimes," replied Sean.

Sunita was a bit torn, she very much fancied Sean and an hour or two romping in a hotel room seemed very exciting, but she was married and very much loved her husband. Balancing that was the fact that she was almost constantly horny, and she was certainly horny right now, as her dampening thong testified.

Sean could see that Sunny had conflict going on in her head.

"It is up to you, Sunny, only do it if you are sure," said Sean, his large cock stiff in his trousers in hope and anticipation.

Still Sunny was having her mental battles, but how she was feeling lower down made her decision.

"Let's do it," said Sunny.

They got up, picked up their laptops and paperwork and headed towards the hotel.

Sean walked slightly behind Sunny, and for the first time got a view of her arse. Sunny was wearing a black trouser suit and a red blouse, and her trousers gripped her very rounded buttocks quite tightly. Sean held his laptop strategically so that the bulge in his trousers was not visible.

"How long should I book for?" asked Sean, as they entered the hotel reception.

"How long can you manage?" teased Sunny.

"Ha, not sure, shall I book three hours?" responded Sean.

"Yeah, we should get quite a lot of business done in three hours," smiled Sunny.

Sean booked the room, and although the receptionist saw that they both had laptops, she thought that the good-looking man and the sexy-looking woman might not be using the room just for work purposes.

They reached their room and entered it. They put their laptops and paperwork down on a table and turned to face each other and, after a moment's delay, their lips met in a kiss and their hands started to roam.

"Oh, I will just text my manager and tell her that I will not be back in the office today," said Sunita.

Hi, the meeting going very well, but I will be a bit delayed, will not be back in the office today.

Sunita waited a moment for an anticipated response, and as she expected, there was a touch of sarcasm in the response. She and her manager had a sort of love/hate relationship, although deep down they liked and respected each other.

Don't worry about us, see you whenever you decide to put in an appearance.

Sunita smiled at the response and put her phone on silent.

"Now we can concentrate on what we are in here for," smiled Sunny, moving towards Sean.

Sean surprised her by spinning her around, not roughly, and moving her hair so that he could kiss her neck. Sunny pushed her body back into Sean's and felt his huge bulge pressing against her arse.

Sunny was just registering and reacting to that feeling when Sean's hands were on her tits over her clothing, he was still kissing her neck.

"Oh yes, baby, oh yes," purred Sunny, grinding her backside against Sean's bulge.

Sean took Sunny's jacket from her shoulders and she turned to face him, throwing her arms around his neck.

They had a long passionate kiss, with Sean's hands caressing Sunny's firm buttocks.

"I think that I should investigate what was pressing against my arse a little while ago," said Sunny, her eyes ablaze as she undid the belt on Sean's trousers.

"You investigate all you want, Sunny," said Sean, tensing as Sunny unzipped his trousers and felt his bulging cock through his boxers.

Sunny dropped to her knees and dragged Sean's trousers down to his ankles.

"My oh my," giggled Sunny, as she caressed the very impressive-looking lump in Sean's boxers, she needed to see what was causing it.

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Sunny very slowly pulled Sean's boxers over his erection and down to his ankles.

"Mmm, nice cock," said Sunny, kissing and licking the sides of Sean's rigid penis.

"Thank you," Sean croaked, as Sunny took it in her mouth and started sucking it.

Sunny licked and sucked Sean's cock for a while, he was loving it.

"Fuck, you are good with your mouth," complimented Sean.

"I often give my hubby blowjobs," smiled Sunny, taking her mouth off Sean's erection.

"Your husband is a lucky man," said Sean, his penis rockhard.

"So I keep telling him," laughed Sunny.

"Stand up Sunny, I want to get some of your clothes off," said Sean, and Sunita complied.

Sean unbuttoned Sunny's blouse, and that was discarded. Sunny's amazing tits and cleavage were on view, presented by her black bra, Sean caressed her tits as Sunny wanked his cock.

"I have some condoms," Sean announced, in a matter-of-fact way.

"Oh, so you came prepared?" smiled Sunita.

"I usually have some with me, just in case," replied Sean, flinching a bit as Sunny slowly stroked his penis.

"If you promise to pull out before you cum, we can do it without, it is up to you," said Sunita, looking forward to having Sean's large cock in her.

"I will think about it," said Sean, reaching behind Sunny and unclasping her bra.

"If you do it bareback, promise that you will pull out," said Sunny, having her naked breasts massaged with her bra now discarded.

"I promise," said Sean, undoing Sunny's trousers.

Sunny unbuttoned Sean's shirt, and that was removed and tossed aside.

They kissed lovingly, as Sean started to lower Sunny's trousers.

Delighted to discover that Sunny was wearing a thong, Sean then had his hands on her bare buttocks as the kissing continued.

"Fuck this is so fucking hot," said Sunny, when they broke from the kissing.

"You are gorgeous and amazing," said Sean, fingering the wet patch in Sunny's thong.

Sean again turned Sunny around and pulled her thong down to below her arse.

He again kissed her neck and fondled her breasts, but now they were, to all intents and purposes naked, and his erection was now pressing against Sunny's bare backside.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, Sean," breathed Sunny, as Sean's fingers played with her erect nipples and she ground her arse against his rigid penis.

"I want to eat your cunt, Sunny," whispered Sean.

"Do it, baby," answered Sunita.

They each got out of their lowered clothing and were now completely naked. They made their way to the bed and Sunny was on her back with her legs spread.

Sean kissed and licked the insides of Sunny's thighs, making her squirm, before kissing and licking her cunt lips.

"Oh, fucking hell," said Sunny, raising her arse from the bed and trying to force her cunt into Sean's mouth.

Sean was soon lapping at Sunny's soaked cunt, his tongue playing with her clit as she writhed in pleasure.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh..., fuck, cumming," shouted Sunny as a man that she had only set eyes on for the first time that morning, ate her cunt.

Sunny came hard and long, and she was then tasting her own cum as Sean locked his lips on hers and their tongues danced. Sean's erection was brushing Sunny's wet cunt lips. Sean had decided on bareback and withdrawal, rather than using a rubber, and Sunny was happy enough with that.

With a bit of guidance from Sunny's hand, Sean's erect penis slid into Sunny's wet cunt.

"Mmm, so fucking big," breathed Sunita, as Sean's cock slid deeper.

Sean did have an above-average-sized cock, and to the delight of his wife and a few other women that had experienced it, he knew how to use it to pleasure a female.

Sunita was very adept at using her sexy body to excite a lover, almost always her husband, so what they were embarking on promised to be some wonderful lovemaking and fucking.

They soon got into a rhythm and were working perfectly together, feeling Sean's large cock moving in and out of her was driving Sunny wild, and her next orgasm was not far away.

"Shit, shit, shit, fucking hell," wailed Sunny as she started cumming.

They writhed on the bed, this was two highly sexed individuals having incredibly exciting sex.

There were changes of position, and Sunny was riding fast as Sean played with her tits, Sunita was fucking herself towards another orgasm.

"Mmmm, fuck, oh yeah, oh yeah," Sunny squealed as she came hard.

So far, Sean had been stopping himself from spurting, but he had his promise not to cum inside Sunny in the back of his mind.

"I want you to fuck me from behind," panted Sunny, dismounting after her latest climax.

Sunny was on her hands and knees giving Sean a great view of her wonderful arse.

Sean caressed her buttocks for a while and teased Sunny's arse crack with his fingers, but she wanted his cock back inside her.

"Put it back in, fuck me," said Sunny, partly as an order and partly pleading.

Sean slid his erect cock back into Sunny's gash and gripped her hips as he started shafting her from behind.

Sean's penis moved rapidly in and out and he knew that his ejaculation was not far off, he hoped to have Sunny cumming again before he did so.

"Cumming again, cumming," panted Sunita, to Sean's delight.

He kept going long enough to fuck her through her orgasm then he was about to cum.

"Going to cum, where do you want it?" Sean said breathlessly.

"On my face, cum on my face," replied Sunny, swivelling around after Sean pulled out

Sunita's face arrived close to Sean's cock just in time, and she shrieked with laughter as her face got splattered with blast after blast of spunk.

"Shit, that was fun," laughed Sunny, cum on her face and in her hair.

"It was, it was amazing," replied Sean.

Sunny got off the bed and looked at herself in a mirror, as Sean looked at her bare arse.

"That was a lot of cum you shot onto my face," said Sunny.

"It was all that I had," replied Sean.

"I am going to wash it out of my hair before it gets too sticky," said Sunny, heading for the shower.

"Don't be too long," said Sean.

"Oh, are you up for more, or are you wanting to go?" smiled Sunny, at the bathroom door.

"We still have some time, and I think we can have more fun," replied Sean.

Sunny got the spunk out of her hair, although she did not have a full shower, and returned to Sean.

"So what fun do you have in mind now?" smiled Sunny.

"How would you like to sit your lovely arse on my face?" responded Sean.

"Yeah, I am up for that," said Sunny.

Sunita stood on the bed with her legs on either side of Sean's head, she slowly lowered her arse towards his face.

Sean took in the sight of Sunny's arse, arse crack, cunt and arsehole as the woman's nether regions got closer and closer to his face. Once she was settled with her arse on his face, Sean licked at anything within reach of his tongue.

Sunny swayed a bit, and the occasional touch of Sean's tongue to her cunt, arse crack or even arsehole, sent thrills through her body.

Sunny reached forward and started to wank Sean's then semi-erect penis, and she soon had it fully stiff.

Sean still tongued whatever he could reach, but was then aware of Sunny changing her position and her cunt was at his mouth as her mouth took his penis.

For the next few minutes, Sunny used her full repertoire of using her mouth on a cock, together with some hand wanking, as Sean's tongue lapped at Sunny's cunt and played with her clit.

They were both getting close to climax, and the oral that they were giving increased in speed accordingly.

Sunny started cumming on Sean's face just before he started ejaculating into Sunny's throat, and they both had amazing climaxes.

Sunita moved so that they were then facing, and they were kissing and tongue-jostling with passion.

There was a period of lying, cuddling and caressing before they had to think of showering, dressing and leaving.

They had one more naked kiss standing up after they had showered, each pawing the other's backside.

They then got dressed, kissed again, gathered up their laptops and paperwork, left the room and checked out.

It had been a very successful meeting between the two business owners and just possibly, Sunita Sarkar and Sean Hamilton might have to meet to discuss business again in the future.

Written by PJH
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