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A Little Simulation

"Sometimes when counseling couples with marital problems, a little simulation is required."

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“So, Mr. and Mrs. Flatberry…” Darnell Holmes eyed the mismatched white couple sitting across the desk from him. “How may I help you?”

The gaunt fiftyish-looking man to his right, dressed in a red plaid blazer and wearing thick bifocals, said, “Well, Dr. Holmes…” He paused and blinked at Darnell through half-inch glass. “You are a doctor, aren’t you?”

“That is correct,” Darnell said. “I hold a Ph.D. in psychology from USC.”

The man gulped and hooked a finger behind the knot of his matching red plaid bowtie. “I-I’m sorry. I knew you were a marriage counselor, but…”

Darnell gave him a reassuring smile. “That’s quite all right. Not all marriage counselors are doctors of psychology. I can understand your confusion.”

Mrs. Flatberry was quite a looker, Darnell thought. Long blonde hair. White wrap-around dress with thin shoulder loops. A gold brocade belt cinched around a slender waist. Red high-heels with spider-web strapping that circled up her ankles and calves and stopped an inch or so below her knees. And those legs—bare to mid thigh, long and tanned. They looked like the pathway to Nirvana. She wasn’t wearing stockings or pantyhose, didn’t need to. Quite the looker indeed, Darnell mused, watching her cross one shapely leg over the other.

“The reason we’re here,” Flatberry said, “is Natalie and me, well, we’ve been having some problems, I guess you’d say.”

Darnell leaned forward in his black leather executive chair and folded his hands together on the desk. “Oh? What kind of problems?”

Flatberry gulped again. He looked like an anorexic Don Knotts, Darnell thought, with that huge goiter of an Adam’s apple sticking out of his neck. And those Coke-bottle eyeglasses! They almost made Darnell’s own eyes water.

“Sexual problems, I guess you’d say,” Flatberry said.

Mrs. Flatberry nervously smoothed her palm over her dress on her upper thigh. Darnell had to drag his eyes away. “I see,” he said. “Is there some specific problem?”

Flatberry squirmed in his chair. “What do you mean?”

“Like erectile dysfunction, for example, or premature ejaculation?”

“I don’t know what those things are,” Flatberry said.

God! Darnell thought. Was he going to have to spell things out to this rube like an elementary school teacher with a primer? The man was no spring chicken. His wife looked at least twenty-five years younger, mid-twenties at most. A prime piece of white meat. Darnell didn’t get many white couples using his counseling service. When it came to spilling one’s guts about such private matters as fucking, he found most folks tended to stay within their own color.

“We can get back to that in a minute,” he said. “Do you mind my asking how you came to book an appointment with my office?”

“It was Natalie,” Flatberry said.

“Oh?” Darnell looked at the woman. Her cheeks bloomed an attractive shade of pink that melded beautifully with her long honey-blonde hair. God, the way that dress hugged those luscious curves, it left an impressive ski slope of cleavage between two very respectable breasts. Fuck, look at that! Her nips were hard as blueberries.

Darnell turned his eyes back to Flatberry, trying to will his boner down. “How so?” he asked.

“Natalie got your name from our pool boy.” Flatberry’s face turned red. He gulped again and clawed a scrawny finger behind the bowtie knot around his skinny chicken neck. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say boy.”

This guy was priceless. “I’m sure you didn’t,” Darnell said.

“Anyway,” Flatberry said, “I guess Dwayne sensed we were having…problems, so he gave Natalie your name.”

Dwayne? Okay, now things were getting clearer. Dwayne was one of Darnell’s old homies from the hood. They had smoked a little weed together, skanked around a bit in their younger days, before Darnell turned respectable. Darnell had weaned Dwayne off the pipe a few years back and floated him a small loan to start a swimming-pool maintenance business.

“It’s nice to get referrals,” Darnell said. “Now where were we? Oh yes. Sexual problems. May I ask how long the two of you have been married?”

“A little over a year,” Flatberry said. “Natalie’s father was one of my business associates.” His eyes flicked over to the pretty blonde. “Until he died.”

A tear welled in the woman’s eye.

“I’m sorry,” Darnell said to her. “That must have been traumatic. My deepest condolences.”

The woman nodded, dabbing her cheek with a tissue she had retrieved from her purse.

“So, Mr. Flatberry, you took Mrs. Flatberry…” Darnell looked at the blonde again. “May I call you Natalie?” Another nod, this time accompanied by a shy smile. Darnell returned it. “Thank you. So you took Natalie under your wing, so to speak?”

“That’s right,” Flatberry said. “She was too young to be left on her own. Besides, I love her. I’ve loved her ever since she was a little girl, when she used to sit on my lap at Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

Fucking pervert, Darnell thought. The old coot probably couldn’t get it up anymore. No doubt that was why he was here. He looked like the type who could only spring a boner for little girls, and Natalie was far from that now. Maybe that was how Dwayne’s and the very ripe Mrs. Flatberry’s conversation had veered from mundane matters of algae and chlorine levels to more intimate tales of her marital woes. Maybe Dwayne was banging her! Maybe his sending them here was intended as further payback for the loan Darnell had spotted him. After all, Darnell hadn’t charged interest.

“Very commendable,” Darnell said. “So, getting back to the matter at hand, we were trying to determine if there are any specific difficulties the two of you are having. Is it a frequency issue?”

Flatberry squinted at Darnell through his magnifiers. “Frequency issue?”

“Yes,” Darnell said. “Is there some dissatisfaction with the number of times you make love, say, in a week.”

Flatberry squirmed in his chair. “Kind of.”

Darnell waited for him to continue.

“Well,” Flatberry said, “Natalie and I haven’t actually got around to consummating things yet.”

Darnell’s jaw dropped. “You mean you haven’t—?”

Flatberry shook his head, looking embarrassed.

Darnell eyed the pretty wife again. Her cheeks had blossomed into a fresh shade of pink. How the hell to deal with this one? He returned his attention to Flatberry. “Have you engaged in any foreplay?”

“Foreplay?” Flatberry said.

“Yes. You know—kissing, fondling?”

The man shrugged. “A little, I guess.”

Darnell stood up and started around the desk. “Sometimes in situations like these, it helps to run a little simulation.” He leaned his legs back against the front of the desk, the couple a few feet away.

“Simulation?” Flatberry said, looking wary.

“Yes,” Darnell said. “Role-playing. In specific situations.”

“I ain’t much of an actor.”

Darnell chuckled. “It’s not really acting. It’s more seeing how you react in a given situation.”

Flatberry tugged a bony finger behind his bowtie knot again. “Well…I guess we could try it.”

“Good,” Darnell said. “Why don’t we start with kissing? Pretend you and Mrs. Flatberry…” He smiled at the beautiful blonde. “I mean Natalie. Pretend you and Natalie are spending a romantic evening at home. Feelings are running high. You’re sitting in front of the fire, sipping champagne. The time is ripe for a kiss. Can you kiss Natalie for me, Mr. Flatberry?”

The man looked at his wife. “Well…I suppose so.” Their chairs were almost touching. He only had to lean a little way. Natalie leaned, too, her cheeks pinking again. Flatberry closed his eyes and pecked her lips with a kiss The Flash would have been proud of.

Darnell rubbed his chin, staring at them frankly. “Well, that was a kiss, I guess, in the strictest sense of the word.”

“No good?” Flatberry said.

Darnell shook his head, his lips clenched tight in a sympathetic smile. He pushed himself off from the desk. “Do you mind?” he said to Flatberry. He held out his hand to Natalie.

“Wh-what are you going to do?” Flatberry said.

“Just a little simulation.”


Natalie took Darnell’s hand. With a shy smile she rose to her feet.

“Sometimes close body contact helps,” Darnell said. He placed his right hand on the small of the woman’s back and drew her to him. She draped her arms lightly over his shoulders. “The duration of a kiss is important.”

“Duration?” Flatberry said.

“Yes. How long it lasts.”


Darnell lowered his face to the woman's. Damn! Her lips were soft and moist, like mashed potatoes with pan drippings. Her mouth tasted like strawberries, and her skin smelled like daisies in a summer breeze. His hand explored her back, moved up, found no bra. He pressed his lips harder to hers and felt the delicate tip of her tongue come out to play. His boner sprang to attention. Fuck, this chick was hot as a firecracker! He squeezed his tongue into her mouth, sliding his hand down her back and onto her tight round ass. Her little tongue swirled around his, nearly launching his erection through his pants. Clutching her ass with his right hand, he moved his left stealthily into the bodice of her dress, away from Flatberry’s view. He squeezed her breast gently, and her pelvis began to rotate in slow circles. A little mewl rose up from her throat, making her lips vibrate against his.

“That’s three minutes,” Flatberry said. “How long is this duration thing supposed to last, anyway?”

Darnell released Natalie’s breast and eased back, making sure she wasn’t exposed. Flatberry was waving his wrist in the air, showing Darnell his watch.

“Three minutes is an appropriate length of time for a romantic kiss,” Darnell said, catching his breath.

“I can change the oil in my Caddy in almost that,” Flatberry said

“Yes, well…” Darnell sucked in air. “Automobile maintenance and making love to a woman are two entirely different matters.”

“Kissing ain’t hardly making love,” Flatberry said.

“You’re right,” Darnell said. “There’s much more.”

Flatberry regarded him speculatively. “Like what?”

“Well, there’s also tactile foreplay. Tactile means—”

“I know what tactile means,” Flatberry said. “Is that why you’re grabbing her butt?”

Darnell had forgotten to remove his hand from the woman’s ass. Reluctantly, he did so now. “Yes, that’s part of it,” he said. “It’s important to touch and feel a woman’s body while you’re kissing her.”

“Well, you were sure doing enough of that.”

“Would you like me to end the simulation?” Darnell said.

Natalie’s eyes shot over to her husband’s, disappointment registering on her face like fear. Flatberry said, “Well…I guess not.”

“Good. Let’s continue, then.” Darnell held out his arms. “Mrs. Flatberry—Natalie?” The woman stepped toward him. “There are a number of erogenous zones on a woman’s body.”

“Rogerous zones?” Flatberry said.

“Ur-raw-juh-ness,” Darnell sounded out.


“The neck, for example.” Darnell lowered his face and feathered his lips over the nook between the woman’s bare, slender shoulder and her aquiline jaw. She trembled in his arms as he licked slowly up the long smooth slope, all the way to her ear. “The ear is sensitive, too,” he said. He swirled his tongue in Natalie’s, then nipped at the lobe. The woman gasped, her trembles turning into a steady quiver. “And, of course, the lips,” Darnell said. He brought his face around and kissed her again, and was delighted when her little tongue squiggled into his mouth.

“I already know about all them places,” Flatberry said, sounding perturbed.

Darnell pulled his lips back. “Do you want me to continue?” he asked the man.

Natalie looked at her husband wide-eyed, her head jerking up and down in quick little nods.

“Well…I guess so,” Flatberry said.

“A woman’s breasts are also highly erogenous,” Darnell said. He slid his left hand again into the bodice of Natalie’s dress. This time, rather than try to hide it, he kept a distance so Flatberry could see. He eased the breast from its silky white confines and let it spill into his hand. It was soft and warm and firm. When he stroked his thumb over the nipple, the woman’s eyes fluttered and she swooned. Darnell snaked his right arm around her to catch her, clutching her ass again. Her blue eyes opened to slivers and peered at him, smoky and sultry. He leaned down and kissed her again, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth while massaging her breast and ass. Natalie’s pelvis began to undulate against his cock.

Darnell licked her lips and eased back. “And perhaps the most erogenous zone,” he said, “the vagina.” Still cupping her breast, he brought his right hand around from her ass to the front fold of her dress. Gazing into her eyes, he slid his hand up between her thighs, dragging the dress up with it.

Darnell almost choked. Fuck, the bitch wasn’t wearing any panties! And her pussy was shaved! There wasn’t a lick of hair between his fingers and a very wet slit. He looked at Flatberry. “Can you see all right?”

The skinny man nodded, his big eyes blinking behind his glasses. The goiter in his throat was gulping like a plug valve.

Looking down between the white woman’s legs, Darnell slithered two thick black fingers up through her dainty pink folds. They came away lathered in girl-cream. “The labia—the pussy lips,” he clarified to Flatberry, “are very sensitive and a prime focus for sexual stimulation.” He ran his fingers up through the juicy crevice again. “But perhaps a woman’s most sensitive spot of all is”—he dragged one finger slowly to the top of Natalie’s slit—“her clitoris.” Natalie gasped and closed her eyes as Darnell pressed on the hard little button. “It is extremely sensitive to tactile manipulation.” He rubbed his finger in a small tight circle.

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The woman moaned and started hunching her hips. “As you can see, Mrs. Flatberry seems to like it.” Still massaging her clit, Darnell released her breast and wrapped his left arm around her back, drawing her to him again. Their faces melted together in another kiss.

“I can’t see!” Flatberry said,

Darnell moved back a bit, breaking contact between the woman’s leg and his cock. “Sorry. Have you and Mrs. Flatberry”—he smiled at her—“Natalie. Have you and Natalie ever engaged in any oral foreplay?”

Flatberry made a face. “You mean with my mouth?”

“Yes,” Darnell said.

“I don’t get you.”

“Let me demonstrate.” Darnell held out his hand. “Natalie?” Her tiny white hand looked like a fragile porcelain doll’s in his big black mitt. He turned her back to the desk, gripped her waist, and lifted her into a sitting position on the desktop. He shrugged off his gray cashmere suit jacket, rolled it into a ball, and placed it on the desk behind her. Supporting her neck with his hand, he eased her back until her head was lying on the jacket. He straightened up and started unbuttoning his black French-collar shirt.

“You don’t mind, do you?” he said to Flatberry. The man gawked at him, shaking his head. He looked like he was in shock. Darnell laid his shirt on the chair beside Flatberry and smiled. “Sometimes this can get a bit messy.”

He turned to the white woman again, and was gratified to see a shine of admiration in her eyes as they roamed his broad black chest. He liked to stay in shape, worked out three times a week, lifting weights, skipping rope. A sound mind in a sound body, that was the secret to his success. That and a ten-inch pecker.

Natalie’s legs hung over the edge of the desk, her short white dress barely hiding her pussy. Darnell slid his hands up the outsides of her thighs, raising the dress and exposing that glorious pink gash again. With his hands on her hips he scooted her back. Natalie wriggled her butt to help him. When she was far enough, he took her thin-ankled feet and placed them up on the desktop, one on either side of him. He reached up to the woman’s shoulder loops, turned his head, and said to Flatberry, “Sometimes it increases the man’s stimulation to see a woman’s breasts while engaged in oral foreplay.” He slid the loops off of Natalie’s shoulders and folded the bodice of the dress down, exposing two succulent, creamy tits. The nipples were as pink as the delicate inner flesh of her pussy and looked hard as thimbles. The areolas were large and covered with tiny pinprick bumps. She was a walking wet dream. Venus de Milo. Pamela Anderson.

Staring deep into her eyes, Darnell squeezed her breasts with both hands and rolled his thumbs over the nipples. Her eyes reduced to slits, her tongue wetting her lips. Darnell slid his hands slowly down her sides, onto her hips, and then up under her dress. He bunched the silky white material up around her taut, tanned belly and slipped his hands under her naked ass cheeks. Crouching down, he said to Flatberry, “A higher elevation would be more suitable. But we must make do.”

The bumpkin’s jaw was hanging almost to his chest. His eyes were so big behind those giant goggles they looked like they might swallow his face.

Darnell slithered two fingers up and down the juicy folds of the white woman’s pussy. She watched him with her head raised, her breasts heaving. Smiling at her, he licked his lips and lowered his face. He covered her whole twat with his mouth and began sucking and slurping. When he drove his tongue up into her hole, she moaned out “Oh God,” her head bouncing down onto his jacket. Her hips began to roll and her breaths spurted out in gasps. Darnell grinned into the woman’s bald snatch. He knew he was a good pussy-eater. One of his many black women had once measured his tongue and found it to be a full four and a half inches long. He fought back a chuckle—that was probably as long as limp-dick Flatberry’s pecker.

He poked his tongue deeper into the woman’s cunt and twisted it, and her hips jumped up off the desktop, mashing her pussy into his face. He had to grip her ass cheeks more tightly just to hold her in place. Fuck, this bitch was acting like she’d never had her pussy sucked before. The idea that this might be virgin snatch made Darnell’s dick grow to its full ten inches. He slavered his tongue up and down her slit, sucking and nipping her clit at the top of each stroke.

“Oh God,” Natalie moaned again, her hips now in constant gyration. She grabbed Darnell’s black curls and jerked his face to her cunt, grinding it against his mouth until Darnell could barely breathe. He reached up with both hands and pinched her nipples, and she shuddered and quaked as if a volcano had erupted inside her. Her pussy gushed out a geyser of girl-cream that Darnell had to suck hard to keep up with. Her cunt was as juicy as an overripe grapefruit, and just as tart and tangy.

Her hands left Darnell’s head and seized his forearms over her boobs, holding on for dear life. Darnell squeezed her tits and swallowed and slurped and slurped and swallowed until finally, after about two minutes, Natalie shuddered one last time and sank her ass slowly back down onto the desktop. Darnell gave the tasty pink slit one last lick, stood up, and turned to Flatberry. He leaned his butt against the desk between her legs, licked his lips, and smiled. “And that is oral foreplay.”

Flatberry was gulping so hard his neck looked like a boa constrictor swallowing a rat. His mouth was a dark cavern, drool dribbling from the corners.

“Of course,” Darnell said, “foreplay is just a preamble to the main event.”

Flatberry almost swallowed his goiter. “Th-the m-main event?”

“Yes,” Darnell said. He reached a hand back behind him. “Natalie?” She took it and he pulled her to a sitting position on the desk, her breasts still dangling out of her dress. He lifted her by her trim waist and set her feet on the floor. “The most important act in marriage is the act of copulation.” Darnell turned her around with her back to him and pressed down on her shoulders. Natalie leaned over the desk until her face hugged the dark polished mahogany. Darnell slid his hands up the backs of her stretched thighs and lifted the dress over her ass. Fuck, it was a perfect peach, without so much as a blemish. Her sexy camel toe pooched out, wet and glistening, looking like it had never been fucked. Darnell slipped his hands between her thighs and spread her legs. He turned to Flatberry, pulled down the zipper of his gray cashmere pants, and flopped out his pecker. “Watch closely,” he said. “I don’t want to have to do this again.”

Darnell almost chuckled. He probably wouldn’t be able to do anything again for at least two days. As tight as this bitch’s cunt had felt around his tongue, it would probably suck both today’s and tomorrow’s loads out of his balls.

His admonition to Flatberry about paying attention hadn’t been necessary. The man’s eyeballs were bugged out so far it looked like they were squishing against his glasses.

Darnell wiped his cockhead up and down Natalie’s saturated pussy lips. She moaned and started to squirm again.

“Wait!” Flatberry said. “She ain’t using protection.”

Darnell gave the man an ingratiating grin. “Sometimes the element of danger adds a little excitement. For both parties.” He grasped Natalie’s hips and in one smooth motion jammed his prick balls-deep in her juicy cooze.

“Oh God,” she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut.

Darnell was a bit disappointed he hadn’t felt her hymen pop. But then that might have been messy, and he had paid a lot of money for this desk. Clutching her hips, he started fucking her with long, slow strokes, straight in, straight out, straight in, straight out. He turned his head to Flatberry and said, “While this type of stroke is very pleasurable for the man, especially, if I may be so bold to say, with a pussy as tight as your wife’s”—Flatberry gasped—“it isn’t very satisfying for the woman. To stimulate her clitoris a certain amount of side-to-side and up-and-down motion is necessary.”

Darnell had to suppress a snicker. You wouldn’t know the straight goods weren’t satisfying this bitch. Her hands were stretched up over her head, gripping the desk edge and clawing it like a cat on speed. He began rolling his hips up and down and gyrating them around as he plunged his cock faster in and out of her fragrant snatch.

Natalie’s head jerked up off the desk. “Oh yes!” she cried. “Fuck me!”

Darnell smiled. That was what he liked to hear. The bitch had been fairly quiet till now, just moaning out a few Oh Gods. He liked his women noisy. He liked them to let him know he was doing them good. He wanted them to beg for it. “You like my big black cock, bitch?”

Natalie muttered something incoherent.

Darnell dug his fingernails into her smooth ass cheeks. “Answer me!”

“Yes!” she cried. “Yes, I like your big black cock!” Her face was scrunched in a painful-looking grimace.

Darnell buried his dick inside her again and twisted it. “Do you just like it or do you love it?” He jerked it halfway out and punched it in again.

Natalie grunted. “Oh God! I love it!”

“Love what?”

“Your cock! Your big black cock! Oh, please, fuck me!”

That’s more like it, Darnell thought, pounding her harder. He glanced behind him at Flatberry. The man was clutching his chest like he was having a heart attack. “Your wife’s a good role player, Mr. Flatberry.”

Flatberry swallowed a vicious gulp, as if he had no saliva left. “Th-thank you,” he choked out.

Darnell had to turn his face to hide his grin. He jabbed his dick harder into the white woman’s cooze, hitting bottom every time. Fuck, this bitch’s hole was tight. He’d been in a lot of pussies and asses, but Natalie’s cooch felt like it was ripping the skin off his dick. His shaft felt red-meat raw. It was fucking great.

He slid his hands up her back and gripped her shoulders. With sharp jerks of his hips he banged her mercilessly against the desk. The fronts of her thighs would be a war zone of bruises come morning, but that wasn’t his problem. He was close, he couldn’t slow down now. If the bitch wanted the ride she had to pay the price. Where did he want to cum? The geezer had said she wasn’t protected. It’d be sweet depositing a big load of goo up her little white womb. But…

He looked at Flatberry. “Another thing that women occasionally enjoy is a bit of harsh treatment.”

“H-harsh treatment?” Flatberry said.

“Yes,” Darnell said. “Like calling them bitches and such. Making them do things they don’t want to do.” He yanked his cock out of Natalie’s cunt, twisted his hand in her long blonde hair, and dragged her backwards off the table. “On your knees, bitch!” he said, jerking her down. She fell to her knees and he pressed his cock to her mouth. Natalie closed her eyes, grimacing, her lips clenched together. Darnell rolled her hair in his fist until it looked like a bun on top of her head. He pulled her face forward and pressed his dick harder against her lips. Still they wouldn’t open. “Fucking cunt!” he growled. He released his cock and pinched her nostrils, his other hand still wrapped in her hair. Natalie’s face turned pink, then red, then a brilliant shade of crimson. When she opened her mouth to gasp in air, Darnell plunged his cock inside. He groaned. Fuck, the bitch took seven inches with the first poke. Usually he had to bang a slut’s mouth for a while before he could squeeze that much down her throat.

Grabbing her head with both hands, he humped her face to the accompaniment of her choking, spluttering glugs. “You like getting your face fucked, don’t you, bitch?”

Natalie looked up at him with pleading, watery eyes. She nodded.

“I knew it!” he said. “Get ready, bitch, here it comes!” Darnell buried his dick in her throat and grunted. “Oh, you sweet cocksucking cunt!” Sperm blasted up from his balls like liquid fire, exploding out of his dick and splattering into her gullet. He pulled back a few inches and another hot shot fired out, this time into the slut’s mouth. She gurgled and sputtered, her cheeks bulging like a squirrel’s. “Swallow it, bitch!” he yelled, and cuffed her head like a teacher disciplining a student. Natalie’s Adam’s apple began to work overtime as he clutched her head and jacked his prick hard into her face, filling her mouth with sperm. Finally his knees turned to jelly and he staggered back against the desk, his dick plopping out of Natalie’s mouth. “Fuck,” he groaned.

Natalie gazed up at him, smiling sweetly, splooge drooling down her chin.

Flatberry had his own pencil-dick out and was tugging it frantically.

Darnell said, “You want Natalie to take care of that for you, Pops…I mean, Mr. Flatberry?”

The man nodded his head in crazy jerks. “God, yes!”

Natalie scurried over on her knees and swallowed her husband’s stumpy little bone to the root. Flatberry caressed her hair with his hands, looking near tears. “Oh, yes, my sweet little girl. I’ve waited so long.”

Disgusting! Darnell thought as he put on his shirt. Blubbering like a baby. Fucking pedophile. He shouldn’t even have made Natalie suck the old fart’s nasty dick.

“Oh God!” Flatberry cried, his skinny hips jumping up off the chair. Natalie started glugging again, draining her husband’s balls.

It didn’t take long, and when she was done, Darnell helped her to her feet. He raised her shoulder loops and folded her breasts back into her dress, then looked at his watch. “Well, that’s all the time we have today.”

Flatberry made flustered sounds as he tucked his dick in his pants and got up from his chair.

Darnell walked Natalie toward the door, his left arm around her waist. Flatberry followed on his right side. At the door, Darnell slid his hand up under the back of the white woman’s dress and massaged a firm ass cheek. “Well,” he said to the two of them, “I guess I’ll see you kids same time next week.”

“Next week?” Flatberry said, the cantankerous expression returning to his face.

“Yes,” Darnell said. “I think we have a few more areas to explore.” He pressed a fingertip into Natalie’s anus. She started and yipped out a little “Ooo!”, then smiled at him.

“You have a bit of semen on your face, Mrs. Flatberry.” Darnell scooped the pearly drop off her chin with two fingers and held them to her lips. Natalie opened her mouth and, staring into his eyes, sucked them as he worked them in and out.

Fuck, the slut was making him hard again. He would have gathered her in his arms and kissed her if she hadn’t sucked off the old fart. He’d have to remember that for the next session.

He eased his fingers out of her mouth and said to Flatberry, “Same time next week?”

Flatberry looked at his wife, and at the gleam in her eyes. “Well…all right.”

They walked out the door.

Darnell closed it behind them and collapsed against it. “Fuck,” he whispered. “That was something. I knew that Ph.D. would come in handy someday.”

Written by WritersFriend
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