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This Side of Nowhere 2 of 3

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I’d spent the entire funeral avoiding her and now her incestual hands were around my mother.

Standing with a plate of baked-from-scratch cinnamon rolls, Kara rubbed my mom’s back as she cried.  The picture of poise, her blonde hair hung in a loose waves from her shoulders.  A boat necked black dress hugged her curves, the skirt stopped just above her knees.  Her make up was a sheen of perfection.

Mom was a mess.  Couldn’t even dress herself this morning.  The flowy black and pink floral dress was the easiest thing to get on her.  My attempt at makeup streaked down her face in messy tears.  Her fingers clung to the silver cross around her neck as her face buried in Kara’s shoulder.

Cici had been like a mother to her.  I’d tried to help her through her grief, through my own, and hadn’t realized she’d needed to lose herself in it until this moment.  When Kara was the one she turned to.

“You okay, babe?” Corey touched my elbow, but I couldn't look at him.


Memories of my aunt screamed across my mind.  How she took me to Disneyworld when I was six.  When she made matching T-shirts for my whole family with my name on it to wear to my middle school basketball competition.  The countless times I’d crawled into her lap and hugged her until I fell asleep, as a child and as an addict in withdrawal.  

“It was because of her I got clean.”

“You stayed clean by yourself.  Hey.”  His fingers urged my chin toward him, forcing me to meet his eyes.  “Tell me what I can do.”

I felt my mouth open and grasp the air for words.  A moment passed as I looked at him, wondering at everything just out of touch for me.  Every beautiful thing he offered that I couldn’t feel.  Emotions that were just out of touch, emotions I would give anything for.

He’s a good man.   

“Nothing.  I’ll be fine.  Just have to get through this part.  I really appreciate you coming.  You didn’t have to do this.  You didn’t sign up for all the drama.”

“I signed up to be with you, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”  He grimaced, dropped his hands to my waist.  “Or what I was doing.  I hate leaving you right now.  It’s like I’m leaving you in the middle of a storm.”

“Go.  I’ll be fine.  There’ll be plenty enough storm later on.  I promise.”

“Say the word and I’ll stay.”

Smiling, I stroked his face.  “You gotta work, babe.  How else are you going to buy me the mint Lambo of my dreams?”

“Lambo?”  Corey bit his lip, but his eyes were laughing.  Looking around, he pulled me closer.  Nestled his face next to my ear.  

“Lambo and I are on a first name, nickname basis,” I promised.

“Don’t… don’t make me laugh right now.  Not here.”

Guilt heated my cheeks.  “I just… trying to lighten the mood.  I mean, make you not feel bad about leaving.”

“No worries, babe.”  He pulled back, kissed my forehead long enough to make me relax into his lips.  Then he cupped my face, tilting it toward him.  His eyes searched mine.  “You call me if you need me.  I’ll be there.  Okay?”


He narrowed his eyes.

“I promise.”

Corey waited a beat, then nodded slowly.  Pressed his lips gently against mine, then leveled his gaze with my eyes again.  Quirked a brow.  "I'm serious," the expression said.

Shrugging, I nodded in answer.  "I'll call you."  

He squeezed my shoulder.  With a quick look around, he headed out the door.

It felt like warmth left with him.  

I turned around.  Folded my arms and stared at the family who’d rather talk to each other than to me the last few days.  The food, in scattered dishes across the long table.  The sympathy cards, which my mom left scattered every surface of the living room.  Flowers everywhere.

“Cinnamon roll?”  The syrupy sweet voice made me cringe.

Kara.  Fucking Kara.  How did I not see her coming?

Turning toward her, I stared at the moist rolls, the drizzled frosting.  “No, thank you.” 

“You saw her the same day, right?” 

“What?”  I looked up and that pale blue, icy stare whittled me to the bone.

“Just after you left, she… well.”  Her eyes narrowed, then she shrugged.  Arched an eyebrow and licked her lips.  “I’ll miss her.  Every part of her.”

Rage burned in my gut.  “I’m sure you will.”

A moment passed, neither of us breaking the gaze.  Then she took a breath, her eyebrows furrowing as if she felt pity for me.

“Mmm.  Just stay in your lane, Adrienne.  Wouldn’t want you to get hurt too.”  Kara leaned in.  Wrapped her free arm around me before I could think, gave me a gentle squeeze, then walked back to her parents without a second glance.

My mouth dropped open, brain mush.  I stared after her for a moment.  Then glanced around.  

No one looked back.  

Clearing my throat, I zeroed in on the front door.  The side panels’ drapes glowed with afternoon sun, beckoning me toward the light.  Away from everyone who didn't care about me.  Away from my cousin and her strangulating prescence.  

Fuck it.  It's not like anyone will miss me.

I walked across the living room and let myself out.  Exhaling on the front stoop, I stared up at the blue sky.  The puffy cumulus clouds.  Took another deep breath and let the fresh air relax my body.  I reached inside my purse for my car keys when my hand closed around something cylindrical.  Familiar, but not.  Freezing, I held it for a moment before bringing it out.  


An amber prescription bottle.

A pill rattled inside.

Oxy.  I shoved it back in my purse.  Looked around, but no one was outside this morning.  No one mowing their lawn or parking their car.  Just the droning growl of the highway a half mile away. 

How did…  I turned slowly, staring at my house.  There was only one person who hated me enough to set me up for failure and had access to my person since I'd been in the house.  One.  Bitch.  

I heard a car drive up behind me.  The engine died.  Two doors slammed shut.  

“Miss Cusack?”

I turned around, not recognizing the voice.  Two men in long sleeved button up shirts with ties walked toward me.  One looked like he might pass the physical fitness test.  The other, maybe 20 years ago.

The fit one flashed his badge, then motioned it at his partner, lagging up the sidewalk.  “Detectives Hall and Wilson.  We’d like to ask you a few questions about your aunt, Cecilia Mobley.  Would you mind coming down to the precinct?”

Every millimeter of my flesh felt frostbitten.

“What… what’s going on?”  I adjusted my purse strap.  The tiny prescription bottle suddenly weighed more than my car.

“Routine follow up, ma’am.”

Staring at their grim faces, I remembered every time I was harassed by cops.  Every time people I knew were taken in under ‘routine follow ups’ and I didn’t see them again.  

“No problem, Officers.”  My heart slammed in my chest.  Hands clammy.  Heat flushed my neck and I willed myself to stay calm.  “But I have some errands to run.  Mind if I follow you in my own vehicle?”

A car passed by.  One of the officers glanced behind him, then turned back around.  Looked at my mom’s house behind me and back to my face.  He chewed on gum like a cow on cud.  His expression was dead.

“Follow us, Miss Cusack.  Don’t get lost.”








I was jammed in a metal chair in the corner of a tiny box of a room, everything cold and hard.  Cinder blocked white walls, the cliche tinted mirror wall, a yellowing drop down ceiling.  The table was a small rectangle, something to lean an elbow on but not hide behind.  

“Miss Cusack, I noticed you didn’t bring your purse.  Any particular reason?” the older cop, Officer Wilson, prompted as he sat down opposite me.  He crossed his leg, ankle to knee, and let his hands rest in his lap.  

Breath caught in my throat.  The single Oxy in my possession pounded in my mind.

You’re sober.  A reaction is what they want.  Don’t give it to them.  You’ve worked too hard to get where you are to allow yourself to fall for a set up.  Anger surged through my veins, burned away the fear.  Quelled my boiling blood.  I made myself look the detective in the eyes.  You’re better than that.  You’re better than them.  Show them.

“Some women don’t mind purses, but all I think about is how heavy it is on my shoulder and if I carry it too long it might throw off my gait.  Pain would make me want Oxys more than ever.”

His eyebrows raised a centimeter, the only change in his expression.

Yeah, they know about my past.

“I won’t go back to that life.”  I pulled my soft, knit sweater on.  Tossed my hair over my shoulders and clasped my hands in my lap to mirror Officer Wilson.  “Now, may I ask what this is really all about?”

Cici’s secret business nagged my memory.

Wilson nearly smiled.  The other just stood there, eyes on me.  

“Normally at this point, I’d tell you all about yourself and watch you squirm, but you cut to the chase.  Put it out there before we did and owned it all first.  I respect that.  So I’ll be frank with you.  As we told you earlier, this is about your aunt, Ms. Cecilia Mobley.  We understand you were the last to see her before she died, yes?”  He took a notepad from his inner jacket pocket, showing me a glimpse of the gun in his shoulder holster, then checked his notes.  His black and grey eyebrows raised.

I shrugged.  “There’s no way of knowing.  Most of us stopped by at some time or another.  She had cancer.  Terminal.”

“What time did you leave her home?”

My mind went blank.  

No fucking idea… wait.  Corey texted me after I left!  As soon as the thought occurred to me, I remembered my phone was in the car.  With the Oxy.  They’ll want the time, the cell, the message, and they’ll see the bottle.  Fuck.

“Miss Cusack?”

“I… I left my phone at my house accidentally, but my boyfriend texted me around that time.  I can tell you the actual time when I get to it, but other than that I’ll have to guesstimate.”

The man across from me nodded.   “Fair enough.  Do you have a ballpark we can work off of?”

“Officers, I don’t know that I understand.  The ballpark estimate is before…”  A lump scraped and filled my throat.  I swallowed, felt like I was walking a tight rope in heels.  “Before it happened.  What are you investigating?”

“Murder.  We're detectives, not officers,” the cop standing murmured.

“What?”  Goosebumps raised on my skin.  Both cops stared me down.  “I… I was told she killed herself.”

“It’s our job to investigate.”

Licking my lips, I willed myself to be still.  To think before I spoke.  Murder.  

I propped my elbow on the little table.  Hid my face behind my hand and rubbed my forehead.  Exhaled.

Kara.  It was the only thing that made sense.  Money.  Power.  Sex was just another power struggle she probably continually won over my aunt, and Cici was weakening by the day.  Bitch probably was salivating for her turn at the morally corrupt business.

“Jesus Christ,” I whispered. 

“What are you thinking, Miss Cusack?”  

Snapping my hand from my face, I focused on the detective standing.  On his white shirt, olive colored tie.  Encouraged anger to fire inside me, burn in my veins.  I stood, thankfully balanced on my heels, and tucked my hair behind my ears.  “You mean to tell me you suspected someone killed her and you released her body without a word about an investigation?”  

He straightened his posture, beady brown eyes narrowing at the corners.

“Aunt Cici understood me more than anyone in this world.  She found me and got me clean.  Believed in me when I’d fucked over everyone else so badly they didn’t care if I lived or died, and neither did I.”  I stepped closer, inches from him.  Saw all the little hairs in his nose.  “Either she killed herself or someone did it for her, but you are barking up the wrong fucking tree right now.”

“Ahem.”  Something rustled to my left.  The older detective.  “Miss Cusack, we’re going to need you to explain this.”

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I stared into the younger cop’s eyes a moment longer, then stepped back.  Looked down at a piece of paper, wavering at two crease lines.  Plucked it from the older cop’s grasp to see it better.

$1,000,000.  Adrienne Lynn Cusack, Cecilia Marie Mobley.  Cayman Island Bank.  A statement, dated four months before today.  

What is this?  

“Miss Cusack?” the gentle tone of the older cop.

Looking over the document, I felt my mouth drop open.  I stared at him, shaking my head.  “I know you’re allowed to lie and do whatever you have to do to get a confession out of a person, but this?  Surely forgery is illegal.”

He motioned at the paper.  “Your cousin gave it to us.  She found it in Miss Mobley’s residence.”

I knew it.  Fucking cunt.

“If I had a million fucking dollars, you think I’d be here?”   

“Maybe your aunt wouldn’t let you have it.  Maybe she was in your way, and you needed that money.  Maybe you owe a dealer more than you can pay.  Or maybe she just pissed you off or you felt sorry for her and ended it all.  I don’t actually know, Miss Cusack.  What I do know is that your aunt was involved in some kind of scam and has a million dollars stowed far away from where the IRS can track it.  And everything points to you.”

Folding my arms across my chest, I nodded.  Ran my tongue over the front of my teeth and shook my head.  “At least I know where you stand.  Looking at the ex-addict and not the sweet little Christian girl who pointed you toward someone before you knew there was a finger to point.  Don’t you think that’s convenient?”

Wilson's brow twitched and I knew I’d hit a nerve.

“And I bet you hadn’t even considered there was someone to blame until she came along.  And all this information, no doubt!  So lucky for you that this just dropped into your lap.”

His lips turned down and he sat back in the metal chair.

“Right.”  I glanced back and forth between the officers.  “Well, then.  Am I under arrest for something or am I free to go?”












The car was like a welcoming sauna.  Still cold from the interrogation room, I shut the door.  Inhaled.  Exhaled.  Felt the sun burn the top layer of my skin through the closed windows.  I shoved my key in the ignition.  Hunched over the steering wheel, I stared into the rust spot on the old silver car in front of me until everything else faded.

‘Listen to me when I tell you, you’d be wise to leave this alone.  You hear me?  You have seen nothing, know nothing,’ Cici had said.  

Kara could’ve been in Cici’s house the entire time I was.  After all, she was the one that found her and called 911.  And now she was setting me up for whatever bad business she did with my aunt and her murder.

My hand drifted to the console as if the Oxy inside called to it. 

It’s just one.  

My body went cold.  Snatching my hand back at the errant thought, I twisted the key and started the car.  Air blew hot from the vents on full blast.  

She started this.  I’m not fucking running.  

Slipping on my sunglasses, I hit the highway and headed for Kara’s apartment.  Looped around and back, without seeing her Altima, then went to my mom’s house.  Drove by slowly, but the only cars there were my mom and her two cousins’.  

“Fuck.  Where you at, bitch?” 

Four streets down, I cruised to a stop on the side of the suburban road.  Drummed my fingers on the steering wheel and stared at my gas tank needle, less than a centimeter from empty.  The dashboard clock read 3:00.  

A Saturday, Corey would be off of work in a few hours.  

Hope filled me with soft warmth.  My boyfriend.  My rock.    

“Oh fuck it.”  Throwing the gearshift in drive, I hit the gas.  Headed to his apartment make dinner and meet him naked when he walked in the door.  I smiled at the thought, something small and exciting to look forward to.  Refused to give into the anxiety of a confession.

When I nosed into the only open spot I found, a building over, I picked up my phone.  

“I can’t wait to see you,” I texted him.

A bubble of excitement welled up inside me.  Tossing the phone in my purse, I reached for the door handle.  Grabbed my purse from the passenger’s seat and glanced out the window. 

I froze.

Corey, in all his shirtless glory, stood to the side of a shiny black Altima.  Its front window was rolled down.  The girl inside used her two red-polished finger nails to push her long blonde hair back.  Grabbed his wrist, inclining her face to speak to him.  He moved closer, and I watched her hand leave his arm, travel down his torso to his dick.  She licked her lips.


Blood raced through my body, tingling my fingertips.  This can’t be happening.  This can’t be fucking happening.  

But he shook his head and laughed.  Cupped her face, leaned over, and kissed her.  Grabbed her hair, pulling her head back, and kissed her neck.  Reached in to squeeze a breast I couldn’t see, just saw the chords of his forearm tighten.

Biting my lip, I shut my eyes.  Felt the suffocating heaviness of fatigue.  A demoralizing freefall.  

Fuck everything.












I didn’t remember following her home. ...

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Written by Katherine
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