“Well,” Jessica said, “they’re tiny, but they’re growing! I think that’s the important thing. Maybe.”
“Mine aren’t much bigger,” I said, pointing at my chest. “Stupid boobs.”
We were half-naked on my bed. Sitting on our butts, Jessica with her legs out, me with my legs crossed, we giggled. We were both sixteen years old, Jessica a little younger than I, and this happened twenty-one years ago. A long time, but I can still remember being sixteen pretty well.
I reached out to touch her nipple. I poked it with my finger, then rolled it a little between my thumb and forefinger. It was small, but nice. Her areolae seemed big to me. I let my hand wander across her breast.
“You wanna see something cool?” Jessica asked shyly. “You can’t tell anybody.”
“OK,” I said, ever eager for something I couldn’t talk about.
She brought her legs back, putting her arms in front of them, leaning over about as far as she could.
“Shit,” she said. “My jeans are too tight. Sorry.”
“Too tight for what?” I asked, curious.
“I can lick my pussy,” Jessica said quietly. She blushed slightly when she said it.
“You can’t!” I exclaimed. “That would be so cool. Show me, please! Show me.”
Jessica scrunched her face, moved her lips back and forth, and finally said OK. She took off her jeans and her panties, tossing them on the floor with her top, and sat on the bed, now naked before me.
“Wow,” I said, “you’ve got a really cute pussy. A little bit of hair, but not that much.”
“Yeah,” she said. “Now watch.”
She first put one foot behind her shoulder, then the other, which struck me as an amazing thing to be able to do. Her arms were in front of her legs and her head was facing her pussy, surprisingly close. Her inner thighs almost touched her nipples. She bent her back forward and pushed her ass up with her hands. Jessica stuck out her tongue and could almost reach her clit.
“Help me, Lauren,” she said, “push my butt up a little. Just a tiny bit.”
I reached out and put my hands on her ass. I was a bit tentative about touching her, but what the hell. I pushed her butt towards her face and her tongue reached her clit! She licked herself for maybe twenty seconds, the tip of her tongue barely reaching her clit, then she uncrossed her feet and fell back. But she’d actually licked her own clit!
I had been watching her tongue, but couldn’t help staring at her asshole, too. I remembered my mom licking mine, sticking her tongue in, and I thought very briefly about doing the same to Jessica. But I think a lot of things, I don’t do that many.
“That was amazing,’ I said. “Can I do it, too?”
“You just have to try,” Jessica answered. She might have leered at me a little.
I took off my shorts and panties and threw them on the floor on the opposite side of the bed from Jessica’s. Having already had sex with my parents, I certainly didn’t feel that shy being naked in front of Jessica, a girl I’d fantasized about while masturbating. I picked up my lower leg and hugged it across my chest. I stuck an arm below it and began to lever my leg behind my head.
“Ow,” I said. I tried again and I got my foot to the top of my shoulder, but that was it.
“It’s too hard,” I said, laughing, looking at Jessica looking at my pussy. I had more hair there than she did, although nothing like the thicket that would grow eventually, only to be waxed off.
“Well, it took me a fair amount of practice, but it got to be easy,” she said. “I just about never do it anymore, though, now that I can.”
I tried again and maybe my foot went an inch farther. We looked at each other and broke up giggling.
“Your pussy looks so threadbare,” I laughed, “like a lawn that’s mostly dirt.”
“Just ‘cause you have a little more grass doesn’t make yours a meadow.”
We broke up again.
I tried one more time to put my foot behind my head, just as there was a knock on my bedroom door and Daddy opened it.
“What are you girls…“ he trailed off.
Jessica looked panicked, searching for something with which to cover herself and finally grabbing a pillow that she held lengthwise over her boobs and pussy. I sat their dumbly, my leg in my hand, and slowly put it down.
“Hi, Daddy,” I said. I made no effort to hide my nudity.
“Hi, baby girl,” he said. “What the, what, what are you two up to?”
Jessica and I looked at each other. Our eyes widened, I’m sure we both thought about telling Daddy the truth, and we burst out laughing.
“Just playing,” I said.
“Naked?” Dad asked.
“Well, yes,” I said. Obviously, Jessica was letting me do all our talking.
“Is that… usual for you guys?”
“No,” I said slowly.
Daddy didn’t ask me another question and the silence grew. It wasn’t tension, exactly, but he kept looking at me, then at Jessica’s pillow with her arms around it, then back at me. Finally, I couldn’t take it.
“Jessica can lick her own clit,” I said.
“Lauren!” Jessica almost shouted.
“She can what?” Daddy asked. “Lick her own clit? I don’t believe that.”
“It’s true,” I said. “Show him, Jessica.”
“I will not,” she said.
We stared at each other. I started to smile, then smiled broadly, then giggled, which started Jessica going. I put my leg down, but my pussy was still clearly visible to my dad. I reached out and took Jessica’s pillow, hurling it to the floor.
She gasped, covered her face with her hands, then peeked out between her fingers.
“You’ve got a beautiful body, uh…,” he said.
“Jessica,” I completed for him, even though I’d just said her name. “Her name is Jessica.”
“Sure, I knew that,” Dad said.
And he was right. Jessica had a dynamite body for sixteen, with some decent curves and super-long legs that ended in a super-tight butt. She was blonde, par for the course around where we lived, and had a delightful smile. All she was missing was the boobs. Hers were like the bottom part of an ice cream cone – like part of the cone part. Pointy, tiny, but lovely.
Jessica fell back in the bed and hid her head under my other pillow. I lay alongside her and stroked a shoulder.
“Hey,” I said, “what’s the matter?”
“Your dad can see me!” she yelled into the pillow, which came out all muffled.
I stroked her some more and looked at my dad, who hadn’t moved an inch. Jessica didn’t really seem angry, maybe she was scared? I sidled closer to her and rubbed her back. After a minute of that, I saw her shoulders slump down, not so much in defeat as in relaxation.
“Come on out,” I teased, “everything is fine.”
“Mmph,” is what I heard.
I wiggled a little closer to her, putting one leg between hers, and our breasts just touched. Nipples to skin. This gave me a jolt that I leaned into. I rubbed her back a little harder, pulling her toward me. I looked at Dad and he seemed to be fingering his cock through his shorts. I thought about that, my dad playing with himself while looking at his daughter and her friend’s naked bodies and concluded it was our fault, not that I cared.
My hand massaged her back down to her ass. It did that for a short while before stroking her ass as well. After a minute, my hand focused much more on her butt than her back. I felt her ass crack, trailing a finger through it. I inched down a little and touched her pussy from behind. Jessica reacted by moving her hips, but she didn’t turn away. My dad was now openly rubbing his cock, very slowly, although still through his shorts.
My hand came around to her front, fingers lightly rubbing her hip, and came to a stop on her pussy. I waited briefly to see what would happen. Would she leap out of bed or what? I was only a little surprised to see that her legs spread a little wider and she rolled onto her back, the pillow still over her face.
I had fantasized about sex with Jessica and now I was on the cusp. I let my finger inch into her pussy, which was barely damp and certainly not really wet. Her shoulders rose and fell, but nothing else happened. Her lips weren’t available as they were under a pillow, so mine found her small, rosy nipple and licked it. In spite of my recent sexual experiences with my mom, I was surprised at myself for taking the initiative with Jessica. I was starting to think I might like girls as much as boys.
I think Jessica asked, “What are you doing?” although it came out totally indistinct. Since I couldn’t really hear her, I didn’t answer, but kissed her breast all over. I sucked at her nipple and really enjoyed it, so I kept doing that. A quick glance at my dad showed he hadn’t moved and was still rubbing his dick, which was now quite obviously bulging beneath his shorts. I wondered for a second what he’d do with it, then returned to Jessica’s breast.
My mouth was busy with her nipple, but my hand wandered over her cunt. My fingers brushed over her clit, careful not to impact it too heavily, and I put my middle finger inside her again. She was wetter this time and I began to finger-fuck her. I heard what sounded like a moan from beneath the pillow, but it could have been anything, really. Jessica lifted her legs a little, feet flat on the bed, her knees rising into the air. She spread her legs wider, too. She appeared to be enjoying this despite the pillow over her face.

I sucked at her nipple, my lips pulling at it. Nothing moved, her breast was too small for that, but I deeply enjoyed the sensation. I quickly felt my own cunt and realized I was very wet. My hand lingered there for long seconds, masturbating, then returned to her other breast, where I massaged her other nipple with slightly sticky fingers.
Dad appeared to be rubbing his balls, but it was hard to tell. His fingertips reached down between his legs, his palm seemed to focus on his shaft. It was difficult to see, but he was at least sort of masturbating, too. Now, today, I expect Dad was uncertain about what to do with Jessica being in the bedroom, an outsider who was naked, but who could cause him a lot of trouble if he took off his shorts. Then, twenty-one years ago, I barely gave it a thought. I did wonder where mom was.
The pillow was lying on Jessica’s face, but her hands had come to rest alongside her thighs. I thought about pushing it away, but didn’t. Instead, keeping my hand on her breast, I began to kiss her between her breasts, and her tummy, and just above the small amount of hair around her cunt. Her legs spread a little wider.
I licked her clit, touching it with the tip of my tongue, and her hips jerked just a little. I licked her clit, my tongue lapping her, and they jerked again. I put my hands on her either side of her vulva and began to lick her clit more thoroughly. I was eating Jessica’s cunt and she appeared to enjoy it.
My tongue circled her clit, which had hardened. ‘Round and ‘round. Then I did it with a finger, ‘round and ‘round. I licked the length of her slit, tasting the wetness, licked her clit, and did it again. I heard a moan from beneath the pillow.
I glanced at Daddy and saw he had taken his clothes off. Standing in the same place, naked, he stroked his very hard cock.
“Hi, baby girl,” he said to me and winked.
I returned to Jessica’s cunt. I kissed around it, finger-fucked her for a minute, licked her clit some more.
“How ya doin’, Jessica?” I asked.
She took the pillow away, hurled it to the floor. She raised her head to look at me before she spoke and must have seen Daddy.
“Holy shit, Lauren, your dad is still here. Naked. And he’s… you know, playing with himself.”
“Yeah. How are you doin’, though?”
“I’m doing great, I think, although I’m still embarrassed your dad can see me like this.”
I crawled up her body and leaned to one side, one of my legs between hers. I rubbed her cunt with my thigh.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Jess. Embrace the moment.”
I kissed her. This surprised both of us, but her mouth was right there in front of mine. I kissed her again a little more firmly. My thigh rubbed up and down. I tried to think of what else I could do. I reached my hand down between her legs and found her labia. My fingers poked around and rediscovered her clit. I rubbed it, slowly to start, then quicker.
“OMG,” Jess said.
“Have you ever cum before?” I asked, a bit presumptively, I guess.
“Yeah,” she whispered, “and if you keep that up, I’m going to cum again.”
That was all the motivation I needed. I continued to rub her clit and suck her nipple. I thought about Daddy, but didn’t want to turn my head. I kept it up for another three or four minutes, rubbing her quickly, until she came.
Nowadays, I’d just say she had a tiny orgasm, but it seemed a big deal back then. She groaned and clamped her legs around my hand. I continued to rub her the best I could. Jess growled and jerked her hips and squashed my hand. About ten seconds after she started, she pushed my hand away.
“Enough, Lauren, that’s enough,” she said.
That did give me an opportunity to look at Dad and he was still stroking slowly, staring at his lesbian daughter (for one day, anyway) and her girlfriend. I thought I saw a drop of pre-cum, but it vanished amid strokes. Daddy walked over to Jess’s side of the bed, his hand-held cock a foot from her face.
“Don’t put that thing inside me,” Jess said, her voice wavering.
Jessica might not want sex with my dad, but she appeared mesmerized by his cock. It was about average I’d say today, but back then it looked pretty big. And his balls seemed huge, swinging as he stroked. It looked so evil and so inviting.
“Really,” Jess insisted.
“Over here, Daddy,” I offered.
“Lauren, you wouldn’t!” Jess said. “He’s your father!”
“Well,” I said, “he’s already done it and more than once. And I enjoy it now. So, yes, I think I will. Come on, Daddy, fuck me!”
“Lauren!” Jessica said, looking back and forth between Daddy’s dick and my face.
“Do you want to suck me a little, Jessica?” Daddy asked. “Just a little?”
I expected her to say no, but she didn’t say anything. She reached out with her hand and touched the end of his cock, drew back. She reached out again and Daddy took his hand away, leaving it free for Jessica to do what she wanted. She looked at him, then at his hard dick, then put her hand around it. She stroked it a few times and Daddy moaned. She put out her tongue and licked it at the very end, making a face that could have meant anything. But now her tongue was on it. Jess licked again. She opened her mouth and took in just the head.
“No teeth, please,” Daddy said. I knew that, I guess Jess didn’t. Or Daddy was just being cautious.
She sucked it, although not deeply. His cock really didn’t go any deeper than just the head in her mouth and she sucked at it like a lollipop, not like the popsicle it looked like. She stopped after maybe thirty seconds.
“I’m done,” she said.
“That was very nice,” Daddy said. “Thank you.”
I’d never heard him be so flattering. Kissing up to the stranger, I guessed. He came around to my side of the bed and crawled between my legs. He paused for a minute at my cunt and licked it, doing his best to tongue my clit. He put a finger into me an inch or maybe two and wriggled it around. I thought he’d just climb up and stick his cock in like he’d done before, but instead he put his hands under my legs.
“Turn over, baby girl,” he said. “On your tummy, then on your hands and knees.”
I got into position, looking Jessica in the face. I only sort of knew what was coming. She put her hand over mine.
I felt Daddy getting into position behind me, his legs between mine and his cock at the opening to my cunt. Jessica’s hand gripped mine and she stared beneath me, at my cunt and Daddy’s cock. I felt it go in an inch.
“You’re really tight, baby girl,” Daddy said. “Really tight.”
He adjusted himself behind me so the angle of his dick was a little flatter. He pushed his cock into me another inch and another inch and then the rest of the way in. It didn’t hurt at all, although it totally stretched me out.
Daddy started to pump his cock in me and it felt strange. I couldn’t see him, I was just looking at the wall and the mattress and at Jessica. He smacked me on the ass.
“Do you like to be spanked?” he asked.
“I, I’m not sure,” I said. “Do it again.”
I really wasn’t sure. I had hated to be spanked and hadn’t been for years. But this felt different for some reason. Daddy spanked me again and it felt… good.
“You can spank me some more, Daddy,” I said. “Not too hard.”
His cock still fucked me. He hit my ass several more times until I told him to stop. It felt warm, tingly, and a bit sting-y, if that makes sense. I tried to reach down to masturbate, but I almost lost...