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What Donna Never Knew... Part:1

"This is my first story; hope you all enjoy"

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As I stepped out of the shower on this Saturday morning, running the towel over my body, drying myself off, I realized the towel felt softer than normal, or maybe it was just me as I was feeling my nipples harden. I stared at them in the mirror, seeing them in their hardened state, realizing I was becoming aroused, and just sighed aloud, making a slight "pout" form on my lips. Roger, my husband of 13 years had been away for only 4 months now, but for some unknown reason, I had been hornier lately, more than I'd ever been in my 41 years of life. Now, the fact that Roger is away, had just seemed to point out this problem even more as I studied myself in the mirror. For 41, I still looked pretty damn good I thought! Standing at 5'4", I only weighed about 135, and as Roger always delighted to tell me, "35 of those pounds are your tits!". It is true that I was well endowed in that area, 36DD to be exact, but being this height, and this large, I NEVER considered it a "blessing" like I'm sure men would think! My butt was still firm, and my legs were still in fine shape. As I got dressed, I pondered my dilemma a moment or two, and decided to wipe it from my mind. Being somewhat "old fashioned", I had never really gotten into masturbation, never saw the point. I threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and went downstairs.

As I walked into the kitchen in my bare feet, I was treated to the cold feeling of the tile beneath me, "ahh, that'll cool me down!" I thought. I could hear the lawn mower running outside, and smiled to myself, knowing my son Darren was doing his Saturday chores without being asked. I walked over to the sliding glass doors that led to our deck and looked to see Darren pushing the mower over our back yard, which was sorely in need of attention because of the recent rains. I noticed immediately that Darren was wearing a pair of gym shorts, and no shirt. As I stared for a moment as he ran the lawn mower away from me to the back of the property, and then back in my direction, I realized, maybe for the first time, how handsome a young man he suddenly was. At 16, he stood at almost 5'9", and was very athletic, playing both Football and Baseball. He was very well defined, and I found myself almost leering at him as he pushed that mower, his muscles rippling as they vibrated under the machine. I tore myself away and walked into the living room and sat down, my head in my hands, "What the hell is wrong with me?" I thought. Just then the sliding glass door opened and shut, and I could hear Darren rumbling through the cabinets, obtaining a glass, and then getting himself a drink. I felt the need to to keep my head where it was to avoid looking at him, I was embarassed with myself.

"You ok mom?"

I lifted my head up and noticed my gaze taking in Darrens' features as he stood no more than 3 feet away from me. His strong legs were sweaty from the chores and the heat, as was the rest of him as I looked into his face, his dark blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He was drinking from a glass of water and looking at me awaiting a response, his brow furrowed a bit.

"I'm fine honey" 

"You sure? You look hot or something." taking another big gulp of his water. I realize my face must be beet red.

"No, I'm fine honey, just a little headache" It was then I noticed it! I was smiling at him, and as he turned to walk away, I suddenly realized his shorts were way too tight! His noticeable bulge was a sight, let me tell you! I thought for a moment he might've been erect, but he jiggled a little as he walked away, which led me to his toned ass as well. He left the room and I buried my head in my hands and shook it, then slapped my hands to my knees as I stood up and walked to the kitchen, "I'm losing it, I'm just losing it!" I muttered aloud.

I'd only ever been with 2 men my entire life. Clay, my first husband, and Darren's father, married me right after high school, we'd been high school sweethearts. My mother had warned me then that he was only marrying me to have sex with me as she believed I was still a virgin. I let her believe it, Clay and I had been having sex most of my senior year, but by then he was already telling me he was going to marry me, so I gave in. We married too young, and neither of us knew much about sex, not that it was bad, we just never really experimented. Unfortunately for me and Darren, Clay had decided to experiment with the tons of other women I eventually came to find out about, andI put up with it until I met Roger! Roger was younger than I was, still in college when we first met, and a lifeguard at the apartment complex during the summer where we lived. Roger was a sight! 6'2", in shape, and used to love seeing me in my bikini with my "Double D's"! I ended up having an affair with him, which ended my first marriage, and Roger and I were married right after he graduated. It was Roger I experimented with sexually, as even being younger, he taught me some things! I was also when I found out that those things came in different sizes! Roger was not quite as long as Clay had been, in fact, Roger measured at only about 5 inches or so fully hard, difference was, he was just so damned thick! It was like having the end of a baseball bat in you!

Darren had come down from his shower, his hair was wet, and he was now sporting a t-shirt, and some equally tight shorts. I made lunch for the 2 of us, and we sat at the table making small talk as we ate. I watched him carefully, so as he wouldn't noticed, and I could feel my nipples hardening into diamond cutters, and I was getting wet down there, very wet!

"What are you going to do with the rest of your day?" I inquired.

"Probably go hang with the guys, we'll end up doing something"

"Why don't you hang out with me today, I'll play video games with you or something" I couldn't believe I just said that! Now I was actively looking for his attention!

"Are you serious?" Darren looked at me strangely. "You never want to play video games! And it's so beautiful out today!"

"Well, so maybe it's time I learned!" I said to him coyly. "Come on, if you spend the day with your poor, old mother, I'll make you your favorite for dinner!" Now I was bribing him!

"Spaghetti..." he stated, caressing the non-existent whiskers on his chin with his thumb and forefinger. "...with meatballs!" he stated.

"Deal! Go set up your game, I'll be there in a minute" Darren was smiling as he stood to head into the living room, and I couldn't help but smile back at him. As I went to refill my iced tea however, I couldn't help but feel a pang in my stomach. Was I so lonely these last few months, that I resorted to bribing my son to spend time with me? Not to mention the fact that I had spent the morning practically drooling over him, and for the first time, actually thought of him sexually! I wanted to walk into the living room and tell him to go hang with his friends, but as I sat down next to him on the floor on the t.v., all I did was smile at him, "So, what are we playing?".

As Darren and I sat there playing his video games, to which I clearly had no clue how to play, but he was kind enough to be patient with me, my internal pang became anger. Angry at Roger for being gone, "always about Roger's career" I thought. Darren and I talked and joked as we played, and slowly my anger subsided. Both of us were sitting cross-legged on the floor, side by side, and his arm was brushing up against mine a lot with the movements of playing the game. This was sending a charge deep inside me, but it wasn't until I caught him stealing a look at my breasts through my t-shirt, nipples hardened because of his touch, that something changed. I smiled inwardly, not saying anything, but felt my face get flush, "the old girls still have it!" I thought. But it was the next thing I saw that did it for me, because I stole a look into his lap, and his obviously hard penis was so hard, I thought it was going to bust through the material of his shorts! "My God he's huge!" I thought to myself, and instantly became the wettest I think I've ever been! I began to ache down there, like never before, and my mind started racing.

"Mom, I told you to watch out! Now, you're dead!" Darren scolded me when I messed up.

"Sorry honey!" I leaned in and kissed his cheek, "I wasn't paying attention!"

I had to do something quick! I was literally feeling my juices seeping in between my ass cheeks, which I thought would surely leak through my shorts and panties and into the carpet! I laid down on my stomach and played, while Darren remained as he was. I kept thinking about what I'd seen, and it was overwhelming me! At one point, I felt myself involuntarily grinding down into the carpet!

"Damn mom!" Darren suddenly exclaimed!

"What?" I said as I looked at him, wondering what was wrong.

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He was watching my ass intently as I realized I was grinding again.

Darren suddenly looked into my eyes, his face immediately flushed, "Oh, I thought you were um, going to mess up again, that's all.", then returned his gaze to the television.

I said nothing, but I smiled inwardly, and cursed myself all at once! I told him I was going to make dinner, and went into the kitchen. When dinner was ready, Darren and I sat at the table again, and we made small talk as we ate, only suddenly he was more playful, even flirty.

"Ya know, you still have nice legs Mom!" he stated with a smile as he ate.

"Still?" I eyed him playfully, "You sound surprised your mom can still look good as she creaks around!" I teased him with a look. I expected him to back off, somehow be sheepish or something, but Darren had suddenly become calm, "Not what I meant at all Mom, only that I noticed your legs today, and found them very sexy!".

"That was Bold!" I thought to myself. He was bold and playful, and it took me off guard, and I found myself completely flustered! This was getting dangerous, and I knew it! I stood up abruptly, looked at Darren and said, "That show we both like will be on soon. I'll clean up and meet you in the living room". I turned and moved to the kitchen, and I looked back and could swear I saw a satisfied grin playing over his face!

I finished cleaning up, and went upstairs to change, my mind racing. My son was playing with me, and clearly enjoying it! All my earlier emotions had gone away, now all I wanted was to teach him a lesson! I took a quick shower, and after toweling off, I slipped on one of my nighties. It was a light shade of pink, not plainly see-through, but in the right light... I decided not to wear anything underneath, a choice I would later question, but not right now, and I headed downstairs. As I entered the living room, Darren immediately noticed me! The lighting behind me was just right as I entered, and I knew Darren could see me, nipples at the ready, and my full bush throught the nightie, which only came a couple inches below that! I gave him a second to leer, which he did, and turned the lights behind me off to take away his view.

"It's too bright in here, don't you think?" I smiled at him. His mouth was agape, and I knew his mind was reeling, but he suddenly looked me in the eye, and regained his composure.

"Yeah, it's much better in the dark, don't you think?" I immediately looked at him as I sat down next to him on the sofa.

"What is?"

"Watching television" Darren said as he gestured toward the television.

I regained my composure, "You're right! It is better!".

The next 90 minutes was hell for both of us upon reflection. Both of us trading sexual innuendo, stealing glances, making sure the other saw more than either of us ever should. It was the last move that did it though, as something deep inside me told me I needed to "one-up" him. I asked him where the remote was, and he said it was on the table by the chair, and as I sauntered over to it, and picked it up, I "accidently" dropped it, and then bent down to pick it up from the waist! I had just given my son a full view of my swollen, aching insides, wet from the entire day, and our back and forth. I looked back at him as I did so, and saw him staring with unnerving desire! "He wants my pussy goddamnit!" I thought to myself proudly, (a word I've only shared with myself and Roger). It was his reaction I wasn't prepared for...

Darren gulped loudly, staring at me, and as I sat back down, became quiet, his eyes smoldering in their Blue essence. I could still see how hard he was, a fact that now made me drip juices onto the sofa, but his face was puzzling. After a few short minutes, he suddenly stood up...

"I'm going to bed Mom, I'm tired" He tried not to look at me.

"Bed?" I said matter of factly, "It's only 9:30!"

"Guess cutting the grass today wore me out more than I thought!" as he started up the stairs.

"Um, ok" was all I could muster.

My mind was racing again, and I was cursing myself aloud! "Damnit Donna! He's your son! He's only 16! And you've just ruined him by showing him all God has given you! You've probably scarred him for life!". My anger quickly turned to sadness, my lonliness, all of it, and the victim was my 16 year old son! Tears started to form in my eyes, and I needed to apologize! Go up to his room and hold him, and tell him I was sorry for being such an awful mother!

I practically ran up the stairs, and pushed his door open more forcefully than I had intended. Darren sat up, startled! "Mom! What are you doing?" he yelled at me. "I'm sorry baby!" I cried and moved to the bed, sitting down on the edge as Darren moved away. "I'm so so sorry, your mother has been a fool!" I could feel the tears streaming down my face, "It's just that I've been alone these last months, and well, I don't know" as I threw myself onto his bed on my back, head on one of his pillows. To his credit, Darren said nothing, only looked at me, his face, one of bothered, and understanding. I slowly rolled onto my right side to face him, and inched closer, tears still streaming, and again Darren pulled away, another hurt...

"Darren, I just need to be held! It's been a horrible day! I'm just so lonely, and I bribed you to spend the day with me, and I just feel horrible!" My right arm extended, and I was now in a full blown cry, "Please baby, I can't be so hideous you can't just hold your own mother for a few minutes!". I dropped my arm and cried, and was about to apologize for all the other silliness when he slipped next to me, pressing himself against me, his arm around me, stroking my back, his mouth to my ear...

"It's ok Mom" he whispered to me confidently. "I understand completely! And you're not hideous, you're still a beautiful woman!". He was stroking my back in an up and down motion, which felt nice, but it was something else... I suddenly realized my nightie had ridden up slightly, and moreover, Darren was completely naked, and his enormity was pressed up against my flesh! I'm telling you his balls were against my uper thighs, and his tip was just below my belly button, barely below! I gasped involuntarily as a wave of both panic, and deep desire overtook me.

I looked into his eyes nervously, "Why are you naked?".

He just smiled as he returned my gaze, "Truthfully, you put me over the edge, needed, relieve myself!" he laughed to himself, I guess his choice of words were for my benefit.

I smiled at him, and then suddenly felt his grind against my pubic bone. His hand pressed against my back, pressed my chest against his, and I moaned, not meaning to...

"Darren wait!" I pleaded, "Baby, this isn't right!".

Again he grinded into me, again I moaned, and then a third time, just for good measure! I felt his hand now caressing my naked hip, and I looked into his eyes, pleading not to go further, even though I could already feel my body responding to his! He looked into my eyes...

"You've been thinking about...

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Written by stdlydorgt
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