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Was It Poker Night? Or Poke-her Night?

"One of the poker players can't play, so I sit in."

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I have always liked the fact that Jamie’s friends enjoy hanging out at our house. That way I know what they’re up to and not out on the streets getting into some mischief. Plus, if he’s gone the house gets a little lonely and quiet since my divorce.

Usually, they’re playing video games or watching sports like most seventeen-year-old boys but I like hearing them laughing and cutting up down in the ‘man cave’. I went downstairs to get some laundry done the other night and saw Jamie and three of his buddies getting ready to play poker. They had all come back from dress rehearsal for a school play and had Catholic school uniforms on which looked strange but cute.

“Hi, Mrs. Thompson. How are you doin’?”

“Fine, Eric. Thanks for asking.”

Devin chimed in, “We’re tired of the lame video games that Jamie has, so we thought we’d go retro. Hehe.”

“When’s Gerry getting here? Poker is lame with only four," Brenden said.

“Hey, Mom. Why don’t you sit in for a few hands until Gerry shows up?”

“Yeah, Mrs. T.,  Pull up a chair,” Eric said as he divvied out the poker chips. He pushed some in front of the empty chair and patted it as he smiled up at me.

“If you lose until he gets here, he’ll just have to play with a short stack,” Devin smirked.

I was going to say 'no' but I had finished binge-watching “Game of Thrones” and wasn’t really in the mood to start another odyssey.

“Oh, I guess so. But just until Gerry gets here.” I pulled the chair out and sat down.

“And I ain’t playing no Texas Hold'em since I don’t know these new games. It’s straight poker or I won’t play.”

After about five hands (I actually won two!), Jamie’s phone rang. It was Gerry saying he got called into work at the grocery store and couldn’t make it.

We were all putting in a one-chip ante but before the next hand, Eric put in his belt instead!

Jamie said, “What the hell are you doing?”

“Hey, I haven’t won a hand yet. I’m doing this instead of wasting more chips. I’ll use my chips to bet but that’s my ante.” He stared at me with a coquettish smile.

At first, I pretended not to hear him and knew I was blushing red. The rest of us put in our chip ante and the hand was won by Jamie. He whooped as he scraped in the pot.

“So much for good luck!” Eric said.

Before the next hand, Brenden and Devin pulled off their belts and threw them in the center of the table mumbling about maybe it would work. Jamie very demonstratively threw in his chip. He was staring at the two of them, frowning.

It was my turn to deal and as I shuffled I didn’t have to look up from the cards to know that all eyes were on me. Shaking my head from side to side and frowning, I threw in a chip.

“Aww! Chicken!”

“Look, if you want me to play, that isn’t part of the house rules.”

So Devin drew two cards to a straight and giggled as he pulled in the pot.

Jamie wrinkled his nose and pulled off his belt and threw it in for the next hand’s ante. My mouth fell open as I stared at him. My son!

I sighed and leaned back in the chair. “I’m not doing that!” 

“Mrs. T., keep your belt. Here’s what we’ll do. You don’t have to ante. But if you lose… then you have to throw ah, something in as your ante, ok?” Eric was such a charmer. Brenden seemed embarrassed by his friends. He was always the quiet one. I liked that about him.

I smiled at Eric and told myself to just get up and leave but I had already started dealing the next hand. For the first time, I saw these two boys leering instead of smiling. I had to admit it was sort of a compliment as they seemed to not be embarrassed at the fact that they were staring at my chest.

My two pair was beaten by Jamie’s three of a kind. “Sorry, Mom. You don’t have to put your ante in. That was a dumb rule.

Eric and Devin start pounding the table in rhythm, “BELT, BELT, BELT… Shoes don’t count. We called it.”

Devin seemed to have his hand under the table for a long time. Jesus, could he be…?

Eric pulled off his shirt and put it on the table. “My ante’s in for the next hand.”

Devin shrugged and did the same. Jamie put in one of the belts he won.

“Boys, I don’t even have a belt on!”

“BLOUSE, BLOUSE, BLOUSE!” This time Brenden feebly joined the chorus started by his two friends.

“You guys are crazy! I ain’t doing that!” I started to get up to go upstairs and Devin turned his chair and pushed me back down. At first, I tried to get his hand off of my wrist so I could escape but I froze when I saw he had an erection through his uniform pants!

I started to stammer out a response as he took the belt from his winnings and knelt down on the floor and wrapped the belt around my right ankle and the chair leg, laughing.

Then Brenden grabbed the belt off the ante pile and did the same on the other side before I can react. So much for thinking he was the shy one. I’m sure if I had moved faster I could have gotten free but I just had to look to see if Brenden was hard, too. He sat on the floor cross-legged next to me. I could see he wasn’t hard and I wondered just how enthused he was about the proceedings.

He looked up to me apologetically and asked, “That’s not to tight, is it Mrs. Thompson?”

Maybe between Jamie and Brenden, I might be able to extricate myself from this situation. I looked up at Jamie and he was actually giggling!

Devin said, “You still owe Jamie for that last hand’s ante, Mrs. T!”

I remembered an old trick from high school. When I’d get home from school and wanted to get out of my bra and relax. Quite often, my Dad was in the TV room. I got pretty practiced at getting out of it without having to take off my blouse. If I performed my trick in the hall, he never noticed once I joined him. At least I don’t think he did.

“No blouse, boys.” I reached behind me and through my blouse, I unhooked my bra. I wiggled the straps down each arm past my elbows and then off my hands. It was fairly easy since I had on a sleeveless top. I bent forward a little and grabbed the left strap and pulled my bra through. As the cups and elastic passed my boobs, they scraped across my nipples before I got it free. I could feel that contact made them pucker up slightly.

Or at least, I figured that was why they got hard. I threw the bra at Jamie pretending to be mad. The blouse wasn’t thin so I assumed they couldn’t see anything.

Applause broke out from around the table! I blushed but smiled.

What was I doing?!

Before the next hand, Jamie and Brenden threw in chips but Eric got up and pull off his pants! Emboldened by this action, Devin pulled off his as well. Before they sat down I could see the bulge in Eric’s tighty whities (he looked to be average) but Devin had on boxers and his stiffy was straining against his leg hole. I actually thought that his head might appear from the bottom. I shouldn’t have been so disappointed that it didn’t, but...

The next hand was dealt and thankfully, Brenden won. I figured he wouldn’t press the issue but the same refrain as before rang out even louder as the two naughty boys pounded the table: “BLOUSE, BLOUSE, BLOUSE.”

I noticed there were three voices this time. As I looked up to my son, suddenly, there were only two. Jamie looked away shamefully.

“Nope guys. Sorry,” I said as I raised up from the chair slightly. I shimmied my skirt up my legs and grabbed the waistband of my panties and sat down quickly before anyone could see something they shouldn't. I bent over to get them down my legs, my boobs resting on the table which had the effect of pushing them up. There was dead silence in the room as the boys figured out what I was doing.

I got my panties down as far as I could until the material was tight against my lower thighs. With my ankles bound to the chair that was as far as I could get them down. I heard a hushed response… almost in reverence: “Undies, undies, undies,” a meeker cry than before. It was almost a reverential chorus from all four of them.

There was no pounding but I could tell their minds were racing. I began to think how long it had been since anyone had looked at me in a lustful way. I had forgotten how nice that was.

My knees were about eighteen inches apart because of the belts on my ankles. I looked at Brenden and said, “Well, I guess you don’t get my panties since I’m tied to the chair! Too bad for you! I guess you guys will have to untie me.”

Jamie got up and went to his computer table and started to rummage through his desk drawers. I couldn’t figure out what he was after but I did notice that he made sure as he walked to it that I couldn’t see the front of his pants. Yeah, like I’ve never seen his wee-wee (that’s what we called it when he was a baby) before!

“Brenden, you won fair and square. Here.” He proudly handed him a pair of scissors!

Cheering from the other two followed as Brenden stared at me with a lecherous smile as he slid down from the chair. I didn't understand why Jamie wanted him to cut the belts off. They could have just untied them. I couldn’t very well object if he got my panties off. I mean, I had pulled them down. I initially figured I could just sort of wiggle them back up if I won a hand. Apparently, I wasn’t going to get that opportunity.

I decided to bargain with these goofballs. “Hey guys. I got an idea. When I win this next hand, instead of taking the pot, the second place hand gets it and I get to pull my panties back up, ok?”


The side on my left thigh felt less tight as the material of my panties snapped back to my right leg, loose enough for the now ruined panties to fall to my ankle. Jesus, Brenden wasn't cutting the belts. He was cutting my panties! He crawled on his hands and knees under the table to the other side of me and made quick work of getting the panties cut completely off of me. A quick look at Devin and Eric showed that even they were astonished.

As he crawled backward to get back up to his chair I wondered if he had taken the liberty to stare between my open thighs. I don’t think he could see anything because it was dark under the poker table and my skirt wasn’t that short. I realized the other three were awfully quiet.

When I looked up, Devin was dealing and he and Eric had innocent looks on their faces and Jamie was grinning. Then I noticed that there was a set of boxers and also a pair of briefs in the middle of the table! My god, they were sitting there naked! Also, my son’s shirt was in the pile!

Brenden stood up triumphantly and held my ruined panties in his fist as he giggled. Devin reached up to grab them from him. As he leaned over the table to get them his stiff cock was briefly visible before he sat back down. I gulped at the lump in my throat. He took my panties and sniffed them.

I jumped up and down as I screamed, “Devin! That’s gross!” Then I realized that my tits were bouncing up and down with me. They felt good to be freed from my bra but I held my arm up to my chest to block any wondering eyes. My hard nipples were now fairly visible through my blouse.

He threw them across the table to Eric who put them to his mouth and licked. “MMM”

“Of for Christ sake! Stop that.” This time, when I bounced, I did it on purpose. I put my arm down and my shoulders back just a little in an indignant pose. Yes, it was a pose and I held it momentarily so they all could see the small lumps my nipples made in my blouse. I didn’t think there were any juices on those panties because they were dark blue. But I had to admit it was possible.

Everybody settled down as Jamie dealt the next hand. Brenden was the only one fully dressed but I took in the sight of the other three. They had hard, hairless chests that looked wonderful. They were all on the swim team at school and I had seen them with no shirts on before but somehow, this was different.

Devin dropped out of the hand without even taking any draw cards which seemed peculiar. As the four of us played on Devin slid under the table. “I dropped a chip earlier. It’s down here somewhere,” he stifled a stage cough.

I knew he was going to sneak a peek and decided to just relax my legs. However, I didn’t anticipate his next move. I heard what sounded like a shudder click and saw a bright flash from under the table! That little stinker must have had his cell phone and took a picture up my skirt! I tried hard to wiggle my legs closer together to no avail. With the flash, he probably got a good shot. Maybe more than one, as I was trying to concentrate on winning the hand. Any more losses by me would lead to dangerous territory.

Eric won the hand as Devin scrambled back up to his seat. Before he scooted the chair in I got a pretty good look at his stiff member. I had made this young man hard! Wow. Little ole’ me.

“No excuse now, Mrs. T.,  'BLOUSE! BLOUSE! BLOUSE!'”

Brenden said, “Wait, wait… give her another chance.”

Eric countered, “Fuck that! I won the hand!”

I looked reproachfully at him, “Hey, no cussing! You know the rules in my house.”

Brenden said sheepishly, “What if we just… ah… make her unbutton a button of it. She’s a gal and poker apparently isn’t her thing.”

Jamie got up and moved toward me and said, “Yeah. Just a button. Come on Mom… that’s fair. Isn’t it?

I couldn’t help but notice as my son put his hand on my shoulder that my little boy’s hard-on was pressing against his pants.  I covered the top of my blouse with my hand protectively, pushing my boobs inward against each other as I did.


“Damn it, get out from under there and quit taking pictures, Devin! Or should I say 'Devil'?” I shook my legs in protest. This had the effect of sliding my skirt further up my thighs. 

Brenden said, “I wouldn’t mind buttons… top one first. That would be sexy, right guys?”

Jamie and Brenden were rather tenderly trying to pull my hands away from my blouse but I bent forward and blocked them as I hunched my shoulders forward, sobbing a little.

Eric said, “The hell with that! I won her blouse, not a lousy button. He got up and grabbed the scissors off the table and walked behind me. He was naked as the day he was born and his stiff cock bobbed back and forth.

“What are you doing, Eric?” Jamie exclaimed.

I felt him put one of the blades down the back of my blouse at the collar. I had made it easy for him to do that as I was bent forward trying to protect my blouse buttons. He proved I couldn’t defend everything.


“Oh my God! Don’t you dare! You boys already ruined my panties!”

I wanted to slam my body back against the chair but was afraid of the scissors. 'Devil' Devin had gotten back up from the floor and grabbed my arm to pull it to the side. Jamie grabbed the other arm and they pulled them away from my chest and bent me forward. My boobs were smashing into the table top. I looked from left to right. First at Devin who was struggling with my arm as his cock wiggled a few inches from my face. His dick was a nice one for sure. I hadn’t seen a cock up close in a long time.

“Mom, Eric’s sorta right. A deal’s a deal.”

I struggled in their grasp, bending my wrists so that my arm brushed up against Devin’s cock and my other arm rubbed up against my son’s pants-covered wee-wee… I mean dick.

Four more quick cuts of the scissors advanced the cut down past the hem of my blouse and I felt the material loosen around me. My bare back was exposed to Eric. Swift hands pulled the two sides down over my shoulders toward the front. As the blouse fell down my upper arms I knew they could practically see my tits. I struggled and squirmed from side to side.

And jiggled proudly.

All four of the boys grabbed the front of my ruined top in various places and pulled it off my arms. Everyone stopped as I put my arms up to cover my bare chest. The four of them were breathing hard. Actually, all five of us were.

They went slowly back to their chairs, happy at their conquest. Jamie pulled off his pants and threw in his ante. I couldn’t believe it! I could see how hard he was through his undies. Branden decided not to bother with his shirt and...

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Written by territeach
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