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Was It Just A Dream? Part 4

"A Daughter's Plan to Seduce her Father - The Finale"

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Author's Notes

"This story was originally written as a single long tale, but it was too long to publish here. But by breaking it up, you got the whole tale. I hope you enjoy it!"

Present Day

Kendrick was happy that today was Saturday because he certainly needed time to think. As he got out of bed, he noticed that the sheets were still quite damp. Damn, he thought to himself… Exactly how wet was that dream last night? He decided to drop his linens off in the laundry room on his way down. As he gathered the soiled sheets in his hand, he thought, what’s that smell? He lifted the damp portion of the sheet to his nose and sniffed… There it was. The unmistakable odor of feminine arousal… girl cream. It could only be his daughter’s girl cream. 

He realized it’s all true! It wasn’t a dream! She’d come into his bed, and that was her body he was feeling against him. The huge amount of semen on his sheets made him wonder if they’d actually had penetrative sex because he certainly didn’t remember pulling out. But one thing was clear… They’d been in that bed together.

His first instinct was to stomp down to her room, fling the door open, and demand to know just what the fuck she thought she was doing getting in bed with him like that. But then he thought about it. She’d been coming into his bed unasked. She had been flirting with him. She clearly wanted him, and if he was honest with himself, he wanted her too, probably more so, considering the life he used to live and how long it had been.

She just had the courage to go for it while he was still wrestling with the imagined disapproving stares of some nameless, faceless ‘Society,’ judging what might happen between two consenting adults who love each other, but happen to be related. Like she said, she’s a grown woman. If they were both adults, and they both wanted it, who were they hurting? Why should he keep pushing her away, when she clearly wanted to be with him? He decided then and there to let the game play out, and accept however it ended up. He would stop resisting her. He dropped the dirty sheets in the hamper and headed to the kitchen for his coffee. 

Meanwhile, in her room, Kiersten was afraid she’d gone too far. She was afraid that she’d pushed too hard and ruined her chance for her to fully and completely be with her father. But sweet baby Jesus! it felt so good to be in his arms like that. With his thick member grinding against her so unabashedly, she’d never cum so hard in her life. But still, she hoped she hadn’t ruined it. She gathered up all her courage and headed down to the kitchen. 

He was sitting there sipping his hot coffee. She saw that he’d made her an iced coffee and it was just done brewing. She gratefully took the large cup.

“Morning, Dad,” she said, forgetting to call him Kendrick.

“Good morning, sweetie, ” he answered with a knowing smile. “Did you sleep well?” 

“Yeah, I did. You?”

“I did,” he answered. Just then, the toaster popped up. Kendrick took out a toaster strudel and passed it to Kiersten. He took the second one for himself. They sat there, eating their simple breakfast in vaguely uncomfortable silence. Finally, he asked her, “Kee-Kee, would you like to go out tonight?” 

“Out?” she asked.

“Yeah, out,” he said. “Do something fun, maybe have a nice dinner, go get dessert later.” 

She bit her bottom lip thoughtfully before answering. “That sounds like you’re asking me out on a date, Kendrick. Is that what this is?” she challenged. “A date?”

He felt that this game had gone on long enough, and decided to call her out. “I don’t know, Kiersten. Do adult daughters want to go on dates with their fathers?” 

Kiersten thought to herself, This is it… everything I want is right here. All I have to do is take it.

“This one does,” she answered quietly. She held his gaze, willing him to discern her deeper meaning.

He stood up to leave and said, “We’ll leave around seven, okay?” as he kissed her gently on her forehead.

As he turned to leave, she touched his arm and asked, “What should I wear?” 

“I don’t know… something nice. Surprise me,” he said as he left. 

Kiersten was speechless. She’d been playing at this slow seduction for months now. Over time, she’d become increasingly flirtatious, increasingly tactile, touching him softly as often as she could, fingers on skin whenever possible. Recently, she’d sneak into his room and lay in bed with him and hold him, or back up against him encouraging him to spoon her. If he seemed to wake, she’d soothe him and whisper that he was dreaming. It had been working. But last night when she came into his bed, things got wild, and they ended up dry-humping each other to a glorious climax. Though to be honest, as wet as the bed was when they were done, maybe ‘dry-hump’ isn’t quite accurate. At any rate, they both knew it wasn’t a dream. Now, it looked like Kendrick was ready to move things forward. 

That evening, the bravado, that Kendrick felt earlier that morning had fully dissipated. That morning, he was sure that he and his daughter were at the precipice of an entirely new relationship, one that would probably be frowned upon by others, but one which they both wanted.  He was willing to take that chance with her, and he was sure she felt the same. 

Now, after having a day to really consider what might happen, doubts had entered his mind. Surely, she didn’t want that with him? She’s a smart, sexy, capable, and gorgeous young woman who can snap her fingers and make any man her personal servant.  Why would she want him? Why would she be okay with incest? By five o’clock, he was convinced that there was nothing there. By six o’clock, he actually had his phone in his hand to call her and call it off. As he slid on his dark blue suit and black tee-shirt underneath, he thought, ‘At least I look good!’ He figured that the best course of action was to simply say nothing and take his wonderful daughter out for a night on the town 

Kiersten had no such qualms. She was as excited as she’d ever been in her life. She loved her father dearly, and she was in love with him. She was fully aware that others would condemn their love. That didn’t matter one bit: all she wanted in her life was for him to take her in his arms as a lover, and a wife.  She felt that her dreams were just about to come true. She just hoped her father held his nerve. Even if he seemed to falter, she was sure she would be able to keep him in line. And tonight, she planned to fuck him to within an inch of his life!

That evening at seven o’clock, Kendrick was in the living room, waiting for Kiersten to make her entrance. He wore a dark blue suit with a black tee that seemed to absorb all light, creating a subtly supernatural effect, as if the suit jacket was covering a black void rather than a person. He decided to break out his tiny gold stud earring. He had shaved his head smooth, but left a two-day stubble on his face. He proudly sported the slightest bit of gray on his chin. He looked exactly like the kind of forty-something-year-old man who routinely pilfered nineteen-year-old girls away from their swaggering yet outclassed boyfriends, left wondering what the fuck just happened.

Kiersten came into the room wearing that timeless classic, the Little Black Dress. She made no attempt to tame her auburn tresses and wore it like a lion’s mane, sure to capture the imagination of every male in her presence. But for now, there was only one male whose attention she desired… her father’s. And as she strode confidently to him, she had his undivided attention. Her hair contrasted fiercely with her black dress. The only accessories she wore were simple small hoop earrings and a pendant with the letters, “K K”, both their initials.

As she came to him, she gushed, “Damn, Daddy… you look goood!” 

Kendrick smiled seductively and responded, “Thank you, baby. But not nearly as amazing as you. Girl, you’re breathtaking!” He made no effort to hide his desire as he gazed at her. That dress was quite short, not like a hooker’s, but classier; a woman confident in both her classic beauty and her abject sexiness. Her wild, unbridled Afro-centric hair looked untamed, almost primal. Kendrick had never seen a more desirable, more fuckable woman in his life. His own daughter, no less. For not the first time that day, he wondered whether he’d be able to complete this path they were on. But as she turned around so he could see all of her in that sexy-ass fuck-me dress, he knew that if he faltered on the path, Kiersten would no doubt drag him the rest of the way, into her bed; into her panties; into her.

As they drove off, Kiersten asked, “So what are our plans for tonight? 

“I was thinking, maybe miniature golf and then grab a slice of pizza,” he joked. 

“MINIATURE GOLF!?” she erupted. “Dressed like THIS!? You better try again, Ken—“

“Okay, okay,” he admitted. “I was just joking. Seriously, I remember you said you wanted to try that new Fusion place out by The Eye. Would that be okay?” he asked. 

“That’s better, Daddy.” She smiled. “I’m dressed for that!” 

He looked at her for a few moments, sitting there looking so beautiful in his passenger seat. He was steeling himself to bring up the huge elephant in the room, but also, unashamedly checking her out. Her dress was riding high on her thighs, and the low, tight neckline created very alluring cleavage from her tight little B-cups. Her long curly hair looked almost unkempt, but her knew she spent a great deal of time styling to look just so, and Kendrick loved the effect. She looked like a young Chaka Kahn, from back in the day. She saw his eyes caressing her, taking in her long, bare legs and her bosom, yet made no attempt to interfere with his view. He noticed her pendant… “K K”. Clearly, she saw them together. That gave him the courage to press forward.

He started, “So baby, last week, you said something about ‘Changing the nature of our relationship,’ or something like that. Is that what’s been going on these last few weeks?”

She didn’t hesitate. “Yes,” she responded. “Daddy, I love what we have. I love our vibe, how well we click. You’ve always been the best dad a girl could ask for, and I don’t want to hurt that. But I think we could have so much more… we could be so much more to each other,” she said.

Kendrick asked, “But why, baby? You know that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, will say that it’s wrong, it’s sick, it’s immoral, they’ll want to throw us in the mental ward or straight to jail. Why wouldn’t you want a normal guy who’s your age and, oh, maybe not your own father?”  As much as he wanted this too, it was his job to do his level best to dissuade her. 

She knew what he would say, and she’d wanted to be ready for all his arguments. She took a beat to gather her thoughts and said, “Well I guess it starts with the fact that I simply don’t want anybody else. Look, Dad, I’m not some innocent little waif who has no idea about life. I’m a grown woman, and I’ve had some grown woman experiences.”

Kendrick winced at that but remained silent. 

“I’m not a virgin, Daddy,” she went on. “I wish I could have saved myself for this, but the truth is, every guy I’ve ever let touch me didn’t do anything but remind me that he’s just not you. And you are all I want. And if I was still a virgin, I wouldn’t know that for sure.”

Hearing her say it out loud so decisively had Kendrick’s mind reeling. He asked, “Wow, baby. How did this start? When did you start feeling this way?”

“I guess the seed was planted back when my mom abandoned me,” she began. “I mean, she dropped me off with a guy I’d never met, and then just disappeared. Who does that?! But then you stepped right up and instantly became a better parent than she ever was. You did, and still do, make every decision about me, everything you do is for me. You never put yourself first. You’ve been the best father I could imagine. None of my friends’ dads even came close. They were always too busy, too mean, too uncaring, and my friends all wished for a father like you. Ever since that first day at the courthouse, it’s been just you and me together. Honestly, Dad… how could I not fall in love with you?” 

“Yeah, so I tried to be a good father, but good fathers don’t go on to have this kind of relationships with their daughters,” argued Kendrick, pulling into the parking garage.

“That’s not quite true,” she countered.

“What does that mean?” he asked as he pulled into a parking space and shut off the car. He wasn’t ready to get out. They needed to finish this conversation. 

“Well, when I first came to grips with how I feel, like how I really feel about you and about us, I did some research,” she answered. “Not just porn, but some real research into incest. It actually does happen in real life. And despite the horror stories you read about in the news whenever somebody gets found out, it doesn’t always end in heartbreak, pain, and two-headed kids. A lot of times, just like in normal relationships, it just leads to happily ever after.  Right now, there are fathers and daughters and sisters and brothers, happily loving each other, and they’re all just fine. Hell, some of them actually have kids together. Dad, we can have the same thing. That’s all I want. We just have to be discrete. The only question is, do you want that? I mean, with me?” She held her breath, waiting for his answer.

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He took her hands in his, and answered, “Of course I want it…  just look at you! You’re the most amazing, most beautiful, and straight-up sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, even if you are my own daughter.”

Kiersten smiled expectantly, her dream about to be realized.

“But,” he continued, “I need to know that you’re absolutely sure about this…”

"I am!” she said eagerly. 

“… and that you’re sure you want this…" 

She gripped his arm and looked him in the eye and declared, “I do, Dad, more than anything in the world!”

He continued, “… because this will change everything, and there’s no going back.” 

They gazed into each other’s eyes as their faces slowly came together. “I know,” she breathed as their lips touched, and for the first time, they kissed… not as father and daughter, but as lovers. Kiersten’s tongue sought out Kendrick’s, teasing at his lips, wanting to taste all of him. As his lips parted and welcomed her into his mouth, he gasped at the enormity of the act: he was French kissing his daughter and she was responding energetically, pulling him to her, inhaling him. 

After several seconds, they broke and Kendrick laughed nervously, “That was one hell of a first kiss!” 

Kiersten smiled slyly and said, “It’ll only get better from there, Daddy.”

Kendrick said, “Change of plans. Let’s have dinner then go home for dessert, okay?” 

The date was wonderful, if a little surreal. Like any first date, there was the normal nervousness and anxiety… The heady thrill of new love, coupled with the anticipation of the physical delights to come. Both trying to memorize every moment of this special night, while getting more and more excited about what was sure to come later. But they were father and daughter, and particularly close at that. They knew each other better than anyone. So unlike a regular first date, where you’re sitting there wondering what the other person was actually about, they knew what the other person was like, and couldn’t wait to get on with it. Kiersten was Daddy’s Girl, and she knew how to make him smile. Kendrick enjoyed making her groan at standard Dad-Jokes, and then making her blush by adding a little risqué sensuality to them.

Kirsten was no shrinking violet. She had been on a lot of dates before. But none of them were this special. It wasn’t just the taboo of the person who hands she was holding; no it was more than that. Kendrick Cayman, former player, reformed ladies’ man, was smoothhh. He knew how to act and what to say to make a woman feel at ease with him and feel good about herself with him. And with this woman, whom he loved above all else, doing that was as easy and natural as breathing. By the time he pulled back into the driveway, they were both more than ready for the next step. 

Kendrick did not pull into the garage. Instead, he parked in the driveway so they could enter through the front door.

“Why didn’t you park in the garage,” asked Kiersten as they walked together to the door.

“It’s symbolic,” said Kendrick. He unlocked but didn’t open the door. “We’re gonna walk through this front door together. Last chance for us to come to our senses,” he said. 

She reached up and pulled his head towards her, and kissed him wetly, their tongues moving against each other. He pulled her closer to him, squeezing her tightly as he kissed her. His hand slid down and under her dress, and slipped inside her panties, grabbing her cheek and pulling her against...

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Written by WyndsofChange
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