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Wait 'til Daddy Leaves

"Mother and son share joy from son's successful hormone treatment"

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When Donnie reached his 16 th birthday, his mother decided to finally get professional help with his delayed growth of his genitals. She took him to a physician, Dr. Jane, who prescribed some testosterone cream in the hope that this would help.

Donnie’s mother was the first to admit that, because he still looked like a boy, she had treated him like one and not the young man that he was becoming.

One morning, recently, she heard a shout from his bedroom.

“Mom! Can you come in here?”

“What is it Donnie? You need to get out of bed!”

“Mom, something weird has happened.”

“Okay, I’ll be in. …Now, what is it?"

“Well, it has something to do with my privates, so I don’t know what to say.”

“Honey, I am your mother. Your privates are ‘public’ with me. Now, it could be something serious, so let’s see.”

Donnie shrugged, pulled back the cover and sheet. With her arms crossed, his mother stares at him.

“Next” she orders. He slides off his pyjama bottoms, but still leaves his briefs on.

“Next” she orders again.

Donnie places his thumbs in the sides of his white cotton briefs and pushes them partly down. His mom leans over and yanks them down to below his knees.

“Oh, my God! I see.” She sits next to her son on the bed and puts her arm around him.

“Honey, the treatment has been a success!” she exclaimed, “The cream has worked - and in only three months. Your father and I had just hoped you would catch up, but this is totally unexpected! This means, Donnie, that you are becoming a man.”

The boy’s circumcised penis has grown to be long and thick with very little hair surrounding it and his testicles. The bareness of his large organ and balls make them even more pronounced.

“But mom, it’s okay that it is big now, but it hurts!”

“I can’t wait to tell Dr. Jane that the cream got that pituitary gland of yours working. She’ll be ecstatic! You have even surpassed others of your age. There couldn’t be a nicer 17th birthday gift for you! Now you can really feel good as you celebrate your birthday with friends tonight.”

“Yeah, Mom, we are going to have that party, but this hurts now!”

“Donnie, Mommy can help you with that. Let’s wait a few minutes until Daddy goes to work and I’ll be back. Just don’t touch it. Okay?”

“Okay. But it does hurt.”

As she exits her son's bedroom she acknowledges his pain with a wince, but as she turns away her puckered lips turn into a wry smile. When her husband finally sets out for work Donnie’s mom returns to her son and sits on his bed, then sighs.

“I got your father off for his 8 AM tee off. You men are a full time job for us mommies - taking care of your daddy’s needs last night and this morning getting him out of the door. And now I have to help you! ….Now let’s take a look at this problem.”

She pulls his cover and sheet back, and then says softly, “Honey, this is called an ‘erection.’ The penis is a wonderful organ used for three things. First, to pee as you know. Secondly, to give females babies. And last of all, to give females and yourself pleasure.”

“That is the greatest gift Mother Nature has given to us except for life itself. You were unlucky to have this arrested physical development but now you can now join the other guys who were ahead of you. Indeed, now you are hugely blessed and they will be envious of your package.”

“But, Mom it still hurts!”

“Donnie, I know it can hurt when it keeps hard too long. I had three brothers so I know all about it. It gives an irritation because there is a liquid in and around your balls here that needs to come out every few days.”

Donnie feels a strange but pleasant sensation as his mother’s fingers cup his testicles.

“Your body is telling you that you need to take some action. This happens when males reach puberty but, in your case, it took a little longer. Honey, it may be a little discomforting, but it will give you and girls a lot of pleasure. And, when you’re not with them you can rub it yourself to get rid of the pressure. Now, let me get an old newspaper and we’ll make the pain go away. I will be right back, okay?"

“Hurry, Mom, it’s really hurting!”

His doting mother returns with the newspaper. “Let’s get this T-shirt off. Now you slide down to the edge of the bed.”

As his mom looks at her son’s phallus she sees the pronounced red arteries and the blue veins - the image triggers a release of cream into her thong.

She says, "Mmmm. After I get this paper spread out on the floor we can get to work.”

As she goes about her task she turns back to Donnie and tells him to lean back a little, then she heads to the bathroom for some oil. While in there she opens her blouse and puts a couple dabs of Escada perfume between her breasts. Then she pulls up the hem of her plaid skirt, slips her hand under her damp thong and rubs a couple of drops onto her smooth mound.

Going back into Donnie’s room she continues, “To be sure that your first experience is a good one, baby, and knowing that males do better in getting their release with something to look at, Mommy will take off her blouse and bra. Besides, your dad and I are liberal parents so I think is an appropriate time for you to get your own direct view of a mature woman.”

Donny certainly doesn’t object as his mother seductively unbuttons her white frilly blouse, removes it and tosses it onto the bed. A sheer black push-up bra is revealed as it struggles in an attempt to confine its contents. She really doesn’t need a push-up one but his mom is a very highly sexed woman.

She steps towards the bed and turns her back on Donnie.

“Honey, can you help Mommy with her bra – it’s a little tight.”

His nervous fingers fumble but eventually they unhook the clasp of her bra. Her full tits are freed from their confinement and the bra falls to the floor. Perky pink nipples protrude from the large brown-freckled aureoles. Due to their size, however, her breasts sag a little.

“Mom, you sure are pretty.”

She could that see her tits had worked their magic as his cock jumped twice.

“Thank you, Sweetie.”

The compliment results in giving him a reward of a smile and a side view presentation of her breasts. She has always been proud of what her hunter husband calls her "14 - point rack."

“Your words mean more to me in this precious time of intimacy, darling. It is a special bonding between a mother and son that can occur only when families have an open liberal attitude like ours.”

As she sits down next to him on the bed, her bare left globe flattens against his soft shoulder.

“Now I need to warm up this oil.” She shakes some onto her palms and rubs them together. “Next, I will place some oil on your little – oops I mean - big cock.”

“Actually, Donnie, it has grown much larger than your father’s. We are going to have to name it. Since it is so big - how about ‘Donnie’s pussy pounder’ or ‘twat expander’? My mother liked the ‘big kielbasa’ – for a huge sausage - that would be a better fit. My friend, Consuela, calls it a ‘taco filler.’”

It startles Donnie to hear his mother say the word “cock” let alone all of those other embarrassing terms. Not only that, she was comparing his penis to his dad’s. He leans back with his hands on the mattress. His mother’s hand moves towards his erection and her forefinger and thumb combine to form a ring.

“Oh! Lovely! The kielbasa jumped before I even touched it. It’s normal for it to jump, honey.”

“There - there.” She grasps it and gives it a little squeeze. He jerks back but her fingers still clamp on the erect penis. “Ohh! That feels soooooo nice. How does it feel to you, Donnie?”

“Gee, Mom, that feels so much better but it still hurts!”

“Don’t worry, dearest, the stiffness and pain will go away in a few minutes.” She leans over him and her taut nipple pokes into his shoulder.

“I wish I had several sons, they are so cute.” She feels her soaked thong cut into her.”

Standing up she unbuttons, pushes down her pleated skirt, and then removes her black thong to reveal a shimmering cunt with a large, somewhat loose, labia. She tossed the soaked thong to the floor. The room becomes filled with a unique feminine scent of musky cunt juice accented by her Escarda perfume.

“There honey - Mommy is more comfortable. Seeing a nude woman should help your semen flow. Young men are activated with visuals when it comes to sex. Later, I will give you some of your father’s magazines to look at when I am not around to relieve you. He can certainly spare a few!”

She adds, “Thanks for waiting while I got prepared.” But she knows he didn’t mind because she saw his eyes darting back and forth between her tits and pussy.

Then she returns to her spot on the bed next to him and removes her wedding band, placing it on the adjacent table. Reaching for the Johnson’s baby oil, she pours a liberal amount onto her palm then rubs her hands together, all of the time smiling at her son’s crotch.

“Now, you need to open your legs my little man …that’s good.”

His eyes follow her fingers as they settle at the base of his penis and form a tight ring around it.

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The oiled ring begins to slowly move up and down - up and down.

Mother focuses on the new thick cock and says in a soothing voice, “Donnie, ‘semen’ is the word for the liquid that will shoot out this little hole. It’s made up of thousands of little squiggly things with heads and long tails so small you can only see them with a microscope. Each one searches for the female’s eggs in her vagina. If they do find an egg then the she becomes pregnant.”

“If the woman is on birth control pills or if the guy is wearing a rubber she won't become pregnant. I will get you some rubbers or the more formal word - prophylactics - just so you know what they are. Don’t worry you won’t need them in our home because I am on the pill. Am I going too fast for you - I mean with all these new words?”

“No, Mom. I think I got the gist of it. Like Janie in our class - her brother did that to her and she had a baby.”

“Oh, you are right. I forgot. Jane’s folks thought she was too young to be on the pill at the age of 17 when she got pregnant. Being Catholic and not into birth control did not help. They just hadn’t prepared her. But they were lucky, the baby turned out fine.”

Mom increases the speed of stroking her son's greased rod.

Donnie begins to squirm “Mom, gee, it seems to be really feeling funny now.”

“You cute little man! Oh! I just remembered, your Aunt Helen wanted a picture of this moment when it arrived. Hold on - just a second and let me get the camera.”

Mom releases his penis, which springs back and forth a couple of times and then resumes its aim at the ceiling. As she walks out of the room to the hallway her son watches her tits swing, her smooth bare bottom swagger and the outline of the white skin where the thong prevented the summer tan.

He looks down at his cock, “Geez – hurry, Mom!”

As his mom returns with the camera she feels the pleasant weight of her ripe melons swaying. This is one of those times when she really appreciates her chest.

“Lean back, Hon. Your Aunt Helen will love this shot…. Got it!”

“Donnie, I’m sorry I interrupted your relief but I forgot that your aunt wanted pictures if, and when, this moment arrived. As soon as she sees these, I am sure she will want to get together with you soon. It will be just like the time your aunt and I had with your Cousin Alex two years ago when he became 16. Aunt Helen then showed him what to do and he got to demonstrate for me what he had learned. We had so much fun together. Your aunt will want her turn with you too. We ladies are so dirty - I mean - ‘possessive’ when it comes to our young men!”

Mom sits back on the bed, and increases the speed of stroking his hard cock which is now about 7 inches in length.

“Gee Mom! Something is happening!” he said, as he reaches for her breast.

“That’s good my little man. Darling, go ahead and suck it.”

As he starts sucking her she moans, “Oh Jesus! Ohhhh.” She had forgotten how good it felt. She finds her stroking him is moving into sync with his sucking rhythm – she thinks to herself “this is a special bonding like no other.”

“Honey! See, look at the pre-cum. You’re doing fine dear."

She feels her cunt gushing with juice. With her free hand she cups his balls then kisses him on his forehead and begins to pump him. His sucking rhythm increases and her oily hand follows. Mom feels some movement in his rod so she her hand moves up and down faster. She observes the supine young man arching his back with his shoulders pushing into the mattress. She feels his teeth nibbling on her nipples she matches the intensity by digging her nails into his smooth back.

“Donnie, put your hand between my legs. Now please!”

She opens her thighs and releases his penis and balls, then grabs his hand and shoves several of his fingers into her juiced cunt.

“Oh, my! Oh, my! Please! Please!” She is almost shouting.

She forces his hand up to its hilt of the box, while at the same time her other hand furiously rubs her swollen clitoris. She feels a pulsing in his rod which triggers another release of her own love juice

"Ohh! Donnie, I can feel it. My God! Here it cums!”

The young man’s naked body goes rigid and into a spasm, his mouth releases the nipple.

Mom groans, “Ahhhhh! Ahhhh!”

Suddenly, with a sound of ‘whoosh’ a streak of translucent semen shoots out with the end landing a foot beyond the newspaper. Mom’s is wide-eyed that his cock is performing so well and at the same time feels her vagina throbbing. Donnie recoils a few inches then thrusts his pelvis with its solid pole.

“Ohhhh! Ohhh!” Out comes another spurt, then another, each one landing a few inches shorter than the previous one.

She puts her hand on her mound and her fingers slide to her clitoris once again and she starts flicking it. Finally, the spraying ceases, mom drops the young man’s cock and they fall back on to the bed in total exhaustion. They both stare at the ceiling with his mother’s arm on his stomach and its laying on genitals where it feels its warmth.

The flushed mother finally says, “Donnie, you are going to make a lot of young ladies happy.”

“What a kielbasa he has!” she thinks to herself.

“Wait! I’ve got to get a picture of this for your aunt.”

Just as she was ready to get up to get the camera, he begs, “Hold it, Mom!”

Mom sees that the young man’s cock has stiffened once again. She sits back down and then walks her fingers up his little cannon and wraps her fingers around the glans to make a little cup.

“Ahhh!” The young man utters a high pitched but soft squeal as his mother’s warm hand begins to catch the juice trickling out of the hole in his red glans.

“Donnie, I am so proud of you!…Don’t stop - keep it cumming for Momma.”

After a couple of minutes his semen flow finally ceases. Mom holds his now flaccid penis, licks the last drops off and then kisses it. She puckers her lips. She then reaches for the camera.

As the mother stands and faces her progeny with the camera, she observes the young man looking at her tits and she feels some beads of sweat running down between her globes. She takes several shots from different perspectives. Then she positions his slack dick hanging over his thigh. She then shoots a few shots of the semen streaks on the newspaper and the hardwood floor.

With pride she says, "We can share these pictures with Dr. Jane and Nurse Diane. If the treatment was successful, they...

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Written by Manny
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