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Vicki's Surprise Threeway

"Bill didn't know she was going to do it, and neither did their friend."

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I had just completed dinner when I sat down to watch television early one summer night. The phone suddenly rang.

I reached over and grabbed the phone. “Hello?”

“Hi, Billy.” My cock began growing out of habit the moment I recognized the voice of my cousin Vicki. She and I had been a pair of fucking cousins for a very long time, so hearing from her was always a pleasure.

“Vicki,” I yelled out. “This is a pleasant surprise.”

She said, "I was wondering if you were up for some company." Vicki? In town? This was very unexpected because I live in Oklahoma and she lives in Georgia.

“Of course, I'd love to have you over,” I said as my mind began probing her pussy imaginatively.

“I want to see you too, but you will have to behave.” When Vicki said that, my cock began losing its erection almost immediately.

I was a little concerned that something was amiss. “What's wrong?” I asked.

"Oh, nothing is wrong," she replied. "But, please, please be dressed when we show up. I have a friend with me who doesn't know about our lifestyle." Noticing that Vicki was whispering, I assumed that she was near her friend.

It's a good thing Vicki said something about her friend being with her. She knew that I stayed naked all the time, as she did in her home as well. So, in a way, it was a little surprise that her friend was unaware of this. I agreed and hung up the phone.

Less than thirty minutes later, I heard a tap on the door. It was Vicki, standing beside a very pretty woman whom I had never before seen. “Vicki! Come on in, sweetheart.” I stepped aside to let the two ladies in, and true to my word, I remained a perfect gentleman—at least for the moment.

Walking over to the couch, Vicki and her companion took a seat, and I took the big, overstuffed chair across from them.

“Billy,” Vicki said, “I want you to meet Janice.”

I got to my feet and reached for her hand. "Janice, it's nice to meet you," I said. Janice shook my hand with warmth and a smile, as she seemed a little shy.

"So, where did you meet such a lovely lady?” I asked Vicki. Janice blushed slightly and smiled as she looked away.

"I went to play bingo a few months ago, and that's how I first met Janice," Vicki said. "She is always there when I go, and we got to know each other during the games."

After a couple of minutes of small talk, I went into the kitchen, made us all some rum and Coke, and then returned to the living room. Janice began sipping her drink at first but was soon ready for a refill. "Do you want another one?" I asked as I was getting up to my feet. "I'm going to make one for myself, and I know Vicki would want another."

“Oh, you know me so well,” Vicki said with a smile.

“Sure, why not,” Janice answered.

I retreated into the kitchen, made one more round, and returned to the living room to rejoin my cousin and her friend.

As we got acquainted, I soon discovered that Janice had a social media account on the same platform as Vicki and me. I turned to my computer and sent Janice a friend request, which she accepted the moment she pulled out her phone.

“That's awesome,” I said. I took a glance at her account, and, just as I suspected, I could see that Vicki was already on her friend list. I spotted a picture tab that was entitled, “Bingo Friends." I clicked on it and saw various pictures of her at the bingo hall; some of them showed Vicki sitting nearby as they both played the popular game together.

“That sure looks like a lot of fun,” I said.

"Oh, we have a blast,” Vicki said.

I turned to Janice and said, “I know it's none of my business, but I could not help but notice you do not have many male friends on your account. How is it that a lady as pretty as you have few guys on her social media?”

Janice blushed a little and said, “Well, thank you for the compliment, but I do get a lot of requests; I don't accept a lot of them because of the pictures they send me.”

“Pictures? What kind?” I wondered out loud.

Janice began to go through her photos and remarked, "I'll show you one real quick." She went back to searching and kept drinking her rum. In just a minute, she turned her phone to face me and said, "Here's one."

I leaned over to take a peek, and I saw a close-up shot of some guy's cock. It was completely erect and looked as if it could shoot a load at any second.

“Show me, show me,” Vicki demanded. I could tell my cousin was a little more than interested (not to mention a little drunk). If there is one thing I know Vicki likes, it is an image of a hard cock.

Janice twisted her cell phone so my cousin could view the photo. "Oh my!" Vicki exclaimed. "Wow, that is one nice-looking cock!”

Janice answered, "Yeah, I guess it is," after giving the photo another glance. “But women receive a lot of these. You guys don't have to put up with receiving pictures like this.”

As I turned back to my computer, I remarked, "Oh, I don't know about that." After logging into my account, I skimmed through a few private messages until I came across the information I needed. We could all clearly view the picture after I clicked on it to make it fill the screen. A stunning pair of tits with lengthy, meaty nipples that gave the impression that one could hang a coffee cup on them. Janice was unaware that Vicki was the owner of these wonderful tits!

I looked over at Vicki, and she immediately recognized the picture as one she had sent to me, but she smiled and kept quiet.

“Best of all,” I said, “the girl who shared this photo with me promised to show me her tits in person one day.” When I turned to face Vicki, she broke into a broad smile. I leaned down to adjust my jeans around my developing cock and said, "I still love looking at them."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Janice was studying my crotch while I adjusted my pants. I noticed that she looked away when I moved my hand, so I thought I would try an experiment. After a minute or so, I reached back to my crotch to adjust my pants again, and sure enough, Janice began studying my bulge some more.

'Do you like what you see?” I heard Vicki asking her friend.

Janice abruptly raised her head, as if she had been caught doing something.

“Like what,” Janice asked innocently.

Vicki turned her attention to me and said, “Stand up, Billy, so I can see, too.”

I stood in front of both of them. My stiffened cock was trying to poke through my pants as I stood, and formed a little tent growing from my crotch. I reached down and began rubbing myself through my pants. Janice's eyes were glued to my hand as I rubbed my groin, and Vicki was amused by watching her.

I continued massaging my cock through my pants. “I think it needs to get some air,” I said as I began unbuckling my pants.

Janice remained silent. She just kept watching.

I interpreted her silence as permission, so I unbuckled my belt and then slowly unzipped my pants. I heard Janice take a deep breath. “Shall I continue?” I asked.

“Yeah, Billy!” Vicki yelled out. “Pull it out.”

For the first time, Janice turned away and faced my cousin directly. "You mean you're cool with it?" Janice asked.

“Sure. I love seeing his cock.”

Taken aback by Vicki's honesty, Janice turned back to face me.

My fly was already open, so I spread my waistband apart far enough, allowing my dick to spring out into the air. Janice's eyes were like saucers as she saw me beginning to stroke myself in front of her.

Vicki scooted closer to Janice's side and reached over to grab my throbbing shaft. I let go, allowing my cousin to squeeze the base of my dick.

“Oh, Vicki,” Janice said. “Have you ever done that before?”

Vicki began laughing. "Oh, many, many times.”

“But... Billy is your cousin.”

“Yeah. Ain't it naughty?" Vicki smiled.

Janice tilted her head to one side and slowly stretched her hand out. I nudged myself a little closer to meet her halfway so that Vicki and Janice could both give me a nice hand job together.

I let my pants fall to the ground, and I took off my shirt. I stood naked as a jaybird in front of my cousin and my new friend.

"I believe that one of you should show your tits to me," I remarked. "Fair is fair, after all."

Vicki didn't hesitate. She unbuttoned her blouse, slipped it off, and then turned her back to Janice. “Unsnap this for me, will you?” Vicki asked Janice.

Surprisingly, Janice simply reached over and opened Vicki's bra. My cousin let her double-cupped holster fall to the seat cushions of the couch and turned to face me. Her nipples were already perfectly erect as Vicki proudly displayed them to Janice and me.

Meanwhile, the picture I had shared was still on my computer. “Vicki!” Janice exclaimed, “Her tits look just like yours.”

Vicki and I both began laughing.

Vicki was the first to speak when she said, “There's a good reason for that, Janice. They are my titties.”

Janice glanced at the computer screen, then at Vicki's tits, then at my cock, and finally back at the screen.

Janice remarked, "It's the strangest thing I've ever experienced, but it's also really sexy."

“Why don't you join us?” I suggested.

Janice remarked, "Well, when in Rome..." Janice revealed her gorgeous little titties as she removed her top and then her bra. Janice was a very pretty forty-something woman. Her tits were practically nonexistent, but they looked great on her. Her nipples were jutting out from her chest, seemingly acting as a “you are here” notification.
“Hold on to the base of his cock,” Vicki told Janice.

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With Janice's hand at the base of my cock, Vicki leaned forward and took the head of my dick into her mouth. As always, my cousin's mouth felt wonderful as she masterfully slid her face down my pole until it pressed against Janice's hand.

After Vicki had slid her head up and down my shaft, she looked at her friend and asked, “Would you like a taste?”

Janice stared at my cock and licked her lips.

“You can do it, girl,” Vicki encouraged.

Janice slowly leaned forward, opened her mouth, and, holy fuck, her mouth was hot. She could move her tongue up and down my shaft while she sucked me. Once she reached the base of my dick, I felt her tongue stretching forward, and it began licking the top of my ball sack while my cock was still in her mouth.

Vicki started taking off her clothes until she was as naked as I was, all the while she was enjoying watching Janice give me a blow-job. With her left foot firmly planted on the floor, Vicki leaned back on the couch and rested her right foot on the edge of the seat cushion. Vicki started rubbing her pussy hard after sliding her hand between her legs.

After a minute or so, Janice became aware that Vicki was no longer sitting by her side. She looked to her left, where she discovered Vicki masturbating. Janice turned her head back to me and looked up at my body to stare me in the eye. “Now this is a little awkward,” she admitted.

Worried, I looked down at her and asked, “What's wrong, Janice?”

"It looks like I'm the only one wearing clothes at all," she pouted while protruding her lower lip.

“Aw, you poor thing,” I said. I reached down to pull her to her feet. Janice's topless, small frame was standing parallel to me, and I pulled her close, sharing the warmth of our bodies while we cuddled in front of my cousin.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance," said Vicki. Vicki opened Janice's jeans by wrapping her hand around her waist. Janice's jeans and panties soon lay in a crumpled heap near her feet in a matter of seconds.

Vicki stood next to Janice and me. Vicki had placed her left hand on my ass, and I assumed that her right hand was massaging Janice's tiny butt.

Vicki leaned in closer and began kissing me on the cheek. I instinctively turned to my cousin and began giving her a deep, wet, sloppy kiss. While my cousin and I were making out, Janice began kissing my left cheek. After a few moments, I raised my head slightly and began making out with Janice. While Janice and I were kissing, Vicki began exploring the base of Janice's neck with her mouth and tongue.

Finally, Vicki raised her head, and Janice looked at her straight in the eye. “I can't believe I am doing this,” Janice said as she leaned toward Vicki's face. The two ladies began passionately making out with each other.

I stepped back so I could take in the entire picture. Vicki and Janice were facing each other, their arms wrapped around each other, and Vicki's shapely tits were pressing firmly against Janice's flat chest. Their tongues were gracefully dancing around each other.

Vicki turned Janice as they were kissing, and she gently nudged her friend so that she would sit on the couch. With great anticipation, Janice yielded to my cousin's advances. Vicki began licking and kissing down Janice's neck, and across her little titties, pausing momentarily to suck on each of her nipples, Vicki created a moist trail of saliva that ran down Janice's stomach and ended at her pussy.

In contrast to Vicki's hairless pussy (which she kept perfectly smooth at all times), it was clear that Janice's thick, dark bush was au naturel. Janice's pussy was so wet, dark strands of pussy hair hung from her cunt, dripping with juice, looking as if she had just stepped from the shower.

Vicki eagerly spread Janice's legs apart and immediately dove face-first into Janice's hairy crotch. Janice instantly began moaning in pleasure while she enjoyed my cousin's talented mouth and tongue.

I stood there, mesmerized by the entire scene. I was not sure at the time, but I was fairly certain that this was the first time Janice had ever been with another woman, and she certainly seemed to enjoy it. I stood there watching the lovely action, all while massaging my stiff cock and occasionally reaching down to cup and massage my balls.

After a few minutes, Vicki looked up at Janice and asked, “Would you do me, too?”

"I was hoping you would ask. That's something I've always wanted to try," Janice said. I was right when I suspected that Vicki was Janice's first lady.

Janice rose from the couch, and Vicki took her place.

I walked around the two women and sat down on the couch next to Vicki, saying, "I have got to see this."

Janice was on her knees as Vicki opened her legs. Janice exclaimed, "That is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen," as she peered into my cousin's bald pussy.

Before Vicki could say "thank you," Janice dove headfirst into Vicki's cunt.

Vicki squirmed in her seat and looked over at me and said, "Damn, this bitch is good!”

I smiled at my cousin before turning to face the girl who was eagerly eating Vicki's amazing pussy. I saw Janice spread her lips as wide as she could, covering Vicki's wet cunt to the top. "Oh my god!" Vicki growled. Later on, I found out that Janice had covered Vicki's slit with her open mouth, but that she had also started to bat Vicki's clit back and forth like a little punching bag. I could see Vicki's juices beginning to splash against Janice's face.

Being the gracious host, I realized that Janice's pussy was probably in need of some manly attention. I got down on the floor and stood on my knees behind Janice's kneeling body. I held my cock and pointed it at Janice's hairy hole, and I suddenly lunged forward into her dark, damp cave.

“Oh fuck,” Janice said with a muffled cry. Her face was still against my cousin's pussy at the time.

“It's not polite to talk with your mouthful,” Vicki smilingly admonished her friend. "Keep eating my pussy while you enjoy my cousin's cock from behind!"

Janice continued enjoying her first taste of pussy. I held onto Janice's hips firmly as I slid my cock in and out of her sweet, hairy hole.

I could sense that my balls were beginning to swell, and my cock began throbbing deep inside Janice. I began shooting what seemed to be gallons of goo deep inside Janice's furry pussy from behind, sending her into an orgasmic frenzy. Simultaneously, Vicki's body began rocking more intently than I can recall in a long time.

Once our three-way orgasm had subsided, the three of us relaxed on my couch, with Vicki on one side, me on the other, and our petite friend lovingly wedged in between us.

“Your mouth was fantastic,” Vicki said breathlessly. “This wasn't your first time, was it?”

Janice laughed and said, “It was my first time with another woman.”

“How the fuck did you learn to do that so well?” Vicki asked. I thought it was a fair question.

Janice said something that surprised both Vicki and me. “Truthfully, I credit my ex-husband, Bruce.”

“What?” Vicki and I both responded in the same way at the same time.

“While we were married, Bruce always wanted to watch porn, and being the loving wife, I always sat next to him while we watched. I guess I must have picked up a few pointers from his dirty movies.”

Vicki and I both managed to benefit from the secrecy of Janice's video education. It made me wonder if she and Bruce might ever reunite. If they...

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Written by HornyBill
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