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Valerie's Initiation

"by Hornybill and Vicki"

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Visiting my cousin was always a sexy proposal. As usual, I didn't knock. I simply opened the door and yelled out, “Vicki, I'm here.”

“I'll be right there,” Vicki shouted from her bedroom.

As per our custom, I had already begun stripping down in the living room while Vicki came in from her bedroom. She was already naked, and her body was a wonderful sight to see. My cock began to stiffen as I watched her sweet titties bouncing as she ran over to hug me. Vicki wrapped her arms around me and greeted me with the sweetest kiss shared between two cousins. Vicki was, is, and shall always be the sweetest fuck I would ever know. The fact that she enjoyed swinging and swapping partners as much as I was a bonus.

“It is so nice to see you again, baby,” I whispered into her ear. She responded by sliding her tongue into my ear and my cock stood at full attention.

Pulling away from me, Vicki said, “Valerie should be coming over shortly. Were you able to locate anyone?”

I smiled as I anticipated the upcoming events of the evening. “I sure did,” I said. “When I explained to them that we would introduce a new lady into our group, Lorraine and Greg said they wouldn't miss this for the world. They should both be here in a couple of hours”

As I was talking, I reached down and began massaging Vicki's bald pussy with my fingers, coaxing the juices from her sweet fuck hole. My cousin's pussy was my favorite.

“When is Valerie supposed to get here,” I asked.

Vicki smiled and said, “She should be on her way right now.”

“Does she seem like she is looking forward to this?

“You know it, but you won't believe this. Trey might be coming with her,” Vicki revealed.

“What??” I knew that Valerie had sworn us to secrecy about letting her husband know that she had been coming over for sex.

Vicki laughed. “Yeah. Valerie had confessed that she had seen the two of us having sex, and it turned him on so much that he agreed to come and share in the festivities.”

“That's fine with me,” I said. “The more the merrier.”

“So that makes a total of three guys and three girls. What a wonderful initiation Valerie is going to have in our little fuck club,” Vicki said with a smile.

As if on cue, we heard a knock on the door. I peeked out through the blinds and saw Valerie and some guy. Valerie was just as cute as I remembered; a short lady with small tits, and a sweet curvy body. The man standing next to her was an attractive blonde with a medium build. I turned around and whispered, “It's Valerie and a guy – I think it's her husband.”

I slowly opened the door and peeked around, I saw Valerie beginning to smile. “Hello, Billy,” she said.

I was so happy to see them, but I was not sure exactly what she had told her husband, so with a little caution in my voice I said, “Love having you folks tonight—both of you do understand that clothing is optional and, as you can see, Vicki and I have already gotten comfortable.”

“ worries,” Valerie said. “I already told Trey to expect that.”

Looking at Trey, I said, “You seem to be cool with that.”

Trey stretched out a nervous smile and hesitated slightly as he said, “Yeah, I guess that's okay with me.”

I stood back and opened the door to let them both in. Not surprisingly, Trey immediately noticed my cousin sitting in the living room as naked as the day she was born. He could not take his eyes from her, and his wife noticed him staring at Vicki and Valerie smiled with her approval.

“Please come on in,” I said as I grabbed them both by the hand and led them deeper into the living room.

“It's nice to see you again, Valerie,” Vicki said as she greeted her with a smile. Just like her husband, Valerie was busily studying my cousin's beautiful body.

“Please have a seat and make yourselves comfortable,” I said, motioning to the loveseat. In the room. I took my place next to Vicki on the couch, and we watched the nervous couple sitting down and staring at the two of us. Vicki scooted next to me and began massaging my cock in front of them. Both of them looked at my dick while Vicki gave my prick a little cousin's hand-love.

“I don't know about you,” Valerie said to her husband, “but I am going to get as comfortable as they are.” Valerie stood and immediately began stripping out her clothes, revealing her sexy boobs and sweet, bushy pussy. Trey, meanwhile, began following suit. Like his wife, Trey was in his mid-twenties and had a nice body and a cock which got both my attention as well as Vicki's.

I noticed that Trey caught me staring at his cock. “I hope it doesn't bother you that I am looking at your dick,” I said as if it were a question.

“Not if you don't mind me looking at yours,” he answered.

My cock twinged as I began to sense that, although they were always the quiet neighbors, they might have had the same sexual lusts as Vicki and I.

Vicki stood up and said, “We have two friends coming over in a while, a married couple named Lorraine and Greg.” And then to Valerie, Vicki asked, “Would you trust me to help you prepare for the party?”

Valerie had no idea what Vicki was referring to, but she eagerly said, “Sounds fun to me. What should we do?”

Vicki stood from the couch, walked over to Valerie, and grabbed her hand. “Come with me,” she said as she guided our sweet next-door neighbor into the bedroom.

Trey and I both stood up as the women left the room, and then we both sat back down. A few nervous seconds ticked by as Trey and I sat there, staring at each other. The longer he stared at me, the harder my cock became. “What do you think the two of them are doing?” Trey asked.

“Let's go see,” I answered. I stood and headed for the bedroom while Trey followed me close behind. By the time we got to the bedroom, we noticed that Vicki had laid a towel across one end of the bed. She turned and noticed me and Trey standing in the doorway. “You two can watch if you want to, but I am going to need a steady hand, so don't come in – just stand there and watch.”

Trey looked over at me and I just stood there and shrugged my shoulders. The two of us turned our attention back to the bed where we could see Valerie lay on the bed and spreading her legs wide open as my cousin sat on Valerie's right side like she was getting ready to begin a massage.

I saw Vicki reaching for a can of shaving cream and covered Valerie's hairy pussy completely, and followed that by sensually smearing the shaving cream even across Valerie's luscious mound.

“Oh fuck that's hot,” I heard Trey whispering. I looked down and noticed that he was stroking his dick while he watched his wife being treated by my cousin. He did have a nice cock.

I looked back at the bed and watched Vicki with a razor in hand as she began to shave Valerie's hairy pussy. Vicki applied her loving touch to the young lady's pussy while gently sliding the Frazier across her pussy lips, occasionally dipping the razor into a nearby bowl of warm water.

I began stroking my cock just like Trey was stroking his. The two of us were quickly turning into a pair of jack-off buddies.

“You ever jack off with another guy,” I asked Trey.

Trey glanced over at me, smiled, and said, “No, but it's kinda fun.”

“Mind if I help out,” I asked.

Trey looked at me quickly but didn't say a word. After a few seconds of silent conversation, I decided to go for it, and I reached over and began jacking off my new friend while he watched his wife getting shaved by a lady right in front of him.

I felt his cock swelling in my hand, and I must say, it was a rather strong-feeling fuck muscle.

With my free hand, I grabbed Trey's wrist and guided it to my cock and he began stroking me, too.

On the bed, Vicki had finished her shaving detail and decided to give Valerie's pussy a taste test. My cousin bent over and began kissing on Valerie's smooth pussy and then gave it a few licks up and down her folds of lust, Valerie responded by arching her back and moaning deeply and looked over to see her husband and I stroking each other. Valerie raised her head and said, “See? I told you they were nice people.”

Vicki raised and turned to face Trey and me as we were standing there each holding the other's cock. Vicki had a huge grin on her face as if she had just finished a masterpiece of art. She scooted a little to the side and I was able to see Valerie's beautiful smooth pussy in all its glory. Her sweet love mound was indeed a perfect peach of pleasure; a treat I was so desperately wanting to experience. Trey's eyes nearly bugged out of his face. “have you ever seen your wife's pussy like that,” I asked.

“Never...and it is so beautiful,” he said, breathlessly.

Vicki reached out with both of her hands and helped Valerie to stand up on her own; her legs seemed to be a little weakened from the orgasm my cousin had just given her.”You guys like,” Valerie asked while she stood before us.

Her camel toe was perfect. It was a perfect peach-like protuberance on her sexy, petite body.

The three of us had just entered the living room when we heard a knock at the door. “Oh that must be Lorraine and Greg,” Vicki said as she headed for the door.

Valerie, Trey, and I went ahead and sat in the living room, and we could hear Vicki greeting our married friends at the door. The three of them came back into the room, shedding their clothes as they advanced. Lorraine, the sweet girl with whom I had gone to high school with, was a member of our private swingers' club, and seeing her well-toned body was always a pleasure. Greg looked great, too. His chest was chiseled and his abdomen was flat; his swinging cock was truly one to be admired. My mind ran with the lusty memories I had of when I had the privilege of fucking with both of them on their wedding night.

After a few minutes of introductions and small talk, Vicki and Valerie headed to the kitchen and retrieved a couple of boxes of wine coolers for everyone.

“Okay, everyone,” Vicki announced, “tonight was supposed to be Valerie's initiation into our club, but it looks like we will also be welcoming her better half, Trey.” Our two neighbors seemed to blush while receiving a short round of applause.

“I have come up with a new game for us to play, “Vicki said, “so everyone needs to sit on the floor.” Each one of us grabbed a seat cushion and we all did as instructed and formed a circle of naked people on the floor. To my left was Lorraine. Next to her was Greg, followed by Valerie, then her husband Trey, then finally, Vicki was to my right.

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Reaching a nearby coffee table, Vicki grabbed a large mixing bowl full of several dozen strips of paper and one single dice from one of her board games.

“Okay,” Vicki announced, “the rules are really simple. I will be number one, Billy is number two, Lorraine is number three, and so on around the circle. I will start by rolling the dice. Whoever belongs to the number rolled has to reach into the bowl for a slip of paper and perform whatever task they see on the slip.”

“That would make me number five, wouldn't it,” Valerie asked.

“You got it,” Vicki said. “And your husband is number six.”

“Wait a minute,” Greg asked with his hand raised, “if this is a game, then how do we decide who wins and who loses?”

Everyone laughed a little, and finally, Vicki said, “Well, if you refuse to do what is on your slip, then I guess you would lose, but since I wrote all of them, I can't think of a single thing you would object to.”

“Let's give it a go,” Vicki said as she rolled the dice. “Remember, I am number one and the numbers move around to Trey who is number six.” With that, Vicki let the dice roll and it landed firmly with the four showing.

“That's me,” Greg yelled. It was quite apparent he was looking forward to having his turn.

The rest of us watched in anticipation as Vicki handed him the bowl and he drew a single slip of paper. He held the paper to his face and read out loud, “You must stand and go to anyone in the circle and rub your groin on that person's face.”

The rest of us smiled and wondered whom he would select. Not knowing whom to choose, he picked up the dice and said, “I'll let the dice decide whose face meets my cock.”

This time the five was exposed, and Valerie's face lit up like a lighthouse at the edge of the harbor. “Oooo,” she squealed, “this could be fun.”

With his cock in hand, Greg walked over and stood in front of our sweet petite neighbor, and Valerie leaned forward while Greg massage her cheeks with the head of his swollen dick. Every time he moved from side to side, Valerie's tongue would dart out, catching a quick lick of her newest friend with each pass in front of her mouth.

I glanced over to be sure Trey seemed to be comfortable with this. Fortunately, he not only seemed to enjoy it, but he sat there stroking his pretty cock as he watched.

After a couple of minutes, Greg sat back in his spot, picked up the dice, and rolled to determine the next player. “It's 'one',” he announced.

Vicki clapped her hands, and shouted “Yes!”

Eager to play, she reached in and drew a slip. “Enjoy oral/anal play from the player of your choice,” she read out loud. She picked up the dice to see who would be licking her ass, but I reached over and grabbed her wrist. Surprised, Vicki looked straight toward me.

“Let me pick someone, but let it be a surprise for you,” I said.

“You don't have to persuade me,” my cousin replied. She quickly turned around and bent over. Vicki reached behind and used both hands to spread open her ass cheeks and everyone had a wonderful view of her lovely, sweet asshole.

I turned my head to Lorraine and with a nudge of my head, I encouraged her to get behind my cousin. I knew from experience that Lorraine really loved eating ass, so she hunkered down to lick my cousin's puckered ass. It was so hot to watch from above as I saw Lorraine's hot tongue beginning to slide inside Vicki's sweet bottom. Vicki moaned loudly and the others came around to watch. Somehow, Valerie had managed to get beside me, and she began rubbing my ass while we both watched Lorraine's talented tongue sliding in and out of Vicki's tight asshole.

Vicki began writhing up and down as she was truly enjoying her oral ass fuck.

Looking across Vicki's back, I could see Greg and Trey standing on their knees watching the action. Judging from the motion of their arms, it was quite apparent that they were stroking each other off. I leaned to Valerie and asked, “You okay with all this?” Valerie smiled and nodded yes.

Soon we watched as Greg lowered his head, and we saw Trey's head leaning back as he was feeling Greg's mouth on his cock – Trey was getting her first man-on-man blow job and seemed to be greatly enjoying it.

Valerie noticed that action and in response, she reached down and squeezed my cock. “That looks so fucking sexy,” She said.

Trey noticed what his wife just said and looked up with surprise evident in his voice, “You like this, huh?”

Valerie just blew her husband a kiss and immediately leaned over to begin sucking my cock. Oh fuck, Valerie is such a hot little cock sucker.

Lorraine had raised from my cousin's ass and began watching the action brewing on both sides of her. She peered down and noticed Valerie's cute little ass, and she reached down and in between Valerie's legs to massage her wonderfully smooth cunt from behind. My cousin, meanwhile, had since raised from being on all fours and began passionately kissing Trey while Greg continued sucking our neighbor's cock.

I stood there with my cock in hand, admiring the sexy action in front of me. I was watching a clump of five people exploring each other's bodies and sending each other into a very high level of sexual lust.

Vicki was the first to break away from the sexual huddle and lay on the floor with her legs spread wide open, showing her beautiful pussy to the world. Beating me to the punch, Greg was the first to hop onto her, his cock entering her pussy almost immediately. Vicki let out a deep guttural moan as she felt his swollen prick filling her deliciously moist cavern. I watched Greg's hot ass begin to bounce up and down madly as if he was in a hurry to impregnate my sexy cousin. Greg had the pleasure of fucking the pussy I had penetrated thousands of times before.

I was almost oblivious to what the others had been doing. I looked up and saw a beautiful sight of the three of them on the other side of the room. Valerie had stretched out on her back, Trey was on top of...

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Written by HornyBill
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