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Twins Have a Bond

"Carry and Jerry are twins and when she feels something so does he and visa versa."

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I looked into her eyes and knew just what she was thinking, even what she felt, as we walked along the beach. It had been a long winter and we were glad that Mom had decided to bring us to the beach to get away from the city for a few weeks. Dad dying had taken a toll on all of us, but I think it upset Carry even more than she let on. I always knew when she was bothered by things, I always have. We’re twins after all. My name is Jerry; I know it's kind of corny, naming twins with such similar names, but that’s what parents do when blessed with maternal twins. A boy and girl should be named like that . . . right?

We were born two minutes apart, and we had been so attuned to each other through the years it was almost scary. When Carry fell off her bike and skinned her knee I felt it, just as she felt it when I broke my arm while at summer camp. It’s weird that twin siblings can each feel what the other does, but then we are connected in ways other brothers and sisters will never understand. Even now after our senior year of high school, we still know pretty much just what is going on with each other in ways that others couldn’t possibly understand. Yeah, that even included when she lost her virginity to a jock last January after a dance. Damned if it didn’t just about kill me when I felt her pussy invaded so abruptly without the sympathy of tenderness for her virginity. I would have been delighted to kill the son of a bitch, but she told me she’d be okay, though. I felt she was disappointed that it had been someone she just barely liked and not loved. My thoughts were relieved a couple days later when I felt her body convulse in pleasure and total contrast to what had been pain, even though I was across town performing with the youth orchestra. The sensation of her climax was so overpowering that I couldn’t help but feel my dick swell and harden as I played fluidly with my choice of instrument, the violin. The experience would, as was our way, force me to ask her all about what had happened. She had been more secretive than usual but I didn’t press it under the circumstances. Someday I’d know the joy of sex with a girl or woman, but for now I remained alone in my sexual devices; masturbation had been my only release . . . so far.

We were walking down the beach, not really talking, but just enjoying the California sunshine and watching the diversely populated sands and surf. Young and old alike, male and female, friends and lovers all seemed to be reveling in the same simple pleasures as we were. No one, including me, could have known what was about to happen. That is a good thing in so many ways, but that’s what this story is all about. We made our way back to the beachfront condo mom had rented for the month. Dad’s insurance had left her comfortably situated for life as long as she was careful about her spending habits and I was so glad she’d not have to work unless she just wanted to when our vacation ended. Walking in through the sliding glass doors that overlooked the beach, we were in awe of the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. The sight was almost sensual in the serenity of the moment as we stood side by side to watch the fading rays descend over the smooth dark water. When the sun had slipped past the horizon, Carry made her way upstairs as did I, to rest a bit before diner and probably a bit of family movie time with mom. We tried our best to keep mom's mind on things beyond the sadness of losing her husband of 20 years only a couple months earlier.

I heard the shower go on in the bathroom Carry and I shared for the month, and couldn’t help myself. Another peek wouldn’t hurt anything, would it? I snuck to the door that had to be left slightly open to dispel the steam and listened. I heard a faint moan and knew she was in the glass enclosure touching her body as she had become accustomed to. Mom was downstairs fixing dinner and wouldn’t know a thing, so I pushed the door open a bit more and looked through the milky glass at my sister’s wondrous figure. A cheerleader supreme, her hourglass figure had long been the measure of beauty for my thoughts. Her firm C cup tits that were rarely restrained by a bra, slender waist and taught abs, hips that were just hearty enough to want to pull on if I were ever able to find a way. Yeah, I had fantasized about my sister, I’m a hormonally crazed 18 year old boy, for God’s sake. Her hands were busy as she leaned her lush long blond hair under the spray of the shower. I could kind of see everything through the milky glass and found my dick rising to the sight of one hand cupping her tit and twisting the nipple and the other slipping in and out of her groin. I could only imagine her finger sliding in and out of her pussy, but couldn’t quite see it except in my mind’s eye. “Enough,” I thought silently, as I pulled the door back to almost closed the way it had been when my voyeuristic peeping had begun. I made my way to my bedroom and stripped naked, looking in the mirror at the swollen shaft I’d never been able to give to any girl, much less the one I really wanted with all of my heart . . . Carry.

I lay down on the full size bed and pulled the comforter over my nakedness in case someone knocked on the door. My hand skimmed down over my taught abdomen and I raked my fingers through the suitably trimmed pubic bush. Having a full head of thick black hair seemed to carry over to my bush, it too was way too much, so I had kept it trimmed if for no other reason than gym class and the snide comments of my overly hairy nature. My pulse was thrumming as I thought of Carry masturbating in the shower. I could all but feel her craving to cum, and grasped my rod to take care of my needs as she did hers. Stroke after stroke took my lengthy rod to task as it grew even harder and thicker while my thoughts of Carry’s pussy drove me to desire and lust. My head fell back onto the pillows as my arousal stole my mind away, dreaming of her pussy surrounding my cock rather than my hand. Pumping, caressing and jerking in spasms of joy, I grew ever closer to ejaculation. Kicking off the comforter to allow for more freedom of movement I was getting so close I panted, as my heart raced in my fantasy of Carry and me making love.

A sound, faint and yet not my imagination stole my thoughts briefly. I cried out, “Mom? What the heck are you doing there?” She had pushed my door open and was standing there, wide eyed and watching me masturbate, with a smile on her face. She was the reason for Carry’s beauty; my sister could be a clone of mom, average height, but so sexy. I’d thought of her as a MILF more than once and spied on her in the shower, as I enjoyed doing with Carry.

She didn’t seem upset that she had caught me beating off; in fact, her eyes glistened in a way that should only be reserved for lovers.

“I came up to let you know dinner will be ready in an hour honey,” she said in a tone that bordered on sensuality.

I tugged the comforter up over my lower half in an effort to hide my embarrassment, but I knew she’d already born witness to my raging hard on and self-serving act of pleasure. She walked across the room and smiled like I’d never seen before, sat on the edge of the bed and spoke softly to console me for being caught in the act.

“Jerry, don’t be embarrassed, it’s perfectly normal for a young man to do what you were doing. Actually I’m kind of glad I got to see you doing that. There’s something we need to talk about.”

I was in shock. My mom not only had caught me playing with myself, but now wanted to talk. She was sitting close enough that I could smell her perfume, and that made me really nervous. “Mom, I know all of us guys do this, but it’s not like I want to be watched; especially by my mom for God’s sake.”

She smiled and raised her hand to cup my jaw in her palm; I shuddered nervously as she looked into my eyes and whispered, “It’s okay honey. I kind of liked seeing you like that, and like I said, I need to talk to you about something that relates to this kind of thing.” She leaned down and brushed her lips over my forehead just like she’d done a thousand times before, but it gave me the willies since I was naked beneath the covers and she knew it.

Thankfully, my erection had taken a hike with the situation of her being there. I glanced at the door and saw that she had closed it, thank God for small favors. At least Carry wouldn’t know mom was on my bed with me naked. She sat back up and smiled a sort of half smile as she contemplated whatever it was she needed to talk to me about, while I tugged the covers up tighter against my bare chest.

“Jerry, I know you knew when Carry lost her virginity. You two have always felt things when they happen to the other.” I nodded, unsure as to where this topic was going. “I guess you knew how painful it was when that boy, um, uhhh, ruptured her hymen?”

It was a question I could at least answer so I replied, “Yeah. I knew the minute he took her, he was not very gentle about it, from what I could feel, and when he pushed deep enough into her to pop her cherry she screamed bloody murder it hurt her so bad.” I paused and looked at my mom who was still sitting close enough to know. Hopefully she didn’t though. My erection had returned with the conversation about Carry being fucked by Jake. I struggled to hold the comforter up enough to not let the bulge show from beneath it. Mom’s eyes flickered with the increased tension on the bedding and I felt as if she could see everything that was going on down there. To try to change the subject I asked, “What does that have to do with you catching me masturbating, mom?”

She sighed and put her hand on mine, the one holding up the comforter in front of me. “Honey, I need to know if you felt what she did a couple of nights later. Did you feel it when she had her first climax like you did when she lost her virginity?”

I nodded, but wasn’t sure I really wanted to talk about it. The sensation had aroused me a lot and thinking about it was doing so again in a big way.

“Good,” she whispered as she leaned towards me and kissed my cheek and beneath my ear, “I wasn’t sure just how attuned you were to that part of her emotions.”

She brushed her lips over my cheek again and I felt my body quiver with a sensation that I shouldn’t be feeling. It was one thing to dream of fucking my sister, fantasizing over her as I beat off, but for mom to be kissing me like this was driving me crazy with a desire I shouldn’t feel . . . for my mom, no less.

I tugged at the covers and turned my head away saying, “Mom! What’s going on, why are you in here making me think about what Carry feels when she has sex?”

She smiled as I looked back at her and I felt her hand tug at the comforter abruptly enough that she jerked it out of my hand and pulled it from my torso and legs. My cock was at full arousal and stood up with a jolt as she looked at it with a grin.

“Mom?” I asked as she slipped her hand around the base of it just like I usually did when beating off. Her grip was firm as she slid her hand up and then down over my pulsing shaft. I tried to push her hand away but she kept at it until I moaned at the caress of her gentle touch.

“Shh honey,” she cooed softly as she continued to stroke up and back along the eight inch shaft. I couldn’t help but revel in the sultry sensations of her touch, my breaths caught in my throat as she purred, “Jerry, when Carry had her first climax it wasn’t that boy who gave it to her. It was me and your daddy.”

In shock, I looked into her eyes and was flabbergasted by what she’d just said.

“When she told me what had happened I wanted her to know that sex wasn’t always going to be like that. She and I talked and one thing led to another. We made love to her like it’s supposed to be, to teach her how it could be, just like I want you to how it can be, Jerry.” Her hand kept up a sultry pace up and down on my cock, I was getting so close to cumming it was surreal, because it was my mom jacking me off.

My mind was racing; she’d just admitted that Carry had been with both my mom and dad when she had her first orgasm. Damn it, how could I have not known that my parents were so twisted?

“Jerry, I know this is a lot to take in so abruptly, but Carry wants to be your first, just like she wanted you to be hers. Can I call her in so she can join us?”

Her hand pulled at my cock and I groaned my reply, “Oh God, mom. Yes.”

I was lost in the sensations of mom stroking my hard meat, but when she leaned down to blow her warm breath over the head I about lost it.

“You need a release before she joins us honey, so you can make love with your sister and enjoy the sharing of your bodies fully. I’m going to take care of that for you Jerry,” she cooed.
Her breaths brought spasms to my throbbing cock. Her lips closed over the head and I felt my body jerk in a way I’d never felt before. My hips pushed up to fill her mouth with my needy manhood but she took me slow and gentle instead. Her tongue swirled over the edge of my crown and I shuddered with the feeling of her pressing back against my sack. Somehow she had complete control over my body’s need to cum, and somehow she denied me that rocketing pleasure for the longest time as her mouth stole down over more of my dick. Up and back her lips plied my flesh with hot spit, I felt the pre-cum ooze from the tip and her tongue sweeping it away but she still had control over my orgasm. Her mouth took me deeper and I groaned with desperation to cum, her throat opened for my head and she swallowed it giving me the pleasure of her gripping muscles for eternal seconds of overwhelming joy.

Her head came away from my cock completely and she whispered, “Fill my mouth with your seed Jerry,” and sucked half of my cock into her mouth and throat.

Her hand released my sack and I exploded. Stream after stream of cum flooded her mouth; she gulped it down with a frenzied slurping I’d never thought possible. After the third rope had erupted into her mouth, she raised from my throbbing spent member only to stroke it gently and squeeze every drop from its tip, lapping it up like a kitten drinking milk.

I fell back onto the bed, spent as I’d never been before, happy as I wanted to be forever and gasped for much needed air.She laid my cock onto my abdomen to shrivel, as I knew it would, and pulled the covers up over me. “Rest for a few minutes Jerry. I’ll go get Carry and tell her we’re ready for her.”

I heard what she said and raised my head to look at her, confused as to why she had said that we both were ready for my sister to join us.

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I was so completed I couldn’t imagine being able to make love to Carry, but apparently mom had confidence in my ability to recover from the massive ejaculation quickly. She leaned over me and brushed her lips over mine, I could taste my jism on her lips and somehow even that aroused me. I moaned as she rose from the side of the bed and walked to the door to go get my sister and give her what she apparently wanted . . . to be my first real lover. Well, not really, since mom had already sucked me, but for real sex she could be.

She opened the door as my dreamy gaze followed her. Stepping aside I saw a vision of perfection I’d never gotten to see completely. Carry stood in my doorway; naked, seemingly aroused with...

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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