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Twin Siblings Turn Seventeen

"Horny brother takes twin sister's cherry on their seventeenth birthday"

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Grunting and sweating profusely, Paula stretched her young, firm body as far as it would go. Her tanned legs glistened with sweat and sunblock. The taut muscles in her calves and thighs bulged and flexed as the pretty young girl stood on her toes atop the rickety wooden stepladder, straining to reach the wooden plank and hammer in the final nail. Her twin brother, Neil, stood beneath the stepladder and eyed his sister intently. With the frame for the toolshed complete, their project would be done tomorrow.

Sweltering from the unusually hot summer day, Neil slipped his shirt off and wiped the sweat from his body. Paula turned to him and motioned. He smiled and tossed the crumpled shirt into her open hand. Neil watched as his sister passed the damp white fabric over her sweaty legs and thighs, sighing as she passed the shirt slowly over her face. He knew she was savoring the scent of his body, and his cock began to swell at the sight of her wet, matted hair and her flushed, sun-ripened skin. Especially in the past few days, Neil could not stop thinking of Paula and, at the moment, of her firm body and soft flesh underneath her damp clothes. 

Shortly after their “Sweet Sixteen” birthday party, Neil had started to watch as his young sister's body slowly developed into a pleasing, womanly form. This summer, Neil noticed something new in his sister, although he couldn't quite pinpoint it. She had certainly grown and matured, as he was doing, her body filling out in all the right places and developing a lithe quality that made it perfect for marathon sex. Perhaps it was a new carnality in her demeanor? Something beyond the childish teasing Neil had suffered through for so long. Her eyes, always flirting with her brother, had the glint of a new hunger in them, not the mischievous gaze of an innocent young sibling.  Could it be? Or was it the wishful thinking of a horny brother?  Of course, he was growing and developing, too. Was it all his teenaged imagination?

Neil almost embraced his sister as she walked past him, but he refrained, merely grabbing back his shirt with a quick flourish. Paula, a pout forming on her lips, felt her nipples harden against the clinging fabric of her top. The swinging of her arms as she walked to the house caused the rough material to torment her braless tits. A sly grin crossed her lips.


Tension had been growing between the two siblings for a long time but intensified when Paula began wearing a bra about a year ago. Yes, she was a late developer, but she also disliked the confining nature of the garment. Only under protest did she finally start wearing one on a regular basis, at least in public; her mother insisted! Once she grew accustomed to it, she wore bras with pride, showing them off whenever she had the chance, especially to her older brother.

Pleased with demonstrating her changing body, she would jump into Neil's lap whenever he would least suspect, surprising him. Neil would blush with shame after her assaults, embarrassed with the emotions his sister aroused in him. Before long, though, the embarrassment faded. Neil would look forward to her little surprises, and started looking for any excuse to touch or fondle her. It wasn't difficult and, to his pleasure, she delighted in his caresses. With her budding sexuality, Paula knew she could lure her brother with her body, and teased him on many occasions to the point of madness. The teasing built to such a level that, eventually, Neil lost control.

That day, Paula ran into Neil's room and slid into her brother's lap, wearing only a silky purple bra and panties. Of course, Neil's erection immediately pressed up against her hot little ass.  Sensing the gentle pressure against the covered lips of her pussy, she began to wriggle. No words were ever spoken during these interludes, except for the gentle insults of sibling horseplay.  Neil, still vainly trying to disguise the fact that he and his teen-aged sister were practically dry-humping, gripped Paula's waist, as if to resist her aggression. In truth, he was carefully controlling her movements against his erection, slowly undulating his hips against her warm mass of flesh, slowly bringing the sensation in his swollen member to the critical point. Neil's mind and body, savagely focused, fought to keep from losing control and, at the same time, to quietly come. That was when Paula dealt her brother's resistance the final blow.

Slipping her hand into Neil's shirt, Paula rubbed the smooth skin of his chest. Neil didn't resist so, emboldened, she traced gentle circles around his nipples with her soft, girlish fingers. As her brother's nipples hardened, she began to roll them between her thumb and forefinger. This electric tingling and his mounting orgasm was more than he could stand. Neil slipped over the edge of erotic bliss, his baser instincts taking control. Suddenly, the siblings crossed the line between horseplay and sex. Before his brain could comprehend what was happening, he grasped his sister's head and pressed their mouths together.

Paula gasped in surprise at her brother's sudden move. She hesitated for a split second, a bit frightened at what was unfolding so quickly. Paula's emotional development, like so many girls her age, had lagged behind her budding physique. She knew what her body could do to her older brother, but until now, she never realized the full consequences of her actions. Sliding into Neil's lap, jumping into his arms, or surprising him in bed (when Neil slept only in jockey shorts) was, until now, just as much fun and games to Paula as it was erotic power play. She would meld tightly to him, their skin generating heat underneath the blankets, and feel the urgent firmness of her brother's hard, fabric-sheathed cock against her soft skin. In her mind, they were "just playing" and Paula had yet to realize that Neil would almost always come during their little sessions. Now, with their mouths joined, savoring each other's taste, Paula sighed, giving in to his demands, and returned her brother's kiss.

By now, Neil had time to think, but he couldn't resist her any more. A strong surge of repressed lust enveloped the fears that had kept Neal from fucking his twin sister for so long. Brother and sister embraced. Neil's mouth kissed hungrily all over Paula's face. Her young body jerked like a rag doll as his hands ripped open her bra and his lips found her budding breasts. She gasped as Neil gently licked and sucked her tingling, red buds. Sliding his sister's panties off, Neil's lips kissed toward the silky, blond down of her snatch. Paula's thighs instinctively parted to expose her moist, swollen cunt lips.

Suddenly, the front door of the house slammed shut. Mom and dad had returned home! Within seconds, Neil positioned himself in front of the TV in the playroom while Paula slipped into a tank top and shorts, tossing the mangled bra into the garbage. Neil, now trembling with fear, battled with the terror that, somehow, their parents would sense what had happened. Paula shut herself in her room, trying to sort out what had just occurred in that few moments of uncontrolled passion. 

Outwardly, Neil and Paula's relationship cooled considerably for several months. Individually, though, each sibling still inwardly glowed with sexual longing. The thwarted lovers became embarrassed with themselves after that sudden wave of uncontrolled passion. 

For a few days after the incident, Neil knew he had gone too far, fearing he had inflicted emotional damage on his innocent sister. Paula, on the other hand, had a different outlook.  After mulling over her thoughts and emotions, she came to a simple conclusion. Paula wanted to fuck. She wanted to fuck her brother. Their bodies were both ready for sex and, in Paula's mind, her brother was the only man she could trust to perform the honor of taking her cherry.

All the boys her age were such jerks, she thought. They dressed stupidly and acted stupidly, and some of them smelled just weird. Why would she want those pimply troglodytes digging around in her panties? Neil, on the other hand, was her twin, a well-built high school senior. Paula had watched him many times as he kissed and fondled girls behind the bleachers at football games.  Now, she decided, Neil's expertise should be directed towards her.

When his embarrassment started to subside, Neil apologized to Paula, in so many words, for "touching" her, and was relieved at her warm and willing embrace. Frustrated, Paula could not find the exact words to tell her brother of her need. She spent hours in her bedroom, in silence, searching for the right words and the right scenario to present to her brother her need to be deflowered. None of them worked in her mind, so Paula continued to search. 

Meanwhile, she began to initiate contact with Neil in the old, familiar way. Neil, at first, was surprised at her willingness to be touched. Still a bit hesitant from guilt, he would jump if Paula touched him too brusquely, but with time, they were back to their old games. During one lap session, Paula wrapped her arms around her brother's neck and whispered into his ear.

“I miss you.”

The last of Neil's reserve dissolved as they embraced each other tightly. The young sibling lovers didn't have sex that day, preferring to hold each other tightly for several hours, but it would be soon.


The moment Paula entered the kitchen, she giggled and bolted toward the bathroom. Neil cursed and dove to catch her, but she flew into the bathroom, almost slamming the door on Neil's fingers. Neil smiled to himself as he heard the door lock, as Paula's laughter echoed across the porcelain tiles of the bathroom walls. The sound of water rushing through the showerhead and the screech of the metal rings sliding across the shower rod taunted Neil. He knew Paula was now nude, water rinsing the sweet perspiration from her body. He twisted the doorknob, which he knew would not give.

With a shove, Neil opened the old, weak door and entered the steamy bathroom, tearing aside the shower curtain. Paula gasped in surprise, pressing herself against the tiles.  For a moment, Neil gazed at her lovely, tanned body, with its small breasts, flat stomach, and perfect little bush. The next moment, he slid his jeans and underwear to his ankles. He then kicked them off with his sneakers and socks.

Involuntarily, Paula's eyes dropped to his jutting cock. Neil's hand reached out to brush her cheek. Paula grasped his wrist and drew his hand down to her breasts. Neil stepped into the spray of the shower, inches from her wet, naked flesh. He pressed his mouth against hers, probing it deeply with his tongue. Their bodies pressed together as she surrendered to his touch. His hand squeezed her breast, rolling the hard nipple between his fingers. She moaned, grasping his penis and brushing the tip against the lips of her young pussy. Neil broke the kiss.

"Suck it," he whispered.

Paula obeyed, dropping to her knees, grasping the base of Neil's shaft. Neil winced as her full, red lips covered the swollen head. Paula looked up, into her brother’s eyes, as her tongue swirled around the base of his shaft. Neil bit his lower lip, groaning and placing his hand to the back of her head.

Paula's eyes turned to the object of her desire. Her cheeks began to bow in as she slowly took more and more of his shaft into her mouth, sucking powerfully. Neil had to fight to keep from bucking against Paula's mouth, especially when she reached up to tweak his sensitive nipple. Neil's ass tightened as he braced himself against the walls of the shower. The muscles in his thighs and legs became rigid as pleasure surged through his body.

“Ohhh, goddamn, sis!” He growled as pleasure surged through his body. Deep inside his loins, Neil felt it coming. His balls were so swollen they felt like lemons dangling between his legs.

"Watch out", Neil grunted. Paula moaned, bobbing her head up and down on Neil's shaft even faster, making sharp slurping noises.

"Oh baby, yesss, sweet sister, suck it. SUCK IT". Suddenly, Neil's body convulsed as he released his load into his sister’s hungry mouth, draining what felt to him like a quart of fresh come.

Paula swallowed all of it, like a champ, even sucking out what was left inside his shaft. Neil stroked Paula's wet, shiny hair as she licked him clean. Watching her smooth, pink tongue running over his wet cock and balls, Neil had to give her the pleasure she had just given him, and right away.

Neil took Paula's hand, pulling her to her feet.

"Now it's your turn", he smiled. "Let’s go to the bedroom."

Neil threw a towel over his shoulder and they walked, hand in hand, to the bedroom. He noticed Paula's hand trembled in his. He squeezed it tightly.

Paula's bedroom was bright and cheerful. Two of the walls featured large windows draped with sheer, flowered curtains. A dresser nestled itself in one corner, otherwise, the room was sparsely furnished. There were plenty of posters covering the walls, though. The room was scattered with mementos, ribbons, a few trophies, and the standard paraphernalia that occupied the bedroom of any teenage girl.

Neil had strategically placed the crystal vase with a dozen red roses where she would see it the second she entered the room. She let out a squeal and ran to them.

"Where did these come from?" she asked, knowing the answer.

"Happy seventeenth birthday, my love", Neil smiled again, hovering behind her nude body, reaching out to rub her shoulder, "but these roses don't do you justice."

"Oh, Neil", Paula turned to him and fell into his arms. “I’m so embarrassed. I never remember to get you anything on our birthday.”

“I’m a big boy, now,” he responded. “And YOU are my gift, be it our birthday or any day.”

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Their naked bodies pressed together as she brushed her cheek against his chest. "I love you so much."

The closeness of Paula's smooth, firm body made Neil's erection quickly return.

"You're growing so fast," he whispered hoarsely, lust tightening his throat. “You’ll be a woman, soon.”

Paula barely heard what he said by then.  She had wrapped her fingers around his swollen cock and began to stroke it firmly. Paula's needy eyes turned to gaze into his.

"I think I need some love," she whispered.

So long it had been, hovering near the edge. He could hardly believe this day had arrived. Neil spread the heavy cotton towel over the white bedspread. Paula stretched her young body across the towel as Neil gently hovered over her, gazing at the perfection before him.

Paula shuddered as Neil's lips pressed against her skin. He kissed and nibbled his way from her sensitive earlobe, down the long curve of her neck, to her shoulder. Neil closed his eyes and savored the gentle sensation of Paula's tiny blonde hairs brushing against his lips.

He opened his eyes to meet her peaceful but expectant gaze. Her lips, moist and swollen, begged to be tasted. Neil cupped Paula's face in his hands, placing countless butterfly kisses across her nose, to her cheeks, her chin, then to her mouth. When their lips met, Paula opened her mouth, sucking Neil's tongue deep inside. Neil's body pressed against hers, and as they kissed, Paula ran her fingers over the contours of his body, eventually running up the insides of his thighs, further inflaming his manhood.

Neil drew his face back for a moment, smiling, then pressing it between Paula's breasts, kissing her smooth flesh. She drew a sharp breath as he took one of her hard nipples into his mouth. He began to suck it greedily, his mouth taking in most of her breast. Paula gazed down and watched his hungry mouth feeding on her.

"Oh, yeah," she moaned. "The other one, too."

Obediently, Neil switched his attention to her other breast. The tingle in Paula's nipple made the wetness between her thighs increase even more. She closed her eyes, feeling Neil's swollen member resting only inches from her wet hole. Her hand rested on his damp hair as he began to kiss down her torso to her stomach. Paula jumped slightly, giggling, as Neil darted his tongue into her navel. He glanced up, grinning, and continued down, ever so slowly, she thought, to her neat, curly little bush.

Paula ached for her brother to put his mouth on her cunt, and immediately got her wish. Her hips squirmed involuntarily as Neil pushed his lips against her wetness. His tongue gently stroked up and down her swollen lips, making Paula grip the sides of the bed as the first surge of pleasure seized her. She couldn't help but undulate gently against Neil's face as his tongue began to probe more deeply.

"Ohhh," Paula groaned, "yes…YES!"

Neil's hands clamped her ass tightly as he pushed his face more firmly against his sister's wetness. Paula sighed deeply, feeling Neil's tongue invade her tight little hole, rubbing against her swollen clit. The warm, urgent sensation was much different than the feeling she had when she masturbated. Neil seemed to be seeking something deep inside her hole. Ohhh, she marveled, so deep! With Neil's firm tongue digging deep into her body, she wondered if he would rupture her little cherry. How would it feel? Would it hurt?

Neil's hands had made their way to her firm little breasts and teased her hard, sensitive nipples.  The motions of his lips and tongue against her clit had become steady and insistent. Her cherry was still intact, she knew, but something else distracted her, and Paula knew immediately what it was.

Paula gritted her teeth, clutching at Neil's hair, her hips moving more aggressively against his face. It was coming. Oh, yes, her dear brother was dragging a hard one out from the depths of...

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Written by nightwaves
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