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Three Generations

"His family photos takes a turn that he hadn't expected but doesn't turn down."

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Author's Notes

"This is a complete work of fantasy. As all my work is. Just things I read or hear that stimulate my imagination. I truly hope you enjoy it and if you do, I am always grateful for the kind word, the share, or even the occasional coinage if I really made your day. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thank you kindly for your time."

Ben had been talking to Tracy for years online. They had met in a chat room and hit it off almost immediately.

Talking with her had been easy and fun, and they found they could confide in each other in all aspects of their lives, not just in the lack of sex. Although, that did come up quite a bit in conversation.

She was older than he was and had admitted that, at first, she wasn't going to respond to him, but he had proven himself older than his years in his ability to talk about multiple subjects, not just about the size of his penis. However, the topic had come up at various times as they talked, flirted, and got to know each other better.

As time went on they learned everything about each other. Which is easy to do with someone who you never think you are going to meet. They were both in committed relationships when they met and had said that this was always a fantasy world they were happy to exist in together.

They would talk on the phone when they could, share holidays and birthdays, good news and bad. Ultimately, they became very good friends, and even though his wife was never told everything, she even got used to hearing Tracey's name when he wanted to share something funny that his friend had said.

As two adults who were missing intimacy in their lives, they found it was easy to turn to each other when they were craving some sort of romance or just plain sex.

Because of the distance and the realization that it would always be a fantasy, they shared their deepest fantasies that no one in the real world knew. And as much as it would be easy to say that they accepted these fantasies of the other because it was easy to do and polite, in truth, they both started to like the fantasies that were described.

They would chat deep into the nights, each touching themselves in the manner they fantasized that they would one day get to be touched again.

It's a true tragedy when a couple who have been together for so long end up on different paths and opposing views on sex and intimacy. It doesn't make them love their spouse any less. But at the same time, the idea of going the rest of their lives without intimacy, without touch, drives even the most devout spouse to do things they never thought they would do.


Flash forward and Tracy has told Ben that she, her daughter, and granddaughter are planning a trip to his neck of the woods.

He is both excited and nervous as living in a fantasy world is safe and comfortable and he can rationalize that with his marriage. Cheating has never been acceptable to him as both his parents and his wife's parents had done that and it had broken up their marriage. He had vowed he would always be better than that.

Tracy assures him that all she wants to do is show her girls the area as they have never been to his side of the country. However, she knows he is a professional photographer and truly admires his skill behind the camera. As such, she has made a special request on top of finally being able to sit across from him and have dinner together.

She wants a professional three-generation portrait taken of them.

She asks him to do a photoshoot of her and her girls. They have never had a multi-generational photo done together, and ever since she started looking at his work, she has thought about him photographing them. She even offered to pay him for his time, but he declined, saying that it would be his honor to take their photos.


The weekend arrives.

Ben tells his wife that he has been hired to do a photo shoot and that it may take him all day as they have requested to be photographed at the beach, but they are flying in from out of state and have requested that they get a bit of a tour first. He explains that he is being paid well for the day and that he has been in contact with the client and she seems very nice.

Ben's wife still asks that he check in with her regularly as she worries about him.

He gives her a hug and a kiss and tells her that he is sure he will be just fine, but promises to check in throughout the day.

To save his "clients" some money, he has agreed to pick them up at the airport and drive them to their hotel.

Just before arriving at the terminal, he gets a text that they landed a bit early and are waiting for him curbside.

His hands are sweating, and his breathing is getting faster. He knows nothing is expected, but after so many years of phone sex and sharing their secrets, he is about to meet the one person who knows everything about him. The one who knows even more than his wife, his family, his best friend. She knows his fantasies, his dark desires, his taboo interests. And he is about to see her face-to-face.


Ben sees her from a distance. There is no mistaking that blonde hair or that smile that he has seen in so many of their conversations. It makes her stand out from everyone around her, like a beacon, drawing him towards her and her girls.

Tracy is a bit older than he is, but she looks amazing for her age. She is wearing a very pretty dress that shows off her legs and stops just above her knees. The neckline is very flattering to her ample and luscious cleavage, and he has gone to bed many an evening fantasizing about what he would hide in it if given a chance.

The older of the two women with Tracy must be her daughter. She is toned and tanned and has short hair that looks like it has been dyed black. Her features are strong and serious, and as happy as her mother looks as he approaches, she looks protective and menacing. Her shirt is tight and form-fitting and shows an impressive bust size, but unlike her mother's, her breasts seem to defy gravity. They are high and tight, and although there is cleavage there, it looks like you would need a crowbar to get anything between her breasts, even without the shirt.

The youngest, by the process of elimination, is Tracy's granddaughter, Taylor. She is looking at her phone and doesn't even notice him pulling up to the curb. At a glance, she is in her late teens, dark and dusky, and with long dark hair and eyes that could crush a man's soul with a glance. Her body is young but developed. Her legs are long, and she is in short shorts that show off her thighs perfectly. Her shirt is loose with wide openings on the side, and she has a sports bra on that he catches flashes of as the wind blows the material around. Her breasts look like her mother's but fuller.

As he stops in front of the three women, she looks up and right into his eyes. His heart skips a beat. With a glance, he can tell she is not an innocent young lady. She knows things and has seen things and she knows exactly what her body can do to a man, or a woman, and she knows how to use that to her advantage.

Ben shakes off the stare and jumps out to help them with their bags.

Before he can grab them, though, Tracy steps up and wraps her arms around him and pulls him into a hug that crushes her body to his. He feels her breasts press and compress against his chest and he stops, all rational thought escaping his brain. She feels so good in his arms.

Even though she has been on a plane for hours, she smells wonderful, and her body fits perfectly against his, as if it was made to be wrapped in his arms.

He is not sure how long he had been standing, holding her, but he realizes that he has two pairs of eyes on him and as he starts to pull away, he feels Tracy's lips brush his cheek and he hears her say, "It's so nice to meet you finally."

Ben is flustered as he realizes that his cock has grown hard while hugging her and now he has to face her daughter and granddaughter and he prays that they don't notice.

His prayers go unanswered.

Her daughter looks at him with disgust and then her eyes travel down to the bulge in his shorts and she snickers.

"It's so nice to meet you, Aubrey." he holds out his hand to her and she leaves him hanging.

"Whatever," she says and leaves her bag in front of her and heads to the car. He unlocks the back door and opens it for her and she walks away from him to the other side of the car and climbs in.

Ben turns to Tracy and asks, "Something I said?"

"Don't worry about her. She didn't want to come, and it was a long flight. She'll be fine." Her smile almost convinces him that she's right and Ben moves to grab the bags to put them in the trunk.

After getting their bags, he goes to grab the granddaughter's bag. She hasn't moved from her spot and is just staring at him. Her dark-set eyes sizing him up with a hunger, but he isn't sure if she wants to eat him or fuck him. Either way, she is both sensual and terrifying.

He goes to grab the handle of her bag and she reaches for it at the same time. Their hands meet and he looks down on her as he is a few inches taller and says, "I've got it."

She looks up at him from half-lidded eyes and says, "I know you do." Then she smiles at him and after a moment of her fingers running over his hand, she lets go and heads to the car as well.


They are heading out of the airport and Ben is trying to figure out if they want to grab some food first or if they want to head to the hotel so the girls can drop their bags and freshen up.

There is some discussion and they decide that the hotel would be nice after the flight. They will check in, grab their outfits for the photo shoot, and head to lunch.

As they are driving, Ben is being the consummate host and tour guide telling them all about the area they are driving through and some of the sights they can see if they want. He is trying to gauge their interests so he can make their day as pleasant as possible.

The girls in the back are tired and content to let him make the decisions. So, he stops talking and continues to drive.

Tracey looks in the back of the car and notices her girls have both closed their eyes and are taking a quick nap. She reaches over and puts her hand on Ben's leg, lightly running her fingertips on his thigh.

Ben jumps and tries to keep the car on the road.

"Sorry," she says in a whisper. "I know I said I wouldn't push the issue, but I couldn't help but feel that lovely gift you brought me when we hugged hello."

Ben looked over at her and she was smiling like a naughty little schoolgirl. She had pulled her skirt up her thighs and when she knew he was looking, she flashed him quickly. She was not wearing any panties.

They had talked about this fantasy many times. The two of them in the car, her wearing nothing under her dress, taking his hand in hers and putting it between her legs so he could finger her shaved pussy. She had even sent him photos of her waxed lips on many an occasion. The sight always made him hard and his mouth water. This time, up close and in real life, the result was no different.

His cock jumped in his shorts, and he heard her giggle in delight.

Her hand slid from his thigh to the growing bulge in his shorts, and she traced the outline of his bulge with her nails.

"Tracy!" he hissed. "Stop it! Your girls are right there," he said through gritted teeth.

"It's fine. Even if they were aware, they wouldn't mind. They would probably be cheering me on. Telling me to dig into those shorts and pull that meat out for all to see. Besides, I know you said that you didn't want to cheat, but it's not cheating if I am doing it." She ended the statement with her whole hand grabbing his cock and giving it a full squeeze.

Ben could feel the pre-cum leaking out of his cock-head. It was wet and slimy in his silk boxers.

"Please," he begged.

"Please, what?" she asked.

"Please...stop," he asked.

She patted his crotch and took her hand away, letting her fingernails drag across his thigh as she did.

"Okay, honey. As you wish." She was still smiling as she pulled her dress down to cover her smooth lips.


The rest of the drive to the hotel was filled with small talk about their flight and the area and what kind of photos she was hoping to get out of their session.

She would punctuate questions by touching his arm lightly. Any excuse to make contact with him. He let it go as he hadn't been intimate with his wife for many years, and they hadn't had much in the way of intimacy for so long he had forgotten how much he missed it.

It was the reason he had gone online in the first place. The reason he had started to talk to Tracy was because they were in the same circumstance. As had happened to so many others, as they got older, the intimacy waned in one but not the other.

If he had known this way back at the beginning, to be honest, he would have still married his wife. He loved her very much. But, he did miss the contact, the warmth, and even the sex.

Tracy had been honest and upfront when they started to talk and she completely understood what he was going through as she was in the same situation. They had filled an emotional need in each other for years.

Although she was fully prepared to throw caution to the wind and have sex if he wanted, he was still very caught up in being faithful.


They reached the hotel and he helped with as many of the bags as possible as he followed them to their room. They had reserved a suite so they could save on a room and all stay together. There was a king bed and the couch pulled out into a bed as well.

Ben watched as the ladies unpacked and took turns in the restroom. He watched from a corner of the room, out of the way. As he observed them pick out clothes for the photoshoot, he noticed how similar their movements were. It was like watching the same person in three points of their life. Their flow and motion were the same. Even though their attitudes were incredibly different, you could see the genes ran strong in Tracy's family.

They were each attractive in their own way. Tracey had the confidence of a woman who had lived through so many years and so many events. She had shared with Ben many of her experiences—some good, some bad—but she had an amazing attitude about her life. She was full of laughter and light, and it had made so many of their conversations as enjoyable as they were.

Aubrey was toned and her body was sculpted as if it was carved from marble. It looked strong and capable but also hard. The fact that she seemed so not amused about being there or the fact that her mother seemed so enamored with him, might be coloring his view of her. It didn't change the fact that if he had just seen her on the street, he would both admire and be wary of her.

Then, there was Taylor. She seemed to float in her space. She was young but seemed to be amazingly comfortable with her body and knew exactly how to control it so it had the maximum effect on the world around her. As he watched her move, he noticed she was casting looks at him occasionally and giving him little smiles. But she never gave them to him directly. They were all aside.

As an older man, Ben could admire beauty but he never assumed that any female was looking at him in any romantic way. It just never happened in his life, that he realized. His wife told him that he was clueless about these things and that over the years, there had been other women who had eyed him. He always told her she was crazy. In his mind, no one found him attractive. So, as Taylor was sending him seductive smiles, all he saw was a young woman being kind to the bald, old guy who her grandmother had dragged them to visit.


Aubrey and Taylor made the decision that they wanted to go out and grab food and bring it back to the room, reasoning that they could eat and then change in privacy and not worry about staining their outfits for the pictures.

Ben gave them a few places in the area to choose from and they all placed their order.

As they walked out, Aubrey turned to her mother and simply said, "Behave. We'll be back in about twenty-five minutes."

Tracy gave the girls her best innocent smile and told them not to worry and she'd see them shortly.

As the door closed, Tracy's expression changed.

She looked at Ben and said in a husky voice, "Did you bring your camera in with you?"

Ben got up and turned to get his gear out of his camera bag.

When he turned back, there was...

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Written by Taltos305
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