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Their Summer With Amie

"My first story. Twins spending summer with older sister. Let me know what you think."

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It was the beginning of summer break. Shawn and Sara were excited about their trip to stay with their older sister, Amie for a few weeks. Shawn and Sara were 16-year-old twins, and had just finished their sophomore year of high school. Amie was a 24-year-old fitness instructor and amateur model. The twins had not seen their older sister since she had left home a year earlier to start her modeling career in San Diego.

The airport did not seem crowded as they kissed their parents goodbye at the security checkpoint and headed towards their terminal. They had time to spare, so they stopped by one of the restaurants for a quick bite. While they ate, they talked about how much fun their summer was going to be and how they could not wait to see their big sister.

“This is going to be the best summer ever,” said Shawn. “I can’t wait to get to the beach and check out all the hot California girls.”

Sara rolled her eyes at him, “We have to get to California first. I am scared to death about this flight. Why couldn’t we have just taken a train or a bus?”

“They would have taken way too long,” replied her brother. “Just don’t worry about it. I am with you and I have flown before. If you get scared, I will be right there.”

They finished eating and walked to their terminal. The plane had just unloaded and the passengers were already lining up to board. The twins had first class tickets and were among the first to board. First class only had a hand full of passengers in it. Once the plane was off the ground, Shawn saw that all the other passengers were sitting in the front of the section. Shawn got up and said he was going to sit in the back row. Sara did not want to be left alone, but Shawn reassured her that everything was going to be fine.

“Sara, stop worrying and just relax. I will be right back there. If you need me, I want be hard to find,” he said.

Sara frowned at him and said, “Okay, but if I die on this plane, I am going to haunt you for the rest of your life.”

Shawn laughed, “Silly, if you die on this plane, I will too. So you won’t be able to haunt me.”

Sara stuck her middle finger up at her brother. He just shook his head, grabbed his carry on bag, and went to the last row of seats. The stewardess came around and offered everyone blankets and pillows, since this was a late, nonstop flight. Shawn got comfortable and covered up with the blanket. He opened his bag and pulled out a magazine with a sports car on the cover.

He looked around to see if anyone was looking and then opened the magazine. Instead of articles and pictures about fast cars, the magazine was filled with pictures of nude women in various suggestive poses. He could feel his dick starting to grow in his shorts as he looked at the pictures. As the stewardess approached to see if he needed a soda, he held the book against his lap and told her no thanks. Once she walked away, he began looking at the pictures again. He carefully released his hard on from his shorts and slowly stroked it as he flipped through the pages.

Sara tried to get comfortable but she was very nervous about flying. The stewardess brought her a diet coke and she put her headphones in her ears and began listening to her music. She closed her eyes and tried to block out the hum of the engines and the pressure building in her ears. She was about to doze off when the plane encountered a bit of turbulence.

She gripped the seat, tears running down her cheeks, waiting for the shaking to stop. She felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up she saw Shawn standing next to her. He helped her up and led her back to his seat. She did not notice the fact that his shorts were unfastened and the large lump pushing against the front of them. Once seated, Shawn covered his sister with her blanket and then covered himself with his. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and kissed her on the forehead, apologizing for leaving her by herself. She laid her head on his shoulder.

The turbulence had interrupted Shawn’s nude picture time because he knew that Sara would be scared. He picked the magazine up and started to put it in his bag. But he noticed that Sara had her eyes closed and seemed to be asleep. He decided that it would not hurt to look at the magazine for a few more minutes. It did not take long for his cock to get hard again. He glanced over to make sure that Sara was still asleep and then slowly took his cock out and started stroking it again. It felt weird doing that with his sister asleep on his shoulder, but he was too horny to resist the urge to stroke himself. Besides, the thought of getting caught made it more exciting.

After a few minutes, the plane hit more, turbulence. Sara’s eyes flew open. Before Shawn knew what was happening, Sara’s hand was in his lap, searching for his hand. Instead of Shawn’s hand, her hand landed on his cock and squeezed. Shawn froze in fear. At the same time, a tingling sensation shot through him and his cock twitched in his sister’s hand.

It took a few seconds for Sara to realize that her hand was holding something besides Shawn’s hand. Once she returned to her senses and realized what it was that she was actually touching, she quickly pulled her hand away. She looked up at Shawn with a frown on her face. Shawn’s face was red as he tried not to look her in the eyes.

Quietly, Sara whispered, “What the hell is your penis sticking out of your pants for? And why is it hard.”

“Just leave me alone,” he replied, as he quickly slipped his cock back into his shorts.

“You were,” Sara was stunned, “You were jacking off weren’t you.”

“So, what if I was,” he said. ''I was horny and tried to finish earlier, but I had to go help you get back here instead.”

“So, you just decided to try and finish now,” she said, “With your sister sitting right beside you?”

“Well, yeah,” he said. “You were asleep, so I didn’t see what it was going to hurt to finish. Besides, my dick was hurting because it was hard and wouldn’t get soft.''

Sara noticed the magazine lying on his blanket. He had dropped it, pictures facing up.

“No wonder it wouldn’t get soft. You were looking at these pics.”

Shawn turned even redder and closed the book. “I only used it to help me get finished faster.”

More turbulence shook the plane and Sara grabbed Shawn by the arm. “I really hate it when the plane shakes. It feels like we are gonna fall from the sky.”

Shawn squeezed her hand in his. “Don’t worry about it Sara. It’s just turbulence. I have been through a lot worse and have never crashed. And I am sorry for doing THAT with you sitting next to me.”

She nodded her head, “It’s okay. It just took me by surprise. I guess everyone does it; just maybe not on a plane.”

Shawn looked at his sister with a stunned look on her face, “Everyone? Are you saying that you play with yourself?

Now it was Sara’s turn to turn red, “Well, if I have to say it, then yes. I have masturbated before.”

“Cool! My sister is a freak,” he said as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

Sara punched her brother in the arm, “I’m not a freak, you perv.”

Shawn just smiled as he tried to go to sleep. Sara closed her eyes too. But she had trouble going to sleep. She was thinking about how Shawn’s cock felt in her hand. She had never touched one before then. It felt warmer and thicker than she thought one would feel.

“Hey Shawn," she said.

“Yeah sis, what do you want?” he asked.

She paused for a minute, “Can I see your magazine?”

He opened his eyes and looked at her, “Why do you want to see it for?”

She looked up at him, “Because I just wanna look at it. I have never looked at one. Are there any men in it?”

“Yeah, there are several men in it, with some of the women. I guess you can look at it.” He picked up the magazine and handed it to Sara.

Sara looked around to make sure that no one was around, and then began flipping through the magazine. She had never done anything sexual with either males or females, so the pictures of the women were just as interesting to her as the pictures of the men. Shawn looked down at the pictures as she flipped through the pages.

After a few minutes, he once again felt his cock getting hard. Sara stopped on a page with a man and woman lying in bed together. The man has his hand wrapped around his cock as the woman rubbed her breasts. Sara noticed the slightest movement out of the corner of her eye and knew that Shawn was slowly rubbing himself under the blanket again.

Without looking up from the magazine, she said, “Umm, you’re playing with yourself again.”

“I’m sorry,” he said as he stopped his hand. “I will stop.”

She looked up at Shawn and smiled, “It’s okay. I understand. But can I ask you a question?”

“Of course you can.” He answered.

She paused for a minute and took a deep breath, “Can I see what your penis looks like?”

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“WHAT?” he whispered in surprise. “You are my sister. I’m not showing you my dick.”

“Please,” she said. "I just want to see what it looks like compared to the ones in the book. I mean, I have already touched the gross thing. What would it hurt to let me see it?”

Shawn got a frown on his face, “Excuse me? My COCK is not gross. You really wanna see it?”

“Yes I do, please,” Sara now had a smile on her face.

Shawn moved the blanket off of his lap. He hesitated a moment, looking around for the stewardess who was nowhere around. He then pulled his cock out of his shorts so that his sister could see it. Sara looked down as his hard on sprang into view. She looked at the man in the magazine and then back at her brother.

“They look a lot bigger in real life,” she said. “At least yours looks bigger that this guys.”

He shook his head in disbelief, “Thank you, I think. Can I put it back up now? I need to get soft again because it is going to start hurting if I don’t.”

“You poor baby, I guess so,” she said. “Unless…”

He looked at her quizzically, “Unless what?”

“Nothing. Forget I said anything,” she said.

He shook his head, “No, I can’t forget about it. Unless, what?”

“OK, what I was going to say was, unless you,” she paused, biting her lower lip. “Unless you wanna go ahead and finish jacking off now.”

A shocked expression came over Shawn’s face, “You mean, right here, with you watching me? You definitely are a freak. I can’t jack off with my sister watching.”

Sara pointed towards his lap. “But you already are,” she said.

Shawn had not noticed, but he had started rubbing his cock without even thinking about it. He stopped abruptly once Sara pointed it out to him. After a few seconds of deep thought, he placed his hand back on his cock.

“Are you sure you wanna see this? I mean, you are my sister. We aren’t supposed to be doing this in front of each other.”

“We aren’t,” she said. “You are.”

Shawn smirked at her and then started stroking his cock. He had never been with a girl, and after a few strokes, he decided that it was exciting to jack off in front of one, even if it was his own twin sister. Sara stared down at Shawn’s lap as he stroked his cock. She had never seen anything like this and was really enjoying the view. She wondered if all guys looked like her brother. Her blanket had fallen off of her lap when the turbulence woke her earlier. She was wearing a short skirt and her hands had unconsciously started to gently caress her thighs as she watched her brother. Her movements were not unnoticed by Shawn.

“Hey Sara?” he said.

Her eyes met his, “Yeah?”

“Can I see you down there?” he asked.

“NO!” she said. “Look at the girls in your magazine.”

“Please?” he begged. “I am showing you my cock. And you must like it because you are caressing your thighs over there.”

She instinctively jerked her hands off of her legs. After a few seconds, she turned slightly towards Shawn, “Okay, you can see.”

She started to stand up, but saw the stewardess coming towards them. She quickly pulled Shawn’s blanket over his lap. The stewardess asked them if they needed anything. They told her that they were fine and that they were going to try to go to sleep until the plane landed. The stewardess then turned and left.

Sara then stood up and removed her panties, tucking them into her carry on bag. She then sat down, turned to face Shawn and pushed the front of her skirt up, exposing her nicely trimmed pussy to her brother. Shawn stared at her as he pushed the blanket off of his lap and continued to stroke himself. Sara could feel herself getting wet. She wasn’t sure why she was getting wet. After all, it was her own brother that she was watching, and to whom she was exposing herself too. But she was, and she could not deny the fact. Her hands instinctively made contact with her pussy and started to gently rub along the lips feeling how wet she is.

Shawn could not believe what he was watching. He was actually seeing a real life girl playing with herself, right in front of him. It felt kind of weird that it was his twin sister, but he did not care. Over the last few minutes, he came to the realization that his sister was really hot. His hands started stoking his cock faster as he watched his sister.

Sara let a finger slip between her pussy lips and into the warmth of her pussy. Her other hand found her clit and started to gently rub it. She was getting hotter than she had ever gotten before and could not believe that it was from watching her own brother jack off for her. She inserted a second finger into her pussy and started fucking then in and out as she rubbed her clit harder. She closed her eyes for a second but then opened them again when she felt a hand on her own.

Shawn took hold of her hand and pulled it over to his lap, placing it on his cock. Sara’s hand closed around her brother’s cock as she started to stroke it up and down. Shawn let out a low moan at the feeling of his sister’s soft hand holding his cock. He placed his hand on Sara’s thigh and rubbed it softly. He was amazed at how soft and smooth her skin was. Sure, he had touched her before, but never in an intimate way. This feeling was many times better than he had ever imagined it would be.

He moved his hand towards her pussy. Sara quickly tried to close her legs but he was too fast for her. His hand was stuck between his sister’s closed thighs, but his fingers were resting along the lips of her pussy. He started wiggling his finger and could feel the moisture seeping from her pussy. As he wiggled his fingers, they accidentally made contact with her clit. This sent a shiver through Sara’s body and she spread her legs open wide, surrendering her pussy to her brother’s eager hands.

Shawn could feel his balls starting to tighten and knew it would not be much longer before he shot his load all over his lap and his sister’s hand. He had inserted a finger into her pussy and was fucking her with it while he rubbed her clit with his thumb. Sara was biting her free arm to keep from moaning loudly as she pushed her hips up, against Shawn’s hand.

They looked at each other and before they realized what was happening, their lips met in a deep kiss. They explored each others tongues as they continued to rub each other towards orgasm. They were being as quiet as possible, but every now and then, a moan or gasp would escape them. No one seemed to notice, either because they were asleep, watching the in flight movie, or they just thought it was two love birds making out and thought nothing of it.

Shawn kissed his way around to her ear and whispered to her, “I am fixing to cum. Please keep it up. I need to cum so bad.”

Sara bit her bottom lip, looked into his eyes and nodded her head, whispering, “I want you to cum. I am getting ready to cum too.”

After a few more strokes from Sara, Shawn bucked his hips and reached his orgasm as cum shot high into the air and landed on his legs, and shirt, and all over Sara’s hand. She continued to stroke until he placed his hand on top of her to make her stop. He then used both hands on his sister. He used one hand to rub her clit as he fucked her pussy with two finger of his other hand. He could just feel her hymen with his inward thrust, but did not push into her deep enough to break it.

Sara started pushing hard against Shawn’s hands as her orgasm ripped through her body. She let...

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Written by Kraven
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